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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimulação multissensorial no tratamento de idosos com demência / Multisensory stimulation in treatment with elderly people with dementia

Machado, Bento Miguel 01 November 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A demência é causada pela disfunção e morte das células cerebrais e por seu caráter progressivo, os sujeitos podem desenvolver perdas da capacidade funcional, prejuízo cognitivo, sintomas neuropsiquiátricos, dificultando a abordagem terapêutica com recursos não farmacológicos. A estimulação multissensorial dos sentidos primários tem se mostrado promissora como forma de tratamento complementar para os sintomas comportamentais e psicológicos da demência. Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos da estimulação multissensorial (MSE) sobre idosos com demência em fase moderada e grave em relação às alterações comportamentais, humor e interação com o ambiente multissensorial e institucional, quando comparado a um grupo controle não submetido às intervenções MSE. Materiais e Método: Trata-se de um estudo de intervenção, controlado, não randomizado, paralelo, mascaramento aberto, quase experimental, de caráter quantitativo e qualitativo, do tipo exploratório. Amostra: 20 idosos, média de idade de 83 anos, 17 mulheres e 3 homens, média de 3 anos de escolaridade, com diagnóstico de demência moderada ou grave e residentes há cerca de 4 anos em uma instituição de longa permanência para idosos (ILPI) na cidade de Ribeirão Preto. Instrumentos de Avaliação: Mini Exame do Estado Mental; Índice de Katz; Escala Cornell de depressão em demência; Inventário Neuropsiquiátrico; Registro de Observação no Ambiente Institucional; Registro de Observação no Ambiente Multissensorial. Fase de Seleção: definição da amostra por conveniência e avaliação dos idosos no período pré-intervenção. Fase de Intervenção: amostra separada em dois grupos. Grupo de Intervenção (GI): 10 idosos que participaram de um programa de estimulação multissensorial (PEM) composto por 24 sessões durante três meses, duas vezes por semana e trinta minutos de duração, em sala multissensorial organizada para este fim. Grupo Controle (GC): 10 idosos que não participaram do PEM. Fase Pós Intervenção: reavaliação da amostra após o término do programa (três meses). Análise dos dados: estatística descritiva, uso dos testes não paramétricos de Postos Sinalizados de Wilcoxon e Mann-Whitney para os instrumentos padronizados e Análise de Conteúdo pela técnica de Bardin para os registros de observação. Resultados: Observou-se no ambiente multissensorial: promoção de efeitos relaxantes ou excitantes; sensação de bem estar e emoções positivas; realização de escolhas a determinados recursos; favorecimento de habilidades cognitivas (manutenção da atenção, memória de longo prazo, percepção) e alteração da pressão arterial e frequência cardíaca durante a sessão. O GI quando comparado ao GC, obteve após o PEM: redução das alterações comportamentais e melhor desempenho cognitivo. Os cuidadores também referiram que GI apresentou comportamento engajado, humor neutro, melhor comunicação verbal e maior interação com o ambiente institucional durante o período de intervenção. Discussão: Este estudo teve como potencialidades o baixo custo de implantação de uma sala multissensorial, abranger idosos de baixa escolaridade com estágios moderado e grave de demência e estudar os efeitos comportamentais sobre esses sujeitos. As práticas de saúde e assistenciais realizadas nas ILPIs devem considerar a individualidade do idoso com demência, suas preferências sensoriais e interesses. Conclusão: A estimulação multissensorial se mostrou promissora no tratamento complementar da demência, como alternativa não farmacológica no manejo de sintomas neuropsiquiátricos em ambientes institucionais. / Introduction: Dementia is caused by the brain cells progressive dysfunction and death; the affected subjects may develop functional capacity losses, cognitive impairment and neuropsychiatric symptoms. This may hinder therapeutic approaches with non-pharmacological resources. Primary senses multisensory stimulation shows promise as a complementary treatment for the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Objective: To investigate the effects of multisensory stimulation (MSE) on the elderly with moderate to severe dementia in related to behavioral changes, mood and interaction with the sensory and institutional environment, when compared to a control group not submitted to MSE interventions. Materials and Method: This study is an interventional, controlled, non-randomized, parallel, open-label, quasi-experimental, quantitative and qualitative nature and exploratory clinical trial. Sample: 20 elderly, in average 83 years old; 17 women and 3 men; schooling average was 3 years; diagnosed with moderate or severe dementia and have been institutionalized for about 4 years in a nursing home in the city of Ribeirão Preto. Assessment Tools: Mini-Mental State Examination; Katz Index; Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia; Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Questionnaire; Observation Record in the Institutional Environment; Observation Record in the Multisensory Environment. Selection Phase: the sample was defined by convenience and the elderly were evaluated in the pre-intervention period. Intervention Phase: the sample was separated in two groups. Intervention Group (IG): 10 elderly who participated in a multisensory stimulation program (PEM). It consisted on 24 sessions of 30 minutes, twice a week, during this three-month period, in a multisensory room organized for this purpose. Control Group (CG): 10 elderly who did not participate in PEM. Post-intervention phase: re-evaluation of the sample after the end of the three month program. Data analysis: descriptive statistics, use of non-parametric tests (Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Mann-Whitney test) for the standardized instruments, and Content Analysis using the Bardin technique for the observation records. Results: In the multisensory environment it was observed: relaxing or exciting effects, feeling of well-being and positive emotions, incentive to autonomy and preferences for certain resources, favored cognitive abilities (attention maintenance, long-term memory, perception) and change in blood pressure and heart rate during the session. In the IG reduction of the behavioral changes and better cognitive performance it was observed, when compared to the CG, after the PEM. Caregivers also reported that IG had engaged behavior, neutral mood, better verbal communication and greater interaction in the institutional environment during the intervention period. Discussion: The potential of this study was the low cost of implanting a multisensory room, to include elderly with schooling low levels, diagnosed with moderate or severe dementia stages and to study the behavioral effects on these subjects. The health and care practices carried out at nursing homes should consider the individuality of the elderly with dementia, their sensory preferences and interests. Conclusion: Multisensory stimulation has shown promise as a complementary treatment of dementia as a non-pharmacological alternative in the management of neuropsychiatric symptoms in nursing homes.

Hur kan installationen av smarta elnätstjänster i bostäder bidra till ökad efterfrågeflexibilitet? / How can the installation of smart grid solutions in homes contribute to increased demand flexibility?

Fröberg, Niklas, Mehdipoor, Elias January 2020 (has links)
I takt med nya innovationer och samhällets fortsatta utveckling och utbredning ökar även elektrifieringen. För att uppnå flera av de miljömål som satts upp av Sveriges riksdag krävs en övergång till ett elsystem byggt på el från förnybara källor. Den ökande elektrifieringen medför inte bara ökade krav på den mängd el som produceras, men även förmågan att transportera den. Den ökade belastningen på elnätet skapar flaskhalsar och kapacitetsbrist i större städer och regioner, vilket gör det svårt att till exempel etablera nya fabriker och bostadsområden vilket bromsar samhällets utveckling. För att lösa denna kapacitetsbrist behövs det svenska stamnätet byggas ut. Detta är dock en relativt långsam process vilket ställer krav på innovativa lösningar som kan avlasta elnätet på kort och lång sikt. En sådan lösning är en ökad efterfrågeflexibilitet, vilket innebär att vissa effektkrävande aktiviteter flyttas till tider på dygnet då elnätet är mindre belastat. Genom att använda sig av smart elnätsteknik kan konsumenter få information om elpriser i realtid och därmed anpassa sin elkonsumtion och dra nytta av lägre elpriser och större tillgång till grön el då topplasten på elnätet är lägre. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur sådana smarta elnätstjänster kan resultera i en ökad efterfrågeflexibilitet i bostäder, och om denna efterfrågeflexibilitet kan hjälpa till att motverka kapacitetsbristen i det svenska elnätet. För att undersöka detta har en litteraturstudie med fokus på beteendeförändringar kopplade till hållbar utveckling samt fyra kvalitativa intervjuer av relevanta aktörer i elbranschen gjorts. Resultaten från litteraturstudien har analyserats i syfte att undersöka huruvida de är applicerbara på smarta elnätstjänster för att uppnå en ökad efterfrågeflexibilitet eller ej. De kvalitativa intervjuerna har summerats och analyserats för att undersöka vilka frågor det råder enighet samt oenighet i bland branschens aktörer. Efter analys samt diskussionen visar studien att smarta elnätstjänster kopplade till bostäders elkonsumtion har potential att uppnå en ökad efterfrågeflexibilitet samt att denna efterfrågeflexibilitet kan bidra till att minska kapacitetsbristen i elnätet. Detta ska dock inte ses som en universell lösning utan en av flera nödvändiga lösningar för att rå på problemet. / As innovation and society continue their growth, electrification is increasing rapidly. To achieve several of the environmental goals set by the Swedish Parliament, a transition to an electricity system based on electricity from renewable sources is also required. The increasing electrification entails not only increased demands on the amount of electricity produced, but also the ability to transport it. Increased load on the electricity grid creates bottlenecks and capacity shortages in larger cities and regions, which makes it difficult to establish, among other things, new factories and residential areas, which slows down the development of society. To solve this capacity shortage, the Swedish electrical grid needs to be expanded. However, this is a relatively slow process, which places demands on innovative solutions that can relieve the electricity grid, both short term and long term. Such a solution is an increased demand flexibility, which means that certain power-demanding activities are moved to times of the day when the grid is less congested. By using smart grid technology, consumers can get information about electricity prices in real time and thereby adjust their electricity consumption and benefit from lower electricity prices and greater access to renewable energy when the top load on the electricity grid is lower. The purpose of this study is to investigate how such smart grid services can result in increased demand flexibility in homes, and whether this demand flexibility can help counteract the capacity shortage in the Swedish grid. To investigate this, a literature study focusing on behavioral changes linked to sustainable development, and four qualitative interviews with relevant actors in the energy industry, have been conducted. The results from the literature study have been analyzed to investigate whether or not they are applicable to smart grid services to achieve increased demand flexibility. The qualitative interviews have been summarized and analyzed to examine what issues there is agreement and disagreement in among the industry's players. After analysis and discussion, the study shows that smart grid services linked to residential electricity consumption have the potential to achieve increased demand flexibility and that this demand flexibility can contribute to reducing capacity shortage. However, this should not be seen as a universal solution but as one of several necessary solutions to tackle the problem.

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