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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the link between adipose tissue, obesity and age-related macular degeneration

Diaz Marin, Roberto 08 1900 (has links)
L’obésité est en croissance rapide à l’échelle mondiale et représente un facteur de risque important pour plusieurs pathologies, dont la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge (DMLA). Dans l’obésité, le tissu adipeux blanc (WAT) subi un remodelage pathologique caractérisé par le recrutement de macrophages pro-inflammatoires facilitant l’établissement de l’inflammation stérile systémique. Contrairement au WAT, les tissus adipeux brun (BAT) et beige (BgAT) participent à la thermogénèse, un processus qui libère de la chaleur en métabolisant les lipides. En raison de leurs potentiels effets physiologiques bénéfiques, le recrutement d’adipocytes et l’activation de ces types spécifiques de tissu adipeux (AT) ont fait l’objet de multiples recherches et débats. Malgré les avancées considérables dans le domaine, les mécanismes impliqués dans l’activation du BAT et du BgAT ainsi que les mécanismes impliqués dans le développement de l’obésité et leur contribution à des maladies comme la DMLA, restent mal définis. Dans un premier temps, nous avons développé le protocole RELi pour permettre une extraction et une quantification fiable des protéines du AT murin saturé en lipides. Notre protocole élimine les lipides contaminants en excès, réduit la variabilité du chargement de protéines pour le western blot et l’usage de gènes de ménage standards (Article #1). Ensuite, nous avons étudié l’inflammation au niveau du BAT dans un modèle d’obésité induite par l’alimentation. La délétion de la Neuropiline 1 (NRP1) chez les macrophages résidents du tissu adipeux (ATMs) a provoqué une diminution des densités de la vasculature et de l’innervation. De plus ces souris sont devenues plus sensibles à l’exposition au froid suggérant un rôle des ATMs-Nrp1+ dans la régulation de l’homéostasie du BAT et de la température corporelle (Article #2). Finalement, nous avons exploré l’axe BgAT-DMLA; plus spécifiquement son impact potentiel sur la néovascularization choroïdienne (CNV) en utilisant des approches in vivo et in vitro. Nous avons démontré que la délétion génétique de PRD1-BF1-RIZ1 homologous domain containing 16 (PRDM16), un gène impliqué dans la thermogénèse, conduit à une réduction de la CNV, et que la réintroduction d’AT-PRDM16+ exacerbe la formation de CNV pathologique. Le traitement d’explants de choroïde avec du milieu conditionné par des adipocytes-PRDM16+ augmente la croissance des vaisseaux sanguins. Ensemble, les données suggèrent un rôle sécrétoire potentiel pour le BgAT-PRDM16+ capable d’influencer la formation distale de CNV qui pourrait être pertinente pour la DMLA (Article #3). Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse établissent les bases d’un protocole permettant l’obtention de résultats reproductibles dans l’étude du AT, soulignent l’importance des ATMs- Nrp1+ dans la régulation de l’homéostasie du BAT et explorent pour la première fois l’implication du BgAT-PRDM16+ chez la DMLA neovasculaire. Ce travail établit les bases de la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires reliant la régulation du AT thermogénique et les pathologies caractérisées par un excès de gras. Ce travail souligne également l’importance d’évaluer l’activation du BgAT chez les patients atteints de la DMLA. / Obesity is rapidly growing worldwide and represents a significant risk factor to several pathologies, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In obesity, the white adipose tissue (WAT) undergoes a strong remodeling characterized by the recruitment of pro- inflammatory macrophages, facilitating low-grade chronic inflammation. Unlike WAT, brown (BAT) and beige (BgAT) adipose tissues participate in thermogenesis, a process that releases heat by metabolizing lipids. Due to the likely beneficial physiological effects of BAT and BgAT, the recruitment of adipocytes and activation of these specific types of adipose tissue (AT) has been the subject of much research and debate. Despite considerable advances in the field, the mechanisms involved in BAT- and BgAT-activation as well as mechanisms involved in the development of obesity and their contribution to diseases such as AMD, remain ill-defined. First, we developed the RELi protocol to allow a reliable extraction and quantification of proteins from murine AT saturated with lipids. Our protocol eliminates excess contaminating lipids, reduces the variability of protein loading in Western blot and stabilizes expression of housekeeping genes (Article #1). Next, we investigated the inflammatory component of BAT in a diet-induced obesity model. The deletion of NRP1 in resident adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs) led to the expansion of the BAT and affected the densities of the vasculature and the innervation. Moreover, these mice became more sensitive to cold exposure, suggesting a role of ATMs-Nrp1+ in the regulation of BAT homeostasis and body temperature (Article #2). Lastly, we explored the axis of BgAT and AMD; more specifically, its potential impact on choroidal neovascularization (CNV) using in vivo and in vitro approaches. We demonstrated that the genetic deletion in BgAT of PRD1-BF1-RIZ1 homologous domain containing 16 (PRDM16), a gene involved in thermogenesis, leads to a reduction of CNV, and that the reintroduction of BgAT-PRDM16+ via AT transplantation exacerbates the formation of pathological CNV. Treatment of choroid explants with PRDM16+-adipocyte-conditioned medium augmented blood vessel growth. Altogether, the data suggest a potential secretory role for BgAT-PRDM16+ to influence distal CNV formation that could be relevant to AMD (Article #3). The work presented in this thesis establishes the basis of a protocol allowing reproducible results in the study of AT, underlines the importance of ATMs-Nrp1+ in the regulation of BAT homeostasis and explores, for the first time, the involvement of BgAT-PRDM16+ in neovascular AMD. This work sets the basis for the understanding of the molecular mechanisms linking the regulation of thermogenic AT and pathologies characterized by an excess of fat. This work also highlights the importance of assessing the activation of BgAT in patients with AMD.

14-3-3ζ overexpression improves tolerance to acute and chronic cold exposure in male mice

Diallo, Kadidia 08 1900 (has links)
La thermogenèse adaptative est un mécanisme de production de chaleur médié par les adipocytes bruns. En réponse au froid, ou à un stimulus adrénergique, les adipocytes blancs peuvent être convertis en adipocytes beiges lors d’un processus que l’on nomme le « beiging ». Contrairement aux adipocytes blancs, les adipocytes beiges et bruns expriment des taux élevés de la protéine de découplage 1 (UCP1) et dissipent l'énergie sous forme de chaleur grâce à l'oxydation des lipides. Il a été démontré chez les rongeurs que l’activation des adipocytes bruns et beiges entraîne une réduction significative du poids corporel et l’activation de ces adipocytes chez l’humain semble être un traitement prometteur contre l’obésité et le diabète. Nous avons précédemment identifié un rôle essentiel de la protéine d’échafaudage 14-3-3ζ dans l'adipogenèse, mais son rôle dans d'autres processus adipocytaires reste incertain. Une des premières fonctions identifiées de la 14-3-3ζ est sa capacité à réguler l'activité enzymatique de la tyrosine hydroxylase, indispensable à la production de norépinephrine pour la thermogenèse. Notre étude vise donc à déterminer si la 14-3-3ζ influence le développement et la fonction des adipocytes beiges et bruns. Nos données montrent que la délétion d’un allèle du gène de la 14-3-3ζ n’affecte pas la tolérance au froid aiguë. Comparées aux souris de type sauvage (WT), les souris transgéniques mâles surexprimant la 14-3-3ζ (TAP) ont une meilleure tolérance au froid aiguë (3 heures, 4 °C) et chronique (3 jours, 4 °C). On observe chez les TAP une augmentation du beiging due à une élévation significative de l'ARNm et de la protéine UCP1 dans le tissu adipeux blanc inguinal (iWAT). Par ailleurs, les souris TAP présentent également une réduction significative de la conductance thermique lors d’exposition au froid leur permettant de mieux conserver la chaleur. Collectivement, nos résultats soulignent le rôle novateur de la 14-3-3ζ dans le beiging et nous permettent de mieux comprendre comment la thermogenèse adaptative est régulée. / Adaptive thermogenesis is a mechanism of heat production primarily mediated by brown fat. In some instances, cold exposure or adrenergic stimuli can convert white adipocytes into brown-like or beige adipocytes during a process termed “beiging”. Both beige and brown adipocytes express higher levels of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) and can release energy in the form of heat following lipid oxidation. The activation of these thermogenic adipocytes increases energy expenditure to reduce body weight in rodents, and it has been postulated to be a promising therapy for the treatment of obesity and diabetes. We previously identified an essential role of the molecular scaffold, 14-3-3ζ, in adipogenesis, but its roles in other adipocyte processes is uncertain. An early identified function of 14-3-3 was its ability to regulate the enzymatic activity of tyrosine hydroxylase, which is indispensable in the production of norepinephrine for thermogenesis. Thus, our study aims to investigate whether 14-3-3ζ influences the development and function of beige and brown adipocytes. We report here that one allele deletion of the gene of 14-3-3ζ did not affect acute cold tolerance. On the other hand, transgenic overexpression of 14-3-3ζ in male mice (TAP) improves cold tolerance due to enhanced beiging with a remarkable increase in Ucp1 mRNA and protein in inguinal white adipose tissue (iWAT). Interestingly, beiging is increased in the TAP mice without any changes in sensitivity to beta-adrenergic stimuli, sympathetic innervation, or norepinephrine content being detected between WT and TAP mice. TAP mice also displayed significantly lower thermal conductance decreasing heat loss during the chronic cold challenge. Collectively, our results point to a novel role of 14-3-3ζ in beiging and increases our understanding of how adaptive thermogenesis is regulated.

Úloha tukové tkáně v rozvoji inzulinorezistence a dalších metabolických změn u nemocných s feochromocytomem / The role adipose tissue in development of insulin resistance and other metabolic disorders in patients with pheochromocytoma

Klímová, Judita January 2021 (has links)
Pheochromocytoma and functional paraganglioma (PPGL) are rare neuroendocrine tumors characterized by catecholamines overproduction, which give a rise to disorders of glucose, lipid, and energy metabolism. The role of adipose tissue in these processes remains unclear. Our aim was to determine the gene expression profile in subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue of patients with PPGL focusing on endocrine functions of adipose tissue, occurrence of brown (BAT) and beige adipose tissue (BeAT), all in connection with other measured metabolic and energy parameters and levels of circulating adipokines. We demonstrate signs of UCP1-dependent norepinephrine induced thermogenesis connected with overexpression of DIO2 in retroperitoneal VAT of PPGL and higher expression of key transcriptional factors of brown/beige adipogenesis, namely PPARGC1α, CEBPB and PRDM16. However, classic murine BAT or BeAT gene signature in VAT of PPGL was not detected. In subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) of PPGL we found signs of possible BeAT transformation, however without simultaneously undergoing UCP1-dependent thermogenesis. We also demonstrate that patients with PPGL have higher serum levels of FGF21 compared to healthy controls and these levels do not differ from obese patients. Furthermore, successful tumor removal...

The Origin of Human White, Brown, and Brite/Beige Adipocytes

Min, So Yun 16 December 2016 (has links)
During embryonic development, adipocytes emerge from microvasculature. Lineage-­‐tracing studies in mice have shown that adipocyte progenitors reside in the adipose tissue capillaries. However, the direct evidence of an association between adipocyte progenitors and vasculature in humans is lacking. A specific class of adipocytes (brown and beige/brite) expresses the uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), which consumes glucose and fatty acids to generate heat. The abundance of UCP1- containing adipocytes correlates with a lean metabolically healthy phenotype in human. However, a causal relationship between the presence of these cells and metabolic benefits in human is not clear. In this thesis, I report human adipocyte progenitors proliferate in response to pro-angiogenic factors in association with adipose capillary networks in-vitro. The capillary-derived adipocytes transform from being UCP1-negative to positive upon adenylate cyclase activation, a defining feature of the brite/beige phenotype. Activated cells have denser, round mitochondria with UCP1 protein, and display uncoupled respiration. When implanted into NOD-scid IL2rgnull (NSG) mice, the adipocytes can form a vascularized fat pad that induces vascularization and becomes integrated into mouse circulatory system. In normal or high fat diet-fed NSG mice, activated brite/beige adipocytes enhance systemic glucose tolerance and improved hepatic steatosis, thus providing evidence for their potential therapeutic use. The adipocytes also express neuroendocrine and secretory factors such as Interleukin-33, proprotein convertase PCSK1 and proenkephalin PENK, which are correlated with human obesity. Finally, analyses on single-cell clones of capillary-sprout cells reveal the existence of diverse adipogenic progenitor populations. Further characterization of the clones will define the identifying features of the diverse adipocyte progenitor types that exist in human adipose tissue.

Tibia Morphology & Bone Marrow Adipose Tissue Phenotype is Controlled by Sex Steroids in C57BL/6 Mice

Sherman, Shermel B. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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