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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flexible Bent-Cable Models for Mixture Longitudinal Data

Khan, Shahedul Ahsan January 2010 (has links)
Data showing a trend that characterizes a change due to a shock to the system are a type of changepoint data, and may be referred to as shock-through data. As a result of the shock, this type of data may exhibit one of two types of transitions: gradual or abrupt. Although shock-through data are of particular interest in many areas of study such as biological, medical, health and environmental applications, previous research has shown that statistical inference from modeling the trend is challenging in the presence of discontinuous derivatives. Further complications arise when we have (1) longitudinal data, and/or (2) samples which come from two potential populations: one with a gradual transition, and the other abrupt. Bent-cable regression is an appealing statistical tool to model shock-through data due to the model's flexibility while being parsimonious with greatly interpretable regression coefficients. It comprises two linear segments (incoming and outgoing) joined by a quadratic bend. In this thesis, we develop extended bent-cable methodology for longitudinal data in a Bayesian framework to account for both types of transitions; inference for the transition type is driven by the data rather than a presumption about the nature of the transition. We describe explicitly the computationally intensive Bayesian implementation of the methodology. Moreover, we describe modeling only one type of transition, which is a special case of this more general model. We demonstrate our methodology by a simulation study, and with two applications: (1) assessing the transition to early hypothermia in a rat model, and (2) understanding CFC-11 trends monitored globally. Our methodology can be further extended at the cost of both theoretical and computational extensiveness. For example, we assume that the two populations mentioned above share common intercept and slopes in the incoming and outgoing phases, an assumption that can be relaxed for instances when intercept and slope parameters could behave differently between populations. In addition to this, we discuss several other directions for future research out of the proposed methodology presented in this thesis.
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Simuleringsmodell för axialkolvmaskiner av typen bent-axis

Jonsson, Anders, Karlsson, Stefan January 2010 (has links)
Examensarbetet är utfört på avdelningen för Fluida och mekatroniska system vid Linköpings universitet i uppdrag åt Sunfab Hydraulics AB. Höga ljudnivåer är en stor nackdel vid användning av hydrauliska system. Ofta är det hydraulmaskiner av deplacementtyp som står för en stor del av ljudemissionerna. Eftersom maskinerna arbetar med stora tryckskillnader uppstår flödespulsationer vid in- och utlopp som fortplantar sig vidare i systemet. Dessa medför påfrestningar på maskinen som kan leda till läckage eller haveri. Flödespulsationer kan delas upp i två delar; kinematiska och kompressionsberoende. De kinematiska pulsationerna beror på det begränsade antalet cylindrar och kolvarnas varierande hastighet. På grund av oljans kompressibilitet uppstår pulsationer när cylindertrycket hastigt växlar mellan trycknivåerna. Arbetet har resulterat i en modell i programmet HOPSAN som kan simulera flödesdynamiken i en axialkolvmaskin med fast deplacement av typen bent-axis. I modellen kan bland annat ventilskivans geometri förändras för att studera hur flödespulsationerna påverkas vid olika driftspunkter. Simuleringsmodellen har med två-mikrofon metoden validerats för en maskin med deplacement 47.1 cm3/varv. Mätutrustningen som använts är anpassad för pumpar vilket innebär att vid mätningarna på motorlocket kördes maskinen som pump. För att underlätta tillverkningen av krypspår borras små hål vid dess spets. Dessa finns implementerade i modellen för att undersöka hur flödespulsationerna påverkas. Simuleringar påvisar ett större läckflöde mellan njurarna vilket resulterar i en liten minskning av den volymetriska verkningsgraden vid låga varvtal. För att bättre kunna använda modellen till utveckling av befintliga maskiner borde Sunfab se över om hålen kan tas bort. För- och nackdelar med stängd respektive öppen geometri kan undersökas i modellen. Den senare innebär att ett korsande flöde mellan hög- och lågtryckssidan tillåts. Simuleringar visar att vid låga varvtal är den volymetriska verkningsgraden lägre för motorlock med öppen geometri. Stängd geometri ger bättre startmoment på grund av frånvaron av läckflöde men ger däremot större flödespulsationer. Optimering av krypspåren visar att maximala tvärsnittsarean kan justeras lite för att minska amplituden av flödespulsationerna.
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Flexible Bent-Cable Models for Mixture Longitudinal Data

Khan, Shahedul Ahsan January 2010 (has links)
Data showing a trend that characterizes a change due to a shock to the system are a type of changepoint data, and may be referred to as shock-through data. As a result of the shock, this type of data may exhibit one of two types of transitions: gradual or abrupt. Although shock-through data are of particular interest in many areas of study such as biological, medical, health and environmental applications, previous research has shown that statistical inference from modeling the trend is challenging in the presence of discontinuous derivatives. Further complications arise when we have (1) longitudinal data, and/or (2) samples which come from two potential populations: one with a gradual transition, and the other abrupt. Bent-cable regression is an appealing statistical tool to model shock-through data due to the model's flexibility while being parsimonious with greatly interpretable regression coefficients. It comprises two linear segments (incoming and outgoing) joined by a quadratic bend. In this thesis, we develop extended bent-cable methodology for longitudinal data in a Bayesian framework to account for both types of transitions; inference for the transition type is driven by the data rather than a presumption about the nature of the transition. We describe explicitly the computationally intensive Bayesian implementation of the methodology. Moreover, we describe modeling only one type of transition, which is a special case of this more general model. We demonstrate our methodology by a simulation study, and with two applications: (1) assessing the transition to early hypothermia in a rat model, and (2) understanding CFC-11 trends monitored globally. Our methodology can be further extended at the cost of both theoretical and computational extensiveness. For example, we assume that the two populations mentioned above share common intercept and slopes in the incoming and outgoing phases, an assumption that can be relaxed for instances when intercept and slope parameters could behave differently between populations. In addition to this, we discuss several other directions for future research out of the proposed methodology presented in this thesis.
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Li, Lin 01 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Covering Sequences And T,k Bentness Criteria

Kurnaz, Guzin 01 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation deals with some crucial building blocks of cryptosystems in symmetric cryptography / namely the Boolean functions that produce a single-bit result for each possible value of the m-bit input vector, where m&gt / 1. Objectives in this study are two-fold / the first objective is to develop relations between cryptographic properties of Boolean functions, and the second one is to form new concepts that associate coding theory with cryptology. For the first objective, we concentrate on the cryptographic properties of Boolean functions such as balancedness, correlation immunity, nonlinearity, resiliency and propagation characteristics / many of which are depending on the Walsh spectrum that gives components of the Boolean function along the direction of linear functions. Another efficient tool to study Boolean functions is the subject of covering sequences introduced by Carlet and Tarannikov in 2000. Covering sequences are defined in terms of the derivatives of the Boolean function. Carlet and Tarannikov relate the correlation immunity and balancedness properties of the Boolean function to its covering sequences. We find further relations between the covering sequence and the Walsh spectrum, and present two theorems for the calculation of covering sequences associated with each null frequency of the Walsh spectrum. As for the second objective of this thesis, we have studied linear codes over the rings Z4 and Z8 and their binary images in the Galois field GF(2). We have investigated the best-known examples of nonlinear binary error-correcting codes such as Kerdock, Preperata and Nordstrom-Robinson, which are -linear codes. We have then reviewed Tokareva&rsquo / s studies on Z4-linear codes and extended them to Z8-linear codes. We have defined a new classes of bent functions. Next, we have shown that the newly defined classes of bent, namely Tokareva&rsquo / s k-bent and our t,k-bent functions are affine equivalent to the well-known Maiorana McFarland class of bent functions. As a cryptological application, we have described the method of cubic cryptanalysis, as a generalization of the linear cryptanalysis given by Matsui in 1993. We conjecture that the newly introduced t,k-bent functions are also strong against cubic cryptanalysis, because they are as far as possible to t,k-bent functions.
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From Synthesis to Piezoelectric Studies of Central-Ring-Substituted Bent-Core Liquid Crystals and Their Composites

Diorio, Nicholas John, Jr. 29 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

ASR/DEF-damaged bent caps: shear tests and field implications

Deschenes, Dean Joseph 08 September 2010 (has links)
Over the last decade, a number of reinforced concrete bent caps within Houston, Texas have exhibited premature concrete damage (cracking, spalling and a loss of material strength) due to alkali-silica reaction (ASR) and/or delayed ettringite formation (DEF). The alarming nature of the severe surface cracking prompted the Houston District of the Texas Department of Transportation to initiate an investigation into the structural implications of the premature concrete damage. Specifically, an interagency contract with the University of Texas at Austin charged engineers at Ferguson Structural Engineering Laboratory to: 1. Establish the time-dependent relationship between ASR/DEF deterioration and the shear capacity of affected bridge bent caps. 2. Develop practical recommendations for structural evaluation of in-service bridge bent caps affected by ASR and/or DEF. To accomplish these objectives, six large-scale bent cap specimens were fabricated within the laboratory. Four of the specimens (containing reactive concrete exposed to high curing temperatures) represented the most severe circumstances of deterioration found in the field. The remaining two specimens (non-reactive) provided a basis for the comparison of long-term structural performance. All of the specimens were subjected to a conditioning regimen meant to foster the development of realistic ASR/DEF-related damage. Resulting expansions were characterized over the course of the study through a carefully-planned monitoring program. Following a prolonged exposure period, three of the six bent cap specimens (representing undamaged, mild, and moderate levels of deterioration) were tested in shear. Observations made over the course of each test captured the service and ultimate load effects of ASR/DEF-induced deterioration. Six shear-critical spans were tested prior to this publication: three deep beam and three sectional shear tests. The remaining six shear spans (contained within the remaining three specimens) were retained to establish the effects of severe deterioration through future shear testing. Subsequent analysis of the expansion monitoring and shear testing data provided much needed insight into the performance and evaluation of ASR/DEF damaged bent structures. The results ultimately formed a strong technical basis for the preliminary assessment of a damaged bent structure within Houston, Texas. / text
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Skewed Cross Frame Connection Stiffness

Battistini, Anthony David 20 September 2010 (has links)
Cross frames and diaphragms are essential to the stability of straight steel girder bridge systems as they help to resist lateral torsional buckling during construction and horizontal loading conditions. In skewed bridge systems, cross frames are often oriented parallel to the supports and hence, at an angle to the girder. To facilitate construction fit-up, plates, bent to match the skew angle, form the cross frame to stiffener connection. While the bent plate connection is a simple solution, it could introduce undesirable flexibility into the system, potentially compromising the effective brace stiffness. A proposed detail utilizing half pipe stiffeners may provide enhanced structural performance, while possibly reducing overall fabrication costs. Field and laboratory tests to determine the stiffness of both connection types are presented in the thesis. / text

Stability of skewed I-shaped girder bridges using bent plate connections

Quadrato, Craig Eugene 04 October 2010 (has links)
Lateral bracing systems consisting of cross frames and their connections play a significant role in the elastic buckling strength of steel girder bridges. By providing lateral and torsional stability, they prevent lateral torsional buckling of the girder during bridge construction prior to the concrete bridge deck curing. To perform this function, the bracing system must possess adequate strength and stiffness. And since each component of the bracing system acts in series, the overall stiffness of the system is less than the least stiff component. In skewed bridges, cross frames at the ends of the girders are installed parallel to the bridge skew angle, and their connection to the girder requires that the cross frames be at an angle that prohibits welding a stiffener from the cross frame directly to the girder web. To make this connection, many states use a bent plate to span the angle between the web stiffener and cross frame. While this bent plate connection is now being widely used, it has never been rationally designed to account for its strength or stiffness in the bracing system. Results from field studies show that the bent plate connection may be limiting the cross frame stiffness thereby hampering its ability to provide stability to the girder during construction. The result is significant girder end rotations. The purpose of this research is to classify the impact of the bent plate connection on the end cross frame stiffness in skewed straight steel girder bridges and propose methods to improve the end cross frame’s structural efficiency. This research uses laboratory testing, finite element modeling, and parametric studies to recommend design guidance and construction practices related to the end cross frames of skewed steel girder bridges. In addition to recommending methods to stiffen the existing bent plate connection, an alternative pipe stiffener connection is evaluated. The pipe stiffener not only offers the possibility of a stiffer connection, but can also provide warping restraint to the end of the girder which may significantly increase the girder elastic buckling capacity. / text
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Our Hiding Places

Al, Rashaid Farida 01 January 2007 (has links)
I am creating this body of work based on how we as a society interact and utilize our every day valuable possessions. These would consist of personal items such as our keys, wallets and purses, As well as how well we are able to hide them from strangers, insofar as to where we personally choose to place them. It's interesting how many of us can be lackadaisical in this regard and as a result, many times don't carefully think about where we choose to place our valuable objects, until we lose them or worse, have them stolen.I am exploring the more thoughtful placement of these personal type possessions in our every day life, and how we have heretofore attempted to conceal them.

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