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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bybelonderrig in staat- en staatsondersteunde skole in 'n multi-religieuse samelewing

Braaf, Annetta Johanna 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 1994. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The relevance of Biblical Instruction and Instruction in state and state-supported schools Africa is reviewed in this thesis. The various Religious in South education departments in South Africa have been presenting religious instruction from a Christian perspective in schools, especially since 1967. It is also clear from a demographic distribution of religions that most of South Africa's inhabitants belong to the Christian faith. People and pupils who are not Christians are exempted from religious instruction in accordance with the conscience clause. Because of changing political and social circumstances and school structures due to the implementation of statesupported schools, there has been a strong emphasis on the presentation of Biblical Instruction or Religious Instruction as a school subject. Aspects of this which receive particular the following: the relevance dispensation; attention of the in this thesis are subject in the teaching the legitimacy of the subject due to the negative experience of Christian National Education in the past; the lack of recognition of religious pluralism in state and state-supported schools in South Africa. The presentation of the traditional single-dimensional approach is investigated, but the possibility of a multireligious approach to address the problem is also explored. The thesis includes a theoretical study of international and national sources as well as an empirical survey conducted at 41 selected secondary schools in the Western Cape and Boland. Questionnaires were used for the survey which involved the following education departments: The Department of Education and Culture. The Department of Education and Training. The Cape Education Department. It emerged clearly from the survey that religious pluralism is a reality in state and state-supported schools. The theoretical and empirical studies also highlighted the following problems: the professional qualifications of religious instruction teachers; the child's religious potential and development which are not taken into account; the child's own religious experiences and experiences in the classroom situation which are not addressed; the issue of the legitimacy of the subject as a consequence of its historical context; the lack of relevance of the subject content; the interest in a multi-religious approach among the majority of teachers as well as pupils. The problems will not be multi-religious approach solved simply by in the schools. converting to a The problems experienced in the single-dimensional approach should first be addressed thoroughly. For a legitimate multi-religious approach, the following should be taken into consideration: the child's religious potential and development; the child's own religious and personal experiences; possible further in-service training for teachers to enable them to cope with such an approach; a change in the process of curriculum development in order to address the issue of religious pluralism; a new name for the subject. In this respect a name such as Religious Studies could be usefully implemented. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die relevansie van Bybelonderrig of Godsdiensonderrig in staat- en staatsondersteunde skole in Suid-Afrika word in hierdie tesis in oenskou geneem. Die onderskeie onderwysdepartemente in Suid-Afrika het veral sedert 1967 godsdiensonderrig vanuit 'n Christelike perspektief in skole aangebied. Uit die demografiese geloofsverspreiding het dit oak geblyk dat die meeste inwoners van Suid-Afrika aan die Christelike geloof behoort. Persone en leerlinge wat nie tot die Christendom behoort nie, is gevrywaar van godsdiensonderrig op grand van die gewetensklousule. Met die veranderde politieke en sosiale omstandighede en skoolsamestelling met die implementering van staatsondersteunde skole I is daar 'n sterk fokus op die aanbieding van Bybelonderrig of Godsdiensonderrig as skoolvak. Aspekte waaraan veral in hierdie tesis aandag gegee is, is die volgende: die relevansie van die vak in die onderwysbedeling; die legitimiteit van die vak as gevolg van die negatiewe ervaring van die Christelik-nasionale onderwys in die verlede; die afwesigheid van die erkenning van religieuse pluralisme in staat- en staatsondersteunde skole in Suid-Afrika. Die aanbieding van die tradisionele enkelvoudige benadering is ondersoek, maar die moontlikheid van 'n multi-religieuse benadering om die probleem aan te spreek, word oak aangespreek. Teoretiese studie op internasionale en nasionale vlak, sowel as n empiriese doelgerigte steekproef is geloods aan 41 geselekteerde sekondere skole in die Wes-Kaap en Bolandstreek. Vir die doelgerigte steekproef is van vraelyste gebruik gemaak waarin die volgende onderwysdepartemente en privaatskole betrek is: Die Departement van Onderwys en Kultuur. Die Departement van Onderwys en Opleiding. Die Kaaplandse Onderwysdepartement. Uit die doelgerigte steekproef het dit duidelik geblyk dat religieuse pluralisme 'n werklikheid in staat- en staatsondersteunde skole is. Die teoretiese en empiriese studie het ook die volgende probleme belig, nl.: die professionele bevoegdheid van godsdiensonderwysleerkragte; die kind se religieuse potensiaal en ontwikkeling wat nie in ag geneem word nie; die kind se eie religieuse en lewenservarings in die klassituasie wat nie aangespreek word nie; 'n legitimiteitskwessie van die vak as sodanig vanwee sy historiese konteks; die afwesigheid van relevansie van die vakinhoud; 'n belangstelling in n multi-religieuse benadering deur die meerderheid van die leerkragte sowel as leerlinge. Die problematiek sal nie sander meer opgelos word met 'n oorskakeling na n multi-religieuse benadering in die skool nie. Die probleme wat in die enkelvoudige benadering ervaar word, behoort eers deeglik aangespreek te word. Vir 'n legitieme multi-religieuse benadering behoort die volgende in aanmerking geneem te word: die kind se religieuse potensiaal en ontwikkeling; die kind se eie religieuse en lewenservarings; die moontlike verdere indiensopleiding van leerkragte om so in benadering te kan hanteer; 'n verandering in die kurrikuleringsproses om religieuse pluralisme aan te spreek; 'n nuwe benaming vir die vak as sodanig. In hierdie verband sou 1 n vaknaam soos Religieuse Studie sinvol geimplementeer kon word.

The Path of the Logos : the relevance of the practice of Bible study in an American prison

Atkins, Charles 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Missionarischen Konzepte der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten in Deutschland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Jahre 1992-2005 = The understanding of mission among Seventh-Day Adventists in Germany, with special reference to the years 1992-2005 / The understanding of mission among Seventh-Day Adventists in Germany, with special reference to the years 1992-2005

Gattmann, Heinz-Ewald, 1952- 31 October 2008 (has links)
Text in German, with German and English summaries / As a regionally-led church-body the German Seventh-day Adventist church (SDA) has nonetheless the unanimously agreed goal of spreading the gospel in the whole republic. The different regional administrative bodies however, have not consistently or nationally documented their evangelistic efforts. It is therefore the aim of this study to understand the theology of SDA mission between 1992 and 2005. Commencing in 1875, with the first overseas missionary's arrival, the mission theology of the German SDA-Church will be roughly sketched through 1990. The following enquiry deals primarily with the various levels of SDA-leadership, with Adventist print media, institutional work and special mission-conceived events. Generally, statements concerning missiology will be studied with regard to their content and meaning. In particular cases quantitative data will be considered and evaluated. This will lead to fundamental data, apt to answer the following questions: - How do Adventists define the term mission? - Do German Adventists dispose of missionary concepts or an overarching mission strategy? - Do they take up the challenge of self-reflection concerning their mission in order to enhance success? The individual objects and questions studied in this thesis are structured to be evaluated at the end of each chapter. Questions raised will be attempted to be answered satisfactorily. The result of this study is the unveiling of several strengths and weaknesses of the Adventist understanding of mission in Germany. It is therefore the goal of this study to enhance further discussion by pointing to relevant facts. Initial starting points could be seen in the conclusions drawn, thereby rendering mission efforts of the German SDA church more effective. / Die Freikirche der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten in Deutschland ist keine zentral gefuhrte Kirche. Sie hat aber das ubergreifende Ziel den eigenen Glauben in der ganzen Republik zu verkundigen. Verwaltungstechnisch gliedert sie sich in verschiedene Bereiche und Ebenen, die allerdings keine einheitliche Dokumentation ihres missionarischen Engagements vorhalten. Forschungsgegenstand dieser Arbeit ist deshalb das missionstheologische Verstandnis der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten (STA) in der Zeit zwischen 1992 mid 2005. Ausgehend von 1875, dem Jahr der Arbeitsaufhahme adventistischer Missionare in Deutschland, wird das Missionsverstandnis der deutschen STA uberblickartig bis ins Jahr 1990 skizziert. Die sich anschlieBende Untersuchung befasst sich mit den verschiedenen Leitungsebenen der STA, mit den adventistischen Printmedien und Institutionen sowie am Thema Mission ausgerichteten konzeptionell arbeitenden Sonderveranstaltungen. Im Einzelnen werden die jeweiligen Aussagen zur Mission auf ihre inhaltliche Ausuchtung und Bedeutung hin untersucht, in ausgewahlten Fallen werden auch quantitative Daten einbezogen und ausgewertet. Dadurch entsteht ein grundlegender Datensatz, der es erlaubt, nachstehende Frage zu beantworten: Wie verstehen die STA den Begriff Mission? Verfugen die STA in Deutschland uber missionarische Konzepte oder eine ubergreifende Missionsstrategie? - Stellen sich die STA der Aufgabe der Selbstreflexion, um ihre Missionsanstrengungen zu verbessern? Die vorliegende Arbeit ist so angelegt, dass die jeweiligen Untersuchungsebenen und -gegenstande am Ende des entsprechenden Kapitels einer Beweitung unterzogen werden, sodass die aufgeworfenen Fragen gesichert beantwortet werden konnen. Als Ergebnis der Untersuchung zeigen sich Starken und Schwachen des adventistischen Umgangs mit dem Thema Mission in Deutschland. Ziel dieser Albeit ist es deshalb, durch Benennung von Fakten zu einer weiterfuhrenden Diskussion anzuregen. Erste Ansatzpunkte dafur sind in den sich ergebenden Sclussfolgerungen zu sehen, die darauf abzielen, das missionarische Engagement der Freikirche effizienter zu gestalten. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Rol van koinonia in kleingroepe in die opbou van die gemeente / The role of koinonia in small groups in the building up of the local church

Du Plessis, Willem Jacobus 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die probleemstelling van hierdie studie is naamlik: "Kan die groei of bestaan van kleingroepe in 'n gemeente 'n invloed hê op die vlak van koinonia wat die gemeente beleef." Hierdie vraag het relevant geword omdat die mens waarmee die kerk werk, gedurig verander. Sedert die "verligting" van die sewentiende eeu lewe ons in 'n tyd wat as die "modemisme" bekend staan. Die modemisme word gekenmerk deur die beklem­toning van die rasionele en individualisme van die individu. Sedert die tweede wereldoorlog het daar 'n verskuiwing begin plaasvind van 'n "modemistiese" na 'n "postmodemistiese" samelewing. Die postmodemis ontgogel deur die onvermoe van die modemisme om vrede in die wereld te verseker het 'n behoefte na "community" of koinonia begin ontwikkeL Dit het weer belangrik geword om iewers te behoort. Die tradisionele bedieningspraxis wat baie gesteun het op die beginsels van die modernisme is besig om ontoereikend te word vir die uitdagings van die post­ modernistiese mens. Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n bedieningspraxis te ondersoek en te beskryf wat die behoefte na koinonia aan spreek - daardie diep innige omgang van mense met mekaar in liefde. Die term verwys na die diep lewens en Iotsverbondenheid wat 'n christelikegeloofsgemeenskap met mekaar behoort te deel. Die tradisionele bedieningspraxis het die ideaal na koinonia in die erediens gesien. Die uitgangspunt van hierdie studie is dat dit nie haalbaar is nie. 'n Nuwe bedieningspraxis waarin die kleingroep prominent figureer is eerder die ruimte waarbinne koinonia beleef kan word. Dit beteken dlat die studie 'n paradigmaskuif voorstaan van 'n tradisioneel "verkondigings" of"Herder-kudde-model" na 'n "liggaams"- of"charismatiesemodel". Die doel van die studie is om die postmoderne mens te lei na geloofsvolwassenheid, dit is die uiteindelike doel van 'n gemeentebouprogram. Hierdie groei na geloofsvolwassenheid is 'n pastorale proses waar lidmate deur 'n egte belewing van koinonia in 'n kleingroep, wat as 'n verlengde familie funksioneer, groei na geloofsvolwassenheid. Die studie steun die "selgemeentemodel" as bedieningspraxis om die groei na geloofsvolwassenheid in 'n gemeente te fasiliteer. Hierdeur sal koinonia as een van die wesenskenmerke van die kerk weer tot sy reg kom in die kerk. / This study deals with the problem statement: "Can the growth or existence of small groups within a congregation influence the level of community experienced within that congregation?" The question is relevant because the church works with everchanging human beings. Since the "revolution" of the seventeenth century, we have been living in a period of "modernism" characterised by the emphasis being placed on rationalism and individualism. Since the Second World War a shift has taken place from a "modernistic" to a "post-modernistic" society. Post-modernistic man, disillusioned by the inability of the modernistic world to ensure peace, has developed a need for community. Involvement with other people and the need to belong has once again become important. Traditional ministry, based on the principles of modernism, has become inadequate to fulfil the challenges and requirements of post-modernistic man. The purpose of this study is to investigate a ministry practice which will address these requirements of community - namely a deep and profound relationship of caring between people. The term refers to a strong bond of common destiny which people should experience within a religious community. Traditional practices of ministry upheld the belief that this ideal of community could be attained within religious services. The premise of this study is that such a level of community is not achieved within traditional ministry practices. A new practice, in which small groups feature prominently, would be more conducive to a spirit of community. The study suggests a paradigm shift from the traditional model of"gospel preaching" or "pastoral-herd", to a more physical or charismatic model. The purpose of this study is to guide post-modernistic man towards religious adulthood, which is the ultimate goal of a congregational building program. This is a pastoral process where members of the congregation grow towards adulthood through a fervent experience of community within a small group, functioning as an extended family. The study promotes the "cell-church model" as appropriate ministry practice to facilitate the congregation's growth towards religious adulthood. Through this approach, community will once more take its rightful place as one of the quintessential features of the church. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Praktiese Teologie)

Missionarischen Konzepte der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten in Deutschland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Jahre 1992-2005 = The understanding of mission among Seventh-Day Adventists in Germany, with special reference to the years 1992-2005 / The understanding of mission among Seventh-Day Adventists in Germany, with special reference to the years 1992-2005

Gattmann, Heinz-Ewald, 1952- 31 October 2008 (has links)
Text in German, with German and English summaries / As a regionally-led church-body the German Seventh-day Adventist church (SDA) has nonetheless the unanimously agreed goal of spreading the gospel in the whole republic. The different regional administrative bodies however, have not consistently or nationally documented their evangelistic efforts. It is therefore the aim of this study to understand the theology of SDA mission between 1992 and 2005. Commencing in 1875, with the first overseas missionary's arrival, the mission theology of the German SDA-Church will be roughly sketched through 1990. The following enquiry deals primarily with the various levels of SDA-leadership, with Adventist print media, institutional work and special mission-conceived events. Generally, statements concerning missiology will be studied with regard to their content and meaning. In particular cases quantitative data will be considered and evaluated. This will lead to fundamental data, apt to answer the following questions: - How do Adventists define the term mission? - Do German Adventists dispose of missionary concepts or an overarching mission strategy? - Do they take up the challenge of self-reflection concerning their mission in order to enhance success? The individual objects and questions studied in this thesis are structured to be evaluated at the end of each chapter. Questions raised will be attempted to be answered satisfactorily. The result of this study is the unveiling of several strengths and weaknesses of the Adventist understanding of mission in Germany. It is therefore the goal of this study to enhance further discussion by pointing to relevant facts. Initial starting points could be seen in the conclusions drawn, thereby rendering mission efforts of the German SDA church more effective. / Die Freikirche der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten in Deutschland ist keine zentral gefuhrte Kirche. Sie hat aber das ubergreifende Ziel den eigenen Glauben in der ganzen Republik zu verkundigen. Verwaltungstechnisch gliedert sie sich in verschiedene Bereiche und Ebenen, die allerdings keine einheitliche Dokumentation ihres missionarischen Engagements vorhalten. Forschungsgegenstand dieser Arbeit ist deshalb das missionstheologische Verstandnis der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten (STA) in der Zeit zwischen 1992 mid 2005. Ausgehend von 1875, dem Jahr der Arbeitsaufhahme adventistischer Missionare in Deutschland, wird das Missionsverstandnis der deutschen STA uberblickartig bis ins Jahr 1990 skizziert. Die sich anschlieBende Untersuchung befasst sich mit den verschiedenen Leitungsebenen der STA, mit den adventistischen Printmedien und Institutionen sowie am Thema Mission ausgerichteten konzeptionell arbeitenden Sonderveranstaltungen. Im Einzelnen werden die jeweiligen Aussagen zur Mission auf ihre inhaltliche Ausuchtung und Bedeutung hin untersucht, in ausgewahlten Fallen werden auch quantitative Daten einbezogen und ausgewertet. Dadurch entsteht ein grundlegender Datensatz, der es erlaubt, nachstehende Frage zu beantworten: Wie verstehen die STA den Begriff Mission? Verfugen die STA in Deutschland uber missionarische Konzepte oder eine ubergreifende Missionsstrategie? - Stellen sich die STA der Aufgabe der Selbstreflexion, um ihre Missionsanstrengungen zu verbessern? Die vorliegende Arbeit ist so angelegt, dass die jeweiligen Untersuchungsebenen und -gegenstande am Ende des entsprechenden Kapitels einer Beweitung unterzogen werden, sodass die aufgeworfenen Fragen gesichert beantwortet werden konnen. Als Ergebnis der Untersuchung zeigen sich Starken und Schwachen des adventistischen Umgangs mit dem Thema Mission in Deutschland. Ziel dieser Albeit ist es deshalb, durch Benennung von Fakten zu einer weiterfuhrenden Diskussion anzuregen. Erste Ansatzpunkte dafur sind in den sich ergebenden Sclussfolgerungen zu sehen, die darauf abzielen, das missionarische Engagement der Freikirche effizienter zu gestalten. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Rol van koinonia in kleingroepe in die opbou van die gemeente / The role of koinonia in small groups in the building up of the local church

Du Plessis, Willem Jacobus 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die probleemstelling van hierdie studie is naamlik: "Kan die groei of bestaan van kleingroepe in 'n gemeente 'n invloed hê op die vlak van koinonia wat die gemeente beleef." Hierdie vraag het relevant geword omdat die mens waarmee die kerk werk, gedurig verander. Sedert die "verligting" van die sewentiende eeu lewe ons in 'n tyd wat as die "modemisme" bekend staan. Die modemisme word gekenmerk deur die beklem­toning van die rasionele en individualisme van die individu. Sedert die tweede wereldoorlog het daar 'n verskuiwing begin plaasvind van 'n "modemistiese" na 'n "postmodemistiese" samelewing. Die postmodemis ontgogel deur die onvermoe van die modemisme om vrede in die wereld te verseker het 'n behoefte na "community" of koinonia begin ontwikkeL Dit het weer belangrik geword om iewers te behoort. Die tradisionele bedieningspraxis wat baie gesteun het op die beginsels van die modernisme is besig om ontoereikend te word vir die uitdagings van die post­ modernistiese mens. Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n bedieningspraxis te ondersoek en te beskryf wat die behoefte na koinonia aan spreek - daardie diep innige omgang van mense met mekaar in liefde. Die term verwys na die diep lewens en Iotsverbondenheid wat 'n christelikegeloofsgemeenskap met mekaar behoort te deel. Die tradisionele bedieningspraxis het die ideaal na koinonia in die erediens gesien. Die uitgangspunt van hierdie studie is dat dit nie haalbaar is nie. 'n Nuwe bedieningspraxis waarin die kleingroep prominent figureer is eerder die ruimte waarbinne koinonia beleef kan word. Dit beteken dlat die studie 'n paradigmaskuif voorstaan van 'n tradisioneel "verkondigings" of"Herder-kudde-model" na 'n "liggaams"- of"charismatiesemodel". Die doel van die studie is om die postmoderne mens te lei na geloofsvolwassenheid, dit is die uiteindelike doel van 'n gemeentebouprogram. Hierdie groei na geloofsvolwassenheid is 'n pastorale proses waar lidmate deur 'n egte belewing van koinonia in 'n kleingroep, wat as 'n verlengde familie funksioneer, groei na geloofsvolwassenheid. Die studie steun die "selgemeentemodel" as bedieningspraxis om die groei na geloofsvolwassenheid in 'n gemeente te fasiliteer. Hierdeur sal koinonia as een van die wesenskenmerke van die kerk weer tot sy reg kom in die kerk. / This study deals with the problem statement: "Can the growth or existence of small groups within a congregation influence the level of community experienced within that congregation?" The question is relevant because the church works with everchanging human beings. Since the "revolution" of the seventeenth century, we have been living in a period of "modernism" characterised by the emphasis being placed on rationalism and individualism. Since the Second World War a shift has taken place from a "modernistic" to a "post-modernistic" society. Post-modernistic man, disillusioned by the inability of the modernistic world to ensure peace, has developed a need for community. Involvement with other people and the need to belong has once again become important. Traditional ministry, based on the principles of modernism, has become inadequate to fulfil the challenges and requirements of post-modernistic man. The purpose of this study is to investigate a ministry practice which will address these requirements of community - namely a deep and profound relationship of caring between people. The term refers to a strong bond of common destiny which people should experience within a religious community. Traditional practices of ministry upheld the belief that this ideal of community could be attained within religious services. The premise of this study is that such a level of community is not achieved within traditional ministry practices. A new practice, in which small groups feature prominently, would be more conducive to a spirit of community. The study suggests a paradigm shift from the traditional model of"gospel preaching" or "pastoral-herd", to a more physical or charismatic model. The purpose of this study is to guide post-modernistic man towards religious adulthood, which is the ultimate goal of a congregational building program. This is a pastoral process where members of the congregation grow towards adulthood through a fervent experience of community within a small group, functioning as an extended family. The study promotes the "cell-church model" as appropriate ministry practice to facilitate the congregation's growth towards religious adulthood. Through this approach, community will once more take its rightful place as one of the quintessential features of the church. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Praktiese Teologie)

Bodies, spirits, and the living landscape : interpreting the Bible in Owamboland, Namibia

John, Helen Catherine January 2016 (has links)
This study explores the relationship between Christianity and autochthonous (indigenous, pre-Christian) worldviews and practices amongst the Aandonga of Owamboland, Northern Namibia. Using participant contributions from a series of Contextual Bible Study (CBS) sessions (with groups of men, women, and children), and supplemented by ethnographic contextualisation, it challenges the oft-contended notion that Christian worldviews and practices have erased the significance of African Traditional Religion for Ndonga (or wider Owambo) communities. The enduring significance of autochthonous worldviews and practices is explored using responses to six biblical texts, each of which relates to at least one of three themes: bodies, spirits, and landscapes. The study examines feasting bodies (The Parable of the Wedding Banquet), bleeding bodies (The Haemorrhaging Woman), and possessed bodies (Legion). It considers possession spirits (Legion), natural spirits (the so-called ‘Nature Miracles’), and ancestor spirits (Resurrection appearances). Perspectives on landscapes are highlighted particularly in relation to aspects of the natural environment (the ‘Nature Miracles’) and the locations explored by an itinerant demoniac (Legion). Responses to the texts engender, inter alia, discussions of contemporary perspectives on diviner-healers (oonganga), witchcraft (uulodhi), the homestead (egumbo), burial grounds (omayendo, oompampa), spirits (iiluli, oompwidhuli), ancestors (aathithi), material agency (for example, apotropaic amulets), and the ‘traditional’ wedding (ohango). Having analysed the ways in which autochthonous worldviews informed participants’ interpretations of the particular texts considered (Matthew 22:1-14 & Luke 14:7-11; Mark 5:21-43; Luke 8:26-39; Mark 4:35-41 & 6:45-52; Luke 24), each set of interpretations is brought into conversation with professional biblical scholarship. The study therefore highlights the ways in which these grassroots, ‘contextual’ interpretations might nuance New Testament interpretations returned by the Academy, particularly by highlighting the highly contextual nature of the latter.

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