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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parameterization, regionalization and radiative transfer coherence of optical measurements acquired in the St-Lawrence ecosystem / Propriétés optiques intrinsèques et apparentes des eaux du golfe et de l'estuaire du Saint-Laurent : concordance optique, paramétrisation et variabilité spatio-temporelle

Cizmeli, Servet Ahmet January 2008 (has links)
In-water biogeochemical constituents and bio-optical properties of the St-Lawrence Gulf and Estuary were monitored during 5 cruises conducted between 1997-2001 accross different seasons. Measured inherent optical properties (IOPs) included vertical profiles of the absorption and attenuation coefficients and the volume scattering function as well as absorption by particles, non-algal particles, phytoplankton and coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM). Apparent Optical parameters (AOPs) included vertical profiles of the upwelling radiance and downwelling irradiance. The spectral shape of the major IOPs like absorption by phytoplankton, CDOM and non-algal particles as well as the particulate backscattering were parameterized using conventional models and adaptations of conventional models. Descriptive statistics of each variable in the collected dataset were analysed and compared with previous findings in the literature. The optical coherence of the measurements was verified using a radiative transfer closure approach. A complete set of IOP cross-sections for optically significant biogeochemical variables were generated. The magnitude and the spatial, temporal and spectral variation exhibited by the optically significant inwater biogeochemical constituents as well as the bio-optical parameters was consistent with our current knowledge of the ecosystem. The variation of the bio-optical parameters throughout the seasons was also coherent with our expectations. All the measured and derived parameters were found to vary within the ranges reported in the literature. Evidence was presented wherein the Gulf waters, which are usually considered as case I waters could also behave like case II waters. Moreover, spectral signatures exhibited by the IOPs and AOPs were coherent with the variation detected in the concentrations of the measured (optically significant) constituents. The extracted IOP cross-sections were consistent with the results of similar studies previously performed and could eventually be used in the estimation of the biogeochemical constituent concentrations given the related component IOPs. First-order radiative transfer closure was achieved; this underscored the validity of our experimental dataset based on considerations of higher level, integrative, physics. We argue that the current data collection campaign succeeded as a comprehensive framework for describing the behavior of the St-Lawrence bio-optical provinces within the context of remote sensing objectives. This bio-optical dataset should provide the basis for the development of a rigorous, satellite-based, remote sensing algorithm for the retrieval of near surface chlorophyll, fine-tuned to the local characteristics of the St-Lawrence system.

Les particules en suspension dans les eaux côtières turbides : estimation par mesures optique in situ et depuis l'espace / Optical in situ and geostationary satellite-borne observations of suspended particles in coastal waters

Neukermans, Griet 18 April 2012 (has links)
Les particules en suspension dans l'eau de mer incluent les sédiments, le phytoplancton, le zooplancton, les bactéries, les virus et des détritus. Ces particules sont communément appelés matière en suspension (MES). Dans les eaux côtières, la MES peut parcourir de longues distances et être transportée verticalement à travers la colonne d'eau sous l'effet des vents et des marées favorisant les processus d'advection et de resuspension. Ceci implique une large variabilité spatio-temporelle de MES et quasiment impossible à reconstituer à travers les mesures traditionnelles des concentrations de MES [MES], par filtration de l'eau de mer à bord de bateaux. La [MES] peut être obtenue à partir de capteurs optiques enregistrant la diffusion et déployés soit de manière in-situ, soit à partir d'un satellite dans l'espace. Depuis la fin des années 70, par exemple, les satellites "couleur de l'eau" permettent d'établir des cartes de [MES] globales. La fréquence d'une image par jour pour la mer di Nord de ces capteurs polaires représente un obstacle non négligeable pour l'étude de variabilité de la [MES] dans les eaux côtières où la marée et les vents engendrent des variations rapides au cours de la journée. Cette limitation est d'autant plus importante pour les régions avec une couverture nuageuse fréquente. Les méthodes in-situ à partir d'un navire autonome ou d'une plateforme amarrée permettent d'enregistrer des données en continu mais leur couverture spatiale reste néanmoins limitée. Ce travail a pour objectif de mettre en avant les techniques de mesures in-situ et satellite de la [MES] en se concentrant principalement sur deux points. Premièrement, d'acquérir une meilleure connaissance de la variabilité de la relation entre la [MES] et la lumière diffuse, et deuxièmement, d'établir des cartes de [MES] dans la mer du Nord avec le capteur géostationnaire météorologique Européen (SEVIRI) qui donne des images chaque 15 minutes.La variabilité de la relation entre la [MES] et la lumière diffuse est étudiée à l'aide d'une banque de données in-situ. Nous démontrons que la [MES] est le mieux estimée à partir des mesures dans l'intervalle rouge du spectre de lumière rétro-diffuse. Par ailleurs, la relation entre la [MES] et la rétrodiffusion est gouvernée par la composition organique/inorganique des particules, ce qui représente des possibilités d'amélioration pour les algorithmes d'estimation de [MES] à partir de la couleur de l'eau. Nous démontrons aussi qu'avec SEVIRI il est possible d'estimer la [MES], la turbidité et le coefficient d'atténuation, deux variables étroitement liées à la [MES], avec généralement une bonne précision. Bien qu'il y ait d'importantes incertitudes dans les eaux claires, cette réussite est remarquable pour un capteur météorologique initialement conçu pour le suivi des nuages et des masses glaciaires, cibles beaucoup plus brillantes que la mer! Ce travail démontre pour la première fois que la variabilité de la [MES] à l'échelle temporelle des marées dans les eaux côtières au sud de la mer du Nord peut être capturée et mesurée par le biais de la télédétection de la couleur de l'eau ; ce qui ouvre des opportunités pour le monitoring de la turbidité et pour la modélisation des écosystèmes. Le premier capteur géostationnaire couleur de l'eau a été lancé en juin 2012, donnant des images multispectrale des eaux coréennes chaque heure. D'autres capteurs vont probablement suivre dans l'avenir, couvrant le reste des eaux du globe. Ce travail nous permet donc de préparer, de façon optimale, l'arrivée de ces capteurs qui vont révolutionner l'océanographie optique. / Particles suspended in seawater include sediments, phytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteria, viruses, and detritus, and are collectively referred to as suspended particulate matter, SPM. In coastal waters, SPM is transported over long distances and in the water column by biological, tide or wind-driven advection and resuspension processes, thus varying strongly in time and space. These strong dynamics challenge the traditional measurement of the concentration of SPM, [SPM], through filtration of seawater sampled from ships. Estimation of [SPM] from sensors recording optical scattering allows to cover larger temporal or spatial scales. So called ocean colour satelittes, for example, have been used for the mapping of [SPM] on a global scale since the late 1970s. These polar-orbiting satellites typically provide one image per day forthe North Sea area. However, the sampling frequency of these satellites is a serious limitation in coastal waters where [SPM] changes rapidly during the day due to tides and winds.Optical instruments installed on moored platforms or on under-water vehicles can be operated continuously, but their spatial coverage is limited. This work aims to advance in situ and space-based optical techniques for [SPM] retrieval by investigating the natural variability in the relationship between [SPM] and light scattering by particles and by investigating whether the European geostationary meteorological SEVIRI sensor, which provides imagery every 15 minutes, can be used for the mapping of [SPM] in the southern North Sea. Based on an extensive in situ dataset, we show that [SPM] is best estimated from red light scattered in the back directions (backscattering). Moreover, the relationship between [SPM]] and particulate backscattering is driven by the organic/inorganic composition of suspended particles, offering opportunities to improve [SPM] retrieval algorithms. We also show that SEVIRI successfully retrieves [SPM] and related parameters such as turbidity and the vertical light attenuation coefficient in turbid waters. Even though uncertainties are considerable in clear waters, this is a remarkable result for a meteorological sensor designed to monitor clouds and ice, much brighter targets than the sea! On cloud free days, tidal variability of [SPM] can now be resolved by remote sensing for the first time, offering new opportunities for monitoring of turbidity and ecosystem modelling. In June 2010 the first geostationary ocean colour sensor was launched into space which provides hourly multispectral imagery of Korean waters. Other geostationary ocean colour sensors are likely to become operational in the (near?) future over the rest of the world's sea. This work allows us to maximally prepare for the coming of geostationary ocean colour satellites, which are expected to revolutionize optical oceanography. / De in zeewater aanwezige zwevende materie zoals sedimenten, fytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteriën, virussen en detritus, worden collectief "suspended particulate matter" (SPM) genoemd. In kustwateren worden deze deeltjes over lange afstanden en in de waterkolom getransporteerd door biologische processen of wind- of getijdenwerking, waardoor SPM sterk varieert in ruimte en tijd. Door deze sterke dynamiek wordt de traditionele bemonstering van de concentratie van SPM, [SPM], door middel van filtratie van zeewaterstalen aan boord van schepen ontoereikend. Optische technieken die gebruik maken van de lichtverstriioongseigenschappen van SPM bieden een gebieds- of tijdsdekkend alternatief. Zogenaamde "ocean colour" satellieten bijvoorbeeld leveren beelden van o.a. [SPM] aan het zeeoppervlak op globale schaal sinds eind 1970, met een frequantie van één beeld per dag voor de Noordzee. Deze frequentie is echter onvoldoende in onze kustwateren waar [SPM] drastisch kan veranderen in enkele uren tijd. Optische instrumenten aan boord vann schepen of op onderwatervoertuigen kunnen continu meten, maar de gebiedsdekking is deperkt. Dit werk heeft tot doel de lichtverstriioongseigenschappen van SPM te karakterizeren en te onderzoeken of de Europese geostationaire weersatelliet, die elk kwartier een beeld geeft, kan worden gebruikt voor de kartering van [SPM] in de zuidelijke Noordzee. Op basis van een grote dataset van in situ metingen tonen wij aan dat [SPM] het nauwkeurigst kan worden bepaald door de meting van de verstrooiing van rood licht in achterwaartse richtingen (terugverstrooiing). Bovendien blijkt de relatie tussen [SPM] en terugverstrooiing afhankelijk van de organische-anorganische samenstelling van zwenvende stof, wat mogelijkhenden biedt tot het verfijnen van teledetectiealgoritmen voor [SPM]. Voorts tonen woj aan dat de Europese weersatelliet, SEVIRI, successvol kan worden aangewend voor de kartering van [SPM] en gerelateerde parameters zoals troebelheid en lichtdemping in de waterkolom. Hoewel met grote meetonzekerheid in klaar water toch een opmerkelijk resultaat voor een sensor die ontworpen werd voor detectie van wolken en ijs! Op wolkenvrije dagen wordt hierdoor de getijdendynamiek van [SPM] in de zuidelijke Noordzee voor het eerst detecteerbaar vanuit de ruimte, wat nieuwe mogelijkheden biedt voor de monitoring van waterkwaliteit en verbetering van ecosysteellodellen. Sinds juni 2010 is de eerste geostationaire ocean colour satelliet een feit : elk uur een multispectraal beeld van Koreaanse wateren. Vermoedelijk zullen er in de (nabije?) toekomst meer volgen over Europa en Amerika. Dit werk laat toe ons maximaal voor te bereiden op te komst van zo'n satellieten, waarvan verwacht wordt dat zij een nieuwe revolutie in optische oceanografie zullen ontketenen.

Biomassa e estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica dos ecossistemas do Banco de Abrolhos, adjacências e no Atlântico Sul (Brasil x África) / Biomass and Phytoplankton assemblage structure of Abrolhos Reef and South Atlantic (Brazil x Africa)

Souza, Eduardo Miranda de 27 October 2011 (has links)
Para estimar a distribuição das diferentes classes de tamanho do fitoplâncton através de imagens de sensoriamento remoto e as propriedades bio-ópticas esse trabalho foi realizado em duas regiões. Durante o inverno de 2007 foi feito o cruzeiro com 58 estações hidrográficas sobre Banco de Abrolhos e adjacências e em 2009 o cruzeiro hidrográfico a longo do Atlântico Sul entre as plataformas continentais do Brasil e da África, limitado pelas latitudes 20ºS e 30ºS. Os valores de clorofila_a total mostraram que a região do Banco de Abrolhos é oligotrófica, com baixa produtividade primária e sustenta pelas células do picoplâncton que são influenciadas diretamente pela disponibilidade de fosfato. A matéria orgânica dissolvida (cdom) foi o constituinte bio-óptico com os maiores valores. Sobre a plataforma Africana, a presença da Corrente de Bengala influenciou diretamente nas altas concentrações da clorofila_a e nos tamanhos das células do fitoplâncton. A biomassa dessa região de ressurgência é sustentada por células principalmente do nanoplâncton. As propriedades bio-ópticas da plataforma continental da África são diferentes tanto em valores como nas contribuições relativas das observadas na costa do Brasil. Sobre a plataforma Africana a absorção do fitoplâncton foi o constituinte que prevaleceu sobre os demais (adetritos e cdom). / The distribution of different classes of size phytoplankton are estimated using remote sensing and the bio-optical properties this work was carried out in two regions. During the winter of 2007 the cruisers was done with 58 hydrographic stations on Abrolhos Bank and adjacencies and in 2009 the hydrographic cruise of South Atlantic between the continental shelf of Brazil and Africa, limited by the latitudes 20ºS and 30ºS. The values of chlorophyll a showed that the region of the Bank is oligotrophic area, with low primary productivity and supports for cells of picoplankton that are influenced straightly by the availability phosphate. The organic dissolved matter (cdom) was the constituent bio-optical with the highest values. On the African continental shelf, the presence of Benguela Current influenced straightly the high concentrations of chlorophyll a and the sizes of phytoplankton cells. The upwelling biomass of this region is supported by nanoplankton. The bio-optical properties of continental shelf of Africa are different from Brazilian shelf, the values and in the relative contributions the phytoplankton absorption was prevailed over the others constitute (adetritos and cdom).

Biomassa e estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica dos ecossistemas do Banco de Abrolhos, adjacências e no Atlântico Sul (Brasil x África) / Biomass and Phytoplankton assemblage structure of Abrolhos Reef and South Atlantic (Brazil x Africa)

Eduardo Miranda de Souza 27 October 2011 (has links)
Para estimar a distribuição das diferentes classes de tamanho do fitoplâncton através de imagens de sensoriamento remoto e as propriedades bio-ópticas esse trabalho foi realizado em duas regiões. Durante o inverno de 2007 foi feito o cruzeiro com 58 estações hidrográficas sobre Banco de Abrolhos e adjacências e em 2009 o cruzeiro hidrográfico a longo do Atlântico Sul entre as plataformas continentais do Brasil e da África, limitado pelas latitudes 20ºS e 30ºS. Os valores de clorofila_a total mostraram que a região do Banco de Abrolhos é oligotrófica, com baixa produtividade primária e sustenta pelas células do picoplâncton que são influenciadas diretamente pela disponibilidade de fosfato. A matéria orgânica dissolvida (cdom) foi o constituinte bio-óptico com os maiores valores. Sobre a plataforma Africana, a presença da Corrente de Bengala influenciou diretamente nas altas concentrações da clorofila_a e nos tamanhos das células do fitoplâncton. A biomassa dessa região de ressurgência é sustentada por células principalmente do nanoplâncton. As propriedades bio-ópticas da plataforma continental da África são diferentes tanto em valores como nas contribuições relativas das observadas na costa do Brasil. Sobre a plataforma Africana a absorção do fitoplâncton foi o constituinte que prevaleceu sobre os demais (adetritos e cdom). / The distribution of different classes of size phytoplankton are estimated using remote sensing and the bio-optical properties this work was carried out in two regions. During the winter of 2007 the cruisers was done with 58 hydrographic stations on Abrolhos Bank and adjacencies and in 2009 the hydrographic cruise of South Atlantic between the continental shelf of Brazil and Africa, limited by the latitudes 20ºS and 30ºS. The values of chlorophyll a showed that the region of the Bank is oligotrophic area, with low primary productivity and supports for cells of picoplankton that are influenced straightly by the availability phosphate. The organic dissolved matter (cdom) was the constituent bio-optical with the highest values. On the African continental shelf, the presence of Benguela Current influenced straightly the high concentrations of chlorophyll a and the sizes of phytoplankton cells. The upwelling biomass of this region is supported by nanoplankton. The bio-optical properties of continental shelf of Africa are different from Brazilian shelf, the values and in the relative contributions the phytoplankton absorption was prevailed over the others constitute (adetritos and cdom).

Parameterization of bio-optical models for estimating chlorophyll-a concentration in a tropical eutrophic reservoir / Parametrização de modelos bio-ópticos para estimação da concentração de clorofila-a em um reservatório eutrófico tropical

Watanabe, Fernanda Sayuri Yoshino [UNESP] 15 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fernanda Sayuri Yoshino Watanabe null (fernandasyw@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-28T12:54:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Watanabe_tese.pdf: 3879331 bytes, checksum: f393ffe1bbc36d214f1bed6945d9dedd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-05-02T12:36:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 watanabe_fsy_dr_prud.pdf: 3879331 bytes, checksum: f393ffe1bbc36d214f1bed6945d9dedd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-02T12:36:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 watanabe_fsy_dr_prud.pdf: 3879331 bytes, checksum: f393ffe1bbc36d214f1bed6945d9dedd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-15 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The aim of this research was to parameterize and calibrate models based on remote sensing data in order to estimate accurately the chlorophyll-a concentration, [Chl-a], in a tropical eutrophic reservoir. Firstly, a bio-optical characterization was conducted to identify particularities in the study area. Thus, existing empirical models and quasi-analytical algorithms (QAA) were tested and, after, parameterized and calibrated for the investigated environment. Such models derive [Chl-a] and inherent optical properties (IOPs), respectively, from remote sensing reflectance (Rrs). This research was developed in the Barra Bonita hydroelectric reservoir (BBHR), lies in Tietê River (Brazil). Reservoirs are artificial environments which change severely the hydrodynamic of rivers and the biogeochemical balance of aquatic systems. Such alterations can lead to unique bio-optical status and, consequently, models developed for rivers and lakes are not suitable to explain the processes which happen in reservoirs. The trophic state is an important water quality parameter and can be determined based on Chl-a concentration, photosynthetically active pigment present in all the phytoplankton species and detected by remote sensors. Therefore, the use of orbital and aerial images is a viable alternative to monitoring of trophic state in these environments. Results showed that bio-optical status in BBHR is remarkable different compared to other aquatic systems found in literature, corroborated by inaccurate performance of models proposed to other areas. The parameterization and calibration proposed in this research estimated accurately Chl-a concentration, mainly, adopting absorption coefficients derived by QAA. The fitted models can be used in mapping trophic state and frequent monitoring of water quality in BBHR by environmental agency and hydroelectric plant managers. In addition, it is likely that the parameters proposed in this research are suitable for other inland waters. / O objetivo do presente trabalho foi parametrizar e calibrar modelos baseado em dados de sensoriamento remoto para estimar acuradamente a concentração da clorofila-a, [Chl-a], em um reservatório tropical e eutrofizado. Primeiramente, uma caracterização bio-óptica da área estudo foi realizada para identificar particularidades do ambiente. Então, modelos empíricos e algoritmos quase-analíticos (QAA) existentes foram testados e, posteriormente parametrizados e calibrados para o ambiente investigado. Tais modelos derivam a [Chl-a] e propriedades ópticas inerentes (POIs), respectivamente, a partir da reflectância de sensoriamento remoto (Rrs). Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida no reservatório da hidroelétrica de Barra Bonita (RHBB), localizado no Rio Tietê (Brasil). Reservatórios são ambientes artificiais que modificam severamente a hidrodinâmica de rios e o equilíbrio biogeoquímico do ecossistema aquático. Tais alterações podem proporcionar características bio-ópticas únicas ao ambiente e modelos para rios e lagos podem não ser adequados para explicar os processos que ocorrem em reservatórios. O grau de eutrofização é um importante parâmetro de qualidade da água e pode ser determinado com base na [Chl-a], pigmento fotossiteticamente ativo presente em todas as espécies de fitoplâncton, detectado por sensores remotos. Portanto, o uso de imagens orbitais e aerotransportadas é uma alternativa viável para o monitoramento do estado trófico desses ambientes. Resultados mostram que as características bio-ópticas em RHBB são consideravelmente diferentes de outros ambientes pesquisados na literatura, corroborado com desempenho não acurado de modelos propostos para outros ambientes. A parametrização e calibração propostas nesta pesquisa estimaram acuradamente a [Chl-a], principalmente, adotando os coeficientes de absorção derivados do QAA. Os modelos ajustados podem ser utilizados no mapeamento do estado trófico e monitoramento periódico da qualidade da água em RHBB por agências ambientes e gestores de usinas hidroelétricas. Além disso, é provável que os parâmetros propostos nesta pesquisa sejam adequados para outras águas continentais. / CNPq: 200157/2015-9

From oligo to eutrophic inland waters: advancements and challenges for bio-optical modeling

Rodrigues, Thanan Walesza Pequeno [UNESP] 09 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by THANAN WALESZA PEQUENO RODRIGUES null (twalesza@gmail.com) on 2017-04-18T13:46:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Final2017.pdf: 5871584 bytes, checksum: 622c90a26db9966bfc3a2c9aaf97e829 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-04-18T19:10:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 rodrigues_twp_dr_prud.pdf: 5871584 bytes, checksum: 622c90a26db9966bfc3a2c9aaf97e829 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-18T19:10:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 rodrigues_twp_dr_prud.pdf: 5871584 bytes, checksum: 622c90a26db9966bfc3a2c9aaf97e829 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-09 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento detalhado das características bio-ópticas nos reservatórios de Barra Bonita (BB) e Nova Avanhandava (Nav) com o intuito de avaliar o desempenho de uma única abordagem voltada para a estimativa das propriedades ópticas inerentes (POIs), assim como, a concentração de totais sólidos suspensos (TSS). A investigação foi realizada utilizando dados coletados no campo entre 2014 e 2016, incluindo, as POIs, componentes opticamente significativos (COSs) e reflectância de sensoriamento remoto (R_rs). Os dados apresentados dos COSs confirmaram que BB é um ambiente mais túrbido que Nav por apresentar maior produção fitoplanctônica em função do recebimento de altas cargas de nutrientes provenientes da bacia de drenagem. Por outro lado, Nav é um ambiente mais transparente e com maior influência de material inorgânico, o que favorece o surgimento de macrófitas submersas. A concentração de clorofila-a (Chl-a) em BB alcançou máximo de 797.8 µg l-1 em outubro/2014, enquanto Nav apresentou máximo de 38.6 µg l-1 em maio/2016. A variabilidade nos COS esteve altamente vinculada a frequência de chuvas, sendo que no ano de 2014, ocorreu um evento extremo de seca alterando as características biogeoquímicas dos ambientes. BB reagiu de forma mais abrupta que Nav por apresentar um sistema de operação do tipo acumulação e por estar mais próxima das regiões potencialmente poluidoras, diferente de Nav que apresenta um sistema fio-d’água em que não há acumulação e sim fluxo constante da água. Além disso, no âmbito óptico, a absorção em Nav apresentou maior influência do particulado não-algal (NAP) enquanto que em BB, a absorção foi dominada por fitoplâncton. Com base nesses resultados pode-se concluir que os dois ambientes apresentam não só diferenças na qualidade da água, mas também nas propriedades ópticas, o que leva a afirmação de que um modelo único baseado nos dois ambientes pode não ter um bom resultado quando se pretende utilizar uma abordagem empírica. Um algoritmo quase-analítico (QAA) parametrizado para as condições de Nav (QAAOMR) apresentou resultados significativos com erros (erro médio percentual absoluto – MAPE) inferiores a 17% para o coeficiente de absorção total (a_t), 19% para o coeficiente de absorção orgânico detrital (a_CDM) e 47% para o coeficiente de absorção do fitoplâncton (a_ϕ). O respectivo modelo foi utilizado para verificar seu desempenho em um ambiente eutrofizado como BB e a versão parametrizada por Watanabe et al. (2016) e denominada QAABBHR foi aplicada aos dados de Nav. Como resultado, observamos que as duas versões foram adequadas para estimar a_t com erros inferiores a 40%, no entanto, existe ainda a necessidade de melhorar as etapas para estimativa de a_CDM e a_ϕ. No caso de se aplicar um modelo empírico de única abordagem para estimar concentração de TSS para ambos os reservatórios, observamos que essa abordagem não apresentou resultados satisfatórios, portanto, modelos específicos baseados na banda do vermelho do MODIS foram utilizados para mapear TSS em cada um dos reservatórios. Pode-se concluir então, que o conhecimento acerca das propriedades ópticas da água se mostrou determinante para a modelagem bio-óptica, principalmente no que diz respeito aos ambientes altamente contrastantes como BB e Nav. / The objective of the present work was to perform a detailed survey of the bio-optical characteristics of the reservoirs of Barra Bonita (BB) and Nova Avanhandava (Nav) in order to evaluate the performance of a single approach aimed at estimating the inherent optical properties (IOPs), as well as the concentration of total suspended solids (TSS). The research was carried out using data collected in the field between 2014 and 2016, including the IOPs, optically significant components (OSCs) and remote sensing reflectance (R_rs). The data presented from the OSCs confirmed that BB is more turbid than Nav because it presents higher phytoplankton production due to the input of high nutrient loads from the drainage basin. On the other hand, Nav is more transparent with greater influence of inorganic matter, which favors the appearance of submerged macrophytes. The concentration of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) in BB reached a maximum of 797.8 μg l-1 in October/2014, while Nav presented a maximum of 38.6 μg l-1 in May/2016. The variability in the COS was highly related to the frequency of rainfall, in the year 2014, an extreme drought event occurred, altering the biogeochemical characteristics. BB reacted more abruptly than Nav because it presented an accumulation type operation system and because it is closer to the potentially polluting region. Nav presents a water system in which there is no accumulation but constant flow of water. In addition, in the optical context, the absorption in Nav presented greater influence of the non-algal particulate (NAP) while in BB, the absorption was dominated by phytoplankton. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the two environments present not only differences in water quality but also in optical properties, which leads to the assertion that a single model based on the two environments may not have a good result when it is intended to use empirical approach. A quasi-analytical algorithm (QAA) parameterized for Nav conditions (QAAOMR) presented significant results with errors (mean absolute percentage error - MAPE) lower than 17% for the total absorption coefficient (a_t), 19% for the carbon detrital matter absorption coefficient (a_CDM) and 47% for the absorption coefficient of phytoplankton (a_ϕ). The respective model was used to verify its performance in a eutrophic environment such as BB and the version parameterized by Watanabe et al. (2016) and named QAABBHR was applied to the Nav data. Thus, we note that the two versions were suitable for estimating a_t with errors (MAPE) less than 40%, however, improvements must be carried out for estimating a_CDM and a_ϕ. In the case of applying a single empirical model to estimate TSS concentration for both reservoirs, we observed that it did not present satisfactory results, so specific models based on the MODIS red band were used to map TSS in each of the reservoirs. It can be concluded, therefore, that knowledge about the optical properties of water has proved to be determinant for the bio-optical modeling, especially with respect to highly contrasting environments such as BB and Nav. / CNPq: 200152/2015-7

One Step Closer to Non-Invasive: Quantifying Coral Zooxanthellae Pigment Concentrations Using Bio-Optics

Hancock, Harmony Alise 01 June 2012 (has links)
Due to the invasive nature of quantification techniques, baseline pigment data for coral-dwelling zooxanthellae are not known. In an attempt to develop a model for non-invasive estimation of zooxanthellae pigment concentrations from corals, field samples were taken from Porites rus and P. lutea in Apra Harbor, Guam. In-situ reflectance spectra (R400-R800) from 22 coral colonies were collected. “Coral truthing” was accomplished by extracting corresponding tissue core samples. Subsequent analysis to quantify the concentrations of 6 zooxanthellae pigments (µg cm-2) was performed using HPLC. Trials of multiple linear regressions were attempted (EJ Hochberg) and found inappropriate, despite previous success. The multivariate calibration technique partial least squares regression (PLS-R) is an excellent tool in the case of co-linear variables. Thus, PLS-R was attempted for chlorophyll c2 and peridinin after demonstration of co-linearity. This may be an appropriate approach for development of bio-optical models to estimate zooxanthellae pigment concentrations. Further, the dinoflagellate diagnostic pigment peridinin may be of great value for reef-scale remote sensing of changes in coral status in the future.

Three-dimensional modeling of inland waters optical properties from aerial hyperspectral images /

Carmo, Alisson Fernando Coelho do. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Nilton Nobuhiro Imai / Abstract: The acquisition of data using Remote Sensing and in-situ sampling allows several data sources to be integrated for the analysis and observations of environmental characteristics and may require computational methods to support the data processing, exploration and analysis. The need to integrate data from different sources is highlighted in studies of dynamic and complex environments that frequently change, such as hydroelectric reservoirs. Reservoirs are artificial ecosystems, which influence directly the regional characteristics, mainly because of their multipurpose use. The interactions of the electromagnetic energy with the optically active components occur along the entire water column, so that the behavior of the light field reflects the changes applied along the entire euphotic zone. However, the values taken from images are used accordingly to a plane and associated with the respective point or area of surface. The calibration of bio-optical models considering only the surface sampling data can not deliver fully effective results because the electromagnetic radiation interacts with the components located along the water column and the response captured by the sensors does not only represent the value associated with the surface. Considering this scenario, this work proposes an investigation on the influence of the vertical distribution of the optical properties along the water column, in order to contemplate records about the interaction in different levels of depth, b... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Resumo: A aquisição de dados por meio da combinação de Sensoriamento Remoto e amostragens in-situ permite que várias fontes de dados sejam integradas para a análise e observação de características do alvo de interesse e pode exigir métodos computacionais para apoiar o processamento, exploração e análise de dados. A necessidade de integrar dados de diferentes fontes é destacada em estudos de ambientes dinâmicos e complexos que se alteram frequentemente, como os reservatórios hidrelétricos. Os reservatórios são ecossistemas artificiais, que influenciam diretamente nas características regionais, principalmente devido ao seu uso múltiplo uso. As interações da energia eletromagnética com os componentes opticamente ativos ocorrem ao longo de toda a coluna d’água, de modo que o comportamento do campo de luz reflete as mudanças aplicadas ao longo da zona eufótica. No entanto, as grandezas registradas nas imagens são usados de acordo com o plano e limitadas ao respectivo ponto ou área da superfície. A calibração de modelos bio-ópticos, considerando apenas os dados de amostragem da superfície, pode não fornecer resultados totalmente eficazes, porque a radiação eletromagnética interage com os componentes localizados ao longo da coluna de água e, consequentemente, a resposta capturada pelos sensores não representa apenas o valor associado à superfície. Este trabalho propõe uma investigação sobre a influência da distribuição vertical das propriedades ópticas ao longo da coluna d’água, a fim de co... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Doutor

A transferable bio-optical model for quantification of inland water caynobacterial pigments

Li, Linhai 16 March 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Cyanobacterial blooms are currently one of the most important issues faced by environmental agencies, water authorities and public health organizations. Remote sensing provides an advanced approach to monitor cyanobacteria by detecting and quantifying chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and phycocaynin (PC). In this thesis, an analytical bio-optical model, more typically applied to ocean waters, was modified to accommodate the complexity of inland waters. The newly developed models work well to estimate inherent optical properties, including absorption and backscattering coefficients, in eight different study sites distributed around the globe. Based on derived absorption coefficients, Chl-a and PC concentrations were accurately retrieved for data sets collected annually from 2006 to 2010, and the estimation accuracy exceeded that of currently used algorithms. An important advantage of the model is that low concentrations of Chl-a and PC can be predicted more accurately, enabling early warning of cyanobacterial blooms. In addition, the results also indicated good spatial and temporal transferability of the algorithms, since no specific calibration procedures were required for data sets collected in a different sites and seasons. The compatibility of the newly developed algorithm with MERIS spectra provides the possibility for routine surveillance of cyanobacterial growth in inland waters.

Étude de la variabilité spatio-temporelle des processus physiques et biologiques dans la mer de Beaufort par télédétection et dans un contexte de changements climatiques dans l'océan Arctique

Ben Mustapha, Sélima January 2014 (has links)
Résumé : Au-delà de tous débats scientifiques actuels, un constat unanime est certainement la réduction du couvert de glace dans l’océan Arctique, associé au réchauffement planétaire. La réduction du couvert de glace aura sans doute des impacts encore imprévisibles sur le milieu marin. Nous avons, dans ce contexte, traité des données satellitaires et des données de mesures de réalité de terrain de campagnes océanographiques dans la portion sud-est de la mer de Beaufort afin d’étudier les variabilités spatiale et temporelle de la biomasse phytoplanctonique et tenter de les relier aux processus physiques existants dans ce milieu. La mer de Beaufort étant fortement influencée par les eaux douces du fleuve Mackenzie, il était probable que les algorithmes de couleur de l’eau opérationnels actuels ne permettaient pas une estimation juste de la concentration de la chlorophylle-a (chl-a) et, par conséquent, de la production primaire qui est à la base de la chaîne alimentaire marine. L’analyse des données bio-optiques a confirmé cette hypothèse montrant une surestimation de la chl-a in situ par un facteur variant entre 3 et 5. La forte contribution de la matière organique colorée dissoute et des particules non-algales à l’absorption de la lumière apparaît comme la source principale de cette surestimation. Nous avons donc proposé des algorithmes adaptés ainsi que de nouveaux algorithmes utilisant deux rapports de bandes spectrales permettant une estimation plus précise de la chl-a dans le sud-est de la mer de Beaufort. Une comparaison entre des données de réalité de terrain et des images satellitaires a aussi montré que la réflectance normalisée à la surface de l’eau, de même que le rapport bleu-vert, étaient plus précis à l’aide des données du capteur SeaWiFS que de celles des capteurs MODIS et MERIS. Nous avons procédé à une analyse des patrons de chl-a et de température de surface pour cinq sous-régions géographiques dans la mer de Beaufort à l’aide de sept années de données satellitaires SeaWiFS et AVHRR (1998-2004). Les résultats ont montré que les variabilités spatiale, temporelle et interannuelle de la biomasse phytoplanctonique sont régies par plusieurs facteurs environnementaux affectant la stratification de la colonne d’eau, soit le forçage du vent, la dynamique de la glace, la température de l’air, l’ensoleillement et les courants marins. Une approche statistique basée sur le concept de provinces non statiques a permis de partitionner la mer de Beaufort en quatre provinces biophysiques distinctes, apportant un nouvel éclairage sur les propriétés biophysiques de cette mer. L'analyse des données a aussi permis de détecter une tendance à l'augmentation de la chl-a dans deux secteurs de la mer de Beaufort : le plateau du Mackenzie et la partie sud du golfe d'Amundsen. Finalement, une analyse de gradients spatiaux, effectuée à partir d’images de température de surface de l’eau a permis de détecter des fronts thermiques récurrents. Ces structures spatiales jouent un rôle majeur dans l’écosystème marin, en particulier en raison de leur impact sur le développement de la biomasse phytoplanctonique. Nous avons mis en évidence des nouvelles structures frontales sur le plateau du Mackenzie et dans la région de la polynie du cap Bathurst. Les nouveaux fronts détectés sont principalement reliés à des particularités bathymétriques de la région, à la présence du panache du fleuve Mackenzie ainsi qu’à la gyre de Beaufort. En conclusion, la réalisation de cette étude a permis de générer de nouvelles informations sur les interactions entre les processus physiques et biologiques, permettant ainsi de mieux appréhender les conséquences biogéochimiques et écologiques résultant des modifications climatiques dans la mer de Beaufort. // Abstract : The Arctic Ocean ecosystem is experiencing significant changes such as a drastic reduction in seasonal sea-ice cover linked to global warming. These changes are likely to modify the physics, biogeochemistry and ecology of this unique environment in ways that are yet to be understood. In this context, we processed satellite data and in situ measurements in the southeastern Beaufort Sea to explore the spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton biomass and link it to existing physical processes in this region. The optical properties of the Beaufort Sea being under the influence of the Mackenzie River plume, it was likely that operational ocean color algorithms did not allow an accurate estimate of chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a) that is a key indicator of phytoplankton biomass and marine productivity. Analysis of bio-optical data confirmed this hypothesis showing an overestimation of Chl-a in situ by a factor of three to five. High contribution of colored dissolved organic matter and non algal particles to the blue light absorption appears as the source of that poor performance. We propose regionally adapted and new algorithms using ratio of two spectral bands allowing better accuracy estimation of Chl-a in the southeastern Beaufort Sea. A match-up analysis of coincident in situ data and satellite overpass showed that the normalized water-leaving reflectance and the blue-to-green ratio retrieval were more accurate for SeaWiFS data than for MODIS and MERIS data. We investigated temporal and spatial linkages between physical and biological parameters to infer the boundaries of biophysical areas in the Canadian Beaufort Sea. Monthly sea surface temperature (AVHRR) data and chlorophyll a data from SeaWiFS were collected over seven years in five geographical sub-regions in the Beaufort Sea (1998-2004). Results showed that the spatial, temporal and inter-annual variability of phytoplankton biomass are driven by several environmental factors affecting the stratification of the water column : wind forcing, ice dynamics, air temperature, irradiance and currents. A cluster analysis based on the concept of non-static provinces was used to define four biophysical provinces in this sea. Positive temporal trends were detected for Chl-a over two regions of the Beaufort Sea : the Mackenzie Shelf and the southern portion of Amundsen Gulf. Finally, an analysis of spatial gradients, using 11 years of sea surface temperature images, allowed the detection of recurrent thermal fronts. These spatial structures play a major role in the marine ecosystem, particularly because of their impact on the development of phytoplankton biomass. We highlighted new frontal structures on the Mackenzie Shelf and in the Cape Bathurst polynya area. These identified new fronts are mainly related to bathymetric features of the region, the presence of the Mackenzie River plume and the Beaufort Gyre. In conclusion, this study has generated new information on the interactions between physical and biological processes to better understand the biogeochemical and ecological consequences of climate change in the Beaufort Sea.

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