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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verfahrenstechnische Untersuchungen zur Optimierung der Biogasgewinnung aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen

Ohly, Nils 20 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In kontinuierlichen Gärversuchen für unterschiedliche nachwachsende Rohstoffe in Mono- und Cofermentation wurden die Grenzen der Prozessstabilität ermittelt. Als Kennwert für die Optimierung und den direkten Vergleich der Gärversuche ist nur die Methangasproduktion in m3 Methan/(m3 Fermentervolumen* d) geeignet. In der Cofermentation der nachwachsenden Rohstoffe mit Rindergülle konnten Synergieeffekte nachgewiesen werden, die zu einem verbesserten anaeroben Abbau der Biomasse führten. Die Anwendung des zweistufigen Verfahrens auf die Vergärung von Gerstenkörnern führte zu keiner Verbesserung der Prozessstabilität und der Methangasproduktion. Die Vorausberechnung der Methangasausbeute mit Hilfe des Futterwertes führte nur zu einer qualitativen Vergleichbarkeit unterschiedlicher Substratklassen und gab nicht die tatsächliche Methangasausbeute im Vergärungsversuch wieder.

Enzymatic treatement of wastewater sludge in presence of a cation binding agent : improved solubilisation and increased methane production

Beijer, Ronja January 2008 (has links)
<p>Stockholm Water is a water and sewage company with Henriksdal as one of two wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). At Henriksdal wastewater sludge generated in the wastewater treatment process is digested which generate biogas; a mixture of mainly methane and carbon dioxide. If purified to methane content of 96 - 98 % this gas is called biomethane.</p><p>Biogasmax is a project aiming to reduce the use of fossile fuels in Europe by providing that biogas is a good technical, economical and environmental alternative as vehicle fuel. The specific aim for Stockholm Water is to increase the biogas production at the existing plant in Henriksdal. Enzymatic treatment of wastewater sludge is an innovative technique earlier proofed to increase the biogas production from wastewater sludge with up to 60 %. The enzyme activity is in turn proven to significantly increase in the presence of a cation binding agent.</p><p>One aim with this thesis was to investigate if the sludge from Henriksdal wastewater treatment process at all is affected of enzymatic treatment in presence of a cation binding agent since this has shown to have some significance. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) was measured in the liquid phase of sludge after treatment and used as a measurement of treatment effect. Another aim of this thesis was to look into the possibility to increase the methane production from sludge at Henriksdal WWTP. This was investigated through batch laboratory digestion tests.</p><p>The sludge from Henriksdal WWTP was shown to be a good substrate for the enzymes added. COD in the liquid phase was increased with 17 – 32 % depending on the dose of enzymes and sodium citrate added. Digestion of sludge with a total addition of 18.6 mg enzymes per 1 g total solids (TS) and a concentration of 5 mM sodium citrate increased the methane production with almost 18 % compared to untreated sludge. This equals an increase of 18.3 % when converted to represent a totally blended and continuous digestion chamber at Henriksdal WWTP. The increased methane production also results in a sludge reduction out from the digestion chambers. The increased methane production and sludge reduction though does not fulfil the increased costs for the enzymes and sodium citrate applied. These doses must be decreased and the costs for both enzymes and sodium citrate must be reduced for this technique to be economically feasible in a full scale operation.</p>

Zur Phytohygiene von Kartoffelabfällen - Zur phytohygienischen Unbedenklichkeit von Kartoffelabfällen - ein Verfahrensvorschlag zur Prüfung von Gärresten aus Biogasanlagen auf die bakteriellen Quarantäneschaderreger Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus (Cms) und Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs) - (Abschlussbericht)

Wiedemann, Wolfram, Enderlein, Olaf 13 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Erklärtes Projektziel vorliegender Arbeit ist eine Anleitung zur Prüfung bakterieller Quarantäneerreger – Cms und Rs – in Gärrestproben aus Biogasanlagen im Rahmen der Düngemittelverkehrskontrolle.

An Interdisciplinary Study on Farm Based Biogas Production in Southern Brazil

Hjort, Anders, Norin, Simon January 2008 (has links)
Today the use of anaerobic digestion technique emerges as an alternative to the conventional treatment method of pig slurry to the pig producers in Brazil because of the energy demanding intensive pig production and the negative environmental impact that arises during storage and use. The end products of AD technique are biogas as an energy source and digestate that can be used as a fertilizer. The study took place at two pig producers in southern Brazil in order to evaluate the biogas production in the area, its applications and environmental impact. The visited pig producers run a confined animal production system where the slurry that is used in the anaerobic digesters is diluted. The studied digesters are covered with an air tight flexible plastic membrane that takes the shape of a balloon where each digester has the volume of 620 m3. Sedimentation occurs inside each reactor where the temperature also fluctuates. The produced biogas is conveyed to a torch where the biogas is combusted. The results of this study show that the digesters are working properly but there is a need for mixing and constant temperature in order to optimize the process. Biogas is primarily suited for heat production and the digestate can be used as a fertilizer. Biogas production is considered to have a positive environmental impact if the biogas is used or combusted in a torch. There is also a need to apply a cover over the digestate during the storage time to avoid ammonia emissions. The approximated biogas potential for Rio Grande do Sul is nearly 100 GWh/year. For an approximated biogas potential of more consideration it is found that further studies of the housing systems in Rio Grande do Sul are needed. This is due to a greatly varying amount of degradable materials in the pig slurry from one ranch to another.

Gårdsbaserad biogas - guldgruva eller fallgrop : en investeringsanalys

Henriksson, Anders, Johansson, Anne, Kristensen, Anton January 2008 (has links)
Intresset för investeringar i biogasanläggningar är idag stort både bland kommuner och svenska lantbrukare. Det är en teknik som möjliggör utvinning av energi ur bland annat gödsel. Undersökningen gjordes på uppdrag av Lindhs Djur &amp; Natur som ligger strax utanför Högsby. I denna uppsats undersöker vi om och i sådana fall när en investering i en gårdsbaserad biogasanläggning blir lönsam. Undersökningen belyses ur ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv. Kalkylerna är baserade på två alternativ 6000 m3 respektive 12000 m3 flytgödsel samt 1500 m3 respektive 3000 m3 fastgödsel från nötkreatur, varav det första bygger på deras nuvarande kapacitet och det andra på potentiell framtida kapacitet. Resultatet av vår undersökning visar att investeringen i en gårdsbaserad anläggning utifrån Lindhs Djur &amp; Naturs förutsättningar är ekonomiskt effektiv och lönsam. Genom att använda den värme, elektricitet samt rötrester som anläggningen producerar, kan gården göra stora kostnadsbesparingar. Främst påverkas lönsamheten av hur stor förbrukningen är av värme på gården, samt om det finns möjligheter att distribuera gasen vidare mot ersättning.

A Study on Biogas-fueled SI Engines: Effects of Fuel Composition on Emissions and Catalyst Performance

Abader, Robert 17 March 2014 (has links)
Biogas as a fuel is attractive from a greenhouse standpoint, since biogas is carbon neutral. To be used as such, increasingly stringent emission standards must be met. Current low-emission technologies meet said standards by precisely controlling the air-fuel ratio. Biogas composition can vary substantially, making air-fuel ratio control difficult. This research was conducted as part of a larger project to develop a sensor that accurately measures biogas composition. Biogas was simulated by fuel mixtures consisting of natural gas and CO2; the effects that fuel composition has on emissions and catalyst performance were investigated. Engine-out THC and NOx increased and decreased, respectively, with increasing CO2 in the fuel mixture. Doubling the catalyst residence time doubled the conversion of THC and CO emissions. The effectiveness of the catalyst at converting THC emissions was found to be dependent on the relative proportions of engine-out THC, NOx and CO emissions.

A Study on Biogas-fueled SI Engines: Effects of Fuel Composition on Emissions and Catalyst Performance

Abader, Robert 17 March 2014 (has links)
Biogas as a fuel is attractive from a greenhouse standpoint, since biogas is carbon neutral. To be used as such, increasingly stringent emission standards must be met. Current low-emission technologies meet said standards by precisely controlling the air-fuel ratio. Biogas composition can vary substantially, making air-fuel ratio control difficult. This research was conducted as part of a larger project to develop a sensor that accurately measures biogas composition. Biogas was simulated by fuel mixtures consisting of natural gas and CO2; the effects that fuel composition has on emissions and catalyst performance were investigated. Engine-out THC and NOx increased and decreased, respectively, with increasing CO2 in the fuel mixture. Doubling the catalyst residence time doubled the conversion of THC and CO emissions. The effectiveness of the catalyst at converting THC emissions was found to be dependent on the relative proportions of engine-out THC, NOx and CO emissions.

Technologinių rodiklių įtaka Kauno nuotekų valyklos metantanko veikimo efektyvumui / The influence of the technological indicators on the performance efficiency of the anaerobic digester in Kaunas wastewater treatment plant

Mažrimas, Jonas 30 May 2012 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – nustatyti technologinių rodiklių įtaką Kauno nuotekų valyklos metantanko efektyvumui. Darbo uždaviniai: nustatyti išsiskyrusių biodujų debito priklausomybę nuo temperatūros, organinės medžiagos suirimo laipsnio, palyginti teorinį ir faktinį pagaminamų biodujų kiekį. Tyrimo objektai: Kauno miesto nuotekų valykloje dumblo pūdymui periodiškai naudojami du metantankai. Tyrimo metodika: buvo stebimi pagrindiniai rodikliai, įtakojantys biodujų išeigą metantanke: pirminio dumblo debitas, perteklinio dumblo debitas, temperatūra ir organinės medžiagos suskilimo laipsnis. Apskaičiuotas organinės medžiagos kiekis dumble, nustatytas teorinis biodujų kiekis. Apdoroti 75 dienų tyrimų duomenys. Tyrimo rezultatai: biodujų debitas tiesiogiai proporcingas organinės medžiagos kiekiui, esančiam pirminio ir perteklinio dumblo mišinyje. Dumblas pastoviai susidaro pirminiuose ir antriniuose sėsdintuvuose, todėl negalima reguliuoti tiekiamo dumblo debito į metantanką, nes tai gali sutrikdyti nuotekų valymo proceso eigą. Vidutiniškai per dieną į Kauno miesto nuotekų valyklos metantanką tiekiama 432,5 m3 dumblo. Organinės medžiagos kiekis dumble priklauso nuo nuotekų, atitekančių į valyklą, sudėties. Kauno miesto nuotekų valyklos metantankas dirba mezofiliniu režimu. Pagal tyrimų duomenis metantanko darbo temperatūra svyruoja tarp 32,7 – 35,4 °C. Dėl šio temperatūrinio intervalo išsiskiriančių biodujų debitas yra netolygus. Išsiskyrusių biodujų debitas kinta nuo 4600 m3/d iki 9400 m3/d... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the research: the two anaerobic digesters that are used for the sludge digestion in Kaunas wastewater treatment plant. The aim of the research: to determine the influence of the technological indicators on the performance efficiency of the anaerobic digester in Kaunas wastewater treatment plant. The objectives of the research: to estimate the dependence of the amount of biogas on the temperature and the degree of biolysis; to compare theoretical and actual amount of the biogas produced. Research methods: the main indicators, influencing biogas emission from the anaerobic digester, such as: primary sludge discharge, surplus sludge discharge, temperature, and the degree of biolysis, were observed. The amount of the organic material in the sludge was evaluated, theoretical amount of biogas was determined from the chart. Research data acquired in 75 days was processed. The results of the research: biogas discharge is directly proportional to the amount of organic material in the compound of primary and surplus sludge. Sludge is constantly forming in the primary and secondary sludge separators, therefore the sludge discharge added to the anaerobic digester cannot be controlled, as this could disorganize the process of wastewater treatment. On the average, 432,5 m3 of sludge are added to the anaerobic digester in Kaunas wastewater treatment plant. The amount of the organic material in the sludge depends on the composition of the sewage that the treatment plant is... [to full text]

Anaerobic codigestion of municipal wastewater sludge and restaurant grease

Liu, Zengkai Unknown Date
No description available.

The financial and economic feasibility of biodigester use and biogas production for rural households.

Smith, Michael T. January 2011 (has links)
In South Africa, sustainable development is set in the context of two separate economies. The second of these economies consists of the rural population and is characterised by poverty and stagnant development. Sustainable development is an increasingly topical concept which highlights the need for development to proceed in a manner that does not deplete natural resources. In addition to narrowing the gaps between the various classes (layers) in an economy, the key ‘ingredients’ of sustainable economic development include “natural resource management, food, water, and energy access, provision and security” (Blignaut, 2009: cited in Blignaut and van der Elst, 2009: 14). A biodigester is a potential solution to some of the difficulties faced by remote rural populations. Biodigester systems are submerged tanks capable of producing a nutrient rich fertiliser and combustible gas when consistently fed with organic matter and water. A biodigester may be one simple answer to the key ingredient needs of sustainable development – reducing the depletion of natural resources, providing clean burning energy for cooking and fertiliser for growing food. The potential is clear for biodigesters to aid in the process of sustainable development. The question to be analysed is whether this technology would be financially and economically feasible for installation and use in rural households. This thesis focuses on a typically remote and rural community in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, in order to assess the potential feasibility of a biodigester system. The appraisal takes the form of a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and aims to establish whether or not this technology is financially feasible for individual rural households and/or economically beneficial to society. / Thesis (M.Com.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2011.

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