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Dlouhodobá péče o rodinného příslušníka z pohledu pečující osoby / Long-term care of a family member from the perspective of the caregiverVolejníčková, Romana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with twenty-four hours for elderly family members from the perspective of the primary caregiver. The aim of this work is the understanding of home care, not as an isolated activity usually practiced by women in the private sphere, but as an aktivity, which is affected family relationships or deciding provide/not provide home care etc. For this reason I used as the theoretical basis of this work feminist ethics of care, which does not care define "natural" / spontaneous female activity, and enable to reveal the gender line of care. That is the main topic of this thesis. For a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of home care I used biographical interview. It's main characteristic is the emphasis on stories from participants, which was an important aspect that helped me put the care in a broader social context Key words: home care, feminist ethic of care, biographical interviews.
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En resa med osäkra mål : Unga vuxnas övergångar från skola till arbete i ett biografiskt perspektiv / A journey with uncertain destinations : Young adults' school-to-work transitions in a biographical perspectiveLidström, Lena January 2009 (has links)
School-to-work (STW) transitions have become more protracted over recent decades, with increased risks of unemployment and social exclusion for young people. Moreover, young people are expected to plan their own career and enhance their employability, although gender and social and cultural background still significantly influence employment prospects. Policies have been developed in an attempt to facilitate young people’s pathways into work. However, STW-transitions are one of the weakest points in Swedish welfare system; in addition the quality of career guidance has been questioned. This dissertation aims to describe and analyse young adults STW-transitions from a biographical perspective. It is based around life story interviews with 52 unemployed young adults’, 25-29 years old, including men and women with varying educational backgrounds, living in three different Swedish local contexts. Four research questions are examined: How do the young adults’ describe their STW-transitions in retrospect? What characterized their horizons of actions at the time of the interview? What is the impact of public career guidance? How did ethnicity, gender and locality affect answers to the above questions - and how may such differences be interpreted? The analysis of the young adults’ narratives was based on the careership theory developed by Hodkinson and Sparkes. In retrospect the young adults described their STW-transitions as an attempt to find and achieve personal goals. They emphasized turning points, i.e. when education or a job begins or ends, but also highlighted experiences when studying or working that make them realize what they wanted or what they would not accept. Four transition patterns, partly connected to gender and locality, were identified among the respondents: yo-yoing between workplaces, education and unemployment; mainly working; mainly in education; or mainly excluded from work and education. These patterns involved varying experiences, current situations and future expectations. At the time of the interview the young adults’ horizon of action involved interrelated aspects of life, but getting a stable job and settling down was pivotal to most of them. The strategies of the interviewees for navigating between dreams and reality diverged. However, they shared an ambition “to put one’s talents to good use” and feared not being able to do so. Experiences of career guidance were generally reported to have been sporadic and meaningless. However, in some cases, interventions are influential for example, when choosing an upper secondary school or during times of unemployment. The young adults’ employed various strategies when interventions adversely affected their goals; of these “to managing by one’s self” was the most common. In addition, guidance varied according to ethnicity and local structures. It is concluded that STW-transitions are challenging journeys, mainly undertaken without professional support, which the young adults perceived as uncertain. / Individen, vägarna, valen. Karriärval och vägledning i socialt, mångkulturellt och könsperspektiv
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Les formes d'adhésion au discours sur les créatifs culturels : approche sociologique de la diffusion d'une croyance dans le capitalisme vert / Forms of adherence to discourse on "Cultural Creatives" : a sociological approach to the dissemination of a belief in "green capitalism"Blorville, Gwenhaël 20 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet les formes d'adhésion au discours sur les « Créatifs Culturels », saisi comme courroie de transmission dogmatique du « capitalisme vert ». À la croisée de la sociologie de l'engagement, de l'écologie et de l'étude des croyances, la thèse retrace, dans un premier temps, la construction sociale, au sein de la configuration sociale du « capitalisme vert », d'un « mouvement entrepreneurial » réformiste. Apparu au début des années 1990, ce mouvement est engagé dans un travail d'imbrication entre des valeurs New Age et écologiques et d'autres propres au champ économique. Dans un deuxième temps, l’enquête de terrain, qui s'appuie sur la réalisation d'entretiens biographiques auprès d’acteurs engagés dans la diffusion de ce discours, montre comment la mise en pratique de cette idéologie fait l'objet de positionnements sur un continuum allant d'un pôle dogmatique à un pôle utilitariste, ces logiques de sens résultant in fine de socialisations hétérogènes / This thesis deals with the forms of adherence to the discourse on « Cultural Creatives », grasped as a strap of dogmatic transmission of « green capitalism ». At the crossroads of sociology of commitment, ecology and the study of beliefs, the thesis first traces social construction within the social configuration of « green capitalism », of reformist entrepreneurial movement. Appearing in the early 1990s, this movement is engaged in a work of interweaving between New Age values and other ecologies specific to the economic field. In a second phase, the field survey, which is based on the production of biographical interviews with a cast committed to the dissemination of this discourse, shows how the putting into practice of this ideology is the subject of positioning a continuum going from an area of belief to a utilitarian one, resulting in ultimate heterogeneous socialisations
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