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Processing of lignocellulosics feedstocks for biofuels and co-products via consolidated bioprocessing with the thermophilic bacterium, Clostridium thermocellum strain DSMZ 1237Agbor, Valery January 2011 (has links)
Processing of lignocellulosic biomass for transportation fuels and other biocommodities in integrated biorefineries has been proposed as the future for emerging sustainable economies. Currently bioprocessing strategies are all multi-step processes involving extensive physicochemical pretreatments and costly amounts of exogenous enzyme addition. Consolidated bioprocessing (CBP), or direct microbial conversion, is a strategy that combines all the stages of production into one step, thus avoiding the use of expensive pretreatments and exogenous enzymes that reduce the economic viability of the products produced. With a growing trend towards increased consolidation, most of the reported work on CBP has been conducted with soluble sugars or commercial reagent grade cellulose. For CBP to become practical fermentative guidelines with native feedstocks and purified cellulose need to be delineated through specific substrate characterization as it relates to possible industrial fermentation. By carefully reviewing the fundamentals of biomass pretreatments for CBP, a comparative assessment of the fermentability of non-food agricultural residue and processed biomass was conducted with Clostridium thermocellum DSMZ 1237. Cell growth, and both gaseous and liquid fermentation end-product profiles of C. thermocellum as a CBP processing candidate was characterised. Batch fermentation experiments to investigate the effect of cellulose content, pretreatment, and substrate concentration, revealed that higher yields were correlated with higher cellulose content. Pretreatment of native substrates that increased access of the bacterial cells and enzymes to cellulose chains in the biomass substrate were key parameters that determined the overall bioconversion of a given feedstock to end-products. The contribution of amorphous cellulose (CAC) in different biomass substrates subjected to the same pretreatment conditions was identified as a novel factor that contributed to differences in bioconversion and end-product synthesis patterns. Although the overall yield of end products was low following bioaugmentation with exogenous glycosyl hydrolases from free-enzyme systems and cellulosome extracts. Treatment of biomass substrates with glycosyl hydrolase enzymes was observed to increase the rate of bioconversion of native feedstocks in biphasic manner during fermentation with C. thermocellum. A “quotient of accessibility” was identified as a feedstock agnostic guideline for biomass digestibility. / October 2015
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Novel membrane structure design for biomass harvesting and water recyclingCheruvu, Sarasija 21 September 2015 (has links)
Sustainable algae biofuel production is rising in demand, and the need to establish an efficient and proper algae harvesting method is extremely essential. Membrane filtration technology seems to be the most promising as a solid-liquid separation process. However, fouling seems to be the major problem for membranes. There is limited research on how to solve the problem of fouling, and cake buildup inside the membranes. A novel membrane design is required to solve the problem of fouling and cake buildup inside the membranes. The objective of this research is to construct a novel two way membrane design for algae biomass harvesting and water recycling. The methods used include culturing algae species, filtering them through the membrane module, and sample analysis for determining the water quality. The results show that the present filtration model had no fouling, or cake buildup as opposed to the previous filtration model. The present model permeate has a very low optical density of 0.007 absorbance at 750 nanometers. This result shows that permeate is completely devoid of algae.
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Pyrolysis of biomass in fluidized-beds: in-situ formation of products and their applications for ironmakingMellin, Pelle January 2015 (has links)
The iron and steel industry emitted 8 % of all CO2 emissions in Sweden, 2011. Investigating alternative energy carriers is the purpose of this thesis. By pyrolyzing biomass, an energetic solid, gaseous and liquid (bio oil) fraction is obtained. If pyrolyzing biomass in a fluidized-bed reactor, the highest value may be added to the combined products. Additional understanding of pyrolysis in fluidized beds is pursued, using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and comprehensive kinetic schemes. The obtained solid product is investigated as a bio-injectant in blast furnaces for ironmaking. A new approach of separately modeling, the primary and secondary pyrolysis, is developed in this thesis. A biomass particle devolatilizes during pyrolysis. Primary pyrolysis is the solid decomposition which results in the volatiles that can leave the particle. Secondary pyrolysis is the decompositions of these volatiles, primarily in the gas phase. The primary pyrolysis (35 species, 15 reactions) mainly occurs in the bed-zone and as such, the model needs to take into account the complex physical interaction of biomass-particles with the fluidizing media (sand) and the fluidizing agent (gas). This is accomplished by representing the components by Eulerian phases and implementing interaction terms, as well as using a Stiff Chemistry Solver for the implemented reactions. The secondary pyrolysis (not considering heterogeneous reactions), mainly occurs outside the bed zone in one phase. The fluid flow is simpler but the chemistry is more complex, with a larger variety of molecules emerging. Carrying out the simulations time-effectively, for the secondary pyrolysis (134 species, 4169 reactions) is accomplished by using Dimension Reduction, Chemistry Agglomeration and In-situ Tabulation (ISAT); in a Probability Density Functional (PDF) framework. An analysis of the numerical results suggest that they can be matched adequately with experimental measurements, considering pressure profiles, temperature profiles and the overall yield of gas, solid and liquid products. Also, with some exceptions, the yield of major and minor gaseous species can be matched to some extent. Hence, the complex physics and chemistry of the integrated process can be considered fairly well-considered but improvements are possible. A parametric study of reaction atmospheres (or fluidizing agents), is pursued as means of understanding the process better. The models revealed significant effects of the atmosphere, both physically (during the primary and secondary pyrolysis) and chemically (during secondary pyrolysis). During primary pyrolysis, the physical influence of reaction atmospheres (N2, H2O) is investigated. When comparing steam to nitrogen, heat flux to the biomass particles, using steam, is better distributed on a bed level and on a particle level. During secondary pyrolysis, results suggest that turbulence interaction plays an important role in accelerating unwanted decomposition of the liquid-forming volatiles. Steam, which is one of the investigated atmospheres (N2, H2O, H2, CO, CO2), resulted in a lower extent of unwanted secondary pyrolysis. Altough, steam neither resulted in the shortest vapor residence time, nor the lowest peak temperature, nor the lowest peak radical concentration; all factors known to disfavor secondary pyrolysis. A repeated case, using a high degree of turbulence at the inlet, resulted in extensive decompositions. The attractiveness of the approach is apparent but more testing and development is required; also with regards to the kinetic schemes, which have been called for by several other researchers. The solid fraction after pyrolysis is known as charcoal. Regarding its use in blast furnaces; modelling results indicate that full substitution of fossil coal is possible. Substantial reductions in CO2 emissions are hence possible. Energy savings are furthermore possible due to the higher oxygen content of charcoal (and bio-injectants in general), which leads to larger volumes of blast furnace gas containing more latent energy (and less non-recoverable sensible energy). Energy savings are possible, even considering additional electricity consumption for oxygen enrichment and a higher injection-rate on energy basis. A survey of biomass availability and existing technology suppliers in Sweden, suggest that all injection into Blast furnace M3 in Luleå, can be covered by biomass. Based on statistics from 2008, replacement of coal-by-charcoal from pyrolysis could reduce the on-site carbon dioxide emissions by 28.1 % (or 17.3 % of the emissions from the whole industry). For reference, torrefied material and raw biomass can reduce the on-site emissions by 6.4 % and 5.7 % respectively. / Järn och stålindustrin stod för 8 % av alla koldioxidutsläpp i Sverige, 2011. Alternativa energibärare undersöks i denna avhandling. Genom pyrolys av biomassa, fås en energirik fast produkt, och samtidigt en gasformig och en vätskeformig produkt (bio-olja). Om en fluidbäddsreaktor används kan största möjliga mervärde tillföras de kombinerade produkterna. Djupare förståelse för pyrolys i fluidbäddar har eftersträvats med hjälp fluiddynamikberäkningar (CFD) och detaljerade kinetikscheman. Den fasta produkten har undersökts som bio-injektion i masugnar. En ny approach för modellering av primär och sekundär pyrolys separat, har utvecklats i denna avhandling. En biomassapartikel avflyktigas under pyrolys. Primär pyrolys är nedrytningen av den fasta biomassan till intermediärer (flyktiga ämnen) som kan lämna partikeln. Sekundärpyrolys är nedbrytning av dessa flyktiga ämnen, som primärt sker i gasfas. Primärpyrolysen (i detta arbete, 35 ämnen och 15 reaktioner) sker mestadels i bäddzonen och därmed behöver modellen ta hänsyn till den komplexa fysiska interaktionen av biomassapartiklarna med fluidbäddsmediet (sand) och fluidiseringsgasen. Detta åstadkoms med hjälp av Euleriska faser och interaktionstermer, samt en lösare för hantering av styva reaktionssystem. Sekundärpyrolysen sker huvudsakligen utanför bäddzonen. Fluiddynamiken är enklare men kemin är mer komplex, med fler ämnen närvarande. Att tidseffektivt köra beräkningarna, för sekundärpyrolysen (134 ämnen, 4169 reaktioner) åstadkoms med hjälp Dimensionsreducering, Kemiagglomerering och In-situtabulering (ISAT); som implementerats i en sannolikhetstäthetsfunktion (PDF). En analys av de numeriska beräkningarna antyder att de kan matchas med experimentella resultat, med avseende på tryckprofil, temperaturprofil, utbyte av gasformiga, fasta och vätskeformiga produkter. Dessutom, med några undantag, kan beräkningarna matchas ganska väl med de viktigaste gasformiga produkterna. Därmed kan de huvudsakliga fysiska och kemikaliska mekanismerna representeras av modellen men förbättringar är givetvis möjliga. En parameterstudie av reaktionsatmosfärer (dvs fluidiseringsgaser) genomfördes, för att förstå processen bättre. Modellen visade på betydande effekter av atmosfären, fysisk (både under primär och sekundärpyrolys), och kemiskt (under sekundärpyrolysen). Under primärpyrolysen undersöktes den fysiska inverkan av reaktionsatmosfärer (N2, H2O). När ånga jämfördes med kvävgas, visade det sig att värmeflödet sker mer homogent på både bäddnivå och på partikelnivå, med ångatmosfär. Under sekundärpyrolysen, så antyder resultaten på att turbulensinteraktion spelar en viktig roll för accelererad oönskad sekundärpyrolys av de vätskebildande ämnena. Ånga som är en av de undersökta atmosfärerna (N2, H2O, H2, CO, CO2), resulterade i den lägsta omfattningen av sekundärpyrolys. Dock så ledde en ångatmosfär varken till den lägsta residenstiden, den lägsta peaktemperaturen eller den lägsta radikalkoncentrationen; som alla normalt motverkar sekundärpyrolysen. Ett repeterat case, med hög turbulens i inloppet, gav betydande sekundärpyrolys av de vätskebildande ämnena. Attraktiviteten av approachen är given men mer testning och utveckling behövs, som också påkallats av andra forskare. Den fasta produkten efter pyrolys kallas träkol. Angående dess applicering i masugnar, så visar modelleringsresultaten att full substitution av fossilt kol går att göra. Betydande minskningar i koldioxidutsläpp är därmed möjliga. Energibesparingar är dessutom möjligt, tack vare det höga syreinnehållet i träkol (och biobränslen generellt), vilket ger större volymer av masugnsgas med högre värmevärde (och mindre sensibel värme som inte är utvinnbar). Energibesparingar är möjliga även om hänsyn tas till högre eleffekt för syrgasanrikning i blästerluften och en högre injektionsåtgång på energibasis. En översikt över biomassatillgången och existerande teknikleverantörer i Sverige, indikerar att all injektion i Masugn 3 (i Luleå) kan ersättas med biomassa. Baserat på statistik från 2008, så kan ersatt kol med träkol, minska de platsspecifika koldioxidutsläppen med 28.1 % (eller 17.3 % av alla utsläpp från stålindustrin). Som jämförelse kan torrifierad biomassa and obehandlad biomassa reducera utsläppen med 6.4 % respektive 5.7 %. / <p>QC 20150827</p>
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Βιολογική καλλιέργεια γλυκού σόργου [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] για παραγωγή βιομάζας : επίδραση της έλλειψης νερού στην εδαφική υγρασία σε φυσιολογικές παραμέτρους και στις αποδόσεις της καλλιέργειαςΚαμπράνης, Αναστάσιος 17 October 2008 (has links)
Η καλλιέργεια του γλυκού σόργου [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] θεωρείται ως μια
από τις προτεινόμενες ενεργειακές καλλιέργειες προκειμένου να αξιοποιηθεί για την
παραγωγή βιο-αιθανόλης στα Μεσογειακά οικοσυστήματα. Σ΄ αυτά τα συστήματα το
νερό αποτελεί φυσικό πόρο υπό έλλειψη και η χρήση του θα πρέπει να γίνεται με
σχεδιασμό σύμφωνα με τις ανάγκες των καλλιεργειών. Η καλλιέργεια του γλυκού
σόργου στη Δ. Ελλάδα την περίοδο του θέρους συχνά υπόκειται σε υδατική
καταπόνηση. Προς τούτο στο αγρόκτημα του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών τις
καλλιεργητικές περιόδους 2003-2004 & 2004-2005 εγκαταστάθηκαν πειράματα
πεδίου με στόχο τη μελέτη της επίδρασης δύο χειρισμών της γονιμότητας του
εδάφους και διαφορετικών επιπέδων άρδευσης και σε μια σειρά παραμέτρους όπως:
Οι αποδόσεις της καλλιέργειας σε βιομάζα και σάκχαρα, στους δείκτες αύξησης,
«Ρυθμός Aύξησης της Kαλλιέργειας, CGR», και «Δείκτη φυλλικής επιφάνειας LAI».
Επίσης μελετήθηκε η επίδραση των δύο χειρισμών της γονιμότητας του εδάφους στη
φωτοσυνθετική δραστηριότητα των φύλλων των φυτών. Υπολογίστηκαν οι ανάγκες
της καλλιέργειας σε νερό με βάση τον υπολογισμό της εξατμισοδιαπνοής κατά
Pemnan-Monteith (Μοντέλο FAO) και το προταθέν μοντέλο από τους ερευνητές
Δέρκα και Λιακάτα στις εδαφοκλιματικές συνθήκες του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών
(Ρίον). Παράλληλα έγινε σύγκριση των δεδομένων με μετρήσεις της διαπνοής με τη
μέθοδο της ροής των χυμών.
Ο παράγοντας - χειρισμός της γονιμότητας του εδάφους – ορίστηκε ως «συμβατικός»
και «βιολογικός» χειρισμός ενώ για κάθε συνδυασμό χειρισμών υπήρχαν τρεις
Για την καλλιεργητική περίοδο 2003-2004 και για το επίπεδο άρδευσης Ι1=420 mm
(πλήρη άρδευση) οι αποδόσεις σε νωπή βιομάζα ( βλαστοί και φύλλα ) ήταν στο
«συμβατικό» χειρισμό του εδάφους 8,71±0,2 Kgm-2 και στον «βιολογικό» χειρισμό
του εδάφους 8,6±0,06 Kgm-2 αντίστοιχα. Οι αποδόσεις σε ξηρά βιομάζα ήταν
αντίστοιχα για τον «συμβατικό» χειρισμό του εδάφους 2,29±0,055 Kgm-2 και για τον
«βιολογικό» χειρισμό του εδάφους 2,4±0,036 Kgm-2 . Για το επίπεδο άρδευσης
Ι2=170 mm οι αποδόσεις σε νωπή βιομάζα ( βλαστοί και φύλλα ) ήταν στο
«συμβατικό» χειρισμό του εδάφους 8,29±1,2 Kgm-2 και στον «βιολογικό» χειρισμό
του εδάφους 6,12±0,5 Kgm-2 αντίστοιχα. Οι αποδόσεις σε ξηρά βιομάζα ήταν
αντίστοιχα για τον «συμβατικό» χειρισμό του εδάφους 2,76±0,367 Kgm-2 και για τον
«βιολογικό» χειρισμό του εδάφους 2,04±0,18 Kgm-2
Για την καλλιεργητική περίοδο του 2004 - 2005 για το επίπεδο άρδευσης Ι1=515 mm
οι αποδόσεις σε νωπή βιομάζα ήταν στο «συμβατικό» χειρισμό του εδάφους
10,63±0,645 Kgm-2 ολικής ΝΒ, 9,47±0,6 Kgm-2 ΝΒ στελεχών (ποσοστό 89,08%) και
3,94±0,17 Kgm-2 ολικής ΞΒ. Αντιστοίχως για το «βιολογικό» χειρισμό 10,6±0,096
Kg m-2, 9,57±0,6 Kg m-2 (ποσοστό 90,28%) και 3,96±0,42 Kg m-2. Για το επίπεδο
άρδευσης Ι2=303mm στο «συμβατικό» χειρισμό 7,54±0,452 Kgm-2 ολικής ΝΒ,
6,58±0,38 Kgm-2 ΝΒ στελεχών (ποσοστό 87,26%) και 2,66±0,215 Kgm-2 ολικής ΞΒ.
Αντιστοίχως για το «βιολογικό» χειρισμό 9,22±0,447 Kg m-2, 8,3±0,527 Kg m-2
(90,2%) και 3,13±0,209 Kg m-2. Για το επίπεδο άρδευσης Ι3=230mm στο
«συμβατικό» χειρισμό 7,67±0,538 Kgm-2 ολικής ΝΒ, 6,78±0,44 Kgm-2 ΝΒ στελεχών
(ποσοστό 87,26%) και 2,51±0,23 Kgm-2 ολικής ΞΒ. Αντιστοίχως για το «βιολογικό»
χειρισμό 7,89±0,13 Kg m-2, 6,9±0,17 Kg m-2 (90,2%) και 2,76±0,052 Kg m-2.
Στατιστική επεξεργασία των αποτελεσμάτων (ANOVA) έδειξε ότι δεν υπάρχουν
σημαντικές διαφορές στις αποδόσεις σε βιομάζα μεταξύ των χειρισμών της
γονιμότητας του εδάφους. Αντιθέτως διαπιστώθηκαν σημαντικές διαφορές στις
αποδόσεις μεταξύ των επιπέδων άρδευσης.
Επίσης μελετήθηκε η επίδραση του χρονοδιαγράμματος άρδευσης για τα τρία επίπεδα
άρδευσης στις μεταβολές της εδαφικής υγρασίας. / The cultivation of sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is considered a
proposed energy crops in order to be used in the production of bio – ethanol in
Mediterranean ecosystems. Water consists a resource in shortage in these ecosystems and
its use must be organized according to cultivation needs. Sweet sorghum crops in western
Greece during summer frequently undergoes water deprivation therefore, field studies
have been conducted in the University of Patras farm during the agricultural periods 2003
– 2004 & 2004 – 2005 aiming the study of the influence of two manipulation of soil
fertility and levels of irrigation as well as a Sevier of parameters such as: The crops
yields in biomass, sugar and growth rates « Crop Growth Rate », CGR and « Leaf Area
Index », LAI. Furthermore the influence of two manipulation of soil fertility on the
photosynthetic activity of plant leaves has been studied. The needs of the crop in water
have been calculation of evapotranspiration according to Penman-Monteith ( FAO model
) and the proposed model by researchers Derca and Liakata in the soil climatic conditions
of Patras University ( Rion ). Simultaneously the data have been compared to
measurements of transpiration with the Sap Flow method.
The factor – soil fertility manipulation – was determined as «conventional» and
«biological» manipulation while for every combination three repetitions were made.
For agricultural period 2003-2004 and for an irrigation level Ι1=420 mm «full irrigation»
the yields in fresh biomass ( stems and leaves ) were with the «conventional»
manipulation of 8,71±0,2 Kgm-2 and with the «biological» manipulation of the soil
8,6±0,06 Kgm-2 respectively. The yields dry biomass were respectively with the
«conventional» manipulation of the soil 2,29±0,055 Kgm-2 and with the «biological»
manipulation 2,4±0,036 Kgm-2 . For an irrigation level Ι2=170 mm the crop yield in fresh
biomass ( stems and leaves ) were with the «conventional» manipulation of 8,29±1,2
Kgm-2 and with the «biological» 6,12±0,5 Kgm-2 respectively. The yields dry biomass
were respectively with the «conventional» manipulation of the soil 2,76±0,367 Kgm-2
and with the «biological» 6,12±0,5 Kgm-2 respectively 2,04±0,18 Kgm-2.
For the agricultural period 2004 – 2005 and with an irrigation level Ι1=515 mm the crop
yields in fresh biomass were with the «conventional» soil 10,63±0,645 Kgm-2 total FB (
fresh biomass ) 9,47±0,6 Kgm-2 FB of stems (89,08%) και 3,94±0,17 Kgm-2 total DB
(Dry biomass). Respectively with the «biological» soil manipulation 10,6±0,096 Kg m-2,
9,57±0,6 Kg m-2 (90,28%) and 3,96±0,42 Kg m-2. For irrigation level Ι2=303mm with the
«conventional» manipulation 7,54±0,452 Kgm-2 total FB, 6,58±0,38 Kgm-2 FB of stems
(87,26%) and 2,66±0,215 Kgm-2 total DB. Respectively with the «biological»
manipulation 9,22±0,447 Kg m-2, 8,3±0,527 Kg m-2 (90,2%) and 3,13±0,209 Kg m-2. For
irrigation level Ι3=230mm with the «conventional» manipulation 7,67±0,538 Kgm-2 total
FB, 6,78±0,44 Kgm-2 FB of stems (87,26%) and 2,51±0,23 Kgm-2 total DB.
Respectively with the «biological» manipulation 7,89±0,13 Kg m-2, 6,9±0,17 Kg m-2
(90,2%) and 2,76±0,052 Kg m-2.
Statistical processing of the results (ANOVA) showed that there are no significant
differences in crops biomass yields between the two soil manipulations on the contrary.
Significant differences were established between the different irrigation levels in
addition, the influence of the irrigation schedule on the variations of soil moisture were
examined for the three irrigation levels.
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Wood liquefaction with hydriodic acidNg, Dixon C. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterization of an ethanologenic yeast inhibiting atypical galactose metabolismKeating, Jeffrey Desmond 05 1900 (has links)
In the near future, biomass-derived energy is predicted to substantially complement that generated from petroleum. However, certain types of biomass employed as substrates in the microorganism-mediated production of renewable fuelethanol contain significant amounts of the recalcitrant hexose sugar galactose. The consumption of galactose in hexose sugar-fermenting yeasts is often delayed with respect to other sugars, such as glucose and mannose, because of an intrinsic preference for carbon sources requiring less energy in the preparatory reactions preceding glycolysis. This work comprised the search for, and characterization of anethanologenic yeast capable of efficiently assimilating galactose.
Screening experiments conducted with wild-type Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains identified one isolate (Y-1528) exhibiting exceptionally fast galactose fermentation. The absence of conventional glucose repression, including a preference for galactose as carbon source and notable delays in the utilization of glucose and mannose, was demonstrated in mixed sugar fermentations. Endogenous extracellular glucose was observed during double sugar fermentations of galactose and mannose. This glucose was traced to supplied galactose by radioisotope labeling, suggesting involvement of UDP-galactose 4-epimerase in the responsible reaction mechanism(s).Sub-cellular fractionation was employed in an attempt to ascertain enzyme localization in Y-1528.
Fermentations of lignocellulosic substrate mixtures by Y-1528 illustrated better performance than that accomplished by a reference yeast strain, and again showed a preference for galactose. Mixed cultures of Y-1528 and the same reference strain demonstrated accelerated hexose sugar consumption, and no detrimental effects from competition, during synthetic and lignocellulosic substrate fermentations. Glucose repression was absent in mixed culture fermentations.
Fermentations of synthetic sugar mixtures augmented with lignocellulosic inhibitory compounds showed Y-1528 to have better performance than a reference yeast strain, despite a global detrimental effect relative to inhibitor-free fermentations. Cell recycle batch fermentations of spent sulfite liquor illustrated the toxic effect of the hardwood variant, as well as a net loss of performance from all strains tested.
Y-1528 was taxonomically confirmed as S. cerevisiae. UDP-galactose 4-epimerase chromatographic purification was unsuccessful, but a partial sequence of the enzyme, showing complete identity with type sequence, was obtained by electrophoretic separation, liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry. A significantly mutated UDP-galactose 4-epimerase gene was successfully sequenced.
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The simulation modeling of supply logistics of forest biomass in British ColumbiaMahmoudi, Mohammadhossein 11 1900 (has links)
The search for alternative energy sources has increased interests in forest biomass. During the last few years, the sever infestation of the Mountain Pine Beetle (MPB) within the Interior BC forests has led to huge volumes of dead wood that exceed the capacity of the lumber industry. One way to make the most value of the surplus wood is to use it as the feedstock for bioenergy. The forest biomass can be supplied through conventional (roadside residuals), full-tree chipping, or satellite yard systems. This thesis presents the development of a simulation model of supply logistics of forest biomass and its application to a case of supplying MPB-killed biomass from Quesnel Timber Supply Area (one of the most infested areas in the Interior BC) to a potential 300 MW power plant adjacent to the city of Quesnel. The model has the ability of providing estimates of quantity, delivery cost, and moisture content of biomass which are critical in feasibility study of any bioenergy project. The results obtained from simulation model showed a delivery cost of C$45 per oven dry tonne of wood chips to the power plant. The results also revealed that the feedstock recovered from roadside residues in one year meets about 30% of the annual demand of the power plant. Potential increase in the Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) for Quesnel TSA increases the quantity of biomass supplied from roadside residuals. However, as long as the biomass is supplied only through conventional harvesting, increasing the AAC even by 40% does not provide enough feedstock to meet the annual demand of the plant.
Using the simulation modeling, this research has the benefit of considering the logistics of forest biomass supply as an integrated and interacting system as well as providing different critical parameters over time. The model also has the potential of considering dynamic and random behavior of the logistics system of supplying forest biomass. The model can be modified and applied to similar cases of conventional forest biomass supply. It also can be extended to other harvesting systems including satellite yard and whole-tree chipping.
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Performance modelling and validation of biomass gasifiers for trigeneration plantsPuig Arnavat, Maria 10 October 2011 (has links)
Esta tesis desarrolla un modelo sencillo pero riguroso de plantas de trigeneración con gasificación de biomasa para su simulación, diseño y evaluación preliminar. Incluye una revisión y estudio de diferentes modelos propuestos para el proceso de gasificación de biomasa.Desarrolla un modelo modificado de equilibrio termodinámico para su aplicación a procesos reales que no alcanzan el equilibrio así comodos modelos de redes neuronales basados en datos experimentales publicados: uno para gasificadores BFB y otro para gasificadores CFB. Ambos modelos, ofrecen la oportunidad de evaluar la influencia de las variaciones de la biomasa y las condiciones de operación en la calidad del gas producido. Estos modelos se integran en el modelo de la planta de trigeneración con gasificación de biomasa de pequeña-mediana escala y se proponen tres configuraciones para la generación de electricidad, frío y calor. Estas configuraciones se aplican a la planta de poligeneración ST-2 prevista en Cerdanyola del Vallés. / This thesis develops a simple but rigorous model for simulation, design and preliminary evaluation of trigeneration plants based on biomass gasification. It includes a review and study of various models proposed for the biomass gasification process and different plant configurations. A modified thermodynamic equilibrium model is developed for application to real processes that do not reach equilibrium. In addition, two artificial neural network models, based on experimental published data, are also developed: one for BFB gasifiers and one for CFB gasifiers. Both models offer the opportunity to evaluate the influence of variations of biomass and operating conditions on the quality of gas produced.
The different models are integrated into the global model of a small-medium scale biomass gasification trigeneration plant proposing three different configurations for the generation of electricity, heat and cold. These configurations are applied to a case study of the ST-2 polygeneration plant foreseen inCerdanyola del Valles.
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TORREFACTION OF BIOMASSDhungana, Alok 03 August 2011 (has links)
Torrefaction is a thermo-chemical pre-treatment of biomass within a narrow temperature range from 200°C to 300°C, where mostly the hemicellulose components of a biomass depolymerise. This treatment is carried out under atmospheric conditions in a non-oxidizing environment at low heating rates (< 50°C/min) and for a relatively long reactor residence time. Torrefaction increases the energy density of a biomass and reduces its O/C and H/C ratio, so its properties approach to that of coal.
Biomass is usually referred to as lignocellulose, as its major mass constituents are cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin. Research on torrefaction carried out to date deals solely with lignocellulose biomasses, and their degradation mechanism is explained primarily in terms of hemicellulose. However, there are biomasses which are non-lignocellulosic, have a small fraction of fibres in them or could possibly benefit from torrefaction. These include municipal solid waste, sewage sludge, animal waste, etc. Experiments were conducted on three non-cellulose biomasses (poultry waste, digested sludge, and undigested sludge) along with three typical lignocellulose biomasses (wood pellet and switchgrass and an agricultural waste – coffee bean husks). Results showed that non-lignocellulose biomasses torrefy similarly to their lignocellulose counterparts.
Due to the immense potential of the torrefaction process, numerous manufacturers have developed their own patented technology for torrefying. Nevertheless, choosing the right torrefaction technology has become exceptionally difficult because of a near absence of a comparative assessment of different types of reactors. An experimental work was conducted to review the major generic types of reactors such as rotating drum, convective bed, fluidized bed and microwave, delineating the essential features of generic types of reactors. According to the results of this study, biomass torrefaction in a rotating drum gave the highest energy dense product, followed by fluidized bed and convective bed; the microwave reactor showed over-torrefaction at the core, while leaving the exterior green.
To help effective design of a torrefier, several systematic experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of some of the more important operating parameters, such as torrefaction temperature, residence time and biomass particles size on the torrefaction yield. Although the mass yield decreased with the torrefaction temperature, energy density increased with it. Moreover, torrefaction yield varied for different biomass particle sizes depending on the type of reactor used, but the particle size did not have any clear effect on the energy density of the torrefied product.
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Small-Woodland Owners' Attitudes Towards Energy from Forest Biomass in Nova ScotiaMacGregor, Margo, Adams, Michelle, Duinker, Peter 12 September 2011 (has links)
The use of forest biomass (by thermal combustion to electricity processes), has been recognized by the Government of Nova Scotia (NS) as one option which could help meet short- and long term energy generation goals (aggressively set at 25% and 40% by 2015 and 2020 respectively). However, while approximately 77% of NS land area is forest covered, there is significant concern about the sustainability and stewardship of this natural resource. This controversy inspired a deeper investigation into the attitudes towards forest biomass held by one particular stakeholder group—small-woodland owners—and also the rural community members living in the same regions. 51% of the forested area in NS is owned by small-private woodland owners and as such, they will play an integral role in the future of NS’s forest economy and sustainability. How these stakeholders feel about the forests, the alternative uses for forest biomass and its use in large scale energy production could have a significant impact on the future of forest biomass use - particularly for energy - in NS. 489 small-woodland owners responded to mail-out surveys and 14 rural community members participated in three focus groups. Three major findings emerged. Firstly, it was found that the acceptability of using forest products varied depending on multiple factors— the source of biomass, harvesting methods, and [predicted] end-use. Secondly, forest sustainability and keeping resources local were the two most important concerns amongst respondents. Finally, respondents felt that better collaboration with other stakeholders and objective education around the issues would be the best strategies to overcoming these concerns.
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