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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Myodynamika oporové fáze při odrazových pohybech člověka / Myodynamics of the support phase during different take-off tasks in human locomotion

Hojka, Vladimír January 2013 (has links)
Title: Myodynamics of the support phase during different take-off tasks in human locomotion Objectives: Six types of take-off movement were analyzed in terms of support limb kinematics, take-off dynamics and muscle activation, in order to identify differences in motor control. Methods: 14 male athletes (22.6 ± 4.4 years; 182.4 ± 5.3 cm; 74.7 ± 6.2 kg) took part in laboratory experiment. Each athlete performed six different take-off movements (running, acceleration - first and second step, long jump take-off, high jump take-off and take-off to the hurdle). System Qualisys was used to analyze kinematics of the support limb. Dynamic of the suport phase was measured with Kistler 9281 EA force- plate. ME6000 apparatus was used to measure the muscle activation. Results were processed and statistically evaluated in Matlab (MathWorks, Inc) environment. Pair ANOVA, T-test and Friedmann test were performed to identify differences between take-off movements. regression analysis was introduced to find the relationship between parameters. Results: Significant differences in take-off dynamics are realized with not so significant differences in kinematic and electromyographic parameters. high jump and long jump take-offs acted most specifically in comparison with other types of take-offs. Two typically...

Vliv rozsahů rotací ramenního kloubu u volejbalistek na rozvoj funkčních změn / Effect of the range of the shoulder joint rotation in volleyball players on the development of functional changes

Kamešová, Terezie January 2018 (has links)
Title: Effect of the range of the shoulder joint rotation in volleyball players on the development of functional changes. Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to confirm the presence of the glenohumeral internal rotation deficit in beach volleyball players and to determine whether it affects the development of functional changes of the shoulder joint located in the dominant upper limb. Methods: The thesis was a quantitative study with the character of an experiment. There were 60 active volleyball players aged 18-30 years who were deliberately selected for the purposes of the study. The essence was to ascertain whether GIRD affects the pain in the shoulder joint of volleyball players and whether it was deemed positive for all participants of the study. In order to examine the range of motion, the goniometer in the external and internal rotation according to Janda and Pavla, Janda and Sachse was used, as well as hypermobility tests and a shoulder joint pain questionnaire. The statistical data processing was performed by Microsoft Excel 2010. The sum and average functions were used. Subsequently, graphs and tables were created from the results Results: The established hypotheses were confirmed in two cases. GIRD is determined positive for beach volleyball players. From the results of hypermobility...

Analýza poranění a léčby ramenního kloubu u overhead sportovců v České republice / Analysis of the shoulder girdle injury and therapy of overhead athletes in Czech republic

Vocásek, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Author: Bc. Jan Vocásek Thesis title: Analysis of the shoulder girdle injury and therapy of overhead athletes in Czech republic Cíl: The aim of the thesis was to create a literal research for the shoulder girdle injuries of overhead athletes, theoretically to write the anatomical and kinesiological characteristics of the shoulder girdle, to analyze the biomechanics, injury mechanisms in individual overhead sports, rehabilitation treatment and to find out how frequent the injuries of athletes in the Czech Republic follow-up treatment varies from abroad. Methods: For the purpose of this research was established a non-standardized questionnaire, based on literature studied and research questions, and then was distributed to 6 selected physicians dealing with this issue in the Czech Republic, who anonymously filled out questions regarding the shoulder joint injury based on their own clinical experiences. Results: Four of the six hypotheses were confirmed from the data obtained. The number of patients with shoulder girdle injuries in overhead sports in the Czech Republic has risen year- on-year and the most common injury is SLAP lesion. It has also been confirmed that the most common injury is caused by ball overhead sports and on the dominant upper limb. Key words: shoulder girdle, overhead sports,...

Výpočetní simulace přenosu zvukových signálů lidským uchem / Simulation of the sound transfer via human ear

Hájek, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The presented thesis concerns the biomechanics of hearing. The main aim of this work is the determination of so called corrections which allow for the comparison of synthetic audiograms and measured audiograms. With these corrections we attempt to overcome the discrepancy that exists between the computational modelling and audiological measurement. The discrepancy lies in a fact that the computational modelling usually simulates the sound coming from a free eld to the external auditory canal, while audiological measurement is realized by audiological headphones, whether the auditory system is healthy or injured. Then corrections adjust the computational model so that the obtained result is comparable to audiological measurement. In this work is also addressed the influence of stapes kinematics to the excitation of basilar membrane. The movement of stapes consists of piston-like movement and rocking movement. The computational simulation shows which movement is more signicant for the excitation of basilar membrane and how this effect can be used in otosurgery, in particular, for type IV of tympanoplasty.

Náhradní hlasivky pro generování zdrojového hlasu: Počítačové modelování funkce hlasivek / Compensatory Vocal Folds for Source Voice Generation: Computational Modeling of Vocal Folds Function

Matug, Michal January 2015 (has links)
This doctoral thesis focuses on computational modelling of human vocal folds and vocal tract functions using finite element method (FEM). Human voice is crucial in human communication. Therefore one of the main targets of current medicine is creation of artificial vocal folds, which would substitute the original vocal folds. The computational modelling can be used to understand principles of voice production, determination of parameters that the artificial vocal folds have to meet and verification of their functionality. First part of this thesis focuses on modelling of human voice creation by whisper. Influence of intraglottal gap on eigenvalues distribution for individual vowels was analysed using FEM vocal tract and trachea model. Further there is presented two-dimensional (2D) finite element model of the flow-induced self-oscillation of the human vocal folds in interaction with acoustic spaces of the vocal tract. The 2D vocal tract model was created on the basis of converting the data from magnetic resonance images (MRI). Explicit coupling scheme with separated solvers for structure and fluid domain was used for modelling of the fluid-structure interaction. Created computational model comprises: large deformations of the vocal folds tissue, contact between vocal folds, fluid-structure interaction, morphing the fluid mesh according to the vocal-fold motion (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian approach), unsteady viscous compressible or incompressible airflow described by the Navier-Stokes equations and airflow separation during glottis closure. This model is used to analyse the influence of stiffness and damping changes in individual vocal fold tissue layers (in particular in superficial lamina propria). Part of this computational analysis is also comparison of vocal folds behaviour for compressible and incompressible flow model. Videokymograms (VKG) are subsequently created from obtained results of FEM calculations which enable to compare individual variants between themselves and with motion of real human vocal folds. In next part of this thesis is presented three-dimensional (3D) finite element model of the flow-induced self-oscillation of the human vocal folds. This 3D model was created from a previous 2D model by extrude to the third direction. Using this model was again compared influence of compressible and incompressible flow model on vocal folds motion and generated sound by using videokymograms and acoustic spectra. The last part of this thesis focuses on the possibility to replace missing natural source voice in form reed-based element. Behaviour of reed-based element was analysed using computational modelling and using measurements on experimental physical model. The physical model enables changes in setting gap between reed and reed stop and performing acoustical and optical measurements.

Computational Simulation of Mechanical Tests of Isolated Animal Cells / Computational Simulation of Mechanical Tests of Isolated Animal Cells

Bansod, Yogesh Deepak January 2016 (has links)
Buňka tvoří složitý biologický systém vystavený mnoha mimobuněčným mechanickým podnětům. Hlubší pochopení jejího mechanického chování je důležité pro charakterizaci její odezvy v podmínkách zdraví i nemoci. Výpočtové modelování může rozšířit pochopení mechaniky buňky, která může přispívat k vytvoření vztahů mezi strukturou a funkcí různých typů buněk v různých stavech. Za tímto účelem byly pomocí metody konečných prvků (MKP) vytvořeny dva bendotensegritní modely buňky v různých stavech: model vznášející se buňky pro analýzu její globální mechanické odezvy, jako je protažení nebo stlačení, a model buňky přilnuté k podložce, který vysvětluje odezvu buňky na lokální mechanické zatížení, jako třeba vtlačování hrotu při mikroskopii atomárních sil (AFM). Oba zachovávají základní principy tensegritních struktur jako je jejich předpětí a vzájemné ovlivnění mezi komponentami, ale prvky se mohou nezávisle pohybovat. Zahrnutí nedávno navržené bendotensegritní koncepce umožňuje těmto modelům brát v úvahu jak tahové, tak i ohybové namáhání mikrotubulů (MTs) a také zahrnout vlnitost intermediálních filament (IFs). Modely předpokládají, že jednotlivé složky cytoskeletu mohou měnit svůj tvar a uspořádání, aniž by při jejich odstranění došlo ke kolapsu celé buněčné struktury, a tak umožňují hodnotit mechanický příspěvek jednotlivých složek cytoskeletu k mechanice buňky. Model vznášející se buňky napodobuje realisticky odezvu síla-deformace během protahování a stlačování buňky a obě odezvy ilustrují nelineární nárůst tuhosti s růstem mechanického zatížení. Výsledky simulací ukazují, že aktinová filamenta i mikrotubuly hrají klíčovou úlohu při určování tahové odezvy buňky, zatímco k její tlakové odezvě přispívají podstatně jen aktinová filamenta. Model buňky přilnuté k podložce dává odezvu síla-hloubka vtlačení ve dvou různých místech odpovídající nelineární odezvě zjištěné experimentálně při AFM. Výsledky simulací ukazují, že pro chování buňky je rozhodující místo vtlačení a její tuhost určují aktinová povrchová vrstva, mikrotubuly a cytoplazma. Navržené modely umožňují cenný vhled do vzájemných souvislostí mechanických vlastností buněk, do mechanické úlohy komponent cytoskeletu jak individuálně, tak i ve vzájemné synergii a do deformace jádra buňky za různých podmínek mechanického zatížení. Tudíž tato práce přispívá k lepšímu pochopení mechaniky cytoskeletu zodpovědné za chování buňky, což naopak může napomáhat ve zkoumání různých patologických podmínek jako je rakovina a cévní choroby.

Návrh a vývoj experimentálního zařízení pro testování kloubní jamky TEP kyčelního kloubu a identifikace otěru pomocí optické metody / Design and Development of Experimental Device for Testing the TEP Acetabula and Wear Identification using Optical Method

Houfek, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Today is the implantation of joint replacements, although a radical, but very functional restoration frequent way ill joint. The implants are placed high demands on their biocompatible and long-term function, which is directly related to wear of joint replacements in the human body. Therefore, analysis of the complex behavior of the implant in the human body is a fundamental problem of biomechanics of implants. This issue is dedicated, this dissertation thesis. Dissertation thesis deals with the solution design and development of experimental device for testing the TEP acetabula and wear identification using optical method. The proposed device allows the joint burden hole TEP physiological manner, but by working with the acetabulum burdened by Power resultant joint axis passes through the hole. The physiological loading of articular wells and evaluating the size of the loss of polyethylene is currently intensively addressed. The results of this study may in the near future, serving as information for assessing the conduct of wear prosthetic hip joint in vivo. The work is devoted to solving the problem of the size required to detect the loss of polyethylene for joint replacement arthroplasty: Design and development of experimental equipment for testing the acetabulum of the hip joint arthroplasty. Identify wear using optical methods. Design and development of experimental equipment was made in the system Inventor Professional 2010 at the level of 3D modeling. Great attention was paid to the design fit into the acetabulum TEP testing machines and gripping the acetabulum into an optical device. Management options were tested with combinations of experimental equipment engines. Suggestions were made and then tests for fixing the acetabulum into an optical device. Has the possibility of depth analysis and identification of wear joined with innovative solutions to evaluate the loss of polyethylene acetabulum arthroplasty. Identification of abrasion (loss of polyethylene) joint arthroplasty holes were carried out experimental measurements using an optical holographic interferometry. The comprehensive analysis of the results of experimental measurement of the loss of polyethylene shows that this method can identify both the size but also an area where there is even to small changes in the surface, which depend on the abrasion. One can also say that using this method we are able to affect the will or displacements that affect the size of the loss of polyethylene in joint arthroplasty hole. Despite the number of known and lessons learned arising from the results of solving the problem of design and development of experimental equipment for testing the acetabulum and hip arthroplasty wear identification using optical methods, this work is that the initial study to identify problematics wear of joint replacements. Complete resolution of this issue is beyond the scope of one doctoral thesis.

Myodynamika oporové fáze při odrazových pohybech člověka / Myodynamics of the support phase during different take-off tasks in human locomotion

Hojka, Vladimír January 2013 (has links)
Title: Myodynamics of the support phase during different take-off tasks in human locomotion Objectives: Six types of take-off movement were analyzed in terms of support limb kinematics, take-off dynamics and muscle activation, in order to identify differences in motor control. Methods: 14 male athletes (22.6 ± 4.4 years; 182.4 ± 5.3 cm; 74.7 ± 6.2 kg) took part in laboratory experiment. Each athlete performed six different take-off movements (running, acceleration - first and second step, long jump take-off, high jump take-off and take-off to the hurdle). System Qualisys was used to analyze kinematics of the support limb. Dynamic of the suport phase was measured with Kistler 9281 EA force- plate. ME6000 apparatus was used to measure the muscle activation. Results were processed and statistically evaluated in Matlab (MathWorks, Inc) environment. Pair ANOVA, T-test and Friedmann test were performed to identify differences between take-off movements. regression analysis was introduced to find the relationship between parameters. Results: Significant differences in take-off dynamics are realized with not so significant differences in kinematic and electromyographic parameters. high jump and long jump take-offs acted most specifically in comparison with other types of take-offs. Two typically...

Deformačně-napěťová analýza aneurysmatu břišní aorty / Stress-strain analysis of abdominal aortic aneurysm

Ryšavý, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with problems of biomechanics of soft tissues, namely of stress-strain analysis of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). The introduction describes briefly the possibility of aneurysm occurrence with a focus on an aneurysm in the abdominal aorta.

Efekt cíleného tréninku dolních fixátorů lopatek na funkci pletence ramenního u hráčů ragby. / Effect of targeted training of the lower scapular fixators on the shoulder girdle function of rugby players.

Přibyl, Michal January 2019 (has links)
Thesis title: Effect of targeted training of the lower scapular fixators on the shoulder girdle function of rugby players The concept of the problem: Rugby is one of the toughest ball sports and there is no shortage of injuries. In addition, injuries in the shoulder area are among the most common and any possibility of reducing these injuries is beneficial. There is not much time left for compensation and targeted intervention; moreover, it is not usually led by physiotherapists but by fitness coaches and only in larger clubs. The consequence is a muscle imbalance in the shoulder girdle, which can result in the so-called scapular dyskinesis. This is turn affects the function and stability of the shoulder joint not only by the overhead athletes. It is possible to influence scapular dyskinesis in various ways. One of them is the inclusion of targeted training of lower scapular fixators into fitness training and thus their stability is improved. Objectives: The main aim of this thesis is to verify whether rugby players with painful shoulder have sufficiently scapular fixation based on kinesiological and biomechanical knowledge. Another aim of this thesis is to create such an exercise unit that would ensure the correct activity of the lower scapular fixators and verify this by measurement. The final...

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