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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationship between air mass type and emergency department visits for different forms of pain across North Carolina and assessing the potential for weather-based pain forecasts

Elcik, Christopher 09 August 2019 (has links)
Many people around the world are impacted by some form of bodily pain. Outside factors are thought to help trigger pain, especially in those who have pain-related conditions. When it comes to human health and comfort, understanding the potential external factors that aide in triggering pain is essential. Identifying such factors makes prevention and treatment of pain more feasible. The first part of this study identified how those who suffer from various pain-related conditions (fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and general back pain) are impacted by different air mass types. Air mass types and emergency department (ED) visits for pain in select North Carolina counties were collected over a seven-year period to determine a potential relationship. Bootstrapping analyses revealed that Moist Tropical air masses resulted in the highest number of ED visits for all pain conditions examined, while Moist Polar air masses resulted in the fewest. The barometric pressure changes associated with Transitional air masses did not have any significant relationships with pain. The second part of this study sought to determine if regional geographic characteristics impact the relationships found in first part of this study. North Carolina was separated into three geographic sections: Appalachian Mountains, Piedmont Plateau, and Coastal Plain. In the Plateau region, Moist Tropical and Moist Moderate air masses were frequently associated with the highest rates of ED visits for all the conditions examined, while Polar air masses were often associated with the fewest visits. Several conditions exhibited similar relationships with these air mass types in the Mountains, with migraine and fibromyalgia being the exceptions. Very few statistically significant relationships were found in the Coastal region. The last part of this study utilized a survey to identify impacts of weather-based migraine/pain forecasts on human behavior. When provided with different scenarios involving weather-based migraine/pain forecasts, the respondents' decision-making processes were altered. When a hypothetical forecast indicated that the weather was conducive to migraines or other types of pain, many respondents indicated that they would likely take preventative measures (e.g. medication). Additionally, as forecast severity or activity length increased, respondents were less likely to continue with a planned activity.

Evapotranspiration of Kentucky Bluegrass

Fenton, Lynda L. 01 May 2010 (has links)
Rapid population growth in arid regions of the western US is placing increased demand on water resources. Variability in precipitation and common occurrence of drought have promoted scrutiny of water use in urban lawns and gardens. However, few reliable measurements of water use of these landscapes exist. Quantifying the amount of water used vs. required by landscapes such as turfgrass would allow significant water conservation. Evapotranspiration (ET) is affected by biophysical factors such as: available energy, turbulent mixing, saturation deficit, soil water, and stomatal conductance. In order to simulate the water use by turfgrass, the relative importance of these processes must be determined for this environment. This study measures ET rates for Kentucky bluegrass using eddy covariance techniques, to quantify water use under various conditions. The results are combined with a coupled form of the Penman-Monteith Equation to determine which biophysical factors affect the ET rate under various atmospheric conditions, especially the advection of heat and saturation deficit from the regional atmosphere. In addition, changes in ET and other properties of the vegetation were monitored during a period of reduced irrigation or dry-down. These results will help determine the amount of water such landscapes actually need.

The Value of Tree-Ring Analysis in Engineering

Lassetter, Roy 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Authors Summary: Eklund. Variations in the Widths of the Annual Rings in Pine and Spruce Due to Climatic Conditions in Northern Sweden During the Years 1900-1944

Eklund, Bo 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Climatologia e previsão climatológica, via modelo RegCM3, de índices de conforto térmico para a região metropolitana de São Paulo / Climatology and climatological forecasting of thermal comfort indexes by RegCM3 model for the metropolitan region of São Paulo.

Batista, Rafael Jonas Righi 22 October 2012 (has links)
Como o tempo e o clima influenciam o homem e a sociedade são alvos de estudo desde que Hipócrates, 400 a.C., escreveu \"Ares, águas e lugares\". A partir do século XX, desenvolveram-se índices de conforto térmico (CT) que, apesar de apresentarem limitações, mostraram-se capazes de quantificar essas interações através de uma aplicação maleável e acessível. Observa-se que apesar de parte dos estudos biometeorológicos abordarem as mudanças climáticas, poucos tratam da projeção de índices para cenários futuros. Assim, o objetivo geral desse trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento climatológico do Índice de Desconforto (ID), Temperatura Resultante (TR) e Temperatura Resultante com o vento (TRv) na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) e projetá-los para o futuro, através das simulações do modelo regional climático (MCR) RegCM3, para os anos de 1960 a 1990, 2010 a 2040 e 2070 a 2100. O MCR foi forçado pelo Modelo de Circulação Geral da Atmosfera (MCGA) ECHAM5, de acordo com o cenário de emissões A1B, estabelecido pelo Painel Intergovernamental de Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC). Assim, é realizada uma avaliação dos meses de maior desconforto na RMSP com base nos dados da estação meteorológica do IAG através dos quantis. Maior foco é dado nos quantis superiores e inferiores (QS e QI) que representam as situações de maior desconforto e exercem influência em populações vulneráveis, como a dos idosos. A Raíz Quadrada do Erro Médio elevado ao Quadrado (RMSE) e o Erro Médio (EM, viés) das séries de dados, simuladas e observadas, demonstram uma subestimativa da temperatura para todo o ano, por parte do modelo. Já o RMSE e EM, da umidade relativa e vento, variam de acordo com a época do ano, possuindo períodos de maior e menor precisão. A título comparativo, também foram obtidos o RMSE e EM dos índices de conforto térmico simulados e observados. No período de 1960-1990, ID passa de 17,4°C para 20,1°C em 2070-2100, representando um aumento de 2,8°C; enquanto que TRv vai de 11,8°C para 14,7°C no mesmo período, tendo aumento de 2,9°C. Nota-se que o aumento de ID ocorre de forma gradativa com o passar dos anos, diferentemente de TRv, que aumenta de forma significativa a partir de 2070. Observa-se também que as médias diárias de ID e TRv tendem a se distribuir em quantis intermediários e superiores, indicando que ao longo dos anos, a RMSP tende a ter noites e tardes mais quentes, traduzindo em invernos menos desconfortáveis (em relação ao frio) e verões mais desconfortáveis (em relação ao calor). Os resultados obtidos corroboram IPCC (2007b), que também aponta para uma redução dos dias frios em regiões de médias e baixas latitudes, associado a um aumento na ocorrência de ondas de calor, de forma a oferecer grandes riscos à populações vulneráveis. / How weather and climate influence man and society, are main targets since Hippocrates wrote \"Airs, waters and places\", 400 BC. Thermal comfort indices, in development since the twentieth century, are able to quantify these interactions by flexible and accessible applications, despite their own limitations. Although part of the biometeorological studies address climate change, only few deals with future scenarios. Therefore, the main objective is to evaluate the climatological behavior of thermal comfort indices, such as the Discomfort Index (ID), Resultant Temperature (TR) and the Resultant Temperature with the wind (TRv) in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (MRSP). Climatological behavior is analyzed for three time slices (1960 to 1990, 2010 to 2040 and 2070 to 2100) through the Regional Climate Model (RCM) RegCM3. The RCM is forced by General Circulation Model (GCM) ECHAM5, according to the A1B emissions scenario, established by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). More attention is given to the superior and inferior quantiles (QS and QI) representing the situations of greater thermal discomfort because of their influence on vulnerable populations such as elderly people. An initial assessment about the months of greatest discomfort in MRSP was made based on data from the meteorological station of IAG. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and the Mean Error (EM, related to bias) of the time series from observed and simulated data show a models underestimation of the temperature throughout the year. The RMSE and EM for relative humidity and wind vary with the season containing periods of higher and lower accuracy. The RMSE and EM for simulated and observed indices were obtained as well due to comparison reasons. In 1960-1990 period, ID presents an average of 17.4°C and in 2070-2100, an average of 20.1°C, representing an increasing of 2.8°C; meanwhile TRv goes from 11.8°C to 14.7°C over the same period, an increasing of 2.9°C. It is show that ID is increased gradually over the years, unlike TRV, which significantly increases from 2070. It is also observed that daily means of ID and TRv in future tends to be distributed in middle and upper quantiles, indicating that the MRSP tends to have nights and afternoons that will be warmer over the years, translating into less uncomfortable winters (cold related) and more uncomfortable summers (heat related). The results corroborate IPCC (2007b) which also points to a reduction of cold days in regions of middle and low latitudes, associated with an increased occurrence of heat waves providing great risks to vulnerable populations.

Influências do meio ambiente no parto / Environment influences on childbirth

Ochiai, Angela Megumi 17 December 2008 (has links)
Introdução: As influências lunares e ambientais no início do trabalho de parto ainda são pouco estudadas. Foi avaliada a influência extrínseca em eventos obstétricos. Métodos: em um hospital secundário, situado na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, foram selecionados 1.826 dias em que ocorreram 17.417 partos. As internações por o trabalho de parto foram associadas à temperatura ambiental, pressão atmosférica, variação das marés e das fases lunares na incidência do excesso deste evento, pelo percentil 75. O índice Z (desvio padrão/ pela média) de cada variável foi calculado e a diferença diária indicou o aumento ou a diminuição. Foi utilizada a análise de regressão logística para a predição do excesso da admissão e p<0,05 foi considerado significativo. Resultados: Os preditores do excesso da internação por trabalho de parto foram: o aumento da temperatura (risco relativo: 1,742, p=0,045) e diminuição da pressão atmosférica (risco relativo: 1,269, p=0,029). O aumento da amplitude das marés foi associado com a probabilidade menor do excesso da internação (risco relativo: 0,762, p=0,030). A fase lunar não era preditora do excesso da admissão (p=0,339). Conclusão: Pela análise multivariada, o aumento da temperatura e a diminuição da pressão atmosférica predisseram a ocorrência do excesso da admissão por trabalho de parto e o aumento da amplitude das marés, como uma medida da força gravitacional lunar, foi preditora de uma menor probabilidade do excesso do trabalho de parto / Background: lunar and environmental influences in vaginal delivery remain unclear. We assessed extrinsic influence in obstetric events. Methods: in a secondary line hospital, located in São Paulo city, Brazil, we selected 1,826 days, in which occurred 17,417 admissions for obstetric labor, and we studied influence of air temperature, atmospheric pressure, tides range, and lunar phases in incidence of excess of obstetric labor, defined as more than 9 admissions per day. Z score (standard deviation from mean) of each variable was calculated, and diary difference to indicate increase or decrease was assessed by logistic regression for prediction of admission excess. Two-side P< 0.05 was considered significant. Results: predictors of admission excess were increase of temperature (relative risk: 1.742, P=0.045), and decrease of atmospheric pressure (relative risk: 1.269, p=0.029). Increase of tides range was associated with lower probability of admission excess (relative risk: 0.762, P=0.030). Lunar phases was not predictor of admission excess (P=0,339). Conclusion: By multivariate analysis, increase of temperature and decrease of atmospheric pressure predicted occurrence of excess of obstetric labor admission, and increase of tidal range, as lunar gravitational force measurement, predicted lower probability of admission excess

Biometeorologinių sąlygų Lietuvoje kiekybinis vertinimas / Quantitave Evaluation of Biometeorological Conditions in Lithuania

Liukaitytė, Judita 30 March 2011 (has links)
Biometeorologinė informacija suteikia išankstinius perspėjimus apie sveikatai gresiantį pavojų, kaip meteorologinių sąlygų kompleksas veiks žmonių sveikatos būklę ar komfortiškumą. Šio darbo tikslas - nustatyti orų poveikį Lietuvos gyventojų sveikatai ir atlikti biometeorologinių sąlygų šalies teritorijoje vertinimą. Darbe atliktas Lietuvos gyventojų jautrumo orams sociologinis vertinimas. Nustatytas orų sąlygų poveikis širdies-kraujagyslių ligų kartojimuisi Vilniuje ir išskirtos meteojautriausios ligos ir jų priklausomybė nuo esamų meteorologinių sąlygų. Analizuota biometeorologinį šalčio poveikį nusakančio Vėjo žvarbumo ir karščio poveikį – „Humidex“ indekso kaita Lietuvoje. Įvertintas karščio poveikis Vilniaus gyventojų mirtingumui ir nustatyti indikatoriai tinkantys teikti karščio perspėjimus Lietuvoje. Atlikta Kauno MS išmatuotų ultravioletinės spinduliuotės dydžių kalibraciją bei įvertintas modelio STAR tinkamumas ultravioletinės spinduliuotės intensyvumo Lietuvoje prognozei. Disertacinio darbo rezultatai gali būti naudojami biometeorologinėms prognozėms sudaryti. Remiantis šiuo darbu, galima tobulinti egzistuojančią išankstinių perspėjimų apie stichinius, katastrofinius ir kitus pavojingus hidrometeorologinius reiškinius sistemą. / Biometeorological information provides early warnings about health risks and possible effects of complex meteorological conditions on human health or comfortability. The aim of the present research is to determine the weather impact on human health in Lithuania and accomplish evaluation of biometeorological conditions in the country. In the research a sociological evaluation of weather sensitivity of Lithuanian population was carried out. There also was measured the impact of the weather conditions on cardiovascular disease recurrent in Vilnius and the most meteo sensitive diseases were identified as well as their dependence on the current weather conditions. The change of indices describing biometeorological cold (Wind Chill) and heat („Humidex“) effects was analysed. The impact of heat on mortality of Vilnius residents was evaluated and appropriate indicators were determined to provide heat warnings in Lithuania. There was performed a calibration of ultraviolet radiation values measured in Kaunas MS and assessed the appropriateness of STAR model for forecasting of UV radiation intensity in Lithuania. The results of dissertation can be used to make biometeorological forecasts. On the basis of this work, the system of existing early warnings about elemental, catastroffic and other hazardous weather events could be improved.

Quantitave Evaluation of Biometeorological Conditions in Lithuania / Biometeorologinių sąlygų Lietuvoje kiekybinis vertinimas

Liukaitytė, Judita 30 March 2011 (has links)
Biometeorological information provides early warnings about health risks and possible effects of complex meteorological conditions on human health or comfortability. The aim of the present research is to determine the weather impact on human health in Lithuania and accomplish evaluation of biometeorological conditions in the country. In the research a sociological evaluation of weather sensitivity of Lithuanian population was carried out. There also was measured the impact of the weather conditions on cardiovascular disease recurrent in Vilnius and the most meteo sensitive diseases were identified as well as their dependence on the current weather conditions. The change of indices describing biometeorological cold (Wind Chill) and heat („Humidex“) effects was analysed. The impact of heat on mortality of Vilnius residents was evaluated and appropriate indicators were determined to provide heat warnings in Lithuania. There was performed a calibration of ultraviolet radiation values measured in Kaunas MS and assessed the appropriateness of STAR model for forecasting of UV radiation intensity in Lithuania. The results of dissertation can be used to make biometeorological forecasts. On the basis of this work, the system of existing early warnings about elemental, catastroffic and other hazardous weather events could be improved. / Biometeorologinė informacija suteikia išankstinius perspėjimus apie sveikatai gresiantį pavojų, kaip meteorologinių sąlygų kompleksas veiks žmonių sveikatos būklę ar komfortiškumą. Šio darbo tikslas - nustatyti orų poveikį Lietuvos gyventojų sveikatai ir atlikti biometeorologinių sąlygų šalies teritorijoje vertinimą. Darbe atliktas Lietuvos gyventojų jautrumo orams sociologinis vertinimas. Nustatytas orų sąlygų poveikis širdies-kraujagyslių ligų kartojimuisi Vilniuje ir išskirtos meteojautriausios ligos ir jų priklausomybė nuo esamų meteorologinių sąlygų. Analizuota biometeorologinį šalčio poveikį nusakančio Vėjo žvarbumo ir karščio poveikį – „Humidex“ indekso kaita Lietuvoje. Įvertintas karščio poveikis Vilniaus gyventojų mirtingumui ir nustatyti indikatoriai tinkantys teikti karščio perspėjimus Lietuvoje. Atlikta Kauno MS išmatuotų ultravioletinės spinduliuotės dydžių kalibraciją bei įvertintas modelio STAR tinkamumas ultravioletinės spinduliuotės intensyvumo Lietuvoje prognozei. Disertacinio darbo rezultatai gali būti naudojami biometeorologinėms prognozėms sudaryti. Remiantis šiuo darbu, galima tobulinti egzistuojančią išankstinių perspėjimų apie stichinius, katastrofinius ir kitus pavojingus hidrometeorologinius reiškinius sistemą.

Influências do meio ambiente no parto / Environment influences on childbirth

Angela Megumi Ochiai 17 December 2008 (has links)
Introdução: As influências lunares e ambientais no início do trabalho de parto ainda são pouco estudadas. Foi avaliada a influência extrínseca em eventos obstétricos. Métodos: em um hospital secundário, situado na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, foram selecionados 1.826 dias em que ocorreram 17.417 partos. As internações por o trabalho de parto foram associadas à temperatura ambiental, pressão atmosférica, variação das marés e das fases lunares na incidência do excesso deste evento, pelo percentil 75. O índice Z (desvio padrão/ pela média) de cada variável foi calculado e a diferença diária indicou o aumento ou a diminuição. Foi utilizada a análise de regressão logística para a predição do excesso da admissão e p<0,05 foi considerado significativo. Resultados: Os preditores do excesso da internação por trabalho de parto foram: o aumento da temperatura (risco relativo: 1,742, p=0,045) e diminuição da pressão atmosférica (risco relativo: 1,269, p=0,029). O aumento da amplitude das marés foi associado com a probabilidade menor do excesso da internação (risco relativo: 0,762, p=0,030). A fase lunar não era preditora do excesso da admissão (p=0,339). Conclusão: Pela análise multivariada, o aumento da temperatura e a diminuição da pressão atmosférica predisseram a ocorrência do excesso da admissão por trabalho de parto e o aumento da amplitude das marés, como uma medida da força gravitacional lunar, foi preditora de uma menor probabilidade do excesso do trabalho de parto / Background: lunar and environmental influences in vaginal delivery remain unclear. We assessed extrinsic influence in obstetric events. Methods: in a secondary line hospital, located in São Paulo city, Brazil, we selected 1,826 days, in which occurred 17,417 admissions for obstetric labor, and we studied influence of air temperature, atmospheric pressure, tides range, and lunar phases in incidence of excess of obstetric labor, defined as more than 9 admissions per day. Z score (standard deviation from mean) of each variable was calculated, and diary difference to indicate increase or decrease was assessed by logistic regression for prediction of admission excess. Two-side P< 0.05 was considered significant. Results: predictors of admission excess were increase of temperature (relative risk: 1.742, P=0.045), and decrease of atmospheric pressure (relative risk: 1.269, p=0.029). Increase of tides range was associated with lower probability of admission excess (relative risk: 0.762, P=0.030). Lunar phases was not predictor of admission excess (P=0,339). Conclusion: By multivariate analysis, increase of temperature and decrease of atmospheric pressure predicted occurrence of excess of obstetric labor admission, and increase of tidal range, as lunar gravitational force measurement, predicted lower probability of admission excess

Climatologia e previsão climatológica, via modelo RegCM3, de índices de conforto térmico para a região metropolitana de São Paulo / Climatology and climatological forecasting of thermal comfort indexes by RegCM3 model for the metropolitan region of São Paulo.

Rafael Jonas Righi Batista 22 October 2012 (has links)
Como o tempo e o clima influenciam o homem e a sociedade são alvos de estudo desde que Hipócrates, 400 a.C., escreveu \"Ares, águas e lugares\". A partir do século XX, desenvolveram-se índices de conforto térmico (CT) que, apesar de apresentarem limitações, mostraram-se capazes de quantificar essas interações através de uma aplicação maleável e acessível. Observa-se que apesar de parte dos estudos biometeorológicos abordarem as mudanças climáticas, poucos tratam da projeção de índices para cenários futuros. Assim, o objetivo geral desse trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento climatológico do Índice de Desconforto (ID), Temperatura Resultante (TR) e Temperatura Resultante com o vento (TRv) na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) e projetá-los para o futuro, através das simulações do modelo regional climático (MCR) RegCM3, para os anos de 1960 a 1990, 2010 a 2040 e 2070 a 2100. O MCR foi forçado pelo Modelo de Circulação Geral da Atmosfera (MCGA) ECHAM5, de acordo com o cenário de emissões A1B, estabelecido pelo Painel Intergovernamental de Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC). Assim, é realizada uma avaliação dos meses de maior desconforto na RMSP com base nos dados da estação meteorológica do IAG através dos quantis. Maior foco é dado nos quantis superiores e inferiores (QS e QI) que representam as situações de maior desconforto e exercem influência em populações vulneráveis, como a dos idosos. A Raíz Quadrada do Erro Médio elevado ao Quadrado (RMSE) e o Erro Médio (EM, viés) das séries de dados, simuladas e observadas, demonstram uma subestimativa da temperatura para todo o ano, por parte do modelo. Já o RMSE e EM, da umidade relativa e vento, variam de acordo com a época do ano, possuindo períodos de maior e menor precisão. A título comparativo, também foram obtidos o RMSE e EM dos índices de conforto térmico simulados e observados. No período de 1960-1990, ID passa de 17,4°C para 20,1°C em 2070-2100, representando um aumento de 2,8°C; enquanto que TRv vai de 11,8°C para 14,7°C no mesmo período, tendo aumento de 2,9°C. Nota-se que o aumento de ID ocorre de forma gradativa com o passar dos anos, diferentemente de TRv, que aumenta de forma significativa a partir de 2070. Observa-se também que as médias diárias de ID e TRv tendem a se distribuir em quantis intermediários e superiores, indicando que ao longo dos anos, a RMSP tende a ter noites e tardes mais quentes, traduzindo em invernos menos desconfortáveis (em relação ao frio) e verões mais desconfortáveis (em relação ao calor). Os resultados obtidos corroboram IPCC (2007b), que também aponta para uma redução dos dias frios em regiões de médias e baixas latitudes, associado a um aumento na ocorrência de ondas de calor, de forma a oferecer grandes riscos à populações vulneráveis. / How weather and climate influence man and society, are main targets since Hippocrates wrote \"Airs, waters and places\", 400 BC. Thermal comfort indices, in development since the twentieth century, are able to quantify these interactions by flexible and accessible applications, despite their own limitations. Although part of the biometeorological studies address climate change, only few deals with future scenarios. Therefore, the main objective is to evaluate the climatological behavior of thermal comfort indices, such as the Discomfort Index (ID), Resultant Temperature (TR) and the Resultant Temperature with the wind (TRv) in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (MRSP). Climatological behavior is analyzed for three time slices (1960 to 1990, 2010 to 2040 and 2070 to 2100) through the Regional Climate Model (RCM) RegCM3. The RCM is forced by General Circulation Model (GCM) ECHAM5, according to the A1B emissions scenario, established by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). More attention is given to the superior and inferior quantiles (QS and QI) representing the situations of greater thermal discomfort because of their influence on vulnerable populations such as elderly people. An initial assessment about the months of greatest discomfort in MRSP was made based on data from the meteorological station of IAG. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and the Mean Error (EM, related to bias) of the time series from observed and simulated data show a models underestimation of the temperature throughout the year. The RMSE and EM for relative humidity and wind vary with the season containing periods of higher and lower accuracy. The RMSE and EM for simulated and observed indices were obtained as well due to comparison reasons. In 1960-1990 period, ID presents an average of 17.4°C and in 2070-2100, an average of 20.1°C, representing an increasing of 2.8°C; meanwhile TRv goes from 11.8°C to 14.7°C over the same period, an increasing of 2.9°C. It is show that ID is increased gradually over the years, unlike TRV, which significantly increases from 2070. It is also observed that daily means of ID and TRv in future tends to be distributed in middle and upper quantiles, indicating that the MRSP tends to have nights and afternoons that will be warmer over the years, translating into less uncomfortable winters (cold related) and more uncomfortable summers (heat related). The results corroborate IPCC (2007b) which also points to a reduction of cold days in regions of middle and low latitudes, associated with an increased occurrence of heat waves providing great risks to vulnerable populations.

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