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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Delayed cord clamping for the reduction of intraventricular haemorrhage in low birth weight infants : a systematic review

Seloka, Kelebogile Cynthia 15 March 2012 (has links)
Thesis (MCurr)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Intraventricular haemorrhage is associated with neurological morbidity and mortality in low birth weight infants. In spite of improvements in treatment to reduce the incidence of the haemorrhage, the condition continues to remain a major cause of long term morbidity in low birth weight infants. The evidence from the literature has shown that low birth weight infants might benefit from delayed cord clamping particularly in reducing the risk of intraventricular haemorrhage and its neurological consequences. The primary objective of this review was to assess the effects of delayed versus early cord clamping on intraventricular haemorrhage amongst low birth weight infants. The secondary objectives were to evaluate the effects of delayed versus early cord clamping on the Apgar scores, hyperbilirubinaemia and polycythaemia in infants. The following electronic databases were searched: CINAHL, MEDLINE (searched via PubMed) and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL). Other information was gathered from the reference lists of retrieved articles and relevant experts. The selection criteria entailed all randomised controlled trials comparing delayed versus early cord clamping following birth in infants with low birth weight. Two reviewers independently extracted the data and assessed the quality of the trials. Disagreements on studies for inclusion were resolved by discussion with the third reviewer. The review included five randomised controlled trials with 215 participants. The risk of intraventricular haemorrhage was significantly reduced in the delayed compared with early cord clamping (RR0.52, 95% CI 0.33 to 0.82, P=0.005). No statistically significant difference was shown between delayed versus early cord clamping for the risk of hyperbilirubinaemia (RR O.48, 95% CI -0.43 to 1.39, P=0.30). There was no data available for other comparisons: Polycythaemia and Apgar scores. There is growing evidence that delayed cord clamping might benefit low birth weight infants. In the included studies, delayed cord clamping for at least 30 seconds appear to have a potential in reducing the risk of intraventricular haemorrhage. The results of this review should however be interpreted with caution due to a limited number of studies with the absence of clinically important secondary outcomes in the included trials. Further research is required on large scale randomised controlled trials. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Intraventrikulêre bloeding word geassosieer met neurologiese morbiditeit en mortaliteit in suigelinge met ’n lae geboortegewig. Ten spyte van die verbetering in die behandeling om die gevalle van bloeding te verminder, duur die toestand voort as ’n belangrike oorsaak van langtermyn morbiditeit in lae gewig geboortes. Bewyse uit die literatuur toon dat suigelinge met ’n lae geboortegewig voordeel mag trek uit vertraagde afklemming, veral deur die vermindering van die risiko van intraventrikulêre bloeding en die neurologiese gevolge daarvan. Die primêre doelwit van hierdie navorsing was om die effek van vertraagde, versus vroeë afklemming op intraventrikulêre bloeding onder suigelinge met ’n lae geboortegewig te bepaal. Die sekondêre doelwit is om die effekte van vertraagde, versus vroeë afklemming op die Apgar uitslae, hiperbilirubinaemia en polisitaemia by suigelinge te evalueer. Die volgende elektroniese databasisse is nagegaan: CINAHL, MEDLINE (soektog via PubMed); Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL). Ander inligting is verkry uit die bronnelyste van nagevorsde artikels en van relevante deskundiges. Die seleksie kriteria behels alle ewekansige beheerde toetsing, insluitende toekomstige studies wat vertraagde, versus vroeë afklemming vergelyk by suigelinge met ’n lae geboortegewig. Twee resensente het onafhanklik data geneem en die kwalititeit van die toetse bepaal. Verskille oor insluiting van navorsing, is met ’n derde resensent deur middel van bespreking opgelos. Die navorsing het vyf ewekansige beheerde steekproewe met 215 deelnemers ingesluit. Die risiko van intraventrikulêre bloeding is beduidend verminder in die vertraagde gevalle, in teenstelling met vroeë afklemming (RR0.52, 95% CI 0.33 tot 0.82, P=0.005). Geen statistiese beduidende verskil is bewys tussen vertraagde teenoor vroeë afklemming ten opsigte van hiperbilirubinaemia nie (RR 0.48, 95% CI – 0.43 tot 1.39, P=0.30). Daar was geen data beskikbaar vir ander vergelykings nie: Polisytaemia en Apgar uitslae. Daar is groeiende bewyse dat vertraagde afklemming lae geboortegewig suigelinge mag beïnvloed. Dit wil in die ingeslote studies voor kom dat vertraagde afklemming van ten minste 30 sekondes die potensiaal het om die risiko van intraventrikulêre bloeding te verminder. Die uitslae van hierdie beskouing sal nietemin met omsigtigheid geïnterpreteer moet word, weens die beperkte aantal studies met die afwesigheid van klinies belangrike sekondêre uitkomste in die ingeslote proewe. Verdere navorsing word benodig op grootskaalse ewekansige beheerde proewe.

Caracterização da assistência ao parto e nascimento em um centro de parto normal do município de São Paulo / Characterization of labor and birthing care in a normal birth center in the city of São Paulo

Lobo, Sheila Fagundes 22 May 2009 (has links)
A proposta de locais alternativos para assistência ao parto e nascimento, em nosso país, faz parte da abordagem deste evento como processos familiares e fisiológicos. Dentre esses locais destacam-se os Centros de Parto Normal, instituídos como uma política do Ministério da Saúde, desde 1999. Os objetivos deste estudo foram descrever as características sociodemográficas, as condições obstétricas na admissão, a prevalência das práticas obstétricas utilizadas no trabalho de parto e parto, as condições maternas e neonatais no parto e a prevalência das práticas utilizadas nos recém-nascidos, em um centro de parto peri-hospitalar do Município de São Paulo. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com coleta retrospectiva de dados, entre 2003 e 2006, com amostra probabilística de 991 prontuários. A coleta dos dados foi realizada no período de junho a outubro de 2007, pela pesquisadora e duas enfermeiras obstétricas. Os dados foram armazenados em um banco de dados com auxílio do programa Epi-info versão 2.000, sendo realizada análise descritiva. Este estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital Geral do Itaim Paulista. Os resultados demonstram as seguintes características sociodemográficas: média de idade de 23,6 anos, com desvio-padrão de 5,6 anos e maioria de oito ou mais anos de estudo (76,6% das mulheres). Na admissão, 46,3% eram nulíparas e 77,8% estavam com membranas íntegras, 53,0%, com 5 a 9 cm de dilatação cervical e 4,3% foram internadas no período expulsivo. As práticas mais utilizadas no parto foram: banho de aspersão (71%), amniotomia (62,6%) e episiotomia (25,7%). Condições maternas no parto foram: períneo íntegro em 42,1%, laceração de primeiro grau em 22,4%; 92,2% tiveram acompanhante, sendo, mais frequentemente, o companheiro. O peso médio do neonato foi 3.221,4 gramas, com desvio-padrão de 392,9 gramas; 7,9% apresentaram mecônio no período expulsivo e 98,6% tiveram índice de Apgar 7 no primeiro minuto. Conclui-se que o modelo de assistência praticado no Centro de Parto Normal apresenta resultados maternos e perinatais esperados para mulheres com baixo risco obstétrico, sendo alternativa segura e um modelo menos intervencionista que pode auxiliar no resgate da fisiologia do parto e nascimento / The proposed alternative places for the delivery and childbirth care, in Brazil, is a part of the approach of these events as family and physiological processes. Among these services there are the Normal Birth Centers, instituted as a policy of the Ministry of Health, since 1999. This study aimed to describe the sociodemographic characteristics, obstetric conditions at admission, the prevalence of obstetric practices used in labor and delivery, maternal and neonatal conditions in labor and prevalence of practices used in newborns, in an alongside Normal Birth Center in São Paulo. It is a cross-sectional study with retrospective data collection, between 2003 and 2006 with random sample of 991 records. Data collection was conducted during June-October 2007, by the researcher and two obstetric nurses. The data were stored in a database using Epi-Info 2000 version, with descriptive analysis. This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the General Hospital of Itaim Paulista. The results show the following sociodemographic characteristics: average age of 23.6 years, with a standard deviation of 5.6 years and majority of eight or more years of study (76.6% women). On admission, 46.3% were nulliparous and 77.8% were with intact membranes, 53.0% with 5 to 9 cm of cervical dilation and 4.3% were hospitalized during expulsion period. The most widely practices used during the labor were: shower bath (71%), artificial rupture of the membranes (62.6%) and episiotomy (25.7%). Maternal conditions during delivery were 42.1% with intact perineum, first-degree lacerations in 22.4%, 92.2% had birthing partner, most often the stable companion. The average weight of newborns was 3221.4 grams, with standard deviation of 392.9 g, 7.9% had meconium during expulsion period and 98.6% had Apgar index of 7 in the first minute. The conclusion was that the model of care practiced at the Normal Birth Center presents maternal and perinatal outcomes expected for women with obstetric low risk, it is a safe alternative and a less interventionist model that can help in the ransom of the physiology of labor and birth

Estudo comparativo dos resultados maternos e perinatais em centro de parto normal peri-hospitalar e hospital - São Paulo (SP) / Comparative study of maternal and perinatal outcomes in an alongside birth centre and hospital maternity ward - Sao Paulo (SP)

Schneck, Camilla Alexsandra 17 December 2009 (has links)
O modelo de assistência ao parto em ambientes extra ou peri-hospitalares foi implantado no Brasil há dez anos. Conduzido por enfermeiras obstétricas e obstetrizes, constitui uma política do Ministério da Saúde direcionada a mulheres com gestação de baixo risco. Os estudos mostram que este modelo pode promover o parto fisiológico e reduzir o uso de intervenções desnecessárias, com bons resultados maternos e perinatais. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar os resultados maternos e perinatais em mulheres de baixo risco atendidas em um centro de parto normal peri-hospitalar e hospital, considerando: 1. características sociodemográficas e obstétricas das mulheres; 2. utilização de intervenções durante o parto e nascimento entre mulheres e recém-nascidos; 3. condições maternas e perinatais no parto e no pós-parto. Trata-se de um estudo comparativo, observacional, analítico, de tipo transversal, sobre os resultados maternos e perinatais de mulheres de baixo risco, realizado no Centro de Parto Normal Casa de Maria (CPN-CM) e no Hospital Geral do Itaim Paulista (HGIP), na cidade de São Paulo. A população do estudo foi composta pelas 18.488 mulheres atendidas por estes serviços, entre 2003 e 2006. O cálculo do tamanho da amostra foi realizado com a intenção de se detectar uma diferença de, no mínimo, 10% na taxa de mulheres com episiotomia entre o HGIP (35%) e CPNCM (25%) com =0,05 e poder do teste de 90%. Foram incluídas na amostra 991 mulheres que tiveram o parto no CPN-CM e 325 que deram à luz no HGIP e que atendiam aos mesmos critérios estabelecidos para o parto no CPN-CM. As fontes de dados foram os registros dos prontuários das mulheres e seus respectivos recém-nascidos. A análise inferencial foi realizada pelos testes t-Student, Qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher, sendo considerados estatisticamente significantes os valores de p<0,05. Os dados indicaram que 45,4% eram nulíparas e 54,6% tinham um ou mais partos anteriores, sem diferença estatisticamente significante entre os locais de parto. Não houve caso de morte materna ou perinatal. Os resultados mostraram diferença estatisticamente significante entre as características sociodemográficas situação conjugal e realização de consulta de pré-natal e entre as condições na admissão dilatação cervical, estado das membranas e realização de monitorização eletrônica fetal. Quanto às intervenções obstétricas, as mulheres do hospital receberam mais restrição de dieta, amniotomia e ocitocina durante o primeiro período do parto e mais ergometrina e analgésico no pós-parto. Os resultados relacionados com os recém-nascidos mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significantes nas seguintes variáveis: Apgar no primeiro minuto, bossa serossanguínea; fratura de clavícula; desconforto respiratório; aspiração de vias aéreas superiores e gástrica; lavagem gástrica; administração de oxigênio nasal e com pressão positiva; entubação orotraqueal; internação em unidade neonatal. Os resultados maternos e neonatais da assistência no CPN são seguros em comparação com os do hospital. A assistência no CPN foi realizada com menos intervenções e com resultados maternos e neonatais semelhantes aos do hospital. Estes resultados podem subsidiar a ampliação deste modelo com a finalidade de melhorar os índices de morbidade materna e perinatal, além de promover o parto fisiológico / The model of childbirth care in free-standing and alongside birth centres was implemented in Brazil ten years ago. Led by obstetric nurse-midwives and midwives, it is a policy of the Ministry of Health proposed to assist low-risk pregnant women. Studies show that this model promotes natural birth, reducing the use of unnecessary interventions, and that maternal and perinatal outcomes are favourable. The objective of this study was to compare maternal and perinatal outcomes among low-risk women attended to at an alongside birth centre versus a hospital maternity ward, considering: 1. the sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics of the women; 2. the use of interventions during labour and birth in women and in their newborns; 3. the maternal and perinatal conditions during labour and postpartum. This is a comparative, observational, analytical cross-sectional study of maternal and perinatal outcomes for low-risk women, which was conducted at the Casa de Maria alongside Birth Centre (CPN-CM) and at the Itaim Paulista General Hospital (HGIP), in the city of Sao Paulo. The study population was composed of 18,488 women who were assisted in these services during childbirth between 2003 and 2006. The sample size was calculated with the intent to detect at least a 10% difference in the rate of women with episiotomy among the HGIP (35%) and the CPN-CM (25%) with an =0.05 and test power=90%. The sampling included 991 women who had given birth at the CPN-CM, and 325 who had given birth at the HGIP and who met the same labour criteria as the CPN-CM. The data source was the collection of the womens and their respective newborns medical records. Students t-test, chi-square test and Fishers exact test were used for the inferential analysis, with the threshold p-value for statistical significance being p<0.05. The data showed that 45.4% were nulliparous and 54.6% had had one or more previous births, without any statistically significant difference between the birth places. There were no cases of maternal or perinatal death. In terms of the women, the sociodemographic outcomes that presented statistically significant differences were marital status and number of pre-natal medical appointments; while the outcomes related to conditions at the time of hospital entry statistically significant were: cervical dilation; status of ovular membrane; electronic foetal monitoring (EFM). In terms of obstetric interventions, women in the hospital received a more restricted diet, performance of amniotomy and administration of oxytocin during the first stage of labour; and administration of higher doses of ergometrine and pain relievers postpartum. In terms of the newborn, the outcomes that presented statistically significant differences were: Apgar score at the first minute; caput succedaneum; clavicle fracture; respiratory discomfort; airways and gastric aspiration; gastric lavage; administering supplemental oxygen through a nasal cannula with pressure transducer; orotracheal intubation; admittance to the neonatal care. Maternal and neonatal outcomes in CPN-CM demonstrate safety when compared to those of the hospital. Care provided in CPN-CM entailed fewer interventions and demonstrated similar maternal and neonatal outcomes to those in the hospital. These outcomes support expansion of this model in order to lower maternal and perinatal morbidity rates and to promote natural birth

An Investigation into the Use of Water Immersion upon the Outcomes and Experience of Giving Birth

Sprague, Annie G., res.cand@acu.edu.au January 2004 (has links)
The use of deep-water immersion during labour and birth is commonplace in many countries including Australia, yet there has been little contemporary Australian data from which to form policies regarding its use during childbirth, or which have included women’s experiences using water immersion. The literature reviewed for this study was positive with regard to the effect of water immersion during childbirth and was associated with decreased rates of perineal trauma, low episiotomy rates, low rates of analgesic use, lower operative deliveries coupled with increased maternal satisfaction of the experience of childbirth when compared with births where water immersion was not involved. The purpose of this research was to investigate the influence of deep-water immersion upon maternal and neonatal outcomes and women's experiences of giving birth in Australia. This study used a mixed method in an attempt to fulfil this purpose: the first phase was a Quasi-experimental design and the second phase was based upon a Hermeneutic Phenomenological approach. Data were collected via a Random Chart Audit, from a random sample of fifty nulliparous women who used deepwater immersion during labour and childbirth and six women were selected to participate in a semi-structured interview. Data from each phase of this study revealed positive birth outcomes and these findings were supported by the literature. The women's stories were positive and comprised elements of four lifeworld themes. • Water’s Embrace • Warped Time • Naked but Clothed • The Shape of Water. Each of these themes encapsulated different aspects of the women's experiences, which when considered together, increased the understanding of the phenomenon of deep-water immersion upon the experience of giving birth.

Women's experiences of breastfeeding in an out-of-hospital birthing community

Marshall, Lindsay J. 20 November 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, I examine the experiences of breastfeeding mothers who chose to give birth with Certified Professional Midwives at a free-standing birth center, and the factors that influence their known high rates of breastfeeding initiation and duration. Using grounded theory and data collected from participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and an open-ended survey, I describe the functioning of the birth center and the breastfeeding explanatory models of the birth center staff as well as how the birth center's model of care affects client-participant's experiences of breastfeeding in community that rejects medicalized models of birth and breastfeeding. Findings interpreted from a biocultural perspective reveal how women utilize previously constructed breastfeeding convictions to navigate support and difficulties in a way that allows 92% of client-participants to report overall happiness about their breastfeeding experiences. There was, however, a small subset of women who were disappointed in their breastfeeding experience. Recommendations include changes in care practice to further support breastfeeding women in this community. / Graduation date: 2013

Birth centre care : reproduction and infant health /

Gottvall, Karin, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2004. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Pour une meilleure compréhension du rôle des positions d'accouchement en mécanique obstétricale : analyse biomécanique des postures segmentaires / Advancing the understanding of obstetrical mechanics in childbirth : a biomechanics analysis of segmental postures

Desseauve, David 12 January 2018 (has links)
Lorsque l'on s'intéresse aux positions d'accouchement, les avis sont très partagés. D'après la littérature, les positions dites verticales parmi lesquelles figure la position accroupie semblent aboutir à des issues materno-fœtales plus favorables que les positions horizontales qui comprennent la position gynécologique. Seulement, l'origine de ces bénéfices notamment du point de vue de la mécanique obstétricale reste incertaine. Il apparait que ce manque de clarté provient avant tout d'un manque de définition des postures segmentaires retrouvées lors de ces positions d'accouchement. L'objectif premier de ce travail était donc de définir les postures segmentaires au cours de différentes positions d'accouchement et de préciser en particulier le rôle de la posture des cuisses sur des éléments jugés importants en mécanique obstétricale à savoir l'orientation du plan du détroit supérieur et la courbure lombaire. En premier lieu, une enquête épidémiologique régionale a été effectuée afin d'attester les positions d'accouchement les plus fréquemment adoptées et d'identifier les facteurs associés à leur adoption. Par une méthode dérivée entre autres des méthodes d'analyse du mouvement par système optoélectronique, l'influence de la posture des cuisses (flexion et abduction) sur la posture du plan du détroit supérieur et du rachis lombaire a été analysée tout d'abord en position gynécologique puis en position accroupie. Enfin, l'importance de la posture initiale des cuisses sur les mouvements segmentaires a été évaluée au cours d'une manœuvre obstétricale (Mac Roberts), manœuvre couramment utilisée en cas de dystocie des épaules.Ce travail a permis de mettre en évidence l'importance de la caractérisation des postures segmentaires pour la compréhension des bénéfices d'une position d'accouchement sur une autre. / When looking at birthing positions, opinions are strongly divided. According to the literature, the so-called vertical positions, which include the squatting position, seem to lead to more favorable maternal-fetal outcomes than the horizontal positions which include the gynecological position. In fact, the origin of these benefits, particularly from the point of view of obstetric mechanics, remains uncertain. It appears that this lack of clarity comes primarily from a lack of definition of segmental postures found in these delivery positions.The primary objective of this work was therefore to define the segmental postures during different birthing positions and to specify in particular the role of the thigh posture on elements considered as important in obstetric mechanics namely, the orientation of the pelvic inlet and the lumbar curvature.Firstly, a regional epidemiological survey was carried out to document the most frequently adopted childbirth positions and to identify the factors associated with their adoption.Using a method derived inter alia from movement analysis methods based on optoelectronic system, the influence of thigh posture (flexion and abduction) on the posture of the pelvic inlet and the lumbar spine was analyzed firstly during gynecological position and then during squatting position. Finally, the importance of initial thigh posture on segmental movements was evaluated during an obstetric maneuver (Mac Roberts), a maneuver commonly used in cases of shoulder dystocia.This work has highlighted the importance of the characterization of segmental postures for understanding the benefits of one delivery position on another.

Výsledky plodnosti po inseminaci a embryotransferu u skotu / Fertility Results in Beef Cattle: Insemination v. Embryo Transfer

KOČOVSKÁ, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the fertility and fertility results in a monitored breeding herd of Limousin beef cattle. It includes a brief discussion of calf birth weights, their viability, and the time of calving. Taking this information into account, the main objective of this thesis is to present concise and accurate information regarding the age of purebred and crossbred heifers when they are first included in the reproduction process. The thesis also aims to evaluate the pregnancy success rates for insemination, embryo transfer, and natural breeding. Finally, the thesis tracks the calving difficulties experienced by cows and heifers after artificial reproduction methods and natural breeding. The conclusion includes calf birth weight figures and identifies the weight difference between newborn bulls and heifers. The results were evaluated using basic statistical characteristics. The collected data was analyzed according to the breeding method used and taking into account whether a cow or a heifer was involved. The age of purebred heifers during their first breeding is 26.1 months. The age of crossbred heifers included in the reproduction process as embryo recipients was 22.6 months. In the case of natural breeding, the crossbred heifers were first included at the age of 28 months due to the seasonality of the breeding season. The pregnancy success rate for first breeding by insemination is comparable to that for embryo transfer 62% and 63% respectively; in the case of natural breeding, the success rate is 92%. The highest number of easy births was determined for natural breeding (95%), followed by insemination (89%), and embryo transfer (only 61%). The birth weight of heifers was 2 kg less than that of bulls, and thus the number of easy births was higher. The average birth weight in 2014 was 41 kg. The top calving time was between midnight and 4:00 am (30% of the breeding cows).

Postpartum Adaptation and Competence of Mothers Who Use Hypnosis to Birth

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: This qualitative study investigated the postpartum experiences of mothers who used hypnosis to birth. This research project was based on a constructivist version of Grounded Theory. Qualitative inquiry and analysis were conducted on 15 semi-structured interviews; two pilot interviews were also conducted. Phone and in-person interviews were completed with Caucasian, Hispanic, and multiracial mothers who were between one month and 15 months postpartum. The following 12 major themes emerged: bonded with child, development of self-efficacy, breastfeeding success, family criticism, online support, impact on family, practice effect, amazement to misevaluation, induction overwhelm, holistic benefits, minimal post partum depression, and birth stories. Mothers of two or more children appreciated birth more, reported an increased sense of calm and closeness within their nuclear and extended family, believed that the benefits of hypnosis for birthing assisted in the areas of bonding with their newborn, self-efficacy, breastfeeding and overall postpartum success. First-time mothers appreciated the physical aspect of recovery after delivery. They emphasized the birth narrative despite cultural differences in sharing their stories. Although they attributed much success to the use of hypnosis for birthing, they tended to make more indirect attributions to the bond with their child, self-efficacy, breastfeeding, and overall postpartum success. Mothers who required a c-section, epidural, or induction during birth experienced feelings of guilt and viewed hypnosis as an isolated tool for birth and a tool to reduce guilt and stress postpartum. Mothers who birthed naturally used hypnosis postpartum in more ways. Hispanic mothers expressed greater difficulty with balancing their roles as a career woman and mother. They had different expectations around the participation of their partner during birth preparation and postpartum. Breastfeeding was most important to this group and reflected communal values. Hypnosis for birthing was described as being helpful for mothers who had a psychological history with depression, anxiety, or trauma. Participants reported overall effectiveness of hypnosis for birthing methods despite mixed reactions from birthing professionals, family, and friends. The importance of these findings for counseling psychology is discussed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Counseling Psychology 2015

Estudo comparativo dos resultados maternos e perinatais em centro de parto normal peri-hospitalar e hospital - São Paulo (SP) / Comparative study of maternal and perinatal outcomes in an alongside birth centre and hospital maternity ward - Sao Paulo (SP)

Camilla Alexsandra Schneck 17 December 2009 (has links)
O modelo de assistência ao parto em ambientes extra ou peri-hospitalares foi implantado no Brasil há dez anos. Conduzido por enfermeiras obstétricas e obstetrizes, constitui uma política do Ministério da Saúde direcionada a mulheres com gestação de baixo risco. Os estudos mostram que este modelo pode promover o parto fisiológico e reduzir o uso de intervenções desnecessárias, com bons resultados maternos e perinatais. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar os resultados maternos e perinatais em mulheres de baixo risco atendidas em um centro de parto normal peri-hospitalar e hospital, considerando: 1. características sociodemográficas e obstétricas das mulheres; 2. utilização de intervenções durante o parto e nascimento entre mulheres e recém-nascidos; 3. condições maternas e perinatais no parto e no pós-parto. Trata-se de um estudo comparativo, observacional, analítico, de tipo transversal, sobre os resultados maternos e perinatais de mulheres de baixo risco, realizado no Centro de Parto Normal Casa de Maria (CPN-CM) e no Hospital Geral do Itaim Paulista (HGIP), na cidade de São Paulo. A população do estudo foi composta pelas 18.488 mulheres atendidas por estes serviços, entre 2003 e 2006. O cálculo do tamanho da amostra foi realizado com a intenção de se detectar uma diferença de, no mínimo, 10% na taxa de mulheres com episiotomia entre o HGIP (35%) e CPNCM (25%) com =0,05 e poder do teste de 90%. Foram incluídas na amostra 991 mulheres que tiveram o parto no CPN-CM e 325 que deram à luz no HGIP e que atendiam aos mesmos critérios estabelecidos para o parto no CPN-CM. As fontes de dados foram os registros dos prontuários das mulheres e seus respectivos recém-nascidos. A análise inferencial foi realizada pelos testes t-Student, Qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher, sendo considerados estatisticamente significantes os valores de p<0,05. Os dados indicaram que 45,4% eram nulíparas e 54,6% tinham um ou mais partos anteriores, sem diferença estatisticamente significante entre os locais de parto. Não houve caso de morte materna ou perinatal. Os resultados mostraram diferença estatisticamente significante entre as características sociodemográficas situação conjugal e realização de consulta de pré-natal e entre as condições na admissão dilatação cervical, estado das membranas e realização de monitorização eletrônica fetal. Quanto às intervenções obstétricas, as mulheres do hospital receberam mais restrição de dieta, amniotomia e ocitocina durante o primeiro período do parto e mais ergometrina e analgésico no pós-parto. Os resultados relacionados com os recém-nascidos mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significantes nas seguintes variáveis: Apgar no primeiro minuto, bossa serossanguínea; fratura de clavícula; desconforto respiratório; aspiração de vias aéreas superiores e gástrica; lavagem gástrica; administração de oxigênio nasal e com pressão positiva; entubação orotraqueal; internação em unidade neonatal. Os resultados maternos e neonatais da assistência no CPN são seguros em comparação com os do hospital. A assistência no CPN foi realizada com menos intervenções e com resultados maternos e neonatais semelhantes aos do hospital. Estes resultados podem subsidiar a ampliação deste modelo com a finalidade de melhorar os índices de morbidade materna e perinatal, além de promover o parto fisiológico / The model of childbirth care in free-standing and alongside birth centres was implemented in Brazil ten years ago. Led by obstetric nurse-midwives and midwives, it is a policy of the Ministry of Health proposed to assist low-risk pregnant women. Studies show that this model promotes natural birth, reducing the use of unnecessary interventions, and that maternal and perinatal outcomes are favourable. The objective of this study was to compare maternal and perinatal outcomes among low-risk women attended to at an alongside birth centre versus a hospital maternity ward, considering: 1. the sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics of the women; 2. the use of interventions during labour and birth in women and in their newborns; 3. the maternal and perinatal conditions during labour and postpartum. This is a comparative, observational, analytical cross-sectional study of maternal and perinatal outcomes for low-risk women, which was conducted at the Casa de Maria alongside Birth Centre (CPN-CM) and at the Itaim Paulista General Hospital (HGIP), in the city of Sao Paulo. The study population was composed of 18,488 women who were assisted in these services during childbirth between 2003 and 2006. The sample size was calculated with the intent to detect at least a 10% difference in the rate of women with episiotomy among the HGIP (35%) and the CPN-CM (25%) with an =0.05 and test power=90%. The sampling included 991 women who had given birth at the CPN-CM, and 325 who had given birth at the HGIP and who met the same labour criteria as the CPN-CM. The data source was the collection of the womens and their respective newborns medical records. Students t-test, chi-square test and Fishers exact test were used for the inferential analysis, with the threshold p-value for statistical significance being p<0.05. The data showed that 45.4% were nulliparous and 54.6% had had one or more previous births, without any statistically significant difference between the birth places. There were no cases of maternal or perinatal death. In terms of the women, the sociodemographic outcomes that presented statistically significant differences were marital status and number of pre-natal medical appointments; while the outcomes related to conditions at the time of hospital entry statistically significant were: cervical dilation; status of ovular membrane; electronic foetal monitoring (EFM). In terms of obstetric interventions, women in the hospital received a more restricted diet, performance of amniotomy and administration of oxytocin during the first stage of labour; and administration of higher doses of ergometrine and pain relievers postpartum. In terms of the newborn, the outcomes that presented statistically significant differences were: Apgar score at the first minute; caput succedaneum; clavicle fracture; respiratory discomfort; airways and gastric aspiration; gastric lavage; administering supplemental oxygen through a nasal cannula with pressure transducer; orotracheal intubation; admittance to the neonatal care. Maternal and neonatal outcomes in CPN-CM demonstrate safety when compared to those of the hospital. Care provided in CPN-CM entailed fewer interventions and demonstrated similar maternal and neonatal outcomes to those in the hospital. These outcomes support expansion of this model in order to lower maternal and perinatal morbidity rates and to promote natural birth

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