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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors and considerations in black economic empowerment deals in the small and medium size enterprises market

Smal, Charles 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Business persons engaging in BEE deals, pertaining to ownership, encounter many obstacles and challenges relating to the formulation of appropriate structures and solutions during the deal process. The SMME market is arguably one of the most critical contributors towards the SA GDP and a sector of the economy with the most growth potential as noted from recent history, especially relating to BEE ownership. It is in the above frame of reference that the research report attempts to follow a logical flow of events that the business persons in the SMME market would encounter. The report therefore has a holistic approach to this market and although many of the concepts could be applied to a variety of industries and even to other market segments, based on size, the primary objective and research has been centred around SMME’s. The core concepts that are covered relate to: - Understanding the essence of BEE and BBBEE as well as Government’s role as conduit to empowerment. The various elements under the BEE scorecard will also be a prominent factor as ownership only accounts for a portion of the entire BBBEE rating. - Aligning the BEE deal to strategy is a crucial consideration and entails attracting the right partner and ensuring that the BEE transaction is directed at value creation, growth and sustainability of the business. The transaction should make strategic and economic sense. - Determining firm value is in all probability one of the most complex issues and business owners should merely attempt to understand and interpret the vastly complicated process that may be presented by business brokers or valuers that facilitate the BEE deal. The fair value concept and required adjustments could be influential in the valuation process as well as choosing the correct valuation methodology. - Business tax structure. This is also a complex process that may vary significantly from business to business. Certain legislative impediments are influential and various amendments may also influence future structuring of BEE deals. The use of SPV’s is a prominent theme highlighted in this research report as it is very often the most preferred structure. - The BEE deal. This may have to consider hybrid financial solution from various sources, such as senior debt, franchise funding, mezzanine debt including venture capitalists, non-traditional lending sources and alternative supporting or indirect funders to the business. The lending criteria principles relating to cash conversion cycle, free cash flow and sustainable growth rate have also briefly been covered. BEE transactions inevitably enter an area of uncertainty for business persons when it comes to drafting business plans, determining the BEE scorecard, structuring the new shareholding and many other factors. In other words, they may not have the necessary business or financial acumen to prepare a satisfactory business proposal to attract lenders to the deal. It is therefore crucial to understand the different elements of the BEE deal formulation process, which is exactly the intent of this research report. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Besigheidspersone wat SEB-transaksies met betrekking tot eienaarskap aangaan, ondervind baie struikelblokke en uitdagings in verband met die formulering van toepaslike strukture en oplossings wanneer die transaksie aangegaan word. Die KMMO-mark is stellig een van die mees kritieke bydraers tot die SA BBP en ’n sektor van die ekonomie met die meeste groeipotensiaal, soos die onlangse geskiedenis ons geleer het, veral met betrekking tot SEB-eienaarskap. Dit is met bogenoemde in gedagte dat hierdie navorsingsverslag poog om ’n logiese vloei van gebeure te volg wat die sakepersone in die KMMO-mark sal teëkom. Die verslag het dus ’n holistiese benadering tot hierdie mark en hoewel baie van die konsepte op ’n verskeidenheid nywerhede en selfs op ander marksegmente, gegrond op grootte, toegepas kan word, is die primêre doelwit en navorsing op KMMO’s gerig. Die kernkonsepte wat behandel word, het betrekking op: - Begrip van die kern van SEB en BBSEB asook die Regering se rol as geleibuis tot bemagtiging. Die verskillende elemente van die SEB-telkaart is ook ’n belangrike faktor aangesien eienaarskap net ’n gedeelte van die algehele BBSEB-aanslag verteenwoordig. - Die inlynstelling van die SEB-transaksie met die strategie is ’n kritieke oorweging en behels die lok van die regte vennoot en die versekering dat die SEB-transaksie tot waardeskepping, groei en volhoubaarheid van die besigheid gerig is. Die transaksie moet strategiese en ekonomiese sin maak. - Die bepaling van stewige waarde is in alle waarskynlikheid een van die mees komplekse kwessies en besigheidseienaars moet bloot probeer om die enorme gekompliseerde proses te verstaan en te interpreteer wat deur besigheidsmakelaars en waardeerders wat die SEB-transaksie fasiliteer, voorgelê word. Die billikewaarde-konsep en die vereiste regstellings kan invloedryk op die waardasieproses asook die keuse van die korrekte waardasiemetodologie wees. - Besigheidsbelastingstrukturering is ook ’n komplekse proses wat aansienlik van besigheid tot besigheid verskil. Sekere wetlike struikelblokke is invloedryk en verskeie wysigings kan ook toekomstige strukturering van SEB-transaksies beïnvloed. Die gebruik van SDV’s is ’n prominente tema wat in hierdie dokument uitgelig word aangesien dit in die reël die verkieslikste struktuur is. - Die SEB-transaksie sal moontlik hibridiese finansiële oplossings van verskeie bronne soos seniorskuld, franchise-befondsing, tussenskuld insluitend waagkapitaliste, nie-tradisionele uitleenbronne en alternatiewe ondersteunende of indirekte befondsers van die besigheid moet oorweeg. Die uitleenkriteriabeginsels met betrekking tot kontantomskeppingsiklus, vry kontantvloei en volhoubare groeikoers word ook kortliks gedek. SEB-transaksies betree onvermydelik ’n gebied van onsekerheid vir sakepersone wanneer dit kom by die opstel van besigheidsplanne, die bepaling van die SEB-telkaart, die strukturering van die nuwe aandeelhouding en baie ander faktore. Met ander woorde, hulle kan moontlik nie die nodige besigheids- of finansiële vernuf hê om ’n bevredigende besigheidsvoorlegging op te stel wat uitleners na die transaksie sal aantrek nie. Dit is dus kritiek om die verskillende elemente van die formulering van die SEB-transaksie te verstaan, wat presies die doel van hierdie navorsingsverslag is.

Black economic empowerment : looking at ROE, ROA, P/E and gearing of companies listed on JSE from Impumelelo edition (2000.2001) : comparative financial analysis

Kahimise, Robert N. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This empirical study was aimed at analysing the financial performance of black economic empowered companies, as selected per Impumelelo publication - 2000/1 edition. The Unit of Analysis of this study is therefore the phenomenon commonly described as Black Economic Empowerment, and in particular the financial performance of these business entities with specific interest in the following ratios; ROE, ROA, PIE and DIE. The fundamental problems analysed in this study are: Whether these Companies can financially perform consistently, with specific reference to ROE (Management effectiveness) and ROA (Company's efficiency); Whether these Companies utilised their capital efficiently - Financial leverage; Whether is worth investing in any commercial bank or in black economic empowerment Companies; Market perception of these Companies; Whether these Companies are really highly geared; through a comparative study between Impumelelo sample and similar white-owned companies, to assess the better performer on Management effectiveness and Company efficiency. The purpose of this study was further to draw appropriate empowerment strategies from the U.S.A, Malaysia and Brazil; contextualised them into the South African situation. The outcomes of these analysis revealed that black economic empowerment companies are indeed highly geared than their white-counterparts, and due to this inherent risk inconsistency in performance has been identified. Within the selected performance categories only half of the sample is classified as good performers, eight percent as excellent performers while profitability is maintained by seventy six percent of the companies. Over the period reviewed more then ninety percent of these companies' consistently signalled wrong perceptions to the market. On the comparative study, the Impumelelo sample overwhelmingly outperformed the white-owned sample on ROE and ROA per sector. Impumelelo sample revealed volatility in the returns comparing to low stable returns by the white-owned sample. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie empiriese studie was om die finansiële prestasie van swart ekonomiesbemagtigde maatskappye, soos geselekteer deur Impumelelo - 2000/1 uitgawe, te analiseer. Die onderwerp van hierdie studie is dus die verskynsel gewoonlik beskryf as Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging, en in die besonder die finansiële prestasies van hierdie entiteite, veral die volgende verhoudings (ratio's): Wins op Belegging, Wins op Bates, Prys/verdienste en Skuld/ekwiteit. Die fundamentele probleme wat hierdie studie analiseer is: Kan hierdie maatskappye konsekwent finansieel presteer veral wat betref Bekwaamheid van Bestuur en Bekwaamheid van die Maatskappy? Kan hierdie maatskappye hulle kapitaal effektief gebruik? (Finansiële hefboming.) Is dit beter om in 'n handelsbank te belê of in swart ekonomies-bemagtigde maatskappye? Wat is die mark persepsie van hierdie maatskappye? Maak hierdie maatskappye werklik op grootskaal gebruik van hefboming? Hoe vergelyk hierdie Impumelelo steekproef met soortgelyke maatskappye in wit besit, veral wat betref die bedrewenheid van die bestuur en die effektiwiteit van die maatskappy? 'n Verdere doelwit van hierdie studie is om toepaslike bemagtigings strategië van die VSA, Malaysië en Brasilië te bestudeer in samehang met die Suid-Afrikaanse situasie. Die uitslag van hierdie studie is dat swart ekonomies-bemagtigde maatskappye inderdaad meer van hefboming gebruik maak as hulle wit eweknieë, en as 'n gevolg van hierdie inherente risiko is hulle prestasies soms inkonsekwent. In die selekteerde prestasie kategorië kon net die helfde van die steekproef geklassifiseer word as goeie presteerders en agt persent as uitstaande presteerders. Ses-en-sewentig van die maatskappye toon 'n wins. Gedurende die periode onder bespreking het meer as neëntig persent van hierdie maatskappye aanhoudend verkeerde seine na die mark uitgestuur. In die vergelykende studie het die Impumelelo steekproef oorweldigend die steekproef in wit besit verbygesteek veral wat effektiwiteit betref per sektor. Die Impumelelo steekproef se wins is onbestendig in vergelyking met die lae, stabiele wins van die steekproef in wit besit.

The evolution of black economic empowerment in South Africa : a case study of New Africa Investments Limited.

Moodley, Narushka. January 2005
This thesis investigates the process of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) in South Africa with specific focus on New Africa Investment Limited (Nail), a company that had a firm foothold in the media industry, between 1993 and 2003. Black Economic Empowerment has become the cornerstone of South Africa's transformation process. The initiative is a form of regulation through which the economic imbalances of apartheid can be corrected by economically empowering previously disadvantaged communities1• Over the years the concept of Black Economic Empowerment has become a heavily contested and debatable one, both in the economic and political realms. This study explores how and why these contestations arise. In doing it analyses the various positions advocated by government, black empowerment groups, social movements and other empowerment groups in South Africa. In addition, it examines the impact these conflicts have had on the economic equality the Black Economic Empowerment aims to achieve. New Africa Investment Limited has also been at the centre of ·controversy with the company's empowerment status being called into question by both the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) and other empowerment groups. The nature and structure of NAIL is examined with a particular focus on the history from which the company emerged in order to assess whether NAIL fits into the model of a black empowerment company. The failure of BEE to reach its desired goals during the first years of its implementation has lead to some people calling for the withdrawal of the initiative completely. It is argued within this dissertation that one cannot dismiss the good intentions, with which the initiative was implemented, i.e. the empowerment of the historically disadvantaged people in South Africa. At the same time it is acknowledged that in practice the initiative did not achieve this goal. The BEE strategy needs to be integrated into the wider developmental strategy of South Africa. It needs to be broad-based, able to reach and change the lives of the poor black man on the street. Improving education, health care, and job creation should be placed first and foremost on the BEE agenda. The study is located within Vincent Mosco's (1996) political economy approach, which looks at the market as influenced, by the larger society and government. In addition it adopts a media economics approach, which deals with the economic relationships between media, producers, advertisers and society. This approach is useful because it explores issues pertaining to the markets and competition within which BEE is expected to occur. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2005.

One man one megawatt : one woman one candle : women, gender and energy in South Africa, with a focus on research.

Annecke, Wendy Jill. January 2003 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.

An assessment of needs and programmes for children living on the street

13 August 2012 (has links)
M.A. / The street child phenomenon is a world-wide phenomenon. However ; it is perceived to be most prominent in third world countries as compared to first world countries. The main issue is that children are forced to leave the comfort or discomfort of their homes to live on the street. This results from a number of factors. According to Schurink and Tiba in Schurink (1993:10), an extensive literature study revealed the following key factors: rapid urbanization, high rates of unemployment, poverty, inadequate housing, maladjustment to family disintegration. According to Maphatane (1993:1), today's children and youngsters face many problems and pressures arising from the changing structure of the family and the community and the breaking down of traditional systems of support and preparations for adult life. The emergence of the street child phenomenon results from poor soci-economic and political conditions. For instance according to Agnelli , as cited by Schurink (1993:13), the roots of the present clay street child phenomenon seem to lie in the historical context of economic conditions and in national and international policies accepted by various countries.

The effect of parental hypertension on cardiovascular reactivity and anxiety amongst black youth.

13 August 2012 (has links)
M.A. / Because of the high incidence of hypertension amongst South African blacks, many hypothesis have been forwarded to account for the relative higher index of hypertension amongst South African blacks when compared to whites. Because of the virtue lack of endemic proportions of hypertension in South African blacks at the beginning of this century, the often - quoted genetic hypothesis that hypertension is genetically determined would seem not to hold for South African situation. However, this was not yet tested as one of the risk factors or precursors to hypertension, namely the higher indices of cardiovascular reactivity had not been compared in the South African group between white and black subjects. This study investigated the hypothesis that the offspring of black hypertensive parents would show greater cardiovascular reactivity than those of black non-hypertensive parents, and also show greater cardiovascular reactivity than the children of white hypertensive parents as well as the children of white non-hypertensive parents. These hypotheses were partially supported. As expected the children of black hypertensives did show greater indices of cardiovascular reactivity when compared to both children of white hypertensives and the children of black non-hypertensives. An interesting finding however, was that the children of white hypertensives had shown greater indices of the psychological construct of state anxiety than the children of black hypertensive and black non-hypertensive subjects. Whereas this study supported the hypothesis that an inherited cardiovascular reactivity would and could account for the greater index of hypertension amongst South African blacks, it is also possible that the non-psychological expression of tension or cardiovascular reactivity in the form of state anxiety could partially account for the results herein obtained.

Communication challenges faced by employers in the implementation of the Black Economic Empowerment policy in KwaZulu-Natal

Juggernath, Swastika January 2010 (has links)
This study presents the research of an investigation into communication challenges that affected the implementation of Black Economic Empowerment and the communication strategies/policies used to inform and communicate with employees in businesses. To achieve this aim questionnaires were administered to seven BEE compliant organizations in KwaZulu-Natal. Mersham’s communication model for development provides a basis for evaluation of the BEE communication challenges. This study reviewed theories and literature relevant to the implementation of Black Economic Empowerment and Communication Strategies. The perceptions gained from the literature review were used to interpret the results which were obtained through a qualitative paradigm. The findings revealed that communication is a pivotal pillar in any organization and both employers and employees need to maintain the strength that binds these pillars and brings the organization together. South Africa has faced many challenges since the apartheid era. The BEE policy therefore, aims to iron out unfair practices in businesses, which is why communication is extremely important to this process. / M

Women students in political organizations : appropriating and reinterpreting apartheid history in post apartheid South Africa.

Mashigo, Thembelihle N. C. 12 June 2014 (has links)
This research project explored how young women involved in political organizations make sense of apartheid history and how they appropriate that history into their identities. Nine black women students who were involved in political organizations were interviewed from the University of Witswatersrand. The women that were chosen participated in a narrative style interview about their lives and the history of apartheid. The data were then analyzed using narrative thematic analysis and organised in the temporal zones of past, present and future. The analysis revealed the complexities of race, class and gender and how these are embodied, enacted and made sense of in the construction and reconstruction of the identities of these young women. In imagining and reflecting on the apartheid past, race was understood through both distant, public narratives and through personal and intimate family narratives. Gendered roles or positions were talked about in reference to three thematic symbols of women as nurturers, iconic wives and heroes. In progression from the apartheid past and its particular, separated and structured understanding of race and gender, the journey into the present and future, reflects increasingly complex, dynamic and multilayered understandings. In particular, the conflation of race and class under apartheid is beginning to fragment and these young women are thinking through their positionality in terms of personal class mobility and simultaneous identification as black and committed to the continuation of race struggles. It is also very clear that the question of gender equality is now very prominent for these young women as they navigate their roles in political leadership in the present and envisage themselves in the future.

African mothers experiences of the "New Beginnings" mother-infant group psychotherapy programme : reflecting on mothering while living in a shelter.

Hardudh-Dass, Hasmita 27 March 2013 (has links)
Infant mental health in South Africa has been receiving more attention in recent years. Mothers appear to be the main caregivers of infants but they face many psychosocial, economic and cultural challenges. There exists very little evidence suggesting that mothers living in shelters or institutions have access to the necessary support and education to help them to understand their circumstances and how this may impact on the attachment with their infant. The New Beginnings Programme, as an early intervention model, is aimed at improving attachment between mother and infant so as to reduce the potential risk of mental health problems later in life for the infants, the mothers and future generations. This evidence based intervention focuses on the mother and her capacity for mentalisation, which refers to the mother’s capacity to hold her infant in mind and recognise and respond to the inner states of the infant. The pilot study of the New Beginnings Programme within a South African context took place in two shelters in the Greater Johannesburg area. This particular study formed part of this bigger research effort. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of the mothers who attended the New Beginnings programme. A secondary aim was to explore these mothers’ experiences of the programme within the context of living in a shelter. The adaptation of this programme to a South African context could contribute significantly to bridging the gap in mother-infant attachment which could influence the future mental health of the infant and their ability to foster ongoing healthy attachments later in life. This qualitative study used semi-structured interviews and a narrative analysis from the theoretical perspective of psychoanalytic attachment theory. Thirteen mothers from two shelters participated in this research study.

'Born-free' narratives: life stories and identity construction of South African township youth

Howard, Kim January 2016 (has links)
A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy University of the Witwatersrand December 2016 / Within a narrative paradigm, this research project had two elements. Firstly, the project aimed to enable the researcher to gain an understanding of the construction of adolescent identity from the perspective of a cohort of first-generation, post-Apartheid adolescents as members of an NGO’s after-school support programme. Secondly, a participatory action element aimed to provide the participants with an opportunity to reflect upon their own lives in a positive, empowering way thereby providing an understanding of their past lives, strengthening a realistic power of agency for their future lives, balanced between self-identity and self transcendence in the present (Crites, 1986). Within this research, the self is theorised psychosocially, presented as both a narrated and narrating subject in which identity construction is consolidated through story-telling and the adaption of these stories to different audiences and cultural contexts. 12 volunteer participants were provided with disposable cameras and asked to take photographs of people and objects that were important to them. Using these photographs, the participants then constructed art timelines of their lives in the narrative format of ‘past’, ‘present’, and ‘future’. Each participant was then narratively interviewed twice, four months apart. The two datasets (the art timelines and the interview transcripts) were subject to three levels of analysis. Firstly, the construction of each participant’s descriptive narrative portrait was analysed across the time zones of ‘past life’, ‘present life’, and ‘future life’; secondly, thematic analysis was horizontally conducted across the narrative portraits identifying the similarities and differences between the participants, extending the specific experiences discussed by the participants into generalised themes; and thirdly, the vertical analysis of portraiture was re-invoked in greater depth, examining how the different theoretical dimensions of narrative identity identified, coalesce in one case history. The first level of analysis focused specifically on the imagoes, or personified concepts of the self, identified within the narrative portraits of three participants. It was found that these imagoes had significant effects on the identity construction of these young people, specifically on those whose parents had died. In the second phase of analysis three different dimensions of, or ways of thinking about, narrative identity were distinguished: relationality and the sense of belonging or alienation experienced by the participants in their interaction with others; the consolidation of life stories at adolescence and the participants’ social positioning within the systems of structural identity markers of race, class, gender and sexuality; and lastly the participants’ hopes and dreams, their narrative imaginations and future-orientated lives. In the third level of analysis, one participant’s narrative was selected to illustrate the theoretical concepts that underpin the construction of narrative identity, particularly constructionist intersectionality (Prins, 2006) and cultural creolisation (Glissant, 1989). These young people’s narratives indicate a patent tension between their lives to date, the histories of their families marked by insecurity and feelings of being unsafe as the effects of racism, disease and poverty, and their future imagined lives characterised by the promise of freedom and agency, education, employment and health. Through listening to and analysing these young people’s past, present and future stories, this study gained an insight into the ambivalence that exists in their lives, the contradictions they face between their moments of belonging and their moments of alienation, and how all these experiences inform and contribute to their identity constructions. / MT2017

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