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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of an Initial Muscle Strength Level on Sports Performance Changes in Collegiate Soccer Players

Ishida, Ai, Rochau, Kyle G., Findlay, Kyle P., Devero, Brandon, Duca, Marco, Stone, Michael H. 15 September 2020 (has links)
The purposes of this study were to investigate effects of partial block periodized strength training on physical performance and to examine relationships between initial muscle strength measured with isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) and performance changes after 7 weeks of strength training. Seventeen collegiate male soccer players participated. Initial muscle strength was determined using IMTP while physical performance included 10 m and 20 m sprints and static vertical jump with a polyvinyl chloride pipe (SJ0), 20 kg barbell (SJ20), and barbell loaded to 40 kg bar (SJ40). Performance testing was performed at three points: before first week (baseline), fourth week (T1), and seventh week (T2). Statistically small to moderate changes were found from baseline to T2 in peak power (PP; < 0.001, ES = 0.49), net impulse (NI; < 0.001, ES = 0.49), peak velocity (PV; < 0.001, ES = 0.62), allometrically scaled PP (PPa; < 0.001, ES = 0.62) in SJ20 and jump height (JH) in SJ40 ( < 0.001, ES = 0.36). Moderate to large correlations were found between isometric peak force and the changes from baseline to T2 in SJ20 PP ( = 0.04, = -0.49), SJ20 PF ( = 0.03, = -0.52), PPa ( = 0.04, = -0.50), and SJ20 allometrically scaled peak force ( = 0.04, = -0.49). Properly structured strength training maximizes task-specific physical performance. Initial muscle strength negatively affects the magnitudes of adaptations to physical performance.

Changes in Blood Lactate and High Intensity Exercise Endurance during a Strength - Endurance Accumulation Training using Accentuated Eccentric Loading

Goode, Nicholas 01 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of accentuated eccentric load (AEL) resistance training and changes in work capacity, high-intensity exercise endurance (HIEE) and lactate metabolism. Seventeen recreationally trained subjects (11 males and 6 females) (mean ± SD: age = 23.2 ± 4.2 yrs, BM = 81.3 ± 22.2 kg, height = 172.1 ± 10 cm, male relative back squat (BS) [MD1] strength (1RM*BM-1) = 1.64 ± 0.32 kg*kg-1, female relative BS strength = 1.39 ± 0.32 kg*kg-1) participated in the study. Subjects completed a week of familiarization to participate in a week of pre-testing, 4 weeks of strength endurance (S-E) training (3 weeks of increasing intensity with 1 deload week) followed by a final week of post-testing. Subjects were randomly assigned into AEL and traditional (TRAD) resistance training groups, pair matched for relative strength. The AEL subjects performed 3 sets of 10 reps for all multi-joint compound movements where 5 AEL repetitions were performed within the set followed by a traditional repletion and 15 s intraset rest to reattach AEL equipment, like a cluster set (CS) protocol. Resistance training was performed 3 days a week with sprint and agility training two days a week. Maximal BS strength (1RM) and HIEE were tested pre and post training block. HIEE was tested in an incremental exercise test to failure, starting at an initial load of 40kg for 10 reps/min with 2min rest to increase load. Additionally, blood lactate concentrations (BLa) were collected at baseline before any exercise was performed, after warming up, after stage three of HIEE, immediately after the final repetition, 5- and 10- minutes post final repetition. While over time maximal strength and work capacity increased no statistical difference was observed between AEL and TRAD groups after training. Additionally, there were no statistically significant differences in the BLa at similar time points pre and post. Statistically significant correlations were found between strength (squat 1RM) and work capacity, however, strength failed to account for a majority of the variance in the observed data. [MD1]Back Squat (BS)

The Effects of a Short-term Block Periodized Strength Training Program on Force Production and Running Economy and Kinematics in a Highly Trained Marathon Runner

Fiolo, N., Stone, Michael H. 01 February 2017 (has links)
Purpose: Monitor changes in force production, running economy (RE), and running kinematics (RK) in a highly trained marathon runner after beginning a strength training (ST) program. Methods: One marathon runner (M, 27 y, 165 cm, 53.3 kg, VO2pesk 67.43 ml/kg/min, PR 2:33:13) with no history of ST completed a 12-week block periodized ST program. Baseline and reliability testing was conducted over a two-month period prior to ST. The completed ST RPE and work (volume load*displacement) and running volume (km/wk) were monitored over the 12 weeks. The athlete performed an isometric mid-thigh pull to assess peak force (PF, N), rate of force development at 250 ms (RFD250), and net impulse at 250 ms (NI250) during baseline and throughout ST. The athlete performed a steady state test on a treadmill instrumented with the OptojumpTM optic sensor system to assess RE (ml/kg/km) and RK during baseline and throughout ST. Impact of the ST program was assessed by percent change of the variables during the taper from the baseline average and by the odds of a true change using the typical error and smallest worthwhile change. Results: PF improved (120:1 odds) by 17.11%, RFD250 improved (22:1 odds) by 24.73%, and NI250 improved (10:1 odds) by 16.70% before competition. Ground contact time decreased (7:1 odds) by 2.57%, flight time decreased (1:1 odds) by 1.49%, step rate increased (2:1 odds) by 2.28%, and step length decreased (57:1: odds) by 2.21%. RE improved (3:1 odds) by 2.09%. Conclusion: Improving a runner’s maximal strength and rate of force development may positively influence RK and RE.

Effects of block periodization training versus traditional periodization training in trained cross country skiers

Bakken, Timo Andre January 2013 (has links)
Aim The overall aim of this study was to develop a broader understanding on how to optimize the organization of aerobic endurance training programs, and especially how to better organize high-intensity training (HIT) and low intensity training (LIT) to give an optimum endurance performance progress. Method This study compared the effects of two different training organization methods in trained cross-country (XC) skiers and biathletes. During a 5 week intervention period, one group of athletes (n = 10, 7 men and 3 women, age 23 ± 9 years) performed block periodization (BP) training with 5-1-3-1-1 HIT sessions in the respective weeks. The other group of athletes(n = 9, 7 men and 2 women, age 22 ± 5) followed a more traditional periodization (TRAD) method performing 2-2-3-2-2 HIT sessions. LIT was interspersed between the HIT sessions so that both groups performed similar total volumes of HIT and LIT during the intervention period. Results The BP group increased relative and absolute VO2max (2.6 ± 3.6% and 2.0 ± 2.5%, P &lt; 0.05) and time to exhaustion (6.1 ± 6.4%, P &lt; 0.01). No changes were seen in the TRAD group on relative or absolute VO2max (0.8 ± 3.5% and -0.1 ± 3.0%) or time to exhaustion (-2.0 ± 7.7%). Mean effects size (ES) of the relative and absolute improvement in VO2max and time to exhaustion revealed small to moderate effects of performing BP training vs. TRAD training (ES range from 0.51 to 1.14). Conclusions This study indicates that organizing endurance training in XC skiers with block periodization training give better adaptations compared to performing traditional periodization training during a 5 week training period when performing similar volumes of high-intensity and low intensity training.

Lean Body Mass and Muscle Cross-Sectional Area Adaptations Among College Age Males With Different Strength Levels Across 11 Weeks of Block Periodized Programmed Resistance Training

Moquin, Paul A., Wetmore, Alexander B., Carroll, Kevin M., Fry, Andrew C., Hornsby, W. G., Stone, Michael H. 01 May 2021 (has links)
The block periodization training paradigm has been shown to produce enhanced gains in strength and power. The purpose of this study is to assess resistance training induced alterations in lean body mass and cross-sectional area using a block periodization training model among individuals (n = 15) of three differing strength levels (high, moderate and low) based on one repetition maximum back squat relative to body weight. A 3 × 5 mixed-design ANOVA was used to examine within-and between-subject changes in cross-sectional area (CSA), lean body mass (LBM), lean body mass adjusted (LBMadjusted) and total body water (TBW) over an 11-week resistance training program. LBMadjusted is total body water subtracted from lean body mass. The ANOVA revealed no statistically significant between-group differences in any independent variable (p > 0.05). Within-group effects showed statistically significant increases in cross-sectional area (p < 0.001), lean body mass (p < 0.001), lean body mass adjusted (p < 0.001) and total body water (p < 0.001) from baseline to post intervention: CSA: 32.7 cm2 ± 8.6; 36.3 cm2 ± 7.2, LBM: 68.0 kg ± 9.5; 70.6 kg ± 9.4, LBMadjusted: 20.4 kg ± 3.1; 21.0 kg ± 3.3 and TBW: 49.8 kg ± 6.9; 51.7 kg ± 6.9. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest subjects experienced an increase in both lean body mass and total body water, regardless of strength level, over the course of the 11-week block periodized program. Gains in lean body mass and cross-sectional area may be due to edema at the early onset of training.

Block Periodization Programming: Efficacy in Subjects of Differing Strength Levels

Moquin, Paul 01 December 2020 (has links)
Physiological muscle adaptations due to resistance training are still not fully known. The rate and area of hypertrophy could drastically help or hinder athletic performance. The purpose of this study was to observe the changes in lean body mass (and related factors), relative allometrically scaled strength and absolute strength through an 11-week block periodized resistance training program. The subjects (n = 15) realized an increase in total body water (pre = 49.77Kg; post = 51.70Kg), lean body mass (pre = 67.98Kg; post = 70.63Kg), adjusted lean body mass (pre = 20.35Kg; post = 21.03Kg) and cross sectional area (pre = 32.73 cm2; post = 36.33cm2). Subjects (n= 15) were divided into either a strong (1 RM ≥ 1.75x body weight), moderate (1 RM = ≥ 1.25-1.74x body weight), or weak (1 RM < 1.25x body weight) group and data were analyzed in pre-post training. While all subjects showed gains in LBM and related factors, initial strength levels altered these adaptations. Subjects with a lower initial maximum strength level tended to make greater gains. However, due to the increase in total body water and relatively small increases in adjusted LBM, it appears, among this group, that little myofibrillar hypertrophy occurred during this short training period. These data suggest that greater accuracy for measures of alterations in LBM and related factors may require measures of total body water.

Strength and Endocrine Adaptations from the Combined Use of Accentuated Eccentric Loading and Cluster Sets During a Strength Endurance Training Block

McDowell, Kurt 01 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the chronic effects of accentuated eccentric loading (AEL) paired with cluster sets (CS) on dynamic and maximal strength, the endocrine system, and body composition. Seventeen recreationally active subjects (male = 11, females = 6, age = 23.05 ± 4.07, height = 172.09 ± 9.98, body mass = 81.29 ± 22.18, back squat to body mass ratio = 1.55 ± 0.33, bench press to body mass ratio = 1.06 ± 0.28) participated in one familiarization week, 2 weeks of testing, and 4 weeks of training. A strength-endurance block (4 wks) was used for training in which the target load consisted of 3 sets of 10 repetitions. The AEL group performed 3 sets of 10 repetitions for the squat and bench press using AEL every other repetition (5 AEL repetitions per set). Because of this protocol, CS were also performed as one AEL repetition plus one traditional repetition followed by 15 s rest. Weight releasers were attached during the rest between clusters. Resistance training was performed three days a week, sprint and agility work were performed two days a week. Maximum dynamic strength (1 RM squat, 1RM bench press), isometric maximum strength (Isometric midthigh pull) and rate of force development (RFD) were tested before and after the training protocol. Additionally, Testosterone (T), Cortisol (C), and Creatinine (CREA), fat mass (FM) and fat free mass (FFM) were assessed pre and post-test in 16 of the subjects as blood was unable to be collected from one of the subjects post test. Although maximum strength increased over time (n= 17), no statistically significant differences in strength occurred between the AEL and TRAD protocols after 4 weeks of training. No statistically significant differences in resting blood variables or body composition occurred between the AEL and TRAD protocols after 4 weeks of training.

Maximum Strength, Rate of Force Development, Jump Height, and Peak Power Alterations in Weightlifters across Five Months of Training

Hornsby, W. Guy, Gentles, Jeremy A., MacDonald, Christopher J., Mizuguchi, Satoshi, Ramsey, Michael W., Stone, Michael H. 13 October 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this monitoring study was to investigate how alterations in training affect changes in force-related characteristics and weightlifting performance. Subjects: Seven competitive weightlifters participated in the study. Methods: The weightlifters performed a block style periodized plan across 20 weeks. Force plate data from the isometric mid-thigh pull and static jumps with 0 kg, 11 kg, and 20 kg were collected near the end of each training block (weeks 1, 6, 10, 13, 17, and 20). Weightlifting performance was measured at weeks 0, 7, 11, and 20. Results: Very strong correlations were noted between weightlifting performances and isometric rate of force development (RFD), isometric peak force (PF), peak power (PP), and jump height (JH). Men responded in a more predictable manner than the women. During periods of higher training volume, RFD was depressed to a greater extent than PF. JH at 20 kg responded in a manner reflecting the expected fatigue response more so than JH at 0 kg and 11 kg. Conclusions: PF appears to have been more resistant to volume alterations than RFD and JH at 20 kg. RFD and JH at 20 kg appear to be superior monitoring metrics due to their “sensitivity.”

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