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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos da duração da carga sobre o estresse psicobiológico, demanda energética e lipólise em sessões de musculação realizadas na intensidade de 70% 1RM /

Campanholi Neto, Jose. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Vilmar Baldissera / Resumo: A organização das variáveis do exercício resistido altera respostas do estresse psicobiológico, da demanda energética, predominância do substrato energético utilizado durante a prática do exercício e também de lipólise. Desta maneira é fundamental estudar os efeitos das variáveis do exercício resistido sobre as respostas citadas. Os estudos sobre as respostas ao estresse provocado pelo exercício resistido estão voltados, principalmente, para o volume e intensidade. Outra variável pode influenciar sobre estas respostas, a duração da carga. Assim os objetivos deste estudo são: a) Verificar a influência da duração da carga sobre o estresse psicobiológico; b) Avaliar as respostas da demanda energética a diferente duração de carga; c) Determinar o substrato energético predominante durante a execução dos protocolos; d) Investigar o efeito da duração da carga sobre a lipólise. Participaram da pesquisa 16 voluntários do sexo masculino com mais de três meses de pratica em musculação, portanto familiarizados com os exercícios convencionais de academias propostos neste trabalho, com idade média de 29,31 ± 5,26 anos, saudáveis, sem diagnósticos de doenças que impossibilitem a prática de atividade física. Os participantes visitaram o laboratório em cinco ocasiões: na primeira assinaram o TCLE, ocorreu a aplicação do PAR-Q e teste de 1RM em todos exercícios que constituem as sessões. Na segunda visita foi realizada a familiarização com os procedimentos experimentais. Na terceira e quarta v... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The organization of the variables of the resistance exercise changes the responses of psychobiological stress, energy expenditure, predominance of the energy substrate used during exercise and lipolysis. In this way it is fundamental to study the effects of the variables of the resistance exercise on the cited answers. Studies on the responses to stress caused by resistance exercise are mainly focused on volume and intensity. Another variable can influence on these responses is the time under load. Thus the purpose of this study was: a) To verify the influence of the time under load on the psychobiological stress; b) Evaluate the responses of the energy expenditure to different time under load; c) Determine the predominant energy substrate during the execution of the protocols; d) Investigate the effect of the time under load on lipolysis. Sixteen male subjects with more than three months of practice in bodybuilding participated in the study, so they were familiar with the conventional exercises of academies proposed in this project, with a mean age of 29.31 ± 5.26 years, healthy, without diagnoses of diseases that make it impossible the practice of physical activity. The subjects visited the laboratory on five occasions: the first one signed the informed consent, the application of the PAR-Q and the 1RM test occurred in all exercises that constitute the sessions. During the second visit, familiarization with the experimental procedures was performed. In the third and fourth ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Deguonies suvartojimo atliekant sunkėjantį krūvį pastovios fazės sąsaja su anaerobiniu pajėgumu / Oxygen consumption during increasing load constant phase interface with anaerobic capacity

Pukelevičiūtė, Asta 28 June 2011 (has links)
Pagrindiniai trys faktoriai lemiantys bėgikų ištvermę yra: maksimalus deguonies suvartojimas (MDS), laktato slenkstis (LS), bei bėgimo ekonomiškumas. Geriausi sportininkai turi panašų MDS, LS, bėgimo ekonomiškumą, bet įrodyta, kad raumenų faktoriai gali įtakoti ištvermę labiau, nei MDS. Yra duomenų, kad sportininkų raumenų galingumą įtakoja anaerobiniai adenozintrifosforo rūgšties (ATP) resintezės procesai, kurie gali turėti įtakos ir aerobinės ištvermės sportininkų varžybų rezultatams. Nustatyta, kad nuosekliai sunkėjančio krūvio (NSK) testo pabaigoje yra didesnis anaerobinis ATP resintezės indėlis. Vadinasi, didesnė raumenų masė ir jėga gali padėti toleruoti vis didėjantį ATP pareikalavimą ir parodyti didesnį deguonies suvartojimo pastovios fazės pasireiškimą. Labai įdomu būtų sužinoti, kaip anaerobinis pajėgumas gali įtakoti ilgų nuotolių bėgikų deguonies suvartojimo pastovios fazės trukmę. Mes manome, kad mūsų gauti tyrimo duomenys, leis geriau suprasti, kokį indėlį anaerobinis pajėgumas vaidina skirtingos deguonies suvartojimo pastovios fazės trukmės pasireiškime. Tyrimo tikslas – Nustatyti deguonies suvartojimą atliekant sunkėjantį krūvį ir pastovios fazės sąsaja su anaerobiniu pajėgumu. Tyrimo objektas: anaerobinio pajėgumo poveikis deguonies suvartojimo kaitai sunkėjančio krūvio metu. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Palyginti aerobinio ir anaerobinio pajėgumo rodiklius tarp bėgikų pasiekiančių ilgesnę ir trumpesnę pastovią fazę. 2. Nustatyti koreliacinį ryšį tarp aerobinių ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Key words: aerobic capacity, anaerobic test, blood lactate concentration, long – distance runners. The three main factors determining runners endurance are: maximum oxygen consumption, lactate threshold and running economy. However, among the best sportsmen of similar maximum oxygen uptake, lactate threshold and running economy has been shown that muscular factors may influence the endurance more than the maximum oxygen consumption. There is evidence that the athletes' muscle power affects the ATP resynthesis anaerobic processes that may affect the aerobic and endurance sports events. showed that a consistent worsening at the end of the test is more anaerobic ATP contribution resynthesis, thus more muscle mass and strength can help to tolerate the increasing demand of ATP longer a burden, and to show increased oxygen consumption in stable phase of occurrence. It is interesting to learn how to influence the anaerobic capacity for long-distance runners' oxygen consumption in stable phase duaration. Therefore, our survey data to obtain a better understanding of the contribution of anaerobic capacity plays a different oxygen consumption constant phase term occurs. The study objective – identify the oxygen uptake during increasing workload constant phase interface with the anaerobic capacity. The object of the study – anaerobic capacity effects on the oxygen consumption change during increasing exercise load. Study tasks: 1. To compare the aerobicand anaerobic capacity in... [to full text]

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