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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flow simulation of Body In White : Optimization of the production sequence and identification of bottlenecks at Volvo Trucks plant in Umeå / Flödessimulering av Body In White : Optimering av produktionssekvensen och identifiering av flaskhalsar vid Volvokoncernens hyttfabrik i Umeå

Lundberg, Mattias, Söderlund, Johan January 2017 (has links)
In this study, a discrete event model was created and used in combination with an optimization method to find the optimal production sequence at Volvo Group’s cab plant in Umeå. The optimization was performed with a heuristic approach combined with a genetic search algorithm. The result provides an optimized production sequence with an increased production performance. Potential improvements in the production flow were identified to significantly increase the throughput. Volvo Group Trucks Operations plant in Umeå is a part of Volvo Group AB and is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of heavy duty trucks. The plant in Umeå produces cab bodies and consists of Stamping and Part production, Body In White and the Paint Shop. As of today, the plant produces about XXX produced cabs per week with the goal to achieve the invested capacity of 1666 produced cabs per week. The production is structured with a daily scheduling of the cab production. Today cabs are produced in the same sequence as the orders are received. There has been an investigation regarding the production capacity in the past but further investigation was required due to insufficient data available at the time. Volvo wants to investigate the potential improvements in the BIW unit, increase the production rate and reach the level of invested capacity. Therefore, this project was introduced which led to the following problem definition: “What is the optimal production sequence in the BIW unit?” To further find potential improvements, a secondary problem definition got formulated: “How would the production sequence be affected if the current biggest bottleneck were removed?” The objective was achieved with Discrete Event Simulation, where heuristic based sequences were optimized in a genetic search algorithm. This resulted in identified sequence patterns, which were used to improve the production sequence. When analyzing the model, the floor subflow was identified as the biggest bottleneck in the production. A general suggestion would be to avoid large batches due to significant risk of limiting the throughput. Results suggest that sequences should be in cycles of 3FH-1FM with segments of batches as long as the floor buffer does not run out of parts. This resulted in a potential increased throughput of 3.2-3.7% for the Body In White. If the biggest bottleneck were to be removed, there would be a potential production increase by roughly 10% compared to the production today. / I den här studien skapades en diskret händelsestyrd modell som användes i kombination med en optimeringsmetod för att ta reda på den optimala produktionssekvensen i Volvokoncernens hyttfabrik i Umeå. Optimeringen utfördes genom heuristiker i kombination med en genetisk sökalgoritm. Detta resulterade i en optimerad produktionssekvens med en ökad takt gentemot dagsläget. Potentiella förbättringar i produktionsflödet kunde identifieras för att signifikant öka genomströmningen av hytter. Volvo Group Trucks Operations hyttfabrik i Umeå är en del av Volvo Group AB och är en världsledande tillverkare av tunga lastbilar. Fabriken i Umeå tillverkar lastbilshytter med plåtbearbetning, presshall, sammansättning och måleri. I dagsläget producerar fabriken ungefär XXX hytter i veckan med målsättningen att komma upp i den investerade kapaciteten: 1666 producerade hytter i veckan. Produktionen är upplagd med planering av hyttproduktion på daglig basis. Idag produceras hytterna inte i någon specifik sekvens utan produceras enligt samma ordning som ingående orderkö. En studie kring produktionskapaciteten har tidigare utförts, dock finns behovet av ytterligare undersökning då tillgängligheten av väsentlig data för att kunna utföra studien varit begränsad vid tidigare skeden. Av den anledningen vill Volvo utföra en undersökning för att hitta potentiella förbättringar i BIW enheten, för att således uppnå den investerade kapaciteten. Därav introducerades detta projekt med följande problemdefinition: “Vad är den optimala produktionssekvensen i BIW enheten?” För att hitta ytterligare förbättringar, så formulerades en sekundär problemdefinition: “Hur skulle produktionssekvensen påverkas om den största flaskhalsen eliminerades?” Målet nåddes med diskret händelsestyrd simulering, där optimering utfördes genom heuristiskt baserade sekvenser tillsammans med en genetisk sökalgoritm. Identifierade mönster användes sedan för att förbättra produktionssekvensen. Vid analysering av modellen identifierades floor-flödet som den största flaskhalsen i produktionen. Ett generellt förslag är att undvika stora batcher då detta innebär en signifikant risk att begränsa genomströmningen av hytter. Resultatet indikerar att sekvenser bör bestå av cykler om 3FH-1FM, med segment av batcher så länge floor-buffrarna inte är tomma. Detta resulterade i en potentiellt ökad genomströmning med 3,2-3,7% per vecka för BIW enheten. Om den största flaskhalsen i floor-flödet skulle elimineras så kan produktionen potentiellt öka med 10% jämfört mot dagens produktionstakt.

Návrh techologie výroby plechového dílce karoserie automobilu / Proposal technology of production scheet-metal part of car body

Sviták, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The Master’s Thesis is focused on stamping of sheet metal parts. The analyzed part is a structural part of an automobile body. The part is made of DC04 (cold rolled mild steel) material. The annual pruduction volume is 10.000 pieces. Theoretical background research is a knowledge base for design of tooling that can produce parts which meet quality requirements. There are three technological processes proposed in the Thesis. An economic analysis identifies the optimal technological process for the production volume. The thesis contains a complex analysis that confirmes material formability. Computer simulation verifies the part design, material and technological parameters of the forming process.

Experimental Determination Of Transfer Functions For A Car Body-in-white

Senturk, Sabri 01 April 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Vibration generated from various sources (engine, road surface, tires, exhaust, etc.) should be considered in the design of a car body. These vibrations travel through transfer systems (drivetrain, suspension, body, etc.) to the steering wheel, seats and other areas where it is detected by the passengers of the vehicle. Transmission routes must be studied and efforts made to keep transfer systems from amplifying vibration and to absorb it instead. Since the superior vibration transfer system is the car body, finite element analysis and experimental vibration analysis are performed on car body-in-white. Body vibration analysis entails understanding and improving the body&rsquo / s dynamic characteristics that act as vibration transfer channels. In the previous study, a finite element model has been created for a car body-in-white available in Automotive Laboratory (Mechanical Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara) and its natural frequencies and mode shapes have been determined using finite element analysis software. In this study, vibration tests have been performed on actual car body-in-white. Frequency response functions between 34 response locations and force application point have been measured. Using these frequency response functions, natural frequencies and mode shapes of the body-in-white have been determined. Finite element analysis and experimental results have been compared to evaluate the finite element model reliability.

Topology optimisation of structures exposed to large (non-linear) deformations

Christensen, J. January 2015 (has links)
PhD by portfolio. Research aim: To investigate if topology optimisation can be used for the development of mechanical structures exposed to large (non-linear) deformations. Research objectives: 1. Analyse and critically evaluate the potential for using state of the art commercially available Finite Element software (and associated topology optimisation algorithms) for topology optimisation of structures exposed to large-deformations. 2. Based on 1 (where feasible) suggest, develop and critically appraise opportunities, methodologies and tools for enhancing the accuracy and precision of current state of the art topology optimisation algorithms for non-linear applications. 3. Based on the outcomes of 1 and 2 define / refine and integrate a topology optimisation algorithm / methodology with enhanced levels of accuracy for structures exposed to large (non-linear) deformations. 4. Critically analyse and assess the outcomes of the tool developed in 3 to competing algorithms and “sound engineering judgement” using case-studies and objectively evaluate the potential for further development/refinement of the proposed algorithm/methodology.

Analyse de la tenue en endurance de caisses automobiles soumises à des profils de mission sévérisés / Numerical durability analysis of body-in-white

Duraffourg, Simon 13 November 2015 (has links)
Une caisse automobile est un ensemble complexe formé de plusieurs éléments qui sont souvent constitués de matériaux différents et assemblés principalement par points soudés, généralement à plus de 80%. Au stade de la conception, plusieurs critères doivent être vérifiés numériquement et confirmés expérimentalement par le prototype de la caisse, dont sa tenue en endurance. Dans le contexte économique actuel, la politique de réduction des dépenses énergétiques ou autres a conduit les constructeurs automobiles à optimiser les performances des véhicules actuels, en particulier en réduisant de façon très conséquente la masse de leur caisse. Des problèmes liés à la tenue structurelle ou à la tenue en fatigue de la caisse sont alors apparus. Afin d'être validé, le prototype de caisse doit avoir une résistance suffisante pour supporter les essais de fatigue. Les tests de validation sur bancs d'essais réalisés en amont sur un prototype sont très coûteux pour l'industriel, en particulier lorsque les tests d'essais en fatigue sur la caisse ne permettent pas de confirmer les zones d'apparition des fissures identifiées par simulations numériques. Le sujet de la thèse se limitera à ce dernier point. Il porte sur l'ensemble des analyses à mettre en oeuvre afin d'étudier la tenue en endurance de caisses automobiles soumises à des profils de mission sévérisés. L'objectif principal est de mettre au point un processus d'analyse en simulation numérique permettant de garantir un bon niveau de prédictivité de tenue en endurance des caisses automobiles. On entend par bon niveau de prédictivité, le fait d'être en mesure de corréler correctement les résultats d'essais associés aux profils de missions sévérisés classiquement utilisés dans les plans de validation de la caisse. Cette thèse a conduit à :_ analyser le comportement mécanique de la caisse et les forces d'excitations appliquées au cours de l'essai de validation,_ établir une nouvelle méthode de réduction d'un chargement pour les calculs en endurance,_ mettre au point une nouvelle modélisation EF des liaisons soudées par points,_ améliorer les modèles de prédiction de durée de vie des PSR. Les études menées ont ainsi permis d'améliorer le niveau de prédiction des calculs en fatigue de la caisse afin :_ d'identifier la majorité des zones réellement critiques sur la caisse,_ d'évaluer de manière fiable de la criticité relative de chacune de ces zones,_ d'estimer de façon pertinente la durée de vie associée à chacune de ces zones / A body-in-white (biw) is a complex structure which consists of several elements that are made of different materials and assembled mainly by spot welds, generally above 80%. At the design stage, several criteria must be verified numerically and experimentally by the car prototype, as the biw durability. In the current economic context, the policy of reducing energy and other costs led automotive companies to optimize the vehicle performances, in particular by reducing very consistently the mass of the biw. As a consequences, some structural design problems appeared. In order to be validated, validation test benches are carried out upstream on a prototype vehicle. They are very costly to the manufacturer, especially when fatigue tests do not confirm the cracks areas identified by numerical simulations. The thesis is focused on numerical biw durability analysis. It covers all the numerical analysis to be implemented to study the biw durability behavior. The main objective is to develop a numerical simulation process to ensure a good level of durability prediction. It means to be able to have a good correlation level between test bench results and numerical fatigue life prediction. This thesis has led to:_ analyze the biw mechanical behavior and the excitation forces applied to the biw during the validation tests,_ establish a new fatigue data editing technique to simplify load signal,_ create a new finite element spot weld model,_ develop a new fatigue life prediction of spot welds. The studies have thus improved the level of biw fatigue life prediction by:_ identifying the majority of critical areas on the full biw,_ reliably assessing the relative criticality of each area,_ accurately estimating the lifetime associated with each of these areas

Development of a Highly Flexible Geometry Station for Versatile Production Systems in Automotive Body Construction : A Station designed for Joining of Body-in-White Assemblies duringan Integration of Electric Vehicles / Framtagning av en högflexibel geometristation för mångsidiga produktionssyteminom fordonsindustrin

Knutsson, Erik January 2018 (has links)
The research in this report seeks to develop a highly flexible geometry station for joining futureBody-in-White (BiW) assemblies. The goal is to eliminate the need for a complete reconstructionof a production line during integration of new car bodies in a contemporary production.Today's BiW production is performed in sequential lines, where joining equipment is arranged ina specific order for each model geometry. An increasing model portfolio forces manufacturers todevelop production systems that allow an integration of new models. Electrified alternatives ofexisting models are now developed and put into production. These models have similarappearance as conventional models, but with a completely different principle of driveline due tothe propulsion. This means that new interfaces and platforms have to be developed and mustnow be integrated into a current production. Today's production lines are not prepared forcoming changes, and current stations can only handle a limited number of variants. Integration ofnew geometries into a contemporary production line is not sufficiently efficient from aproduction perspective. The goal of the future is to make such an integration possible.Initially, current and future production scenarios were studied. Based on this, four types ofproduction scenarios, which a highly flexible geometry station can be integrated into, were set up.An integration can take place in different ways depending on how a highly flexible geometrystation is compounded, therefore, different cases were created and compared in a case study.Internal and external benchmarking of production systems were made to compare the availablesolutions for increasing stations flexibility in a BiW production.As reference for the project, a concept for a highly flexible geometry station has been developedand is therefore described initially before an additional depth has been realized. The furtherconceptualization of a highly flexible geometry in this report is presented in the form of amorphological composition of technologies that can increase a station's flexibility, as well asvisualization of a station principles through layouts and cycle time charts. The result of theanalysis generated several concepts that hold different degrees of capacity, footprint andflexibility. The focus was to achieve a high level of flexibility for integration of new models, withnew geometries, in a current production. The conclusion was that the highly flexible geometrystation can, in a contemporary production, produce independently in low volumes. Alternatively,produce higher volumes when it is integrated as a complement in a novel, not yet implemented,production concept. / Forskningen i denna rapport syftar till att utveckla en högflexibel geometristation för fogning avkommande Body-in-White-karosser (BiW). Målet är att eliminera behovet av en fullständigrekonstruktion av en produktionslinje under integrering av nya bilar i en samtida produktion.Dagens BiW-produktion sker i sekventiella liner, där fogningsutrustning är arrangerad i enspecifik ordning för respektive modellgeometri. Ett ökande antal modellalternativ drivertillverkare till att utveckla produktionskoncept som möjliggör integration av nya modeller.Elektrificerande alternativ till befintliga modeller utvecklas kontinuerligt. Dessa modeller ärutseendemässigt lika de konventionella modellerna, men med en helt annan princip för drivlina.Det innebär att nya gränssnitt och plattformar har tagits fram och måste nu integreras i ennuvarande produktion. Dagens produktionslinjer är inte förberedda för kommande förändringaroch nuvarande geometristationer kan endast hantera ett begränsat antal karosstyper. Integrationav nya karosstyper i en befintlig produktionslinje är inte är tillräckligt effektivt ur ettproduktionsperspektiv. Framtidens mål är att göra en sådan integration möjlig.Inledningsvis studerades nuvarande- och kommande produktionsscenarion. Utifrån det beskrevsfyra produktionstyper, vilket en högflexibel geometristation kan komma att integreras i. Enintegration kan ske på olika vis beroende på hur en högflexibel geometristation tillämpas, därförjämfördes olika fall av det i en Case-studie. En intern och extern benchmarking avproduktionssystem gjordes för att jämföra de lösningar som finns för att öka flexibiliteten i enBiW-produktion.Som referensunderlag till projektet har ett koncept för en högflexibel geometristation tagits framoch är beskrivet inledningsvis innan en ytterligare fördjupning har realiserats.Konceptualiseringen av en högflexibel geometristation i denna rapport är presenterad i form aven morfologisk sammansättning av teknologier som kan öka en stations flexibilitet, samtvisualisering av en principiell station genom layouter och cykeltidsdiagram. Resultatet av analysengenererade flera koncept som innehar olika grad av kapacitet, fabriksyta och flexibilitet. Fokus varatt uppnå en hög flexibilitetsnivå för integration av nya modeller, med nya geometrier, i ennuvarande produktion. Slutsatsen var att den högflexibla geometristationen kan, i en nutidaproduktion, producera självständigt i låga volymer. Alternativt producera högre volymer då denintegreras som ett komplement till ett ännu inte implementerat nytt produktionskoncept. / Die Forschung in diesem Bericht zielt darauf ab, eine hochflexible Geometrie-Station für das Fügen zukünftiger Rohbau-Baugruppen zu entwickeln. Das Ziel ist es, die Notwendigkeit einer vollständigen Rekonstruktion einer Produktionslinie während der Integration neuer Karosserien in einer modernen Produktion zu beseitigen. Die heutige Rohbau Produktion wird in sequenziellen Linien durchgeführt, wobei die einzelnen Fügeverfahren in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge, angepasst an die jeweilige Modellgeometrie, angeordnet sind. Ein zunehmendes Modellportfolio zwingt die Automobilhersteller zur Entwicklung von Produktionssystemen, die eine Integration neuer Modelle ermöglichen. Elektrifizierte Varianten bestehender Fahrzeugmodelle werden nun entwickelt und in Produktion gebracht. Diese Modelle haben ein ähnliches Erscheinungsbild wie herkömmliche Modelle, jedoch mit einem stark veränderten Antriebskonzept. Dies bedeutet, dass neue Schnittstellen und Plattformen entwickelt wurden und nun in eine aktuelle Produktion integriert werden müssen. Heutige Produktionslinien sind nicht auf kommende Änderungen vorbereitet und können nur eine begrenzte Anzahl von Varianten handhaben. Die Integration neuer Geometrien in eine moderne Produktionslinie ist aus Produktionssicht nicht effizient, aber soll in Zukunft das Ziel sein. Zunächst wurden aktuelle und zukünftige Produktionsszenarien untersucht. Darauf aufbauend wurden vier Arten von Produktionsszenarien erarbeitet, in die eine hochflexible Geometriestation integriert werden kann. Je nach Aufbau der Geostation kann eine Integration auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise erfolgen. Daher wurden in einer Fallstudie unterschiedliche Fälle erstellt und verglichen. Ein Benchmarking mit internen und externen Produktionssystemen wurde durchgeführt, um eine größtmöglichste Flexibilität der Stationen in einer Rohbau Produktion zu erzielen. Als Referenz für das Projekt wurde ein Konzept für eine hochflexible Geometriestation entwickelt und im Rahmen der Thesis dokumentiert, bevor eine zusätzliche Tiefe realisiert wurde. Die weitere Konzeptionierung einer hochflexiblen Geometrie-Station wird in Form einer morphologischen Zusammensetzung von Technologien präsentiert. Dieser kann die Flexibilität einer Station erhöhen und zudem die Visualisierung von Stationsprinzipien, beispielsweise durch Layouts oder Zykluszeitdiagramme, fördern. Das Ergebnis der Analyse erzeugte mehrere vi Konzepte, die unterschiedliche Grade an Kapazität, Grundfläche und Flexibilität beinhalteten. Der Fokus lag auf einer hohen Flexibilität bei der Integration neuer Modelle mit neuen Geometrien in einer aktuellen Produktion. Die Schlussfolgerung war, dass die hochflexible Geometriestation in einer zeitgemäßen Produktion in kleinen Stückzahlen produzieren kann. Alternativ ist die Geo-Station auch als Bestandteil eines noch umzusetzenden Produktionskonzepts integrierbar.

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