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En semiotisk studie av Volvo Trucks kampanjfilmer med fokus på den nordamerikanska marknadenPennsäter Åkesson, Sara, Alm, Evelina January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie genomfördes för att undersöka hur Volvo Trucks som globalt företag i Nordamerika riktar sin kommunikation gentemot mottagare i kampanjfilmer. Varav vi har tittat på två som är skapade med att främst rikta sig till den nordamerikanska publiken och den tredje till den globala. Vi gjorde detta för att undersöka vilka visuella arrangemang man använder sig av för att väcka uppmärksamhet och förtroende på en relativt ny marknad som Nordamerika är. För att göra detta har vi genomfört en kvalitativ intervju med en anställd på kommunikationsavdelningen i Nordamerika. För titta närmare på kampanjfilmerna har vi genomfört en multimodal analys för att undersöka vad vi ser i respektive scen. Våra resultat har visat att Volvo Trucks Nordamerika använder sig av symboler, karaktärer och miljöer i sina kampanjfilmer för att de nordamerikanska mottagarna ska uppleva igenkänning och gemenskap för att få förtroende för företaget. I kampanjfilmen som främst riktar sig till den globala publiken, använder sig däremot Volvo av andra känslor samt igenkänningsfaktorn som spänning och internationella karaktärer för att mottagarna ska uppmärksamma Volvo Trucks som varumärke. / This study was designed to investigate Volvo Trucks in North America's focus in how the company communicates to their target group in their campaigns. We also investigated which visual imagery they use to attract attention and retrieve trust on a relatively new market such as North America. A qualitative interview was performed with an employee at the communication center in North America. A more deeper analysis of the campaigns was made with a multi-modal analysis, which helped us investigate what we see in each scene in the campaigns. The result showed that Volvo Trucks in North America uses symbols, characters and environments in their campaigns in a way that makes north Americans recognition and therefore the company receives trust. While the campaign that is directed to the global public uses other emotions and recognitions like excitement and international character, so more people can feel attachment with the Volvo Truck brand.
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Hur kan Skånetrafiken utveckla deras Content marketing utifrån Volvo Trucks filmer?Möllerberg, Josefine January 2019 (has links)
I dagens samhälle cirkulerar stora mängder av reklambudskap genom olika digitala kanaler, vilket ställer högre krav på företagen att producera innehåll som är relevant, av nytta och värdeskapande för mottagaren. Innehållet har alltså betydelsefull roll för att ens nå ut till mottagare, vilket har lett till att marknadsföringsstrategin content marketing har vuxit med stormsteg de senaste åren. Ett företag som har använt content marketing under många år och visat stor framgång inom det är Volvo Trucks, vilket är ett av studiens fallstudieobjekt. Skånetrafiken är en organisation som nyligen har implementerat content marketing strategin i sitt marknadsföringsarbete, vilket är studiens andra fallstudieobjekt. Syftet med studien är att uppnå en ökad förståelse kring hur Volvo Trucks och Skånetrafiken använder content marketing i sina reklamfilmer idag, för att sedan öka insikten i hur Skånetrafiken kan utveckla sina reklamfilmer utifrån Volvo Trucks.För att analysera Volvo Trucks och Skånetrafikens reklamfilmer har fem näranalyser genomförts; tre av Volvo Trucks och två av Skånetrafiken. Därefter har en visuell low-fidelity- prototyp tagits fram för att påvisa hur Skånetrafiken skulle kunna utveckla sina reklamfilmer enligt Volvo Trucks användning av content marketing. Studiens resultat visade på att genom en utveckling av det underliggande budskapet och en ökning av igenkänningsfaktorn kan detta främja den känslomässiga reaktionen hos mottagaren och på så vis kommunicera det underhållande värdet. Prototypen visualiserar ett vardagligt händelseförlopp som består av ett barn som huvudkaraktär, en familjär miljö och ett tydligare underliggande budskap för att förmedla både det informativa och underhållande värdet. / In today's society, large volumes of advertising messages are circulated through different digital channels, which places higher demands on companies to create relevant, useful and value content for the customer. The content has a significant role in reaching out to the customers, which has led to the increasing growth of the strategy Content marketing (shortened CM in the paper) in the last few years. One company that has used CM for many years and proved successful in this is Volvo Trucks, which is one of the case study objects in this paper. Skånetrafiken is an organization that has recently implemented CM in its marketing work, which also is the papers case study object. The purpose of the study is to gain an increased understanding of how Volvo Trucks and Skånetrafiken use content marketing in their commercials, and then to gain insight into how Skånetrafiken can develop their commercials based on Volvo Trucks.To investigate which values Volvo Trucks is communicating and how Skånetrafiken can develop and improve its use of CM, five visual content analysis using Nordströms (1989) method called Näranalys, has been implemented; three of Volvo Trucks and two of Skånetrafiken. Subsequently, a visual low-fidelity prototype has been developed that shows how Skånetrafiken could develop its campaign film "Door closing" according to Volvo Trucks use of CM. The study's results showed that through the development of the underlying message and an increase in the recognition factor, this can promote the emotional response of the customer. The prototype visualizes an everyday storyline that consists of a child as the main character, a familiar environment and a clearer underlying message to communicate both the informative and entertaining value.
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Design of transport solution for truck plant line simulatorTjernström, Oskar, Wiklund, Alfred January 2023 (has links)
Volvo Trucks is the second-largest heavy-duty truck provider in the world. As of now they are working towards fossil free transport solutions. This comes with a fast development pace and an increasing need of being able to verify new and complex assembly processes to ensure an integration of the production of new truck models together with the current vehicles that are being produced. This project is a master thesis that focuses on improving the quality and verification capabilities of the Pilot Plant at the Volvo Tuve site. The goal of the project is to design and develop a modular transport solution that can be used to move truck chassis at a predefined speed to be able to simulate and perform assembly tasks with the same parameters in the test environment as in the factory process along the driven line. The design was developed using the product development process described by Ulrich et al., 2020, with slight modification. The resulting design is able to move the truck chassis at the requested predefined speeds that are possible on the driven line in the factory. This solution gives Volvo the ability to perform simulations of specific and critical assembly steps, potentially resulting in fewer failures during production ramp-up of their new truck models. Calculations were made to in order to verify the strength and functionality of the design.
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Hydraulic press construction for fitting the bearings to the housingEgüz, Izzettin Osman January 2008 (has links)
This report was written as a result of a Bachelor Degree Project, together with Swepart Transmission AB. The report contains the construction of a hydraulic press for the assembly operation. The project started with a new construction of a hydraulic press for the bearings’ assembly. The goal within the thesis work was to fit the three bearings to the housing by only one press motion. This operation should be very safety because of the sensitive tolerance at the bearings and housing. Construction of the cylinders, rams and bolster were the most important parts at this project because this parts’ functions are very important for this assembly. The next step of this thesis was to calculate the hydraulic press components’ parameters and then choose the suitable components. The focus was to choose more useful and reliable components. The hydraulic press was modeled in the CAD program Solid Works and 2D technical drawing was drawn in the Autocad. The frame material was chosen and the frame was analysised in the Solid Works.
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Hydraulic press construction for fitting the bearings to the housingEgüz, Izzettin Osman January 2008 (has links)
<p>This report was written as a result of a Bachelor Degree Project, together with Swepart Transmission AB. The report contains the construction of a hydraulic press for the assembly operation.</p><p>The project started with a new construction of a hydraulic press for the bearings’ assembly. The goal within the thesis work was to fit the three bearings to the housing by only one press motion. This operation should be very safety because of the sensitive tolerance at the bearings and housing. Construction of the cylinders, rams and bolster were the most important parts at this project because this parts’ functions are very important for this assembly.</p><p>The next step of this thesis was to calculate the hydraulic press components’ parameters and then choose the suitable components. The focus was to choose more useful and reliable components.</p><p>The hydraulic press was modeled in the CAD program Solid Works and 2D technical drawing was drawn in the Autocad. The frame material was chosen and the frame was analysised in the Solid Works.</p>
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Assessment of Machine tool flexibility in a Production systemOldestam, Anton January 2023 (has links)
This project aims to present machine tool characteristics which may induce limiting factors in terms of flexibility. The aim is also to present a current state description of the machine tools in the production system regarding their characteristics in terms of quantifiable results. This refers to visual presentation in the form of graphs of the distribution of these characteristics among the different machine tools. A literature study was conducted to attain knowledge of machine tools and how the literature defines machine tool flexibility. Based on this, the flexibility parameters were identified. The result illustrates the current state description of the machine tools found in Volvo truck’s factory in Köping. These machine tools are lathe machines, machine centers, gear cutting machines and grinding machines. The result presents a percentage breakdown for each parameter for each of the machine types regarding the number of machines which possess a specific characteristic. The result displayed various cases of data missing. In many cases only a small percentage of data was missing, thus this result should be a sufficient representation of the situation. Meanwhile in other cases more data was missing and it leads to the result being less accurate. Overall, the acquired data in most cases should be sufficient to provide a current state description of the machines in the factory. There is no clear definition of flexibility referenced by the literature, hence it is difficult to conduct a quantitative evaluation. Moreover, there are many parameters presented in this work which emphasizes the multidimensional complexity of the problem. The parameters presented in this project directly influence the type of operations required, geometrical complexity of the workpiece, number of setups and size of workpiece which the machine is capable of handling. The machines have been grouped into the four categories mentioned above. This was done to reduce the complexity of the problem, hence not investigating each sub-category of machine (for example hobbing, skiving, etc.) The work has chosen not to group the machines based on the article they process as this would require additional knowledge of the layout and flow of material in the factory. The chosen approach will provide more of a generic visualization. A method has been developed to present a current state description of a manufacturing system regarding machine tool flexibility and how they can be evaluated. This process includes data collection and documentation of machines tools for the flexibility parameters. Hence, it can be presented how the machines within each machine type possess a specific attribute in terms of numbers or fit within a certain interval. The purpose is to present visual results of the data to illustrate for the reader the distribution of the machine characteristics for each of the machine types and parameters. / Detta projekt har som mål att presentera egenskaper hos bearbetningsmaskiner som kan medföra begränsande faktorer kopplat till flexibilitet. Målet är också att presentera en nulägesbeskrivning av bearbetningsmaskinernas egenskaper i produktionssystemet i form av kvantifierbara resultat. Detta refererar till visuella presentationer i form av grafer angående distribueringen av dessa egenskaper bland de olika bearbetningsmaskinerna. En litteraturstudie har genomförts för att tillhandahålla kunskaper om bearbetningsmaskiner och hur litteraturen definierar flexibilitet hos bearbetningsmaskiner. Resultatet illustrerar nulägesbeskrivningen av bearbetningsmaskinerna som befinner sig i Volvo Trucks fabrik i Köping. Dessa bearbetningsmaskiner är svarvar, fleroperationsmaskiner, kuggbearbetningsmaskiner och slipmaskiner. Resultatet visar en procentuell uppdelning av varje parameter for varje maskintyp, angående antalet maskiner som besitter en viss typ av egenskap. Resultatet visade på olika fall av saknad av data. I många fall saknades endast en liten andel av data, därmed bör detta resultat ge en tillräcklig representation av situationen. I andra fall saknades mer data och det leder till att resultatet blir mindre exakt. Överlag bör den insamlade datan i de flesta fall vara tillräcklig för att presentera en nulägesbeskrivning av maskinerna i fabriken. Det finns ingen tydlig definition av flexibilitet som nämns i litteraturen, därmed medför detta svårigheter att utföra en kvantitativ utvärdering. Dessutom presenteras det många olika parametrar i detta arbete, vilket understryker problemets flerdimensionella komplexitet. Parametrarna presenterade i detta arbete påverkar direkt vilken typ av operation som behövs, geometriska komplexiteten av arbetsstycket, antalet uppspänningar och storleken på arbetsstycket som maskinen kan hantera. Maskinerna har grupperats i fyra olika kategorier som nämndes ovan. Detta gjordes för att minska komplexiteten av problemet, därmed undersöks inte underkategorierna av maskinerna (till exempel hobbing skiving etcetera). Arbetet har valt att inte gruppera maskinerna baserat på vilken artikel de bearbetar, eftersom detta skulle behöva ytterligare kunskaper om layouten och flödet av material i fabriken. Det valda tillvägagångssättet ger en mer generell visualisering. En metod har tagits fram för att presentera en nulägesbeskrivning av ett produktionssystem med avseende på flexibiliteten hos bearbetningsmaskiner och hur de kan utvärderas. Denna process inkluderar datainsamling och dokumentation av flexibilitetsparametrarna hos bearbetningsmaskinerna. Därmed kan det presenteras hur maskinerna inom varje maskintyp besitter en specifik egenskap i form av siffror eller passar inom ett specifikt intervall. Syftet är att presentera visuella resultat av datan för att illustrera för läsaren om distribueringen av maskinegenskaperna för varje maskintyp och parameter.
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Beyond Traditional Ergonomics: Novel Tools for Assessing Finger Strain at Volvo Trucks : Methods for measuring finger strain during assemblyLimrell, Gustav, Marberg, Cajsa January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores innovative methodologies to assess finger strain during the assembly process atVolvo Trucks in Tuve. With the increased complexity and frequency of tasks in truck assembly, particularly with the shift to electric truck production, ergonomic concerns have risen, notably around the strain on operators’ fingers. Our project aims to identify a reliable and precise tool to measure the forces exerted on the fingers during these assembly tasks, addressing the limitations of current dynamometers which struggle in confined spaces, on non-flat surfaces and with different types of grips. Using a combination of empirical studies, expert consultations, and ergonomic tool evaluations, we evaluated various measurement tools and technologies. The study involved detailed observations and interviews at the assembly plant to identify critical ergonomic challenges. We then tested selected devices under real-world conditions to evaluate their effectiveness in capturing accurate force measurements. Our findings suggest that the integration of advanced sensor technologies can improve ergonomic assessment of assembly tasks by providing more accurate real-time data. This would allow for a better design of tools and work processes, ultimately improving worker safety and productivity. / Det här examensarbetet utforskar innovativa metoder för att bedöma fingerbelastning under monteringsprocessen hos Volvo Trucks i Tuve. Med en ökad komplexitet och mängd av arbetsuppgifter vid montering av lastbilar, särskilt med övergången till produktionen av eldrivna lastbilar, har de ergonomiska problemen ökat. Särskilt vad gäller belastningen på operatörernas fingrar. Vårt projekt syftar till att identifera ett tillförlitlig och exakt verktyg för att mäta de krafter som utövas från fingrarna under dessa monteringsmoment, och att adressera begränsningarna hos nuvarande kraftmätningsverktyg som har svårt att användas i trånga utrymmen, på ojämna ytor och vid olika typer av grepp. Genom en kombination av empiriska studier, expertkonsultationer och utvärderingar av ergonomiska verktyg, utvärderade vi olika mätverktyg och mättekniker. Projektet involverade detaljerade observationer och intervjuer i Tuvefabriken för att identifiera kritiska ergonomiska utmaningar. Vi testade sedan utvalda produkter under verkliga förhållanden för att utvärdera deras effektivitet i att fånga krafter från fingrarna. Våra resultat tyder på att integrationen av avancerade sensorteknologier kan förbättra den ergonomiska bedömningen av monteringsmoment genom att tillhandahålla mer exakt realtidsdata. Detta skulle möjliggöra en bättre utformning av verktyg och arbetsprocesser, vilket slutligen förbättrar säkerhet och produktivitet.
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Flow simulation of Body In White : Optimization of the production sequence and identification of bottlenecks at Volvo Trucks plant in Umeå / Flödessimulering av Body In White : Optimering av produktionssekvensen och identifiering av flaskhalsar vid Volvokoncernens hyttfabrik i UmeåLundberg, Mattias, Söderlund, Johan January 2017 (has links)
In this study, a discrete event model was created and used in combination with an optimization method to find the optimal production sequence at Volvo Group’s cab plant in Umeå. The optimization was performed with a heuristic approach combined with a genetic search algorithm. The result provides an optimized production sequence with an increased production performance. Potential improvements in the production flow were identified to significantly increase the throughput. Volvo Group Trucks Operations plant in Umeå is a part of Volvo Group AB and is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of heavy duty trucks. The plant in Umeå produces cab bodies and consists of Stamping and Part production, Body In White and the Paint Shop. As of today, the plant produces about XXX produced cabs per week with the goal to achieve the invested capacity of 1666 produced cabs per week. The production is structured with a daily scheduling of the cab production. Today cabs are produced in the same sequence as the orders are received. There has been an investigation regarding the production capacity in the past but further investigation was required due to insufficient data available at the time. Volvo wants to investigate the potential improvements in the BIW unit, increase the production rate and reach the level of invested capacity. Therefore, this project was introduced which led to the following problem definition: “What is the optimal production sequence in the BIW unit?” To further find potential improvements, a secondary problem definition got formulated: “How would the production sequence be affected if the current biggest bottleneck were removed?” The objective was achieved with Discrete Event Simulation, where heuristic based sequences were optimized in a genetic search algorithm. This resulted in identified sequence patterns, which were used to improve the production sequence. When analyzing the model, the floor subflow was identified as the biggest bottleneck in the production. A general suggestion would be to avoid large batches due to significant risk of limiting the throughput. Results suggest that sequences should be in cycles of 3FH-1FM with segments of batches as long as the floor buffer does not run out of parts. This resulted in a potential increased throughput of 3.2-3.7% for the Body In White. If the biggest bottleneck were to be removed, there would be a potential production increase by roughly 10% compared to the production today. / I den här studien skapades en diskret händelsestyrd modell som användes i kombination med en optimeringsmetod för att ta reda på den optimala produktionssekvensen i Volvokoncernens hyttfabrik i Umeå. Optimeringen utfördes genom heuristiker i kombination med en genetisk sökalgoritm. Detta resulterade i en optimerad produktionssekvens med en ökad takt gentemot dagsläget. Potentiella förbättringar i produktionsflödet kunde identifieras för att signifikant öka genomströmningen av hytter. Volvo Group Trucks Operations hyttfabrik i Umeå är en del av Volvo Group AB och är en världsledande tillverkare av tunga lastbilar. Fabriken i Umeå tillverkar lastbilshytter med plåtbearbetning, presshall, sammansättning och måleri. I dagsläget producerar fabriken ungefär XXX hytter i veckan med målsättningen att komma upp i den investerade kapaciteten: 1666 producerade hytter i veckan. Produktionen är upplagd med planering av hyttproduktion på daglig basis. Idag produceras hytterna inte i någon specifik sekvens utan produceras enligt samma ordning som ingående orderkö. En studie kring produktionskapaciteten har tidigare utförts, dock finns behovet av ytterligare undersökning då tillgängligheten av väsentlig data för att kunna utföra studien varit begränsad vid tidigare skeden. Av den anledningen vill Volvo utföra en undersökning för att hitta potentiella förbättringar i BIW enheten, för att således uppnå den investerade kapaciteten. Därav introducerades detta projekt med följande problemdefinition: “Vad är den optimala produktionssekvensen i BIW enheten?” För att hitta ytterligare förbättringar, så formulerades en sekundär problemdefinition: “Hur skulle produktionssekvensen påverkas om den största flaskhalsen eliminerades?” Målet nåddes med diskret händelsestyrd simulering, där optimering utfördes genom heuristiskt baserade sekvenser tillsammans med en genetisk sökalgoritm. Identifierade mönster användes sedan för att förbättra produktionssekvensen. Vid analysering av modellen identifierades floor-flödet som den största flaskhalsen i produktionen. Ett generellt förslag är att undvika stora batcher då detta innebär en signifikant risk att begränsa genomströmningen av hytter. Resultatet indikerar att sekvenser bör bestå av cykler om 3FH-1FM, med segment av batcher så länge floor-buffrarna inte är tomma. Detta resulterade i en potentiellt ökad genomströmning med 3,2-3,7% per vecka för BIW enheten. Om den största flaskhalsen i floor-flödet skulle elimineras så kan produktionen potentiellt öka med 10% jämfört mot dagens produktionstakt.
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Volvo Trucks: A Trucker's Pride : Increasing the Quality of Life for American Long-Haul TruckersVaninetti, Travis January 2012 (has links)
Volvo Trucks: A Trucker's Pride The North American trucking industry is in decline. By 2014, the United States is projected to be short 110,000 drivers (Wikipedia). The hardest hit segment is the long-haul sector, due to the difficult lifestyle of the long-haul trucker. Drivers experience long periods of time away from home, mediocre pay, and “miserable” working conditions. In order to revive the struggling industry and refresh the lifeblood of our civilization, the long-haul trucker lifestyle must be made more appealing. This project is a study into how to make the North American Long-Haul trucker lifestyle appealing to future trucker generations through both interior and exterior design. In-depth research found that emotional needs of American long-haul truckers are not being met. Emotional needs are directly linked to the concept of “quality of life”. Therefore, increasing the trucker’s quality of life would help truckers meet their emotional needs and thus help revive the North American trucking industry. Through interviews and questionnaires, pride was determined to be the key emotional need of the American Trucker. These interviews revealed that the best method to appeal to this key emotional need was to rethink the exterior form. It was decided that a design sculpture should be used to illustrate the concept of emotionally appealing transportation. For the interior design, research showed that a trucker’s fundamental human needs were not being met aboard the truck. Expanding the living space on-board and providing truckers access to their basic human needs allow people to truly live life on the road. The Volvo Vision Long-Haul (VLH) helps future truckers take pride in themselves and their lifestyles. Pride comes from the aesthetics of assertive strength and the confident stance of the vehicle. A higher seating position gives drivers a commanding view of the road and the use of noble materials helps drivers feel they live in a quality environment. Onboard, the Volvo VLH maximizes interior space, providing enough room for a trucker to live life on the road. To meet basic human needs, the truck has a shower and toilet onboard, along with a kitchen complete with stove and sink. The lofted bedroom offers feelings of exclusivity and expands upward when the vehicle is parked. This unique expanding space is accessed via a spiral staircase, which stores neatly away when not in use. The Volvo VLH meets the emotional needs of the American long-haul trucker, making the lifestyle appealing to future generations.
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