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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Sugamadex em peso ideal versus peso corrigido em 20% e 40% para reversão de bloqueio neuromuscular em cirurgia bariátrica — ensaio clínico randomizado duplamente encoberto.

DUARTE, Nádia Maria da Conceição 25 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-07-31T12:22:14Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Dissertação Mestrado Nádia M C Duarte UFPE Biblioteca Arquivo digital 01 março 2016 .pdf: 568588 bytes, checksum: 57ce6c1480b95a9035dd70862d2b1d7b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-31T12:22:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Dissertação Mestrado Nádia M C Duarte UFPE Biblioteca Arquivo digital 01 março 2016 .pdf: 568588 bytes, checksum: 57ce6c1480b95a9035dd70862d2b1d7b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-25 / CAPES / Introdução: As doses de anestésicos e adjuvantes são, habitualmente, recomendadas com base no peso corporal total, como resultado de estudos conduzidos em indivíduos com índice de massa corporal (IMC) dentro dos parâmetros da normalidade. A utilização de peso corporal total para cálculos de dosagem de fármacos em pacientes obesos mórbidos pode resultar em doses superiores ou inferiores ao desejado, efeitos adversos e/ou desfechos clínicos ruins. Assim, ajustes de dosagem de fármacos devem ser realizados, levando em consideração as peculiaridades da composição corporal de pacientes com obesidade mórbida. Sugamadex é um novo agente indicado para reverter o bloqueio neuromuscular, cujo parâmetro de peso corporal para ajuste de dose em pacientes obesos mórbidos ainda carece de definição. Objetivo: O estudo teve como objetivo definir o parâmetro de peso corporal para o cálculo de dosagem sugamadex, em pacientes obesos mórbidos submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica, utilizando o tempo de reversão do bloqueio neuromuscular e a curarização residual pósoperatória como os principais desfechos. Método: Foi realizado um ensaio clínico prospectivo, randomizado, duplamente encoberto, com sessenta participantes adultos submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica, com IMC acima de 40 Kg.m-2 . Os indivíduos foram distribuídos, aleatoriamente, em três grupos, de acordo com o parâmetro de peso corporal utilizado para calcular a dose de sugamadex ao final do procedimento, para reversão do bloqueio neuromuscular: peso ideal (PI), peso ideal corrigidocomacréscimo de 20% da diferença entre o peso real e o ideal (peso corrigido em 20% — PC20) ou peso ideal corrigidocomacréscimo de 40% da diferença entre o peso real e o ideal (peso corrigido em 40% — PC40). Todos foram submetidos a anestesia geral venosa total, com rocurônio em infusão contínua para obtenção do bloqueio neuromuscular. Acelerometria com estimulação elétrica por sequência de quatro estímulos (train-of-four — TOF) foi utilizado para monitorizar a profundidade do bloqueio neuromuscular. Ao final da cirurgia, após a recuperação espontânea da segunda resposta do TOF (T2), uma dose única em bolus de 2 mg.Kg-1 de sugamadex foi administrada a cada paciente, de acordo com o parâmetro de peso corporal, atribuído por seu grupo de alocação. Os desfechos estudados foram o tempo de reversão do bloqueio neuromuscular, definido como o tempo, em segundos, até a obtenção de TOF igual ou superior a 0,9, e a ocorrência de curarização residual, definida como presença de sinais e sintomas de comprometimento da função neuromuscular no período pós-operatório imediato na sala de recuperação pós-anestésica (SRPA) – capacidade para se transportar, compoucaounenhumaajuda, da cama cirúrgica para a de transporte para a SRPA, adequação da oxigenaçãoatravés de oximetria de pulso, padrãorespiratório, habilidade para deglutir saliva e clareza de visão. Resultados: Os grupos foram homogêneos quanto às suas características — gênero, idade, tipo de cirurgia, peso corporal total e IMC. Os tempos de reversão do bloqueio, em segundos, foram (média e desvio padrão) 225,2 ± 81,2 no grupo PI, 173.9 ± 86.8 no grupo PC20 e 174.1 ± 74.9 no grupo PC40 (p = 0.087). Nenhum participante apresentou sinais de curarização residual pós-operatória na sala de recuperação pós-anestésica. Conclusões: Considerando que não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos quanto ao tempo de reversão do bloqueio neuromuscular e a frequência de curarização residual pós-operatória, utilizando menores doses de sugamadex com base no peso corporal ideal do que com base nos pesos corrigidos, conclui-se que o peso corporal ideal pode ser utilizado para calcular a dose de sugamadex para reverter, adequadamente, o bloqueio neuromuscular moderado induzido por rocurônio em pacientes obesos mórbidos submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica. / Background: Anesthetic and adjuvant drug dosages are usually based on the total body weight, as a result of studies conducted in individuals presenting body mass index (BMI) within the normal range. Using the total body weight for drug dosage calculations in morbidly obese patients may result in over or under dosage, adverse events and/or poor clinical outcomes. For this reason, drug dosage adjustments should be done taking into consideration the peculiarities of the body composition of morbidly obese patients. Sugammadex is a new neuromuscular block reversal agent, which body weight parameter for dosing adjustment in morbidly obese patients still lacks definition. Aim: The study aimed to define the body weight parameter to base the calculation of sugammadex dosing regime in morbidly obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery, using neuromuscular blockade reversal time and postoperative residual curarisation as the main outcomes. Methods: A prospectively double blind randomized clinical trial was done with sixty adults scheduled to bariatric surgery exhibiting BMI equal or greater than 40 Kg.m-2. Subjects were randomly assigned to three groups, according to the body weight parameter used to calculate the dose of sugammadex applied at the end of the procedure for reversal of the neuromuscular blockade: ideal body weight (IBW), IBW plus 20% of excess weight (20% corrected body weight — CBW20) or IBW plus 40% of excess weight (40% corrected body weight — CBW40). Total intravenous anesthesia was used in all patients. A continuous infusion of rocuronium bromide produced intraoperative neuromuscular blockade. Accelerometry train-of-four stimulation (TOF) was used to monitor the depth of the neuromuscular block. At the end of the surgery, after spontaneous recovery of the second response of the train-of-four sequence (T2), a single bolus-dose of sugammadex equal to 2mg.Kg-1 was administered according to the the body weight parameter previous assigned to each particular patient. Main outcome measures were the neuromuscular block reversal time, defined as the time in seconds until a TOF ratio equal or greater than 0.9, and the occurrence of postoperative residual curarisation, defined as signs and symptoms of compromised neuromuscular function in the immediate postoperative period in recovery room – thepatient'sabilitytocarry, withlittleor no help, thesurgicalbed for thetransportationtotherecoveryroom, adequacyofoxygenationwith pulse oximetry, breathingpattern, abilitytoswallow saliva andclarityofvision. Results: Groups were homogeneous regarding demographic data — gender, age, type of surgery, total body weight and BMI. Neuromuscular reversal times, in seconds, were (mean ± SD) 225.2 ± 81.2 in IBW group, 173.9 ± 86.8 in CBW20 group, and174.1 ± 74.9 in CBW40 group (p = 0.087). Postoperativeresidual neuromuscular block was not observed in any subject of the study. Conclusions: Considering that no difference between groups in neuromuscular reversal times and frequency of post-operative residual curarisation were observed, using lower doses of sugammadex based on the ideal body weight than doses based on corrected body weight, we conclude that the ideal body weight may be used to calculate the dose of sugammadex to reverse, adequately, moderate neuromuscular block induced by rocuronium bromide in morbidly obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery.

Childhood overweight and childhood obesity in fifth graders at Granite Hill Elementary School

Toten, Deborah Ann 01 January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine if the students in the 5th grade class at Granite Hill Elementary were overweight or obese. The research questions included: (a) Does the Granite Hill Elementary School population mirror the world wide trend of increasing childhood overweight and childhood obesity, and (b) how does the Granite Hill Elementary School population compare to the International Obesity Task Force standards?

Mudanças morfológicas e glandulares associadas ao polietismo etário em Polybia paulista (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) / Morphological and glandular changes associated th the age polyethism of Polybia paulista (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

Galeano, Zioneth Judith Garcia 08 March 2010 (has links)
A divisão de trabalho é um dos temas centrais no estudo dos insetos sociais. Nas abelhas e nas vespas essa atividade é regulada pelo polietismo etário. Vários autores mostraram que o polietismo etário de Apis mellifera tem ativação seletiva das glândulas com o trabalho feito dentro da colônia, além de diminuição do peso corporal ao começar o forrageio. Nos vespídeos sociais, o polietismo etário é um tema pouco explorado. Com o objetivo de identificar e descrever em Polybia paulista estas mudanças corporais e glandulares relacionadas à idade dos indivíduos ou com o seu uso na função social, analisaram-se operárias de diferentes idades mantidas em cativeiro desde a sua emergência nas quais foi restrita a interação social desde sua emergência e operárias de diferentes idades coletadas desde o ninho onde a interação social foi completa. Operárias de Polybia paulista mantidas em cativeiro aumentaram a massa corporal, diminuíram a massa do mesosoma e diminuíram a secreção das glândulas salivares e mandibular conforme de acordo com o aumento da idade. Isso difere daquelas operárias que foram permitidas do desenvolvimento social normal (grupo controle), onde foi observado um aumento na massa corporal, na massa do mesosoma e na secreção das glândulas salivar e a mandibular em relação ao aumento da idade das vespas. Provavelmente, o relacionamento social estimula a formação e a transição fisiológica relacionada ao polietismo etário em Polybia paulista. Nestas vespas, mudanças corporais e glandulares observadas foram relacionadas com idade, sendo provável que a interação social e o uso das estruturas nas diferentes tarefas dentro da colônia estejam influenciando tais mudanças. Como conseqüência, fatores que atuam sobre a demografia da colônia, como a fase de desenvolvimento ou o bem-estar da colônia, podem ser determinantes na regulação do polietismo etário. Estes resultados contrastam com o modelo proposto para o polietismo etário da abelha Apis mellifera e com observações da atividade glandular na vespa social Polistes versicolor / The division of labor is a central theme in the study of social insects. In bees and wasps this ability is regulated for age castes of the workers. In Apis mellifera, several authors have shown selective activation of the glands for job in colony, and reduced body weight for foraging. In social wasps age polyethism among workers is a relatively unexplored subject. We tried to identify and to describe in Polybia paulista if the bodily and glandular changes are related to the age of the wasps or to the use of the structures in the social function. Workers of different ages at which was restricted social behavior since its emergence and workers of different ages with full social development were analyzed. When Polybia paulista was in captivity, increased body mass, decreased the mass of mesosoma and decreased the salivary and mandibular glands secretion in relation to the age advancement of the wasps. While, allowing normal social development, there was an increase in body mass, the mass of the mesosoma and the salivary and mandibular glands secretion in relation to age. Apparently, social interaction activates the formation and transition of age castes in Polybia paulista. In these wasps the bodily and glandular changes observed were related to age. Probably social interaction and the use of structures within the nest are influencing the direction of such changes. As consequence, factors that influence the demography of the colony, as the development stage or the welfare of the colony, may be decisive in the age castes regulation. These results contrast with the model proposed for the Apis mellifera age polyethism and with observations of glandular activity in the social wasp Polistes versicolor.

The determinants of obesity among students of the University of Venda, Limpopo Province, of South Africa

Chukwudi, Aghanenu Godfrey 05 1900 (has links)
MPH / Department of Public Health / See the attached abstract below

Risk factors associated with and the consequences of obesity among residents of Tshikota Location in Makhado Municipality, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Ndou, Rembuluwani Moddy 18 May 2018 (has links)
MPH / Department of Public Health / Obesity has been viewed as a serious problem that affects people of all ages, races, ethnicity, and political, religious, social and economic status. It presents a major health challenge worldwide, with an estimated 2 to 3 billion of overweight adults and 700 million of obese individuals. A cross- sectional descriptive research survey using quantitative approach was used to collect data from 318 adults aged 18-45 at Tshikota Location.. Data will be analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0. Cross tabulations and the Pearson’s Chi-square test will be used to obtain the associations and strength of relationship between independent and dependent variables. Results: Higher prevalence of obesity (35.5%) and overweight (28.6%) was found among the sampled population. The prevalence of obesity was found to be higher in males (51.3%) than females (46.7%), males also showed high prevalence in overweight (57.1%) than females (42.9%). There was significant different between socioeconomic status, family history and BMI. 75.2% of the participants who are obese was of those participants who do not engage in physical activity. Majority of the participants (63.5%) take meals 3 times a day and they are more likely to be obese, 19.2% of the participants do not skip breakfast. Mode of transport was positive significant to BMI as a sedentary behaviour. Neighbourhoods environment and psychological factors showed negative significant to BMI. Conclusion: The findings of this study found the prevalence of obesity and overweight to be high among residents of Tshikota Location. Males showed higher prevalence of obesity than females, they also showed high prevalence in overweight compared to that of females. Factors contributing to obesity were found to be diverse, they include socio- demographic, lifestyle, behavioral, environment, psychological and family history. / NRF

Relationship between sedentary lifestyle patterns and obesity among adults in Ha-Tshikundamalema Area of Limpopo Province, South Africa

Ntsieni, Vhonani Margareth 18 May 2018 (has links)
MPH / Department of Public Health / Sedentary lifestyle may contribute to obesity and non-communicable diseases, which are the major public health problem in South Africa. This study investigated the relationship between sedentary lifestyle and obesity among adults in Ha-Tshikundamalema area. A quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study among 298 participants (116 males and 182 females) aged 20-60 years, sampled systematically was conducted. Socio-demographic and, sedentary lifestyle and physical activity information was collected using a questionnaire, while anthropometric indices were measured according to ISAK protocol. Data were analysed using SPSS, version 24.0; where Pearson correlation and linear regression analyses to determine significant predictors of obesity were performed. The prevalence of TV viewing and low participation in moderate-vigorous activity were 75.8%, 69.1% and 82.6%, respectively. Twenty-nine point nine percent and 27.2% were overweight and obese, while 26.8% had very high WC (central obesity). According to Pearson correlation, TV viewing time, food, household activity, walking days and time, vigorous activity work vigorous activity, female gender, age (30-39), being married, unemployment, smoking and alcohol consumption were significantly related to BMI and WC. No significant association was found between most of the sedentary behaviours, level of education and socio-economic status. However, obesity was more prevalent among those with less education and low socio-economic status. In regression analyses, only TV viewing time, work vigorous activity, gender, being married and smoking were the independent and significant predictors of high BMI and WC (obesity) (P< 0.05). There was an association of sedentary lifestyle and socio-demographic characteristics, and obesity. Intervention to prevent sedentary lifestyle and obesity should target females, particularly married, unemployed and those with less level of education. / NRF

Epidemiologische Untersuchungen zum Auftreten und Verlauf von bovinen Eimeria spp. Infektionen in Deutschland, Belgien, Frankreich und der Tschechischen Republik

Mengel, Heidrun 18 September 2012 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Ergebnisse von 263 Einzeltierverfolgungen in 12 Betrieben in verschiedenen Regionen in Deutschland, Belgien, Frankreich und der Tschechischen Republik zur Stallkokzidiose der Kälber zusammengefasst ausgewertet. Während diesen Untersuchungen wurden 5840 Kotproben beurteilt. Dabei wurden das Auftreten und die Ausprägung der Eimeriose der Kälber analysiert und potentielle Einflussfaktoren untersucht und ein verlässlicher Schwellenwert für die Bewertung der Oozystenausscheidung ermittelt. Weiterhin wurden in 16 Betrieben bei 23 gemeinsam aufgestallten Kälbergruppen Spezies-Prävalenzuntersuchungen über einen Zeitraum von fünf Wochen durchgeführt. Hierfür wurden 5133 Proben ausgewertet, davon 3519 mit Teil- und 1614 mit vollständiger Differenzierung. In allen Betrieben traten die Kotkzidiosen als eine Mischinfektion verschiedener Eimeria-Arten auf. Dabei herrschte in der Regel in jedem Betrieb eine der beiden pathogensten Spezies vor. Diese Prädominanz blieb auch über mehrere Jahre gleich in den Betrieben. Die Herkunft der Kälber hatte einen Einfluss auf den Infektionsverlauf. In Betrieben mit ausschließlich eigener Nachzucht verläuft die Kokzidiose als eingipflige Infektion, bei Zukaufbetrieben ist der Infektionsverlauf zweigipflig. Ein signifikant erhöhtes Risiko des Auftretens einer klinisch ausgeprägten Kokzidiose bei Aufstallung auf Stroheinstreu im Vergleich zur Haltung auf Spaltenboden konnte bewiesen werden (p = 0,005). In der Verfolgungsuntersuchung korrelierten die Kokonsistenzwerte mit den nachgewiesenen OpG in den Kotproben positiv signifikant (0,135 Korrelationskoeffizient; p = 0,000). Für das Auftreten von Durchfall konnte eine statistisch bewiesene lineare Korrelation mit der Oozystenausscheidung für diverse Schwellenwerte festgestellt werden (p = 0,000). Bei einem Grenzwert von 500 OpG lag der Korrelationskoeffizient bei 0,149. Die Korrelationswerte erhöhten sich nicht wesentlich bei Festlegung eines höheren Grenzwertes für die Oozystenausscheidung oder sanken sogar (0,153 bis 0,121). Bei der Verrechnung von Durchfallvorkommen mit gleichzeitiger, potentiell relevanter Oozystenausscheidung mit den verschiedenen Schwellenwerten der Oozystenausscheidung konnte der höchste Zusammenhang zwischen dem Durchfallgeschehen und dem Schwellenwert von 500 OpG bewiesen werden (0,633 Korrelationskoeffizient; p = 0,000). Daher kann ein Wert von 500 OpG pathogener Eimeria spp. als geeigneter Schwellenwert für die Feststellung einer relevanten Oozystenausscheidung angesehen werden. Bei gleichzeitigem Auftreten von Durchfall ist von einer maßgeblichen Beteiligung der Eimerien auszugehen. Ein gehäuftes Auftreten von mit Oozystenausscheidung assoziierten Durchfällen trat bei Tieren ohne oder ohne potentiell relevante Oozystenausscheidung (‚rK -’) signifikant seltener auf (p = 0,000) als bei Tieren mit mindestens 500 aufsummierten OpG während des gesamten Beobachtungszeitraumes (‚rK +’). Kälber der Kategorie ‚Kok-Kat 1’ hatten signifikant niedrigere Kotkonsistenzwerte und weniger Durchfälle als Tiere der Subpopulation ‚rK -’ (p = 0,000). Dagegen hatten die Tiere der Auswertungsgruppe ‚Kok-Kat 2’ statistisch bewiesen in allen Durchfall-Kategorien höhere Werte bzw. ein häufigeres Durchfallvorkommen als beide anderen Subpopulationen (p = 0,000 für alle Vergleiche). Wässrige Durchfälle mit Beimengungen traten, mit Ausnahme einer Einzelbeobachtung in Gruppe ‚rK -’, ausschließlich bei Kälbern der Auswertungsgruppe ‚Kok-Kat 2’ auf. Sowohl Kälber der Gruppe ‚rK +’ als auch ‚Kok-Kat 2’-Tiere (jeweils p = 0,000) und Kälber mit potentiell relevanter Oozystenausscheidung, aber ohne gleichzeitiges Durchfallgeschehen, (‚Kok-Kat 1’) (p = 0,005) hatten signifikant geringere relative Gewichtszunahmen als Tiere ohne bzw. ohne potentiell relevante Oozystenausscheidung (‚rK -’). Eine lineare Korrelation der Ausscheidung der pathogenen Spezies E. bovis und E. zuernii mit den absoluten (-0,098 Korrelationskoeffizient; p = 0,005) und relativen Gewichtszunahmen (-0,170 Korrelationskoeffizient; p = 0,000) konnte statistisch bewiesen werden. Bei Haltung auf Stroheinstreu zeigten Tiere ohne bzw. mit weniger als 500 ausgeschiedenen OpG im Untersuchungszeitraum (‚rK -’) signifikant höhere relative Zunahmen im Vergleich zu Tieren mit potentiell relevanter Oozystenausscheidung (p = 0,000). Dabei war es ohne Bedeutung, ob diese Kälber ein gleichzeitiges Durchfallgeschehen zeigten oder nicht. Besonders zum Tragen kommen diese Unterschiede in der Gewichtsentwicklung in den Wochen mit den höchsten Oozystenausscheidungen bei zweigipfligem Infektionsverlauf. Unter den Milchviehkälbern nahmen Tiere ohne relevante Oozystenausscheidung signifikant mehr relatives Gewicht zu als Kälber mit kumulativ mindestens 500 OpG im Untersuchungszeitraum (p = 0,004). Dies galt sowohl für Tiere mit gleichzeitigem Durchfall ‚Kok-Kat 2’ (p = 0,002) als auch tendenziell für Kälber der Gruppe ‚Kok-Kat 1’ (p = 0,059). Mastviehkälber der Gruppe ‚rK -’ zeigten signifikant höhere relative Zunahmen im Vergleich zu Tieren mit potentiell relevanter Oozystenausscheidung ‚rK +’ (p = 0,039). Dies galt auch in Relation zu den Kälbern der Auswertungsgruppe ‚Kok-Kat 1’ (p = 0,029). Während der Prävalenzuntersuchungen wurden insgesamt neun verschiedene Eimeria-Arten nachgewiesen. In Einzelkotproben wurden zwischen einer und neun verschiedene Spezies beobachtet. Unter den in Europa als heimisch bekannten Arten wurden während dieser Untersuchung lediglich E. wyomingensis, E. brasiliensis und E. bukidnonensis nicht gefunden. E. ellipsoidalis hatte sowohl die höchste Inzidenz (20,99 %) als auch die größte Intensität (arithmetischer Mittelwert von 765963,37 OpG), gefolgt von E. bovis und E. zuernii. Zudem wurde in Aufzuchtbetrieben E. ellipsoidalis in der Regel als erste Eimeria-Spezies, gefolgt von E. auburnensis und den pathogenen Arten E. zuernii und E. bovis, nachgewiesen. Die seltensten Spezies waren E. canadensis und E. pellita. Eimeria pellita wurde als letzte Art erst ab der fünften Woche nach Aufstallung beobachtet. E. cylindrica trat vermehrt in den Betrieben in Belgien und Frankreich auf. Diese Art sowie E. canadensis wurden nur in Betrieben in Bayern, Belgien und Frankreich festgestellt. E. pellita hatte, neben E. canadensis, die geringsten Prävalenzen, Nachweise wurden vor allem für zentral gelegene Betriebe sowie im Süden des Untersuchungsgebietes dokumentiert. Die Übereinstimmung der gefundenen Varianzen der Speziesprävalenzen der vorliegenden Untersuchung mit den Daten epidemiologischer Studien in den verschiedenen Regionen aus der Literatur bestätigt einen repräsentativen Charakter der Untersuchungsbetriebe. Dies belegt zusätzlich die Allgemeingültigkeit der festgestellten Einflussfaktoren auf das Auftreten und die Auswirkungen der Stallkokzidiose der Kälber. / A total number of 263 calves housed on 12 different farms in several regions in Germany, Belgium, France and the Czech Republic were followed individually in tracking studies and data was compiled and analysed to investigate factors influencing occurrence and severity of bovine eimeriosis of housed calves. The same data was used for development and verification of a suitable threshold indicating relevant oocyst excretion. Within the tracking studies a total number of 5840 faecal samples were examined for faecal consistency, oocyst counts of pathogenic E. bovis and E. zuernii excretion carried out and individual body weight development was documented regularly. Additionally 23 groups of animals on 16 farms were observed for a period of five weeks and 5133 faecal samples examined for oocyst excretion and Eimeria species differentiated. All study sites were positive for mixed coccidia species infections. Nevertheless all farms except one showed a predominance of one pathogenic Eimeria species, which remained unchanged in different groups of animals and even in different years of investigations. Animal origin, i.e. groups of animals representing own breeding or originating of only one source in contrast to groups of calves coming from several origins, influences the course of the coccidiosis infection. Farms with only one single and permanent animal origin or raising exclusively the own breeding show coccidiosis with a single peak of oocyst excretion. On farms housing groups of animals of various origins the course of infection and oocyst shedding has typically two peaks with an interval of two to three weeks. The risk for development of clinical coccidiosis rises significantly if animals were housed on straw bedding compared to slatted-floor (p = 0.005). Faecal scores correlated significantly (p = 0.000) with the intensity of oocyst excretion with a positive correlation coefficient of 0.135. For occurrence of diarrhoea a positive linear correlation with the oocyst excretion was statistically proved (p = 0.000) for various thresholds. At a threshold of 500 opg of E. bovis and E. zuernii the correlation coefficient rised to 0.149 and correlation coefficients did not rise distinctly or even got down if higher thresholds were used (values between 0.153 and 0.121). Focusing only on potentially coccidiosis related diarrhoea the threshold of 500 opg of E. bovis and E. zuernii proved to result in the highest correlation (0.633; p = 0.000) of all tested threshold levels. Therefore the threshold of 500 opg of E. bovis and E. zuernii can be accounted modest and reliable to detect a relevant oocyst excretion in individual faecal samples as well as in compiled samples. In cases of coincidental diarrhoea coccidiosis can be considered as a major factor. Increased numbers of days with diarrhoea in coincidence with an oocyst excretion (‘Kokass-DF’) within the observation period were seen significantly more often (p = 0.000) in animals with a potentially relevant oocyst excretion (‘rK +’) of at least 500 summed up opg of E. bovis and E. zuernii in comparison to calves without such an oocyst excretion (‘rK -‘). Significantly lower faecal scores and fewer days with diarrhoea were documented for calves of the group ‘Kok-Kat 1’ in contrast to animals of group ‘rK -‘ (p = 0.000). Nevertheless significantly higher faecal scores and more days with diarrhoea than both other groups were calculated for those calves meeting the inclusion criteria for group ‘Kok-Kat 2’ (p = 0.000 for all comparisons). Additionally liquid faeces or faeces with constituencies were seen only in this group, except for one single sample of a calf of group ‘rK -‘. Calves of evaluation group ‘rK +’ as well as both subpopulations representing group ‘Kok-Kat 2’ and calves with potentially relevant oocyst excretion but without diarrhoea associated to an oocyst excretion (‘Kok-Kat 1’) showed significant lower values for relative body weight increases in comparison to animals without relevant oocyst excretion throughout the complete study period of five weeks (‘rK -‘) (p = 0.000 vs. ‘rK +’ and vs. ‘Kok-Kat 2‘; p = 0.005 compared with ‘Kok-Kat 1’). A negative linear correlation between oocyst excretion of pathogenic Eimeria spp. and absolute (-0.098 correlation coefficient; p = 0.005) as well as relative body weight gain (-0.170 correlation coefficient) was verified statistically (p = 0.000). Animals housed on straw bedding and belonging to the group ‘rK -‘ gained relatively more body weight in comparison to calves housed in the same stables and meeting the inclusion criterium of group ‘rK +’, i.e. excreting at least 500 summed up opg of pathogenic E. spp., (p = 0.000) within the total study period. The presence of coincidental diarrhoea had no impact on impaired body weight development of animals with a potentially relevant coccidia excretion. Differences in body weight development were most distinct within the weeks of highest intensities in oocyst excretion according to a course of infection with two peaks. Within the subpopulation of dairy calves those animals belonging to evaluation group ‘rK -‘ developed significantly higher relative body weight gains compared to group ‘rK +’ (p = 0.004). Similar results were found for animals of group ‘Kok-Kat 2’ (p = 0.002) and a statistical tendency was calculated for group ‘Kok-Kat 1’ (p = 0.059) in comparison to group ‘rK -‘. Analogous to the differences in dairy calves animals on fattening farms without relevant oocyst excretion (‘rK -’) had significantly higher relative body weight gains compared to calves of evaluation group ‘rK +’ (p = 0.039) and animals of group ‘Kok-Kat 1’ (p = 0.029) of the same breeds and farms. Nine different Eimeria spp. were detected during the prevalence studies. In single individual samples a minimum of one and up to nine different species were found. Twelve Eimeria spp. are known to be endemic in Europe of which only E. brasiliensis, E. bukidnonensis and E. wyomingensis were not present in any faecal sample in this study. E. bovis and E. zuernii were only second to E. ellipsoidalis which had the highest prevalence (20.99 %) as well as the highest intensity (765963.37 mean opg) in the faecal samples examined. In breeding farms E. ellipsoidalis was the first species to be found in faecal examination in most cases, followed by E. auburnensis and the pathogenic species E. zuernii and E. bovis. E. canadensis and E. pellita were detected only in a low number of samples. E. pellita was observed for the first time at the faecal samplings five weeks after stabling and mainly in farms situated in the central and southern region of the prevalence study. E. canadensis and E. cylindrica were most prominent in farms situated in Belgium and France. Variances in prevalence of the species observed are in conformity with those to be found in recent literature according to the different regions of Europe. This may indicate a representative character of the farms participating in this study and therefore universal validity of the results and impactfactors on coccidiosis in calves described in this manuscript.

Morphometrische Untersuchung des Wachstums beim Alpaka (Vicugna pacos) von der Geburt bis zu einem Alter von 36 Monaten

Grund, Sarah 04 March 2014 (has links)
Außerhalb ihrer ursprünglichen Heimat in Südamerika steigt die Anzahl der Alpakas stetig an. Die Tiere erfreuen sich auch in Deutschland einer großen Beliebtheit. Aktuellen Schätzungen zufolge leben in Deutschland circa 10.000 Alpakas. Siewerden zur Wollgewinnung, sowie als Begleit- und Therapietiere in kleinen Hobbyhaltungen oder in Beständen mit einer Herdengröße von bis zu 150 Tieren gehalten. Damit verbunden werden auch zunehmende Ansprüche an die Qualität der tierärztlichen Betreuung dieser Neuweltkameliden gestellt. Die Beurteilung des Wachstums und der Entwicklung junger Alpakas bildet dabei, genauso wie im Rahmen der Zucht, eine wichtige Grundlage. Derzeit existieren nur unzureichende Informationen über den Wachstumsverlauf beim Alpaka. Bisher dienten proportional angepasste Daten vom Lama zur Orientierung. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die auf morphometrischen Daten basierende Beschreibung der physiologischen Entwicklung des Skelettes und des Körpergewichtes beim Alpaka in den ersten 36 Lebensmonaten. Weiterhin soll untersucht werden, welche Faktoren Einfluss auf das Wachstum junger Alpakas haben. Die Bestimmung einer Gleichung zur Berechnung des Körpergewichtes stellt einen weiteren Schwerpunkt der Arbeit dar. Über einen Zeitraum von 12 Monaten wurden 162 Alpakas im Alter von wenigen Tagen bis zu 36 Monaten vermessen. In einem zweiwöchentlichen Rhythmus wurden 9 verschiedene Parameter bei jedem Tier erfasst: Gewicht, Widerristhöhe, Hüfthöhe, Rückenlänge, Rumpflänge, Tuberculum majus-Olecranon-Distanz (TOD), Basis patellae-Tuber ischiadicum-Distanz (BTD), Thoraxumfang und Body Condition Score. Mit Hilfe von speziell angefertigten Messschiebern, einer digitalen Waage und einem flexiblen Maßband erfolgte die Datenerhebung am stehenden Tier. Das Wachstum beeinflussende Faktoren wurden mittels Allgemeiner Untersuchung der Tiere, stichprobenartigen Kotprobenuntersuchungen, Futtermittelanalysen und vom Halter ausgefüllten Fragebögen erfasst. Die erhobenen Messwerte wurden unter Verwendung der nichtparametrischen Regression LOESS (locally weighted scatterplot smoothing) zur Erstellung von Wachstumskurven genutzt, die den durchschnittlichen Wachstumsverlauf des Körpergewichtes, sowie verschiedener Körpermaße von bis zu 36 Monate alten Alpakas darstellen. Sie ermöglichen die Beurteilung der körperlichen Entwicklung eines Alpakas. Unter Anwendung der LMS-Methode (Schiefe der Verteilung der Messwerte λ [L], Mittelwert M, Standardabweichung S) wurden Perzentilkurven von vier Parametern erstellt, die als Referenzkurven und Richtlinien zur Beurteilung der tierartspezifischen Größe und des Gewichtes genutzt werden können. Wachstumsprognosen und Rückschlüsse auf das Alter eines Alpakas sind mit Hilfe der Perzentilkurven möglich. Sowohl die Wachstumskurven als auch die Perzentilkurven lassen erkennen, dass Alpakas mit 36 Monaten noch nicht ausgewachsen sind. Die Kurven wurden anhand von Messwerten von Alpakas erarbeitet, die unter Bedingungen gehalten wurden, die keinen beziehungsweise einen minimalen Einfluss auf das Wachstum haben. Dies ist anhand der Ergebnisse der parasitologischen Untersuchungen und der Futtermittelanalysen erkennbar. Weitere Auswertungen der Messdaten zeigen, dass keine signifikanten Entwicklungsunterschiede zwischen Hengsten und Stuten beziehungsweise zwischen der Rasse Huacaya und der Rasse Suri bestehen. Ähnlich wie bei anderen Tierarten auch, eignet sich der Thoraxumfang zur zuverlässigen Berechnung des Körpergewichtes besonders gut. Eine große Korrelation besteht auch zwischen der Rumpf- beziehungsweise der Rückenlänge und dem Körpergewicht. Praktische Bedeutung haben die Erkenntnisse dieser Arbeit vor allem für Alpakazüchter und –halter, sowie für Veterinärmediziner. Die Ergebnisse bilden eine wichtige Grundlage für das Fütterungs- und Reproduktionsmanagement beim Alpaka. / The number of alpacas bred outside their natural habitat in South America increases continuously. Alpacas become more and more popular in Germany. According to recent estimates about 10.000 alpacas live in Germany. They are used for wool production, as companion animal and for therapeutic treatments. The alpacas are kept as pets in smaller groups or as livestock in herds of up to 150 animals. Due to the rising number of these camelids in Germany and more intense use, higher demands on the quality of veterinary care of alpacas occur. Knowledge and data on growth and development in young alpacas are essential for an objective health evaluation as well as for breeding management. Currently very limited information is available on growth of alpacas and the data published have been adapted by calculation using measurements performed on llamas. The primary objective of this study was to determine the physiological development of the skeleton and the body weight of alpacas from birth until 36 months of age based on morphometric data. An additional aim was to analyze factors that influence the growth of young alpacas. A third focus of this study was to generate a mathematical formula to calculate the body weight. The measurements were performed on 162 alpacas with an age ranging from the first day of life up to 36 months. For each alpaca nine different parameters were determined every two weeks: body weight, height at withers, height in the hip, thoracic circumference, length of the back, length of the trunk, Greater tubercle-Olecranon-distance (TOD), Base of the patella-Ischial tuber-distance (BTD) and body condition score. All measurements were carried out on standing animals. Three custom designed caliper gauges, a digital balance and a flexible measuring tape were used to obtain the nine parameters. Factors that influence growth were captured by clinical examination, randomized fecal samples, analysis of forage and a questionnaire completed by the breeder. Based on the data collected growth curves were developed using the nonparametric regression LOESS (locally weighted scatterplot smoothing). These curves represent the average growth pattern of body weight and various body measurements of up to 36 months old alpacas. Using theses curves the physical development of this species can be assessed. By applying the LMS-Method (skewness of the measurement distribution λ [L], mean M, coefficient of variation S) percentile curves of four different parameters have been generated. They can serve as reference curves and as guidelines for objective evaluation of species specific size and weight. Using the percentile curves a reliable prediction of growth or conclusions regarding the age of an alpaca are possible. The growth curves as well as the percentile curves show that alpacas are not mature at the age of 36 months. The curves are based upon data from alpacas who were raised under environmental conditions which have no or minimized influence on growth. This is evident in the results of the parasitological examinations and the feed analysis. Further analyses indicate that no significant differences in growth exist between males and females respectively between the two breeds Huacaya and Suri. Like in other species the thoracic circumference is particularly suitable for estimating the body weight. A strong correlation exists between body weight and the length of the trunk as well as the length of the back. The results of this study are of practical significance for alpaca owners, breeders and veterinarians. They provide a sound basis for recommendations in feeding and management of reproduction.

Effect of replacing Soyabean meal with yellow mealworm larvae meal in a diet on performance and carcass characteristics of ross 308 broiler chicken

Tema, Matsobane Eliya January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc. Agriculture (Animal Production)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of replacing soya bean meal with yellow mealworm larvae meal (Tenebrio molitor) in a diet on productivity, gut morphology, carcass characteristics and bone morphometrics of Ross 308 broiler chickens aged one to 42 days. In each experiment, a total of 360 Ross 308 broiler chickens were randomly assigned to the five dietary treatments, each treatment having four replications, and 18 chickens per replicate. Five diets were formulated to contain yellow mealworm replacement levels at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% to meet the nutrient requirements of Ross 308 broiler chickens. Data was analysed using the General Linear Model procedures of the Statistical Analysis System, Version 9.3.1 software program. Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) test was applied for mean separation where there were significant differences (P<0.05). A quadratic regression model was used to determine the levels for optimal responses in the variables measured. The first experiment determined the effect of replacing soya bean meal with yellow mealworm larvae meal on productivity and gut morphology of unsexed Ross 308 broiler chickens aged one to 21 days. Replacement of soya bean meal with yellow mealworm meal in a diet had no effect (p > 0.05) on feed intake, growth rate, FCR, live body weight, ME intake and nitrogen retention of unsexed Ross 308 broiler chickens aged one to 21 days. Replacing soya bean meal with yellow mealworm meal in a diet did not affect (p > 0.05) caecum weight of unsexed Ross 308 broiler chickens. However, replacing soya bean meal with yellow mealworm meal in a diet increased (p < 0.05) gastro intestinal tract, crop, ileum and large intestine weights. Crop and ileum lengths of unsexed Ross 308 broiler chickens aged 21 days were not affected (p > 0.05) by replacement of soya bean meal with yellow mealworm meal in the diet. However, replacing soya bean meal with yellow mealworm meal in a diet increased (p < 0.05) gizzard, caecum and large intestine lengths of unsexed Ross 308 broiler chickens aged 21 days. Yellow mealworm meal in a diet did not affect (p > 0.05) gut organ digesta pH values of unsexed Ross 308 broiler chickens aged 21 days. The second experiment determined the effect of replacing soya bean meal with yellow mealworm meal in a diet on productivity, gut morphology, carcass characteristics and bone morphometrics of Ross 308 broiler chickens aged 22 to 42 days. Replacement of soya bean meal with yellow mealworm meal in a diet did not affect (p > 0.05) growth rate, FCR, ME intake and nitrogen retention of male Ross 308 broiler chickens aged 22 to 42 days. However, replacing soya bean meal with yellow mealworm meal in a diet affected (p < 0.05) feed intake and live body weight of male Ross 308 broiler chickens aged 22 to 42 days. Broiler chickens on diets containing 75 or 100% yellow mealworm meal had higher (p < 0.05) intakes than those on diets containing no yellow mealworm meal. Similarly, male broiler chickens on diets having 50% yellow mealworm meal had higher (p < 0.05) live body weights than those on diets containing no yellow mealworm. Quadratic equations indicated that feed intake and live body weight of male Ross 308 broiler chickens were optimized at yellow mealworm meal replacement levels of 13 and 61%, respectively. The present study showed that replacing soya bean meal with yellow mealworm meal in a diet did not affect (p > 0.05) gut organ digesta pH values, gut organ weights, gut organ lengths, meat colour, meat pH values, bone morphometric values, carcass part weights and meat sensory attributes of male Ross 308 broiler chickens aged 42 days. However, meat from chickens on diets containing yellow mealworm meal was softer (p < 0.05) than meat from chickens on diets having 100% soya bean meal. It is concluded that soya bean meal can be replaced with yellow mealworm larvae meal in a diet at 25, 50, 75 and 100% levels without having adverse effects on production and carcass characteristics of Ross 308 broiler chickens aged one to 42 days

Obesity and First Birth: Timing, Union Status, And Subsequent Union Formation And Dissolution

Fee, Holly 01 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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