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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uso da técnica de análise de componentes principais na redefinição do parâmetro BLA

Melo Neto, Carlos Alberto Moreira de 18 February 2016 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, 2016. / A alternância dos comprimentos de ligação (Bond Length Alternation, BLA) em cadeias moleculares conjugadas longas tem sido tópico de discussões por muitas décadas, tanto experimental quanto teoricamente. O BLA é um parâmetro estrutural que vem da diferença entre o comprimento de ligações duplas e simples ao longo da cadeia conjugada. Neste trabalho nós utilizamos um método estatístico muito utilizado em várias áreas do conhecimento, a Análise dos Componentes Principais (do inglês Principal Components Analysis - PCA), criado por Karl Pearson em 1901, para redefinir o parâmetro BLA. Com esta técnica calculamos um parâmetro estrutural, comparável ao BLA, de um grupo de 17 moléculas derivadas de tertiofeno e, a partir disto, fizemos comparações com a forma mais comum de calcular o BLA, o que nos forneceu uma forma alternativa de calcular este parâmetro. Com a PCA podemos ir mais além ao cálculo do parâmetro estrutural e, por exemplo, podemos identificar quais ligações têm maior relevância para o valor do BLA. Outro ponto desta análise que merece destaque, foi mostrar a evolução dos coeficientes gerados por esta técnica, chamados de PC1, assim como, a evolução dos valores do BLA com o aumento do número de moléculas presentes no grupo inicial para o cálculo e a diferença em relação a aromaticidade de tais moléculas, mostrando qual o número mínimo para que esta técnica possa ser aplicada. / The Bond Length Alternation (BLA) in long conjugated molecular chains have been the topic of discussion for many decades, both experimentally and theoretically. The BLA is a structural parameter that comes from the difference between the length of double and single bonds along the conjugated chain. In this work we have used a statistical method widely used in many fields of knowledge, the Principal Component Analysis, created by Karl Pearson in 1901, to redefine the parameter BLA. With this technique we calculated the BLA of a group of 17 molecules derived from terthiophene and made comparisons with the most common way to calculate the BLA, which provided us with an alternative way to calculate the parameter. With the PCA we can go further the BLA and we can also identify which bonds are more relevant to its value. Another point that is worth mentioning, was showing the evolution of the coefficients generated by this technique, as well as the evolution of BLA values, along with the increasing number of molecules present in the initial group for the calculation and the differences between the aromaticity of such molecules, resulting in the minimum number to apply this technique.

Bond lengths and bond valences of ions bonded to oxygen: their variability in inorganic crystals

Gagné, Olivier C. 01 August 2016 (has links)
A large amount of information concerning interatomic distances in the solid state is available, but little has been done in recent times to comprehensively filter, summarize and analyze this information. Here, I examine the distribution of bond lengths for 135 ions bonded to oxygen, using 180,331 bond lengths extracted from 9367 refined crystal structures collected from the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD). The data are used to evaluate the parameterization of the bond-length—bond-valence relation of the bond-valence model. Published bond-valence parameters for 135 cations bonded to oxygen, and the various methods used in their derivation, are evaluated. New equations to model the relation are tested and the common form of the equation is found to be satisfactory. A new method (the Generalized Reduced Gradient Method, GRG method) is used to derive new bond-valence parameters for 135 cations bonded to oxygen, leading to significant improvements in fit for many of the ions. The improved parameterization is used to gain crystal-chemical insight into the milarite structure. A literature review of 350+ published compositions is done to review the end-members of the milarite group and to identify compositions that should have been described as distinct minerals species. The a priori bond-valences are calculated for minerals of this structure, and are used to examine the controls of bond topology on site occupancy, notably by localizing the major source of strain of the structure (the B site). Examination of the compositions of all known milarite-group minerals shows that compositions with a fully occupied B site are less common than those with a vacant B site, in accord with the idea that the B site is a local region of high strain in the structure. The bond-length distributions for the ions of the alkali and alkaline-earth metal families are examined. Variations in mean bond-lengths are only partly explained by the distortion theorem of the bond-valence model. I have found that bond length also correlates with the amount of vibrational displacement of the constituent ions. The validity of some uncommon coordination numbers, e.g., [3]-coordinated Li+, [3]-coordinated Be2+, is confirmed. / October 2016

The prediction of mutagenicity and pKa for pharmaceutically relevant compounds using 'quantum chemical topology' descriptors

Harding, Alexander January 2011 (has links)
Quantum Chemical Topology (QCT) descriptors, calculated from ab initio wave functions, have been utilised to model pKa and mutagenicity for data sets of pharmaceutically relevant compounds. The pKa of a compound is a pivotal property in both life science and chemistry since the propensity of a compound to donate or accept a proton is fundamental to understanding chemical and biological processes. The prediction of mutagenicity, specifically as determined by the Ames test, is important to aid medicinal chemists select compounds avoiding this potential pitfall in drug design. Carbocyclic and heterocyclic aromatic amines were chosen because this compounds class is synthetically very useful but also prone to positive outcomes in the battery of genotoxicity assays.The importance of pKa and genotoxic characteristics cannot be overestimated in drug design, where the multivariate optimisations of properties that influence the Absorption-Distribution-Metabolism-Excretion-Toxicity (ADMET) profiles now features very early on in the drug discovery process.Models were constructed using carboxylic acids in conjunction with the Quantum Topological Molecular Similarity (QTMS) method. The models produced Root Mean Square Error of Prediction (RMSEP) values of less than 0.5 pKa units and compared favourably to other pKa prediction methods. The ortho-substituted benzoic acids had the largest RMSEP which was significantly improved by splitting the compounds into high-correlation subsets. For these subsets, single-term equations containing one ab initio bond length were able to accurately predict pKa. The pKa prediction equations were extended to phenols and anilines.Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) models of acceptable quality were built based on literature data to predict the mutagenic potency (LogMP) of carbo- and heterocyclic aromatic amines using QTMS. However, these models failed to predict Ames test values for compounds screened at GSK. Contradictory internal and external data for several compounds motivated us to determine the fidelity of the Ames test for this compound class. The systematic investigation involved recrystallisation to purify compounds, analytical methods to measure the purity and finally comparative Ames testing. Unexpectedly, the Ames test results were very reproducible when 14 representative repurified molecules were tested as the freebase and the hydrochloride salt in two different solvents (water and DMSO). This work formed the basis for the analysis of Ames data at GSK and a systematic Ames testing programme for aromatic amines. So far, an unprecedentedly large list of 400 compounds has been made available to guide medicinal chemists. We constructed a model for the subset of 100 meta-/para-substituted anilines that could predict 70% of the Ames classifications. The experimental values of several of the model outliers appeared questionable after closer inspection and three of these have been retested so far. The retests lead to the reclassification of two of them and thereby to improved model accuracy of 78%. This demonstrates the power of the iterative process of model building, critical analysis of experimental data, retesting outliers and rebuilding the model.

Der Einfluss von Querzug auf den Verbund zwischen Beton und Betonstahl / Influence of transverse tension on bond behaviour between concrete and reinforcing steel

Ritter, Laura 14 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Der Verbundwerkstoff Stahlbeton zeichnet sich durch das effektive Zusammenwirken seiner beiden Einzelkomponenten Stahl und Beton aus. Dieses wiederum kann nur durch ausreichend gute Verbundbedingungen zwischen beiden Baustoffen gewährleistet werden. Die Verbundeigenschaften werden von zahlreichen Faktoren beeinflusst, zu denen u.a. die Oberflächenprofilierung des Stahls, die Betonfestigkeit und die Umschnürungswirkung durch den umgebenden Beton oder eine Querbewehrung zählen. Auch eine quer zum Stab angreifende Belastung kann einen erheblichen Einfluss auf den Verbundmechanismus und die Verbundversagensart haben. Bei Stahlbetonbauteilen unter einer zweiaxialen Zugbelastung, wie sie z.B. in Behälterwänden oder zweiachsig gespannten Platten auftritt, unterliegt die Bewehrung sowohl einer Längszug- als auch einer Querzugbeanspruchung. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss einer Querzugbelastung auf das Verbundverhalten zwischen Rippenstählen und Normalbeton mit Hilfe von würfelförmigen Ausziehkörpern mit einer kurzen Verbundlänge untersucht. Dabei lag das Querzugniveau stets unterhalb der Risslast des Betons, so dass keine Risse entlang des einbetonierten Stabes auftraten. Neben der Höhe der Querzugbelastung wurden im Versuchsprogramm die Betonfestigkeit, der Stabdurchmesser und die Betondeckung variiert. Anhand der Versuchsergebnisse konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich auch unter einer Querzugbelastung der Verlauf der Verbundspannungs-Schlupf-Beziehung nicht ändert. Die Art des Verbundversagens wird jedoch maßgeblich durch den Querzug beeinflusst, welcher ein Spaltbruchversagen in jedem Fall begünstigt. Mit steigendem Querzug tritt auch bei großen Betondeckungen statt eines Ausziehversagens ein Spaltbruchversagen ein. Mittels des vorgeschlagenen Berechnungsmodells können in Abhängigkeit des Querzugniveaus und der Größe der Betondeckung Grenzlinien für den Wechsel im Verbundversagensmodus bestimmt werden. Hierbei wurde ebenfalls der Einfluss der Probekörpergeometrie auf die Versuchsergebnisse in die Berechnung einbezogen, so dass die angegebenen Grenzlinien auch für reale Einbettungslängen der Bewehrung gelten. Weiterhin wurde anhand der Versuchsdaten sowie eines Datensatzes aus der Literatur ein Verbundmodell für kurze Verbundlängen entwickelt, das den Einfluss der bezogenen Rippenfläche der Bewehrung und der Betonfestigkeit sowohl auf die Verbundspannungen als auch auf die zugehörigen Schlupfwerte berücksichtigt. Über einen zusätzlichen Datensatz zum Einfluss der Verbundlänge im Ausziehversuch konnte ebenfalls die Abhängigkeit zwischen den mittleren Verbundspannungen, den zugehörigen Schlupfwerten und der Verbundlänge spezifiziert werden. Somit ist eine Übertragbarkeit der Ergebnisse von Ausziehversuchen mit kurzen Verbundlängen auf eine reale Einbettungslänge im Bauteil möglich. Für die Bemessung von Stahlbetonkonstruktionen in den Grenzzuständen der Tragfähigkeit und der Gebrauchstauglichkeit erfolgt die Ableitung geeigneter Verformungskriterien für die Relativverschiebung zwischen Betonstahl und Beton und deren Verifizierung an Versuchsdaten aus der Literatur. Die aufgestellten Verformungskriterien in Abhängigkeit der Stahlspannung erlauben eine direkte Ermittlung bemessungsrelevanter Verbundspannungen anhand experimenteller Ausziehversuche. Die Berücksichtigung einer Querzugbelastung ist dabei in allen vorgestellten Berechnungsansätzen ebenfalls möglich. / Reinforced concrete as composite material is characterised by an effective interaction of its individual components reinforcing steel and concrete. This only can be assured by adequate bond conditions between these two materials. The bond quality is influenced by a wide range of parameters, amongst others including the rib geometry of the bar, the concrete strength and the confining action by the surrounding concrete or transverse reinforcement. Moreover loads, which act transverse to the reinforcing bar, can influence the bond mechanism and the bond failure mode significantly. Reinforced concrete structures, such as containment walls or two-way slabs, are often exposed to multiaxial loading conditions. In case of biaxial tensile stresses, reinforcement and surrounding concrete are loaded in tension in longitudinal as well as in transverse direction. An extensive experimental program was carried out in order to investigate the bond behaviour between reinforcing steel and normal strength concrete due to transverse tension. Cubic-shaped pullout specimens with a short bond length were used. The transverse tension level remained always below the cracking stress of concrete, meaning that no crack occurred along the pullout bar. The test program contained the variation of the transverse tension level, the concrete strength, the bar diameter and the concrete cover. From the test results no systematic influence of the transverse tension level on the shape of the bond stress-slip-relationship can be detected. The bond failure mode is significantly influenced by transverse tension, which promotes splitting failure. The higher the transverse tension level, even for high concrete covers, splitting failure occurs instead of pulling out the bar. From the test results, a failure criterion depending on the concrete cover and the transverse tension level could be determined, which indicates the failure mode and corresponding bond stress. For this purpose, the influence of the specimen geometry on the test results was considered, which results in a failure criterion that is also valid for real embedment lengths of the reinforcement. Furthermore, a bond model for short bond lengths has been developed, based on the test results and a dataset from literature. The model considers the influence of the related rib area of the reinforcing bar and the concrete strength on the bond stresses as well as on the corresponding slip values. By an additional dataset concerning the influence of bond length in pullout tests, the bond stresses and corresponding slip values could be specified as a function of the bond length. Therefore, the test results of pullout test with short bond lengths are transferable to real embedment lengths in structural elements. For the structural design of reinforced concrete elements in the ultimate and serviceability limit states, appli\\-cable deformation criterions concerning the relative displacement between reinforcing steel and concrete has been derived and verified by test data from literature. By means of the developed deformations criterions dependent on the steel stress, design bond stresses can be determined directly from experimental pullout tests. The consideration of transverse tensile loads is also possible for all presented design formulas.

Study of Bond Behavior at Rebar and Concrete Interface through Beam-end Specimens with Consideration of Corrosion

Hauff, Derek Allen Johnson 01 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Der Einfluss von Querzug auf den Verbund zwischen Beton und Betonstahl

Ritter, Laura 28 November 2013 (has links)
Der Verbundwerkstoff Stahlbeton zeichnet sich durch das effektive Zusammenwirken seiner beiden Einzelkomponenten Stahl und Beton aus. Dieses wiederum kann nur durch ausreichend gute Verbundbedingungen zwischen beiden Baustoffen gewährleistet werden. Die Verbundeigenschaften werden von zahlreichen Faktoren beeinflusst, zu denen u.a. die Oberflächenprofilierung des Stahls, die Betonfestigkeit und die Umschnürungswirkung durch den umgebenden Beton oder eine Querbewehrung zählen. Auch eine quer zum Stab angreifende Belastung kann einen erheblichen Einfluss auf den Verbundmechanismus und die Verbundversagensart haben. Bei Stahlbetonbauteilen unter einer zweiaxialen Zugbelastung, wie sie z.B. in Behälterwänden oder zweiachsig gespannten Platten auftritt, unterliegt die Bewehrung sowohl einer Längszug- als auch einer Querzugbeanspruchung. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss einer Querzugbelastung auf das Verbundverhalten zwischen Rippenstählen und Normalbeton mit Hilfe von würfelförmigen Ausziehkörpern mit einer kurzen Verbundlänge untersucht. Dabei lag das Querzugniveau stets unterhalb der Risslast des Betons, so dass keine Risse entlang des einbetonierten Stabes auftraten. Neben der Höhe der Querzugbelastung wurden im Versuchsprogramm die Betonfestigkeit, der Stabdurchmesser und die Betondeckung variiert. Anhand der Versuchsergebnisse konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich auch unter einer Querzugbelastung der Verlauf der Verbundspannungs-Schlupf-Beziehung nicht ändert. Die Art des Verbundversagens wird jedoch maßgeblich durch den Querzug beeinflusst, welcher ein Spaltbruchversagen in jedem Fall begünstigt. Mit steigendem Querzug tritt auch bei großen Betondeckungen statt eines Ausziehversagens ein Spaltbruchversagen ein. Mittels des vorgeschlagenen Berechnungsmodells können in Abhängigkeit des Querzugniveaus und der Größe der Betondeckung Grenzlinien für den Wechsel im Verbundversagensmodus bestimmt werden. Hierbei wurde ebenfalls der Einfluss der Probekörpergeometrie auf die Versuchsergebnisse in die Berechnung einbezogen, so dass die angegebenen Grenzlinien auch für reale Einbettungslängen der Bewehrung gelten. Weiterhin wurde anhand der Versuchsdaten sowie eines Datensatzes aus der Literatur ein Verbundmodell für kurze Verbundlängen entwickelt, das den Einfluss der bezogenen Rippenfläche der Bewehrung und der Betonfestigkeit sowohl auf die Verbundspannungen als auch auf die zugehörigen Schlupfwerte berücksichtigt. Über einen zusätzlichen Datensatz zum Einfluss der Verbundlänge im Ausziehversuch konnte ebenfalls die Abhängigkeit zwischen den mittleren Verbundspannungen, den zugehörigen Schlupfwerten und der Verbundlänge spezifiziert werden. Somit ist eine Übertragbarkeit der Ergebnisse von Ausziehversuchen mit kurzen Verbundlängen auf eine reale Einbettungslänge im Bauteil möglich. Für die Bemessung von Stahlbetonkonstruktionen in den Grenzzuständen der Tragfähigkeit und der Gebrauchstauglichkeit erfolgt die Ableitung geeigneter Verformungskriterien für die Relativverschiebung zwischen Betonstahl und Beton und deren Verifizierung an Versuchsdaten aus der Literatur. Die aufgestellten Verformungskriterien in Abhängigkeit der Stahlspannung erlauben eine direkte Ermittlung bemessungsrelevanter Verbundspannungen anhand experimenteller Ausziehversuche. Die Berücksichtigung einer Querzugbelastung ist dabei in allen vorgestellten Berechnungsansätzen ebenfalls möglich. / Reinforced concrete as composite material is characterised by an effective interaction of its individual components reinforcing steel and concrete. This only can be assured by adequate bond conditions between these two materials. The bond quality is influenced by a wide range of parameters, amongst others including the rib geometry of the bar, the concrete strength and the confining action by the surrounding concrete or transverse reinforcement. Moreover loads, which act transverse to the reinforcing bar, can influence the bond mechanism and the bond failure mode significantly. Reinforced concrete structures, such as containment walls or two-way slabs, are often exposed to multiaxial loading conditions. In case of biaxial tensile stresses, reinforcement and surrounding concrete are loaded in tension in longitudinal as well as in transverse direction. An extensive experimental program was carried out in order to investigate the bond behaviour between reinforcing steel and normal strength concrete due to transverse tension. Cubic-shaped pullout specimens with a short bond length were used. The transverse tension level remained always below the cracking stress of concrete, meaning that no crack occurred along the pullout bar. The test program contained the variation of the transverse tension level, the concrete strength, the bar diameter and the concrete cover. From the test results no systematic influence of the transverse tension level on the shape of the bond stress-slip-relationship can be detected. The bond failure mode is significantly influenced by transverse tension, which promotes splitting failure. The higher the transverse tension level, even for high concrete covers, splitting failure occurs instead of pulling out the bar. From the test results, a failure criterion depending on the concrete cover and the transverse tension level could be determined, which indicates the failure mode and corresponding bond stress. For this purpose, the influence of the specimen geometry on the test results was considered, which results in a failure criterion that is also valid for real embedment lengths of the reinforcement. Furthermore, a bond model for short bond lengths has been developed, based on the test results and a dataset from literature. The model considers the influence of the related rib area of the reinforcing bar and the concrete strength on the bond stresses as well as on the corresponding slip values. By an additional dataset concerning the influence of bond length in pullout tests, the bond stresses and corresponding slip values could be specified as a function of the bond length. Therefore, the test results of pullout test with short bond lengths are transferable to real embedment lengths in structural elements. For the structural design of reinforced concrete elements in the ultimate and serviceability limit states, appli\\-cable deformation criterions concerning the relative displacement between reinforcing steel and concrete has been derived and verified by test data from literature. By means of the developed deformations criterions dependent on the steel stress, design bond stresses can be determined directly from experimental pullout tests. The consideration of transverse tensile loads is also possible for all presented design formulas.

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