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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Livro didatico de matematica e formaçao continuada dos professores do ensino fundamental(6° ao 9° ano) e ensino medio na França e no Brasil- O caso da estatistica e de seu ensino / Didactic book of mathematics and continued formation of the teachers of basic education and high school in France and in Brazil.- The case of the statistics and its teaching. / Manuel scolaire de mathématique et formation continue des enseignants au collège et au lycée en France et au Brésil.- Le cas de la statistique et de son enseignement.

da Silva Junior, Clovis Gomes 29 April 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse à l’objectif général de faire une analyse du Manuel Scolaire de mathématique, utilisé dans l'enseignement au collège et au lycée en France et au Brésil, comme vecteur de formation continue pour l'enseignant de mathématique que enseigne la statistique dans ces niveaux de enseignement. Cette étude a été développée avec l’aide du « Programme Alβan, Programme de bourses de haut niveau de l'Union Européenne pour Amérique Latine, bourse n º [E06D101218BR] ». Ce travail est structuré en deux parties. La première partie est dirigée au traitement des bases théoriques qui donnent de support à cette thèse. D’abord aborde l'insertion de Manuel Scolaire comme un outil qui possède sa place et son utilisation à l'intérieur de l'enseignement apprentissage. Ensuite il aborde les processus d'apprentissage professionnelle à travers de la Théorie des Champs Conceptuels et la Didactique Professionnelle. Après il aborde la fonction et la formation des enseignants en ayant pour but d’élucider sur la formation continue de l'enseignant. Pour finir la première partie de cette recherche été fait approche sur l'enseignement de la statistique. La deuxième partie de ce travail est dédie à la procédure de la recherche. Initialement aborde la reconstruction de la problématique de recherche à travers toute la procédure théorique qui a été vue précédemment, et la méthodologie en abordant les sujets, les places, les instruments, les analyses utilisées, les outils et les catégorisations d’analyse. Pour conclure il aborde toute la procédure d'analyse de la recherche avec les données collectées au Brésil et en France en trois paramètres: d’effectifs et de fréquence; relations et dépendances entre des variables (similarité et implication) et analyse de questions subjectives. / This thesis has as objective generality to analyze the Didactic Book of mathematic used on the basic education and high school in France and in Brazil as vector of formation continued for the mathematics teacher who makes the teaching of the statistics in these respective levels of education. This study was developed with supported by the “Programme Alβan, the European Union Program of High Level Scholarships for Latin America, scholarship [E06D101218BR]”. This work is structuralized in two parts. The first part has as objective to the treatment of the theoretical bases which give support to our thesis. The initially approach the insertion of the didactic book as a tool whose has its place and use of teaching learning. Then it approaches the processes of training professional through Theory of the Conceptual Fields and the Didactic Professional. After that it approaches the function and formation of teacher in search to clarify on the continued formation of teacher. To finish the first part of this research made approach on teaching of the statistics. The second part of this work east dedicates to the procedure of research. Initially the rebuilding of the problematic of research approaches through all the theoretical procedure which was seen previously, and methodology by tackling the subjects, the places, the instruments, the analyses used the tools and categorizations for analysis. To conclude it approaches all the procedure of research with the data collected in Brazil and in France in three parameters analyzes: manpower and of frequency; relations and dependences between variables (similarity and implication) and analysis of subjective questions. / Esta tese possui como objetivo geral fazer uma análise do Livro Didático de matemática do ensino fundamental «6° ao 9° ano» e médio ao Brasil e na França como vetor de formação continuada para o professor de matemática que leciona estatística nesses respectivos níveis de ensino. Este estudo foi desenvolvido com apoio do “Programa Alβan, Programa de bolsas de alto nível da União Européia para America Latina, bolsa n° [E06D101218BR]”. Este trabalho está estruturado em duas partes. A primeira parte é direcionada a tratar das bases teóricas que dão suporte a nossa tese. Inicialmente aborda a inserção do livro didático como ferramenta que possui seu lugar e uso dentro do ensino aprendizagem. Em seguida busca elucidar os processos de aprendizagem profissional através da Teoria dos Campos Conceituais e com a Didática Profissional. Após, trata da função e formação de professores em busca de elucidar sobre formação continuada de professor. Para concluir a primeira parte da pesquisa, o último capítulo se estrutura com a busca de uma análise sobre o ensino da estatística.A segunda parte deste trabalho está direcionada ao processo da pesquisa como um todo. Inicialmente aborda a reconstrução da problemática da pesquisa através de todo processo teórico visto anteriormente, e a metodologia abordando os sujeitos, os lugares, o instrumento, as análises utilizadas, as ferramentas e as categorias de analise. Por concluir aborda todo o processo de análise da pesquisa com os dados coletados no Brasil e na França e em três parâmetros: efetivos e freqüência; relações e dependências entre variáveis (similaridade e implicabilidade) e análise de questões subjetivas.

Att återkoppla eller inte återkoppla, det är frågan! : Matematikbokens förmedling av tidigare kunskaper med fokus på skriftliga beräkningsmetoder

Skår Lunneland, Katharina January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vi är nu för tiden vana vid att använda oss av digitala hjälpmedel vid matematiska beräkningar. Detta tycks ha trängt undan behovet av standardalgoritmerna och andra skriftliga beräkningsmetoder. Är det så att dessa traditionella beräkningsmetoder har gått ur tiden? Kan digitala hjälpmedel ersätta alla delar som dessa metoder har bidragit till om vi ser till utvecklandet av matematisk förståelse? Min uppfattning är att det inte är så, utan att algoritmer och andra skriftliga beräkningsmetoder fortfarande har en viktig roll att spela i elevers utveckling av den matematiska förståelsen.  Syfte: Att undersöka hur man presenterar och återkopplar till skriftliga beräkningsmetoder och standardalgoritmer i matematikböcker från förskoleklass till gymnasiet. Metod: Studien är konstruerad utifrån en läroboksanalys där både en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ undersökning gjorts för att inringa både de övergripande strukturer som funnits i materialet, samt för att kunna se mer svåråtkomliga inslag, överlappningar och brister i det analyserade materialet. Tidigare forskning och litteratur inom området har beskrivits och löpande analyserats för att ge en bild av vad som sticker ut respektive överlappar åsikts- och resultatmässigt i de valda studierna och texterna. Resultat: Studien visar på en brist i matematikböckernas återkoppling till tidigare kunskaper. De kunskaper som främst är i fokus är de som rör standardalgoritmer och andra skriftliga beräkningsmetoder, men liknande brister går att se även inom andra matematiska områden. Bristen på återkoppling förekommer i merparten av de analyserade matematikböckerna och ger ett intryck av att fokus har förskjutits från algoritmkunskap till att eleven skall arbeta med digitala hjälpmedel. Det blir dock tydligt att även denna kunskap, om digitala hjälpmedel, inte heller prioriteras högt. Detta kan man se genom att beskrivningar av användning av digitala hjälpmedel förekommer mycket sparsamt i de analyserade matematikböckerna. Slutsats:Slutsatsen som kan dras av denna studie är att de analyserade matematikböckerna saknar den röda tråd som fås genom återkoppling och som skulle behövas för att ge bättre förutsättningar att skapa god matematisk förståelse. / Background: Nowadays digital tools, like calculators, are what we mainly use in our mathematical calculations. This has, seemingly, pushed away our need for other methods of calculation. We appear not to be in need of standard algorithms and other written calculating processes. Does this mean that these calculating processes are a thing of the past? Can digitals tools replace all parts contributed by the traditional methods from the perspective of development ofmathematical understanding? My point of view is that this is not the case. Instead, I believe that these “out of time” methods are highly important in the development of mathematical understanding. Purpose: To examine the way books of mathematics from first year of school all the way through the Swedish gymnasium courses, presents and reconnect to knowledge of written calculating methods and standard algorithms. Method: This study is constructed through an analysis of books of mathematics where both a qualitative and a quantitative part are included to cover both the overall structures of knowledge mediation in the analysed books and to find the more subtle elements, like knowledge overlaps or knowledge faults in the analysed books. Prior research and literature on the subject have been described and continuously analysed with the purpose to find opinions that stands out and also to find overlapping opinions or results, when comparing the chosen studies and texts. Result: The study points to a lack of reconnection to earlier knowledge in the analysed books. Foremost this concerns knowledge of standard algorithms and other types of written calculating methods, but a similar lack of reconnection is also seen within other areas of mathematics in the analysed books. The lack of reconnection occurs in most of the analysed books which gives an impression of focus being shifted from knowledge of algorithms and other written calculating methods to the advantage of digital tools. It does, however, also become clear that knowledge of how to use digital tools is equally not prioritized, since such information is sparsely presented in the analysed books. Conclusion: The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that the analysed books of mathematicslack the common thread of knowledge that we get from reconnecting to earlier knowledge, and which would be needed to give better chances to create good mathematical understanding.

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