Spelling suggestions: "subject:"breakoff"" "subject:"breakbone""
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Set Screw Break-Off Study In Spinal NeurosurgeryAswapathi Ramesh, Ganesh Gautham 01 January 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes the measurement of high g-forces, in the range of 400-800g's occurring in a spinal construct during the breaking of the set-screw head using a manual torquing instrument. The measurements were validated using a high speed camera. The design torque (11 N-m) required for breaking the set-screw was compared with the torque calculated from the distortion energy theory for material fracture (9.9 N-m) and an actual measurement using a torque wrench (11.3 N-m). A comparison between the manual and powered instruments showed a 27.68% reduction in g-forces and a 36.42% reduction in die-down time while using the powered instrument. 8.52% less energy was felt on the adjoining screw. The consistency in the powered instrument is higher because the standard deviation using the manual instrument is 8.46, compared to the powered instrument which was 8.31. Also 25g's was recorded on the surgeon's wrist and elbow. Based on previous work done, the external work done by the surgeon was about 60-120 KJ. The onset of fatigue was apparent in consecutive break events as illustrated by the change in EMG parameters over time.
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Effects of microbial community coalescence in lake water at ice break-off / Effekter av sammansmältning av mikrobsamhällen i sjövatten vid islossningMelhus, Christoffer January 2019 (has links)
The period of ice break-off in spring is a key event for many biogeochemical processes in lakes globallly. The biogeochemical processes occurring at ice break-off have the potential of influencing characteristics of lakes throughout spring and summer, including algal blooms and greenhouse gas emission. This makes it important to study lakes in the period of ice break-off. At ice break-off, soil bacteria from the catchment area usually enter the lake via spring floods and mix with the bacteria already occurring in the lake water. In this study, the effects of mixing soil- and lake microbial communities during ice break-off-like conditions were tested by performing an experiment under controlled conditions in the laboratory. In the experiment, light, microbial community composition and concentration of soil-derived organic matter were manipulated to simulate different conditions associated with ice break-off. The variables investigated were bacterial activity and functionality, measured as cell abundance and enzymatic activity, as well as primary production and concentration of dissolved organic matter. The results showed that a mix of soil and lake microbial communities had enzymatic activity patterns resembling lake communities, and then shifted to being more similar to soil communities. The experiment also showed that degradation of measured dissolved organic matter was not linked to biotic processes, and that the observed decrease was most likely due to photo degradation. Finally, the experiment showed that primary production, here measured as chlorophyll a, was only stimulated by the mixed community with light and added soil dissolved organic matter. The results found in this study are important as they show that microbial communities do alter their function and enzymatic activity based on composition. Furthermore, the result that primary production was only seen in the presence of light, soilderived organic matter and a mixed community of lake and soil bacteria may be seen as an indication that primary producers in lake ecosystems to some extent depend on the inflow of terrestrial microbes and organic matter. It also possible that the coalescence of microbial communities enables the communities to perform tasks they were unable to prior to coalescence (i.e. perform tasks that allows primary production to take place). These results give the basis for further, more detailed studies.
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Energy Release Management Through Manipulated Geometries of Surgical DevicesKing, Jason 13 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Variations temporelle et spatiale de la transition subduction-collision. Tectonique de la transition Zagros-Makran (Iran) et modélisation analogiqueRegard, Vincent 15 July 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Les transitions spatiale et temporelle de la subduction à la collision sont des charnières géodynamiques. Nous précisons dans ce travail le rôle et le devenir de ces zones grâce à des modèles analogiques et l'étude tectonique d'un cas réel. La modélisation a montré qu'une transition temporelle entre subduction et collision est toujours marquée par une phase de subduction continentale. La durée de cette phase dépend de la façon dont se déforme la lithosphère subductée en profondeur. Plus elle se déforme, plus courte est la subduction continentale. Dans le cas d'une transition latérale entre subduction et collision, la déformation de la plaque supérieure est aussi fonction de sa résistance à la déformation et notamment de l'existence de zones de faiblesse. Notre analyse tectonique montre que la déformation actuelle à la transition Zagros-Makran (SE Iran) est distribuée sur un large domaine, au niveau de deux systèmes de failles, d'orientation N 160° et N 0°. Le régime est globalement transpressif, et montre deux phases distinctes. 1-Mio-Pliocène : failles inverses avec un probable partitionnement avec des plis. 2-Plio-Quaternaire : déformation purement cassante, avec une contrainte principale horizontale, s1, de direction NE-SO, homogène sur toute la zone. L'analyse de marqueurs géomorphologiques décalés et datés (datations 10Be, et corrélations paléoclimatiques et archéologiques), nous a permis de déterminer les vitesses de déplacement de chaque faille et d'obtenir le déplacement total sur la zone, de 12±2 mm/a dans une direction environ ~10°. La distribution de la déformation montrée par la tectonique peut être attribuée à la prolongation du slab du Makran sous le Zagros, et montre, comme la modélisation, à quel point la déformation de surface est tributaire de processus profonds. La déformation en Iran comme celle des modèles montre de plus une forte localisation de la déformation par des zones de faiblesse héritées de l'histoire géologique régionale.
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La responsabilité précontractuelle : étude comparative des régimes colombien et français / Pre-contractual liability : study in comparative law between the Colombian and French law systemsMartinez-Cardenas, Betty Mercedes 17 April 2013 (has links)
La responsabilité précontractuelle dérive de la transposition du devoir d'agir de bonne foi qui pèse sur les contractants au stade de l'exécution du contrat à celle de sa formation. En Colombie, cette transposition s'est faite en 1971 par voie législative dans le Code du commerce alors qu‟en France elle s'est produite grâce à la jurisprudence. Toutefois, le caractère répressif de la responsabilité au stade de la formation du contrat est encore conçu, au mieux, comme une simple réminiscence de la responsabilité délictuelle et, au pire, comme une sanction marginale à la responsabilité contractuelle. L'intérêt qui existe dans cette recherche en droit comparé consiste, en effet, à trouver le critère qui donne à la responsabilité précontractuelle son autonomie, sa spécificité. Ainsi, une observation attentive nous a permis de découvrir que ceux qui persistent à nier l‟existence de la responsabilité précontractuelle en la rattachant à la délictuelle se sont penchés sur un critère chronologique emprunté à l'ancienne notion du contrat : le moment de sa conclusion. En effet, d'après eux, l'absence de contrat justifie que l'on applique le principe général de responsabilité délictuelle. Pourtant, la comparaison des régimes colombien et français montre la fragilité de ce raisonnement face aux nombreuses victimes des vices du consentement qui, de plus en plus, préfèrent l'indemnisation du dommage à la nullité du contrat. Une fragilité qui se révèle d‟autant plus évidente face aux dommages-intérêts qui sont accordés par les juges dans des contrats bel et bien formés, mais qui ne correspondent pas aux fautes dans l'exécution des obligations qui en découlent, mais aux fautes au stade de sa formation. En essence, l'identification des points de convergence ou de divergence de ces droits au stade de la formation du contrat, et leur comparaison par rapport aux mutations du régime de la bonne foi semblent, en effet, contribuer au renforcement de la responsabilité précontractuelle en tant qu'institution autonome. / Pre-contractual liability is derived from the transfer of the duty of the contracting parties to act in good faith from the contract performance phase to the contract formation phase. This transfer was carried out in Colombia by legislative action through the 1971 Commerce Code and in France, by jurisprudence. Nevertheless, the repressive nature of liability during contract formation is still interpreted as simply a reminiscence of delictual liability, at best, and as a marginal sanction for contractual liability, at worst. The goal of this study in comparative law is to find a criterion that confers autonomy and specificity to pre-contractual liability. Therefore, careful analysis by the author led to the discovery that those who insist on denying the existence of pre-contractual liability by linking it to delictual liability have based their argument on a chronological perspective taken from the old notion of contract, i.e., the time of execution. Furthermore, in their view, the absence of a contract justifies the application of the non-contractual liability regime. However, a comparison of the Colombian and French systems on this matter shows the fragility of the argument when faced with the large number of victims of defects of consent who, day after day, prefer indemnification of damages instead of a ruling of nullity of contract. This fragility is much more evident when judges order the indemnification of damages in well-formed contracts, due not to faults related to failure to meet any of the obligations that are derived from them, but to faults originating in the contract formation phase. In essence, finding common ground and discrepancies between the Colombian and French law systems regarding the contract formation phase and comparing them with the mutations of the good faith regime seem to actually contribute to consolidating pre-contractual liability as an autonomous institution.
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