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Condition measuring and lifetime modelling of disconnectors, circuit breakers and other electrical power transmission equipmentWesterlund, Per January 2017 (has links)
The supply of electricity is important in modern society, so the outages of the electric grid should be few and short, especially for the transmission grid. A summary of the history of the Swedish electrical system is presented. The objective is to be able to plan the maintenance better by following the condition of the equipment. The risk matrix can be used to choose which component to be maintained. The risk matrix is improved by adding a dimension, the uncertainty of the probability. The risk can be reduced along any dimension: better measurements, preventive maintenance or more redundancy. The number of dimensions can be reduced to two by following iso-risk lines calculated for the beta distribution. This thesis lists twenty surveys about circuit breakers and disconnectors, with statistics about the failures and the lifetime. It also presents about forty condition-measuring methods for circuit breakers and disconnectors, mostly applicable to the electric contacts and the mechanical parts. A method for scheduling thermography based on analysis of variance of the current is tried. Its aim is to reduce the uncertainty of thermography and it is able to explain two thirds of the variation using the time of the day, the day of the week and the week number as explanatory variables. However, the main problem remains as the current is in general too low. A system with IR sensors has been installed at the nine contacts of six disconnectors with the purpose of avoiding outages for maintenance if the contacts are in a good condition. The measured temperatures are sent by radio and regressed against the square of the current, the best exponent found. The coefficient of determination $R^2$ is high, greater than 0.9. The higher the regression coefficient is, the more heat is produced at the contact. So this ranks the different contacts. Finally a framework for lifetime modelling and condition measuring is presented. Lifetime modelling consists in associating a distribution of time to failure with each subpopulation. Condition measuring means measuring a parameter and estimating its value in the future. If it exceeds a threshold, maintenance should be carried out. The effect of maintenance of the contacts is shown for four disconnectors. An extension of the risk matrix with uncertainty, a survey of statistics and condition monitoring methods, a system with IR sensors at contacts, a thermography scheduling method and a framework for lifetime modelling and condition measuring are presented. They can improve the planning of outages for maintenance. Finally a framework for lifetime modelling and condition measuring is presented. Lifetime modelling consists in associating a distribution of time to failure with each subpopulation. Condition measuring means measuring a parameter and estimating its value in the future. If it exceeds a threshold, maintenance should be carried out. The effect of maintenance of the contacts is shown for four disconnectors. An extension of the risk matrix with uncertainty, a survey of statistics and condition monitoring methods, a system with IR sensors at contacts, a thermography scheduling method and a framework for lifetime modelling and condition measuring are presented. They can improve the planning of outages for maintenance. / Elförsörjningen är viktig i det moderna samhället, så avbrotten bör vara få och korta, särskilt i stamnätet. En kortfattad historik över det svenska elsystemet presenteras. Målet är att kunna planera avbrotten för underhåll bättre genom att veta mera om apparaternas skick. Det är svårt att planera avbrott för underhåll och utbyggnad. Riskmatrisen är verktyg för att välja vad som ska underhållas och den kan förbättras genom att lägga till en dimension, sannolikhetens osäkerhet. Risken kan minskas längs med varje dimension: bättre mätningar, förebyggande underhåll och mer redundans. Antalet dimensioner kan igen bli två genom att följa linjer med samma risk, som är beräknade för betafördelningen. Denna avhandling tar upp tjugo studier av fel i brytare och frånskiljare med data om felorsak och livslängd. Den har också en översikt av ett fyrtiotal olika metoder för tillståndsmätningar för brytare och frånskiljare, som huvudsakligen rör de elektriska kontakterna och de mekaniska delarna. Ett system med IR sensorer har installerats på de nio kontakterna på sex frånskiljare. Målet är att minska antalet avbrott för underhåll genom att skatta skicket när frånskiljarna är i drift. De uppmätta temperaturerna tas emot genom radio och behandlas genom regression mot kvadraten av strömmen, då den bästa exponenten för strömmen visade sig vara 2,0. Förklaringsfaktorn $R^2$ är hög, över 0,9. För varje kontakt ger det en regressionskoefficient. Ju högre koefficienten är, desto mer värme utvecklas det i kontakten, vilket kan leda till skador på materialet. Koefficienterna ger en rangordning av frånskiljarna. Systemet kan också användas för att minska eller öka den tillåtna strömmen baserat på skicket. Slutligen förklaras ett ramverk för livslängdsmodellering och tillståndsmätning. Livslängdsmodellering innebär att koppla en fördelning för tiden till fel med varje delpopulation. Med tillståndsmätning avses att mäta en parameter och skatta dess värde i framtiden. Om den överskrider en tröskel, måste apparaten underhållas. Effekten av underhåll visas för fyra frånskiljare. En utveckling av riskmatrisen med osäkerheten, en sammanställning av statistik och metoder för tillståndsövervakning, ett system med IR-sensor vid kontakerna, en metod för termografiplanering och ett ramverk för livslängdsmodellering och tillståndsmätningar presenteras. De kan förbättra avbrottsplaneringen. / El suministro de energía eléctrica es importante en la sociedad moderna. Por eso los cortes eléctricos deben ser poco frecuentes y de poca duración, sobre todo en la red de transmisión. Esta tesis resume la historia del sistema eléctrico sueco. El objetivo es planificar los cortes mejor siguiendo la condición de los aparatos. La matriz de riesgo se utiliza muchas veces para escoger en qué aparatos debería realizarse mantenimiento. Esta matriz se puede mejorar añadiendo una dimensión: la incertidumbre de la probabilidad. El riesgo puede ser disminuido siguiendo cada una de las tres dimensiones: mejores mediciones, mantenimiento preventivo y mayor redundancia. El número de dimensiones puede reducirse siguiendo líneas del mismo riesgo calculadas para la distribución beta. Esta tesis presenta veinte estudios de fallos en interruptores y seccionadores con datos sobre la causa y el tiempo hasta la avería. Contiene también una visión general de cuarenta métodos para medir la condición de seccionadores e interruptores, aplicables en su mayoría a los contactos eléctricos y los componentes mecánicos. Se ha instalado un sistema con sensores infrarrojos en los seis contactos de nueve seccionadores. El objetivo es disminuir los cortes de servicio para mantenimiento, estimando la condición con el seccionador en servicio. Las temperaturas son transmitidas por radio y se hace una regresión con el cuadrado de la corriente, ya que el mejor exponente de la corriente resultó ser 2,0. $R^2$ alcanza un valor de 0,9 indicando un buen ajuste de los datos por parte del modelo. Existe un coeficiente de regresión para cada contacto y este sirve para ordenar los contactos según la necesidad de mantenimiento, ya que cuanto mayor sea el coeficiente más calor se produce en el contacto. Finalmente se explica que el modelado de tiempo hasta la avería consiste en asignar una distribución estadística a cada equipo. La monitorización del estado consiste en medir y estimar un parámetro y luego predecir su valor en el futuro. Si va a sobrepasar un cierto límite, el equipo necesitará de mantenimiento. Se presenta el efecto de mantenimiento de cuatro seccionadores. Un desarrollo de la matriz de riesgo, un conjunto de estadísticas y métodos de monitoreo de condición, un sistema de sensores IR situados cerca de los contactos, en método de planificación de termografía y un concepto para explicar la modelización de tiempo hasta la avería y de la monitorización de la condición han sido presentados y hace posible una mejor planificación de los cortes de servicio. / <p>QC 20170928</p>
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Návrh stopkové frézy s břity z PKD / Design of the PKD cutting edge cutterKřehlík, Luboš January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design, construction, production and testing of cutters with polycrystalline diamond cutting edges. Polycrystalline diamond is a suitable cutting material for machining very abrasive materials such as aluminum alloys or composite materials. The design of the tool is focused on the application of the chip breaker on the front of the tool. The aim of the solution is to reduce the cutting force in the machining of the aluminum alloy used in the aerospace industry. The first part of the thesis deals with problems related to milling technology. The practical part describes the design and construction of prototype cutting tools. Three tools were designed for experimental measurement. The technology of cutting tools made from super hardened cutting materials with laser technology is presented. The experimental part of the thesis is a measurement of the cutting force according to cutting parameters and machined material.
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Rušič vakua parních turbín / Steam turbine vacuum breakerKalivodová, Markéta January 2020 (has links)
In this master’s thesis, a preliminary thermodynamic calculation of the turbine is made. Then, the design and location of the vacuum breaker is devised for this turbine. The aim of the master’s thesis is to calculate a time needed to break the vacuum, ie to determine how long it takes to reach the atmospheric pressure inside the turbine and add-on devices. To verify and improve the accuracy of the calculation there are data measured on real projects used.
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Elektrický pohon s omezením přechodných dějů / The electric drive with current peak limitingKeller, Karel January 2009 (has links)
My thesis is focused on realization of three inrush current limitors samples. This limiters will be used in ABB´s metal-clad, air-insulated switchgears for medium voltage distribution. On the basis of the results there is chosen the sample with optimal properties suitable for practice in the conclusion.
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Analýza nadproudové spouště pomocí MKP / FEM analysis of overcurrent trip unitMakki, Zbyněk January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the project was to prepare the given model of the current path in the environment of the SolidWorks programme, in order to simulate the flow path in the environment of the Ansys programme, where there was calculated the distribution of current density,voltage drops and heat loss on the the specified current track according to specified conditions. The obtained results are analyzed at the conclusion of this work.
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Výpočet dynamických sil na proudovodné dráze jističe 160 A / Calculation of electrodynamic forces acting on current path of 160 A circuit breakerPunčochář, Marek January 2014 (has links)
This work deals with the calculation of forces acting on a current carrying path breakers, namely op type BC160 fy Letohrad. There is described the principle of electrodynamic forces and calculation of these forces for different current carrying path. Finally, a simplified model is created by using a circuit breaker simulation program and then forces that arise during the passage of a current are calculated.
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EMC zkušební laboratoř pro jističe NN / EMC Test laboratory for low voltage circuit breakerVejtasa, Leoš January 2014 (has links)
Nowadays there are electronic systems almost in every new device. They are emitting and receiving electromagnetic interferences. The safety levels for circuit breakers are also increasing. Because of these issues the circuit breakers must work properly also in areas filled by electromagnetic interference. This thesis describes the issues of electromagnetic susceptibility of the circuit breakers.
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Implementace nových vzduchových jističů ABB SACE Emax 2 do produktové řady nízkonapěťových rozváděčů MNS / Implementation of the new ABB SACE Emax 2 air circuit breaker series in a low-voltage MNS switchgear product portfolioStudený, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The Master’s Thesis comprises a summary of the differences existing design of MNS switchgear series against AGOMIN project innovative proposal. The introduction deals with the introduction to the CAD program SolidWorks and its extension for enterprise data management SolidWorks Enterprise PDM. The body of the paper deals with a new range of air circuit breakers ABB SACE Emax 2 and their implementation into the product line of low voltage switchgears. Included are other improvements that together with implementation of circuit breakers AGOMIN project brings.
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Výpočet elektrodynamických sil jističe 1600A / Calculation of electrodynamic forces in 1600 A circuit breakerMusil, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the calculation of electrodynamic forces that counterwork on moving contacts of compact circuit breaker BL1600 from the company OEZ Letohrad. The thesis is divided into separates chapters that build on themselves. In the introduction the reason why we deal with calculation of dynamic forces and structural arrangement of current carrying path is described. In the following chapter there is a theoretical analysis of electrodynamic forces that conterwork on individual parts of circuit breaker´s element. The third part is devoted to structural arrangement of the circuit breaker BL1600. In this part we can find an example of using the circuit broker Modeion in practice. Two next chaptures deal with adjustment of the model of current carrying path which then serves for the calculation of electrodynamic forces. The rest of the thesis is devoted to my own calculations. These calculations are mainly stationary where we try to find the forces that conterwork on the contacts in a steady current and in a point in time. There are also dynamics calculation when we can watch the forces that counterwork on contacts in a certain time interval. The last chapter is devoted to a stationary calculation of forces that counterwork on the electrical arc which arises while turning the short-circuit current off. The obtained results are evaluated in partial conclusions of this thesis.
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Analýza bimetalové spouště / Analysis of a bimetal releaseZelenka, Michal January 2015 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with the thermal overload trip unit in automatically operated electrical switching devices. The first part of this thesis serves as a basis for a design of thermostatic bimetal element in electrical switching device. The thesis presents important parameters and calculation principles needed for the design of bimetal element. The thesis further describes the operating principle of thermal trip unit and its possible design solutions. The main part is devoted to analytical calculation and measurement of specific thermostatic bimetal type contained in thermal trip unit of molded case circuit breaker. It is measurement of force and deflection, depending on temperature change. In the next part a numerical model of the bimetallic strip was created and its deflection was simulated. The analytical results are compared with the measured and simulated results at the end of the thesis.
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