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Protection of HVDC Grids Against Blackouts (Simulation)Al-Ammari, Amal, Atchan, Dinah January 2021 (has links)
In the search for green energy to combat climatechange, a shift from conventional energy sources such as coal,oil, and nuclear towards Renewable Energy Sources (RES) isneeded. This shift poses a threat to the stability of the powergrids as RES do not contribute with rotating mass in the system.A lack of rotating mass, or in other words inertia, jeopardizesthe ability of power systems to counteract large disturbances.Frequency Containment Reserves (FCR) units are responsiblefor controlling the frequency in power systems by regulatingthe balance between the generated and consumed power. If thefrequency deviates outside of the defined range from the nominalvalue, it can lead to system separation, blackouts, and systemequipment damage. The frequency deviations are faster in lowinertia systems, making it more difficult for FCR to keep thefrequency within accepted ranges. Hydro turbines are often usedas FCR units, but additional means of support could be neededfor low inertia systems. Viable support could be battery systems.This project investigates the change towards low inertia and thepossible implementation of a battery system as fast step-wisepower support with a frequency trigger. The investigation is donethrough case studies of simulated system models in Matlab andSimulink. / I jakten på grön energi för att bekämpa klimatförändringarna behövs en övergång från konventionella energikällor som kol, olja och kärnkraft mot förnyelsebara energikällor. Denna övergång utgör ett hot mot kraftnätens stabilitet då förnyelsebara energikällor inte bidrar med roterande massa. Brist på roterande massa eller med andra ord tröghet äventyrar kraftsystemens förmåga att motverka stora störningar. Frequency Containment Reserves (FCR) är system som aktivt arbetar med att styra frekvensen i kraftsystemet genom att reglera balansen mellan den producerade och konsumerade effekten. Om detta misslyckas och frekvensen avviker för mycket från den nominella frekvensen kan detta leda till systemseparation, strömavbrott eller skada hos systemkomponenter. I ett system med låg tröghet blir frekvensavvikelserna snabbare. Detta gör det svårare att använda sig av FCR för att hålla frekvensen inom accepterade intervall. Vattenkraftverk används ofta som FCR enheter, men för system med låg tröghet kan ytterliggare stöd behövas. Ett möjligt effektstöd kan vara batterisystem. Detta projekt undersöker förändringen till lägre tröghet i ett kraftsystem och möjlig implementering av ett batterisystem med ett snabbt stegsvar för effektstöd, vilket aktiveras vid en förbestämd frekvens. Undersökningen görs genom studier av specifika fall med en linjäriserad modell av ett kraftsystemet, lerade i Matlab och Simulink. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2021, KTH, Stockholm
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Modélisation physique et simulations numériques des écoulements dans les disjoncteurs électriques haute tensionNichele, Sylvain 13 October 2011 (has links)
Les simulations numériques sont devenues un outil indispensable dans la conception des chambres de coupure des disjoncteurs électriques haute tension. Elles sont utilisées non seulement dans le dimensionnement des différentes pièces, mais elles fournissent également une aide précieuse dans la compréhension des phénomènes intervenant entre les deux électrodes au moment de la coupure. L’arc électrique généré entre ces deux électrodes rassemble de nombreux domaines de la physique plus ou moins complexes. Tous ces phénomènes ne sont pas encore parfaitement compris. Avec l’évolution de la puissance de calcul, ces simulations peuvent prendre en compte de plus en plus de phénomènes. Mais pour des raisons de temps de développement, la question des phénomènes à prendre en compte dans ces simulations se pose. Le but de telles simulations est de déterminer de manière rapide si une configuration est plus ou moins capable qu’une autre de couper sous une contrainte donnée. Ainsi, il est important de prendre en compte uniquement les phénomènes physiques importants et nécessaires pour avoir une réponse la plus décisive possible et la plus rapide possible, de la réussite ou non à la coupure d’une configuration testée. Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés aux déséquilibres thermiques et chimiques qui pourraient intervenir dans les disjoncteurs électriques haute tension au moment de la coupure. En effet, pour des raisons de temps et de coût de calcul, la plupart des simulations numériques actuelles sont réalisées en faisant une hypothèse forte : l’hypothèse d’Equilibre Thermodynamique Local (ETL). Cette hypothèse consiste à considérer que dans chaque maille de notre domaine d’étude et à chaque pas de temps, on a un équilibre thermodynamique réalisé. Faire cette hypothèse nous permet d’utiliser les lois de conservation (masse, quantité de mouvement et énergie) en allégeant le problème. Mais en réalité, cette hypothèse est mise à mal dès que l’on est en présence de forts gradients de température ou de densité. Pour réaliser ces simulations, le code numérique CARBUR a été utilisé. Des modules d’arc électrique (effet Joule et rayonnement) et d’électrode mobile ont été implémentés afin de pouvoir simuler au mieux le comportement du gaz présent dans les disjoncteurs électriques haute tension. Six études différentes ont été réalisées et sont présentées. Ces études portent sur les influences de la forme du bout des électrodes, d’une modélisation en Navier-Stokes par rapport à une modélisation en Euler, de la nature du gaz (SF6, CO2 et N2), du déséquilibre thermique dans le cas de l’azote ou encore du positionnement des termes sources de l’arc électrique dans les différentes équations d’évolution des énergies. Dans ce travail, une étude sur différents modèles cinétiques chimiques est proposée. Dans ces modèles, 5 espèces chimiques sont présentes : N2, N, N+, N2+ et e-. En ce qui concerne la température, on en distingue 4 : T, TVib-N2, TVib-N2+ et Te. / The numerical simulations are become a very important tool to design the high voltage circuit breaker (HVCB) chamber. They help for the understanding of the different phenomena which can take place between the 2 electrodes during an interruption process. The electric arc brings together many fields of physics more or less complex and many of these phenomena are still poorly studied. So many aspects remain to be explored to improve simulations. With the increase of the calculation power, these numerical simulations can take into account more phenomena. However, for reasonable simulation times, we need to know which phenomena are preponderant. The aim of these numerical simulations is to rapidly conclude on the capacity of geometry to success an interruption process compared to different other geometries, under a given stress. In this PhD dissertation, we are particularly interested on thermal and chemical non equilibrium that can occur in HVCB during an interruption process. Currently, most simulations are carried out with a strong hypothesis: the hypothesis of Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE). This assumption allows us to alleviate the problem and to reduce the computing time. But this assumption becomes not valid when high temperature or density gradients occur. To do these simulations, the CARBUR numerical code has been used. In order to simulate flow behaviors in HVCB, an electrical arc (Joule effect and radiation) model and a module of mobile electrode have been added. Six different studies have been done and are presented: influence of the electrode shape, influence of the Navier-Stokes equations compared to the Euler equations, influence of the gas (SF6, CO2 et N2), influence of the thermal non equilibrium in a nitrogen case, influence of the position of the arc source terms in the different energy equations. In this work, a study on different nitrogen chemical kinetics is proposed. In these models, 5 chemical species are distinguished: N2, N, N+, N2+ and e-. Finally, 4 different temperatures are used: T, TVib-N2, TVib-N2+ and Te.
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Contribution au renvoi de tension et à la reconstitution du réseau. Identification des paramètres d'un réseau. Estimation des flux rémanents dans un transformateur / Contribution to the power plant re-energization and the network restoration. Parameters identification of a network. Estimation of the residual flux in a transformer.Cavallera, Didier 03 November 2011 (has links)
Lors de la réalimentation des auxiliaires d’une tranche nucléaire, l’étape la plus à risque est la remise sous tension brusque du transformateur à cause des surtensions. Dans un soucis perpétuel d’amélioration de la modélisation de ces transitoires, les modèles et techniques doivent évoluer. Le but de ces travaux de thèse est de proposer de nouvelles méthodologies permettant d’évaluer les paramètres mal connus de la modélisation. Lors des mises sous tension des lignes électriques, une méthodologie s’appuyant sur l’identification (optimisation ou techniques issues du traitement du signal) permet de déterminer les paramètres variables de la modélisation. Cependant, un des paramètres influents pour les surtensions est le flux rémanent. Face aux problèmes actuels rencontrés pour l’estimer (méthode non directe, dérive, …), une nouvelle méthode basée sur la mesure des flux de fuites du circuit magnétique est proposée. Des mesures réelles utilisant des capteurs de technologie « fluxgate » sont réalisées et permettent d’estimer le flux rémanent. / During the re-energization of the auxiliaries of a nuclear power plant, the more dangerous step is the re-energization of the power transformer, because of the temporary overvoltages. In order to improve the transient modeling, models and techniques may be improved. The purpose of this thesis is to suggest new methodologies to identify the uncertain parameters of the model. When the line re-energization occurs, an identification methodology (optimization or methods using signal processing) allows determining the model variable parameters. However, one of the most important parameters in the overvoltages is the residual flux. Given the actual problems found on estimation strategies (no direct method, derivation,…), a new method established for the leakage flux measurement of the magnetic circuit is proposed. Real measurements using « fluxgate » technology sensors were realized, permitting to estimate the residual flux.
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Simulace dějů v elektrických přístrojích / Simulation of phenomena in switchgearsDaševič, Ladislav January 2009 (has links)
Aim of the thesis is to explain the issue of forces acting in circuit breaker caused by magnetic fields induced by short-circuit current. This thesis is focused on force affecting in concrete system of a circuit breaker. The given circuit breaker is made by OEZ Letohrad, the type Modeion BD250. In the thesis the way of creating 3-D model is shown for the purpose of creating numeric simulation by ANSYS 11. The next approach of the thesis is the description of applicating the results for DC and AC current calculations. The noted calculation is made in the programme MATLAB 6.5. The solutions are mentioned at calculations both in the graphic form and numeric specifications. Visualisation was made by using GIF graphic system animation. The individual pictures processing was done in the programme UNLEAD GIF ANIMATOR 5.
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Posouzení možnosti provozu zdrojů v dané oblasti při nestandardních provozních stavech sítě VN / Evaluation of nonstandard operation possibilities of power sources in MV networkČáslava, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with solution of nonstandard operation connection of E.ON's 22kV distribution network in given area, considering the possibilities of operating dispersed electric power sources currently available, as well as possible power sources connected to the distribution network in the future and its potential operation limitation. A part of this paper is a description of calculation methods used for network evaluation in steady state, with emphasis on linear calculations used by E-Vlivy program, in which the operational possibilities are simulated. Therefore, a description of this program is also included. Suggested operation possibilities correspond with E.ON's valid distribution network operation rules. The outcome of this paper will serve to E.ON's 22kV network's controllers as materials for network operating in nonstandard operation states.
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Kontejnerové NN/VN rozvodny / Containerized Low-Voltage/ Middle-Voltage SubstationsMarcol, Michal January 2013 (has links)
As it is already apparent from a title of my work, I will be engaged in proposal of container VN/NN distributor using components from company ABB. This work will be after final making also used by company ABB to simplify procedure of proposal of any kind of container distributor. In my labor I will be generally deal with individual products, which will after that be used in distributor. Next I will be engaged in particular making of distributor, which should be made. The distributor will be designed for a separate part of the transformer and for a transformer as a unit, which is not separated from substation.
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Simulace přestupu tepla v nízkonapěťovém rozváděči MNS / Simulation of Heat Transfer in Low-Voltage Switchboard MNS - Optimization of Heat Transfer into The SwitchboardCzudek, Aleš January 2015 (has links)
The thesis includes diagnostics temperature field of industrial low voltage. Place of origin, flow and heat transfer are important aspects in the design of the switchgear, especially in terms of proper equipment layout. The correctness of the design of the switchgear is verified by measuring the practical temperature field during testing or in work mode. To determine the temperature profile, it is necessary to measure the temperature at various points of the switchgear, either contact or contactless method. Measurements are performed on standardized low voltage switchboards, which are located power elements. The goal is to replace costly and time-consuming field testing switchgear efficient simulation of the temperature field mathematical model developed switchboards.
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Výpočet tepelného pole rozvaděče UniGear 500R / Calculation of heat and force field UniGear ZS1Mokrý, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
The aim of my work is to describe high-voltage switchgear type UniGear 500R, which is part of UniGear switchgears family. I will focus on heating issue of one 500R unit and its parts during operation. Maximum values of this heating is limited by standards and can´t be exceed to ensure safe and reliable operation. That is why the heating tests are necessary part of designing and developing switchgears. Calculation will be made by two different ways. First is classic one-pole heating net method and second is numerical simulation in Solidworks flow simulation program. Except the theoretical description there will be presented also used 3D model and explanation of both method, used to calculation and simulation. Last point of this work is measuring of this type of switchgear and getting real data. The main point there is to compare measured values with values calculated and decide if is possible to simulate tests with appropriate accuracy. Then would be also possible to substitute the real test in laboratory, which costs many thousand crowns and takes lots hours of time. This work is collaborated with EJF division of ABB Company, where I am employed. Heating issues in this company is always on process, because of developing and improving of their products. So this work could be helpful in this field. ABB provides all materials needed, especially technical catalogues, 3D model and final values from laboratory measuring. Support from college faculty is mainly in study consultations and proposing of calculations making. In the end of work will be make final comparison and evaluation of achieved results.
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Rekonstrukce elektrické části vytloukacího roštu / Reconstruction of discharging shakeout machine electric installationBednář, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
This Diploma work is concerned with the design of project documentation for discharging shakeout machine electric installation. This work continues in the Semestral project 2 in which the background of a new machine was made. Then, this work deals with the replacement of a switch room with required devices including the design of a new connecting cables and power streams. In the first part, the work deals with the control part of the device and the design of control and signal cables including the product documentation of the device. In the second part, the work deals with the proposal of building electro installation in which a new lighting and its use is described. The last part focuses on the coordination during the realization of a suggested device. In this part, all problems coming from the particular working procedures including a proposal of possible solutions are described. According to the project documentation and following realization, the documentation of final concept reflecting the real status of the device is described.
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Bytový dům ve Zlíně / Residential building in ZlinJelínek, Roman January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to elaborate project documentation for new construction of low-energy residential building with 16 luxury apartments, apartment without barriers and with pharmacy of basic type. It is a four-storey detached building without basement, with flat roof, roof terraces and with balconies. Residential building is located in one of the most enjoyable parts of the city of Zlín – Jižní Svahy II in the vicinity of Central park with bicycle path and with beautiful view of the Zlín. The building will be located on land plot No. 2144/46, where is still situated unfinished building "Torso" from the late 80 years. The residential building is designed in brick system Heluz, ceiling construction is made up of prestressed hollow core slabs, perimeter walls are with external thermal insulation composite system and external doors and windows are made of plastic and aluminum with triple glazing. For heating and water heating will be utilized renewables energy, such as heat pump and solar collectors. Residential units with three residential rooms are designed with a forced ventilation by means of ventilation units with heat recovery. The building also uses modern shielding elements such as outdoor blinds and horizontal sun breakers. The part of the project are also disposition studies, seminar work and energy part.
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