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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analys av kondensatorbatteriers tillkopplingsfenomen : Undersökning av de kopplingsfenomen som uppstår vid tillkoppling av kondensatorbatterier och deras påverkan på närliggande komponenter / Analysis of capacitor banks switching phenomena : Investigation of switching phenomena that occurs due to capacitor banks switching and their effects on surrounding components

Ezzeddine, Kassem, Oskarsson, Robert January 2017 (has links)
Många elektriska apparater är i behov av reaktiv effekt för att kunna fungera. Transport av reaktiv effekt tar onödig plats av den tillgängliga kapaciteten i elnätet, därför används kondensatorbatterier nära slutanvändaren för att generera reaktiv effekt. Därmed genereras och förbrukas den reaktiva effekten i en avskild del av nätet. Tillkoppling av kondensatorbatterier ger upphov till transienter som kan skada andra närliggande komponenter. Utifrån det verkliga ställverket Stallbacka i Trollhättan har denna rapport analyserat de transienter som uppstår efter tillkoppling av ett kondensatorbatteri inom mellanspänningsområdet. Analysen har innefattat hur stora transienterna blir efter olika förutsättningar och scenarier. Resultatet visade att transienterna i detta fall aldrig nådde upp till några allvarliga nivåer, och därmed klarade komponenterna sig med god marginal. Huruvida transienterna påverkar elkvaliteten är oklart, då det inte finns några definierade krav. Slutligen skulle ett beräkningsverktyg för förutspådda transienter tas fram. Beräkningsverktyget blev aldrig fullständigt på grund av den ohanterliga lösningen som erhölls. / Many electrical devices need reactive power to operate. Transmission of reactive power occupies a proportion of the available capacity in the power system and therefore capacitor banks are used near to the end user to generate reactive power. Thus, the reactive effect is generated and consumed in a separate part of the power system. Capacitor banks switching causes transients which may damage the surrounding components. Based on the real substation Stallbacka in Trollhättan, this study has analysed capacitor banks switching transients within the medium voltage level. The analysis has covered the size of these transients according to different conditions and scenarios. The result showed that the transients in this case never reached serious levels, thus there was no impact on the components. It is not clear whether the transients affect the power quality because there are no defined limits.  A calculation tool to the predicted transients was supposed to be created in the process. This calculation tool was never completed due to the unmanageable solution that was obtained.

Návrh stykače VN pro trakční účely / Design of MV contactor for railway application

Pala, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
In the introduction a traction circuit is analyzed with different types of electric devices. The thesis describes power railway electric circuits, their loads and types of used contactors. Railway standards chapter summarizes requirements of standards for railway contactors. Follows literature focusing on power current switching and power switching devices design. Based on previous, a design procedure is developed for railway MV contactor in accordance with end-user and standards requirements. Thesis closes with pre-designing a railway contactor by calculating electrodynamic forces, heatflow and mechanical components.

Ochrany venkovních vedení vn a jejich koordinace s automatizovanými úsečníky / MV Overhead Line Protections and their Coordination with Autoreclosers

Šoustal, Petr January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this Master’s Thesis is to describe protections for overhead lines in distribution networks. Here are described requirements for the protection and the basic protections. Protections are divided according to their protective function. For each protection is given its use and its power plans. It is stated in the work setting of protection in the real network. On this network is simulated place with short-circuit and described the action of protection. The work also deals with the coordination of protection with automatic circuit breakers. This chapter shows that, given the selectivity is not possible to deploy two or more reclosers (remotely-operated switches) to the core network management. The next chapter describes two representatives reclosers available on the Czech market OSM 27 and GVR 27. Chapter describes and compares their performance characteristics. Conclusion the work includes a proposal protected the lead in incorporating automatic circuit breakers (remotely operated circuit breakers and reclosers). The proposal is based on two different levels of annual number of interruptions and duration of annual general interruption of electricity supply. For these levels the company EGÚ Brno, a.s. proposed several variants of the use of remote-controlled in terms of reducing the cost of the penalty. Our task was to choose a variant that would be applicable in the real network. Reducing costs is feasible only in the limits Ln = 6 failures / year and Lt = 720 min / year, where the selected option No. 4. The limits Ln = 8 failures / year and Lt = 1,080 min / year, not in the real network may no option in terms of selectivity.

Simulace nadproudové spouště jističe / Simulation of circuit-breaker trip unit

Dostál, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
Securing of electrical devices is important not only to protect against destruction under the effects of electric current, but also for protection of people or animals against electric shock. With increasing of living standards goes hand in hand increasing of the electricity consumption. Therefore In the grid of low voltage, there are increasing short-circuit currents. With improving technology is posed considerable demand on the performance, security and switching capacity of circuit breakers. This thesis is oriented on development of thermal and electromagnetic switch of circuit breaker on which is put a big demand in development of new types of circuit breakers. The thesis is interesting because of comprehensive use of circuits’ breakers since it can be used in AC and DC networks with frequency of 50 Hz and 400 Hz.

Simulace dynamického chování vybavovače jističe / Simulation of circuit breaker maglatch dynamic behaviour

Konšel, Ladislav January 2012 (has links)
This work includes the theory of circuit breaker construction and is focused mainly on overload function. It mainly deals with electronic circuit breakers, i.e. equipped with an electronic trip unit. The work is focused on the part of trip unit - maglatch of trip unit. For the purposes of simulation, the geometric model is created. Maxwell program is used for the simulation. The work describes the options for conditions input which are necessary for simulation. Using the distribution of magnetic field intensity and magnetic flux density in the section of trip unit maglatch is determined by the simulation. Furthermore, the force effects acting on the armature of the maglatch are calculated. Force values and the directions acting on the armature are determined by changing the simulation parameters - shift of the armature and coil current. Simulations are performed both for steady-state and for dynamic simulation – movement of armature is taken into account. The supply source for the maglatch is created by an external circuit.

Bilance elektrodynamických sil působících na kontakt elektrického přístroje. / Electrodynamic forces acting on moving contact of electrical apparatus

Šic, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on calculation, simulation and experimental verification of electrodynamic forces acting upon movable contact piece of MCCB and experimental current carrying path. A short description of low voltage circuit breakers is briefly discussed in first chapter. Second chapter is focused upon contact system analysis of particular MCCB with thermomagnetic trigger. A hardness of contact materials is briefly described. A detailed analytical calculations were used to determine electrodynamic forces in MCCB. A FEM simulation in ANSYS Maxwell was carried out for comparison with analytical results. An experimental apparatus was designed and built for verification of constriction repulsion force, so called Holm’s force. A series of measurements is subsequently performed on proposed apparatus and results are compared with results from previous chapters.

Elektromagnetická analýza nadproudové spouště jističe / Electromagnetic analysis of circuit breaker tripping unit

Mlynář, Zdeněk January 2017 (has links)
Using circuit breakers as devices for protecting the circuit, equipment, property, and not least the people is an important part of the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. This puts high demands on the design of complex devices such as circuit breakers. To ensure proper function is one of many parts and that is the trip unit. Trip unit is used to evaluate the current flowing through the breaker and respond to undesirable overcurrent. For these reasons, this work deals with electromagnetic analysis - specifically thermal magnetic trip unit. The focus will be on improving the actual situation and finding more suitable design solutions.

Thermal Modeling and Simulationwith High Voltage Solid StateRelays for Battery DisconnectionApplications : The potential of replacing mechanical contactors with semiconductors

Radisic, David, Mårtensson, Johan January 2023 (has links)
The swift shift of the automotive industry towards electrification is primarily propelled by technological advancements in battery technology. To stay competitive and meet the new demands of the industry, there is a crucial need for novel ideas and innovation. Higher energy density and lower cost makes Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) competitive and affordable for a wider range of customers. Component space requirements inside a BEV as well as the growing trend towards increasing the voltage of the system from 400 V to 800 V poses new challenges that has to be overcome. Mechanical contactors have the advantage of being simple and easy to use, with low conductive losses. However, they have some drawbacks, such as poor performance when switching under load, limitedability to interrupt fault currents and large controlpower usage. To address these issues, a bidirectional MOSFET configuration can be used to replace the current system. This configuration provides enhanced abilities to quickly suppress fault current, improve robustness, eliminate mechanical failure points, and perform pre-charge sequences without the need for a dedicated branch. Additionally, this configuration maintains current performance in a smaller volume. Within the Battery distribution unit (BDU), this configuration replaces several components, such as thermal fuses, HV contactors, pre-charge relays,pre-charge resistors, and breaker/pyro-fuses with high voltage solid-state components. This study aims to propose potential mitigation methods through a combination of literature survey and comprehensive analysis using Simscape/-MATLAB Simulink models of a fully operational BDU utilizing readily available market components for a 1.2 kV system. The developed model illustrates the thermaland electrical performance of solid-state components in diverse testing scenarios, while maintaining their expected lifecycle. Additionally, sensitivity analysis is conducted using the proposed model to identify themost crucial design parameters within the system. The resulting system performs satisfactory during normal operations, albeit with ten times higher conductive losses attributed to the elevated junction resistance when compared to contactors.Consequently, additional cooling measures are required during harsh operations and DC fast charge. However, the required magnitization energy for a contactor does over time equate or even surpass the MOSFETs conductive losses. The design has established the feasibility of leveraging the primary switchfor pre-charge sequence execution, thus eliminating the need for a dedicated pre-charge branch. The system exhibits strong potential for interrupting both resistive and direct shorts at various locations in the model. However, the low system inductance and the need to avoid introducing any additional inductance into the system renders fault scenarios heavily dependent on said parameter. In conclusion, the proposed model exhibits considerable potential to eliminate numerous auxiliary components therefore reducing losses and offer a more adaptable and consolidated solution. Resulting in a smaller physical footprint and more favorable positioning within the BDU. Moreover, the financial analysis of the system highlights promising prospects for its integration into the drivetrain with the growingmarket trends.

Vattenfelsbrytare för fuktsäkrare villor : En studie om hur vattenskador går att förebyggas i villor / Waterleak breaker for more moisture secure villas

Larsson, Stina, Hedlund, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Fukt- och vattenskador är ett väldigt vanligt problemområde för villor, dessutom ökar antalet vattenskador succesivt från år till år. Under år 2021 hade Sveriges villor/fritidshus cirka 41 000 vattenskador sammanlagt. Vattenskador påverkar inte bara den ekonomiska hållbarheten, den påverkar både människors hälsa negativt och tar upp onödiga naturresurser. Det som undersökts i denna rapport är vart det uppstår vattenskador i villor och vem som bär ansvaret att åtgärda detta problemområde. Det undersöks hur lagar och regler ser ut för fuktsäkerheten i villor och om det skulle vara möjligt att minska dessa vattenskador med hjälp av en vattenfelsbrytare. Rapporten undersöker även hur vattenskador påverkar den ekologiska hållbarheten och hur vattenskador motverkar att uppnå målen i Agenda 2030. För att få fram resultatet för undersökningen har intervjuer hållits med försäkringsbolag, Boverket och byggföretag. En enkät till villaägare har skickats utför att få fram deras synpunkter och kompetens om vattenskador och vattenfelsbrytare. För att få fram statistik, information om vattenfelsbrytare, lagaroch krav har en dokumentstudie genomförts. Resultatet när det gäller till vem som bär ansvaret för att förebygga vattenskador så råder det delade meningar. För att vattenfelsbrytare ska nu ut till fler villaägare och fungera för att förebygga vattenskador i villor behöver villaägare få mycket mer information om hur vattenfelsbrytare fungerar och hur de ska agera om den larmar. Resultatet över hur vattenfelsbrytare kan påverka den ekologiska hållbarheten blev delvis att om vattenskador minskas skulle det som följd minska åtgången av onödig materialåtgång. Det skulle minska på åtgången av naturresurser som Agenda 2030 strävar efter. / Moisture and water damage are common problems in villas, in addition, the number of water damages gradually increases from year to year. In 2021, Sweden's villas/holiday homes had about 41,000 water damages in total. Water damage not only affects economic sustainability, but it also negatively affects both human health and takes up unnecessary natural resources. What has been investigated in this report is where water damage occurs in villas and who is responsible for fixing this problem area. It is investigated what laws and regulations look like for moisture safety in villas and whether it would be possible to reduce water damages with the help of a waterleak breaker. The report also examines how water damage affects ecological sustainability and how waterdamage counteracts achieving the goals of Agenda 2030. To obtain the results of the survey, interviews have been held with insurance companies, Boverket and construction companies. A survey to homeowners has been sent out to get their views and expertise on water damage and waterleak breakers. To obtain statistics, information about water fault switches, laws and requirements, a document study has been conducted.The result when it comes to who is responsible for preventing water damage are divided. For waterleak breakers to reach more house owners and work to prevent water damage in villas, house owners need to get much more information about how waterleak breakers work and how they should act if it alarms. The result of how waterleak breakers can affect ecological sustainability was partly that if waterdamage is reduced, it would as a result reduce the consumption of unnecessary material consumption. This would reduce the use of natural resources that Agenda 2030 strives for.

Characterization and Design of Voltage-Mode Controlled Full-Bridge DC/DC Converter with Current Limit

Smith, Nathaniel R. 08 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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