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Pasco Creek breccia, Horseshoe Bay, B.C.Von Rosen, G. E.A. January 1966 (has links)
An 800 foot-square outcrop of a gneiss-breccia body at Pasco creek, 3 miles north along the highway from Horseshoe Bay, B.C. was mapped, and its relationship to the gneiss country rock studied. A survey of the literature of breccias included in the present thesis was used as a basis, together with the field data, for a method of breccia formation proposed as a result of this work.
The body was found to be pipe-like in shape, following directions of structural weakness in the rock. The size of breccia fragments and varying amounts of matrix, as well as the border phase dioritic rocks were thought to have resulted from several processes active in the formation of the breccia. Among these explosive action of gases ahead of an intrusive body, together
with fluidization of a mixture of these gases and shattered country rock are thought to be of prime importance in the formation of the breccia. / Science, Faculty of / Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of / Graduate
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Complex Thermal Histories of L Melt Breccias NWA 5964 and NWA 6580Schepker, Kristy Lee 16 June 2014 (has links)
To constrain the thermal histories of two complex L chondrite melt breccia samples (NWA 5964 and NWA 6580) we compare textures and chemical compositions of metal and sulfide to L melt rock (NWA 6454 and NWA 6579) and strongly shocked (shock stage S6) (NWA 4860) samples. The inferred thermal histories can be used to evaluate formation settings on the L chondrite parent body. The L melt samples probably formed as different melt units within warm but largely unmelted material relatively close to the surface of the parent body, and the same is true for the S6 sample, except it experienced less melting. The breccia samples likely formed deeper, below different impact craters, by the injection of shock melt into a cooler chondritic basement. Carbide grains in the melt breccias could have formed by a contact metamorphic process caused by heating of the chondritic basement in proximity to the melt. Within the melt regions of the various samples, inferred cooling rates are on the order of 1-10 °C/sec, whereas in the chondritic portions of the melt breccias, the inferred cooling rates are many orders of magnitude slower, ~1-100 °C/My. The complex intergrowths of metal and FeS (hereafter referred to as dendritic grains) within the melt are recording cooling rates above the metal-sulfide eutectic, while the metal grains outside of the melt regions are recording cooling rates at much lower temperatures. It is likely the melt regions in the breccias cooled substantially prior to coming to rest against the chondritic basement, and thereafter the melt-chondrite rocks cooled more slowly.
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Fenitic Breccias in the Sudbury Area.Siemiatkowska, Krystyna Maria. January 1971 (has links)
No description available.
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Normal Fault Block or Giant Landslide? Baldy Block, Wasatch Range, UtahMeyer, Eric R 01 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Understanding the interplay between surficial and tectonic processes in the development of Utah's Wasatch Range is vital to evaluating geologic hazards along the Wasatch Front. Baldy is a large (6.125 km3) block of limestone and sandstone structurally overlying shale on the western flank of Mount Timpanogos. It has been mapped as a downdropped normal fault block of Permian units, but no other trace of such a fault exists along the range. The Baldy block structurally overlies the weak Manning Canyon shale, which has produced a regional geomorphology replete with faceted spurs, landslide scarps and deposits. Structural, bio- and litho-stratigrahic mapping of the block reveals breccia deposits, bed rotation and stratigraphic and structural relations to Mount Timpanogos consistent with a landslide interpretation. Structural reconstructions of the block and calculations of stream downcutting rates help constrain the timing and sequence of events of the block's emplacement. These results attest to the importance of surficial processes in the development of large-scale geologic structures, and demonstrate the ongoing danger of mass wasting to the communities of the Wasatch Front.
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An Anomalous Breccia in the Mesoproterozoic (~1.1 Ga) Atar Group, Mauritania: Endogenic vs. Exogenic GenesisAden, Douglas J. 22 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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The Nature and Origin of Pebble Dikes and Associated Alteration: Tintic Mining District (Ag-Pb-Zn), UtahJohnson, Douglas M 01 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In many ore deposits throughout the world, brecciation often accompanies or occurs in association with mineralization (Sillitoe, 1985). Such is the case in the Tintic Mining District (Ag-Pb-Zn) of north-central Utah, where unique breccia features called pebble dikes occur alongside significant mineralization. Pebble dikes are tabular bodies of breccia, which consist of angular to rounded clasts of quartzite, shale, carbonate, and minor igneous rock cemented in a fine-grained clastic matrix. All clasts now lie above or adjacent to corresponding source rocks. Dikes are thin, typically less than 0.3 m wide to as much as 1 m, and can exceed 100 m in length. The average of the largest clast sizes is less than 3 cm but correlates positively with pebble dike width. Contacts are sharp and an envelope of fine breccia surrounds roughly half of the dikes. Pebble dikes are mostly hosted in an Eocene rhyolite lava flow, which displays argillic to silicic alteration when in contact with a pebble dike, but are also hosted in an assortment of folded Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. The dikes show a strong northeast trend in orientation, following a regional fabric of northeast-trending strike-slip and oblique-slip faults.The formation of pebble dikes has been historically attributed to the intrusion of the Silver City Stock, the Tintic District's main productive intrusion (Morris and Lovering, 1979; Hildreth and Hannah, 1996; Kim, 1997; Krahulec and Briggs, 2006). However, pebble dikes are spatially associated with a previously unrecognized porphyritic unit, informally named the porphyry of North Lily, which is texturally, mineralogically, and chemically distinct from the Silver City Stock, and like pebble dikes, is emplaced in northeast-trending plugs and dikes. Pebble dikes show a strong spatial correlation to outcrops of the porphyry of North Lily. Additionally, clasts of the porphyry of North Lily have been found in pebble dikes, while pebble dike quartzite clasts have been found as xenoliths in the porphyry of North Lily. These similarities and interactions suggest simultaneous formation. Low-grade alteration associated with pebble dikes indicates that they formed at elevated temperatures (<150°C). Stable isotope characteristics of rhyolite altered during the emplacement of pebble dikes suggests that the dikes formed in the presence of heated groundwater, with little to no magmatic water association. The overall physical, spatial, and chemical characteristics of pebble dikes of the Tintic Mining District suggest that they formed by the mobilization of breccia in the explosive escape of groundwater that had been heated by the porphyry of North Lily. This escape occurred along pre-existing northeast-trending faults and fractures. Pebble dikes then became pathways for later ore fluids, easing the creation of the district's abundant mineral resources.
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Genesis and characteristics of the Wolhaarkop breccia and associated manganore iron formation28 January 2009 (has links)
M.A. / Hematized iron formation known as the Manganore iron formation is slumped into sinkhole structures in the Campbellrand Subgroup, Transvaal Supergroup, on the Maremane dome. These iron deposits are underlain by manganiferous breccias known as the Wolhaarkop Breccia. Known iron and manganese deposits of this type occur in an arc from Sishen in the north to Postmasburg in the south. The area is not being mined for manganese at the moment due to the relatively high grade of the Kalahari manganese field situated to the north of this area. The iron deposits, though, are some of the richest in the world. The aim is to establish the mode of origin for the Wolhaarkop Breccia. The Wolhaarkop Breccia is interpreted as being a residual ancient manganese wad from a karst environment in manganese rich dolostones of the Campbellrand Subgroup. This siliceous breccia contains authigenic megaquartz and angular poorly sorted clasts of chalcedony and quartz, set in a braunite-hematite matrix. Fluid inclusions in the authigenic quartz of the Wolhaarkop Breccia have been studied to establish the source of the fluid responsible for quartz precipitation in the Wolhaarkop Breccia, and indirectly, for the formation of the Wolhaarkop Breccia. Thermometric data was used to determine the maximum possible pT and depth conditions under which the quartz might have been precipitated. Fluid chemistry was determined using the bulk crush-leach method to shed some light on the fluid origin. It was established that the fluid responsible for chert recrystallization and precipitation of authigenic quartz and chalcedony had a meteoric source. Considering the results of the above-mentioned analysis, it was concluded that the iron and manganese deposits were formed during a cycle of uplift followed by subsidence. During the period of uplift, erosion in a karst environment and enrichment of iron formation in a supergene environment concentrated manganese as a manganese wad, and iron as a residual iron-oxide laterite. Meteoric water was the main fluid present during this period. Later, during a stage of subsidence, the Wolhaarkop Breccia underwent diagenesis and later lower greenschist-facies metamorphism. During a final stage of uplift the deposit was exposed to the atmosphere again, the dolostones were weathered away and the residual Manganore iron formation and Wolhaarkop Breccia were exposed to supergene alteration.
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Evolution of a regionally extensive evaporite removal paleokarst complex : Mississippian Madison Group, WyomingKloss, Travis T. 17 February 2012 (has links)
Paleokarst systems owe their complex geometries to the interaction between the karst aquifers and the host rock being dissolved. The majority of paleokarst research to date has considered dissolution of carbonate strata (James and Choquette 1987), but rapid and extensive dissolution of interstratified evaporites can be an important if largely undocumented style of paleokarst that may play an important role in near-surface environmental settings as well as providing a unique style of reservoir heterogeneity in the subsurface (Sando 1967, 1974, 1988; Smith et al. 2004). This study is designed to answer the question, “How do we recognize evaporite paleokarst as distinct from standard meteoric carbonate paleokarst?” using spectacular, laterally continuous exposures in the upper Madison Formation within Bighorn Canyon, Wyoming.
Key characteristics of the Madison intrastratal evaporite karst complex were documented and contrasted with the top-Madison surficial karst system resulting in a suite of data that includes detailed section measuring, facies mapping using high resolution photo panels and ground based LiDAR for control. Hand samples, thin sections and x-ray diffraction analysis also contributed to this study. High resolution mapping of key surfaces, karst facies and petrophysical properties were used to develop a stepwise evolutionary model of the evaporite removal paleokarst complex. The interplay between surficial karstification, solution enhanced fractures, subsurface intrastratal evaporite dissolution, collapse and infill, were considered in constructing this model.
Similar to standard meteoric paleokarst systems, the Madison evaporite paleokarst has been divided into 7 distinct karst “facies” including laminated cave floor fill, roof collapse chaotic breccias, and suprastratal dissolution complexes. Features proposed to be unique to evaporite paleokarst that will aid in future studies are (1) presence of relic gypsum breccia clasts within cave-fill facies, (2) the near absence of cave pillars or roof touch down within the chaotic breccia zones, indicating removal of a laterally extensive soluble stratum, (4) a striking absence of sub-cave floor breccias or fractures, (5) a distinct breccia matrix consisting of primarily autochthonous detrital dolomite with a minor component of allochthonous detrital clays from the overlying Amsden, suggesting that the bulk of the breccia matrix is locally sourced insoluble residue from evaporite dissolution, and finally (6) close facies associations of the depositional sequence suggesting that evaporites were a likely part of the original stratigraphic record in the Madison. These criteria are considered to be a solid starting point for an evaporite paleokarst model and should assist in the recognition of similar paleokarst breccias in the ancient rock record. / text
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Zones de brèches associées à des gites de porphyres cuprifères dans la région de Chibougamau, Chibougamau, Québec /Bureau, Serge, January 1980 (has links)
Thèse (M.Sc.A)-- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1980. / Mémoire présenté en vue de l'obtention de la maîtrise es sciences appliquées en sciences de la terre" CaQCU Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU
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Geologic setting and petrology of the Proterozoic Ogilvie Mountains breccia of the Coal Creek inlier, southern Ogilvie Mountains, Yukon TerritoryLane, Robert Andrew January 1990 (has links)
Ogilvie Mountains breccia (OMB) is in Early (?) to Late Proterozoic rocks of the Coal Creek Inlier, southern Ogilvie Mountains, Yukon Territory. Host rocks are the Wernecke Supergroup (Fairchild Lake, Quartet and Gillespie Lake groups) and lower Fifteenmile group. Distribution and cross-cutting relationships of the breccia were delineated by regional mapping. OMB was classified by clast type and matrix composition.
Ogilvie Mountains breccia crops out discontinuously along two east-trending belts called the Northern Breccia Belt (NBB) and the Southern Breccia Belt (SBB). The NBB extends across approximately 40 km of the map area, and the SBB is about 15 km long. Individual bodies of OMB vary from dyke- and sill-like to pod-like. The breccia belts each coincide with a regional structure. The NBB coincides with a north side down reverse fault—an inferred ruptured anticline—called the Monster fault. The SBB coincides with a north side down fault called the Fifteenmile fault. These faults, at least in part, guided ascending breccia.
The age of OMB is constrained by field relationships and galena lead isotope data. It is younger than the Gillespie Lake Group, and is at least as old as the lower Fifteenmile group because it intrudes both of these units. A galena lead isotope model age for the Hart River stratiform massive sulphide deposit that is in Gillespie Lake Group rocks is 1.45 Ga. Galena from veinlets cutting a dyke that cuts OMB in lower Fifteenmile group rocks is 0.90 Ga in age. Therefore the age of OMB formation is between 1.45 and 0.90 Ga.
Ogilvie Mountains breccia (OMB) has been classified into monolithic (oligomictic) and heterolithic (polymictic) lithologies. These have been further divided by major matrix components—end members are carbonate-rich, hematite-rich and chlorite-rich. Monolithic breccias with carbonate matrices dominate the NBB. Heterolithic breccias are abundant locally in the NBB, but are prevalent in the SBB. Fragments were derived mainly from the Wernecke Supergroup. In the SBB fragments from the lower Fifteenmile group are present. Uncommon mafic igneous fragments were from local dykes. OMB are generally fragment dominated. Recognized fragments are up to several 10s of metres across and grade into matrix sized grains. Hydrothermal alteration has locally overprinted OMB and introduced silica, hematite and sulphide minerals. This mineralization has received limited attention from the mineral exploration industry.
Rare earth element chemistry reflects a lack of mantle or deep-seated igneous process in the formation of OMB. However, this may be only an apparent lack because flooding by a large volume of sedimentary material could obscure a REE pattern indicative of another source.
The genesis of OMB is significantly similar to modern mud diapirs. It is proposed that OMB originated from pressurized, underconsolidated fine grained limey sediments (Fairchild Lake Group). These were trapped below and loaded by turbidites (Quartet Group) and younger units. Tectonics and the initiation of major faults apparently triggered movement of the pressurized fluid-rich medium. The resulting bodies of breccia are sill-like and diapir-like sedimentary intrusions. Fluid-rich phases may have caused hydrofracturing (brittle failure) of the surrounding rocks (especially in the hanging wall). Breccia intrusion would have increased the width of the passage way while encorporating more fragments. Iron- and oxygen-rich hydrothermal fluids apparently were associated with the diapirism. Presumably these fluids are responsible for the high contents of hematite and iron carbonate in fragments, and especially, in the matrix of the breccias. Exhalation of these fluids may have formed the sedimentary iron formations that are spatially associated with the breccias. / Science, Faculty of / Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of / Graduate
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