Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bronchial"" "subject:"bronchi""
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Identifizierung und Regulation von kälteinduzierbaren Faktoren aus B. bronchisepticaStübs, Dorothee. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2005--Würzburg. / Erscheinungsjahr an der Haupttitelstelle: 2004.
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The "Non" Whooping CoughHassan, H., Jaishankar, Gayatri, Macariola, Demetrio 25 February 2010 (has links)
Abstract available in the Journal of Investigative Medicine.
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Identifizierung und Regulation von kälteinduzierbaren Faktoren aus B. bronchiseptica / Identification and regulation of cold induced factors in B. bronchisepticaStübs, Dorothee January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Kälteschockproteine werden in Bakterien, gleichermaßen wie die gut charakterisierten Hitzeschockproteine, bei hohen Temperaturschwankungen stark induziert und ermöglichen der Zelle durch unterschiedliche Funktionen ein Wachstum in der Kälte. In dieser Promotionsarbeit wurde begonnen, die Kälteschock-Antwort von Bakterien des Genus Bordetella zu charakterisieren. Sowohl B. bronchiseptica als auch B. pertussis codieren für fünf Kälteschockproteine, die als CspA, CspB, CspC, CspD und CspE bezeichnet werden. Die fünf Proteine weisen eine signifikante Homologie zum Haupt-Kälteschockprotein CspA aus E. coli auf. Während in den Modellorganismen E. coli und B. subtilis mindestens vier (E. coli) bzw. alle drei (B. subtilis) csp-Gene deletiert sein müssen, um einen Wachstumsdefizit zu erkennen, genügt im Falle von B. bronchiseptica eine einzige Insertionsmutation im Gen cspB, um einen temperaturunabhängigen Wachstumsdefekt zu beobachten. Nach einem Kälteschock werden in B. bronchiseptica drei der fünf csp-Gene, cspA, cspB und cspC, deutlich induziert. Betrachtet man das Expressionsmuster der fünf csp-Gene unter verschiedenen Stressbedingungen, wie Zugabe von translationshemmenden Antibiotika, Hitzeschock oder osmotischer Stress, so lässt sich ein komplexes Expressionsmuster aufzeichnen. Außerdem besitzen die drei kälteinduzierbaren Gene cspA, cspB und cspC mehrere Transkriptionsstartpunkte, deren Transkriptmengen unter den verschiedenen Schockbedingungen stark variieren. Es stellte sich heraus, dass eine Überexpression von CspB aus B. bronchiseptica für die E. coli – Zelle toxisch ist, daher wurde das CspB-Protein als GST-Fusionsprotein exprimiert und über Glutathion-Sepharose aufgereinigt. Um eine potentielle Funktion von CspB in der Zelle zu untersuchen, wurden Filterbindeassays mit CspB::GST durchgeführt. Es wurde eine hochaffine, aber unspezifische Bindung an ssDNA festgestellt, was auf eine mögliche Funktion von CspB als Chaperon hindeutet. Nach Synthese eines CspB-spezifischen Antikörpers wurde die Kälteinduktion von CspB auch auf Proteinebene nachgewiesen. Durch 2D-Gelelektrophorese und massenspektrometrische Charakterisierung konnten 17 weitere kälteinduzierbare Proteine aus B. bronchiseptica identifiziert werden. Darunter waren u. a. ein Chaperon mit Ähnlichkeit zu GroES, ein Translationsinhibitor BB2940 und das CspB. Diese kälteinduzierbaren Proteine ähneln den CIPs aus E. coli. Weiterhin konnten noch das UspA und mehrere am Metabolismus beteiligte Proteine als CIPs aus B. bronchiseptica identifiziert werden, was signifikante Unterschiede in Bezug auf die Kälteadaptation zwischen den beiden Organismen aufzeigt. Betrachtet man die Promotorbereiche aller identifizierten csp-Gene, so fällt eine für diese Gene typische sehr lange 5’UTR auf. Innerhalb dieser upstream Region findet man in vier der fünf csp-Gene einen 9 bp langen Consensus mit der Sequenz TCCTTGATT, der in nahezu gleichem Abstand vom postulierten Startcodon vorkommt. Diese identifizierte 9bp-box ist für eine effiziente Transkription in der Kälte jedoch nicht von Bedeutung. Auf posttranskriptioneller Ebene wird die lange 5’UTR für die Stabilisierung der cold-shock mRNA in der Kälte verantwortlich gemacht. Außerdem ist das Vorhandensein der kompletten 5’UTR essentiell für eine effiziente Translation bei niedriger Temperatur, wobei eine Mutation der 9bp-box einen geringen, aber signifikanten negativen Effekt auf die Translation ausübt. Sechs Gene, der neu identifizierten CIPs, beinhalten ebenfalls eine 9bp-box in ihrer upstream Region. Interessanterweise werden zwei der fünf csp-Gene, cspC und cspD, vom BvgAS Zweikomponentensystem, dem Haupttranskriptionsregulator der Virulenzgene im Genus Bordetella, reguliert. Die beiden Gene gehören zu den Bvg-negativ regulierten Genen, die in der Bvg-minus-Phase exprimiert werden. Weiterhin beeinflusst eine leichte Überexpression von CspB aus B. pertussis die Expression der Adenylatzyklase sowohl in B. pertussis, als auch in B. bronchiseptica negativ. Dieser für das CspB spezifische Effekt erinnert an das strukturell verwandte Tex-Protein (Fuchs et al, 1996; König et al, 2002). Beide Proteine beeinflussen die Expression der Virulenzfaktoren negativ, wobei für CspB gezeigt werden konnte, dass es einen direkten Einfluss auf die verminderte cyaA-Expression auf Transkriptionsebene besitzt. Dies zeigt eine Verbindung der Kälteschockantwort mit dem Virulenz-Regulon der Bordetellen, deren Rolle im Infektionszyklus bislang ungeklärt ist. / Bacterial cold shock proteins (CSPs), like the well characterized heat shock proteins (HSPs) are highly induced in response to strong variation in temperature and cell growth at lower temperatures could be attributed to the different functions of CIPs. In this work we have studied the cold shock response of bacteria of the genus Bordetella. Both B. bronchiseptica and B. pertussis code for five CSPs (termed CspA to CspE) with significant amino acid homology to the major CspA of Escherichia coli. Mutations of a single csp gene (cspB) strongly affected the growth of B. bronchiseptica independent of temperature while a similar effect was observed in E. coli when four out of nine csp genes and in B. subtilis when all three csp genes were deleted. Transcription of cspA, cspB and cspC increased strongly after cold shock. The exposure to other stress conditions including translational inhibitors, heat shock and osmotic stress resulted in a complex pattern of changes in the transcription of the five cold shock genes. In the case of three csp genes (cspA, cspB, cspC), more than one specific transcript could be detected. To investigate the function of one of the cold shock proteins, CspB was purified as GSTfusion over a glutathion-sepharose column, because overexpression of pure CspB was shown to be toxic for the E. coli cell. Due to its high affinity but rather unspecific binding to ssDNA as tested by filter binding assays, it is possible that CspB functions as a chaperone. Induction of CspB was confirmed using a specific antibody and subsequently 17 other cold inducible proteins (CIPs) were identified by 2D-gelelectrophoresis and mass spectrometric characterization. Among these CIPs are some proteins which resemble the cold shock response of E. coli, like CspB, a chaperone with similarities to GroES and a translation inhibitor protein. Furthermore, interesting examples are the universal stress protein UspA and some proteins that are involved in the amino acid metabolism indicating signficant differences in the cold shock response of the two organism. The coding regions of all cold shock genes are preceeded by a long non-translated upstream region. Within this 5’UTR of four of the csp genes an identical sequence of 9 nucleotides with the consensus TCCTTGATT (9bp box) was identified which is located at similar positions with respect to their start codons. This identified 9bp-box was found to be irrelevant for transcription in the cold. Furthermore by in silico analysis a putative 54- binding site in the upstream region of cspB could be identified which has a regulatory function on cspB transcription. The long 5’ UTR itself seems to be important for transcript stabilization and efficient translation under cold shock conditions. Furthermore mutation or deletion of the 9bp box has a negative effect on translation. Six of the new identified CIPs are encoded by genes that contain the 9bp box in their 5’-UTR. Using bioinformatic tools (HMMR search) we identified 131 genes in the B. bronchiseptica RB50 genome that contain such a 9mer, but only 17 of the genes contain these consensus at appropriate position. Using this approach, infB, encoding for IF-2, could be identified as cold inducible. A connection between the occurence of the 9bp box and the cold induction could not be shown yet. Interestingly, two cold shock genes (cspC and cspD) were found to be under the negative control of the BvgAS system, the main transcriptional regulator of Bordetella virulence genes. Morover, a negative effect of a slight overexpression of CspB, but not of the other CSPs, on the transcription of the adenylate cyclase toxin CyaA in both B. pertussis and B. bronchiseptica was observed. Like the overexpression of previously described Tex protein (Fuchs et al, 1996; König et al, 2002), both proteins have a negative effect on the expression of the virulence factors. In this work, a direct influence of CspB on the cyaA transcription could be confirmed, suggesting a cross talk between the CSP mediated stress response stimulon and the Bordetella virulence regulon.
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Charakterisierung des Hfq-Regulons in Bordetella pertussis und Bordetella bronchiseptica / Characterisation of the Hfq regulon in Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella bronchisepticaKeidel, Kristina January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Bordetellen sind Gram-negative Kokkobazillen, die phylogenetisch zu den β-Proteobakterien zählen und in der Familie der Alcaligenaceae eingeordnet sind. Der bedeutendste Vertreter der Gattung, die nach heutigem Kenntnisstand neun Arten umfasst, ist Bordetella pertussis, der Erreger des Keuchhustens. Der Keim ist obligat humanpathogen und besitzt zahlreiche Virulenzfaktoren, um die Epithelzellen des Respirationstraktes zu besiedeln und zu zerstören, wodurch es zu dem charakteristischen Krankheitsverlauf kommt. Neben B. pertussis werden noch B. bronchiseptica und B. parapertussis dem sogenannten B. bronchiseptica-Cluster zugeteilt. Alle Vertreter des B. bronchiseptica-Clusters sind in der Lage, bei verschiedenen Wirtsspezies respiratorische Erkrankungen mit unterschiedlichem Schweregrad auszulösen. Dabei weist B. bronchiseptica ein breiteres Wirtsspektrum auf und kann Atemwegserkrankungen in einer Vielzahl von Säugetieren auslösen, wohingegen B. parapertussis vornehmlich Schafe und Menschen infiziert und bei letzteren eine schwächere Form des Keuchhustens bewirkt. Das Hfq-Protein wurde ursprünglich als Wirtsfaktor identifiziert, welcher für die Replikation des RNA-Phagen Qβ in Escherichia coli benötigt wird (host factor for Qβ oder HF-1). Es ist in Struktur und Funktion homolog zu den Sm-Proteinen aus Eukaryoten, die am Splicing von mRNAs involviert sind. Die Beteiligung des Hfq-Proteins an regulatorischen Vorgängen, die durch kleine nicht-kodierende RNAs (sRNAs) vermittelt werden, wurde erstmals in einer Studie zum Mechanismus der rpoS-Regulation durch die kleine regulatorische RNA OxyS ersichtlich. Seitdem konnte für eine Vielzahl an sRNAs gezeigt werden, dass sie an Hfq gebunden vorliegen und die Hilfe des Proteins bei der post-transkriptionellen Kontrolle ihrer Ziel-mRNAs benötigen. In dieser Hinsicht übernimmt Hfq die Rolle eines RNA-Chaperons, indem es trans-kodierte sRNAs stabilisiert und die Basenpaarung mit ihren Ziel-mRNAs fördert. Dabei beeinflusst die Bindung der sRNA-Regulatoren an ihre Ziel-mRNAs deren Translation, sowohl aktivierend als auch inhibierend. Bislang wurden Hfq-Homologe in der Hälfte aller sequenzierten Gram-positiven und Gram-negativen Bakterienarten gefunden. Eine BLAST-Analyse ergab, dass B. pertussis und B. bronchiseptica Homologe zum Hfq-Protein aufweisen und diese in der veröffentlichten Genomsequenz bereits als Hfq-Protein annotiert sind. Fokus dieser Arbeit war weitestgehend, die Funktion des Hfq-Proteins in B. pertussis und vergleichend in B. bronchiseptica zu charakterisieren. Mittels Primer Extension-Analyse konnte zunächst der Startpunkt des hfq-Transkripts in B. pertussis und B. bronchiseptica unter logarithmischen Wachstumsbedingungen bestimmt werden. Dieser Startpunkt war zudem unter stationären Wachstumsbedingungen und nach Hitzestress aktiv, was in Diskrepanz zur Beobachtung in E. coli steht. Ferner konnte festgestellt werden, dass die hfq-Transkription nach Induktion verschiedener Stressformen in beiden Organismen erhöht war. Nach Generierung der jeweiligen Δhfq-Mutanten in beiden Organismen wurden diese charakterisiert. Die B. pertussis Δhfq-Mutante zeigte ein deutliches Wachstumsdefizit gegenüber dem Wildtyp, im Gegensatz zu B. bronchiseptica Δhfq, die sich im Wachstum wie der Wildtyp verhielt. Beide Mutanten zeigten sich sensitiver gegenüber H2O2-Stress als der Wildtyp, nicht jedoch gegenüber weiteren oxidativen Stressbedingungen oder Membranstress induzierenden Substanzen. Die Δhfq-Mutante in B. pertussis war zudem in ihrer Fähigkeit zur Biofilmbildung beeinträchtigt, was jedoch nicht für B. bronchiseptica Δhfq galt. Da Hfq an sRNA-mRNA-Interaktionen, welche die Translation der mRNAs beeinflussen, beteiligt ist, sollte über 2D-Gelelektrophorese das Hfq-regulierte Proteom in B. pertussis und B. bronchiseptica bestimmt werden. Auffällig war, dass viele periplasmatische Transport-bindeproteine von der Δhfq-Mutation betroffen waren. Es zeigten sich aber auch Stoffwechselenzyme und wichtige Housekeeping-Faktoren, wie z. B. der Elongationsfaktor EF-Tu und das Chaperon GroEL, in der Δhfq-Mutante dereguliert. Generell scheint das Hfq-regulierte Proteom in B. pertussis und B. bronchiseptica nur einen kleinen Teil des gesamten Proteoms auszumachen. Zudem ist das Hfq-regulierte Proteom variabel zwischen verschiedenen Wachstumsbedingungen, aber auch zwischen den beiden Organismen trotz der engen Verwandtschaft. Die Expression ausgewählter Virulenzfaktoren zeigte keinen Unterschied zwischen Δhfq-Mutante und B. pertussis-Wildtyp. / Bordetellae are Gram-negative coccobacilli phylogenetically belonging to the β-group of proteobacteria and therein to the family of Alcaligenaceae. The most prominent member of the genus comprising nine species so far is Bordetella pertussis, the etiological agent of whooping cough. This organism is an obligatory human pathogen and expresses a variety of virulence factors in order to colonize and destroy the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract causing the characteristic symptoms of the disease. In addition to B. pertussis, B. bronchiseptica and B. parapertussis are assigned to the so-called B. bronchiseptica-cluster. All members of the B. bronchiseptica-cluster have the ability to cause respiratory symptoms with varying severity. B. bronchiseptica exhibits a broad host range causing respiratory symptoms in a variety of mammals, whereas B. parapertussis infects sheep and humans causing a milder form of whooping cough in the latter. The Hfq protein was originally identified as a host factor necessary for the replication of the RNA-phage Qβ in Escherichia coli (host factor for Qβ or HF-1). It is functionally and structurally homologous to Sm-proteins involved in splicing of mRNAs in eukaryotes. The involvement of Hfq in regulatory processes caused by small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) was first recognized in a study on the mechanism of rpoS-regulation by the small regulatory RNA OxyS. Since then a variety of sRNAs were shown to be bound to Hfq and require its help for post-transcriptional control of their target-mRNAs. In this regard, Hfq functions as an RNA-chaperone by stabilizing trans-encoded sRNAs and their basepairing to target-mRNAs. Binding of the sRNA-regulators to their target-mRNAs thereby either activates or inhibits their translation. To date Hfq homologues were identified in half of all sequenced Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial species. BLAST analysis revealed that B. pertussis and B. bronchiseptica possess an Hfq homologue which has already been annotated as such in the published genome sequence. The main focus of this work was to characterize the function of the Hfq protein in B. pertussis as well as in B. bronchiseptica. By primer extension analysis we could identify the start of the hfq-transcript in B. pertussis and B. bronchiseptica under logarithmic growth conditions. This transcriptional start site was also active under stationary growth conditions and after heat shock which is discrepant from the observations in E. coli. Furthermore, it could be shown that the hfq-transcription was elevated in both B. pertussis and B. bronchiseptica under various stress conditions. Δhfq-mutants were established and characterized in both organisms. The Δhfq-mutant of B. pertussis exhibited a pronounced growth deficit in comparison to the wildtype whereas the Δhfq-mutant of B. bronchiseptica showed the same growth properties as the wildtype. Both Δhfq-mutants expressed a higher sensitivity to stress caused by H2O2 compared to the wildtype. However, there was no increased sensitivity of the Δhfq-mutants to other oxidative stress agents or membrane stress inducing agents. Furthermore, the Δhfq-mutant of B. pertussis but not the Δhfq-mutant of B. bronchiseptica was impaired in its ability to form biofilms. Since Hfq is involved in sRNA-mRNA-interactions affecting the efficient translation of mRNAs, the Hfq-regulated proteome of B. pertussis and B. bronchiseptica was determined by 2D-gelelectrophoresis. Strikingly, a variety of periplasmic binding proteins involved in transport were affected by the Δhfq-mutation. In addition, enzymes of various metabolic pathways and important housekeeping factors, such as elongation factor EF-Tu and the protein chaperone GroEL, were deregulated in the Δhfq-mutant. The Hfq-regulated proteome comprises generally only a small part of the complete proteome in B. pertussis and B. bronchiseptica. Furthermore, this Hfq-regulated proteome differs between certain growth conditions as well as between the two closely related organisms. No difference could be observed in the expression of selected virulence factors between B. pertussis Δhfq and wildtype.
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Isolamento e caracterização de amostras de Bordetella bronchiseptica através da eletroforese em gel de campo pulsado (PFGE) / Isolation and characterization of Bordetella bronchiseptica strains by Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)Felizardo, Maria Roberta 27 January 2011 (has links)
Bordetella bronchiseptica é um dos agentes etiológicos da tosse dos canis, infecções do trato respiratório superior em gatos, rinite atrófica, broncopneumonia em suínos, sendo freqüentemente isolada em coelhos e animais de laboratório. O impacto deste agente em saúde humana ainda é subestimado, o risco da infecção de pessoas imunodeprimidas que tem contato com animais domésticos existe e é relatado na literatura. No Brasil não há estudos caracterizando o agente isolado a partir de espécies de animais de companhia. O conhecimento dos aspectos epidemiológicos da infecção por Bordetella bronchiseptica é de fundamental importância para a adoção de medidas efetivas de controle e prevenção da infecção em seres humanos e animais domésticos, neste sentido, estudos de epidemiologia molecular são de grande relevância. O presente estudo tem como objetivos caracterizar amostras de Bordetella bronchiseptica isoladas de cães e gatos através da eletroforese em campo pulsado (PFGE) e do perfil de resistência a antimicrobianos. Foram isoladas 45 amostras provenientes de três cães e onze gatos de diferentes gatis, canis e clínicas veterinárias e as mesmas foram discriminadas em sete perfis através dos padrões de resistência e em quatorze perfis genotípicos através da PFGE. / Bordetella bronchiseptica is one of the etiologic agents of kennel cough, cat superior respiratory tract infections, swine bronchopneumonia, being frequently isolated from rabbits and laboratory animals. The impact of this agent in human health is still underestimated; the risk of immunosuppressed persons who have contact with domestic animals exists and is reported in literature. In Brasil, there are no studies characterizing the agent isolated from pet species. The knowledge of epidemiological aspects of Bordetella bronchiseptica is of fundamental importance to adopt effective control measures and prevention of human and domestic animals, in that sense, studies of molecular epidemiology are very relevant. This study aims to characterize strains of Bordetella bronchiseptica from dogs and cats through pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and antimicrobial resistance profile. Forty five strains from three dogs and eleven cats from different catteries, shelters, and veterinary clinics were separated in seven profiles based in resistance patterns and fourteen genotypic profiles through PFGE.
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Uloga bakteriofaga familije Siphoviridae u lizogenoj konverziji vrste Bordetella bronchiseptica i njihov antimikrobni potencijal / Role of bacteriophages from family Siphoviridae in lysogenic conversion of Bordetella bronchiseptica and their antimicrobial potentialPetrović Fabijan Aleksandra 29 December 2016 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu su izolovani specifičn<em>i Bordetella bronchiseptica</em> bakteriofagi iz iz<br />priodne sredine koji pripadaju familiji <em>Siphoviridae</em>. Bakteriofagi su okarakterisani u<br />cilju razmatranja njihove uloge u lizogenoj konverziji bakterije i mogućnosti<br />primene u kontroli vrste <em> B. bronchiseptica</em>. U tu svrhu ispitivane su morfološke<br />karakteristike odabranih faga, litički spektar faga, i karakteristike genoma i proteina<br />faga. Takođe, ispitivana je i stabilnost faga u različitim uslovima sredine, njihova<br />litička efikasnost i efekat na formiranje i vec formirani biofilm. U radu je ispitana i<br />uloga faga u produkciji biofilma, rezistenciji na antibiotike, procesu hemolize i<br />pokretljivosti kod vrste <em>B. bronchiseptica</em>. Rezultati ovog rada jasno ukazuju na<br />ulogu faga u lizogenoj konverziji vrste <em> B. bronchiseptica</em> kao i mogućnost njihove<br />primene, uz određene modifikacije, kao anti-<em>B.bronchiseptica</em> agenasa.</p> / <p>In this paper <em>Bordetella bronchiseptica</em> specific phages belonging to family <em>Siphoviridae</em> were isolated from environment. Bacteriophages were characterized to determine their role in the lysogenic conversion of bacteria and their possible usage in <em>B. bronchiseptica </em>control. For this purpose, morphological characteristics of the selected phages, the phage lytic spectrum, and the characteristics of phage genome and the proteins were examined. Also, the stability of phage in different environmental conditions was studied as well as their lytic efficiency, effect on the biofilm formation and formed biofilm. The paper also examined the role of phages in the production of biofilm, resistance to antibiotics, the process of hem olysis and the motility of<em> B. bronchiseptica </em>species. The results of this study clearly indicate the role of phage in lysogenic conversion in <em>B. bronchiseptica</em> as well as their potential for <em>B. bronchiseptica</em> control.</p>
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Isolamento e caracterização de amostras de Bordetella bronchiseptica através da eletroforese em gel de campo pulsado (PFGE) / Isolation and characterization of Bordetella bronchiseptica strains by Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)Maria Roberta Felizardo 27 January 2011 (has links)
Bordetella bronchiseptica é um dos agentes etiológicos da tosse dos canis, infecções do trato respiratório superior em gatos, rinite atrófica, broncopneumonia em suínos, sendo freqüentemente isolada em coelhos e animais de laboratório. O impacto deste agente em saúde humana ainda é subestimado, o risco da infecção de pessoas imunodeprimidas que tem contato com animais domésticos existe e é relatado na literatura. No Brasil não há estudos caracterizando o agente isolado a partir de espécies de animais de companhia. O conhecimento dos aspectos epidemiológicos da infecção por Bordetella bronchiseptica é de fundamental importância para a adoção de medidas efetivas de controle e prevenção da infecção em seres humanos e animais domésticos, neste sentido, estudos de epidemiologia molecular são de grande relevância. O presente estudo tem como objetivos caracterizar amostras de Bordetella bronchiseptica isoladas de cães e gatos através da eletroforese em campo pulsado (PFGE) e do perfil de resistência a antimicrobianos. Foram isoladas 45 amostras provenientes de três cães e onze gatos de diferentes gatis, canis e clínicas veterinárias e as mesmas foram discriminadas em sete perfis através dos padrões de resistência e em quatorze perfis genotípicos através da PFGE. / Bordetella bronchiseptica is one of the etiologic agents of kennel cough, cat superior respiratory tract infections, swine bronchopneumonia, being frequently isolated from rabbits and laboratory animals. The impact of this agent in human health is still underestimated; the risk of immunosuppressed persons who have contact with domestic animals exists and is reported in literature. In Brasil, there are no studies characterizing the agent isolated from pet species. The knowledge of epidemiological aspects of Bordetella bronchiseptica is of fundamental importance to adopt effective control measures and prevention of human and domestic animals, in that sense, studies of molecular epidemiology are very relevant. This study aims to characterize strains of Bordetella bronchiseptica from dogs and cats through pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and antimicrobial resistance profile. Forty five strains from three dogs and eleven cats from different catteries, shelters, and veterinary clinics were separated in seven profiles based in resistance patterns and fourteen genotypic profiles through PFGE.
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Charakterisierung des BvgAS1,2-Regulons von Bordetella petrii / Characterization of the BvgAS1,2 regulon of Bordetella petriiSchmitt, Karin January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Gattung Bordetella, die phylogenetisch in die Gruppe der β-Proteobakterien eingeordnet und zur Familie der Alcaligenaceae gezählt wird, umfasst nach heutigem Wissenstand neun Gram-negative Arten. Die klassischen Bordetella-Arten B. pertussis, B. parapertussis und B. bronchiseptica werden im sogenannten B. bronchiseptica-Cluster zusammengefasst. Der strikt humanpathogene Erreger B. pertussis stellt als Verursacher des Keuchhustens das wohl bedeutendste Mitglied der Gattung dar. B. parapertussis ist der Verursacher von respiratorischen Erkrankungen in Menschen und Schafen, während B. bronchiseptica für Atemwegserkrankungen in verschiedenen Säugetieren verantwortlich gemacht wird. Zudem kann B. bronchiseptica für einen längeren Zeitraum in der Umwelt überleben. Die in den letzte Jahren identifizierten „neuen“ Bordetella-Arten, B. avium, B. hinzii, B. holmesii, B. trematum und B. ansorpii, wurden alle human- oder tierassoziiert isoliert und besitzen unterschiedliches pathogenes Potential, das zum Teil noch näher untersucht werden muss. Eine Ausnahme stellt der aus einer anaeroben dechlorinierten Flusssediment-Anreicherungskultur isolierte Keim B. petrii dar. Dieser ist bis zum heutigen Zeitpunkt der einzige Umweltkeim der Gattung Bordetella (von Wintzingerode, Schattke et al. 2001). In evolutionärer Hinsicht ist B. petrii besonders interessant, da er sowohl für orthologe Gene einiger Virulenzfaktoren der pathogenen Bordetellen kodiert, als auch die typischen Eigenschaften eines Umweltkeims aufweist und somit als Bindeglied zu fungieren scheint. Ein solcher Virulenzfaktor ist das BvgAS-System, das in den pathogenen Bordetellen den Hauptregulator der Virulenzgenexpression darstellt, aber in B. petrii strukturell komplexer aufgebaut ist. Neben dem auf Aminosäureebene hoch konservierten Response Regulator bvgA, finden sich in B. petrii Gene für zwei Histidinkinasen, bvgS1 und bvgS2, sowie eine unabhängige hpt-Domäne. Eine periplasmatische Sensordomäne fehlt in beiden Kinasen, und nur in BvgS1 konnte eine PAS-Domäne identifiziert werden. In den letzten Jahren wurden zunehmend B. petrii-Isolate aus den verschiedensten Habitaten isoliert, wie z.B. das Schwammisolate R521 (Sfanos, Harmody et al. 2005) und das klinisches Isolat aus einem Patienten mit mandibulärer Osteomyelitis (Fry, Duncan et al. 2005). Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde über einen PCR-Ansatz versucht, mit aus der Wildtypsequenz abgeleiteten Oligonukleotiden das BvgAS1,2-System der Isolate zu sequenzieren, aber nur im klinischen Isolat konnte ein orthologes Genfragment zum Response Regulator bvgA identifiziert werden. Ein Nachweis der Histidinkinasen sowie der hpt-Domäne schlug in allen untersuchten Isolaten fehl. Die vergleichenden Genomanalysen mittels DNA-Microarrays konnten aufgrund fehlender Hybridisierungen keine weiteren Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede auf DNA-Ebene zwischen den Isolaten und B. petrii DSM 12804 aufzeigen. B. petrii ist ein hoch variabler Umweltkeim, der sich an verschiedene Lebensbedingungen anpassen kann. Dies konnte auch durch die Isolation dreier phänotypisch unterscheidbare Varianten während eines Langzeitwachstumsversuches gezeigt werden (Lechner 2008). Durch die Genomsequenzierung von B. petrii DSM 12804 konnten wenigsten sieben genomischen Inseln beschrieben werden (Gross, Guzman et al. 2008), die durch unterschiedliche Exzision für die Entstehung der Varianten und daraus resultierend für die Variabilität in B. petrii verantwortlich sind. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte die Größe der einzelnen genomischen Inseln im Genom von B. petrii durch vergleichende Genomanalysen mittels DNA-Microarrays, mit Ausnahme von GI1, GI5 und GI6, im Vergleich zu den bioinformatischen Vorhersagen bestätigt werden. Diese Inseln zeigten in den Microarray-Analysen eine Vergrößerung bzw. Verkleinerung im Vergleich zu den zuvor beschrieben putativen Grenzen. Die große Instabilität des Genoms von B. petrii DSM 12804 konnte in dieser Arbeit auch durch Microarray-Analysen einzelner Klone aufgezeigt werden, die unterschiedliche Variationen im Bereich der genomischen Inseln aufwiesen. In den Analysen von B. petrii 12804 ΔbvgA bzw. ΔbvgAS konnten zusätzlich zu den gezielten Manipulation im BvgAS1,2-Lokus weitere Deletionen im Bereich von bpet0196-0200, bpet4219-4235 und bpet4176 detektiert werden. Die Re-Integration dieser Genbereiche nach Klonierung einer BvgA-Komplementationsmutante deutet auf eine extrachromosomale plasmid-ähnliche Struktur dieser Bereiche hin. Dies konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit nicht abschließend bestätigt werden und bleibt weiter zu untersuchen. Im Verlauf der evolutionären Entwicklung der Bordetellen wurde das BvgAS-System, das ursprünglich für die Adaption an Umweltbedingungen mit verschiedenen Sauerstoff-konzentrationen und/oder Temperaturen zuständig war, mit der Regulation der Expression der Virulenzgene verknüpft (von Wintzingerode, Gerlach et al. 2002). In den Transkriptomanalysen zur Untersuchung der Funktionalität des BvgAS1,2-Systems in B. petrii konnte aufgezeigt werden, dass die Temperatur ein wichtiger Signalgeber für die Expression des Flagellen- und Chemotaxisoperons ist. In B. bronchiseptica wird die Motilität, bei Temperaturen unter 25°C, negativ durch das BvgAS-System reguliert. Auch in B. petrii konnte in den Untersuchungen eine negative Regulation der Flagellen- und Chemotaxisgene durch das BvgAS1,2-System unter diesen Bedingungen detektiert werden. Ob aber in B. petrii die gleiche hierarchische Struktur zur Regulation der Motilität besteht wie in B. bronchiseptica, bleibt zu untersuchen. Im Verlauf der Untersuchungen konnte dem BvgAS-Zwei-Komponentensystem in B. petrii auch eine Funktion im Energiestoffwechsel eingeräumt werden, um auf wechselnde Sauerstoffbedingungen reagieren zu können. Die Messung des Sauerstoffgehaltes der Umgebung und damit eine Regulation der aeroben bzw. anaeroben Atmung erfolgt in B. petrii wahrscheinlich ebenfalls über das BvgAS1,2-System. Die in der Histidinkinase BvgS1 vorhergesagte PAS-Domäne scheint laut den Analysen für diesen Vorgang von großer Bedeutung zu sein. Desweiteren scheint das System auch die Zusammensetzung der Cytochromoxidase zur optimalen Anpassung an aerobe, mikroaerophile und anaerobe Bedingungen zu regulieren. / The genus Bordetella phylogenetically grouped within the beta-subclass of Proteobacteria and belonging to the family of the Alcaligenaceae comprises to date nine gram negative species. The classical Bordetella species B. pertussis, B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica are integrated in the so called B. bronchiseptica-cluster. The obligate human pathogen B. pertussis, as the agent of whooping cough, is the most important member of the genus. B. parapertussis is the agent of respiratory diseases in humans and sheep, whereas B. bronchiseptica causes respiratory diseases in various mammalian species. In addition, B. bronchiseptica has the ability to survive in the environment for a certain period of time. The in recent years identified “new” Bordetella species, B. avium, B. hinzii, B. holmesii, B. trematum and B. ansorpii, have all been isolated in association with humans and animals and exhibit different pathogenic potential, which partly have to be examined further. An exception is the species B. petrii, which was isolated from an anaerobic dechlorinating bioreactor culture enriched by river sediment. Up to date B. petrii represents the first environmental isolate of the genus Bordetella (von Wintzingerode, Schattke et al. 2001). B. petrii encodes both for several orthologous genes to virulence factors of the pathogenic Bordetellae and also shows the typical features of environmental bacteria, it might represent some sort of evolutionary missing link. A putative virulence factor is the BvgAS-systems, which demonstrates to be the master regulator for virulence gene expression in the pathogenic Bordetellae, but in B. petrii this system built-on in a much more complex way. In B. petrii could be identified a response regulator bvgA, which is conserved on amino acid level, two histidine kinase genes, bvgS1 and bvgS2, and a separate gene for the hpt-domain. A periplasmatic sensing domain is missing in both kinases and a PAS-domain could only identified in BvgS1. In the recent years an increasing number of B. petrii isolates could be isolated from various habitats, for example the sponge isolate R521 (Sfanos, Harmody et al. 2005) and the clinical isolate from a patient with mandibular osteomyelitis (Fry, Duncan et al. 2005). In this work a PCR approach, with oligonucleotides derived from the B. petrii wildtyp sequence, was used to sequence the BvgAS1,2-system of the isolates but only in the clinical isolate an orthologous gene fragment of the Response Regulator bvgA could be identified. A detection of the histidine kinases or the hpt-domain failed in all investigated isolates. The comparative genome analysis with DNA-microarrays showed no further similarities and differences between the isolates and B. petrii DSM 12804 because of missing hybridization. B. petrii is a highly variable environmental bacterium capable of adapting to different living conditions. This could be demonstrated by isolation of three phenotypically distinguishable variants during a long-term growth experiment (Lechner 2008). By genome sequencing of B. petrii DSM 12804, at least seven genomic islands could be described (Gross, Guzman et al. 2008), which are responsible for the development of variants and therefore for the variability of B. petrii by different excision. During this study, the size of each genomic island of B. petrii could be confirmed by comparative genome analysis with DNA-microarrays with the exception of GI1, GI5 und GI6 compared to bioinformatic predictions. These islands showed an extension and reduction in the microarray analysis, respectively. The high instability of the genome of B. petrii DSM 12804 could also be demonstrated by microarray analysis of individual clones in this doctorate, which show variations in the area of the genomic island. The analysis of B. petrii 12804 ΔbvgA and ΔbvgAS, respectively, illustrate the specific manipulations in the BvgAS1,2 locus and additional deletions in the area of bpet0196-0200, bpet4219-4235 and bpet4176. The re-integration of these genes into genome after cloning of a BvgA complement thereupon points to that these areas build a plasmid structure. During this work this could not be confirmed and needs to be investigated exhaustively. In progress of the evolutionary development of the Bordetellae, the BvgAS-system, originally envolved in adaption to environmental conditions with different concentrations of oxygen and/or temperatures, was connected with the regulation of the virulence gene expression (von Wintzingerode, Gerlach et al. 2002). In the transcriptomic analysis to evaluate the functionality of the BvgAS1,2-system of B. petrii it could be proofed that the temperature is an important factor for the expression of the flagella and chemotaxis operon. In B. bronchiseptica, the motility is negatively regulated by the BvgAS-system by temperatures below 25°C. Also, a negative regulation of the flagella and chemotaxis genes was detected in the investigation of B. petrii under these conditions. If there is the same hierarchic structure of the regulation of the motility in B. petrii like in B. bronchiseptica may be investigated. During the investigations the BvgAS two-component-system of B. petrii could admit a function in the respiratory control to respond to changing oxygen conditions. The sensing of the environment´s oxygen content and a regulation of the aerobic and anaerobic respiration, respectively, can be awarded to the BvgAS1,2-system in B. petrii. The predicted PAS-domain in the histidine kinase BvgS1 are obviously important during this process according to the analysis. In addition, the system seems to regulate the composition of the cytochrome oxidase well for optimal adaption to aerobic, microaerophilic and anaerobic environmental conditions.
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Caracterização fenotípica e genotípica de isolados de Bordetella bronchiseptica provenientes de diferentes espécies animais / Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Bordetella bronchiseptica from different animal speciesFelizardo, Maria Roberta 26 February 2015 (has links)
Bordetella bronchiseptica é um agente respiratório zoonótico comumente encontrado em diversars espécies animais domésticos como cães, gatos, coelhos, suínos, aves e equinos. As infecções em humanos ocorrem ocasionalmente, sendo descritas com maior freqüência em indivíduos imunocomprometidos, mas relatos de casos de doença em adultos saudáveis e crianças têm aumentado. O presente estudo teve como objetivos determinar o perfil de resistência antimicrobiana de cepas de B. bronchiseptica isoladas de cães, gatos, coelhos e suínos, caracterizar as cepas pela eletroforese em campo pulsado (PFGE), e comparar os resultados obtidos com os dados epidemiológicos. Foram avaliadas 145 cepas e estas apresentaram 100% de resistência a ampicilina, penicilina, espectinomicina, clindamicina, tiamulina e tilosina. Taxas de resistência superiores a 95% das cepas foram observadas frente a tilmicosina, danofloxacina e ceftiofur. Os antimicrobianos com menores taxas de resistência foram enrofloxacina (2,1%) e clortetraciclina (11 %). As cepas isoladas de coelhos apresentaram menores taxas de resistência que as de suínos e de animais de companhia. A caracterização das cepas pela PFGE permitiu a separação de acordo com as espécies de origem em diferentes pulsotipos. A caracterização do agente, principalmente no que se refere à resistência a antimicrobianos, será de grande utilidade para os veterinários no controle das infecções pelo mesmo em suínos, animais de companhia e coelhos, visto que os dados sobre este agente etiológico no Brasil são escassos / Bordefella bronchisepfica is a zoonotic respiratory agent commonly found in domestic animais as dogs, cats, rabbit, swine, birds and horses, Infections in humans occur rarely and have been described more frequently in immunocompromised individuais, but reports of cases of illness in healthy adults and children have increased. This study aims to characterize the resistance profile of B. bronchiseptica strains isolated from dogs, cats, rabbits and pigs and evaluate the strains by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), comparing the results with epidemiological data. From 145 strains tested 100% presented resistance to ampicillin, penicillin, spectinomycin, clindamycin, tiamulin and tylosin. Resistance rates higher than 95% were found against tilmicosin, danofloxacin and ceftiofur. The antimicrobials with lower resistance rates were enrofloxacin (2.1 %) and chlortetracycline (11 %). Strains isolated from rabbits presented low resistance rates when compared with swine and pet animais. The PFGE analysis separated the strains according specie of origin in different pulsotypes. The agent characterization, mainly in relation with antimicrobial resistance will be of great help to veterinarians in control of infections in swine, pets and rabbits, since data about this bacteria in Brazil are rare
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Caracterização fenotípica e genotípica de isolados de Bordetella bronchiseptica provenientes de diferentes espécies animais / Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Bordetella bronchiseptica from different animal speciesMaria Roberta Felizardo 26 February 2015 (has links)
Bordetella bronchiseptica é um agente respiratório zoonótico comumente encontrado em diversars espécies animais domésticos como cães, gatos, coelhos, suínos, aves e equinos. As infecções em humanos ocorrem ocasionalmente, sendo descritas com maior freqüência em indivíduos imunocomprometidos, mas relatos de casos de doença em adultos saudáveis e crianças têm aumentado. O presente estudo teve como objetivos determinar o perfil de resistência antimicrobiana de cepas de B. bronchiseptica isoladas de cães, gatos, coelhos e suínos, caracterizar as cepas pela eletroforese em campo pulsado (PFGE), e comparar os resultados obtidos com os dados epidemiológicos. Foram avaliadas 145 cepas e estas apresentaram 100% de resistência a ampicilina, penicilina, espectinomicina, clindamicina, tiamulina e tilosina. Taxas de resistência superiores a 95% das cepas foram observadas frente a tilmicosina, danofloxacina e ceftiofur. Os antimicrobianos com menores taxas de resistência foram enrofloxacina (2,1%) e clortetraciclina (11 %). As cepas isoladas de coelhos apresentaram menores taxas de resistência que as de suínos e de animais de companhia. A caracterização das cepas pela PFGE permitiu a separação de acordo com as espécies de origem em diferentes pulsotipos. A caracterização do agente, principalmente no que se refere à resistência a antimicrobianos, será de grande utilidade para os veterinários no controle das infecções pelo mesmo em suínos, animais de companhia e coelhos, visto que os dados sobre este agente etiológico no Brasil são escassos / Bordefella bronchisepfica is a zoonotic respiratory agent commonly found in domestic animais as dogs, cats, rabbit, swine, birds and horses, Infections in humans occur rarely and have been described more frequently in immunocompromised individuais, but reports of cases of illness in healthy adults and children have increased. This study aims to characterize the resistance profile of B. bronchiseptica strains isolated from dogs, cats, rabbits and pigs and evaluate the strains by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), comparing the results with epidemiological data. From 145 strains tested 100% presented resistance to ampicillin, penicillin, spectinomycin, clindamycin, tiamulin and tylosin. Resistance rates higher than 95% were found against tilmicosin, danofloxacin and ceftiofur. The antimicrobials with lower resistance rates were enrofloxacin (2.1 %) and chlortetracycline (11 %). Strains isolated from rabbits presented low resistance rates when compared with swine and pet animais. The PFGE analysis separated the strains according specie of origin in different pulsotypes. The agent characterization, mainly in relation with antimicrobial resistance will be of great help to veterinarians in control of infections in swine, pets and rabbits, since data about this bacteria in Brazil are rare
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