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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energieffektivisering av två flerbostadshus i Västerås, byggda 1963 : Enerigbehovsberäkning med programmet VIP+

Risborn, Jonas, Olofsson, Emanuel January 2009 (has links)
Abstract The background for this study is that there were a great amount of buildings constructed in Sweden in the years 1965-1975 in a program designed to create one million apartments in a time-period of ten years. These buildings are now, somewhat forty years later in most cases in very poor condition and the need for renovation is great and urgent. This has become a growing problem and more and more voices are being heard pointing towards the vast and extremely expensive task of renovating these buildings. Lately, it has also been more and more important for buildings to be energy-efficient and sustainable environment friendly. In recent years there has been an atempt to solve these problems by renovating such buildings but at the same time making them very energy-efficient. This is in some cases being done by isolating the shell of the building and changing the ventilation-system and so forth. Brogården in Alingsås is the first project to do so and it was finished in February 2009. Our aim has been to simulate actions like the ones in Brogården on two houses from that period of time. By various calculations and conclusions we´ve shown what the result would be if we isolated the shell, replaced the windows with super-isolated windows and changed the ventilation-system. To calculate the energy use we´ve been using a energy calculation program called VIP+ where we have built up the two houses artificially and then simulated the actions mentioned above to decide what the result would be. We have also translated the reduced energy use into a yearly cost to show what the total profit in money would be. The result shows that if the decision would be to go through with this project on these two houses in Västerås they would gain a total of 53 % regarding the energy use in those two houses. This means that the total energy-use have been reduced from 128 kwh/m2 to 60 kwh/m2.

housing development

Callen, Ana Cruz January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

FINAL PROJECT-Public Library, Halmstad, Sweden 2011

Lopez Lopez, Mikel January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Bostaden och de boende

Hedlund, Linnea, Linbro, Ida January 2006 (has links)
Abstract We all have experience of dwelling, which means that everyone can have an opinion about the architecture of the dwelling. Today the building companies do not have time enough to investigate which architecture qualities their clientele ask for in their apartments. JM AB use to call their apartments “generous city apartments”. But do these apartments fulfill the needs of their dwellers? And what would the apartments look like if they were designed according to the wishes of the dwellers? When JM AB get knowledge about the dwellers needs and wishes they can make even better apartments for their future customers. The purpose and the objective with this report are to draw up proposals for tenant owner flat. These apartments were designed in view of the dwellers needs and wishes. Literature studies were performed and underlie for the apartment proposals and the opinion poll. Literature about planning of dwelling, human needs, use and availability and architectural qualities and esthetics were used. A quantitative investigation was performed where polls were carried out to the dwellers in JM AB’s apartments in Jonkoping. The result of the opinion poll explained how the dwellers experience their apartments and if there is any wishes of possible improvements. The majority of the dwellers were satisfied with their apartments, the result of the opinion poll shows that the apartments could be improved, however. Taking literature and the result of the opinion poll as a starting point, proposals of apartment planning has been sketched. These sketches resulted in the four final apartments. Work has been done on the details to strengthen the architectural quality of the four final apartments. Some of the qualities that dwellers ask for are open planning with a private and introvert part and the hall as a secluded room, bathroom right next to the bedroom and good daylight in the living room. Work has even been done on the apartments to attain to the building standards and the official recommendations that are to create a good living environment. To get an idea of how the apartments will be experienced in the reality the apartments were visualized in 3D. The apartments of JM AB are today already well planned and fulfill many of the qualities that the dwellers wish according to the opinion poll. The opinion poll gave new knowledge and wider insight in what the dwellers appreciate. With this knowledge JM AB can further develop their apartments and attain to a higher grade of architectural quality.

Åtgärdsförslag för erosionsskador i Kölaälv

Alfredsson, Patrik, Haeffner, Fredric January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Jämförelse av takkonstruktioner

Hedby, Tobias, Winnberg, Dan January 2006 (has links)
The background to this final thesis is that our mandator, A-hus, was interested to examine which roof system that would be most appropriate to their types of houses. To investigate this, we first conducted an evaluation of the most commonly used roof systems in Sweden today: decking, board, roof cloth and prefabricated roof cassettes. To gather information about the different systems we have conducted interviews with several professionals within the construction industry, done an extensive literature study, and gathered information from the Internet. Based on the evaluation of roof systems and the literature, we analyzed advantages and disadvantages of the roof systems from three main perspectives: system characteristics, economics and other characteristics. We found these perspectives to be the most relevant when selecting a roof system. The main perspectives comprise three categories which are graded. These grades are then added together for a score for each main perspective and a total score for the three main perspectives. Then we compared the systems and, based on the scores, suggested one roof system as the most suitable for A-hus. Our result suggests that the prefabricated roof cassettes probably is the best solution for A-hus, but only if it is possible to standardize the cassettes and still maintain the flexibility to match A-hus’ house types. If this can be realized, the high planning costs, which currently are a major part of the total costs, can decrease. In time, even the high costs for site assembling can decrease. The main advantage with the roof cassettes is the possibility to eliminate almost all moist, which otherwise are complicated to deal with.

Redesign of an existing apartment block in Kv Preussen to passive house / Omprojektering av befintligt flerbostadshus på Kv Preussen till passivhus

Faxå, Magnus, Ranwald, Emil January 2006 (has links)
Passive houses are a relatively new concept in Sweden and by that it is meant a house without a traditional heating system. The most acknowledged passive house project is the terrace houses in Lindås, Gothenburg, which we have used as a reference. This project concerns a square apartment block. So far, no square apartment block has been built as a passive house in Sweden. The common opinion in the construction industry is that it is not economical to build extremely energy efficient houses. With Peab as commissioner our task was to investigate if that is true, if regarding the construction of a multi storey house as a passive house Midroc, now owned by Peab, constructed in the block of Preussen in Jönköping during 2004-2005 four houses, with 132 apartments distributed on seven floors. The façade is brick and the core is concrete with wooden exterior walls. The amount of energy per house was estimated to120 kWh/m2 and year. The four houses were approximated to be 4,5 million SEK more expensive if they were to be constructed as passive houses, which according to our calculation, will be paid off within eleven years. In our opinion the houses could have been constructed as passive ones with defendable economy. Our energy calculation program shows an energy use of 65 kWh/m2yr. The windows are extremely efficient and the walls consist of about 450 mm insulation. The central ventilation system was changed into smaller ones installed in each apartment. These are more efficient, makes individual measuring possible and promotes a better indoor environment. The houses have to have, in addition to the recycled heating from the ventilation, extra energy during 22 days per year. To manage that need without help from direct electricity, we have ideas of integrating the bedrock heating, which is our base energy resource for producing warm water, with the ventilation system, but we have not analysed how such a system will look like. Sun panels of different types have been evaluated but were not considered to be economically profitable if installed in addition to the bedrock heating.

Egenkontrollsystem : Con-Form Töcksfors AB

Hansson, Anna January 2006 (has links)
Con-Form Töcksfors AB är ett företag som tillverkar badrumsmoduler, de har ett egenkontrollsystem för att säkra kvaliteten. Det finns dock brister i det, bland annat har moduler som levererats inte alltid innehållit det som kunden har beställt, till exempel har det varit fel handfat eller kakel De har ett egenkontrollsystem men det är bristfälligt och saknar rutin. Till följd av detta har det till exempel blivit problem att bevisa att en skada som upptäckts efter leverans inte har varit orsakad av Con-Form Töcksfors. Syftet med arbetet är att utforma ett egenkontrollsystem åt Con-Form Töcksfors AB som omfattar både projektering och produktion. Problemställningen för arbetet är: Hur ska det nya egenkontrollsystemet vara utformat för att Con-Form Töcksfors AB ska veta att de levererar varor med rätt kvalitet och hur ska systemet utformas till en rutin som blir en del av det nuvarande arbetet? För att egenkontrollsystemet ska bli så heltäckande som möjligt, krävs en ingående studie av både projektering och produktion. För att komma fram till ett nytt fungerande egenkontrollsystem har författaren varit ansvarig för projekteringen av badrumsmodulerna på Steinhammerveien i Oslo. En längre studie av fabrikens framställning av badrumsmoduler, med noggranna iakttagelser av tillvägagångssättet, är också gjord. Det befintliga egenkontrollsystemet omfattar tre olika delar: egenkontroll av ritningshantering i projekteringen, en inplastad planritning och en checklista i produktionen. I det nya egenkontrollsystemet har det tillkommit tre nya delar: en checklista i projekteringen, planscher och en innehållsförteckning i produktionen. De här delarna kan inte ersätta den gamla egenkontrollen utan blir istället ett komplement. Alla delar i det tidigare systemet kommer därmed att finnas kvar. / The company Con-Form Töcksfors AB manufactures bathroom modules. Their existing self control system is lacking and it’s missing in routine. From this follows that it is hard to prove that damages discovered after delivery are not caused by Con-Form Töcksfors AB. The goal of this project is to design a self control system for Con-Form Töcksfors AB encompassing both planning and production. The working thesis for this paper is as follows: How should a self control system be constructed so that Con-Form Töcksfors AB know they deliver goods of the right quality and how should this new system become routine and a natural part of the work procedure. To do the self control system as thorough as possible a study of both planning and production is necessary. In order to design a new control system, the author was responsible for the planning of Steinhammerveien, Oslo. A longer on-site study of the manufacturing of bathroom modules, with detailed observations of the procedures, has also been made. The present system consists of three parts, control of the managing of drawings, plasticized drawings and a checklist in the production stage. In the new system three parts have been added: a checklist to be used in the planning stage, posters and an index to be used in the production stage. These new additions cannot replace the old control system but should be seen as a complement. All parts of the old system will there for remain.

Passivhus i Karlstad : En jämförelse med hus byggda på traditionellt sätt

Vennergrund, Jesper January 2006 (has links)
Passivhus är en vidareutveckling av ett energisnålt hus, där man genom extra tjock isolering, hög kvalitet på dörrar och fönster samt husets planlösning minimerar beroende att köpa energi för uppvärmning. Passivhus har krav på uppvärmningsbehovet samt primärenergiförbrukningen. En princip för passivhus är att de inte ska vara krångligare eller obekvämare att bo i än vanliga hus. Lindås Park är ett bostadsområde som består av 20 st. radhus som ligger en bit utanför Göteborg. Radhuset klarar kraven för ett passivhus, det enda värmesystem som är installerat är en eftervärmare till FTX-systemet på 900 W. De passiva hus som byggts i Sverige har gemensamt är att de ligger i södra delen av Sverige eller nära kusten, dvs. delar av Sverige där klimatet är mildare. Att bygga ett passivhus på en mer ogynnsam plats t.ex. Karlstad innebär att huset måste dimensionera om för att tåla klimatet. Arbetet ska ge en ekonomisk jämförelse mellan hus i Karlstad; passivhus och hus byggda med BBRs minimikrav på isolering av klimatskalet. För att avgöra om det är ekonomiskt genomförbart att bygga passivhus i Karlstad. Arbetet omfattar 8 st olika alternativ på lägenhetsmodeller som alla utgår från Lindås Parks planlösning. De alternativ som arbetet tar upp är följande: (1) Arbetets referensbyggnad, Lindås Park i Göteborg (2) Referensbyggnaden placerad i Karlstad (3) Referensbyggnaden placerad i Karlstad med omdimensionerat klimatskal. (4) Referensbyggnaden placerad i Karlstad med FT ventilation & omdimensionerat klimatskal. (5) Referensbyggnaden placerad i Karlstad med omdimensionerat klimatskal & fjärrvärmevärmd eftervärmare till ventilationen (6) Referensbyggnaden placerad i Karlstad med installerade radiatorer & FT ventilation samt isoleringstjocklek enligt BBRs rekommendationer (7) Referensbyggnaden placerad i Karlstad med installerade radiatorer & isoleringstjocklek enligt BBRs rekommendationer (8) Referensbyggnaden placerad i Karlstad som saknar eftervärmare till ventilationen samt med omdimensionerat klimatskal. Kostnadsberäkningen utgår från konstruktionskostnaden av klimatskal, installation av fjärrvärme och ventilation. Driftkostnaden beror på energikostnader från ventilation och uppvärmning. Även hyresintäkter är medräknade i kostnadsberäkningen. Energiberäkningarna är utföra i Enorm och konstruktionskostnader är beräknade med hjälp av BidCon. Resultatet visar att det inte går att uppföra ett hus som helt saknar tillförsel av köpt energi för att hålla inomhus temperaturen, samt att ett passivhus med lika effektivt uppvärmningssystem som i Lindås Park inte går att bygga i Karlstad. För att kunna tjäna på att bygga ett passivhus i Karlstad så behövs en minskning av energiförlusterna igenom fönster och ventilation, genom en omdimensionering av fönsterareor eller högre U-värden i fönstren. Ventilationens effektförlust behöver minskas kraftigt, genom en effektivisering av FTX-systemet eller minskade eller ändrade krav på ventilation.


Denelin, Thomas, Eriksson, Martin January 2006 (has links)
Denna rapport handlar om utformning av en energideklaration för fastigheter i Sverige. Deklarationen har sedan tillämpats på två bostäder. Enligt EU:s direktiv om energideklarationer skall byggnader som renoveras, säljs samt nybyggs genomgå en typ av kontroll av en energiexpert. Detta för att få ett dokument på hur bra eller dålig byggnaden är ur energisynpunkt. Lagen angående dessa deklarationer skall enligt regeringens ladugårdsremiss träda i kraft den 1 oktober 2006. Övergångsbestämmelser föreslås, vilket innebär att lokaler med offentlig verksamhet (s.k. specialbyggnader) och flerbostadshus ska vara deklarerade senast vid utgången av 2008. Övriga byggnader skall deklareras från den 1 januari 2009. Deklarationerna som gjorts i denna rapport är på en villa som är belägen i Torsby Kommun samt ett flerbostadshus som ligger i centrala Karlstad. Energideklarationsutformningen är i ett tidigt skede och inga riktlinjer har getts. Boverket samt regeringen har dock haft förslag hur deklarationerna kan tänkas se ut. Till energiberäkningar har programmet Enorm 1 000 använts. Deklarationerna baseras på energiutsläppen från respektive byggnad, vilket jämförs med ett referensvärde. Åtgärder föreslås för minskning av energianvändningen. Villans behov av köpt energi är 124 kWh/m², det är 2 kWh/m² lägre än referensbyggnadens. Åtgärdsförslagen som togs fram gav en minskning ner till 92 kWh/m². Flerbostadshusets behov av köpt energi är 102 kWh/m², det är 20 kWh/m² lägre än referensbyggnadens. Åtgärdsförslagen som togs fram gav en minskning ner till 97 kWh/m². / This report is about designing an energy declaration for constructions in Sweden. The declaration have been used for two houses. Acording to EU:s directive about energy declarations buildings that is going to be restored, sold or built shall go though a control by an energy expert. This is to get a document that shows how good or bad the construction is according to energy point of view. The law regarding these declarations will start apply 1st of October according the goverment. Transaction of these rules are suggested, specialbuildings and residens have to be declarated at the end of 2008. Remaining buildings have to be declarated from 1st of January 2009. The declarations in this report is done on a detached house that is located in the municipalty of Torsby and a flat house that is located in central of Karlstad. This is quite new and it has not been decided guiding principle of the design for the energy declaration. Boverket and the goverment got some suggestitions of this that should be included. To calculate the energy consume on the objects the program Enorm 1000 have been used. The declarations are based on energy that is consumed; this will be compared with a reference value. Measures is proposed to improve energy saving. The need of energy for the detached house is 124 kWh/m² and has 2 kWh/m² less consume than the reference house. The recommended measure did make the consume drop down to 92 kWh/m². The need of energy for the flat house is 102 kWh/m² and has 20 kWh/m² less consume than the reference house. The recommended measure did make the consume drop down to 97 kWh/m².

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