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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing the Effects of Lake Dredged Sediments on Soil Health: Agricultural and Environmental Implications on Midwest Ohio

Brigham, Russell D. 10 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

An Erodibility Assessment of Central Ohio Cropland Soils

Tomashefski, David J. 26 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Soil Physical Characteristics of an Aeric Ochraqualf amended with Biochar

Eastman, Christopher Mark 21 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Storage of Pine Tree Substrate Influences Plant Growth, Nitrification, and Substrate Properties

Taylor, Linda Lea 05 December 2011 (has links)
Pine tree substrate (PTS) is a relatively new substrate for container crop production. There are no detailed studies that elucidate how storage time impacts PTS chemical, physical, and biological aspects. The objective of this research was to determine how PTS storage time influenced PTS chemical and physical properties, nitrification, and plant growth. Pine tree substrate was manufactured by hammer-milling chips of loblolly pine trees (Pinus taeda L.) through two screen sizes, 4.76 mm (PTS) and 15.9 mm amended with peat (PTSP). PTS and PTSP were amended with lime at five rates. A peat-perlite mix (PL) served as a control treatment. Prepared substrates were placed in storage bags and stored in an open shed in Blacksburg, Virginia. Subsamples were taken at 1, 42, 84, 168, 270, and 365 days. At each subsampling day, twelve 1-L containers were filled with each substrate. Six containers were left fallow and six were planted with marigold (Tagetes erecta L. "Inca Gold") seedlings. Substrate was also collected from select treatments for Most Probable Number assays to estimate density of nitrifying microorganisms, and for chemical and physical property analyses. Pour-through extracts were collected from fallow containers at 0, 2, and 4 weeks, and from marigold containers at harvest for determination of pH, electrical conductivity, ammonium-N and nitrate-N. At harvest, marigold height, width, and dry weight were measured. At least 1 kg·m-3 lime for PTS, and 2 to 4 kg·m-3 lime for PTSP were needed to maintain pH values ≥ 5.5 for 365 days. Bound acidity of unlimed PTS increased but cation exchange capacity for unlimed PTS and PTSP decreased over 365 days. Carbon to nitrogen ratio and bulk density values were unchanged over time in all treatments. There were minor changes in particle size distribution for limed PTS and unlimed and limed PTSP. Marigold growth in PTS and PTSP was ≥ PL in all limed treatments, except at day 1. Nitrite-oxidizing microorganisms were present and nitrification occurred in PTS and PTSP at all subsampling days. Pine tree substrate is relatively stable in storage, but pH decreases, and lime addition may be necessary to offset this decrease. / Ph. D.

Advanced numerical techniques for the acoustic modelling of materials and noise control devices in the exhaust system of internal combustion engines

Sánchez Orgaz, Eva María 16 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] This Thesis is focused on the development and implementation of efficient numerical methods for the acoustic modelling and design of noise control devices in the exhaust system of combustion engines. Special attention is paid to automotive perforated dissipative silencers, in which significant differences are likely to appear in their acoustic behaviour, depending on the temperature variations within the absorbent material. Also, material heterogeneities can alter the silencer attenuation performance. Therefore, numerical techniques considering all these features are required to guarantee the accuracy of the results. A literature review is carried out, mainly related to one-dimensional models, as well as to acoustic models for absorbent materials and perforated surfaces. However, plane wave model limitations make indispensable using alternative multidimensional methods. In addition, the possibility of using new acoustic elements is explored. These elements have as an objective being a potential alternative to the fibrous absorbent materials, which can have a negative impact on health. The Thesis considers the use of microperforated and sintered surfaces. The latter have, in some cases, a nearly constant acoustic impedance, whose value depends, among others, on the thickness and porosity of the plates. To avoid the limitations of plane wave models, a finite element (FE) approach is proposed for the acoustic analysis of dissipative silencers including a perforated duct with uniform axial mean flow and an outer chamber with a heterogeneous distribution of the absorbent material. On the other hand, property variations can be also produced by temperature gradients. In this case, a hybrid FE model has been derived for perforated dissipative silencers including: (1) Thermal gradients in the central duct and the chamber; (2) A perforated passage carrying non-uniform axial mean flow. A FE approach has been implemented to solve the pressure-based wave equation for a non-moving heterogeneous medium, associated with the chamber. Also, the governing equation in the central duct has been written and solved in terms of an acoustic velocity potential to allow the presence of an axially inhomogeneous flow. The coupling between both regions has been carried out by means of a perforated duct and its acoustic impedance, adapted here to include absorbent material heterogeneities and mean flow effects. It has been found that the presence of non-homogeneities can have a significant influence on the acoustic attenuation of a silencer and should be included in the theoretical models. Optimization techniques for industrial noise control devices are relevant, since they lead to the production of elements with better characteristics. Evolutionary algorithms are emergent techniques able to obtain a solution, even in those problems in which the traditional optimization have difficulties. Optimization techniques are combined with the FE method to achieve the maximum attenuation in the frequency range of interest. A multichamber silencer optimization problem is defined and several analyses are carried out to obtain the most suitable configuration for each application. Under certain assumptions of axial uniformity, several techniques have been considered to reduce the computational effort of a full 3D FE analysis for dissipative silencers with temperature gradients and mean flow. These are based on a decomposition of the acoustic field into transversal and axial modes within each silencer subdomain, and a matching procedure of the modal expansions at the silencer area changes through the continuity conditions of the acoustic fields. The relative computational efficiency and accuracy of predictions for the matching techniques are studied, including point collocation at nodes and Gauss points and also mode-matching with weighted integration. All of them provide accurate predictions of the attenuation and improve the computational cost of a FE calculation / [ES] Esta Tesis se centra en el desarrollo e implementación de métodos numéricos eficientes para el diseño y modelado de componentes de la línea de escape en motores de combustión interna. Merecen especial atención los silenciadores disipativos perforados de automóviles, ya que su comportamiento acústico puede sufrir variaciones importantes debidas a las variaciones de temperatura en el material absorbente, así como a las heterogeneidades de la fibra. Por tanto, se requieren técnicas numéricas que consideren estos casos para garantizar la precisión de los resultados. Se lleva a cabo una revisión bibliográfica que recoge los modelos de onda unidimensionales, así como modelos acústicos de materiales absorbentes y superficies perforadas. Sin embargo, las limitaciones de los primeros hacen indispensable el uso de modelos multidimensionales. Además se explora la posibilidad de usar nuevos elementos acústicos, cuyo objetivo es ser una alternativa potencial a los materiales absorbentes, que pueden tener un efecto negativo sobre la salud. La Tesis considera el uso de superficies microperforadas y sinterizadas. Estas últimas en algunos casos presentan una impedancia casi constante, cuyo valor depende, entre otras cosas, del espesor y la porosidad de las placas. Para evitar las limitaciones de los modelos de onda plana, se propone un enfoque en elementos finitos (EF) para el análisis acústico de silenciadores disipativos que incluyen un conducto con flujo medio axial uniforme y una cámara externa con una distribución heterogénea de material absorbente. Por otro lado, la variación de las propiedades también puede producirse por gradientes térmicos. En este caso, se propone una formulación híbrida de EF para silenciadores disipativos perforados que incluye: (1) Gradientes térmicos en el conducto central y la cámara; (2) Un conducto perforado que canaliza flujo medio axial no uniforme. Se ha implementado una formulación de EF para resolver la ecuación de ondas en términos de presión para el medio estacionario heterogéneo asociado a la cámara. Además, la ecuación asociada al conducto central, expresada en términos de potencial de velocidad acústica, permite la presencia de flujo axial no uniforme. El acoplamiento entre ambas regiones se ha realizado mediante un conducto perforado y su impedancia acústica y se ha adaptado para incluir la citada falta de homogeneidad. Se ha visto que las heterogeneidades pueden influir notablemente en la atenuación acústica de un silenciador, debiéndose incluir en los modelos teóricos. Las técnicas de optimización para componentes industriales de control de ruido son importantes, ya que producen elementos con mejores características. Los algoritmos evolutivos son técnicas emergentes capaces de obtener una solución, incluso cuando la optimización tradicional tiene dificultades. Las técnicas de optimización se combinan con el MEF para conseguir la máxima atenuación posible en el rango de frecuencias de interés. Se ha definido un problema de optimización de un silenciador multicámara y se han llevado a cabo varios análisis para obtener la configuración más adecuada para cada caso. Bajo ciertas hipótesis de uniformidad axial, se han considerado varias técnicas para reducir el coste computacional de un análisis 3D completo para silenciadores disipativos con gradientes de temperatura y flujo medio. Éstas se basan en la descomposición del campo acústico en modos axiales y transversales dentro de cada subdominio, y un procedimiento de acoplamiento de las expansiones modales en los cambios de sección del silenciador mediante las condiciones de continuidad de los campos acústicos. Se estudia la eficiencia computacional y precisión de las predicciones de las técnicas de acoplamiento, incluyendo colocación puntual en nodos y puntos de Gauss, así como ajuste modal. Todos ellos proporcionan predicciones precisas de la atenuación mejorando el coste / [CA] Aquesta Tesi es centra en el desenvolupament i implementació de mètodes numèrics eficients per al disseny i modelatge de components de la línia d'escapament en motors de combustió interna. Mereixen especial atenció els silenciadors dissipatius perforats d'automòbils, ja que el seu comportament acústic pot patir variacions importants degudes a les variacions de temperatura en el material absorbent, així com a les heterogeneïtats de la fibra. Per tant, es requereixen tècniques numèriques que considerin aquests casos per garantir la precisió dels resultats. Es porta a terme una revisió bibliogràfica que recull els models d'ona unidimensionals, així com models acústics de materials absorbents i superfícies perforades. No obstant això, les limitacions dels primers fan indispensable l'ús de models multidimensionals. A més s'explora la possibilitat d'usar nous elements acústics amb l'objectiu que siguen una alternativa potencial als materials absorbents, que poden tenir un efecte negatiu sobre la salut. La Tesi considera l'ús de superfícies microperforades i sinteritzades. Aquestes últimes en alguns casos presenten una impedància gairebé constant. El seu valor depèn, entre altres coses, del gruix i la porositat de les plaques. Per evitar les limitacions dels models d'ona plana, es proposa un enfocament amb elements finits (EF) per a l'anàlisi acústic de silenciadors dissipatius que inclouen un conducte amb flux mig axial uniforme i una càmera externa amb una distribució heterogènia de material absorbent. D'altra banda, la variació de les propietats també es pot produir per gradients tèrmics. En aquest cas, es proposa una formulació híbrida d'EF per silenciadors dissipatius perforats que inclou: (1) Gradients tèrmics en el conducte central i la càmera; (2) Un conducte perforat que canalitza flux mig axial no uniforme. S'ha implementat una formulació d'EF per resoldre l'equació d'ones en termes de pressió per al medi estacionari heterogeni associat a la càmera. A més, l'equació associada al conducte central, expressada en termes de potencial de velocitat acústica, permet la presència de flux axial no uniforme. L'acoblament entre les dues regions s'ha realitzat mitjançant un conducte perforat i la seva impedància acústica i s'ha adaptat per incloure la esmentada falta d'homogeneïtat. S'ha vist que les heterogeneïtats poden influir notablement en l'atenuació acústica d'un silenciador i s'han d'incloure en els models teòrics. Les tècniques d'optimització per a components industrials de control de soroll són importants, ja que produeixen elements amb millors característiques. Els algoritmes evolutius són tècniques emergents capaces d'obtenir una solució, fins i tot quan l'optimització tradicional té dificultats. Les tècniques d'optimització es combinen amb el mètode d'elements finits (MEF) per aconseguir la màxima atenuació possible en el rang de freqüències d'interès. S'ha definit un problema d'optimització d'un silenciador multicàmera i s'han dut a terme diverses anàlisis per obtenir la configuració més adequada per a cada cas. Sota certes hipòtesis d'uniformitat axial, s'han considerat diverses tècniques per reduir el cost computacional d'una anàlisi 3D complet per silenciadors dissipatius amb gradients de temperatura i flux mig. Aquestes es basen en la descomposició del camp acústic en modes axials i transversals dins de cada subdomini, i un procediment d'acoblament de les expansions modals en els canvis de secció del silenciador mitjançant les condicions de continuïtat dels camps acústics. S'estudia l'eficiència computacional i precisió de les prediccions de les tècniques d'acoblament, incloent col·locació puntual en nodes i punts de Gauss, així com ajust modal. Tots ells proporcionen prediccions precises de l'atenuació millorant el cost computacional d'EF. / Sánchez Orgaz, EM. (2016). Advanced numerical techniques for the acoustic modelling of materials and noise control devices in the exhaust system of internal combustion engines [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/64090

Zur Bedeutung der Bodenstruktur für den Ertrag von Zuckerrüben / eine pflanzenbauliche und ökonomische Analyse in einer Zuckerrüben - Getreide - Fruchtfolge mit dauerhaft differenzierter Bodenbearbeitung / Relevance of soil structure for sugar beet yield / - an agronomical and economical analysis in a sugar beet - winter wheat rotation with long term variable cultivation tillage systems

Dieckmann, Jan 23 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Vyhořívání lehčiv ve střepu šamotových žáromateriálů / The Combustion of Organic Lightweighting Agents in the Chamotte Materials

Smékalová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
Lightweight chamotte products are popular building material. There are many types of lightweight chamotte on the market, but the most popular lightening options are organic ingredients. This brings some problems to the production of these products. This thesis deals with the burning of various types of lighters from shards of fireclay materials. In the theoretical part are summarized raw materials, which are necessary for production of lightweight chamotte. The results of the published research studies on the topic of lightening of organic lightening products are being described here. The practical part deals with properties of products made of clay or kaolin with the addition of a certain amount of lighter. These added lighters are spruce sawdust, beech sawdust, peat, bran, paper slurry and anthracite. All these lighters are direct. For comparison, the cenospheres, which represent indirect lightweights, were also included in the research. For all specimens, the temperature interval of burnout of specimens, refractoriness, classification temperature, bulk density, thermal conductivity coefficient and other properties were defined.

Vývoj nové technologie pískového pórobetonu s využitím druhotných surovin / Development of new technology of sand autoclaved aerated concrete with using of secondary raw materials

Ondříčková, Pavlína January 2018 (has links)
Autoclaved sand aerated concrete is a modern building material with high thermal insulation properties. Only sand is used as the primary silicate component of aerated concrete in the Czech Republic. For the more favourable economic and ecological properties of aerated concrete, the use of secondary raw materials is used in this work. The secondary raw materials examined included fluidized bed and fly ash, slag and glass recycled. The aerated concrete composite with secondary admixtures was developed under hydrothermal conditions of a laboratory autoclave for 7 and 12 hours at 190°C. From the secondary raw materials tested, a 10% glass recycler additive yielded the highest strength. Other additives that have a positive effect on mechanical properties include SAKO and Oslavany. From the results of the work it is evident that the use of secondary raw materials increases the strength, improves the rheology of the mixture and supports the formation of tobermorite.

Vliv základní agrotechniky na fyzikální a hydrofyzikální vlastnosti půdy / Effect of basic agrotechnics for physical and hydrophysical properties of soil

Komárková, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
In the master’s thesis, we evaluate the impact of different types of soil treatment on the physical and hydro-physical properties of the subsurface layers of soil. The experimental research took place near the town of Šakvice in two chosen areas treated conventionally, i.e. by tillage. The PRP SOL substance was applied to one of the observed areas. Unimpaired soil samples were taken during the vegetation period of the grown crops in the topsoil (10,20 cm) and in the undersoil (30 cm) on 13th May 2009 and on 10th September 2009. The chosen physical parameters of the soil, i.e. the reduced volume mass, the porosity, the distribution of pores, the actual content of water and air, were determined by standard analytical methods. The double-ring infiltration method was used during the field measuring of infiltration. The Philip’s equation and the Philip’s type three-parameter equation were used for the data analysis, serving as a base for estimation of saturated water content Ks. A protractor with a constant gradient was used during laboratory measuring. The results of a year-long research have not shown any major influence of the PRP SOL substance on the physical quality of the subsurface layers of soil in the observed area. On the contrary, the permeability od the soil obtained on the basis of Ks estimation is higher in the area treated by the PRP SOL substance.

Účinky hospodaření s půdou na kvalitu půdy v blízkosti obce Šardičky / Effects of soil management on soil quality near Šardičky village

Schneiderová, Šárka January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on influence of reduced tillage technology of soil processing on it´s near-surface soil layer (0 to 10 cm). The research was carried out on agricultural land near Šardičky village, where company ZEMO spol. s r.o. provides long-term use of reduced tillage technology. In 2016 the soil quality in this site was evaluated by using physical and hydrophysical parameters, results are presented in the previous bachelor thesis "Selected hydrophysical parameters as indicators of soil quality.". In diploma thesis in addition chemical and other hydrophysical properties have been evaluated to provide a comprehensive assessment of soil quality. In 2016, poppy seed was grown on this site and spring barley was grown in 2017 and 2018. Grab samples and intact soil cores were taken during the vegetation period of the crop. After three years of experimental research, in which I participated, it is possible to assess the development of individual parameters and the influence of reduced tillage technology on near-surface soil layer. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with the description of the reduced tillage technology and problematics of the determination of soil parameters, which are used for evaluation of the quality of the near-surface layer. The practical part deals with evaluation of these parameters according to various authors and describes the development of soil quality during years 2016, 2017 and 2018.

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