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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude et compréhension du déterminisme génétique et moléculaire de la remontée florale chez le fraisier / Study and understanding of genetic and molecular mechanism of the continuous flowering in strawberry (Fragaria)

Gaston, Amelia 17 December 2010 (has links)
La transition florale est un évènement clef dans la vie d’une plante. Chez le fraisier, la compréhension des mécanismes génétiques de cette transition est un enjeu majeur pour mieux contrôler la production de fruits. La transition florale peut être étudiée à travers la remontée florale, qui est la capacité d’une plante à fleurir tout au long de la période végétative. Le fraisier cultivé octoploïde, F. x ananassa, comme le fraisier diploïde, F. vesca, présentent des génotypes remontants capables de fleurir en continu. L’objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre le déterminisme génétique et moléculaire de la remontée florale chez Fragaria. Ce travail a montré que chez les fraisiers diploïde et octoploïde, le caractère ‘remontée florale’ est contrôlé par deux verrous génétiques différents localisés à des positions non orthologues. Chez le fraisier diploïde, le gène FvKSN responsable de la remontée florale a été identifié et code pour un homologue du répresseur floral TFL1. Chez les génotypes remontants, ce gène présente une délétion dans la partie codante conduisant à une protéine non fonctionnelle, incapable de réprimer la floraison. Chez le fraisier octoploïde, le QTL majeur détecté contrôlant la remontée florale est lié à la production de stolons de manière antagoniste, suggérant l’existence d’une région génomique où s'exerce une compétition entre multiplication végétative et la reproduction sexuée. Cette région génomique comprend plusieurs gènes candidats intéressants dont FT, activateur de la floraison.Une hypothèse suggérée par ce travail est que chez le fraisier, l’alternance entre phase végétative et phase reproductive est liée à l’équilibre entre les gènes FvKSN, homologue de TFL1, et FvFT, homologue de FT. La remontée florale serait la conséquence d’une modification de cet équilibre entre ces deux gènes en faveur du développement reproductif. / The floral transition is a key event in plant life. In strawberry, understanding the genetic mechanisms of floral transition is a major issue for better control of fruit production. This transition is studied through the continuous flowering, which is the ability to flower throughout the growing season. Both, the octoploid cultivated strawberry, F. x ananassa, as the woody diploid strawberry, F. vesca, displayed continuous flowering genotypes. The objective of this work is to decipher the genetic and molecular mechanism of the continuous flowering in Fragaria.This work has shown that in diploid and octoploid strawberry the continuous flowering is controlled by two different genetic 'keys' located at non-orthologous position. In diploid strawberry, the gene FvKSN responsible of continuous flowering was identified and encodes a homologous to the TFL1 floral repressor. In the continuous flowering genotypes, this gene has a deletion in the coding region leading to a nonfunctional protein unable to repress flowering. In the octoploid strawberry, the major QTL controlling both the recurrent flowering and the runner production was identified. These traits were antagonist, which suggests competition between vegetative propagation and sexual reproduction in this region. This genomic region contains several interesting candidate genes whose FT, an activator of flowering.A hypothesis could be proposed. In strawberry, the switch between vegetative and reproductive phase is linked to balance between two genes, FvKSN, homologous to TFL1 and FvFT homologous to FT. Continuous flowering would be the consequence of balance modification between this two genes to the benefit of floral development.

Genetic Variability in Human Bone Phenotypes : The Vitamin D Receptor Gene and the Estrogen Receptor-α Cofactor RIZ Gene

Grundberg, Elin January 2006 (has links)
<p>Important candidate genes to human bone phenotypes are those involved in the regulation of hormonal action, such as the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and the estrogen receptor-α (ERα) genes and their cofactors. RIZ1 is a specific ERα cofactor proved to strongly enhance the function of the ERα. </p><p>The main focus of this thesis has been to study genetic variants in the VDR and RIZ genes and their associations to human bone phenotypes using candidate gene and functional approaches. Specifically, polymorphisms in the VDR 3’ untranslated region (UTR) and a deletion/insertion polymorphism of a proline in the RIZ gene were investigated.</p><p>The candidate gene approach was applied to large-scale population-based cohorts of pre-and post-menopausal women from Sweden and of elderly men from Sweden and Hong Kong. VDR 3’ UTR polymorphisms were associated with peak bone mass and body composition in young women. Further analysis of common VDR 3’ UTR haplotypes confirmed the association with BMD and risk of fractures in elderly men from Sweden and Hong Kong. The VDR polymorphisms were investigated for cis-acting effects, affecting allelic expression in the normal chromosomal context of human bone cells. The VDR allelic transcripts in the bone samples were unequally expressed, suggesting presence of regulatory variants in the 3’ UTR. </p><p>The polymorphism in the RIZ gene was strongly associated to BMD in pre- and postmenopausal women and in elderly men. The functional analyses included reporter constructs containing the RIZ polymorphic variants transfected in a cell line and its abilities in coactivating the ERα were examined. The variants were functionally different in coactivating the ERα-receptor complex. </p><p>To summarize, the results of this thesis show novel evidence for functional relevant polymorphisms in candidate genes to human bone phenotypes. These polymorphisms may contribute to the variation seen in BMD and risk of fractures in the population.</p>

Genetic Variability in Human Bone Phenotypes : The Vitamin D Receptor Gene and the Estrogen Receptor-α Cofactor RIZ Gene

Grundberg, Elin January 2006 (has links)
Important candidate genes to human bone phenotypes are those involved in the regulation of hormonal action, such as the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and the estrogen receptor-α (ERα) genes and their cofactors. RIZ1 is a specific ERα cofactor proved to strongly enhance the function of the ERα. The main focus of this thesis has been to study genetic variants in the VDR and RIZ genes and their associations to human bone phenotypes using candidate gene and functional approaches. Specifically, polymorphisms in the VDR 3’ untranslated region (UTR) and a deletion/insertion polymorphism of a proline in the RIZ gene were investigated. The candidate gene approach was applied to large-scale population-based cohorts of pre-and post-menopausal women from Sweden and of elderly men from Sweden and Hong Kong. VDR 3’ UTR polymorphisms were associated with peak bone mass and body composition in young women. Further analysis of common VDR 3’ UTR haplotypes confirmed the association with BMD and risk of fractures in elderly men from Sweden and Hong Kong. The VDR polymorphisms were investigated for cis-acting effects, affecting allelic expression in the normal chromosomal context of human bone cells. The VDR allelic transcripts in the bone samples were unequally expressed, suggesting presence of regulatory variants in the 3’ UTR. The polymorphism in the RIZ gene was strongly associated to BMD in pre- and postmenopausal women and in elderly men. The functional analyses included reporter constructs containing the RIZ polymorphic variants transfected in a cell line and its abilities in coactivating the ERα were examined. The variants were functionally different in coactivating the ERα-receptor complex. To summarize, the results of this thesis show novel evidence for functional relevant polymorphisms in candidate genes to human bone phenotypes. These polymorphisms may contribute to the variation seen in BMD and risk of fractures in the population.


Fernández Moreno, Josefina Patricia 18 September 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Until recently, the genetic improvement of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) was focused in agronomic traits, such as yield and biotic or abiotic stresses; therefore the interest in tomato fruit quality is relatively new. The tomato fruit surface can be considered both an agronomic trait as well as a quality trait, because it has an effect on consumer impression in terms of color and glossiness but also it underlies the resistance/sensitivity to cracking or water loss with consequences on fruit manipulation (e.g. transport and processing). The cuticle is deposited over the cell wall surrounding the epidermal cells and it is the first barrier in the plant-environment interface. The cuticle composition includes two main groups of metabolites: cuticular waxes and cutin. Other metabolites can be founded into the cuticle matrix, as triterpenoids and flavonoids. Those minor cuticular components are involved in the correct functionality of the cuticle. Understanding cuticle biosynthesis and genetic regulation requires the development of fast and simple analytical methodologies to study those specialized metabolites using large populations (e.g. mutant collections or introgression lines), together with the identification of genes and genomic regions responsible of their production. This thesis aims to contribute to our understanding of the molecular programs underlying tomato fruit quality by providing: i) a general protocol to profile cuticular waxes in different species, including tomato; ii) a QTL map for cuticular composition (i.e. cuticular waxes and cutin monomers) using the Solanum pennellii introgression line population; iii) a detailed protocol of the reverse genetic tool so-called Fruit-VIGS to assist in the study of gene function in tomato fruit; and iv) a thorough characterization of the first null allele for the transcription factor SlMYB12 (i.e. Slmyb12-pf) in tomato fruit which provides new insights into the regulation of the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway in the fruit peel by high resolution mass spectrometry and RNA-Seq approaches. / [ES] Hasta hace poco, la mejora genética del cultivo del tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) había estado centrada principalmente en caracteres agronómicos, como la productividad y la resistencia a estreses, tanto bióticos como abióticos. Así, el interés en la calidad del fruto de tomate es relativamente reciente. La superficie del fruto del tomate puede considerarse tanto un carácter agronómico como de calidad, pues influye en la primera impresión de los consumidores en términos de color y brillo, así como también en los procesos de resistencia o sensibilidad a la rotura ('cracking') o a la pérdida de agua. Estos factores determinan el aspecto del fruto y condicionan atributos relacionados con su manipulación (transporte y procesado). La cutícula se deposita sobre la pared celular de las células epidérmicas y es la primera barrera que interacciona con el ambiente. Está constituida por dos grandes tipos de metabolitos: las ceras cuticulares y la cutina. Otros metabolitos pueden aparecer embebidos en la matriz cuticular, como es el caso de los triterpenoides y los flavonoides. Estos metabolitos contribuyen a la correcta funcionalidad de la cutícula. La compresión de la biosíntesis y regulación génica de la cutícula requiere del desarrollo de metodologías de análisis sencillas y rápidas para el estudio de estos metabolitos especializados en grandes poblaciones (colecciones de mutantes o líneas de introgresión), así como para la identificación de genes y regiones génicas responsables de la producción y acumulación de dichos compuestos, pudiendo ser muy útiles para implementar programas de mejora de la calidad del tomate. El objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir a la comprensión sobre los programas moleculares subyacentes a la calidad del fruto de tomate, proporcionando: i) un protocolo general de análisis del contenido de ceras cuticulares en diferentes especies, incluyendo el tomate; ii) un mapa de QTL de la composición cuticular (incluyendo ceras y monómeros de cutina) obtenido con la población de líneas de introgresión de Solanum pennellii; iii) un protocolo detallado de uso de la herramienta de genética reversa Fruit-VIGS con el que realizar estudios de funciones génicas en fruto de tomate; y iv) una minuciosa caracterización de un nuevo alelo nulo del factor de transcripción SlMYB12 (Slmyb12-pf) en fruto de tomate, proporcionando nueva información sobre la regulación de la ruta biosintética de los flavonoides en la piel del fruto, utilizando espectrometría de masas de alta resolución y de nuevas tecnologías de secuenciación. / [CA] Fins fa poc de temps, la millora genètica de la tomata (Solanum lycopersicum) anava dirigida fonamentalment als caràcters de tipus agronòmic, com la productivitat i la tolerància a estressos biòtics o abiòtics, resultant que l'interés per la qualitat dels fruits és relativament nou. La superfície de la tomata pot ser considerada tant com un caràcter agronòmic com un de qualitat, ja que és l'aspecte de la superfície del fruit el que confereix al consumidor la primera impressió de color, brillantor, però és també la pell del fruit la responsable de la diferent susceptibilitat del fruit a desenvolupar clevills o que el fruit sofrisca més o menys pèrdues d'aigua, tot tenint importants conseqüències en la manipulació (i.e. transport i processament del fruit). La cutícula és dipositada per sobre de la paret cel·lular que envolta la capa de cèl·lules epidèrmiques i constitueix la primera barrera en la interfase planta-medi ambient. La composició de la cutícula presenta dos grups principals de metabòlits: les ceres i la cutina. També es poden trobar altres metabòlits els triterpenoids i el flavonoids. Aquests darrers components cuticulars menors són implicats en el correcte funcionament de la cutícula. Per tal de comprendre la biosíntesi i la regulació genètica de la cutícula cal desenvolupar tecnologies analítiques senzilles i rapides que permeten estudiar aquests metabòlits especialitzats en poblacions grans de plantes (i.e. Col·leccions de mutants o de línies d'introgressió), a més de la identificació de gens i regions genòmiques que són responsables de la seua producció. Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu contribuir a millorar la nostra comprensió dels programes moleculars que afecten determinats aspectes de la qualitat de la tomata mitjançant els següents objectius: i) proporcionar un protocol general per obtenir perfils de ceres cuticulars en diferents espècies, inclosa la tomata; ii) obtenir un mapa de QTL per a la composició cuticular (i.e. ceres cuticulars i monòmers de cutina) mitjançant la utilització de la població de línies d'introgressió de Solanum pennelli; iii) descriure amb detall el protocol d'una eina de revers genètica denominada Fruit-VIGS que resulta molt adequada per estudiar funció gènica a la tomata; y iv) fer una caracterització exhaustiva del primer al·lel nul del factor de transcripció SlMYB12 (ie. Slmyb12-pf) en tomata la qual proporciona informació nova sobre la regulació de la ruta de biosíntesi de flavonoides en la pell de la tomata mitjançant espectrometria de masses d'alta resolució i RNAseq. / Fernández Moreno, JP. (2015). TOMATO FLESHY FRUIT QUALITY IMPROVEMENT: CHARACTERIZATION OF GENES AND GENOMIC REGIONS ASSOCIATED TO SPECIALIZED METABOLISM IN TOMATO FLESHY FRUIT [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/55505 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales / Compendio

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