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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Preparation and physico-chemical studies of composite carbons

Mason, G. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Determining the Factors That Control Respiration and Carbon Use Efficiency in Crop Plants

Frantz, Jonathan M. 01 May 2003 (has links)
In the literature on plant respiration, there are two viewpoints concerning the source of respiratory control: supply (photosynthate availability) or demand (temperature dependent) limitations. While different studies indicate the primary dependency for respiration is either the supply or demand side, the two paradigms cannot both be true. The relative importance of each paradigm may depend on a number of factors including period of time during which respiration is measured, phase of plant development, environmental conditions, and species. Studies were performed using continuous CO2 gas-exchange instrumentation to monitor short- and long-term changes in whole canopies of lettuce, tomato, soybean, and rice in response to changes in light and temperature during vegetative growth. Respiration in all crops was less sensitive to temperature than previously reported. This is likely due to large amounts of temperature-insensitive growth respiration as a fraction of total respiration during early growth. Carbon use efficiency (CUE) decreased with warm night temperatures, but the change was too small to decrease the final dry mass or carbon gain after night temperatures decreased. Canopies with constant day/night temperature had the same CUE, in elevated CO2 (1,200 μmol moJ- 1), regardless of temperature. In ambient CO2 (400 μmol mol-1), CUE decreased significantly when temperatures were above 32C. Applying shade initially decreased CUE because of low photosynthesis and high respiration. After about 12 days, canopies acclimated, based on recovery of CUE. Different species acclimated to shade to different extents, but no interaction was evident between light and shade stress. These data were used to predict changes in photosynthesis, respiration, and carbon use efficiency given light, temperature, and CO2 concentrations.

The Modeling and Measurement of Respiratory Carbon Use and Net Carbon Gain of Two Agropyron

Thorgeirsson, Halldor 01 May 1988 (has links)
The rate of photosynthetic carbon fixation and of root and shoot xiv respiratory carbon use was measured in the laboratory and in the field (shoots only) for Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Schult. and Agropyron spicatum (Pursh) Scribn. and Smith. The rate of respiratory carbon use of the root system declined within hours of the shading or defoliation of the shoot system, resulting in as much as 60% reduction in specific rate of root respiration. The mean whole-plant growth efficiency (the ratio of whole-plant net carbon gain to gross photosynthetic carbon fixation) in full irradiance in the laboratory was 0.53 and was reduced both by shading and defoliation. The mean conversion efficiency was o. 70 and o. 73, and the mean maintenance coefficient 20°c was 10.8 and 9.9 mmol C mol C-1 d-1 for A. desertorum and A. spicatum, respectively. These maintenance coefficients are lower than previously reported for fast growing crop plants. The rate of respiratory carbon use and the dynamics of labile carbon compounds were simulated both for intact plants and for plants regrowing following defoliation. The partitioning of assimilates between root and shoot was explicitly modeled to make the separate simulation of root and shoot respiration possible . The simulated daily net mobilization of labile carbon compounds exceeded carbon input from photosynthesis for only the first one-to-two days of regrowth, depending on the severity of the defoliation. The instantaneous rate of respiratory carbon use of the shoot system in the field during short-term light exclusion during the day was higher than the rate at the same temperature during the subsequent night. The Qio of shoot respiration was estimated to be 2.1-2.2. The mean growth efficiency in the field for the shoots only was 0.65 for sunny days. This efficiency was higher than the whole-plant growth efficiency in the laboratory because root respiration was not measured in the field .

Effects of Elevated CO2 on Crop Growth Rates, Radiation Absorption, Canopy Quantum Yield, Canopy Carbon Use Efficiency, and Root Respiration of Wheat

Monje, Oscar A. 01 May 1993 (has links)
Wheat canopies were grown at either 330 or 1200 μmol mol-1 CO2 in sealed controlled environments, where carbon fluxes and radiation interception were continuously and nondestructively measured during their life cycles. The effects of elevated CO2 on daily growth rates, canopy quantum yield, canopy and root carbon use efficiencies, and final dry mass were calculated from carbon flux measurements in an open gas exchange system. Dry biomass at harvest was predicted from the gas exchange data to within ± 8%. The greatest effect of elevated CO2 occurred in the first 15d after emergence; however, several physiological processes were enhanced throughout the life cycle. Elevated CO2 increased average net photosynthesis by 30%, average shoot respiration by 10%, and average root respiration by 40%. Crop growth rate, calculated from gas exchange data, was 30% higher during both vegetative growth and reproductive growth. Elevated CO 2 did not affect radiation interception, but increased average canopy quantum yield from 0.039 to 0.051 (31%). Average canopy carbon use efficiency was increased by 12%. Although harvest index was unaffected, these increases in the physiological determinants of yield by elevated CO2 resulted in a 14% increase in seed yield.

The effects of condensed tannins, nitrogen and climate on decay, nitrogen mineralisation and microbial communities in forest tree leaf litter

Shay, Philip-Edouard 03 January 2017 (has links)
Vast amounts of carbon are stored forest soils, a product of decaying organic matter. Increased CO2 in the atmosphere is predicted to lead to increasing global temperatures, and more extreme moisture regimes. Such increases in mean temperature could accelerate the rate of organic matter decay in soils and lead to additional release of CO2 into the atmosphere, thus exacerbating climate change. However, due to its impact on plant metabolism, high atmospheric CO2 concentrations may also lead to greater condensed tannins (CT) and reduced nitrogen (N) content in leaf litter. This reduction in litter quality has the potential to slow decay of organic matter in soil and therefore offset the accelerated decay resulting from a warmer climate. My research aimed to quantify the effects of climate and litter chemistry, specifically CT and N, on litter decay, N mineralization and associated microbes in the field. Strings of litterbags were laid on the forest floor along climate transects of mature Douglas-fir stands of coastal British Columbia rain-shadow forests. In-situ climate was monitored alongside carbon and nitrogen loss over 3.58 years of decay along three transects located at different latitudes, each transect spanning the coastal Western Hemlock and Douglas-fir biogeoclimatic zones. Microbial communities in the decaying litter and in forest soils were also analyzed using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). Microbial biogeography at field sites was partially influenced by climate, soil characteristics and spatial distance, but did not improve best fit decay models using climate and litter chemistry variables. Litter with greater initial CT and smaller N concentration slowed down early decay (0 - 0.58 yr) and net N mineralization. Warmer temperatures accelerated later decay (0.58 - 3.58 yr) and net N mineralization. Water-soluble CT were rapidly lost during decay, while other forms of CT were likely responsible for slower decay. The composition of fungal communities on decaying litter was affected by initial concentrations of CT and N. On a yearly basis, the slower decay of litter with high CT and reduced N content can offset accelerated rates of decay associated with warmer temperatures. Concurrent shifts in microbial communities and net N mineralization suggest potential benefits to trees. / Graduate / 2017-12-19

Eficiência do uso da água em cana-de-açúcar irrigada por gotejamento com base em medições de trocas gasosas IRGA: fotossíntese e transpiração / Water use efficiency in sugarcane drip irrigated based on gas exchange measurements IRGA: photosynthesis and transpiration

Barros, Timóteo Herculino da Silva 06 July 2015 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar apresenta-se como umas das principais culturas do agronegócio no Brasil e está integrada à matriz energética nacional, servindo também como matéria prima para diversos produtos industrializados. Em virtude das alterações nos padrões de precipitação natural que está ocorrendo em várias regiões do mundo, observam-se perdas significativas de produtividade na cana-de-açúcar devido ao déficit hídrico no solo, sendo esse um dos principais entraves atuais para maximização e para produtividade desta cultura. A busca por variedades resistentes ao estresse hídrico nos programas de melhoramento genético tem procurado selecionar genótipos que convertam de maneira mais eficiente à transpiração da planta em biomassa, evitando a perda de água excessiva para a atmosfera, de modo tal que a planta \"economize a água do solo\" para poder sobreviver posteriormente durante os períodos de estiagem. Este trabalho tem por hipótese que seja possível estimar a eficiência do uso da água (produtividade da água) e o acúmulo final de carbono na cultura de cana-de-açúcar em diferentes níveis de disponibilidade hídrica no solo, através de medidas pontuais da taxa de fotossíntese e transpiração (IRGA - Trocas gasosas) nos estágios iniciais e intermediários de crescimento da cultura. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar, de forma comparativa, variáveis relacionadas às trocas gasosas de oito variedades de cana-de-açúcar quando submetidas a déficit hídrico durante a fase inicial de crescimento vegetativo. O experimento foi conduzido em ambiente protegido na Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" (USP), em Piracicaba-SP. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em esquema fatorial (4x4x8) com parcelas sub-subdivididas com 3 repetições, totalizando 128 tratamentos e 384 parcelas experimentais. As mensurações de trocas gasosas foram realizadas entre 45 e 195 dias após inicio do ciclo cana soca sob condições controladas de luz e CO2. As quatro lâminas de irrigação utilizadas foram L50, L75 L100 e L125. Na lâmina L100 a umidade do solo foi mantida próxima à capacidade de campo (θcc) ao longo de todo experimento, nas demais lâminas aplicou-se uma fração da L100. Verificou-se que o estresse hídrico afetou as trocas gasosas: fotossíntese líquida, transpiração, condutância estomática e eficiência do uso da água. Os valores de produtividade da água reais medidos no experimento oscilaram entre 5 a 9 kg de matéria seca m-3 de água evapotranspirada. Os maiores acúmulos de biomassa foram observados para as variedades V1, V2 e V4 na lâmina de irrigação de 100%, com mais de 80 t ha-1 de biomassa seca. A produtividade da água real de uma variedade de cana-de-açúcar pode ser estimada com base em medidas de trocas gasosas, porém deverá ser aplicado um fator de correção específico para cada variedade que oscila entre 3,1 e 5,2 para a lâmina de 100 %. / Sugarcane crop is one of the main crops of agribusiness in Brazil and is integrated into the national energy matrix, also serving as raw material for various industrial products. Due to changes in natural precipitation patterns taking place in various regions of the world in recent years, there are significant losses of productivity in sugarcane due to water deficit in the soil, making a major current obstacle to maximizing this crop productivity. The search for varieties resistant to water stress in breeding programs has sought to select genotypes that convert more efficiently the transpiration of the plant, avoiding excessive loss of water to the atmosphere, such that the plant \"save water in the soil\" in order to survive during periods of drought in the future. This work has the primary hypothesis that it is possible to estimate the water use efficiency (water productivity) and the final accumulation of carbon in the sugarcane crop at different soil water levels availability through localized measurements of photosynthesis and transpiration (IRGA - Gas exchange equipment) during initial and intermediate stages of crop growth. This study aims to evaluate, on a comparative basis, variables related to gas exchange for 8 varieties of sugarcane subjected to water stress during early vegetative growth. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions at Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" (USP) in Piracicaba-SP / Brazil. The treatments were distributed in a factorial scheme (4x4x8) with sub-divided plots with three repetitions, totaling 128 treatments and experimental units. Measurements of gas exchange took place between 45 and 195 days after the beginning of the sugarcane cycle ratoon under controlled conditions of light and CO2. The four irrigation depths used were L50, L75 L100 and L125. In the L100 treatment soil moisture was kept close to field capacity (θcc) throughout the experiment; L50, L75 and L125 received a fraction of the L100. It was found that water stress affected plant gas exchange: net photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal conductance and water use efficiency. The actual water use efficiency (water productivity) measured in the experiment varied between 5 and 9 kg of dry matter m-3 of evapotranspired water. The highest accumulation of biomass were observed for varieties V1, V2 and V4 on the L100 irrigation treatment, up to 83 t ha-1 dry matter (V1). Water use efficiency (water productivity) of sugarcane varieties can be estimated based on measurements of gas exchange, but must be assigned a specific correction variety factor ranging between 3.1 and 5.2 for the L100 tratment.

Eficiência do uso da água em cana-de-açúcar irrigada por gotejamento com base em medições de trocas gasosas IRGA: fotossíntese e transpiração / Water use efficiency in sugarcane drip irrigated based on gas exchange measurements IRGA: photosynthesis and transpiration

Timóteo Herculino da Silva Barros 06 July 2015 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar apresenta-se como umas das principais culturas do agronegócio no Brasil e está integrada à matriz energética nacional, servindo também como matéria prima para diversos produtos industrializados. Em virtude das alterações nos padrões de precipitação natural que está ocorrendo em várias regiões do mundo, observam-se perdas significativas de produtividade na cana-de-açúcar devido ao déficit hídrico no solo, sendo esse um dos principais entraves atuais para maximização e para produtividade desta cultura. A busca por variedades resistentes ao estresse hídrico nos programas de melhoramento genético tem procurado selecionar genótipos que convertam de maneira mais eficiente à transpiração da planta em biomassa, evitando a perda de água excessiva para a atmosfera, de modo tal que a planta \"economize a água do solo\" para poder sobreviver posteriormente durante os períodos de estiagem. Este trabalho tem por hipótese que seja possível estimar a eficiência do uso da água (produtividade da água) e o acúmulo final de carbono na cultura de cana-de-açúcar em diferentes níveis de disponibilidade hídrica no solo, através de medidas pontuais da taxa de fotossíntese e transpiração (IRGA - Trocas gasosas) nos estágios iniciais e intermediários de crescimento da cultura. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar, de forma comparativa, variáveis relacionadas às trocas gasosas de oito variedades de cana-de-açúcar quando submetidas a déficit hídrico durante a fase inicial de crescimento vegetativo. O experimento foi conduzido em ambiente protegido na Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" (USP), em Piracicaba-SP. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em esquema fatorial (4x4x8) com parcelas sub-subdivididas com 3 repetições, totalizando 128 tratamentos e 384 parcelas experimentais. As mensurações de trocas gasosas foram realizadas entre 45 e 195 dias após inicio do ciclo cana soca sob condições controladas de luz e CO2. As quatro lâminas de irrigação utilizadas foram L50, L75 L100 e L125. Na lâmina L100 a umidade do solo foi mantida próxima à capacidade de campo (θcc) ao longo de todo experimento, nas demais lâminas aplicou-se uma fração da L100. Verificou-se que o estresse hídrico afetou as trocas gasosas: fotossíntese líquida, transpiração, condutância estomática e eficiência do uso da água. Os valores de produtividade da água reais medidos no experimento oscilaram entre 5 a 9 kg de matéria seca m-3 de água evapotranspirada. Os maiores acúmulos de biomassa foram observados para as variedades V1, V2 e V4 na lâmina de irrigação de 100%, com mais de 80 t ha-1 de biomassa seca. A produtividade da água real de uma variedade de cana-de-açúcar pode ser estimada com base em medidas de trocas gasosas, porém deverá ser aplicado um fator de correção específico para cada variedade que oscila entre 3,1 e 5,2 para a lâmina de 100 %. / Sugarcane crop is one of the main crops of agribusiness in Brazil and is integrated into the national energy matrix, also serving as raw material for various industrial products. Due to changes in natural precipitation patterns taking place in various regions of the world in recent years, there are significant losses of productivity in sugarcane due to water deficit in the soil, making a major current obstacle to maximizing this crop productivity. The search for varieties resistant to water stress in breeding programs has sought to select genotypes that convert more efficiently the transpiration of the plant, avoiding excessive loss of water to the atmosphere, such that the plant \"save water in the soil\" in order to survive during periods of drought in the future. This work has the primary hypothesis that it is possible to estimate the water use efficiency (water productivity) and the final accumulation of carbon in the sugarcane crop at different soil water levels availability through localized measurements of photosynthesis and transpiration (IRGA - Gas exchange equipment) during initial and intermediate stages of crop growth. This study aims to evaluate, on a comparative basis, variables related to gas exchange for 8 varieties of sugarcane subjected to water stress during early vegetative growth. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions at Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" (USP) in Piracicaba-SP / Brazil. The treatments were distributed in a factorial scheme (4x4x8) with sub-divided plots with three repetitions, totaling 128 treatments and experimental units. Measurements of gas exchange took place between 45 and 195 days after the beginning of the sugarcane cycle ratoon under controlled conditions of light and CO2. The four irrigation depths used were L50, L75 L100 and L125. In the L100 treatment soil moisture was kept close to field capacity (θcc) throughout the experiment; L50, L75 and L125 received a fraction of the L100. It was found that water stress affected plant gas exchange: net photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal conductance and water use efficiency. The actual water use efficiency (water productivity) measured in the experiment varied between 5 and 9 kg of dry matter m-3 of evapotranspired water. The highest accumulation of biomass were observed for varieties V1, V2 and V4 on the L100 irrigation treatment, up to 83 t ha-1 dry matter (V1). Water use efficiency (water productivity) of sugarcane varieties can be estimated based on measurements of gas exchange, but must be assigned a specific correction variety factor ranging between 3.1 and 5.2 for the L100 tratment.

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