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Aktuální otázky regulace mezinárodní letecké přepravy / Topical issues of the regulation of international air carriageKnotková, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with topical issues of international air law, namely international regulation of air carrier's liability in carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo. The first multilateral treaty to consider and unify this topic was the Warsaw Convention in 1929. It prescribed the main requirements of the documents of carriage, i.e. the passenger ticket, the baggage check and the air waybill. In particular, the air carrier is liable for personal injury or death of passengers, loss or damage of baggage or cargo and for damage resulting from delay. The key points of the liability regime governed by the Warsaw Convention are presumptive liability and the maximum liability limits expressed in French Gold Francs. Due to the subsequent development of air transport these rules had to be modernized. The Warsaw Convention was amended with several Protocols and a Supplementary Convention, which together create the so-called "Warsaw system". The purpose of these documents was, amongst other things, to tighten up the liability regime while trying to establish strict liability and raise the liability limits. In 1999 a further unification of air carrier's liability took place with the creation of the Montreal Convention. Although it adopted some key liability provisions from previous documents, it stipulated...
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acase@tulane.edu / The Qatari Maritime Law No. 15 was enacted in 1980. Since then, no amendment has been made to it. It is recommended that this law be revisited in view of the developments that have taken place in the maritime industry. At the national level, the Qatari maritime sector has undergone substantial changes. More importantly, the introduction of a new International Convention on Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partially by Sea (“The Rotterdam Rules”) in 2008 is a second reason for revisiting the Qatari Maritime Law. This is because, such a convention reflects recent advancements in the international shipping industry. This dissertation compares the Qatari Maritime Law provisions of the contract of the carriage of goods by sea to those of international seaborne carriage conventions namely the Hague Rules, the Hamburg Rules, and the Rotterdam Rules. Where relevant, the perspectives of the U.S. and the U.K. will also be examined.
There are four major topics analyzed within this dissertation: 1) background information about the State of Qatar in order to set the context, 2) the scope of the application of the rules involved in the comparison, 3) the carrier’s obligations, and 4) liabilities. The main objective of the dissertation is to examine how the Qatari maritime law should be developed in light of the international conventions on carriage of goods by sea. The investigation ends by making some recommendations to the Qatari legislature on how to reform the Qatari Maritime Law so that it is sufficiently robust to cope with modern maritime practice. / 1 / Muna Al-Marzouqi
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Aktuální otázky regulace mezinárodní letecké přepravy: odpovědnost leteckého dopravce vůči cestujícím / Topical issues of the regulation of international air carriage: the liability of an air carrier with respect to passengersAjgl, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with those issues in regulation of international air carriage, which are in the centre of interest of passengers. Author focuses on two key legal instruments establishing different regimes of air carrier's liability. The first one is the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, also known as the Montreal Convention. The second is European regulation no. 261/2004, also known as the Air Passengers' Rights Regulation. The key question is whether these liability regimes are completely separate or they overlap. After introductory chapter, Chapter 2 follows, dealing with historical development of legal regulation in the field of air carriage liability. Evolution of the so called Warsaw system is described and the Montreal Convention and some of the most important European regulations are presented. Next chapter focuses on theoretical aspects of air carrier's liability in the light of Czech civil law jurisprudence. These findings are applied both to the Montreal Convention and to the regulation no. 261/2004. Provisions of the Montreal Convention are examined in Chapter 4. Scope of application as well as the most problematic terms such as "accident" or "bodily injury" are discussed. Some well known courts' findings are presented to demonstrate how...
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Nemajetková újma v právní regulaci mezinárodní přepravy / Non-material damage in the regulation of international transportVosečková, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
198 Non-material damage in the regulation of international transport Abstract The dissertation deals with issues related to the legal regulation of non-material damage arising in connection with international air transport. It has been at the forefront of interest espceially of the European institutions over the last ten years. The first part of the dissertation is devoted to the general theoretical definition of non- material damage as such and to individual types of non- material damage that may arise during air transport. These are bodily harm, emotional harm caused by stress experienced or otherwise uncomfortable, and non-material harm caused by the fact that the passenger does not get to his destination in time due to delays, flight cancellations or denied boarding. The second part is devoted to the comparison of compensation for non-material damage in the Czech Republic and the United States of America, namely the development of the non- pecuniary damage and compensation for this damage. Particular attention is paid to particular titles, which are, according to the relevant legal regulations, replaced and the comparison of the compensation of non-material damage in the decisions of the courts of both countries. The third part is devoted to the regulation of non-material damage and its compensation,...
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Risque, sécurité et responsabilité du transporteur aérien à l'égard de son passager / Risk, safety and air carrier’s liability towards the passengerBenboubker-Jebbari, Samira 26 March 2014 (has links)
Le transport aérien s'est fortement démocratisé ces dernières décennies, la réglementation qui l'accompagne s'est considérablement renforcée. Les sources applicables à la responsabilité du transporteur aérien reposent sur des conventions internationales, des règlements communautaires et des législations internes. Ce travail de recherche montre l'application dynamique des sources et les résultats produits par les différentes combinaisons. L’évolution de la notion de responsabilité ouvre d'autres champs de réflexion à travers une étude combinée des concepts de risque et de sécurité du transporteur aérien à l'égard des passagers. Il s'agit également d'étudier le particularisme du contrat de transport aérien de personnes au regard des nouvelles considérations. Le droit communautaire a insufflé une nouvelle vision au contrat de transport, au point d'assimiler le passager à un consommateur. La responsabilité du transporteur aérien s'apprécie sur le terrain des nouvelles technologies. Aujourd'hui, le passager aérien bénéficie des mesures protectrices du droit de la consommation. L'analyse des postes de responsabilité du transporteur aérien permet de comprendre ce processus d'imbrication des sources, et la variété des solutions jurisprudentielles. Le droit communautaire a instauré une réglementation innovante et pragmatique en phase avec les nouvelles exigences des passagers en matière de retard et d'annulation de vol. L'intérêt est de montrer le rôle important de la jurisprudence communautaire dans l'application cumulative du droit conventionnel et du règlement n°261/2004. Le retard est à dissocier des situations générant du retard; le droit communautaire a élaboré une distinction aboutie entre ces événements. Le retard peut être subi collectivement par les passagers, comme en cas d'annulation de vol, ou les affecter de manière individuelle, comme par exemple en cas de refus d'embarquement. Le droit communautaire a édicté des mesures standardisées d'assistance et d'indemnisation. Il conviendra d'expliquer ces dispositifs et les perfectionnements envisagés par le législateur européen. La responsabilité du transporteur aérien en cas d'accident replace le droit conventionnel au centre de toutes les attentions. L'exclusivité des conventions est plus que jamais réaffirmée par la jurisprudence internationale. Mais cette élévation du droit conventionnel est mise à mal par la pratique de certains tribunaux, qui n'hésitent pas mettre à l'écart la Convention au profit du droit interne. Le risque de démantèlement du droit conventionnel est tempéré par les différents renvois du droit communautaire et du droit interne à la primauté de la Convention. La responsabilité du transporteur aérien est une responsabilité objective. Elle met fin à toute limitation financière en cas de lésion corporelle ou de décès du passager. L'absence de définition de la notion d'accident suscite toujours autant d'interrogation. En matière d'accident, le droit conventionnel opère un renvoi implicite au droit interne pour la détermination des postes de préjudices. Dans le cadre de la complémentarité des sources, il est important d'avoir une approche combinée du droit interne français, qui consacre le principe de réparation intégrale et l'application du droit conventionnel. Le passager aérien voyage avec ses effets personnels. Le droit conventionnel a instauré des régimes de responsabilité différents en fonction de la destination du bagage. L'apport du droit communautaire est minimaliste en matière de bagages, mais la jurisprudence de la CJUE a permis une interprétation renouvelée de la réparation due pour les dommages aux bagages. L'étude de cette responsabilité nous conduira à souligner l'importance des réglementations de l'IATA et des conditions générales de transport qui viennent combler les lacunes du droit communautaire et conventionnel, peu intéressés par cette partie de la responsabilité du transporteur aérien. (...) / In recent decades, air transport has been greatly democratized, the regulations has increased significantly. The applicable sources for the air carrier liability are based on international conventions, EU regulations and domestic legislations. This research points dynamic application of the sources and the results produced by different combinations. The evolution of the responsibility concept starts other fields of thought through a combined study of the concepts of risk and safety of air carrier towards passengers. It's also studying the particularism of the carriage contract by air of persons under new regards. EU law has brought a new vision of the carriage contract to the point that it assimilates the passenger to a consumer. The liability of the air carrier also values the new technologies field. Today, air passenger benefits from protective measures of consumer law. The damage analysis helps to understand this nesting process sources, and the diversity of cases law. EU law has set up an innovative and pragmatic regulation in line with new requirements on passenger delays and flight cancellations. The purpose is showing the important role of EU law in the cumulative application of treaty law and of Regulation No 261/2004. The general notion of delay has to be dissociated from ordinary situations generating delay; EU law has drawn a distinction between these events. The delay may be experienced collectively by the passengers, as in case of flight cancellation or individually as in case of denied boarding. EU law enacted standardized measures of assistance and compensation. These mechanisms should be explained such as the improvements proposed by the European legislator. In case of accidents the air carrier liability puts the Convention at the center of attention. Exclusivity agreements are more than ever reasserted by international jurisprudence. However this elevation of treaty law is undermined by some courts practices, which do not hesitate to put aside the Convention to the benefit of the domestic law. Dismantling risk of conventional law is softened by the different references of EU law and domestic law to the primacy of the Convention. The air carrier's liability is a strict liability. It puts an end to any financial limitations in case of body injury or death of passenger. The lack of definition of accident concept continues to raise many questions. For accidents, treaty law carries out an implicit reference to domestic law in order to determine the positions damages. As part of the complementarity of sources, it is important to have a combined approach of French domestic law, which enshrines the principle of full compensation, and the enforcement of treaty law. Air passenger travels with his personal effects. Treaty law has introduced different liability regimes depending on luggage destination. The provision of EU law is minimalist in terms of luggage, but the CJUE cases law allowed a renewed interpretation of the compensation for luggage damages. The study of this liability will lead us to stress the importance of IATA regulations and general terms of carriage which fill in the gaps in EU and treaty law, not interested in this part of the air carrier's liability. The Convention has established options of competence which lead to a multitude of courts. The advent of fifth option of competence is part of a consumerist approach of treaty/conventionnal law. More ground of jurisdiction are, more important is the practice of forum shopping. Jurisdiction rules have been enacted by the jurisprudence as mandatory. The introduction of standardized measures of assistance and compensation by EU law highlighted the purview of exclusive nature of the jurisdiction rules. A liability action of victims in case of aircraft accidents or their heirs before the U.S. courts is likely to result in a forum non conveniens. A survey of American and French jurisprudence is needed to measure the extent of this phenomenon. (...)
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