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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement et caractérisation de modules Technologiques sur semiconducteur GaN : application à la réalisation de cathodes froides et de transistor HEMT AlGaN/GAN / Development and characterization of technological modules based on III-V (AlGaN/GaN) semiconductor for the realisation of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs and cold Cathodes

Malela-Massamba, Ephrem 17 June 2016 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit sont axés sur le développement et la caractérisation de modules technologiques sur semiconducteurs à large bande interdite à base de nitrure de gallium (GaN), pour la réalisation de transistors et de cathodes froides. Ils ont été réalisés au sein du laboratoire III-V lab, commun aux entités : Alcatel - Thales - CEA Leti. Notre projet de recherche a bénéficié d'un soutien financier assuré par Thales Electron Devices (TED) et l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche ( ANR ). Concernant les transistors HEMT III-N, nos investigations se sont focalisées sur le développement des parties actives des transistors, incluant principalement la structuration des électrodes de grilles, l'étude de la passivation des grilles métalliques, ainsi que l'étude de diélectriques de grille pour la réalisation de structures MIS-HEMT.Les transistors MOS-HEMT « Normally-off » réalisés présentent des performances comparables à l'état de l'art, avec une densité de courant de drain maximum comprise entre 270 mA et 400 mA / mm, un ratio ION / IOFF > 1100, et des tensions de claquage > 200V. Les tensions de seuil sont comprises entre + 1,8 V et + 4 V. Nos contributions au développement des cathodes froides ont permis de démontrer une première émission dans le vide à partir de cathodes GaN, avec une densité de courant maximale de 300 µA / cm2 pour une tension de polarisation de 40 V / The results presented in this manuscript relate to technological developments and device processing on wide bandgap III-N semiconductor materials. They have been focused on III-N HEMT transistors and GaN cold cathodes. They have been realised within the III-V lab, which is a common entity between: Alcatel - Thales - CEA Leti. They have been financially supported by Thales Electron Devices company (TED) and the French National Research Agency ( ANR ). Regarding III-N HEMTs, our investigations have been focused on the development of device gate processing, which includes : the structuration of gate electrodes, the study of device passivation, and the realization of Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor High Mobility Electron Transistors ( MIS-HEMTs ). The “ Normally-off ” MOS-HEMT structures we have realized exhibit performances comparable to the state of the art, with a maximum drain current density between 270 and 400 mA / mm, a ION / IOFF ratio > 1.100, and a breakdown voltage > 200V. The threshold voltage values range between + 1,8 V and + 4V. We have also been able to demonstrate prototype GaN cold cathodes providing a maximum current density of 300 µA / cm2, emitted in vacuum for a bias voltage around 40 V

Mesoscale Interactions in Porous Electrodes

Aashutosh Mistry (6630413) 11 June 2019 (has links)
Despite the central importance of porous electrodes to any advanced electrochemical system, there is no clear answer to “<i>How to make the best electrode</i>?”. The source of ambiguity lies in the incomplete understanding of convoluted material interactions at smaller – difficult to observe length and timescales. Such mesoscopic interactions, however, abide by the fundamental physical principles such as mass conservation. The porous electrodes are investigated in such a physics-based setting to comprehend the interplay among structural arrangement and off-equilibrium processes. As a result, a synergistic approach exploiting the complementary characteristics of controlled experiments and theoretical analysis emerges to allow mechanistic insights into the associated mesoscopic phenomena. The potential of this philosophy is presented by investigating three distinct electrochemical systems with their unique peculiarities.

Exploring Transition Metal Oxides Towards Development of New Functional Materials : Lithium-ion Battery Cathodes, Inorganic Pigments And Frustrated Magnetic Perovskite Oxides

Laha, Sourav January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Transition metals (TMs) are ‘elements whose atoms have partially filled d-shell, or which can give rise to cations with an incomplete d-shell’. In TMs, the d-shell overlaps with next higher s-shell. Most of the TMs exhibit more than one (multiple) oxidation states. Some TMs, such as silver and gold, occur naturally in their metallic state but, most of the TM minerals are generally oxides. Most of the minerals on the planet earth are metal oxides, because of large free energies of formation for the oxides. The thermodynamic stability of the oxides is determined from the Ellingham diagram. Ellingham diagram shows the temperature dependence of the stability (free energy) for binaries such as metal oxides. Ellingham diagram also shows the ease of reducibility of metal oxides. TM oxides of general formulas MO, M2O3, MO2, M2O5, MO3 are known to exist, many of them being the ultimate products of oxidation in air in their highest oxidation states. In addition, TM oxides also exist in lower oxidation states which are prepared under controlled conditions. The nature of bonding in these oxides varies from mainly ionic (e.g. NiO, CoO) to mainly covalent (e.g. OsO4). Simple binary oxides of the compositions, MO, generally possess the rock salt structure (e.g. NiO), while the dioxides, MO2, possess the rutile structure (e.g. TiO2); many sesquioxides, M2O3, possess the corundum structure (e.g. Cr2O3). TMs form important ternary oxides like perovskites (e.g. CaTiO3), spinels (e.g. MgFe2O4) and so on. In TM oxides, the valence (outer) d-shell could be empty, d0 (e. g. TiO2), partially filled, dn (1≤ n≤ 9) (e.g. TiO, VO, NiO etc.) or completely filled, d10 (e.g. ZnO, CdO, Cu2O etc.). The outer d electrons in TM oxides could be localized or delocalized. Localized outer d electrons give insulators/semiconductors, while delocalized/itinerant d electrons make the TM oxide ‘metallic’ (e.g. ReO3, RuO2). Partially filled dn states are normally expected to give rise to itinerant (metallic) electron behaviour. But most of TM oxides with partially filled d shell are insulators because of special electronic energy (correlation energy) involved in d electron transfer to adjacent sites. Such insulating TM oxides are known as Mott insulators (e. g. NiO, CoO etc.). Certain TM oxides are known to exhibit both localized (insulating) and itinerant (metallic) behaviour as a function of temperature or pressure. For example, VO2 shows a insulator–metal transition at ~340K. Similar transitions are also known for V2O3, metal-rich EuO and so on. The chemical composition and bonding of TM oxides, which determine the crystal and electronic structures, give rise to functional properties. Table 1 gives representative examples. Properties like ionic conductivity and diffusion are governed by both the crystal structure and the defect structure (point defects), whereas properties such as magnetism and electron transport mainly arise from the electronic structures of the materials. Accordingly, TM oxides provide a platform for exploring functional materials properties. Among the various functional materials properties exhibited by transition metal oxides, the present thesis is devoted to investigations of lithium ion battery cathodes, inorganic pigments and magnetic perovskites. Over the years, most of the lithium containing first row transition metal oxides of rock salt derived structure have been investigated for possible application as cathode materials in lithium ion batteries (LIBs). First major breakthrough in LIBs research was achieved by electrochemically deinserting and inserting lithium in LiCoO2. A new series of cathode materials for LIBs were prepared by incorporating excess lithium into the transition metal containing layered lithium oxides through solid solution formation between Li2MnO3–LiMO2 (M = Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni), known as lithium-rich layered oxides (LLOs). LLOs exhibit improved electrochemical performance as compared to the corresponding end members and hence received significant attention as a potential next generation cathode materials for LIBs in recent times. LiCoO2 (R-3m) crystallizes in the layered α-NaFeO2 structure with the oxygens in a ccp arrangement. Li+ and Co3+ ions almost perfectly order in the octahedral sites (3a and 3b) to give alternating (111) planes of LiO6 and CoO6 octahedra. Table 1. Materials properties exhibited by representative TM oxides. Property Example(s) Ferroelectricity BaTiO3, PbTiO3, Bi4Ti3O12 Nonlinear Optical Response LiNbO3 Multiferroic response BiFeO3, TbMnO3 Microwave dielectric properties Ba3ZnTa2O9 Relaxor Dielectric Properties Pb3MgNb2O9, Colossal Magnetoresistance Tl2Mn2O7 Metallic ‘Ferroelectricity’ Cd2Re2O7 Superconductivity AOs2O6(A = K, Rb, Cs) Redox deinsertion/insertion of LiCoO2 lithium Photocatalysis/water splitting TiO2 Pigment Ca(1-x)LaxTaO(2-x)N1+x (yellow-red), YIn1-xMnxO3 (blue) Metallic Ferromagnetism CrO2 Antiferromagnetism NiO, LaFeO3 Zero thermal expansion ZrW2O8 The reversible capacity of LiCoO2 in common LIBs is relatively low at around 140 mA h g-1 (half of theoretical capacity), corresponding to: LiCo3+O2 → Li0.5Co3+0.5Co4+0.5O2 + 0.5Li+ + 0.5e– . Substitution of one or more transition metal ions in LiCOO2 has been explored to improve the electrochemical performance. The structure of LLOs is described as a solid solution or nano composite of Li2MnO3 (C2/m) and LiMO2 (R-3m). The electrochemical deinsertion/insertion behaviour of LLOs is complex and also not yet understood completely. The present thesis consists of four parts. After a brief introduction (Part 1), Part 2 is devoted to materials for Li-ion battery cathode, consisting of three Chapters 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. In Chapter 2.1, we describe the synthesis, crystal structure, magnetic and electrochemical characterization of new LiCoO2 type rock salt oxides of formula, Li3M2RuO6 (M = Co, Ni). The M =Co oxide adopts the LiCoO2 (R-3m) structure, whereas the M = Ni oxide also adopts a similar layered structure related to Li2TiO3. Magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal that in Li3Co2RuO6, the oxidation states of transition metal ions are Co3+, Co2+ and Ru4+, whereas in Li3Ni2RuO6, the oxidation states are Ni2+ and Ru5+. Li3Co2RuO6 orders antiferromagnetically at ~10K. On the other hand, Li3Ni2RuO6 presents a ferrimagnetic behaviour with a Curie temperature of ~100K. Electrochemical Li-deinsertion/insertion studies show that high first charge capacities (between ca.160 and 180 mA h g−1) corresponding to ca.2/3 of theoretical capacity are reached albeit, in both cases, capacity retention and cyclability are not satisfactory. Chapter 2.2 presents a study of new ruthenium containing LLOs, Li3MRuO5 (M = Co and Ni). Both the oxides crystallize in the layered LLO type LiCoO2 (α-NaFeO2) structure consisting of Li[Li0.2M0.4Ru0.4]O2 layers. Magnetic susceptibility data suggest that the oxidation states of transition metals are Li3Co3+Ru4+O5 for the M = Co compound and Li3Ni2+Ru5+O5 for the M = Ni compound. Electrochemical investigations of lithium deintercalation–intercalation behaviour reveal that both Co and Ni phases exhibit attractive specific capacities of ca. 200 mA h g-1 at an average voltage of 4 V, that has been interpreted as due to the oxidation of Co3+ and Ru4+ in Li3CoRuO5 and Ni2+ to Ni4+ in the case of Li3NiRuO5. Thus, we find that ruthenium plays a favourable role in LLOs than in non-LLOs in stabilizing higher reversible electrochemical capacities. In Chapter 2.3, we describe the synthesis, crystal structure and lithium deinsertion–insertion electrochemistry of two new LLOs, Li3MRuO5 (M=Mn, Fe) which are analogs of the oxides described in Chapter 2.2. The Li3MnRuO5 oxide adopts a structure related to Li2MnO3 (C2/m), while the Li3FeRuO5 oxide adopts a near-perfect LiCoO2 (R-3m) structure. Lithium electrochemistry shows typical behaviour of LLOs for both oxides, where participation of oxide ions in the electrochemical processes is observed. A long first charge process with capacities of 240 mA h g-1 (2.3 Li per f.u.) and 144 mA h g-1 (1.38 Li per f.u.) is observed for Li3MnRuO5 and Li3FeRuO5, respectively. Further discharge–charge cycling points to partial reversibility. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) characterisation of both pristine and electrochemically oxidized Li3MRuO5 reveals that in the Li3MnRuO5 oxide, Mn3+ and Ru4+ are partially oxidized to Mn4+ and Ru5+ in the sloping region at low voltage, while in the long plateau, O2- is also oxidized. In the Li3FeRuO5 oxide, the oxidation process appears to affect only Ru (4+ to 5+ in the sloping region) and O2- (plateau), while Fe seems to retain its 3+ state. Another characteristic feature of TMs is formation of several coloured solid materials where d–d transitions, band gap transitions and charge transfer transitions are involved in the colouration mechanism. Coloured TM oxides absorbing visible light find important applications as visible light photocatalyst (for example, yellow BiVO4 for solar water splitting and red Sr1-xNbO3 for oxidation of methylene blue) and inorganic pigments [for example, Egyptian blue (CaCuSi4O10), Malachite green (Cu2CO3(OH)2), Ochre red (Fe2O3)]. Pigments are applied as colouring materials in inks, dyes, paints, plastics, ceramic glazers, enamels and textiles. In this thesis, we have focused on the coloured TM oxides for possible application as inorganic pigments. Generally, colours arise from electronic transitions that absorb visible light. Colours of the inorganic pigments arise mainly from electronic transitions involving TM ions in various ligand fields and charge transfer transitions governed by different selection rules. The ligand field d–d transitions are parity forbidden but are relaxed due to various reasons, such as distortion (absence of center of inversion) and vibronic coupling. The d-electrons can be excited by light absorption in the visible region of the spectrum imparting colour to the material. Charge transfer transitions in the visible region are not restricted by the parity selection rules and therefore give intense colours. Here we have investigated the colours of manganese in unusual oxidation state (Mn5+) as well as the colours of different 3d-TM ions in distorted octahedral and trigonal prismatic sites in appropriate colourless crystalline host oxides. These results are discussed in Part 3 of the thesis. In Chapter 3.1, we describe a blue/green inorganic material, Ba3(P1−xMnxO4)2 (I) based on tetrahedral Mn5+O4 :3d2 chromophore. The solid solutions (I) which are sky-blue and turquoise-blue for x ≤ 0•25 and dark green for x ≥ 0•50, are readily synthesized in air from commonly available starting materials, stabilizing the Mn5+O4 chromophore in an isostructural phosphate host. We suggest that the covalency/ionicity of P–O/Mn–O bonds in the solid solutions tunes the crystal field strength around Mn(V) such that a blue colour results for materials with small values of x. The material could serve as a nontoxic blue/green inorganic pigment. In Chapter 3.2, an experimental investigation of the stabilization of the turquoise-coloured Mn5+O4 chromophore in various oxide hosts, viz., A3(VO4)2 (A = Ba, Sr, Ca), YVO4, and Ba2MO4 (M = Ti, Si), has been carried out. The results reveal that substitution of Mn5+O4 occurs in Ba3(VO4)2 forming the entire solid solution series Ba3(V1−xMnxO4)2 (0 < x ≤ 1.0), while, with the corresponding strontium derivative, only up to about 10% of Mn5+O4 substitution is possible. Ca3(VO4)2 and YVO4 do not stabilize Mn5+O4 at all. With Ba2MO4 (M = Ti, Si), we could prepare only partially substituted materials, Ba2M1−xMn5+xO4+x/2 for x up to 0.15, that are turquoise-coloured. We rationalize the results that a large stabilization of the O 2p-valence band states occurs in the presence of the electropositive barium that renders the Mn5+ oxidation state accessible in oxoanion compounds containing PO43−, VO43−, etc. By way of proof-of-concept, we synthesized new turquoise-coloured Mn5+O4 materials, Ba5(BO3)(MnO4)2Cl and Ba5(BO3)(PO4)(MnO4)Cl, based on the apatite – Ba5(PO4)3Cl – structure. Chapter 3.3 discusses crystal structures, and optical absorption spectra/colours of 3d-transition metal substituted lyonsite type oxides, Li3Al1-xMIIIx(MoO4)3 (0< x ≤1.0) (MIII = Cr, Fe) and Li3-xAl1-xMII2x(MoO4)3 (0< x ≤1.0) (MII = Co, Ni, Cu). Crystal structures determined from Rietveld refinement of PXRD data reveal that in the smaller trivalent metal substituted lyonsite oxides, MIII ions occupy the octahedral (8d, 4c) sites and the lithium ions exclusively occur at the trigonal prismatic (4c) site in the orthorhombic (Pnma) structure; on the other hand, larger divalent cations (CoII/CuII) substituted derivatives show occupancy of CoII/CuII ions at both the octahedral and trigonal prismatic sites. We have investigated the colours and optical absorption spectra of Li3Al1-xMIIIx(MoO4)3 (MIII = Cr, Fe) and Li3-xAl1-xMII2x(MoO4)3 (MII = Co, Ni, Cu) and interpreted the results in terms of average crystal field strengths experienced by MIII/MII ions at multiple coordination geometries. We have also identified the role of metal-to-metal charge transfer (MMCT) from the partially filled transition metal 3d orbitals to the empty Mo – 4d orbitals in the resulting colours of these oxides. B The ABO3 perovskite structure consists of a three dimensional framework of corner shared BO6 octahedra in which large A cation occupies dodecahedral site, surrounded by twelve oxide ions. The ideal cubic structure occurs when the Goldschmidt’s tolerance factor, t = (rA + rO)/{√2(rB + rO)}, adopts a value of unity and the A–O and B–O bond distances are perfectly matched. The BO6 octahedra tilt and bend the B – O – B bridges co-operatively to adjust for the non-ideal size of A cations, resulting deviation from ideal cubic structure to lower symmetries. Ordering of cations at the A and B sites of perovskite structure is an important phenomenon. Ordering of site cations in double (A2BB'O6) and multiple (A3BB'2O9) perovskites give rise to newer and interesting materials properties. Depending upon the constituent transition metals and ordering, double perovskite oxides exhibit a variety of magnetic behaviour such as ferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism, antiferromagnetism, spin-glass magnetism and so on. We also have coupled magnetic properties such as magnetoresistance (Sr2FeMoO6), magnetodielectric (La2NiMnO6) and magnetooptic (Sr2CrWO6) behaviour. Here we have investigated new magnetically frustrated double perovskite oxides of the formula Ln3B2RuO9(B = Co, Ni and Ln = La, Nd). The Chapter 4.1 describes Ln3B2RuO9 (B = Co, Ni and Ln = La, Nd) oxides (prepared by a solid state metathesis route) which adopt a monoclinic (P21/n) A2BB'O6 double perovskite structure, wherein the two independent octahedral 2c and 2d sites are occupied by B2+ and (B2+1/3Ru5+2/3) atoms, respectively. Temperature dependence of the molar magnetic susceptibility plots obtained under zero field cooled (ZFC) condition exhibit maxima in the temperature range 25–35K, suggesting an antiferromagnetic interaction in all these oxides. Ln3B2RuO9 oxides show spin-glass behavior and no long-range magnetic order is found down to 2 K. The results reveal the importance of competing nearest neighbour (NN), next nearest neighbor (NNN) and third nearest neighbour (third NN) interactions between the magnetic Ni2+/Co2+ and Ru5+ atoms in the partially ordered double perovskite structure that conspire to thwart the expected ferromagnetic order in these materials.

Sputter Deposited Thin Film Cathodes from Powder Target for Micro Battery Applications

Rao, K Yellareswara January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
All solid state Li-ion batteries (thin film micro batteries) have become inevitable for miniaturized devices and sensors as power sources. Fabrication of electrode materials for batteries in thin film form has been carried out with the existing technologies used in semiconductor industry. In the present thesis, radio frequency (RF) sputtering has been chosen for deposition of cathode material (ceramic oxides) thin films because of several advantages such as precise thickness control and deposition of compound thin films with equivalent composition. Conventional sputtering involves fabrication of thin film using custom made pellet according to the specification of sputter gun. However several issues such as target breaking are inevitable with the pellet sputtering. To forfend the issues, powder sputtering has been implemented for the deposition of various thin film cathodes in an economically feasible approach. Optimization of various process parameters during film deposition of cathode materials LiCoO2, Li2MnO3, LiNixMnyO4, mixed oxide cathodes of LiMn2O4, LiCoO2 and TiO2 etc., have been executed successfully by the present approach to achieve optimum electrochemical performance. Thereafter the optimized process parameters would be useful for selection of cathode layers for micro battery fabrication. Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction to the Li ion and thin film solid state batteries. It also highlights the advantages of powder sputtering compared to conventional pellet sputtering. In Chapter 2, the materials used and methods employed for the fabrication of thin film electrodes and analytical characterizations have been discussed. In chapter 3, implementation of powder sputtering for the deposition of LiCoO2 thin films has been discussed. X-Ray diffraction (XRD), X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electrochemical investigations have been carried out and promising results have been achieved. Charge discharge studies delivered a discharge capacity of 64 µAh µm-1 cm-2 in the first cycle in the potential range 3.0-4.2 V vs. Li/Li+. The possible causes for the moderate cycle life performance have been discussed. Systematic investigations for RF power optimization for the deposition of Li2-xMnO3-y thin films have been carried out. Galvanostatic charge discharge studies delivered a highest discharge capacity of 139 µAh µm-1cm-2 in the potential window 2.0-3.5 V. Thereafter, effect of LMO film thickness on electrochemical performance has been studied in the thickness range 70 nm to 300 nm. Films of lower thickness delivered higher discharge capacity with good cycle life than the thicker films. These details are discussed in chapter 4. In Chapter 5, fabrication and electrochemical performance of LiNixMnyO4 thin films are presented. LMO thin films have been deposited on nickel coated stainless steel substrates. The as deposited films were annealed at 500 °C in ambient conditions. Nickel diffuses in to LMO film and results in LiNixMnyO4 (LMNO) film. These films were further characterized. Electrochemical studies were conducted up to higher potential 4.4 V resulted in discharge capacities of the order of 55 µAh µm-1cm-2. In chapter 6, electrochemical investigations of mixed oxide thin films of LiCoO2 and LiMn2O4 have been carried out. Electrochemical investigations have been carried out in the potential window 2.0–4.3 V and a discharge capacity of 24 µAh µm-1cm-2 has been achieved. In continuation, TiO2 powder was added to the former composition and the deposited films were characterized for electrochemical performance. The potential window as well as the discharge capacity enhanced after TiO2 doping. Electrochemical characterization has been carried out in the potential window 1.4–4.5 V, and a discharge capacity of 135 µAh µm-1cm-2 has been achieved. Finally chapter 7 gives overall conclusions and future directions to the continuation of the work.

A new chemical synthesis for vanadium sulfide as high performance cathode

Wen Chao, Lee January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Since 1990s, rechargeable Li-ion batteries have been widely used in consumer electronics such as cell phones, global positioning systems (GPS), personnel digital assistants (PDA), digital cameras, and laptop computers. Recently Li-ion batteries received considerable attention as a major power source for electric vehicles. However, significant technical challenges still exist for widely deploying Li-ion batteries in electric vehicles. For instance, the energy density of Li-ion batteries is not high enough to support a long-distance commute. The Li-ion batteries used for the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Volt only can support 50 – 100 miles per charge. The cost of Li-ion battery packs in electric vehicles is still high. The battery pack for the Chevy Volt costs about $8,000, and the larger one in the Nissan Leaf costs about $12,000. To address these problems, new Li-ion battery electrode materials with high energy density and low cost should be developed. Among Li-ion battery cathode materials, vanadium pentoxide, V2O5, is one of the earliest oxides studied as a cathode for Li-ion batteries because of its low cost, abundance, easy synthesis, and high energy density. However, its practical reversible capacity has been limited due to its irreversible structural change when Li insertion is more than x = 1. Tremendous efforts have been made over the last twenty years to improve the phase reversibility of LixV2O5 (e.g., 0 ≤ x ≤ 2) because of vanadium pentoxides’ potential use as high capacity cathodes in Li-ion batteries. In this thesis, a new strategy was studied to develop vanadium pentoxide cathode materials with improved phase reversibility. The first study is to synthesize vanadium oxide cathodes via a new chemical route – creating a phase transformation from the vanadium sulfide to oxide. The β-Na0.33V2O5 was prepared via a new method of chemical synthesis, involving the chemical transformation of NaVS2 via heat-treatment at 600 °C in atmospheric air. The β-Na0.33V2O5 particles were well crystalized and rod-shaped, measuring 7–15 μm long and 1–3 μm wide with the formation of the crystal defects on the surface of the particles. In contrast to previous reports contained in the literature, Na ions were extracted, without any structural collapse, from the β -Na0.33V2O5 structure and replaced with Li ions during cycling of the cell in the voltage range, 1.5 V to 4.5 V. This eventually resulted in a fully reversible Li intercalation into the LixV2O5 structure when 0.0 ≤ x ≤ 2.0. The second study is to apply the synthesis method to LiVS2 for the synthesis of β׳-LixV2O5 for use as a high performance cathode. The synthesis method is based on the heat treatment of the pure LiVS2 in atmospheric air. By employing this method of synthesis, well-crystalized, rod-shaped β׳-LixV2O5 particles 20 – 30 μm in length and 3 – 6 μm in width were obtained. Moreover, the surface of β׳-LixV2O5 particles was found to be coated by an amorphous vanadium oxysulfide film (~20 nm in thickness). In contrast to a low temperature vanadium pentoxide phase (LixV2O5), the electrochemical intercalation of lithium into the β׳-LixV2O5 was fully reversible where 0.0 < x < 2.0, and it delivered a capacity of 310 mAh/g at a current rate of 0.07 C between 1.5 V and 4 V. Good capacity retention of more than 88% was also observed after 50 cycles even at a higher current rate of 2 C. The third study is the investigation of NaVS2 as a cathode intercalation material for sodium ion batteries. We have shown that reversible electrochemical deintercalation of x ~ 1.0 Na per formula unit of NaxVS2, corresponding to a capacity of ~200 mAh/g, is possible. And a stable capacity of ~120 mAh/g after 30 cycles was observed. These studies show that the new chemical synthesis route for creating a phase transformation from the vanadium sulfide to oxide by heat treatment in air is a promising method for preparing vanadium oxide cathode material with high reversibility. Although this sample shows a relatively low voltage range compared with other cathodes such as LiCoO2 (3.8 V) and LiFePO4 (3.4 V), the large capacity of this sample is quite attractive in terms of increasing energy density in Li-ion batteries. Also, NaVS2 could be a promising cathode material for sodium ion batteries.

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