Spelling suggestions: "subject:"seria."" "subject:"teria.""
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Efeitos da atmosfera de sinterização e do tamanho de partícula na sinterização da céria-gadolínia / Effects of sintering atmosphere and the particle size on sintering of gadolinia-doped ceriaRafael Morgado Batista 13 November 2014 (has links)
Os efeitos da atmosfera de sinterização e do tamanho inicial das partículas na sinterização da céria contendo 10% em mol de gadolínia (GdO1,5) foram sistematicamente estudados neste trabalho. Materiais de partida com três valores para a área de superfície específica foram utilizados, 210 m2/g, 36,2 m2/g e 7,4 m2/g. Diferentes cinéticas de sinterização foram verificadas. Quanto menor o tamanho inicial das partículas, menor é a temperatura para o início da sinterização e mais acelerada a densificação do material. Curvas mestres de sinterização foram construídas para cada um dos materiais analisados. Um programa computacional foi especialmente desenvolvido para este propósito. Diferenças significativas entre as energias de ativação para densificação foram verificadas. Para este trabalho foi determinado que, quanto menor o tamanho inicial de partícula, menores as energias de ativação. A evolução das distribuições de tamanhos de cristalitos foi investigada para os materiais de maior área superficial específica. Foi determinado que a eliminação e migração de poros (pore drag) é o mecanismo predominante para o crescimento de grãos durante o início da sinterização da céria gadolínia. Os efeitos da atmosfera de sinterização no desvio de estequiometria, na densificação, na evolução microestrutural e na condutividade elétrica da céria-gadolínia foram analisados. Atmosferas redutoras, oxidantes e inertes foram usadas para este propósito. Desvios na estequiometria da céria foram verificados no volume do material, sendo este dependente da área de superfície específica e da atmosfera utilizada. Quanto maior o potencial de redução da atmosfera utilizada, maior a concentração de Ce3+ no material. Com o aumento da concentração de Ce3+ um aumento no tamanho médio de grãos foi verificado. Uma diminuição na condutividade elétrica total, intra e intergranular foram determinadas para as amostras sinterizadas em atmosferas redutoras. / The effects of the sintering atmosphere and initial particle size on the sintering of ceria containing 10 mol% gadolinia (GdO1.5) were systematically investigated. The main physical parameter was the specific surface area of the initial powders. Nanometric powders with three different specific surface areas were utilized, 210 m2/g, 36,2 m2/g e 7,4 m2/g. The influence on the densification, and micro structural evolution were evaluated. The starting sintering temperature was verified to decrease with increasing on the specific surface area of raw powders. The densification was accelerated for the materials with smaller particle size. Sintering paths for crystallite growth were obtained. Master sintering curves for gadolinium-doped ceria were constructed for all initial powders. A computational program was developed for this purpose. The results for apparent activation energy showed noticeable dependence with specific surface area. In this work, the apparent activation energy for densification increased with the initial particle size of powders. The evolution of the particle size distributions on non isothermal sintering was investigated by WPPM method. It was verified that the grain growth controlling mechanism on gadoliniadoped ceria is the pore drag for initial stage and beginning of intermediate stage. The effects of the sintering atmosphere on the stoichiometry deviation of ceria, densification, microstructure evolution, and electrical conductivity were analyzed. Inert, oxidizing, and reducing atmospheres were utilized on this work. Deviations on ceria stoichiometry were verified on the bulk materials. The deviation verified was dependent of the specific surface area and sintering atmosphere. Higher reduction potential atmospheres increase Ce3+ bulk concentration after sintering. Accelerated grain growth and lower electrical conductivities were verified when reduction reactions are significantly present on sintering.
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Catalisador de Níquel Suportado em Céria Dopada com as Terras Raras Gd, Sm e Nd para Reforma a Vapor de Etanol / Nickel Catalyst Supported in Ceria Doped with Rare Earths Gd, Sm and Nd for Ethanol Steam ReformingFerreira, Gabriella Ribeiro 13 April 2018 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias para produção de combustíveis é assunto de vital importância, principalmente quando se trata de combustíveis de fontes limpas e renováveis. Nesse aspecto, surge o hidrogênio (H2), tecnologia limpa, vindo de fontes renováveis, como o etanol. Para a obtenção do H2 a partir do etanol, destaca-se a reforma a vapor. No entanto, a reforma a vapor apresenta alguns desafios como maximização da conversão e seletividade em H2, além da minimização na formação de carbono e dos seus precursores (acetaldeído e acetona), uma vez que a formação de carbono pode levar a perda da atividade do catalisador. Nesse contenxto, a ideia deste trabalho é desenvolver catalisadore a base de níquel (Ni) suportados em céria (CeO2) dopados com os lantanídeos gadolínio (Gd), samario (Sm) e neodímio (Nd) para aplicação na reforma a vapor do etanol de modo a aumentar a conversão do etanol e a seletividade em H2, bem como minimizar a formação de carbono e de seus percursores. Para isso, fixou-se o teor de Ni em 5% e variou-se os teores do dopantes em 1%, 5% e 10%, também sintetizou-se o catalisador sem presença de dopante para comparação. A partir desses catalisadores, fez-se a caracterização e os testes catalíticos a 400, 500 e 600 °C. Percebeu-se a formação de solução sólida para todos os dopantes (Gd, Sm e Nd), por meio da expansão dos parâmetros de rede, na qual a expansão de rede aumentou com o aumento do teor de dopante e com o aumento do raio iônico do dopante. A adição de 1% de dopante para os catalisadores dopados com Sm e Nd levaram a um aumento significativo da área superficial, bem como a diminuição do tamanho do cristalito do suporte. A temperatura de reação na qual se observa os melhores resultados catalíticos é a 600 °C de modo que houve uma conversão máxima de etanol, seletividades em H2 acima de 2,80 molprod.molEtOHconv-1 e minimização na formação de espécies líquidas como a acetona e acetaldeído, bem como na formação de coque. A conversão do etanol nessa temperatura foi similar para todos os catalisadores, mas os catalisadores 5Ni_5GdCeO2 e 5Ni_5NdCeO2 apresentaram a maior seletividade a H2. No entanto, os catalisadores com a presença de Nd apresentaram as menores taxas de formação de coque. / The development of new technologies for fuel production is a vital issue, especially clean and renewable fuels. In this apect, hydrogen (H2), a clean technology, is highlighted when it comes from renewable sources, such as ethanol. To obtain H2 from ethanol, the steam reform is pointed out. However, steam reforming presents some challenges, such as maximizing conversion and H2 selectivity, as well as minimizing the formation of carbon and its precursors (acetaldehyde and acetone), since carbon formation can lead to catalytic activity loss. In this context, the idea of this work is the development of nickel (Ni) based catalysts supported in ceria (CeO2), doped with the lanthanides gadolinium (Gd), samarium (Sm) and neodymium (Nd), for ethanol steam reforming application in order to increase ethanol conversion and H2 selectivity, as well as to minimize the formation of carbon and its precursors. For this, the Ni content was set at 5% and the dopant contents varied in 1%, 5% and 10%, the catalyst was also synthesized without presence of dopant for comparison. From these catalysts, the characterization and the catalytic tests were carried out at 400, 500 and 600 °C. The formation of a solid solution for all dopants (Gd, Sm and Nd) was observed by means of the network parameters expansion , in which the network expansion increased with increasing dopant content and with increasing dopant ionic radius. The addition of 1% dopant, to the Sm and Nd doped catalysts, led to a significant increase in surface area as well as a decrease in the support crystallite size. The reaction temperature at which the best catalytic results are observed is at 600 °C, so that there was a maximum conversion of ethanol, H2 selectivity 2.80 molprod.molEtOHconv-1, and minimization of liquid species formation, such as acetone and acetaldehyde, as well as the coke formation. Ethanol conversion at this temperature was similar for all catalysts, but the catalysts 5Ni_5GdCeO2 and 5Ni_5NdCeO2 showed the highest selectivity to H2. However, the catalysts with the presence of Nd presented the lowest rates of coke formation.
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Obtenção e Caracterização de Eletrólitos Sólidos de Céria-Gadolínia / Preparation and Characterization of Ceria-Gadolinia Solid ElectrolytesRocha, Renata Ayres 07 December 2001 (has links)
Soluções sólidas de CeO2:Gd2O3 foram obtidas a partir de três técnicas de síntese que se utilizam de matrizes poliméricas: técnica dos precursores poliméricos ou citratos, técnica do citrato amorfo e técnica do PVA. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é a obtenção de pós reativos e cerâmicas sinterizadas densas. Para a caracterização dos materiais, foram analisadas as resinas precursoras, o pó calcinado a duas temperaturas e os compactos sinterizados. Os principais resultados mostram que: as soluções sólidas podem ser obtidas a temperaturas relativamente baixas; os pós apresentam tamanho nanométrico de partículas; a densificação é dependente da técnica de síntese e do teor de dopante. A técnica do PVA deve ser utilizada com cuidado, principalmente quando há possibilidade de ocorrer auto-ignição durante a decomposição térmica da resina precursora. Utilizando-se a técnica dos precursores poliméricos, o teor de carbono residual foi mais elevado do que nas outras duas técnicas, como esperado. A técnica do citrato amorfo foi a que permitiu obter cerâmicas mais densas. A resistividade elétrica da cerâmica sinterizada é função do teor de dopante, do teor de pureza e da porosidade, como sugerido na literatura. / CeO2:Gd2O3 solid solutions have been prepared by the following techniques based on polymeric matrices: the citrate, the amorphous citrate and the PVA techniques. The main purpose was to obtain reactive powders for preparing highly dense sintered ceramic pieces. The precursor resin, calcined powders and sintered compacts were studied by several techniques for complete characterization. The main results show that solid solutions may be obtained at relatively low temperatures and that powder particles are in the nanosize range, whatever is the technique used for the synthesis of the solid solution. However, the densification of sintered compacts is found to be dependent on dopant content and synthesis technique. The PVA technique should be used with caution, mainly due to combustion that may occur during precursor decomposition. The residual carbon content was found to be higher for powder prepared by the citrate technique. Specimens with high densification were obtained following the amorphous citrate technique. Electrical resistivity results are in agreement with previous results that suggest a dependence of the porosity of the sintered compacts on the dopant content and also on the material chosen for precursor.
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Sistemas porosos de zircônia e céria / Zirconia-Ceria Porous SystemsBacani, Rebeca 16 December 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidas sínteses de ZrO2-x%CeO2, baseadas na preparação da sílica mesoporosa ordenada SBA-15, utilizando um molde de co-polímero tribloco Pluronic P-123, diversos precursores de zircônio e cério e diferentes métodos. Os métodos de síntese testados foram com: precursores a base de cloreto hidratado (com x=50, 70 e 90), precursores a base de cloreto anidro (x=50 e 90), precursores a base de nitrato (x=90), solução supersaturada de nitrato (x=90), do tipo híbrido com Zr, Ce e Si (com 10%mol de Si e x=90), paliçada de Si (com 10 e 30%mol de Si e x=90) e paliçada de Si com temperatura de síntese de 40°C (com 30%mol de Si e x=90). Visando obter paredes compostas por fase cristalina única e grande área supercial, para futuras aplicações em catálise. Os compósitos polímero/(zircônio-cério) sintetizados a partir de cloretos formam uma estrutura lamelar organizada, que se transforma num sistema poroso desordenado após a calcinação para a retirada do molde. O processo de decomposição/remoção do molde até 540°C produz mudanças de fase nos precursores a base dos metais utilizados, além das transformações morfológicas. Para uma concentração de 90% de CeO2 obtém-se um material poroso com paredes homogêneas de estrutura fcc e de maior estabilidade mecânica. Os valores de área supercial e volume de poros dependem fundamentalmente do método de preparação do material e independem da concentração de CeO2. Aumentos signicativos da área supercial (~100m²/g) e do volume de poros (~0,4cm³/g) são obtidos a partir da introdução de sílica nesses sistemas. Foram alcançados área supercial aproximadamente 6 vezes maior e tamanho de cristalito ~4 vezes superior à do material similar nanocristalino preparado por gel-combustão. Esses valores também são iguais aos reportados para os melhores materiais porosos a base de zircônia-céria, preparados por outros métodos, encontrados na literatura. / In this work synthesis of ZrO2-x%CeO2 were developed, based on the formation of ordered mesoporous silica SBA-15, using the triblock co-polymer Pluronic P-123 as template, different precursors of zirconium and cerium and dierent methods. The tested synthesis methods were with: hydrated chloride precursors (with x=50, 70 and 90), anhydrous chloride precursors (x=50 and 90), nitrate precursors (x=90), supersaturated nitrate solution (x=90), hybrid type with Zr, Ce and Si (with 10%mol of Si and x=90), Si palisade (with 10 and 30%mol of Si, and x=90) and Si palisade with synthesis temperature of 40°C (with 30%mol of Si and x=90). Aiming to obtain crystalline single phase walls and large supercial area, for future applications in catalysis. The composites polymer/zirconium-cerium synthesized from chloride precursors formed an organized lamellar structure, which transforms into a disordered porous system after the calcination to remove the template. The template decomposition/removal up to 540°C produces phase transformations in the metallic precursors, besides morphological changes. A CeO2 content of 90% resulted in a porous material with homogeneous walls of fcc structure and better mechanical stability. The values of supercial area and pore volume depend mostly on the preparation method rather than the CeO2 concentration. Signicant increases on supercial area (~100m²/g) and pore volume (~0.4cm³/g) were obtained with the introduction of silica into the material. Supercial area ~6 times larger and crystallite size ~4 times superior to a nanocrystalline similar material, made by gel-combustion were attained. These figures are also equal to the ones reported for the best porous zirconia-ceria materials, prepared by other routes, found in the literature.
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Ceramic nanostructured catalystsGilbank, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Catalysis has an effect on almost every aspect of our lives. They are used to help grow the food we eat, clean the water we drink and produce the fuels our civilisation is so dependent upon. Homogeneous catalysts, those in the same phase as the reaction medium, are highly selective as a result of their tuneable nature, for example through changes to ligands in a metal complex. However, their separation from the reaction medium can become a problematic, costly, non-green issue, overcome through the use of heterogeneous catalysts which can be removed and recycled by simple separation techniques such as filtering and sedimentation. A major limitation on understanding the behaviour of heterogeneous catalysts is the presence of different active sites due to different exposed crystal surface, concentration of defects and morphological variations. With such considerations, the first section of this thesis focuses on the synthesis of discrete and well-defined nanostructured materials (ceria and titanate) using a single-step hydrothermal method. Nanostructured ceria with different morphologies (particles, rods and cubes), present a high oxygen storage capacity and thermal stability. Their oxidation catalytic activity was assessed using CO oxidation as a model reaction as a function of their physical and chemical properties, tuned by morphological control at the nanoscale. An inverse relationship is observed between crystallite size and rates of reaction normalised per surface area. Smaller crystallites present a constrained geometry resulting in a higher concentration of defects, highly active catalytically due to their unsatisfied coordination and high surface energy. The surface to bulk oxygen ratio generally increased as the surface area increased, however, ceria nanorods present a higher surface oxygen content than that which would be predicted according to their surface area, likely due to the selective exposure of the (110) and (100) dominating crystal surfaces presenting more facile oxygen atoms in their surface. Additionally a relationship between surface to bulk oxygen ratios and activation energies was also ascribed to the more facile nature of oxygen atoms on these surfaces and their more readily formed oxygen vacancies as a result. This activity is as a result of the formation of oxygen vacancies being the rate-controlling step. The thermal stability of nanostructured ceria (particles, rods and cubes) was also studied to investigate their performance under cyclic high temperature applications. For this, the materials were pre-treated at 1000 °C under different atmospheres (inert, oxidative and reducing). In all cases, the materials sinter, consequently resulting in a dramatic decrease in surface area. Interestingly, their catalytic activity per surface area towards CO oxidation, seems to be maintained, although those materials pre-treated under inert and oxidising atmospheres became inactive in consecutive catalytic runs. However, nanostructured ceria pre-treated at 1000 °C under hydrogen appeared to maintain its activity per surface area. The presence of hydrogen during thermal treatment does not only facilitate the removal of surface oxygen, but also the bulk oxygen, resulting in a rearrangement of the structure that facilitates its catalytic stability. Titanate nanotubes were shown to be inactive for CO oxidation and thus were used in the second part of this thesis as a support for platinum nanoparticles to study the effect of the structure and metal-support interaction on the resulting catalytic activity. The study focuses on the effect of different loading methods (ion exchange and incipient wetness impregnation) of platinum nanoparticles on the resulting metal particle size, dispersion, metal-support interaction and consequently their resulting catalytic activity. Ion exchange consistently resulted in smaller nanoparticles with a lower dispersion of sizes and more active catalyst, both in terms of turnover frequency values and activation energy, compared with incipient wetness impregnation. The catalytic activity of the platinum supported on titanate nanotubes increases as the metal particle size decreases to a size value (between 1 and 2.5 nm) below which a dramatic decrease in activity is observed. Despite initial differences in catalytic activity between the different catalysts, it was observed that after initial reactions to 400 °C, the activation energy was independent of metal loading weight and was instead inherent of the loading method, suggesting the presence of similar active sites.
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Efeitos da atmosfera de sinterização e do tamanho de partícula na sinterização da céria-gadolínia / Effects of sintering atmosphere and the particle size on sintering of gadolinia-doped ceriaBatista, Rafael Morgado 13 November 2014 (has links)
Os efeitos da atmosfera de sinterização e do tamanho inicial das partículas na sinterização da céria contendo 10% em mol de gadolínia (GdO1,5) foram sistematicamente estudados neste trabalho. Materiais de partida com três valores para a área de superfície específica foram utilizados, 210 m2/g, 36,2 m2/g e 7,4 m2/g. Diferentes cinéticas de sinterização foram verificadas. Quanto menor o tamanho inicial das partículas, menor é a temperatura para o início da sinterização e mais acelerada a densificação do material. Curvas mestres de sinterização foram construídas para cada um dos materiais analisados. Um programa computacional foi especialmente desenvolvido para este propósito. Diferenças significativas entre as energias de ativação para densificação foram verificadas. Para este trabalho foi determinado que, quanto menor o tamanho inicial de partícula, menores as energias de ativação. A evolução das distribuições de tamanhos de cristalitos foi investigada para os materiais de maior área superficial específica. Foi determinado que a eliminação e migração de poros (pore drag) é o mecanismo predominante para o crescimento de grãos durante o início da sinterização da céria gadolínia. Os efeitos da atmosfera de sinterização no desvio de estequiometria, na densificação, na evolução microestrutural e na condutividade elétrica da céria-gadolínia foram analisados. Atmosferas redutoras, oxidantes e inertes foram usadas para este propósito. Desvios na estequiometria da céria foram verificados no volume do material, sendo este dependente da área de superfície específica e da atmosfera utilizada. Quanto maior o potencial de redução da atmosfera utilizada, maior a concentração de Ce3+ no material. Com o aumento da concentração de Ce3+ um aumento no tamanho médio de grãos foi verificado. Uma diminuição na condutividade elétrica total, intra e intergranular foram determinadas para as amostras sinterizadas em atmosferas redutoras. / The effects of the sintering atmosphere and initial particle size on the sintering of ceria containing 10 mol% gadolinia (GdO1.5) were systematically investigated. The main physical parameter was the specific surface area of the initial powders. Nanometric powders with three different specific surface areas were utilized, 210 m2/g, 36,2 m2/g e 7,4 m2/g. The influence on the densification, and micro structural evolution were evaluated. The starting sintering temperature was verified to decrease with increasing on the specific surface area of raw powders. The densification was accelerated for the materials with smaller particle size. Sintering paths for crystallite growth were obtained. Master sintering curves for gadolinium-doped ceria were constructed for all initial powders. A computational program was developed for this purpose. The results for apparent activation energy showed noticeable dependence with specific surface area. In this work, the apparent activation energy for densification increased with the initial particle size of powders. The evolution of the particle size distributions on non isothermal sintering was investigated by WPPM method. It was verified that the grain growth controlling mechanism on gadoliniadoped ceria is the pore drag for initial stage and beginning of intermediate stage. The effects of the sintering atmosphere on the stoichiometry deviation of ceria, densification, microstructure evolution, and electrical conductivity were analyzed. Inert, oxidizing, and reducing atmospheres were utilized on this work. Deviations on ceria stoichiometry were verified on the bulk materials. The deviation verified was dependent of the specific surface area and sintering atmosphere. Higher reduction potential atmospheres increase Ce3+ bulk concentration after sintering. Accelerated grain growth and lower electrical conductivities were verified when reduction reactions are significantly present on sintering.
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Obtenção e Caracterização de Eletrólitos Sólidos de Céria-Gadolínia / Preparation and Characterization of Ceria-Gadolinia Solid ElectrolytesRenata Ayres Rocha 07 December 2001 (has links)
Soluções sólidas de CeO2:Gd2O3 foram obtidas a partir de três técnicas de síntese que se utilizam de matrizes poliméricas: técnica dos precursores poliméricos ou citratos, técnica do citrato amorfo e técnica do PVA. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é a obtenção de pós reativos e cerâmicas sinterizadas densas. Para a caracterização dos materiais, foram analisadas as resinas precursoras, o pó calcinado a duas temperaturas e os compactos sinterizados. Os principais resultados mostram que: as soluções sólidas podem ser obtidas a temperaturas relativamente baixas; os pós apresentam tamanho nanométrico de partículas; a densificação é dependente da técnica de síntese e do teor de dopante. A técnica do PVA deve ser utilizada com cuidado, principalmente quando há possibilidade de ocorrer auto-ignição durante a decomposição térmica da resina precursora. Utilizando-se a técnica dos precursores poliméricos, o teor de carbono residual foi mais elevado do que nas outras duas técnicas, como esperado. A técnica do citrato amorfo foi a que permitiu obter cerâmicas mais densas. A resistividade elétrica da cerâmica sinterizada é função do teor de dopante, do teor de pureza e da porosidade, como sugerido na literatura. / CeO2:Gd2O3 solid solutions have been prepared by the following techniques based on polymeric matrices: the citrate, the amorphous citrate and the PVA techniques. The main purpose was to obtain reactive powders for preparing highly dense sintered ceramic pieces. The precursor resin, calcined powders and sintered compacts were studied by several techniques for complete characterization. The main results show that solid solutions may be obtained at relatively low temperatures and that powder particles are in the nanosize range, whatever is the technique used for the synthesis of the solid solution. However, the densification of sintered compacts is found to be dependent on dopant content and synthesis technique. The PVA technique should be used with caution, mainly due to combustion that may occur during precursor decomposition. The residual carbon content was found to be higher for powder prepared by the citrate technique. Specimens with high densification were obtained following the amorphous citrate technique. Electrical resistivity results are in agreement with previous results that suggest a dependence of the porosity of the sintered compacts on the dopant content and also on the material chosen for precursor.
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Crescimento de grãos e condutividade elétrica da céria-samária usando o método de sinterização em duas etapas / Grain growth and electrical conductivity of samaria-doped ceria sintered by the two-step sintering methodShirley Leite dos Reis 15 July 2010 (has links)
A solução sólida céria-samária é uma das principais candidatas para aplicação como eletrólito sólido em células a combustível de óxido sólido, devido sua alta condutividade iônica em temperaturas intermediárias (500-750 ºC) de operação. Um dos problemas ainda não solucionados com relação a este material é sua relativamente baixa sinterabilidade. Nesse trabalho foi utilizado o método de sinterização em duas etapas visando melhorar a densificação com reduzido tamanho médio de grãos. Soluções sólidas comercial e obtida por mistura de óxidos de composição Ce0,8Sm0,2O1,9 foram utilizadas. Para fins comparativos também foi utilizado o método denominado sinterização em duas etapas tradicional que visa a obtenção de amostras densas independentemente do tamanho médio de grãos. Resultados de densidade aparente e retração linear revelaram que ambos os tipos de amostras têm comportamento distinto. Para a solução sólida comercial, a retração total até 1400 ºC foi de ~18%. Só foram obtidos resultados de densidade significativos ao utilizar temperaturas elevadas (igual ou superior a 1300 ºC). Para o material obtido por mistura de óxidos não foi possível atingir densidades maiores que 90% da densidade teórica. A sinterização em duas etapas tradicional produziu amostras densas, da mesma forma, que a não-tradicional, mas com tamanhos de grãos consideravelmente maiores. Amostras sinterizadas por ambos os processos foram analisadas por espectroscopia de impedância para a determinação da condutividade elétrica em função da temperatura, e não apresentaram variação significativa nas condutividades intra e intergranular. A sinterização em duas etapas não resultou em melhorias na densificação e nem na condutividade elétrica das amostras. Entretanto, a redução obtida no tamanho médio de grãos pode melhorar as propriedades mecânicas. / Samaria-doped ceria solid solution has been proposed to be used as solid electrolyte in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells due to its high ionic conductivity at intermediate temperatures (500-750 ºC). One of the main problems related to this solid solution is the relatively low sinterability. In this work, sintering of powder compacts was carried out by the two-step sintering method to improve the densification with simultaneous reduction of the mean grain size. Samaria-doped ceria, both commercial and prepared by solid state reactions, with composition Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 were investigated. For comparison purposes, the traditional two-step sintering method, by which dense specimens are produced, was also utilized. Apparent density and linear shrinkage results showed distinct features depending on the type of specimen. Total linear shrinkage for commercial solid solution up to ~ 1400 ºC was 18%, but high density values were obtained only for sintering experiments conducted at high temperatures ( 1300 ºC). Specimens prepared by solid state reactions did not attain density values higher than 90% of the theoretical one. The traditional method produced dense specimens as well as the two-step sintering, although the grain size was considerably higher in the former. Specimens sintered by the two methods were used for electrical conductivity measurements. No significant variation in both the grain and the grain boundary conductivities was obtained. The two-step sintering did not allow any improvement in the densification and in the electrical conductivity of samaria-doped ceria. However, the decrease in the mean grain size may contribute to improve the mechanical properties of this solid solution.
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Preparation, Characterisation and Cell Testing of Gadolinium Doped Cerium Electrolyte Thin Films for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell ApplicationsNguyen, Ty, ty.nguyen@csiro.au January 2008 (has links)
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) are devices that directly convert chemical energy into electrical energy, without proceeding through a Carnot combustion cycle. These devices are based on the usage of solid oxide electrolytes operating at relatively elevated temperatures. Two major hurdles must be overcome in order to decrease the operating temperatures of practical SOFCs. The first relates to reducing ohmic losses within solid electrolytes. The second relates to the need for developing high performance electrodes since electrolyte reaction rates at both anode and cathode are affected detrimentally as operating temperatures fall. This PhD project has focussed on addressing the first hurdle in two innovative ways: 1. the implementation of solid electrolytes with higher ionic conductivity than zirconia, 2. the development of very thin film electrolytes as thick as 5Ým. Several thin films with novel electrode-electrolyte structures were fabricated and evaluated in order to demonstrate the viability of low temperature SOFC operations. Development of such thin films was innovative and challenging to achieve. The approach taken in this work involved fabricating a dense and thin gadolinia doped ceria (10GDC - Gd 10wt%, Ce 90wt%) oxide electrolyte. 10GDC is an electrolyte exhibiting higher conductivities than conventional materials during low temperature operations. A research contribution of this PhD was the demonstration of the deposition of 10GDC thin films using RF magnetron sputtering for the first time. 10GDC thin film electrolytes with thickness in a range between 0.1 to 5Ým were fabricated on 10 yttrium stabilised zirconium (10YSZ) substrates by using a RF magnetron sputterer. The primary parameters controlling 10GDC thin film deposition using this method were explored in order to identify optimal conditions. The fabricated films were subsequently analysed for their morphology, composition and stoichiometry using a variety of methods, including Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDS), optical microscopy, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), and X-ray Diffraction (XRD). A preliminary test was conducted in order to examine the function of 10GDC thin film electrolytes together with the cathode and anode substrates at intermediate temperatures (700oC). A complete planar single cell was designed and assembled for this purpose. However, when fully assembled and tested, the cell failed to generate any voltage or current. Consequently, the remainder of the PhD work was focused on systematically exploring the factors contributing to the assembled fuel cell failure. As fabrication failure analysis is seldom reported in the scientific literature, this analysis represents a significant scientific contribution. This analysis proceeded in a series of steps that involved several different methods, including SEM, red dye analysis, surface morphology and cross section analysis of the cell. It was found that pinholes and cracks were present during the fuel cell operating test. Cathode delamination was also found to have occurred during the test operation. This was determined to be due to thermal expansion mismatch between the cathode substrate and the 10GDC electrolyte thin film. A series of suggestions for future research are presented in the conclusion of this work.
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Nanotemplated High-Temperature Materials for Catalytic CombustionElm Svensson, Erik January 2008 (has links)
Catalytic combustion is a promising technology for heat and power applications, especially gas turbines. By using catalytic combustion ultra low emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOX), carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbons (UHC) can be reached simultaneously, which is very difficult with conventional combustion technologies. Besides achieving low emission levels, catalytic combustion can stabilize the combustion and thereby be used to obtain stable combustion with low heating-value gases. This thesis is focused on the high-temperature part of the catalytic combustor. The level of performance demanded on this part has proven hard to achieve. In order to make the catalytic combustor an alternative to the conventional flame combustor, more stable catalysts with higher activity have to be developed. The objective of this work was to develop catalysts with higher activity and stability, suitable for the high-temperature part of a catalytic combustor fueled by natural gas. Two template-based preparation methods were developed for this purpose. One method was based on soft templates (microemulsion) and the other on hard templates (carbon). Supports known for their stability, magnesia and hexaaluminate, were prepared using the developed methods. Catalytically active materials, perovskite (LaMnO3) and ceria (CeO2), were added to the supports in order to obtain catalysts with high activities and stabilities. The supports were impregnated with active materials by using a conventional technique as well as by using the microemulsion technique. It was shown that the microemulsion method can be used to prepare catalysts with higher activity compared to the conventional methods. Furthermore, by using a microemulsion to apply active materials onto the support a significantly higher activity was obtained than when using the conventional impregnation technique. Since the catalysts will operate in the catalytic combustor for extended periods of time under harsh conditions, an aging study was performed on selected catalysts prepared by the microemulsion technique. The stability of the catalysts was assessed by measuring the activity before and after aging at 1000 C in humid air for 100 h. One of the most stable catalysts reported in the literature, LMHA (manganese-substituted lanthanum hexaaluminate), was included in the study for comparative purposes. The results showed that LMHA deactivated much more strongly compared to several of the catalysts consisting of ceria supported on lanthanum hexaaluminate prepared by the developed microemulsion method. Carbon templating was shown be a very good technique for the preparation of high-surface-area hexaaluminates with excellent sintering resistance. It was found that the pore size distribution of the carbon used as template was a crucial parameter in the preparation of hexaaluminates. When a carbon with small pores was used as template, the formation of the hexaaluminate crystals was strongly inhibited. This resulted in a material with poor sintering resistance. On the other hand, if a carbon with larger pores was used as template, it was possible to prepare materials with hexaaluminate as the major phase. These materials were, after accelerated aging at 1400 C in humid air, shown to retain surface areas twice as high as reported for conventionally prepared materials. / QC 20100719
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