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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Lute Books of Giulio Cesare Barbetta: A Polyphonic Transcription of the Composer's Complete Works and an Analysis of the Fourteen Fantasias Volume I

Thomas, Benjamin W., 1937- 08 1900 (has links)
The great number of musical sources preserved in manuscript and printed form clearly reflects the prominent position held by the lute as a musical instrument during the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Only a relatively small portion of this vast literature is presently available to scholars and interested laymen in the form of modern transcriptions. Referred to as "l'instrument noble par excellence," the lute's popular and fashionable appeal is evidenced by the large number of composers who dedicated themselves to this instrument. Among the number of outstanding lute composers living in Italy during the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries was Giulio Cesare Barbetta (c. 1540-after 1603). During his lifetime Barbetta published a total of four books of lute pieces containing arrangements of polyphonic compositions of various Renaissance composers as well as a large number of original compositions including .preludes, airs, fantasias, and dance pieces. Although Barbetta achieved importance as a leading figure in the Italian school of lute composition, there is little readily available material, either biographical or musical; this study provides the scholar, the performer, and the listener with biographical data and a modern edition of the composer's complete works.

L'affaire Cesare Battisti : enjeux politiques et littéraires / The Cesare Battisti Case : Political and Literary Stakes

Lauri, Laura 19 January 2018 (has links)
Le nom de Cesare Battisti est certes celui d’un héros bien connu de la Grande Guerre, mais il évoque également, de façon traumatique, les méfaits que la justice italienne a imputés à cet activiste provocateur et irréductible, né en 1954 près de Latina, dans le Latium, qui fut condamné à perpétuité par contumace lors d’un procès contesté car basé sur les accusations d’un unique « repenti ». Cesare Battisti ne fut certes qu’une figure secondaire des années de plomb. En France, son « affaire » hors norme a été largement mythifiée. Battisti n’en continue pas moins à être voué aux gémonies. Il nous offre donc une étude transversale intéressante afin de passer de l’invective à une nécessaire recherche dépassionnée, aussi documentée et objective que possible sur cette période douloureuse et sur ses conséquences. Les origines de ce personnage aussi déroutant et complexe que polémique, capable de nombreuses métamorphoses et très perspicace, et son contexte, permettent de mieux comprendre une dérive vers des groupuscules violents d’extrême gauche. Un mécanisme s’enclenche alors conduisant à une « affaire » aussi complexe qu’interminable dans ses méandres judiciaires, certes en Italie, mais bien plus encore en France, où les jugements des tribunaux s’entrelacent avec un vaste campagne médiatique et même ultérieurement au Brésil, jusqu’à nos jours. L’inflexibilité du personnage en est une cause importante. Il en découle une avalanche d’articles, déclarations et ouvrages très engagés de la part d’intellectuels relayés par l’espace médiatique puis politique. Pourquoi ce battage à rebondissements alors que les autres réfugiés qui bénéficient en France de la « doctrine Mitterrand » restent majoritairement dans l’ombre ? La réponse provient alors pour l’essentiel du recours tactique, de la part de Battisti, à l’écriture, utilisée pour se présenter en tant qu’intellectuel, largement sacralisé et donc intouchable en France, mais qui permet aussi de poursuivre indirectement, entre les lignes, le même combat politique. Ses romans policiers soigneusement élaborés et nourris de ses aventures et observations d’exilé dépassent ainsi largement les limites supposées de ce genre et soulèvent des questions qui intéressent nos contemporains. L’accusé devient accusateur et souligne maintes impasses de la modernité, redessinant ainsi son image à travers la fiction, au prix d’omissions et de clivages. Les phases de l’existence de Cesare Battisti nous prodiguent, après analyse, de multiples enseignements sur les ressorts d’une période de crise et sur ce qui agite encore la nôtre. / Cesare Battisti’s name is indeed that of a famous hero of the Great War, but it also evokes, traumatically, the crimes imputed by the Italian judiciary to the provocative and inflexible activist born in 1954 near Latina, in the Latium, who was given a life sentence in absentia, after a trial which was contested as based on charges presented by a single ‘penitent’. There is no doubt that Cesare Battisti was only a minor figure during the Years of Lead. In France, his exceptional ‘case’ was widely mythicized. Nevertheless, Battisti is still vilified. He thus makes for an enlightening transverse study, allowing us to leave behind the invectives and move on to much needed, dispassionate research, as documented and objective as possible, into that painful era and its aftermath. The origins of this puzzling, complex, and contested individual, highly perceptive and capable of numerous metamorphoses, together with his background, allow us to understand better his drift towards violent, extremist left-wing groupuscules. A mechanism is then set in motion, leading to a ‘case’ which seems endless, in its judicial complexities in Italy, but even more so in France where the sentences of the courts are interwoven with a vast media compaign, and later on in Brazil, still today. The inflexibility of the protagonist is a major factor in this situation. It entails a torrent of articles, statements, and very committed monographs from intellectuals, reverberated in the media and subsequently in the political sphere. Why this intensive media coverage, with all its twists, when the other refugees benefitting in France from the ‘doctrine Mitterrand’ can remain largely anonymous? Certainly because of Battisti’s main tactics— becoming a writer, and therefore an intellectual, thus sacred and unimpeachable in France— which also allows him to keep up his political fight, indirectly, between the lines. His crime novels, which are carefully crafted, and fed by his adventures and observations as an exile, reach far beyond the supposed limits of the genre, and raise questions that can capture our contemporaries’ interest. The defendant becomes an accuser. He highlights the many dead ends of the modern age. Thus he reshapes his image, through fiction, by means of omission and division. Analyzing Cesare Battisti’s life in its successive stages teaches us a lot about the cogs and wheels of a historical crisis, and about what still troubles our society.

Solute Transport Modelling of Latrobe Valley Ash Disposal Sites

Mudd, Gavin Mark January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
The successful management of solid wastes arising from the combustion of low-rank coal for electricity generation presents significant engineering and environmental challenges. The power stations in the Latrobe Valley region of Victoria, Australia, have long recognised the need for improved long term understanding of ash disposal. This thesis presents the work undertaken in evaluating the mechanisms which lead to the transport of solutes from ash disposal and develops a methodology to quantify their potential long term impacts on groundwaters beneath a disposal site. The Loy Yang power station is used as a case study. A detailed literature review is presented on the mechanisms involved in the leaching of solutes from ash disposal. In general, the release of solutes is well understood and is related to the dissolution of more soluble minerals in the ash and advective transport through pore waters as leachate, although the exact controls for trace elements is less well documented. The proportions of particular solutes and/or trace elements is site specific. For the Latrobe Valley, however, there remains little research undertaken on the behaviour of Loy Yang ash, especially aged or leached ash excavated from a disposal pond after a period of some 6 to 12 months. The principal environmental concerns relating to the disposal of ash are the potential for groundwater contamination from salt fluxes and the transport of trace elements. Thus long term disposal requires a thorough understanding of both the solute fluxes from the ash as well as the controls on the transport of these solutes through groundwater. Predicting the behaviour of ash and the leached solutes under field conditions is difficult and common laboratory tests have been found to be inadequate. The transport of sulfate in seepage was investigated through back analysis of monitoring data, field monitoring, bacterial analysis and modelling. Sulfate was shown to be undergoing strong biogeochemical reactions which attenuate its rate of migration in shallow groundwaters at the Loy Yang power station. The application of a kinetic solute transport model was able to model the monitoring data obtained to date. The chemical quality of the ash, and its source from the power station, is a critical aspect of disposal since this primarily determines the leachability and potential fluxes. After slurrying and disposal in a saturated pond, the amount of soluble minerals is lower and therefore the ash presents a lower potential for groundwater impacts. For ash excavated from a disposal pond and placed within a low moisture environment, such as an Overburden Dump, the potential for leaching and solute transport must be considered differently to that in a saturated disposal pond. Two field trial cells were operated for about 14 months to investigate such behaviour, one artificially irrigated (Wet) and a second open to rainfall only (Dry). Both cells showed the importance of unsaturated flow mechanisms in controlling the water balance and leachate generation, due mainly to the potential of ash to retain moisture in its pores. The irrigated cell showed a marked reduction in leachate salinity as irrigation continued, although some trace elements demonstrated complex leaching patterns. To further quantify ash leaching rates, a series of laboratory leaching columns were constructed and operated, with electronic logging of soil moisture using Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR). The use of TDR, although able to detect relative changes in soil moisture, was less than successful. The leachate results from the columns were encouraging and provided additional confirmation of leaching curves for particular solutes and trace elements. The soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) was established for the ash through a Tempe Cell test. This quantified more accurately the water retention properties highlighted through the field and laboratory research. Importantly, analysis of the SWCC for the ash shows that it appears to maintain high hydraulic conductivity over typical ranges of matric suctions. The geochemical controls on solutes in the various ash leachates generated in the field and laboratory were investigated through geochemical speciation modelling and plotting. The major solutes in leachate appeared to be controlled by dissolution from more soluble minerals, such as gypsum and halite, while for other species the controls were more complex. Most trace elements appeared to be controlled by a mix of mineral dissolution, co-precipitation and adsorption mechanisms. A solute transport and leaching model was developed and applied to the various data sets obtained for this thesis. The model, describing the leaching and transport of solute in one-dimensional steady state flow, gave reasonable calibration to the different column experiments. Extension of this approach to unsaturated flow and solute transport is discussed in light of the experience from the field trials. The conversion of this model to non-dimensional form was then examined and provided a useful approach for assessing the scale effects from different sized column leaching experiments and field trials. The use of batch leaching tests, although not generally representative of field conditions, can be incorporated into this approach and used to estimate the initial concentration of a solute in leachate. The use of these models provides the methodology to quantify leaching over time and at various scales, important in the engineering design of ash disposal sites. In summary, this thesis presents a detailed qualitative study of ash leaching and solute transport mechanisms, and develops a quantitative methodology for the design and assessment of ash disposal sites.

Response Surface Modelling of Monte-Carlo Fire Data

Qu, Jianguo January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Deterministic computer fire models have progressed over recent years to the point of providing good predictions for some parameters of fire behaviour. However, input data are not always available, and many factors that affect the course of a fire are probabilistic in nature and cannot be determined from physics. One way of surmounting the problem of unavailability of the values of the input parameters is to take them as random variables. By specifying an unsafe region in the output space and calculating its probability, we can obtain a figure for the reliability of the design being tested, in terms of the probability of the unsafe region. In practice, evaluation of the probability distribution of the output space cannot in general be carried out analytically because of the complexity of the computer fire models. An alternative method is to use Monte-Carlo simulation. But it usually requires a large amount of calculation to reach sufficient accuracy, particularly if the probability of the unsafe region is small, as it should be if the design is to be reasonably reliable. Also, if the probability distribution of the input is changed, the whole Monte-Carlo simulation must be redone ab initio. An approach that has been recently advocated in the structural reliability context is that of the response surface method. It consists in representing each output parameter by a nonlinear function of the input parameters. Usually, a quadratic function of the input parameters turns out to be sufficient. Fitting of the response surface is carried out by regression. However, if the range of the input parameters is comparatively large, it is unlikely that one quadratic function will fit the whole range. It then becomes necessary to break up the full range of input parameters into smaller subranges and fit a quadratic function separately to each subrange.

The Control of Diesel Particulates in Underground Coal Mines

Davies, Brian January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The aims of the research for this thesis were fourfold, all of which focused at reducing employee exposure to diesel particulate in underground coal mines. The four aims were to: a) Develop a method to test disposable diesel exhaust filters and if possible improve their performance b) Investigate the relationship between maintenance and diesel particulate generation c) Highlight the benefits of newer design engines in emission reduction d) Review the research of the Tower Colliery Research group as their findings have been the basis for the development of control technologies for diesel particulate in NSW underground coal mines. Methods used to achieve these aims involved: a) The construction of a test rig to measure the efficiency and backpressure of new and used disposable filters b) The testing of the in service fleet at four of BHP Billiton Illawarra Coal mines using an R&P Series 5100 diesel analysis system mounted in a trailer c) Comparison of a newer design engine with three current vehicles under mining conditions d) A detailed statistical review of all available data from the Tower Colliery Research group. Key outcomes from research conducted for this thesis are: a) The filtration efficiency and backpressure of disposable diesel exhaust filters used by BHP Billiton Illawarra Coal have been improved. These improvements, together with changes to work practices, generate potential cost savings of $395,000 per annum while affording increased protection to equipment operators. b) Seven engines with unacceptable raw exhaust elemental carbon emissions were identified in a fleet of 66 tested. Some faults identified as causing these elevated emission levels were- blocked exhaust flame traps (scrubber tanks), incorrectly set tappets and worn injectors. c) Testing of a prototype 4WD fire protected vehicle powered by an "over the road" engine as against three current vehicles, highlighted reductions in atmospheric elemental carbon concentrations of 67 90%. Significant reductions in raw exhaust elemental carbon levels were also observed. d) A statistical review of data produced by the Tower Colliery Diesel Research group identified elevated exposures within mine transportation roadways. This outcome is significant as much research within the mining industry has focused on other areas in the belief that high air quantities in transportation roadways would limit exposures. This does not appear to be the case. The project has had a number of positive outcomes, all of which have assisted in the reduction of equipment operators to excessive levels of diesel particulate.

Decomposition, Ignition and Flame Spread on Furnishing Materials

Jiang, Yun January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The general aim of this research is to find an effective and applicable method of prediction of pyrolysis and ignition of certain furnishing materials in a real fire environment.

What evil looked like the practice of reading the criminal body in 19th- and 20th-century Europe /

Chaochuti, Thosaeng, January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--UCLA, 2008. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 167-183).

Realism and myth in modern narrative Verga, Lawrence, Faulkner, Pavese /

Lucente, Gregory L. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis--University of Wisconsin--Madison. / Typescript. Vita. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 472-519).

Les communautés rurales de la campagne bolonaise et l'image du paysan dans l'oeuvre de Giulio Cesare Croce (1550-1609)

Rouch, Monique. January 1984 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Université de Aix-Marseille I, 1982. / Includes bibliographical references (v. 2, p. [1207]-1334) and index.

Estudos de otimização da produção de bioinseticida bacteriano a partir do isolamento de nova linhagem de Bacillus thuringiensis

Cesare Vidaurre, Teresa Jacoba 12 July 1996 (has links)
Orientador: Gil Eduardo Serra / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-21T09:37:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CesareVidaurre_TeresaJacoba_D.pdf: 4896751 bytes, checksum: 36b2186bfac3b85207eac90811a5d618 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1996 / Resumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento e a otimização da produção de bioinseticida bacteriano a partir do isolamento e seleção de uma linhagem de Bacillus thuringiensis que apresentasse uma diferenciada e alta atividade inseticida contra larvas de mosquitos de importância na saúde pública. A partir de amostras de solo, isolou-se uma bactéria entomopatogênica, denominada SP-36. Este isolado apresentou uma atividade de 30.767 ITU/mg, contra larvas de Aedes aegypti quase duas vezes mais alta que a linhagem padrão B. thuringiensis israelensis IPS-82, e foi classificado taxonomicamente como sendo um Bacillus thuringiensis. Na sorotipagem do isolado, este foi classificado como uma cepa autoglutinante de B.t.. O perfil electroforético das proteínas que compõem os cristais do isolado (110, 68, 38 e 25 kDa) apresentou significativa diferenças com os polipeptídios produzidos pela linhagem padrão. A otimização das condições fermentativas foram planejadas através da Metodologia por Superfícies de Resposta (MSR) com um delineamento experimental 34. Os resultados experimentais demonstraram uma resposta de 1,37 x 108 para contagem de esporos, completa lise celular e atividade de 35.000 ITU/mg, utilizando-se meio basal em condições de 30°C, 350 rpm, 5 % de inóculo e 7,2 de pH inicial. Para seleção dos componentes de meio de cultura à base de sub-produtos agro-industriais, foram utilizados fatoriais fraccionários, permitindo a seleção das fontes de carbono, nitrogênio e suplementos minerais, assim como o ajuste preliminar das concentrações dos componentes. foram selecionados os seguintes componentes: melaço, água de maceração de milho, água de levedura e fosfato de potássio. Para a otimização da concentração dos componentes selecionados utilizou.:se de delineamento central composto 54 da metodologia por superfícies de resposta, obtendo-se contagem de 1,28 x 108 esporos/ml, em 24 horas com um meio otimizado: 3,5g/l de melaço, 7,O g/l de água de maceração de milho, 16g/l de água de levedura e 6,O g/l de fosfato de potássio. Foram realizados testes de escalamento, com 30 e 50 % de oxigênio dissolvido, obtendo-se velocidades específicas de crescimento de 0,25 e.0,51 h-1, e contagem de esporos de 1,76 e 1,96 x 109 esp/ml respectivamente, em 24 e 18 horas / Abstract: The purpose of this work was to develop and improve the production of bacterial bioinsecticide from a microbiological screening and selection of a Bacillus thuringiensis strain which presents a high and differentiated insecticide activity against mosquitoes larvae of public heath importance. The entomopathogenic bacteria B.t. strain SP-36, has been isolated from soil samples, according to serotyping it as an auto-agglutinated B.t. strain. This isolate presented an activity of 30.767 ITU/mg against Aedes aegypti larvae, almost twice as high as the B. thuringiensis israelensis IPS-82 standard strain. The electrophoretic pattern of the proteins, which constitute the isolate crystals (110, 68, 38 and 25 kDa), has presented significant differences as to the polypeptides produced by the standard strain. The improvement of the fermentative conditions has been planned through the Response Surfaces Methodology (MSR) with an experimental design 34. The experimental results have shown a response of 1,37 x 108 for the spore count, complete cellular lysis and an activity of 35.000 ITU/mg, using a basal medium at 30°C, 350 rpm, 5% inoculum and initial pH 7,2. In order to select the culture medium based on agroindustrial by-products, fractional fatorials have been used, so that the sources of carbon, nitrogen and mineral suplements could be selected, as well as the preliminary setting of the components concentration. The following components have been selected: sugarcane molasses, com-steep liquor, yeast liquor and potassium phosphate. In order to improve the selected components concentration a central composite design 54 of the response surfaces methodology was used, obtaining a count, of 1,28 x 108 spores/ml, in 24 hours, in an optimized medium: 3,5g/l of molasses, 7,0g/l of com-steep liquor, 16g/l of yeast liquor and 6,0g/l of potassium phosphate. Scale-up tests have been performed, with 30 and 50% dissolved oxygen, obtaining specific growth rate of 0,25 and 0,51 h-1 and spores count of 1,76 and 1,96 x 109 spores/ml, in 24 hours, respectively / Doutorado / Doutor em Tecnologia de Alimentos

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