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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A ideia de ordem: symmetria e decor nos tratados de Filarete, Francesco di Giorgio e Cesare Cesariano / The idea of order: symmetria and decor in Filarete, Francesco di Giorgio and Cesare Cesariano\'s treatises

Ana Paula Giardini Pedro 28 March 2011 (has links)
Frente aos preceitos ditados por Vitrúvio em seu De Architectura, arquitetos tratadistas do Quatrocentos e do Quinhentos, absortos em requalificar a arquitetura e a cidade, divisam symmetria e decor como premissas excelsas a corporificar na ars aedificatoria a perfeita ordem e beleza da natureza. A perquirição de suas acepções, não obstante os obstáculos postos à exegese dos tratados, desvela novos juízos sobre os sentidos de ordem então exalçados. Instituídas, desde a fonte antiga, pelas analogias com o homo ad circulum e ad quadratum, os tratados de Antonio Averlino, detto il Filarete, Francesco di Giorgio Martini e Cesare Cesariano consolidam e multiplicam as possibilidades de associações macro e microcósmicas com a ordo divina. Congêneres ao decor, tais symmetriai e razões do homem bene figuratus precisam expedientes inescusáveis de adequação e variedade, inerentes à vera práxis arquitetônica. / Before the precepts stated by Vitruvius in his De Architectura, architects from the 15th and 16th centuries, absorbed in requalifying the architecture and the city, perceive symmetria and decor as excelling premises that embodied the perfect order and beauty of nature in the ars aedificatoria. The search of their significances, despite the obstacles placed by the treatises exegesis, discloses new judgments about the senses of order extoled at that age. Antonio Averlino, detto il Filarete, Francesco di Giorgio Martini and Cesare Cesariano\'s treatises consolidate and multiply the possibilities of macro and microcosmic associations with the divine ordo, already settled in the ancient source through the analogy with the homo ad circulum and ad quadratum. Congeneric to decor, such symmetriai and the reasons of the homo bene figuratus determine required expedients for adequacy and variety inherent in the veracious architectural praxis.

Raúl Zurita y el mundo italiano. La creación de una poética a través de Dante, Miguel Ángel y los creadores de la modernidad

Munizza, Elisa 05 November 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación estudia la influencia que tiene el mundo italiano en la producción lírica del poeta chileno Raúl Zurita. Debido a la ingente cantidad de material bibliográfico y a los numerosos núcleos temáticos, la presente tesis se divide en tres partes. En la primera se presenta un panorama general de los acontecimientos vitales del poeta chileno que han influenciado su literatura. Con el fin de crear un marco metodológico que nos sirva como contexto lingüístico y literario, nos dedicamos a examinar de manera específica las facetas de la lingüística y de la teoría de la literatura aplicadas a la obra zuritiana, proponiendo una aproximación diferente a la que expone la crítica actual. Seguidamente, se proponen unos tópicos literarios comunes entre la poesía zuritiana y los elementos del mundo italiano, para averiguar cuál es su grado de participación en la poética del autor. En la segunda parte de la tesis nos dedicamos a estudiar la presencia de Dante Alighieri en la poesía del autor chileno. Se presenta además una nueva propuesta de lectura para interpretar el rol de Raúl Zurita dentro de su obra, tomando en consideración los estudios previos de los exégetas dantescos. Para concluir, proponemos un análisis de los primeros, inéditos, VII cantos de la Divina Commedia traducidos por Raúl Zurita, que el lector puede encontrar en un apéndice al final del epígrafe. La tercera y última parte de la tesis está dedicada a otros artistas italianos que han tenido un papel fundamental en la lírica y la reflexión zuritiana. En primer lugar, nos centramos en Miguel Ángel para examinar cómo el autor chileno desarrolla un nuevo lenguaje poético gracias a las obras del artista aretino. Seguidamente pasamos a analizar la influencia de Giacomo Leopardi, Pier Paolo Pasolini y finalmente Cesare Pavese. El propósito último de este trabajo es demostrar, en primer lugar, quiénes son los personajes italianos que forman parte de la lírica zuritiana. Una vez sentada esta base, queremos dar al lector las herramientas para probar que Dante, Miguel Ángel, y los creadores de la modernidad no se pueden explicar ni delimitar con la definición “cita”, sino que forman parte activa de la creación de una poética del compromiso. Al final de la tesis, se hallarán dos apéndices: la entrevista que Raúl Zurita nos concedió en marzo 2017 y un corpus inédito de 50 poemas traducidos del español al italiano.

Paul Strand and Cesare Zavattini's 'Un paese' (1955) : the art, synergy and politics of a photobook

Shannon, Elizabeth J. January 2012 (has links)
"Paul Strand and Cesare Zavattini's 'Un paese' (1955): the art, synergy and politics of a photobook" is a study of the genesis, production and reception of the photobook 'Un paese', created in a collaboration between the American photographer Paul Strand and the Italian neorealist screenwriter Cesare Zavattini. Set in Luzzara, a small town in northern Italy, Strand portrayed the community in a series of images of the landscape, the townsfolk and still lives. The thesis reconstructs the reasoning behind Strand's decision to abandon documentary filmmaking for the creation of photobooks. Strand and the critic Elizabeth McCausland are shown to have specifically conceptualised the photobook as a hybrid form capable of communicating a multifaceted political message through a narrative synthesis of text and image, utilising strategies drawn from documentary film, the photomural and mass media publications. It is shown how Strand and his collaborators combined image and text placed within a deliberately spare graphic design and layout, to emphasise the solidity and importance of the subject matter, and to privilege the communicatory capacity of the photograph. In addition, this thesis reorients the study of Strand from concentration on his early individual fine prints to the collaboratively created political artworks of his later career. It is argued that Strand's production of photobooks is directly related to his status as a Marxist American expatriate who left the United States to avoid blacklisting at the end of the 1940s. By carefully choosing the sites where he worked, utilising realist photographic strategies developed earlier in his career, and collaborating with sympathetic writers, Strand's photobooks present the idealised image of communitarian, primarily agrarian life. 'Un paese' is shown in this thesis to typify Strand's working method; to visually and materially embody his creative and political beliefs; and to exemplify the intermedial collaboration required by the photobook.

Lettere di ser Lapo Mazzei a Francesco Datini (1390 - 1399) / Ser Lapo Mazzei's letters to Francesco Datini (1390-1399)

CAMESASCA, GLORIA 15 April 2013 (has links)
Ser Lapo Mazzei (1350-1412) fu uno dei notai più legati al mercante pratese Francesco Datini (1335ca-1410). La loro corrispondenza, già pubblicata da Cesare Guasti nel 1880, è una fonte importante, perché restituisce uno spaccato significativo della vita e delle relazioni personali di un mercante e di un notaio vissuti in Toscana alla fine del Trecento. Il presente lavoro è un'edizione più rispondente alle odierne metodologie ecdotiche delle lettere di Mazzei comprese nell'arco cronologico che va dal 1390 al 1399, accompagnate da un opportuno commento. Nei capitoli introduttivi vengono approfonditi i seguenti argomenti: le biografie di Mazzei e Datini e l'analisi grafica, linguistica, stilistica, della struttura e dei principali temi trattati nelle epistole. La ricerca è corredata inoltre dagli indici dei nomi di persona, di luogo, delle cose notevoli e delle fonti d'archivio. / The notary Lapo Mazzei (1350-1412) was a friend and a correspondent of the merchant of Prato Francesco Datini (1335 about-1410). Mazzei's letters written to Datini, published by Cesare Guasti in 1880, are an important source because they return a significant cross-section of life and personal relations of a merchant and a notary lived in Tuscany at the end of the fourteenth century. This work is the critical edition of Mazzei's letters (1390-1399) equipped with a commentary. The introductory chapters face these subjects: Mazzei and Datini's biographies, letters' topics and structure and their graphic, linguistic and stylistic analysis. At the end of the work there are the indexes of personal names, place names, remarkable things and archival sources.

Imaginative appropriation : confronting otherness through the female body in the works of Cesare Pavese and Italo Calvino

Abell, Lynn Valerie 26 July 2011 (has links)
This report examines the ways in which Cesare Pavese and Italo Calvino use images of the foreign woman as other. Specifically, both authors inscribe foreign territories onto the bodies of their female characters in order to confront complex cultural differences. Italy is the site of this gendered inscription in Pavese’s Il carcere, while various real and imagined foreign lands are made female in Calvino’s Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore and Le città invisibili. In Pavese’s novella, the satyr-like Concia and the overly maternal Elena are embodiments of Southern and Northern Italy, respectively, and the failure of the protagonist to form a relationship with either woman represents his failure to assimilate into the mezzogiorno and his simultaneous rejection of northern society. In Calvino’s two works, female characters and attributes are consciously used to embody various foreign countries so that the protagonists may grasp the unknown, both physically and psychologically. By linking woman and terrain, Pavese and Calvino attempt to dominate distant lands, which are otherwise enigmatic and incomprehensible, in the typical Orientalist fashion. / text

GIULIO CESARE, "SPECCHIO" DELLA CRISI? SULLA FORTUNA DEL JULIUS CAESAR DI SHAKESPEARE NEL TEATRO ITALIANO DAL 1949 A OGGI / Caesar "mirror" of the crisis? A History of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in Italian Contemporary Theatre

COLOMBO, PIA VITTORIA 23 March 2015 (has links)
Rispetto agli altri studi sulla ricezione dell’opera drammatica di Shakespeare, questa tesi sulla fortuna del Julius Caesar nel teatro italiano dal 1949 al 2012 si spende innanzitutto per promuovere una rivalutazione, in senso positivo, dell’apporto degli adattamenti drammaturgici alla conoscenza del Bardo inglese in Italia. Avvalendosi di documentazione a stampa e archivistica coeva, nonché di interviste agli artisti del nostro teatro contemporaneo, lo studio ha verificato come nel realizzare le proprie messinscene del Julius Cesar i registi e gli attori che nel passato recente vi si sono cimentati abbiano perseguito tanto la ricostruzione filologica del dettato shakespeariano originale, quanto la propria ricerca stilistica personale, spesso e volentieri avvalendosi della collaborazione con eminenti esperti, al fine di presentare al pubblico allestimenti sempre esteticamente e filologicamente rigorosi, oltre che pertinenti e significativi. Pertanto, interrogandosi in generale sulle sfide e i compromessi insiti nella prassi ermeneutica, in definitiva questa ricerca sull’interpretazione del Julius Caesar nella scena italiana contemporanea tenta altresì di “demistificare” entrambe le mitologie shakespeariana e cesarea al fine di auspicare nuove pratiche di indagine drammaturgica e registica che permettano al nostro teatro di superare la crisi che attualmente attraversa. Ricostruendo i caratteri dei quindici allestimenti contemplati dal nostro studio, infatti, si è cercato di trarre dalla storia del nostro teatro e dei nostri studi shakespeariani degli utili spunti che possano infondere nuova linfa vitale alla dialettica tra la ricerca accademica e quella teatrale. / This dissertation on the reception of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar in Italian theatre from 1949 to 2012 calls for a positive consideration of theatrical adaptation practices, which only recently have been appropriately valued in Italian critical discourse on Shakespeare’s staging desiderata. Based on thorough archival research and interviews with contemporary theatre directors and actors, it also questions how much, and with what results, Italian theatre and academia have cooperated in the last seventy years so as to offer to the Italian audience "compromise stagings" of the Bard’s Roman tragedy that pursue both philology and innovation in theatrical work. While focusing on the history of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar hermeneutic practice, this research may also be read as an investigation into the myths surrounding both the historical figure of Julius Caesar and that of Shakespeare. This is achieved through an historical reconstruction of different critical approaches to textual analysis in the study of both subjects, which indirectly yet daringly tackles the question of why Italian theatre practitioners prefer Shakespeare’s plays to new dramaturgy in Italian. Through the study of a set of 15 Julius Caesar Italian productions, I thus aim to assess the “liveliness” of Italian theatre and present solution to its current “crisis” by learning from the past and suggesting new ways for active cooperation between theatre and academia.

Arthur Saint-Leon’s The Little Humpbacked Horse in Context

Manela, Aaron Daniel 06 1900 (has links)
x, 91 p. : ill., music / In this study I examine representations of antisemitism, fantasy, and cultural imperialism in the 1864 ballet The Little Humpbacked Horse, composed by Cesare Pugni and choreographed by Arthur Saint-Leon. As the creative team adapted the story from verse to ballet, they literally morphed the titular character into new fantastical forms. They also added Jewish, Muslim, and other oriental characters and ended the ballet with a parade of the Russian nations. Drawing on the works of Richard S. Wortman, Julie Kalman, and Roger Bartra, I place these transformations in the context of a larger Russian ambivalence around the shift from a rural and woodland economy to an urban one, the inclusion of Eastern provinces in the rapidly expanding nation, and the emancipation – and inclusion of – internal minorities. I then explain how the music, choreography, and focus of the ballet change as the relevance of these mid-nineteenth century concerns fades. / Committee in charge: Loren Kajikawa, Co-Chairperson; Marian Smith, Co-Chairperson; Anne Dhu McLucas, Member

Kláštery v ohroženíSpory o rušení českých a moravských klášterů v předbělohorském období / Monasteries in Danger. Disputes about Liquidation of Czech and Moravian Monasteries of the "Old Orders" in the Period before the Battle of White Mountain

Chládek, Oldřich January 2016 (has links)
Liquidation of monasteries in the era of Reformations is a phenomenon which has been studied only to a certain level. There were very many cases of abolished or liquidated monasteries. The author concentrates only on two cases (Augustinian canonries in Kłodzko and Olomouc) where efforts to liquidate a monastery were met with resistance from the community or monastic structures. It is a multilayered topic, requiring a thorough analysis. Due to the fact that these disputes were interfered by a number of influential personalities (supreme provincial officials, nuncios, bishops, superiors of monastic orders etc.), it represents an ideal material to study the relationships within the high society in the era before the Battle of White Mountain. Besides the high politics we can also focus on other aspects - such as legal arguments of the conflicting parties or linguistic, art historical or theological layer. After research not only in Czech, but also in foreign archives (e.g. Rome, Kraków, Kłodzko, Wrocław, Vienna), the author refills or corrects older conclusions (Jan Tenora, Aloys Bach etc.). He also tries to verify the theory that within the Catholic Church those monasteries were abolished which were - in the economic and also spiritual layer - in a state of deep crisis.

La disciplina dell’esule: la letteratura comparata in America tra esilio e utopia e il caso studio Paolo Milano

Angeletti, Valerio 11 July 2022 (has links)
Lo studio ha riflettuto su alcune costanti della letteratura comparata che accomunano tale disciplina all’esilio, quando chi lo vive è in grado di contrastare i molti traumi che esso può comportare.L’emigrazione intellettuale avvenuta nel corso degli anni Trenta e Quaranta è l’evento storico a cui lo studio ha fatto riferimento. Costringendo molti intellettuali ad abbandonare i propri posti di lavoro e le proprie case, questa emigrazione ha contribuito a una notevole mobilitazione culturale soprattutto dall’Europa verso gli Stati Uniti d’America, dove ha cominciato a svilupparsi una nuova comparatistica sovranazionale e reazionaria. L’espressione “disciplina dell’esule” suggerisce un provocatorio inquadramento del modo di vedere e affrontare il testo come il mondo: crisi, apertura verso il nuovo e inclusività sono solo alcune parole chiave che, contraddistinguendo tanto la letteratura comparata quanto l’esilio, permettono di chiarire senso e prospettive di entrambe. Si è anche affermato che un tale atteggiamento ha come presupposto due processi culturali che sono caratterizzati da una spiccata dinamicità e disponibilità al cambiamento: la denazionalizzazione della scienza e l’ibridazione del sapere. Senza di essi non avrebbe potuto formalizzarsi una comparatistica “disciplina dell’esule”, da questo punto di vista intesa come un’utopica reazione a un percorso storico tendente sempre più al nazionalismo e all’esclusione. Lo studio ha infine individuato molte di queste idee e di questi valori nell’opera “americana” di Paolo Milano, intellettuale italiano esule negli Stati Uniti che lì si costruì una carriera come professore di letteratura comparata.

Travesti i operans byxor : En studie om travestiroller och kastratroller i opera nu och då

Åsberg, Karolina January 2023 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar byxroller i operor av Händel och i kontemporär opera. Byxroller kan delas in i travestiroller, som ursprungligen komponerades för en kvinnlig sångare, och kastratroller som ursprungligen komponerades för manliga kastratsångare. Syftet var att genomföra jämförelser mellan travesti- och kastratroller i operor av Händel och även jämförelser mellan dessa och en byxroll i en kontemporär opera. Därtill kommer en undersökning kring en genusmedveten gestaltning av dessa byxroller. Forskning kring travesti- och kastratroller tas upp i samband med forskning kring genus. Intervjuer har genomförts med Ann Hallenberg, operasångare och Tove Dahlberg, operasångare och doktorand inom opera och genus. Studierna låg till grund för operaföreställningen Travesti i operans byxor, med scener ur Händels Giulio Cesare in Egitto och Radamisto samt Miklós Maros kontemporära opera Kastrater, som undersökte frågorna i uppsatsen. Sammanfattningsvis hittades både likheter och skillnader mellan undersökta byxroller samt verktyg för en genusmedveten gestaltning.

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