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<em>Supply Chain Maturity and Financial Performance</em> : <em>Study of Swedish SMEs</em>Abolghasemi Kordestani, Arash, Farhat, Farshad January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Purpose - </strong>The goal of this research is to demonstrate that financial performance of current year is dependent to the amount of maturity of the supply chain processes. This aim is achieved through considering current supply chain process maturities of the firm together with financial performance of prior years. <strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Research question - </strong>How supply chain process maturities in relation to financial performance of prior years are related to current financial performance <strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Methodology - </strong>The deductive approach has been followed to use theories and literatures to build the hypothetical model in order to test it empirically.<strong></strong></p><p>This quantitative research is benefited from the primary data of Swedish steel SMEs including the secondary data from financial ratios from Scandinavian financial database</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Findings - </strong>The effect between supply chain process maturity and current year financial performance, the effect between prior year financial performance and current year financial performance, and also total effect of prior year financial performance and supply chain process maturity on current year financial performance proved empirically. <strong></strong></p>
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Supply Chain Maturity and Financial Performance : Study of Swedish SMEsAbolghasemi Kordestani, Arash, Farhat, Farshad January 2009 (has links)
Purpose - The goal of this research is to demonstrate that financial performance of current year is dependent to the amount of maturity of the supply chain processes. This aim is achieved through considering current supply chain process maturities of the firm together with financial performance of prior years. Research question - How supply chain process maturities in relation to financial performance of prior years are related to current financial performance Methodology - The deductive approach has been followed to use theories and literatures to build the hypothetical model in order to test it empirically. This quantitative research is benefited from the primary data of Swedish steel SMEs including the secondary data from financial ratios from Scandinavian financial database Findings - The effect between supply chain process maturity and current year financial performance, the effect between prior year financial performance and current year financial performance, and also total effect of prior year financial performance and supply chain process maturity on current year financial performance proved empirically.
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Humanitární logistika / Humanitarian logisticsNováková, Oldřiška January 2012 (has links)
The Thesis is focused on non-traditional application of logistics on humanitarian aid, because it is inseperable part of the foreign policy of each country. The theoretical part is devoted to basic definitions of both sectors. The practical part of thesis presents schemes of supply chains of czech humanitarian aid. The aim is to characterize the process of supply chain in the sphere of humanitarian aid in the Czech republic and out of its territory with two case studies (the flood in Novojičínsko and disaster in Japan). Then the author can compare processes of giving humanitarian aid in the Czech republic and out of it, also the author can suggest recommendation fot better future and underline weaknesses, which this logistics system has.
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Challenges in Supply Chain due to the Pandemic: A study on shoe industry of Bangladesh.Farheen, Rubaiya, Nayeem, Zahid Al January 2021 (has links)
Aim This study has investigated the supply chain of shoe industry in Bangladesh those who does business internationally. The study concentrates on the supply chain of our selected industries and what are the difficulties they have faced during the time of pandemic. We have also discussed about the difficulties faced in general times but those has been mentioned to gain a better understanding and diversity of the difficulties faced during the time of pandemic. Method The study has been done by using qualitative approach and Inductive method. Four shoe manufacturing organization were selected and among them twelve staff members has been interrogated in order to generate the primary data. The secondary data has been collected from the published literatures and the considered theories are based on the concept of supply chain process. Result and Conclusion The study has been formulated on a platform where supply chain is influenced by supply chain process and the difficulties that we have discussed in regards to the process affects the whole supply chain and these difficulties has been classified into three areas for the purpose of our study. Our investigation regarding the supply chain difficulties in time of pandemic, also projects similar scenario and those difficulties has been also classified according to the three areas. As result of fact the pandemic affected the intensity of the difficulties but it does not arise any kind of new area of difficulties. Though we did not find any diversity in terms of the categorised areas but it has increased the severity of the difficulties among the factors. The most effected factors have been indicated by the end of the study and projected with the help of a framework. Contribution There have been many studies in regards to the supply chain and its challenges. There were also studies were environmental uncertainties were discussed and few recent studies also contributed towards the present situation of (COVID-19). Adding to those studies we have examined the situation further on challenges of supply chain process in shoe manufacturing industries of Bangladesh as this is a very rare area of investigation. In addition to these researchers, other studies discussed challenges in different forms. We have try to synchronize these scattered challenges into particular and precise areas, according to their category of activities. Previously the challenges were discussed with a general view and we have tried to discuss by relating them to the pandemic situation which can add more diversity to the previous researches done on the same situation. The study also contributes to the literature of supply chain in regards to the pandemic situation that the whole world is going through. It investigates the challenges faced due to the pandemic situation and these can contribute to develop managerial aspects of risk management in such diverse situation in future. Future research suggestions This study mainly focuses on the effects of (COVID-19) on the supply chain process and how this pandemic situation all around the world has effected the shoe manufacturers of Bangladesh in terms of maintaining their operations in supply chain process. Similar kind of further research can be conducted in relation to other industries or even service industries. From managerial aspect new studies can be formulated in order to develop strategies that could manage this kind of pandemic situations more efficiently.
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Analýza a návrh workflow vybraných procesů podniku / Analysis and Proposal of Selected Business Processes WorkflowNovotný, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
The master’s thesis is concerning the field of process management and workflow in company 2Tom s.r.o. Theoretical part of the thesis presents actual trends of management and methods of increasing process effectiveness, the thesis analyses actual state of the company and presents proposals for implementation and usage of workflow oriented on the key processes of the company.
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Assessment of carbon sequestration and timber production of Scots pine across Scotland using the process-based model 3-PGNXenakis, Georgios January 2007 (has links)
Forests are a valuable resource for humans providing a range of products and services such as construction timber, paper and fuel wood, recreation, as well as living quarters for indigenous populations and habitats for many animal and bird species. Most recent international political agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol emphasise the role of forests as a major sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide mitigation. However, forest areas are rapidly decreasing world wide. Thus, it is vital that efficient strategies and tools are developed to encourage sustainable ecosystem management. These tools must be based on known ecological principles (such as tree physiological and soil nutrient cycle processes), capable of supplying fast and accurate temporal and spatial predictions of the effects of management on both timber production and carbon sequestration. This thesis had two main objectives. The first was to investigate the environmental factors affecting growth and carbon sequestration of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) across Scotland, by developing a knowledge base through a statistical analysis of old and novel field datasets. Furthermore, the process-based ecosystem model 3-PGN was developed, by coupling the existing models 3-PG and ICBM. 3-PGN calibrated using a Bayesian approach based on Monte Carlo Markov Chain simulations and it was validated for plantation stands. Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses provided an understanding of the internal feedbacks of the model. Further simulations gave a detailed eco-physiological interpretation of the environmental factors affecting Scots pine growth and it provided an assessment of carbon sequestration under the scenario of sustainable, normal production and its effects from the environment. Finally, the study investigated the spatial and temporal patterns of timber production and carbon sequestration by using the spatial version of the model and applying advanced spatial analyses techniques. The second objective was to help close the gap between environmental research and forest management, by setting a strategic framework for a process-based tool for sustainable ecosystem management. The thesis demonstrated the procedures for a site classification scheme based on modelling results and a yield table validation procedure, which can provide a way forward in supporting policies for forest management and ensuring their continued existence in the face of the present and future challenges.
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Résumé des Travaux en Statistique et Applications des StatistiquesClémençon, Stéphan 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Ce rapport présente brièvement l'essentiel de mon activité de recherche depuis ma thèse de doctorat [53], laquelle visait principalement à étendre l'utilisation des progrès récents de l'Analyse Harmonique Algorithmique pour l'estimation non paramétrique adaptative dans le cadre d'observations i.i.d. (tels que l'analyse par ondelettes) à l'estimation statistique pour des données markoviennes. Ainsi qu'il est éxpliqué dans [123], des résultats relatifs aux propriétés de concentration de la mesure (i.e. des inégalités de probabilité et de moments sur certaines classes fonctionnelles, adaptées à l'approximation non linéaire) sont indispensables pour exploiter ces outils d'analyse dans un cadre probabiliste et obtenir des procédures d'estimation statistique dont les vitesses de convergence surpassent celles de méthodes antérieures. Dans [53] (voir également [54], [55] et [56]), une méthode d'analyse fondée sur le renouvellement, la méthode dite 'régénérative' (voir [185]), consistant à diviser les trajectoires d'une chaîne de Markov Harris récurrente en segments asymptotiquement i.i.d., a été largement utilisée pour établir les résultats probabilistes requis, le comportement à long terme des processus markoviens étant régi par des processus de renouvellement (définissant de façon aléatoire les segments de la trajectoire). Une fois l'estimateur construit, il importe alors de pouvoir quantifier l'incertitude inhérente à l'estimation fournie (mesurée par des quantiles spécifiques, la variance ou certaines fonctionnelles appropriées de la distribution de la statistique considérée). A cet égard et au delà de l'extrême simplicité de sa mise en oeuvre (puisqu'il s'agit simplement d'eectuer des tirages i.i.d. dans l'échantillon de départ et recalculer la statistique sur le nouvel échantillon, l'échantillon bootstrap), le bootstrap possède des avantages théoriques majeurs sur l'approximation asymptotique gaussienne (la distribution bootstrap approche automatiquement la structure du second ordre dans le développement d'Edegworth de la distribution de la statistique). Il m'est apparu naturel de considérer le problème de l'extension de la procédure traditionnelle de bootstrap aux données markoviennes. Au travers des travaux réalisés en collaboration avec Patrice Bertail, la méthode régénérative s'est avérée non seulement être un outil d'analyse puissant pour établir des théorèmes limites ou des inégalités, mais aussi pouvoir fournir des méthodes pratiques pour l'estimation statistique: la généralisation du bootstrap proposée consiste à ré-échantillonner un nombre aléatoire de segments de données régénératifs (ou d'approximations de ces derniers) de manière à imiter la structure de renouvellement sous-jacente aux données. Cette approche s'est révélée également pertinente pour de nombreux autres problèmes statistiques. Ainsi la première partie du rapport vise essentiellement à présenter le principe des méthodes statistiques fondées sur le renouvellement pour des chaînes de Markov Harris. La seconde partie du rapport est consacrée à la construction et à l'étude de méthodes statistiques pour apprendre à ordonner des objets, et non plus seulement à les classer (i.e. leur aecter un label), dans un cadre supervisé. Ce problème difficile est d'une importance cruciale dans de nombreux domaines d' application, allant de l'élaboration d'indicateurs pour le diagnostic médical à la recherche d'information (moteurs de recherche) et pose d'ambitieuses questions théoriques et algorithmiques, lesquelles ne sont pas encore résolues de manière satisfaisante. Une approche envisageable consiste à se ramener à la classification de paires d'observations, ainsi que le suggère un critère largement utilisé dans les applications mentionnées ci-dessus (le critère AUC) pour évaluer la pertinence d'un ordre. Dans un travail mené en collaboration avec Gabor Lugosi et Nicolas Vayatis, plusieurs résultats ont été obtenus dans cette direction, requérant l'étude de U-processus: l'aspect novateur du problème résidant dans le fait que l'estimateur naturel du risque a ici la forme d'une U-statistique. Toutefois, dans de nombreuses applications telles que la recherche d'information, seul l'ordre relatif aux objets les plus pertinents importe véritablement et la recherche de critères correspondant à de tels problèmes (dits d'ordre localisé) et d'algorithmes permettant de construire des règles pour obtenir des 'rangements' optimaux à l'égard de ces derniers constitue un enjeu crucial dans ce domaine. Plusieurs développements en ce sens ont été réalisés dans une série de travaux (se poursuivant encore actuellement) en collaboration avec Nicolas Vayatis. Enfin, la troisième partie du rapport reflète mon intérêt pour les applications des concepts probabilistes et des méthodes statistiques. Du fait de ma formation initiale, j'ai été naturellement conduit à considérer tout d'abord des applications en finance. Et bien que les approches historiques ne suscitent généralement pas d'engouement dans ce domaine, j'ai pu me convaincre progressivement du rôle important que pouvaient jouer les méthodes statistiques non paramétriques pour analyser les données massives (de très grande dimension et de caractère 'haute fréquence') disponibles en finance afin de détecter des structures cachées et en tirer partie pour l'évaluation du risque de marché ou la gestion de portefeuille par exemple. Ce point de vue est illustré par la brève présentation des travaux menés en ce sens en collaboration avec Skander Slim dans cette troisième partie. Ces dernières années, j'ai eu l'opportunité de pouvoir rencontrer des mathématiciens appliqués et des scientifiques travaillant dans d'autres domaines, pouvant également bénéficier des avancées de la modélisation probabiliste et des méthodes statistiques. J'ai pu ainsi aborder des applications relatives à la toxicologie, plus précisément au problème de l'évaluation des risque de contamination par voie alimentaire, lors de mon année de délégation auprès de l'Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique au sein de l'unité Metarisk, unité pluridisciplinaire entièrement consacrée à l'analyse du risque alimentaire. J'ai pu par exemple utiliser mes compétences dans le domaine de la modélisation maarkovienne afin de proposer un modèle stochastique décrivant l'évolution temporelle de la quantité de contaminant présente dans l'organisme (de manère à prendre en compte à la fois le phénomène d'accumulation du aux ingestions successives et la pharmacocinétique propre au contaminant régissant le processus d'élimination) et des méthodes d'inférence statistique adéquates lors de travaux en collaboration avec Patrice Bertail et Jessica Tressou. Cette direction de recherche se poursuit actuellement et l'on peut espérer qu'elle permette à terme de fonder des recommandations dans le domaine de la santé publique. Par ailleurs, j'ai la chance de pouvoir travailler actuellement avec Hector de Arazoza, Bertran Auvert, Patrice Bertail, Rachid Lounes et Viet-Chi Tran sur la modélisation stochastique de l'épidémie du virus VIH à partir des données épidémiologiques recensées sur la population de Cuba, lesquelles constituent l'une des bases de données les mieux renseignées sur l'évolution d'une épidémie de ce type. Et bien que ce projet vise essentiellement à obtenir un modèle numérique (permettant d'effectuer des prévisions quant à l'incidence de l'épidémie à court terme, de manière à pouvoir planifier la fabrication de la quantité d'anti-rétroviraux nécéssaire par exemple), il nous a conduit à aborder des questions théoriques ambitieuses, allant de l'existence d'une mesure quasi-stationnaire décrivant l'évolution à long terme de l'épidémie aux problèmes relatifs au caractère incomplet des données épidémiologiques disponibles. Il m'est malheureusement impossible d'évoquer ces questions ici sans risquer de les dénaturer, la présentation des problèmes mathématiques rencontrés dans ce projet mériterait à elle seule un rapport entier.
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Fast algorithms for material specific process chain design and analysis in metal forming - final report DFG Priority Programme SPP 1204Kawalla, Rudolf January 2016 (has links)
The book summarises the results of the DFG-funded coordinated priority programme \"Fast Algorithms for Material Specific Process Chain Design and Analysis in Metal Forming\". In the first part it includes articles which provide a general introduction and overview on the field of process modeling in metal forming. The second part collates the reports from all projects included in the priority programme.
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Performance Modelling and Analysis of Handover and Call Admission Control Algorithm for Next Generation Wireless NetworksSha, Sha January 2011 (has links)
The next generation wireless system (NGWS) has been conceived as a ubiquitous wireless environment. It integrates existing heterogeneous access networks, as well as future networks, and will offer high speed data, real-time applications (e.g. Voice over IP, videoconference ) and real-time multimedia (e.g. real-time audio and video) support with a certain Quality of Service (QoS) level to mobile users. It is required that the mobile nodes have the capability of selecting services that are offered by each provider and determining the best path through the various networks.
Efficient radio resource management (RRM) is one of the key issues required to support global roaming of the mobile users among different network architectures of the NGWS and a precise call admission control (CAC) scheme satisfies the requirements of high network utilization, cost reduction, minimum handover latency and high-level QoS of all the connections.
This thesis is going to describe an adaptive class-based CAC algorithm, which is expected to prioritize the arriving channel resource requests, based on user¿s classification and channel allocation policy. The proposed CAC algorithm couples with Fuzzy Logic (FL) and Pre-emptive Resume (PR) theories to manage and improve the performance of the integrated wireless network system. The novel algorithm is assessed using a mathematical analytic method to measure the performance by evaluating the handover dropping probability and the system utilization.
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Humanitarian Supply Chain: Improvement of Lead Time Effectiveness and Costs Efficiency : A multiple case study on the preparedness stage of humanitarian organizations with their partnersLisnati Jayadi, Ester, Sadat, Najmus, Richit, Hugo January 2020 (has links)
Title: Humanitarian Supply Chain: Improvement of lead time effectiveness and cost-efficiency. A multiple case study on the preparedness stage of humanitarian organizations with their partners. Authors: Ester Lisnati Jayadi, Hugo Richit, Najmus Sadat. Background: 315 natural disasters events were reported, causing 11,804 deaths, affecting 68 million people, and costing US$131.7 billion in economic losses worldwide. This fact emerges the importance of humanitarian organizations (HOs) to act in reducing suffering and improving peoples’ life. However, the greater donations and support to HOs still do not solve this enormous issue at all which forces HOs to pursue greater accountability by improving their effectiveness and efficiency in terms of time and cost in disaster activities, especially in preparedness activities. No single actors like HOs have sufficient resources to solve the disaster problem alone; thus, they need partners to work hand in hand to relieve the suffering. Performance measurement through integration called performance management process is the key to enabling HOs and their partners to achieve the lead time effectiveness and cost-efficiency. Purpose: The purposes of the study are to explore which performance measurements are needed between humanitarian organizations with their partners and to explore how to integrate their relationship to improve lead time effectiveness and cost-efficiency. Then, the suggestions can be made by fulfilling the purposes. Method: A multiple case study by utilizing qualitative data through semi-structured interviews. Findings and Conclusions: RQ 1. What HSC (humanitarian supply chain) performance measurements are needed in the HSC’s preparedness stage in order to achieve the lead time effectiveness and cost efficiency? The performance required measurements in HSC’s preparedness stage to achieve lead-time effectiveness, and cost-efficiency are organizational procedures, learning and evaluation, HO’s mission, feedback, budgeting, fund management, sourcing, human and resource management, IT utilization, infrastructure utilization, human resources utilization, delivery time, knowledge management, information sharing, and employee management. RQ 2. How to integrate the HSC performance management process in the HSC’s preparedness stage to improve the lead time effectiveness and cost efficiency? By implementing a proposed performance management process, aligning vision and mission, trusting each other, utilizing IT technologies, improving the language, and applying standardization in HSC. Keywords: Humanitarian Supply Chain Management. Humanitarian Supply Chain. Preparedness Stage. Natural Disasters. Humanitarian Organizations. Partners. Dyads. Multiple Case Studies. Performance Measurements. Performance Management Process. Supply Chain Process Integration
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