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noneFu, Ching-Fu 21 June 2001 (has links)
Nonaka and Takeuchi¡¦s book ¡§The Knowledge Creating Company. ¡¨ crystallized the intricacy of knowledge management and its importance in the organization¡¦s long- term success and survival. However, the lack of empirical work in this area has not advanced our understanding of this important phenomenon. Previous studies have focused on limited aspects of the overall knowledge management process. As a result, our understanding of knowledge management is limited to certain micro-level aspects, rather understanding the whole process.
This research creatively employs Knowledge Value Chain model as a knowledge management framework. How to enrich knowledge management to promote innovation and develop new product is one of the most important issue to business competition. This research will study the impact of knowledge management to the performance of new product development activities.
The ability of technological resource management and industrial technological competitive intensity are the two factors which will be consider as interfacial variables in the research design. Follow by questionnaire survey, statistic analysis is used to test several hypotheses. Finally, a knowledge management procedure will be proposed. We expect the results of this study will not only help us to understand the theoretical implication but also the implement procedure.
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Antecedents and enablers of supply chain value creation : a perspective of SMEs participation in local procurement in UgandaKiwala, Yusuf January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate how small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
involved in local procurement create supply chain value. The study investigated supply
chain value creation (SCVC) by testing three initiators of SCVC: entrepreneurial
competencies; supply chain collaboration; and supply chain trust as well as the moderation
effects of trust on SCVC. Feedback from a cross-sectional survey of 294 respondents in
the construction, furniture and fitting, food processing and agricultural sectors was utilized
to test hypothesized relationships. The study employed factor analysis and structural
equation modelling to conduct analysis. The unit of analysis was an SME and level of
analysis was the SME owner-manager. The results show that building value-driven supply
chains in Uganda’s local procurement context requires SME owner-managers to integrate
competencies, share information with customers, communicate collaboratively with
suppliers and build an optimal level of trust. Supply chain trust is highly regarded in
facilitating the exchange of resources within local communities but the owner-managers’
perspective – which differs in terms of how they view customers and suppliers – alters
how managers assess trusted customers and suppliers, and what different tactics they
may employ in building trust in customer, as opposed to supplier, relationships. The
research findings demonstrate how managers, who trust customers on the basis of
transparency and reliability, by contrast trust suppliers on the basis of operational
flexibility, fairness and market credibility. The study contributes to existing knowledge by
separating out and defining the key competencies most important in the management of
local SME supply chains: opportunity competence and commitment competence. These
are what the study has named Entrepreneurial Supply Chain Value-creating Competences
(ESCVC). In addition, the study illuminates how trust increases the value suppliers create
for the focal firm. Finally, by demonstrating that cost and goal congruence are not key
value drivers, the research provides compelling evidence for why managers
should instead focus on developing competencies, facilitating the flow of information and
building trust in order to optimally benefit from local supply chains. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / PhD / Unrestricted
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Verbraucherverhalten und Supply Chain Management: Herausforderungen für Unternehmen des Agribusiness / Consumer Behaviour and Supply Chain Management: Challenges for Agribusiness FirmsSchulze, Birgit 15 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Construção predial lean: mapeamento da cadeia de valor das estruturas metálicas / Construction land lean: mapping the value chain of metallic structuresRodrigo Rodrigues Lyra da Silva 25 September 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe uma organização para o processo de construção de um prédio comercial, encadeando a logística de abastecimento do canteiro com a montagem das estruturas metálicas. Esta foi desenvolvida a partir dos conceitos lean originários do Sistema Toyota de Produção e, posteriormente, foram aplicados em outros setores como o da construção civil. Para enfatizar problemas críticos de processo e identificar suas soluções, foi estudado um anteprojeto de obra localizada no Centro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A sincronização entre a atividade logística e o processo de montagem das estruturas seguiu a lógica lean de redução de tempos de espera, de eliminação de estoques em canteiro e de criação de frentes simultâneas de fechamento dos andares, como condição para a melhoria de produtividade da obra. Foi analisado o mapeamento da cadeia de valor do fluxo de materiais e operações compreendidos entre o depósito de estruturas e a obra, verificando o balanceamento de atividades de produção e os possíveis ganhos de produtividade. Os resultados obtidos evidenciariam potencial de ganho na medida em que fornece justificativas para a aplicação das ferramentas lean no
estudo do anteprojeto de construção, integra a obra com o abastecimento logístico das estruturas e principalmente reduz os desperdícios de espera e estoque. Conclui-se, portanto, que o sistema lean, aplicado a este estudo, reúne condições para a melhoria de produtividade do processo construtivo e por
conseguinte aumenta sua competitividade. / The aim of this work is to apply the Lean Construction plan, based on Toyota Production System, as the main strategy for the steel structure assembly in a commercial building. The Lean System target is to increase the productivity in the construction
process by considering the synchronism between the logistic activities and the steel structural erection. This synchronism can be obtained by following the Lean Logic of reducing the time delay, the elimination of inventory in the building site and the organization of simultaneous teams for the assemblage of the steel parts. The material flow and the sequence of activities are represented in a value stream map, in order to identify the time wasted during the process and trying to otimize sequence of operation. At the end, by analyzing a particular project of a building at the center of Rio de Janeiro, the critical problems involved in a steel construction were identified and some alternative solutions for these problems, based on Lean System, are proposed.
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Construção predial lean: mapeamento da cadeia de valor das estruturas metálicas / Construction land lean: mapping the value chain of metallic structuresRodrigo Rodrigues Lyra da Silva 25 September 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe uma organização para o processo de construção de um prédio comercial, encadeando a logística de abastecimento do canteiro com a montagem das estruturas metálicas. Esta foi desenvolvida a partir dos conceitos lean originários do Sistema Toyota de Produção e, posteriormente, foram aplicados em outros setores como o da construção civil. Para enfatizar problemas críticos de processo e identificar suas soluções, foi estudado um anteprojeto de obra localizada no Centro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A sincronização entre a atividade logística e o processo de montagem das estruturas seguiu a lógica lean de redução de tempos de espera, de eliminação de estoques em canteiro e de criação de frentes simultâneas de fechamento dos andares, como condição para a melhoria de produtividade da obra. Foi analisado o mapeamento da cadeia de valor do fluxo de materiais e operações compreendidos entre o depósito de estruturas e a obra, verificando o balanceamento de atividades de produção e os possíveis ganhos de produtividade. Os resultados obtidos evidenciariam potencial de ganho na medida em que fornece justificativas para a aplicação das ferramentas lean no
estudo do anteprojeto de construção, integra a obra com o abastecimento logístico das estruturas e principalmente reduz os desperdícios de espera e estoque. Conclui-se, portanto, que o sistema lean, aplicado a este estudo, reúne condições para a melhoria de produtividade do processo construtivo e por
conseguinte aumenta sua competitividade. / The aim of this work is to apply the Lean Construction plan, based on Toyota Production System, as the main strategy for the steel structure assembly in a commercial building. The Lean System target is to increase the productivity in the construction
process by considering the synchronism between the logistic activities and the steel structural erection. This synchronism can be obtained by following the Lean Logic of reducing the time delay, the elimination of inventory in the building site and the organization of simultaneous teams for the assemblage of the steel parts. The material flow and the sequence of activities are represented in a value stream map, in order to identify the time wasted during the process and trying to otimize sequence of operation. At the end, by analyzing a particular project of a building at the center of Rio de Janeiro, the critical problems involved in a steel construction were identified and some alternative solutions for these problems, based on Lean System, are proposed.
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Review of postharvest rice straw use: change in use and the need for sustainable management policies in VietnamNguyen, Trung Dung 14 May 2020 (has links)
Annually, about 40-60 million tons of postharvest straw are generated in Vietnam. Although considered as renewable resources and economic goods, straw is still burned in the field because there is no longer needed for cooking, roofing and fodder as before 1990s. The general economic development of the country and the rural area changed all the previous practices of using straw. This paper analyzes the socio-economic and technical causes of this phenomenon and summarizes the economic and environmentally friendly uses of rice straw in the future. In addition, it points out that policy failures in the management of straw currently exist and that policies for integrated straw management are needed to improve the value chain in the supply and consumption of straw products; to enhance the effectively use of this resource and minimize environmental pollution. / Hàng năm phát sinh khoảng 40-60 triệu tấn rơm sau thu hoạch ở Việt Nam. Mặc dù được coi là tài nguyên tái tạo và hàng hóa kinh tế, song rơm vẫn bị đốt bỏ ở ngoài ruộng do không còn nhu cầu nhiều cho đun nấu, lợp mái nhà và chăn nuôi như trước những năm 1990. Tình hình phát triển kinh tế chung của đất nước và khu vực nông thôn đã làm thay đổi tất cả thói quen dùng rơm rạ trước đây. Bài báo này phân tích một cảnh tổng quan những nguyên nhân kinh tế - xã hội và kỹ thuật dẫn đến hiện tượng này, tổng hợp những khả năng sử dụng kinh tế và thân thiện môi trường của rơm rạ trong tương lai. Ngoài ra chỉ ra những thất bại về chính sách trong quản lý rơm rạ hiện nay và cần có các chính sách quản lý tổng hợp rơm rạ để nâng cao chuỗi giá trị trong cung ứng và tiêu thụ các sản phẩm rơm rạ, tăng cường việc sử dụng có hiệu quả tài nguyên này và giảm thiểu ô nhiễm môi trường.
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Supply Chain Event Management – Bedarf, Systemarchitektur und Nutzen aus Perspektive fokaler Unternehmen der ModeindustrieTröger, Ralph 17 October 2014 (has links)
Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM) bezeichnet eine Teildisziplin des Supply Chain Management und ist für Unternehmen ein Ansatzpunkt, durch frühzeitige Reaktion auf kritische Ausnahmeereignisse in der Wertschöpfungskette Logistikleistung und -kosten zu optimieren.
Durch Rahmenbedingungen wie bspw. globale Logistikstrukturen, eine hohe Artikelvielfalt und volatile Geschäftsbeziehungen zählt die Modeindustrie zu den Branchen, die für kritische Störereignisse besonders anfällig ist. In diesem Sinne untersucht die vorliegende Dissertation nach einer Beleuchtung der wesentlichen Grundlagen zunächst, inwiefern es in der Modeindustrie tatsächlich einen Bedarf an SCEM-Systemen gibt.
Anknüpfend daran zeigt sie nach einer Darstellung bisheriger SCEM-Architekturkonzepte Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für eine Systemarchitektur auf, die auf den Designprinzipien der Serviceorientierung beruht. In diesem Rahmen erfolgt u. a. auch die Identifikation SCEM-relevanter Business Services. Die Vorzüge einer serviceorientierten Gestaltung werden detailliert anhand der EPCIS (EPC Information Services)-Spezifikation illustriert.
Abgerundet wird die Arbeit durch eine Betrachtung der Nutzenpotenziale von SCEM-Systemen. Nach einer Darstellung von Ansätzen, welche zur Nutzenbestimmung infrage kommen, wird der Nutzen anhand eines Praxisbeispiels aufgezeigt und fließt zusammen mit den Ergebnissen einer Literaturrecherche in eine Konsolidierung von SCEM-Nutzeffekten. Hierbei wird auch beleuchtet, welche zusätzlichen Vorteile sich für Unternehmen durch eine serviceorientierte Architekturgestaltung bieten.
In der Schlussbetrachtung werden die wesentlichen Erkenntnisse der Arbeit zusammengefasst und in einem Ausblick sowohl beleuchtet, welche Relevanz die Ergebnisse der Arbeit für die Bewältigung künftiger Herausforderungen innehaben als auch welche Anknüpfungspunkte sich für anschließende Forschungsarbeiten ergeben.
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