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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A critical analysis of the role of employee communication during the organisational change: a mixed methods approach

Dikgale, Puleg David 09 1900 (has links)
Mergers have become a common feature for South African organisations since the dawn of democracy in 1994. There are several studies completed internationally and locally on how to handle mergers in general. There is limited research however on the role played by communication in this process. In this regard, this study aims to analyse the role of communication during a merger in an information communication technology (ICT) organisation, underpinned by Nudge’s Change Theory, which asserts that employees should be involved in the merger process, thereby making it possible to take their views into consideration. Quantitative and qualitative approaches were employed in this study to gain insight on the role communication plays before, during, and after a merger. Primary data was collected from employees based at the organisation’s Head Office in Pretoria, through online questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis was used to analyse data. Results of the study show that communication with employees before, during and after merger was poor, resulting in high levels of uncertainty among employees. Furthermore, management did not provide adequate feedback to employees during the process. This caused panic among employees and a lack of confidence in the success of the merger. Based on these findings, it is recommended that top management investigates ways of enhancing channels of communication to ensure that communication with employees during mergers is not only meaningful but effective. The findings confirm recommendations made by Nudge’s Change Theory of the need to equip both management and employees during times of uncertainty. In this regard, further research to be conducted with different companies in the sector on the role employee communication plays during mergers to see if similar perceptions are maintained or changed. / Communication Science / M. A. (Communication)

Plaaslike magsopset teoretisering : 'n sintetiese bydrae as gids vir die ontleding van Suid-Afrikaanse plaaslike magsopsette

Zaaiman, Stephanus Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: 1. Aim of study The main aim of this study is to collect and evaluate the different ways of the theorizing of local power configurations and to assemble the elements thereof in a theoretical framework. A conclusion on the significance thereof for the South-African context is then drawn. To reach this aim, it was attempted to identify all the basic elements of all local power configurations and to show how the contents thereof change continuously and are determined by the powers therein. 2. The nature of local power configurations Local power configurations are those networks of dynamic relations, which occur between persons and groups and between persons and their needs, institutions and social, economical, political and natural environments, which influence people of a local political area, their actions and opinions and thus control the issues and people of that area. Local power configurations therefore consist of nine elements namely (1) changes which are continuously caused by (2) the biological characteristics and (3) interpretation of people and (4) by active powers which try to influence them. They are also further influenced by natural powers (they are (5) the natural environment, (6) people's needs and (7) natural resources) and created powers (they are (8) social patterns and products, (9) economic order and (10) political processes and structures). These basic elements of local power configurations exist under higher power configurations which consist of the same elements. The complexity of local power configurations is related to the overlapping of elements between these different power configurations. Neighbouring local power configurations can also share elements so that changes in the elements of one power configuration can have an influence on the neighbouring one. Similarly the changes in the elements of the power configurations on higher levels such as region, national and global also have important implications for the elements of local power configurations. Since active powers bring their influence to bear according to their conscious or unconscious interpretation of their situation, their exercise of power is therefore continually unique and therefore unexpected changes of the elements may occur. In order to prevent this, the national power configuration tries to structure the local power configuration in such a way that it limits its space for unique power actions. In this study the relations between these powers and how they influence each other are treated in detail. 3. South African local power configurations The local power configurations of South Africa function according to the same elements that occur at all local power configurations. The uniqueness of the South African local power configurations lies only in the contents which are given to it in South Africa. The contents of South African local power configurations are largely prescribed by the constitution and national laws. They specify the functioning of local politics in South Africa, which forms an important aspect of local power configurations. This, together with the nature of the South African cultural milieu and the nature of the natural environment and human needs, has an important impact on local power configurations. Yet local South African people and groups maintain their ability through their interpretation to act within their circumstances in original ways and bring about positive or negative changes to people's quality of life. 4. Guide material This study tries to furnish guide material to prospective researchers of South African local power configurations. Thereby academics can make a contribution so that local power configurations are directed towards change which is beneficial to the people. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 1. Doel van studie Die oorhoofse doel van hierdie studie is om die verskillende wyses van teoretisering oor plaaslike magsopsette te versamel, te beoordeel en die elemente daarvan in 'n teoretiese raamwerk saam te vat en 'n gevolgtrekking te maak oor die betekenis daarvan vir die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Om hierdie doel te bereik, is gepoog om die basiese elemente van alle plaaslike magsopsette te identifiseer en aan te toon hoedat die inhoud daarvan voortdurend verander en bepaal word deur die magte daarin. 2. Aard van plaaslike magsopsette Plaaslike magsopsette is daardie netwerk van dinamiese verhoudinge, wat voorkom tussen persone en groepe en tussen hulle en hul behoeftes, instellings en sosiale, ekonomiese, politieke en natuurlike omgewings, wat mense, van 'n plaaslike politieke gebied, se handelinge en beskouings beinvloed en so die sake en mense in daardie gebied beheer. Plaaslike magsopsette behels dus (1) verandering wat voortdurend deur (2) menslike biologiese eienskappe en (3) betekenisgewing veroorsaak word en (4) aktiewe magte wat dit probeer beinvloed. Dit word ook beinvloed deur natuurlike magte, (dit is (5) die natuurlike omgewing, (6) menslike behoeftes en (7) natuurlike hulpbronne) en geskepte magte (dit is (8) sosiale patrone en produkte, (9) ekonomiese ordening en (10) politieke prosesse en strukture). Hierdie basiese elemente van plaaslike magsopsette staan onder hoer magsopsette wat uit dieselfde elemente bestaan. Die ingewikkeldheid van magsopsette hou verband met die oorvleueling van elemente tussen hierdie verskillende magsopsette. Naburige plaaslike magsopsette kan ook elemente deel sodat die verandering in een magsopset se elemente 'n invloed op die naburige een het. So ook het die verandering in die elemente van die magsopsette op hoer vlakke soos streek, nasionaal en globaal ook belangrike implikasies vir die elemente van die plaaslike magsopset. Omdat aktiewe magte hulle invloed laat geld volgens hulle bewustelike of onbewustelike betekenisgewing van hulle situasie, veroorsaak dit dat hulle magsuitoefening voortdurend uniek kan wees en onverwagte wysigings aan die elemente tot gevolg kan he. luis om dit te verhoed poog die nasionale magsopset om die plaaslike magsopset so te struktureer dat dit beperkte ruimte vir unieke magshandelinge laat. In hierdie studie word hierdie verhoudinge tussen hierdie magte en hoe hulle mekaar kan beinvloed breedvoerig behandel. 3. Suid-Afrikaanse plaaslike magsopsette Suid-Afrika se plaaslike magsopsette funksioneer op grond van dieselfde elemente wat by aIle plaaslike magsopsette voorkom. Die uniekheid van Suid-Afrika se plaaslike magsopsette Ie aIleen in die inhoud wat in Suid-Afrika daaraan gegee word. Die inhoud van Suid-Afrikaanse plaaslike magsopsette word grootliks voorgeskryf deur die grondwet en nasionale wette. Dit spesifiseer die funksionering van die plaaslike politiek in Suid- Afrika, wat 'n belangrike aspek van plaaslike magsopsette uitmaak. Dit, tesame met die aard van die Suid-Afrikaanse kulturele milieu en die stand van die natuurlike omgewing en menslike behoeftes, het 'n belangrike impak op plaaslike magsopsette. Tog behou plaaslike Suid-Afrikaanse mense en groepe deur hulle betekenisgewing die vermoe om in hulle omstandighede op oorspronklike wyses te handel en positiewe of negatiewe veranderings aan mense se lewensgehalte aan te bring. 4. Gidsmateriaal Hierdie studie poog om gidsmateriaal te verskaf aan voornemende navorsers van Suid- Afrikaanse plaaslike magsopsette. Daardeur kan akademici 'n bydrae lewer dat plaaslike magsopsette gerig word op verandering wat vir plaaslike mense voordelig is.

Sustainable competitive advantage through organisational leadership and learning in a service environment : a resource-based view

Snyman, Pamela Beatrice 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis(MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The determination of what the concept ‘sustainable competitive advantage’ means within a service environment and the consequent establishment of key resources within Pam Golding Properties and the role that leadership and the creation of a learning organisation play, formed the core of this study. The case study was therefore undertaken to glean relevant information from reality in order to determine which resources that can be described as intangible assets and competences contribute in a sustainable manner to the organisation’s competitive advantage in a dynamic and changing business environment. Existing and historical resources including leadership and learning within the organisation were identified by means of semi-structured interviews with a range of company executives. These resources were then assessed by means of questionnaires that were distributed to a wide range of stakeholders within the organisation in terms of value for the client, sustainability and transferability. These outcomes, in turn, provided the basis for conclusions and recommendations for future utility in order to maintain competitive advantage that would ultimately lead to sustained superior performance on all fronts. The findings that were made, culminated in a visual representation of leadership and organisational learning that form the core of the organisation and simultaneously illustrating their interdependence with the other key resources, namely organisational culture, the Pam Golding Properties brand, reputation, teamwork, relationships, systems and procedures, managers and agents. These resources form the essence of the organisation. The organisational culture within Pam Golding Properties that is representative of the core values of integrity, honesty, sincerity and service delivery was found to be the overall resource that provides the organisation with sustainable competitive advantage. This was closely followed by the value of the brand and reputation, teamwork and inter-personal relationships, the utilisation of efficient systems and procedures and the recruitment and retention of competent managers and agents. Organisational leadership was found to instil confidence in the organisation. A common, shared vision that is understood and underwritten by all employees is however lacking and change needs to be managed in such a way that the organisation’s core ideology is not compromised, but an envisioned future should be communicated throughout. The brand carries out the promise of the culture and core values, but can be tarnished if the reputation for service excellence is not upheld and it can lose credibility if expectations are not met. The brand thus needs protection from within and this can only happen if the people in the organisation share in the process of and toward an envisioned future. It was established that meaningful change presupposes continual improvement in a dynamic, yet sustainable organisation. It was therefore also recommended that a concerted effort be made to actively promote and strive towards the company becoming a true learning organisation in order to sustain its culture, brand, reputation and other intangible assets and competences. In the event that these and other recommendations in terms of resources are seriously considered and strived for by company leaders, this organisation should be an example to the rest of the world regarding sustainable competitive advantage. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bepaling van wat die konsep ‘volhoubare mededingende voordeel’ beteken binne ‘n diensomgewing en die daaropvolgende vasstelling van sleutelhulpbronne binne Pam Golding Eiendomme en die rol wat leierskap en die skep van ‘n leerorganisasie speel, het die kern van hierdie studie gevorm. Die gevallestudie is dus onderneem om toepaslike inligting vanuit realiteit te werf, om sodoende vas te stel watter hulpbronne wat as ontasbare bates en bevoegdhede beskryf kan word, op ‘n volhoubare wyse tot die organisasie se mededingende voordeel bydra in ‘n dinamiese en veranderende sake-omgewing. Bestaande en historiese hulpbronne insluitend leierskap en leer binne die organisasie is geïdentifiseer by wyse van semi-gestruktueerde onderhoude wat met ‘n aantal uitvoerende lede van die maatskappy gevoer is. Hierdie hulpbronne is daarna deur middel van vraelyste wat aan ‘n breë reeks insethouers binne die organisasie versprei is, geëvalueer in terme van waarde vir die kliënt, volhoubaarheid en oordraagbaarheid. Hierdie uitkomste het weer die basis verskaf vir afleidings en voorstelle wat gemaak is ten opsigte van toekomsbruikbaarheid om mededingende voordeel te behou wat uiteindelik tot volhoubare superieure verrigting op alle fronte sal lei. Die bevindings wat gemaak is, het in ‘n visuele voorstelling van leierskap en organisasieleer gekulmineer, wat die kern van die organisasie uitmaak en tegelykertyd hul interafhanklikheid illustreer ten opsigte van die ander sleutelhulpbronne, naamlik organisasie-kultuur, die Pam Golding Eiendomme handelsnaam, reputasie, spanwerk, verhoudings, stelsels en prosedures, bestuurders an agente. Hierdie hulpbronne maak die essensie van die organisasie uit. Die organisasie-kultuur binne Pam Golding Eiendomme wat verteenwoordigend is van die kernwaardes van integriteit, eerlikheid, opregtheid en dienslewering het as die oorhoofse hulpbron uitgestaan wat die organisasie van volhoubare mededingende voordeel verseker. Dis gevolg deur die waarde van die handelsnaam en reputasie, spanwerk en inter-persoonlike verhoudings, die benutting van doeltreffende stelsels en prosedures en die werwing en retensie van bekwame bestuurders en agente. Daar is bevind dat organisasie-leierskap vertroue in die organisasie skep. ‘n Gemeenskaplike, gedeelde visie wat deur al die werknemers verstaan en onderskryf word, kom egter kort en verandering behoort op só ‘n wyse bestuur te word, dat die organisasie se kern-ideologie nie onder verdenking gebring word nie, maar ‘n gevisioneerde toekoms behoort deurgaans gekommunikeer te word. Die handelsnaam dra die belofte van die kultuur en kernwaardes uit, maar kan skade opdoen as die reputasie vir diensuitnemendheid nie onderhou word nie en dan kan geloofwaardigheid ingeboet word indien daar nie aan verwagtinge voldoen word nie. Die handelsnaam moet dus van binne uit beskerm word en dit kan slegs gebeur indien die mense in die organisasie aan die proses van ‘n gevisioneerde toekoms deelneem. Dit is bevind dat betekenisvolle verandering aaneenlopende verbetering in ‘n dinamiese, dog volhoubare organisasie veronderstel. Daar is dus ook voorgestel dat ‘n doelbewuste poging aangewend word dat die wording van ‘n ware leerorganisasie aktief gepromoveer en nagestreef behoort te word om sodoende die kultuur, handelsnaam, reputasie en ander ontasbare bates en bevoegdhede vol te kan hou. Indien hierdie en ander voorstelle ten opsigte van hulpbronne ernstig deur die maatskappy se leiers bedink en nagestreef word, behoort hierdie organisasie vir die res van die wêreld ‘n voorbeeld van volhoubare mededingende voordeel te wees.

South African social welfare indicators

Roestenburg, Willem 14 October 2015 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil. / Please refer to full text to view abstract

New ways of understanding: a governmentality analysis of basic education policy in post-apartheid South Africa

Prinsloo, Estelle Helena January 2013 (has links)
Social problems that are identified by government policy are articulated in ways that confer the responsibility of their management onto the state. In this way, policy reform serves as a means to justify political rule, as the ‘answers’ to policy failures are located within the realm of state intervention. This role of policy is maintained by the traditional definition of policy as it enables policies to be presented as the outcome of ‘necessary’ actions taken by state institutions to better the wellbeing of citizens. Since 1994, mainstream research on basic education policy in South Africa has employed traditional understandings of policy and its function. In doing so, these inquiries have failed to question the very idea of policy itself. They have also neglected to identify the productive role played by policy in the practice of power. To illuminate the necessary limits of policy reform, an alternative approach to analyse basic education policy is necessary. This thesis premises policy as discourse and advances a governmentality analysis of basic education policy during the first fifteen years of democracy (1994-2009) in South Africa. By drawing on the work of Michel Foucault, the study argues that government – ‘those actions upon the actions of others’ – during this period in South Africa was informed by both a liberal and a neo-liberal mentality of rule. The tensions between these two rationalities contributed to the continuation of apartheid’s socio-economic inequalities in the postapartheid era; an outcome buttressed by the contradictory impulses within basic education policy. By considering policy as a productive translation of governmental reasoning, the boundaries of intervention for future policy reforms are highlighted. These show that the inequalities that were perpetuated during the first fifteen years of democracy justify policy responses similar to those responsible for their production

Transformation of nursing services in selected Gauteng hospitals

Buys, Regina 05 September 2012 (has links)
M.Cur. / It is explicit that the change in the South African government since 1994 accompanied by the transformation of nursing services with its new policies and practices is inevitable, and poses challenges for the nursing service managers in Gauteng hospitals. The transformation of nursing services can be a difficult process creating a period of fear, uncertainty, stress and role ambiguity for the nursing service managers. The transformation has been so extensive that the nursing service manager's role responsibilities have changed to such an extent that they are now required to manage grossly reduced levels of resources, multicultural societies with different values, beliefs and attitudes and increased numbers of patients, resulting in overcrowded hospitals. The transformation of nursing services demands the demonstration of appropriate nursing service management. The abilities of the nursing service managers are critical to the effectiveness of the future. Most nursing service managers are unprepared for their new roles and the present concern is for the quality of the management of the transformation process. No written standards for transformation management in a nursing service are available in Gauteng public hospitals. Consequently, nursing service managers find themselves making major decisions about nursing service transformation with little information about the effectiveness of alternative approaches. The experiences and perceptions of the nursing service managers regarding transformation of nursing services in selected Gauteng hospitals are also not known. Understanding the nursing service managers' experiences and perceptions will provide a basis for the formulation of standards for transformation management in a nursing service.

A Study of Change: Exploring the Impact of a Professional Learning Community on the Implementation of a Federal Art Demonstration Grant in Three Northwestern Pennsylvania Rural Elementary Schools

Youngblood, Constance M. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

A Laminated Carbonate Record of Late Holocene Precipitation from Martin Lake, LaGrange County, Indiana

Stamps, Lucas G. 01 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Precipitation trends and their driving mechanisms are examined over a variety of spatial and temporal scales using a multi-proxy, decadally-resolved sediment record from Martin Lake that spans the last 2300 years. This unique archive from a northern Indiana kettle lake documents significant climate variability during the last 2 millennia and shows that the Midwest has experienced a wide range of precipitation regimes in the late Holocene. Three independent proxies (i.e., oxygen and carbon isotopes of authigenic carbonate and %lithics) record variations in synoptic, in-lake and watershed processes related to hydroclimate forcing, respectively. Together, these proxies reveal enhanced summer conditions, with a long period of water column stratification and enhanced summer rainfall from 450 to 1200 CE, a period of time that includes the so-called Medieval Climate Anomaly (950-1300 CE). During the Little Ice Age, from 1260 to 1800 CE, the three proxy records all indicate drought, with decreased summer rainfall and storm events along with decreased lake stratification. The Martin Lake multi-proxy record tracks other Midwest climate records that record water table levels and is out-of-phase with hydroclimate records of warm season precipitation from the High Plains and western United States. This reveals a potential warm season precipitation dipole between the Midwest and western United States that accounts for the spatial pattern of late Holocene drought variability (i.e., when the Midwest is dry, the High Plains and the western United States are wet, and vice versa). The spatiotemporal patterns of late Holocene North American droughts are consistent with hydroclimate anomalies associated with mean state changes in the Pacific North American teleconnection (PNA). Close associations between late Holocene North American hydroclimate and records of Northern Hemisphere temperatures and the Pacific Ocean-atmosphere system suggests a mechanistic linkage between these components of the global climate system that is in line with observational data and climate models. Based on our results, predominantly –PNA conditions and enhanced Midwestern summer precipitation events are likely to result from continued warming of the climate system. In the western United States, current drought conditions could represent the new mean hydroclimate state.

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