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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efekti primene kinezioloških tretmana na motoričke, morfološke i intelektualne dimenzije predškolske dece / Effects of fhe Application of KinesiologyTreatment on Motoric, Morphological andIntellectual Dimension in Preschool Children

Jakšić Damjan 05 October 2016 (has links)
<p>Na uzorku od 485 dece uzrasta od 5 do 7 godina, podeljenih u dve grupe &ndash; eksperimentalnu (259 - 53,4%) i kontrolnu (226 &ndash; 46,6%) sprovedena su morfolo&scaron;ka merenja, te motorička i intelektualna testiranja. Eksperimentalnu grupu sačinjavali su polaznici Sportske &scaron;kolice &bdquo;Luka&rdquo; iz Novog Sada, dok su deca iz Pred&scaron;kolske ustanove &bdquo;Radosno detinjstvo&rdquo;, organizacione jedinice vrtić &bdquo;Petar Pan&rdquo; činila kontrolnu grupu. Prosečni uzrast eksperimentalne grupe na dan inicijalnih merenja, odnosno testiranja iznosio je 5,4&plusmn;0,8 decimalnih godina, dok je prosečan uzrast kontrolne grupe bio 5,6&plusmn;0,6 decimalnih godina.<br />Cilj rada bio je da se ustanove i analiziraju efekti longitudinalne primene različitih modela vežbanja kineziolo&scaron;kih aktivnosti na podizanju nivoa razvoja i pobolj&scaron;anje kognitivnog, posebno intelektualnog, kao i motoričkog i morfolo&scaron;kog razvoja pred&scaron;kolske dece. Stoga je na eksperimentalnoj grupi primenjen kineziolo&scaron;ki program u trajanju od devet meseci, a sve u svrhu pobolj&scaron;anja navedenih karakteristika i sposobnosti. Program je sproveden u &scaron;kolskoj 2013/14. godini, ali i nastavljen na deci koja su i dalje pohađala sportsku &scaron;kolicu i tokom naredne 2014/15. &scaron;kolske godine. Detaljna koncepcija programa data je u samom radu.<br />Baterija za ispitivanje i praćenje promena prouzrokovanih eksperimentalnim tretmanom sastojala se od osam antropometrijskih mera, osam motoričkih testova i dva testa za procenu inteligencije, s tim &scaron;to drugi primenjeni test za procenu inteligencije predstavlja ustvari bateriju testova koja je imala za cilj da proceni vi&scaron;e segmenata intelektualnih sposobnosti i to: planiranje, simultanu pažnju i sukcesiju.<br />Temeljem dobijenih rezultata sprovedene empirijsko-istraživačke studije, dobijene su i detaljno obrazložene sve pojave koje su ishod programiranog i pod stručnim nadzorom sprovedenog eksperimentalnog kineziolo&scaron;kog tretmana. U svetlu toga, moguće je bilo zaključiti da je do&scaron;lo do pobolj&scaron;anja nekih morfolo&scaron;kih karakteristika, te pojedinih motoričkih i intelektualnih sposobnosti dece iz eksperimentalne grupe u odnosu na kontrolnu. Do izvesnih promena do&scaron;lo je i u kvalitativnom, a ne samo kvantitativnom smislu, a predložen je i model varijabli koji bi verovatno u budućnosti mogao ukazati na jo&scaron; bolje rezultate.<br />Osim toga, buduća istraživanja u smislu pouzdanijih rezultata trebala bi biti sprovođena uz primenu preciznijih mernih instrumenata, koji bi, pretpostavlja se, dali za generalizaciju rezultata adekvatnije informacije.</p> / <p>Based on the sample of 485 children of 5 to 7 years of age, divided into two groups &ndash; experimental (259 &ndash; 53.4%) and control group (226 &ndash; 46.6%), morphological measurements, motoric and intellectual testing were done. The experimental group was consisted of the pupils of the Sport School &ldquo;Luka&rdquo; from Novi Sad, while the control group was consisted of the children from the Preschool institution &ldquo;Radosno detinjstvo&rdquo;, and the organisational unit of the nursery &ldquo;Peter Pan&rdquo;. The average age of the experimental group on the day of initial measuring, or testing, was 5.4&plusmn;0.8 decimal years, while the average age of the control group was 5.6&plusmn;0.6 decimal years.<br />The purpose of this paper was to define and analyse the effects of longitudinal application of various models of exercises of kinesiology activity on raising the level of development and improvement of cognitive, in particular of intellectual and motoric and morphological development of preschool children. Therefore, a kinesiology programme was applied to the experimental group for the period of nine months, all in order to improve the stated characteristics and abilities. The programme was implemented in the school year 2013/2014, but it was continued for the children who still attended the sport school in the next school year 2014/2015. The detailed idea of the programme is provided in the paper.<br />Battery for testing and monitoring the changes caused by experimental treatment was consisted of eight anthropometric measurements, eight motoric tests and two tests for intelligence assessment, while the second applied test for assessment of intelligence is actually the battery of tests which aim was to assess several segments of intellectual abilities, including the following: planning, simultaneous attention and succession.<br />Based on the obtained results of the conducted empirical research study, all changes which are the outcome of the programmed and conducted experimental kinesiology treatment under expert surveillance, have been explained in details. In that respect, it is possible to conclude that certain morphological characteristics have improved, and that certain motoric and intellectual abilities of children from the experimental group have also improved in comparison with the control group. Certain changes occurred also in the qualitative, not only in the quantitative aspect, and a model of variables was also proposed, which is likely to indicate even better results in the future.<br />In addition to that, the future research, when it comes to more reliable results, should be conducted with the application of measuring instruments, which would, as assumed, provide more adequate information for the generalization of results.</p>

Příčiny změn vývoje vybraných fluviálních jezer Lužnice v profilu Základna / Causation of develpment change of selected fluvial lakes of Lužnice River in profile Základna

Jaček, Matouš January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate developement of selected lakes in area Základna in upper Lužnice basin. The area of interest is located in nature reservation Horní Lužnice, which extends from state border with Austria to Suchdol nad Lužnicí. This part of the river is very preserved almost without any anthropogenic influence. Eventhough it is the middle part of the river, it has developed floodplain with meandering belt, which is typical for lower parts of rivers. Because of its conditions, this area is very convenient for observing natural spills and studying fluvial lakes, which occure here in huge amount. First part of this work describes characteristic of the study area, fluvial lakes and natural spills and floods in the area. The main second part focuses on research of selected lakes and their developement. During several field researches the lakes were mapped and measured and soil samples were taken from the lake beds. Furthermore flow in floodplain during river spill was measured and data from automatic surface level sensors were evaluated, which show mutual connections of fluctuations of the lakes and the river. In conclusion the results of measurement were compared with previous theses regarding this area. Main results are that common spills cause clogging of lakes but intense floods...

A psycho-educational curriculum for sport career transition practitioners : development and evaluation

Hong, Hee Jung January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to extend sport career transition knowledge by developing and evaluating a psycho-educational curriculum for sport career transition practitioners. Study 1 provides an extensive overview of organisational intervention programmes for sport career transition, as well as of training and development programmes for sport career transition practitioners from 19 countries worldwide. The purpose of Study 1 was to examine the following five features of sport career transition organisational intervention programmes and training and development programmes for sport career transition practitioners: 1) At the government level, which organisation is responsible for the delivery of sport career transition organisational intervention programmes? 2) What is the typical strategy of sport career transition organisational intervention programmes? 3) Which activities and events are included in sport career transition organisational intervention programmes? 4) Who is responsible for the delivery of sport career transition organisational intervention programmes? and 5) Do sporting organisations have training and development programmes for sport career transition practitioners? Findings from Study 1 were used to inform Study 2 and to supplement the literature review. According to the literature, training and development programmes for sport career transition practitioners remain scarce, while the number of sport career transition organisational intervention programmes is gradually increasing. The purpose of Study 2 was to develop and evaluate a novel psycho-educational curriculum for sport career transition practitioners. There were three stages of development and evaluation: (1) content development, (2) curriculum design and (3) curriculum evaluation. To achieve the goal of Study 2, a focus group and a two-round Delphi method were implemented. The final version of the psycho-educational curriculum is presented in Chapter 5. The purpose of Study 3 was to test a key aspect of the psycho-educational curriculum developed in Study 2 concerning 38 competences of sport career transition practitioners. A curriculum package consisting in the key parts from the overall curriculum was developed for Study 3. The findings revealed that the curriculum package positively affected the confidence of the study participants in 38 competences concerning sport career transition. This demonstrates that the curriculum is effective for the development of sport career transition practitioners, as the study participants exhibited greater confidence on all four factorsDual Career Transition Management, Skill Transfer, Social Support, and Career Planningwhen completing the curriculum package. The discussion in Chapter 7 focuses on both the theoretical and practical implications of the research, limitations and future research directions. In conclusion, the findings presented here deepen the knowledge of sport career transition in the areas of organisational intervention programmes for high performance athletes and training and development programmes for sport career transition practitioners. In addition, a novel psycho-educational curriculum for sport career transition practitioners is developed and evaluated.

The Change and the Development of the Chinese Euphemisms : A Study Based on a Survey of the Use of Euphemisms byRespondents of Different Age Groups

Wang, Xun January 2017 (has links)
The Chinese euphemisms have aroused much interest of many researches due to its distinctive function and diversity. The choice and use of Chinese euphemisms are affected by many factors such as the Chinese traditional culture, social customs, people’s self-cultivation, the situation context and linguistic context of a conversation, etc. Hence, the progress of society, the development of technology and the renewing of the concept make up the dynamic characteristic of the Chinese euphemisms. However, most studies focus mainly on the vocabulary people use and their expressing habits and patterns, there are few studies focus on how Chinese euphemisms develop along with the times. Studies that shed light on how modern people use broad euphemisms and narrow euphemisms are even less. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to collect linguistic materials and design a questionnaire to make a survey on the current situation of using euphemisms by respondents of different age groups. The result of this survey shows that modern people are not only becoming less and less indirect in terms of the scope of using euphemisms, but also less and less tactful in terms of the vocabulary that they use. This phenomenon can be observed when people talk about topics such as death, disease, appearance, unemployment, marriage and privacy. Modern people tend to be relatively low decoratively worded. In other words, people are to some extent becoming less indirect and less tactful. This paper verifies the adaptability as well as the updating and upgrading of Chinese euphemisms. It also discusses the linguistic diversity of modern people in terms of using broad and narrow euphemisms under different contexts. This paper will not only help us to understand how Chinese language adapts to the change with the times, but also digs deeper into the great role that social culture plays in language development. / 汉语委婉语的功能鲜明、灵活多变,引起了很多研究的兴趣。汉语委婉语的选择和使用 受到中国的传统文化、社会风俗,人自身的修养内涵、情景和语境等多方面因素的影响,并伴 随着社会的发展、科技的进步、观念的转变而处于一个动态的变化过程。然而,目前的研究对 委婉语的词汇、表达方式及表达规律探讨的比较多,但是对汉语委婉语基于时代变化的研究则 较少,特别是对于在现代社会的日常交谈中,人们具体如何使用狭义和广义委婉语,以及探讨 他们在委婉语使用方面出现了哪些变化的研究则更少了。 因此,本论文旨在搜集语言素材并设计问卷,对不同年龄段的人委婉语的使用现状做一 个问卷调查。调查数据的结果表明,在现代社会的日常交谈中,不同年龄段的人使用汉语委婉 语的范围不仅缩小了,并且委婉程度也有一定的降低。具体体现为在死、病、相貌、 失业、 婚姻、隐私等话题下,人们现在倾向于使用修饰性较低,或者说委婉程度较低的委婉语。 本论文验证了委婉语的顺应性和更新替代性,并具体阐述了在现代社会的日常交谈中, 不同年龄段的人在不同语境下对广义和狭义委婉语选择的多样性。因此,本论文不仅有助于理 解汉语随时代变迁发展变化的趋势,也有助于更深入的理解社会文化在语言发展中发挥的巨大 作用。

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