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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paysages de fromages : sensibilités au paysage, pratiques des agriculteurs et ancrage territorial des AOC fromagères de moyennes montagnes d'Auvergne et de Franche-Comté. / Landscapes of cheeses : The farmers’ perception of landscape, agricultural practices and the relations between the area of production and the PDO cheeses in the mountains of the French regions Auvergne and Franche-Comté

Menadier, Lydie 17 January 2012 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est de comprendre le rôle du paysage dans l’analyse de l’ancrage territorial des produits d’AOC en s’appuyant sur l’exemple des AOC fromagères de moyennes montagnes d’Auvergne et de Franche-Comté. La recherche a été menée à partir d’une approche multiscalaire, du territoire d’AOC jusqu’à l’exploitation agricole, lieu de production des objets paysagers mis en image et valorisés dans les supports de communication des filières.Une première hypothèse a été émise, selon laquelle les liens entre produits et paysages sont une fausse évidence. Pour la vérifier, nous avons analysé, à l’échelle des territoires retenus pour l’étude, les modèles paysagers véhiculés dans les documents promotionnels et les règles des cahiers des charges ayant un impact direct ou indirect sur le paysage. Cette première entrée nous a finalement conduit à relever la présence de liens de nature différente entre les régions d’Auvergne et de Franche-Comté.Les analyses menées à l’échelle de l’exploitation agricole se fondent sur une notion de paysage à l’interface des dimensions matérielles (objets) et idéelles (images), et des pratiques agricoles individuelles et collectives. Elles s’appuient en outre sur l’hypothèse de l’existence d’une sensibilité au paysage des agriculteurs qui conditionne les pratiques mises en œuvre dans les exploitations, et, par conséquent, l’absence ou la présence d’objets paysagers emblématiques des produits. Pour que cette sensibilité s’exprime, nous avons élaboré une méthode d’entretien particulière, fondée sur le principe de déconstruction - reconstruction des paysages attachés à des lieux. Au final, la compréhension de ce point de vue paysager et des déterminants des pratiques des agriculteurs nous a conduit à identifier des postures d’agriculteurs relatives à leur métier et à la place de l’animal dans le système. Ces dernières expliquent la force ou la faiblesse des liens entre les images promues et la réalité des systèmes de production. / The objective of this PhD thesis is to analyse the role of the landscape to understand the links between cheeses with a protected designation of origin (PDO) and their area of production. This research was conducted employing a comparative approach between seven typical cheeses from mountainous areas of medium altitude in central and eastern France. We developed a multi-scale analysis,reaching from territory down to farm scale. The farm is the place where the landscape elements which are promoted to the consumers are shaped.The first hypothesis was that seemingly evident relations between landscapes and products are in fact delusive. To verify this, we analysed landscape models presented in promotional documents as well as rules in the product specifications which could have an impact on landscapes, e.g. as a consequence of applied agricultural practices. Results representative on a territorial scale show existing links but the respective underlying mechanism differs between the regions of study.Analysis at farm scale are based on a diversified conception of landscape which takes into account both concrete and symbolic dimensions. At this scale we hypothesised that farmers have a rich perception of the landscapes that influences their practices and, consequently, the presence or absence of emblematic landscape elements on their farm. To analyse these perceptions, we created a specific method of interviews which helped farmers to talk about the landscapes of their farm and about the landscape of the PDO. This method allowed us to show that several farming styles exist, which explain the different strength of links between the cheeses and their area of production.

Примена маркетинг концепта у функцији унапређења производње и пласмана сира у Републици Србији / Primena marketing koncepta u funkciji unapređenja proizvodnje i plasmana sira u Republici Srbiji / Applying Marketing Concepts to Improve Cheese Production and Placing on the Market in the Republic of Serbia

Mugoša Izabela 19 January 2018 (has links)
<p>ИЗ<br />Производња и пласман сира заузимају једно од кључних места у стратегији развоја и раста агроиндустрије многих, економски најразвијенијих, земаља. Као финални производ сточарске производње, сир, као готов производ, резултат је ангажовања већег броја различитих привредних субјеката у ланцу стварања и испоруке вредности, због чега може бити значајан генератор прихода за&nbsp; све учеснике и фактор економског развоја Републике Србије.&nbsp; Основни циљ истраживања је да се на бази информација добијених обрадом података из&nbsp; примарних и секундарних извора, креира&nbsp; предлог функционалног маркетинг концепта, као услова за унапређење производње и пласмана сира из понуде произвођача Републике Србије, на домаћем и иностраним тржиштима. Резултати истраживања треба да укажу на факторе који су од значаја за повећање домаће производње, перспективе и могуће извозне дестинације, као и повећање извоза.</p><p><br /><br />Резултати истраживања указују на то да, у светским размерама, Република Србија није конкурент у сегменту индустријских сирева. Оно што, пре свега удружени, произвођачи сира Републике Србије могу да понуде све захтевнијим потрошачима на домаћем и међународном тржишту, јесу првенствено аутохтони сиреви који носе ознаку географског порекла, варијетети традиционалних, органских, као и сиреви са додатом вредношћу који могу да задовоље специфичне захтеве идентификоване тржишне тражње, како у погледу квалитета и осталих маркетинг обележја, тако и у погледу безбедности хране. Основни услов за креирање профитно оријентисаних пољопривредних газдинстава која се баве производњом сира, јесте континуирана аграрна политика којом се креирају услови извесности за привредне субјекте. Удруживање, успостављање акредитованих програма континуиране едукације из области маркетинга и производње сира, као и државни подстицаји у виду наменски опредељених финансијских средстава, представљају неке од примарних фактора развоја и јачања конкурентске позиције произвођача сира.<br /><br />Датум</p> / <p>IZ<br />Proizvodnja i plasman sira zauzimaju jedno od ključnih mesta u strategiji razvoja i rasta agroindustrije mnogih, ekonomski najrazvijenijih, zemalja. Kao finalni proizvod stočarske proizvodnje, sir, kao gotov proizvod, rezultat je angažovanja većeg broja različitih privrednih subjekata u lancu stvaranja i isporuke vrednosti, zbog čega može biti značajan generator prihoda za&nbsp; sve učesnike i faktor ekonomskog razvoja Republike Srbije.&nbsp; Osnovni cilj istraživanja je da se na bazi informacija dobijenih obradom podataka iz&nbsp; primarnih i sekundarnih izvora, kreira&nbsp; predlog funkcionalnog marketing koncepta, kao uslova za unapređenje proizvodnje i plasmana sira iz ponude proizvođača Republike Srbije, na domaćem i inostranim tržištima. Rezultati istraživanja treba da ukažu na faktore koji su od značaja za povećanje domaće proizvodnje, perspektive i moguće izvozne destinacije, kao i povećanje izvoza.</p><p><br /><br />Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da, u svetskim razmerama, Republika Srbija nije konkurent u segmentu industrijskih sireva. Ono što, pre svega udruženi, proizvođači sira Republike Srbije mogu da ponude sve zahtevnijim potrošačima na domaćem i međunarodnom tržištu, jesu prvenstveno autohtoni sirevi koji nose oznaku geografskog porekla, varijeteti tradicionalnih, organskih, kao i sirevi sa dodatom vrednošću koji mogu da zadovolje specifične zahteve identifikovane tržišne tražnje, kako u pogledu kvaliteta i ostalih marketing obeležja, tako i u pogledu bezbednosti hrane. Osnovni uslov za kreiranje profitno orijentisanih poljoprivrednih gazdinstava koja se bave proizvodnjom sira, jeste kontinuirana agrarna politika kojom se kreiraju uslovi izvesnosti za privredne subjekte. Udruživanje, uspostavljanje akreditovanih programa kontinuirane edukacije iz oblasti marketinga i proizvodnje sira, kao i državni podsticaji u vidu namenski opredeljenih finansijskih sredstava, predstavljaju neke od primarnih faktora razvoja i jačanja konkurentske pozicije proizvođača sira.<br /><br />Datum</p> / <p>AB&nbsp;<br />Cheese production and placing on the market hold some of key positions of growth and development strategies in agricultural industry of numerous highly developed countries. As the final product of livestock production &ndash; cheese, as the finished product is a result of several different business entities participating in the creation cycle and value delivery. Hence, it could be a significant revenue generator for all participants</p><p><br /><br />and a factor in the economic development of the Republic of Serbia. Primary aim of the research is to create a functional marketing concept proposal on the basis of information obtained from data analysis received from primary and secondary sources as a condition for enhanced cheese production and placing on the market by Serbian manufacturers, both on domestic and international markets. Research results should indicate significant factors in increased domestic production, prospects and potential export destinations as well as increased export. Research results reveal that the Republic of Serbia is not a competitor in the field of industrial cheese on a global scale. Something that, above all, associated cheese manufacturers from the Republic of Serbia can offer to progressively demanding consumers on both domestic and international market are original varieties of cheese with designation of origin, varieties of traditional and organic cheese, value-added cheese which can meet the specific requirements of identified market demand. This refers to quality and other marketing features, including food safety as well. Elementary condition for creating profitoriented agricultural holdings for cheese production is the continuous agricultural policy which creates conditions of certainty for business entities. Creating associations and founding accredited programs of continuing education in the field of marketing and cheese production as well as state incentives in the form of dedicated funds represent some of primary factors in development and strengthening the competitive position among cheese manufacturers.</p>

Multiscale Modelling as an Aid to Decision Making in the Dairy Industry

Hutchinson, Craig Alan January 2006 (has links)
This work presents the first known attempt to model the dairy business from a multiscale modelling perspective. The multiscale nature of the dairy industry is examined with emphasis on those key decision making and process scales involved in production. Decision making scales identified range from the investor level to the plant operator level, and encompass business, production, plant, and operational levels. The model considers scales from the production manager to the unit operation scale. The cheese making process is used to demonstrate scale identification in the context of the important phenomena and other natural levels of scrutiny of interest to decision makers. This work was a first step in the establishment of a multiscale system model capable of delivering information for process troubleshooting, scheduling, process and business optimization, and process control decision-making for the dairy industry. Here, only material transfer throughout a process, use of raw materials, and production of manufactured product is modelled. However, an implementation pathway for adding other models (such as the precipitation of milk protein which forms curd) to the system model is proposed. The software implementation of the dairy industry multiscale model presented here tests the validity of the proposed: • object model (object and collection classes) used to model unit operations and integrate them into a process, • mechanisms for modelling material and energy streams, • method to create simulations over variable time horizons. The model was implemented using object oriented programming (OOP) methods in conjunction with technologies such as Visual Basic .NET and CAPE-OPEN. An OOP object model is presented which successfully enabled the construction of a multiscale model of the cheese making process. Material content, unit operation, and raw milk supply models were integrated into the multiscale model. The model is capable of performing simulations over variable time horizons, from 1 second, to multiple years. Mechanisms for modelling material streams, connecting unit operations, and controlling unit operation behaviour were implemented. Simple unit operations such as pumps and storage silos along with more complex unit operations, such as a cheese vat batch, were modelled. Despite some simplifications to the model of the cheese making process, the simulations successfully reproduced the major features expected from the process and its constituent unit operations. Decision making information for process operators, plant managers, production managers, and the dairy business manager can be produced from the data generated. The multiscale model can be made more sophisticated by extending the functionality of existing objects, and incorporating other scale partial models. However, increasing the number of reported variables by even a small number can quickly increase the data processing and storage demands of the model. A unit operation’s operational state of existence at any point of time was proposed as a mechanism for integrating and recalculating lower scale partial models. This mechanism was successfully tested using a unit operation’s material content model and is presented here as a new concept in multiscale modelling. The proposed modelling structure can be extended to include any number of partial models and any number of scales.

Produção artesanal de queijos: avaliação das condições de processamento, da qualidade higiênico sanitária e físico-química de queijos tipo coalho e manteiga / Artisanal cheese production: evaluation of processing conditions, sanitary hygienic quality and physicochemical coalho and butter cheese type

Medeiros, Jovilma Maria Soares de 24 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-15T20:31:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JovilmaMSM_DISSERT.pdf: 612035 bytes, checksum: f31dff20b37dda80ae55980620cc7d0e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The most popular type of cheese in the Seridó region are coalho and butter cheese, whose manufacturing process favors the microbial spoilage of such products and the variation in the composition thereof. Faced with the economic importance of these cheeses, aimed to evaluate the production conditions and the microbiological and physicochemical quality of coalho and butter cheese produced in the Seridó/RN region. To this end, we applied a checklist in five artisanal dairies, to evaluate the sanitary conditions in which these cheeses were produced, as it was also done training, the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices and monitoring of corrective measures. Furthermore, we conducted microbiological testing for coliforms at 35 and 45°C in milk, cheese, water and utensils samples; total mesophilic bacteria in milk samples; Staphylococcus spp. In cheese and utensils samples; and Salmonella sp. In cheese samples, in total, there were 30 samples of each item analyzed at each dairy. Additionally, we carried out physicochemical analysis (humidity, ashes, lipids, pH, acidity, chlorides content and color) in five coalho cheese samples and in five butter cheese samples. The results showed a high percentage of non-conformities in all establishments analyzed. During the diagnosis the count of mesophilic bacteria in milk was higher than the recommended legislation, as well as coliforms at 35 ° C and 45 ° C in water samples. As for the coalho and butter cheese on both detected the presence of Salmonella sp. at diagnosis. High counts were also observed for the samples utensils. After the implementation of GMP in artisanal dairies observed increase in compliance percentages in items work environment hygiene and food handling , which resulted in the improvement of butter cheese processing conditions through significant reduction (p<0.05) coliforms at 35 °C and 45 °C. In this cheese as the coalho cheese, it observed absence of Salmonella sp. the samples after the implementation of GMP. On the subject of the physicochemical aspects, the chees samples showed variation of standards between the different producers in the same region, however they are within the parameters establishments by law. Given these results emphasize the importance of the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices to improve the microbiological quality of artisan cheeses. What about the physical and chemical parameters was shown that the form of craft manufacturing while providing the preparation of cheeses with different constituents, ensures the compliance of these products with the legislation. / Os queijos mais populares na região Seridó são os queijos de coalho e manteiga, cujo processo de fabricação favorece a contaminação microbiológica desses produtos e a variação na composição dos mesmos. Diante da importância econômica, objetiva-se avaliar as condições de produção, bem como a qualidade microbiológica e físico-química dos queijos de coalho e de manteiga produzidos na região Seridó/RN. Para tanto, foi aplicado um check list em cinco queijarias artesanais, visando avaliar as condições higiênico-sanitárias de produção dos queijos, como também foi realizado um treinamento, a implantação de Boas Práticas de Fabricação e acompanhamento das medidas corretivas. Além disso, foram realizadas análises microbiológicas de coliformes a 35º e 45° em amostras de leite, queijos, água e utensílios, contagem de bactérias mesófilas no leite, Staphylococcus spp. nos queijos e utensílios e Salmonella sp. nos queijos, totalizando 30 amostras de cada item analisado de cada queijaria artesanal. Foram também realizadas análises físico-químicas (umidade, cinzas, lipídios, pH, acidez, teor de cloretos e cor) em cinco amostras de queijo de coalho e em cinco de queijo de manteiga. Os resultados encontrados mostraram um elevado percentual de não conformidades em todos os estabelecimentos analisados. Durante o diagnóstico a contagem de bactérias mesófilas no leite foi superior ao recomendado à legislação, assim como a contagem de coliformes a 35°C e 45°C nas amostras de água. Quanto aos queijos de coalho e manteiga em ambos foi detectada a presença de Salmonella sp. no momento do diagnóstico. Contagens elevadas também foram observadas para as amostras de utensílios. Após a implantação das BPF nas queijarias artesanais observou-se aumento das porcentagens de conformidades nos itens higiene do ambiente e manipulação de alimentos, o que refletiu na melhoria das condições de processamento do queijo de manteiga através da redução significativa (p<0,05) de coliformes a 35°C e 45°C. Neste queijo assim como no queijo de coalho, foi observada ausência de Salmonella sp. nas amostras após a implantação das BPF. Em relação aos aspectos físico-químicos, os queijos apresentaram variação na composição química entre os diferentes produtores da mesma região, no entanto se encontraram dentro dos parâmetros estabelecimentos pela legislação. Diante desses resultados enfatiza-se a importância da implantação das Boas Práticas de Fabricação para a melhoria da qualidade microbiológica de queijos artesanais. E em relação aos parâmetros físico-químicos demonstrou-se que a forma de fabricação artesanal apesar de proporcionar a elaboração de queijos com constituintes diferentes, garante a conformidade desses produtos com a legislação

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