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A critical evaluation of the evangelistic preaching of Martin Lloyd-Jones, with special reference to his "Acts" series of sermons and its relevance for UK pastors todayBenfold, Gary Stewart January 2017 (has links)
A Critical Evaluation of the Evangelistic Preaching of Martyn Lloyd-Jones with Special Reference to his ‘Acts’ Series of Sermons and its Relevance for UK Pastors Today Abstract The ministry of David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981), a leading British preacher within the Reformed tradition, has been a subject of research in the decades since his death. In spite of the importance he himself attached to evangelistic preaching, however, no significant study has been conducted of his own evangelistic preaching. This dissertation explores his weekly evangelistic ministry based on the Book of Acts in the 1960s, his closing years at Westminster Chapel, London. The purpose is to consider the ongoing usefulness, if any, of his practice and method for ministers who stand in the same theological tradition today. The work examines, first, the convictions that drove Lloyd-Jones’ practice, using his published addresses as primary source material. Beyond a summary of his career and his influence (Chapter One), consideration is given to the religious and social context at the time of the Acts sermons, and to its significance for the approach Lloyd-Jones successfully adopted (Chapter Two). Chapter Three presents a detailed analysis of his sermons on the Acts of the Apostles and identifies a number of their characteristics. Having established the historical groundwork, the dissertation goes on in Chapter Four to focus on my own preaching in the context of the church of which I am a minister, serving within the Reformed tradition and following the approach modeled by Lloyd-Jones. Using questionnaires derived from the analysis of his sermons, surveys were undertaken of first, the church leaders and secondly, the Young People’s group. Their goal was to provide feedback that would serve to identify strengths and weaknesses in my own evangelistic preaching at the same time as to evaluate the appropriateness of maintaining Lloyd-Jones’ approach in the changed context of the early 21st century. The conclusion reached is that while changes in society today require some adaptation in terms of presentation and style, the essential characteristics of Lloyd-Jones’ preaching continue to be meaningful, because they arise from fundamental theological convictions that are unaffected by changes in human behaviour or thinking. Finally, Chapter Five asks how this study may be developed further, applying it in a wider context as well as in local-church ministry.
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A reconsideration of the theological conception of sin in the light of the psychoanalytic conceptions of shame and guiltSmith, Donald W. January 1963 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston University / The purpose of this dissertation is to understand the Christian conception of sin through the disciplines of theology and psychology. The method of correlation is used in order that the distinctive nature of each discipline can be retained while the insight of one discipline, psychology, can be used to illuminate a theological concept, sin.
The basic elements of a Christian view of sin are discovered through a historical survey of the writings of eight theologians. From this, sin is defined as the universal and inevitable non-recognition, denial, or defiance by man of the life-giving dependent relationship of man upon God. This non-recognition, denial, or defiance is predicted in the conditions of existence and brings about a disruption of the man-God relationship. In this disruption man disobeys Fod and is unable to become what God intended him to be. Unbelief is the core element of the disruption and it evaluates in rebellion, pride, and concupiscence [TRUNCATED]
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The concept of theosis in Saint Gregory Palamas with critical text of the Contra AkindynumContos, Leonidas January 1963 (has links)
No description available.
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Looking to the future : the development of a new partnership between priests and people in the Catholic Church in ScotlandCullen, Mary Josephine January 2017 (has links)
The Second Vatican Council set out a new vision of the ecclesial relationship between ordained and lay people in the Roman Catholic Church within its understanding of the church as the people of God. This is an important issue for the church’s self-understanding and mission; it also has practical implications for the Catholic Church in Scotland as it faces a sharp decline in vocations to the ordained priesthood, raising questions about the relative roles of priests and lay people. Dioceses are developing plans for closing and merging parishes based on projected numbers of priests, in an effort to maintain traditional patterns of church life. This study explored a different approach, based on the development of a partnership between ordained and lay people which reflects the theology of Vatican II. To investigate this possibility, the study drew on research carried out in two Scottish dioceses between 1998 and 2000. It found evidence that a new partnership between priests and people was developing in some parish communities, but it also found that diocesan commitments to collaborative working between ordained and lay were not reflected in the church’s practice and structures. These tensions between commitment and practice, which undermined efforts to create a new partnership, were analysed with the help of Receptive Ecumenism and Catholic Learning, a strategy for ecumenical engagement which addresses tensions in the church’s performance of its vocation by a critical appraisal of its own tradition and openness to the insights of others. By bringing together the experience of those who took part in the archived research with the theology of Receptive Ecumenism and Catholic Learning, the elements of a new ecclesial partnership between ordained and lay were identified. They open up the possibility of a different kind of future for the Catholic Church in Scotland.
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Gottes Offenbarung und Menschliche Religion : eine Analyse des Religionsbegriffs in Karl Barths Kirchlicher Dogmatik mit besonderer Berticksichtigung F.D.E. SchleiermachersKrauss, Reinhard January 1990 (has links)
In polemical response to the approach represented by Friedrich Schleiermacher, Karl Barth proposes to evaluate religion strictly from the perspective of God's revelation. In spite of this radical departure from Neo-Protestant epistemology, Barth continues to understand religion in Schleiermacher's terms, namely as an essentially anthropological category. The reductionist tendencies inherent in this understanding of religion cause Barth to lapse into his early 'dialectical' concept of revelation with its strong emphasis on the divine transcendence. This, in turn, leads to a radical polarization of revelation and religion which finds expression in Barth's call for and development of a theological criticism of religion. At its core this theological criticism of religion is thus not a new understanding of religion, but rather an assessment of Schleiermacher's view of religion within the framework of Barth's early 'dialectical' theology. The absolute dichotomy between revelation and religion resulting from this approach stands in direct conflict, however, with Barth's affirmation of a positive relationship between these two categories. His attempt, under the term 'true religion', to further develop such a positive correlation between revelation and religion without substantially modifying the meaning of both these terms is consequently flawed with a series of logical contradictions and results in a highly questionable Christian exclusivism. An alternative theological approach to the problem of religion based on christological considerations is found as an undercurrent in Barth's thinking. This christocentric view of religion, although not yet sufficiently developed by Barth himself, is in better agreement with his mature theology than is his 'dialectical' approach. In addition, this alternative proves to be theologically more promising with respect to its logical consistency, its biblical foundation, as well as its importance for the current debate over a viable Christian 'theology of religions'.
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Teaching English as a missionary language : a revised theory for the evangelical use of English language teaching for religious endsMairs, Stephen Alfred January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this research was to find ways that would help reconcile contested ethical and pedagogic issues raised by the phenomenon of Teaching English as a Missionary Language (TEML): that is, the evangelical Christian use of English Language Teaching (ELT) as a means for achieving religious ends. Four aspects of ELT were examined as a way to identify factors that could contribute to an improved understanding between evangelical Christians and opponents of the appropriation of ELT for religious ends. These were cultural and linguistic hegemony, teacher authority, ethical accountability and teacher identity. This was done by using a combination of qualitative research methods and theological reflection to analyse the data from four case studies about why and how evangelical Christians taught English to speakers of other languages. A revised evangelical identity was used to create an original theological theory of action that describes the characteristics of an evangelical practice of ELT in a way that addresses criticisms made by ELT professionals. The new theory describes how the integration of knowledge drawn from human experience, theology and the social sciences can contribute to the mediation of the Christian faith in modern society. It incorporates a Christocentric understanding of mission as missio Dei, moral transparency regarding evangelical Christian motivation for teaching English and the pursuit of pedagogic excellence. The contribution to the understanding and practice of ELT by evangelical Christians that this research makes is that, by a embracing a Christocentric paradigm of mission as missio Dei and adopting a dialogic collaborative pedagogy, evangelical Christians can make a unique contribution on the basis of their faith towards a redemptive and harmonious relationship with their students and the wider community of ELT professionals.
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Wounds yet visible above : constructing a theology of remembrance through the divine and human embodiment of scarsMarin, Andrew January 2018 (has links)
Miroslav Volf argues traumatic memories are a temporal and eschatological stain on divine-human relations, making non-remembrance a mandatory component of reconciliation. Yet I contend the ‘problem of traumatic memories' is more convincingly addressed through remembrance, exemplified in the continuity of the divine and human embodiment of scars. The investigation begins temporally, in Part I, with consensus neuroscientific data arguing remembrance is the human brain's autonomic response to trauma and cognitive embodiment is how the brain best reconciles that remembrance of scars. Congruent with this biological reality, scripture records how the incarnate Son embodies his scars without attempts ‘to let go of such memories'. Then, eschatologically, because of the forerunning way of redemption how the Father accepts the Son's embodiment of scars is eternally perfect – without having to be erased, uncreated, or non-remembered – so will humanity's embodied remembrance of scars be accepted as eternally perfect in their elevation. Yet this conclusion is highly problematic for Volf because any form of eschatological remembrance of trauma is a perpetuation of evil (sin) poisoning God's eternal perfections. In direct response to Volf's concern, Part II offers a doctrinal construction of the paradox of Triune (im)possibility detailing how divine kenosis creates a bridge from the temporal possibility of traumatic memories to the Godhead's impassable nature without poisoning the eternal perfections. I argue all divine kenotic suffering in the world, including, prominently, the cross event, was already eternally conditioned in the united will (in difference) of the Trinity. Therefore eschatological remembrance of trauma cannot poison the eternal perfections because its temporal possibility has already been perfectly qualified by a divine continuity of victorious elevation. Just like the eschatological remembrance of the cross's trauma, all other remembrance of trauma continues only in a perfected state wholly unconnected from the nature of sin permeating the memories' temporal iterations. This is how remembrance better answers the problem of traumatic memories – by forging temporal-to-eschatological continuity of the divine and human embodiment of scars, no temporal suffering is done in vain because it is perfectly redeemed in the eschatological victory of divine-human remembrance.
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This pilot study explored the possible relationships between attachment to God and the Christian faith and life among a small sample of evangelical Christians. A quantitative analysis was performed on Christian adults (N=189) in local churches in the southeastern region of the United States. The study examined the relationships between attachment to God, awareness of the value of sin-beliefs, beliefs about sin, and levels of religious defensiveness. The project used correlational and stepwise regression analyses. The study found there was a significant negative variance between avoidance of intimacy with God, anxiety over abandonment by God, avoidance of legalism and religious defensiveness. Implications for Christian psychology and pastoral ministry were also discussed.
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Paternal Influence on the Eudiamonic Well-Being of Emerging Adult Sons Participating in Campus Crusade for ChristBrown, Mark Douglas 23 December 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine if a relationship exists between paternal involvement during emerging adulthood and eudaimonic well-being in sons involved with Cru in the Great Lakes region in the United States. In order to execute this study, sons involved with Cru were surveyed through an adapted Father Involvement Scale and Carol Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scale.
The design for this research is an explanatory, quantitative method. This quantitative research focused on emerging adult sons, involved with Cru in the Great Lakes region, between the ages of 18 to 25. An online survey was implemented to gather data regarding paternal involvement and well-being.
The quantitative data were administered through Google Forms, and the results were analyzed through the execution of paired t-tests, Pearson’s r, Statcrunch, and multiple regression analysis. After the statistical analysis of collected data, 12 sons who completed the quantitative survey and agreed to be interviewed were randomly selected. These interviews served to illustrate quantitative results. The data indicate three aspects of father involvement, companionship, emotional development, and social development correlated to a son’s positive relationships and self-acceptance. Specifically, the data predict the more relational a father was with his son during the ages of 18 to 25 the healthier his son was in accepting himself and establishing positive relationships with others.
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The impact of religious belief and stigma on people living with HIV/AIDS : a study in Cravenby, Cape TownParker, Wajeed January 2014 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / This study is a descriptive study and describes the effects of religious beliefs and stigma toward people living with HIV/AIDS. The religions looked at were Islam, Christianity and Hinduism and it was conducted in the community of Cravenby, situated in Cape Town. Its objectives were to investigate; how religion affected people’s attitudes to HIV/AIDS within Cravenby; to investigate how religious beliefs may lead to stigma; does religion allow an individual to disclose his or her HIV status if they are HIV positive; how religion may affect one’s sexual behaviour and how much is known about HIV by people living in Cravenby. The study employed qualitative research methods and the method of data collection was implemented through the use of in depth interviews with community residents. Content analysis was used to analyse the data, with findings showing that those living with HIV/AIDS deserved to be treated with respect and empathy. Respondent's knowledge and awareness of HIV/AIDS was very good and showed that few people have not heard about HIV/AIDS. Stigma is defined as an attribute that is significantly discrediting and is used to set an affected person or group apart from a normalized social order and the use of such separation implies devaluation. Religiously based stigma towards those living with HIV/AIDS arose from people’s personal beliefs and justification because they did not adhere to religious teachings and injunctions. Respondents saw religion as serving to promote cleanliness, marital harmony and respecting one's self and towards others. Biographical disruption implies that a person’s stock of knowledge of their selves and social world are disrupted by the experience of illness and suggests that explanatory frameworks normally used to understand daily life are disrupted. The study recommends having a joint forum which is attended by Muslims, Christians and Hindus discussing HIV/AIDS would help to address incorrect and or incomplete knowledge and beliefs around HIV/AIDS in the community.
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