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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Churchwardens and clerical justices : aspects of social control in the Diocese of Worcester 1660-1870

Doyle, Alan Holland January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

Princípy synodálno-presbyterského cirkevného zriadenia / The Principles of the Presbyterial-Synodical Ecclesiastical Polity

Csukás, Adam January 2017 (has links)
The Principles of Synodical-Presbyterial Church Government This work reflects the principles of the synodical-presbyterial church government, which are referred to in the church constitutions of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren and the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia. The author draws attention to the importance of the principles of church polity in ecclesial life, pointing to their occasional inadequate reflection. In this context, the author points out the introduction of the Führerprinzip in the German Evangelical Church in the 1930s. In addition, he highlights examples of churches that have been able to clearly formulate the principles of church polity, and some of them have even incorporated them into their church law. The author goes on to clarify the basic terminology used in his work, focusing on the naming of Protestant churches in different languages. He deals with the division of churches into families according to the categorization used by the World Council of Churches, paying special attention to the family of United and Uniting churches. He describes five types of these churches, and considering the need to introduce another, a sixth type of United and Uniting churches. Next, he deals with the basic characteristics of Reformed, Presbyterian and Evangelical Lutheran churches. The...

Juden und Judentum in der Karolingerzeit / Juifs et judaïsme à l'époque carolingienne / Jews and Judaism during the Carolingian era

Sagasser, Amélie 12 May 2017 (has links)
A rebours d’une vision de l’Empire carolingien défini comme une entité homogène, la société carolingienne se caractérisait par sa diversité ethnique, culturelle et religieuse. En plus de faire face à l’altérité à l’intérieur de l’Empire, les souverains carolingiens étaient confrontés à populations très diverses en périphérie de celui-ci : à l’image des Juifs, des Musulmans ou des Espagnols. Cette thèse s’intéresse plus précisément aux Juifs du territoire carolingien, sous le règne des rois et empereurs carolingien (entre 750 - 900). Cet objet de recherche, souvent abordé, n’a jamais fait l’objet d’un traitement systématique. A partir d’un corpus de sources normatives, ce travail analyse comment les autorités séculières et ecclésiales traitaient des Juifs ou du Judaïsme dans leurs législations. Dans un premier temps, il opère une analyse systématique de chaque source, afin de dresser un tableau de toutes les facettes des traitements des autorités chrétiennes (séculières et ecclésiales) à l’égard des Juifs et du Judaïsme. Dans un deuxième temps, il s’attachera à définir la place de cette minorité juive au sein d’une société carolingienne qui se veut chrétienne. En confrontant l’idée du Juif réel avec celle Juif ou du Judaïsme imaginaire ou imaginé et celle du « juif herméneutique », concept introduit par Jeremy Cohen donnant aux Juifs dans les textes théologiques un rôle de figure ajustable à l’argumentation, cette thèse propose les concepts de « Juif historique » et de « Juif politisé » comme clé de lecture de la place des Juifs ou du Judaïsme dans les sources législatives. / Contrary to the belief that the Carolingian Empire was a homogenous entity, Carolingian society was in fact characterized by its diverse ethnic groups, culture, and religion. As well as facing otherness within Europe, Carolingian rulers confronted very diverse populations along its empire’s boundaries: such as the Jews, Muslims, and Spaniards. This thesis concentrates particularly on the Jewish population at the time of the Carolingian Empire, between 750 and 900 AD. There are many articles referring to the Jewish population during that time period, however there is no focused systematic or methodological research on this minority population. Using a corpus of normative sources, this work presents an analysis on how secular and ecclesiastical authorities applied their legislation to the treatment of Jews or Judaism. In the first part, each source undergoes systematic analysis, thus leading to the compilation of a table that outlines the Christian authorities, (secular or ecclesiastic), guidelines on how to treat Jews and Judaism. The second part has the mission to define the place that this Jewish minority had within this Christian Carolingian society. It confronts the notions of the “real” Jew against the “imagined” or “imaginary” Jew or Judaism at that time period, as well as presenting Jeremy Cohen’s concept of the “hermeneutical Jew” which gave the Christian authorities the ability to adapt or change the Jewish image according to their other concerns. This thesis introduces the concepts of the “historic Jew” and that of the “political Jew” as the key to the place the Jews or Judaism had in legislative sources.

Of kings and popes and law: an examination of the Church and state relationship in England during the high Middle Ages and the influence of that relationship on the structure and processes of English law.

Clark, Jan Katherine 20 July 2012 (has links)
During the latter half of the 11th century through to the end of the 13th century, Europe was experiencing what is considered by some historians as “the” medieval renaissance, otherwise referred to as the European Renaissance of the Twelfth Century. The time appears to have been ripe for an explosion of cultural and intellectual advancement and change. Two fields that experienced significant development during that period were law and governance, both secular and ecclesiastical. In England, the period which most legal historians consider to be the key formative years of the common law was the reign of King Henry II. Indeed, Sir William Holdsworth credits Henry II for “substituting one common law for that confused mass of local customs of which the law of England had formerly consisted”. But as R.H. Helmholz said, “legal history, like any other, is a history of winners, and the history of the losing side is often overlooked. That we only hint of the history of the canon law by reference to the common law is a fact of life and not to be lamented”. However, he admonishes us not to ignore the intrinsic importance of the jurisdiction once exercised by the courts of the Church in the development of the law of England. I take up Helmholz’ challenge in this thesis and examine the relationship that developed between the English royal authorities and the Latin (Western) Christian Church from the beginning of the reign of Edward the Confessor to the end of the reign of King John. Through a review of cases reported by the Selden Society from the royal courts of Henry II, Richard I and John, I then focus my research on the 62 year period between the beginning of the reign of Henry II and the death of John, and consider the influence of the Church and State relationship on the structure and processes of the developing English royal law and its scope. / Graduate

Právní řád Českobratrské církve evangelické - dějiny a současnost / The Legal Order of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren - History and Present

Csukás, Adam January 2021 (has links)
The Legal Order of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren - History and Present The aim of this thesis is to gather available sources concerning the legal order of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren (ECCB) since its establishment in 1918 to the present day. The sources used address the legal history of the Protestant Church in Cisleithania from 1848 until the end of World War I. A critical analysis of the sources is carried out to document the development of the church constitution and the orders of the ECCB. The criteria for the elaboration of individual storylines are primarily the historical relevance and the practical applicability of the information regarding the ECCB Strategic Plan of 2019. The thesis consists of an introduction, followed by three parts, and a conclusion. The first part, (1848-1922), comprises four chapters covering the legal history of the Protestant Church in Cisleithania from the revolutionary years 1848/1849 until the dissolution of Austria-Hungary and the establishment of both Czechoslovakia and the ECCB. Particular attention is given to the circumstances surrounding the creation of the church constitution of 1861, the constitutional reform efforts of the Czech-speaking Czech and Moravian Protestants of both confessions (Augsburg and Helvetic), the movement of...

Výuka církevního práva na teologických a právnických fakultách v Českých zemích v letech 1918-1989 / Education in Ecclesiastical Law at Faculties of Theology and Law in the Czech Lands in the Years 1918-1989

Nohel, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The work deals with the history of teaching religious-legal subjects of theology and law in the Czechlands in the years 1918-1989. The author examines the structure of all subjects thematically related to canon law and describes changes depending on the legislative and historical contexts of individual time periods. The work also maps the roles of different lecturers at universities that have been providing religious-legal subjects. Moreover, the author mentions major publications of those teachers. In its conclusion the thesis presents structured medallions of the teachers mapping their studies, subsequent exposure to individual universities, their publishing and other relevant activities in ecclesiastical structures. Complete lists of religious-legal subjects are then included in separate annexes chronologically grouped separately for each university.

Ústavy Církve českolovenské husitské / The Constitutions of The Czechoslovak Hussite Church

Sedlák, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is divided into two basic topics, in which it deals in a brief outline with the origin and development of confessional and ecclesiastical law in general and with development and mutual relation between confessional and ecclesiastical law in the territory of Czech lands since the arrival of the Cyril and Methodius until the establishment of the Czechoslovak Church. Further on it presents the timeline of sources of the "First" Constitution of the Czechoslovak Church (Ústava Církve československé). These sources are divided into the periods before and after the establishment of the Czechoslovak Church. The first period started with the Reform Program of František Náhlovský (Reformní program Františka Náhlovského) of 1848 followed by The Přerov Reform Program (Přerovský reformní program) of 1906, The Proposition of the Union of the Czech Catholic Clergy on the Renewal of the Catholic Church in the Czechoslovak Republic (Návrh Jednoty čsl. katolického duchovenstva na obnovu církve katolické v Republice československé) of 1919, Memorandum of the Delegation to Rome (Memorandum delegace do Říma) of 1919, Program of Platform Focus (Program Ohniska) of 1919 and Program of Reforms (Program reforem) in the Right of the Nation of 1920. The second period after the establishment of the...

Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica - institut církevního práva v kontextu konfesního práva a pastorace / Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica - Canon Law Institute in Context of Ecclesiastical Law and Pastoral Ministry

Man, Zdeněk January 2011 (has links)
1 Anotace / Annotation Jméno a p íjmení autora: Zden k Man Název diplomové práce: Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica - institut církevního práva v kontextu konfesního práva a pastorace Název práce v angli tin : Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica - Canon Law Institute in context of State Ecclesiastical Law and Pastoral Ministry Katedra: pastorálních obor a právních v d Vedoucí diplom. práce: prof. JUDr. Antonín Ignác Hrdina, DrSc., O.Praem. Rok obhajoby: 2011 Po et stran: 170 Anotace Diplomová práce se zabývá institutem tzv. formálního úkonu odpadnutí od katolické církve (actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica), který byl jako zvláštní kanonický institut vložen do Kodexu kanonického práva (CIC) 1983 (kánony 1086 §1, 1117, 1124). Institut je zkoumán v kontextu existence konfesn -právního institutu "vystoupení z církve" ve sledovaných zemích (SRN, Rakousko, Švýcarsko) a také v kontextu souvisejících pastora ních otázek. Problém odpovídající kanonicko-právní reakce na "vystoupení z církve" však institut actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica vy ešit nepomohl, proto práce hodnotí jako pochopitelné, že byl církevním zákonodárcem s právní ú inností v roce 2010 zrušen. Annotation This thesis considers the institution of the formal act of defection from the Catholic...

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