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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problematika střídání kmenových souhlásek ve finštině jako druhém jazyce / Problems of consonant gradation in Finnish as a second language

Kahounová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Author's name: Petra Kahounová School: Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Arts Institute of Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies Náměstí Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Praha 1 Program: Finnish language Title: Problems of consonant gradation in Finnish as a second language Consultant: Mgr. Lenka Fárová, Ph.D. Number of pages: 65 + 11 pages of attachments Number of attachments: 5 Year: 2012 Keywords: gradation of consonants in Finnish, corpus, analysis of mistakes, direct gradation, reverse gradation, student's language The aim of this thesis is to explore and describe mistakes made in the consonant gradation in interlanguage by students of Finnish language. Finnish has a complicated system of inflection in comparison with indoeuropean languages, so it is necessary to know the rules to create the right form of the word. The mistakes were found in czech and polish students' texts and I tried to identify in which types of gradation they are most frequent. Particular mistakes were sorted into groups according to types of consonant clusters. I compared what mistakes czech and polish students make, which mistakes are the most frequent and if there are some any similarities between these two nations. I focused on explanation of wrong word forms.

Pojetí vyjmenovaných slov v učebnicích pro 1. stupeň základních škol / Concept of the specific set of words in the Czech language in which writing "y" instead of "i" is obligatory, as reflected in Czech language textbooks for primary schools

BOHATCOVÁ, Růžena January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation work deals with the issue of grammatical problems, the importance of grammar, especially with the concept of specific set of words in which writing "y" instead of "i" is obligatory. The theoretical part contains the brief summary of the Czech grammar and the function of grammar. The research part of the thesis includes the research concerning knowledge of pupils at primary and secondary school. The practical part focuses on methods, forms of work and motivating games, which are useful for improving the effect of learning the specific set of words. The practical part also contains the worksheets for the pupils of primary and secondary school.

Komparativní analýza vykazování změn účetních metod a oprav účetních chvb u velkých českých společností / Comparative analysis of reporting changes in accounting methods and corrections of accounting errors for large Czech companies

Bartůněk, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The following thesis deals with the development of the accounting of corrections of the accounting errors of previous years and changes in accounting methods from the beginning of financial accounting in the Czech Republic through the processing of many interpretations by the National Accounting Board, up to the current modification, which was an amendment to the Decree No. 500/2002 Coll., which transposed certain provisions of Act No. 563/1991 Coll., which came into force on January 1, 2013. Thanks to this decree, the account Restatements of retained earnings results, in the case of a correction of an error and a change in the accounting method, in a better understanding of the financial statements than it did before the issue was addressed through extraordinary costs or revenues in the current accounting period. In addition as practical part, this thesis composes also of a research from the financial statements of large Czech companies focusing on the frequency of use of the new item in the balance sheet for 2015, the reason of the using and explanation in supplement to the financial statements, including the method of settling the final balance of the account from previous years. The research also dealt with the auditor's response to the found deficiencies. The last part of the thesis is a comparative analysis of research conducted during the years of 2013, 2014 and 2015.

Nástroje na podporu testování / Testing tools

Faustová, Tereza January 2009 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the issue of software testing. The thesis places main emphasis on tools to support test management, manual and automated functional testing and last but not least the tools for defect tracking. The aim of this thesis is introduce readers with software testing, especially with tools that can be used to support testing. The aim is offer an overview of the basic commercial and freely distributed tools for test management, manual testing, automated functional testing and defect tracking. Another aim is design criteria that simplify selection of tool. The second aim of this thesis is practical example of the configuration and description of the basic work with tools IBM Rational - ClearQuest, ClearCase, Manual Tester and Functional Tester. The aims of this thesis were achieved by studying available sources and by own practical experience with the tools to support testing. The contribution of this thesis lies in the characteristics of the selected tools to support testing and especially in design of criteria by which tools can be selected. The last part of thesis provides practical instruction how to configure and work with the tools to support testing of IBM Rational. The thesis is conceived in three main parts. The first part attends to basic terms, which can be found in the area of testing, and to overview of types of tests. There are also described two most famous life-cycle models and methodology RUP. The second part attends to overview of tools to support testing, attention is given to areas: test management, manual testing, defect tracking, and automated functional testing. For each category of tools has been defined criteria according to which tools can be selected. The last part attends to practical example of setting and basic work with the selected tools to support testing of IBM Rational.

Využití algoritmů strojového učení pro konstrukci hlídacích obvodů / Application of Machine Learning Algorithms for the Generation of Checking Circuits

Lelkes, Olivér January 2017 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá využitím algoritmů strojového učení pro konstrukci hlídacích obvodů. Práce obsahuje popis principů hlídacích obvodů, jejich existující implementace a ostatní teoretické znalosti vztahující se k systémům odolným proti poruchám. Práce je zaměřena na aplikaci hlídacích obvodů na hardware komponentech se sekvenční logikou. Algoritmy strojového učení jsou trénovány pomocí datových množin, které se skládají ze vstup-výstup sekvencí hardwarových komponentů a ukládají se jako časové řady. Cílem práce je určení vhodnosti jednotlivých algoritmů pro jejich aplikaci v hlídacích obvodech. Pro dosažení tohoto cíle, bylo provedeno srovnání vybraných algoritmů strojového učení. Součástí práce je popis parametrů algoritmů a generování datových sad. Práce taktéž zahrnuje experimenty provedeny na dolnopropustném FIR filtru a jejich vyhodnocení. Podle výsledků experimentů je diskutováno, které algoritmy jsou použitelné v hlídacích obvodech.

Dynamická analýza paralelních programů na platformě .NET Framework / Dynamic Analysis of Parallel Applications Using .NET Framework

Ling, David January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with a design and implementation of the dynamic analyser of parallel applications on the .NET Framework platform. The problematic of synchronization in parallel applications, the instrumentation of such an applications, testing of parallel applications and a specifics of these problems for C\# language and for the platform .NET Framework are discussed in the theoretical part. Selected algorithms for detection of deadlocks (the algorithm of Goodlock) and data-race errors (the algorithm of FastTrack and AtomRace) are described in detail in this part as well. Requirements for the dynamic analyser and the system design is made in the following part of this thesis. The thesis also contains a description of the implementation of the proposed solution, a description of the entire testing of the implemented tool. Last but not least, the thesis describes the sample of using dynamic analysers in a particular application environment.

Zabezpečení přenosu dat proti dlouhým shlukům chyb / Protection of data transmission against long error bursts

Malach, Roman January 2008 (has links)
This Master´s thesis discuses the protection of data transmission against long error bursts. The data is transmited throught the channel with defined error rate. Parameters of the channel are error-free interval 2000 bits and length of burst error 250 bits. One of the aims of this work is to make a set of possible methods for the realization of a system for data correction. The basic selection is made from most known codes. These codes are divided into several categories and then the best one is chosen for higher selection. Of course interleaving is used too. Only one code from each category can pass on to the higher level of the best code selection. At the end the codes are compared and the best three are simulated using the Matlab program to check correct function. From these three options, one is chosen as optimal regarding practical realization. Two options exist, hardware or software realization. The second one would seem more useful. The real codec is created in validator language C. Nowadays, considering language C and from a computer architecture point of view the 8 bits size of element unit is convenient. That´s why the code RS(255, 191), which works with 8 bits symbols, is optimal. In the next step the codec of this code is created containing the coder and decoder of the code above. The simulation of error channel is ensured by last program. Finally the results are presented using several examples.

Statická detekce častých chyb JBoss aplikačního serveru / Static Detection of Common Bugs in JBoss Application Server

Vyvial, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
First, a few bugs from a list of common bug were chosen and patterns describing these bugs were inferred. Then, detectors searching for such patterns were implemented as plug-ins to FindBugs static analyzer. Finally, detectors were used to detect bugs in development version of JBoss AS. Results are presented at the end of this paper.

Kovariantní model chyb pro asimilaci radarové odrazivosti do numerického modelu předpovědi počasí / Model of error covariances for the assimilation of radar reflectivity into a NWP model

Sedláková, Klára January 2018 (has links)
MODEL OF ERROR COVARIANCES FOR THE ASSIMILATION OF RADAR REFLECTIVITY INTO NWP MODEL Predicting events with a severe convection is not easy due to the small spatial scale and rapid development of this phenomenon. But being able to predict such events is important in view of the dangerous phenomena that accompany these events, such as flash floods, strong winds, hailstorms or atmospheric electricity. Improved forecast can be achieved by more precisely defined initial conditions that enter the model. These data must match the scale of the studied phenomenon. Therefore, radar data is used in this case. Although the NWP model should describe real processes due to the simplifications and approximations the model's behavior does not entirely correspond the reality. Therefore, if we want the model to generate precipitation, we must ensure that the values of the model variables and their relationship are such that the process is started. To find out these relationships, we want to use a covariant model. In this paper, we focused on the correlation analysis of the model variables in the regions of convection between radar reflection, its conversion to the intensity of precipitation and other model variables. The COSMO data with a horizontal resolution of 2.8 km were used, which were describing approximately...

Konzistence lingvistických anotací / Consistency of Linguistic Annotation

Aggarwal, Akshay January 2020 (has links)
Thesis Abstract Akshay Aggarwal July 2020 This thesis attempts at correction of some errors and inconsistencies in dif- ferent treebanks. The inconsistencies can be related to linguistic constructions, failure of the guidelines of annotation, failure to understand the guidelines on annotator's part, or random errors caused by annotators, among others. We propose a metric to attest the POS annotation consistency of different tree- banks in the same language, when the annotation guidelines remain the same. We offer solutions to some previously identified inconsistencies in the scope of the Universal Dependencies Project, and check the viability of a proposed in- consistency detection tool in a low-resource setting. The solutions discussed in the thesis are language-neutral, intended to work with multiple languages with efficiency. 1

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