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Psychologická intervence u problémových řidičů / Psychological interventions for risk group driversŠmolíková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
5 Abstract The dissertation thesis in the first part is focused on psychological causes of accidents and the possibilities of psychological prevention. The advantages of various theories and the importance of intervention programs are emphasized. Author bring the overview of knowledge for two focus group, about changes of abilities of older driver and knowledge about risky driving, which can lead to negative effects during driving. In the second empirical part attitudes and behavior of 655 drivers using three questionnaires were explored. Czech version of Driver Anger Scale Questionnaire, used for discovering frustration and type with frequency of anger in traffic situations, Driver Behaviour Questionnaire, used for discovering different kinds of errors of behavior and their frequency, and Brief Inventory of Small Errors, which is concerned on smaller errors and their frequency. The purpose of present study was also to test DBQ and DAS through correlations with the SPARO Personality Inventory and WRBTV test for risky behavior. The results show that these methods can be recommended for risky driving assessment and intervention programs.
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Crash Analysis Portal / Crash Analysis PortalJaneček, Milan January 2008 (has links)
This work presents problems of software products field failure analysis and introduces terms a field failure and a system for field failures analysis. Rest of this work contains requirements analysis and design of one part of the system for field failures analysis a central. A part of the central is then implemented and design correctness and practical usability of the central is evaluated.
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Zpětná vazba ve výuce češtiny jako cizího jazyka / Feedback in Czech Language Courses for ForeignersPlísková, Kamila January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores teacher's feedback, its definition, types, and is specifically focused on feedback moves in context of teaching Czech as a foreign language. The aim of this thesis is to present current research on the feedback in the context of teaching a second/foreign language and describe how the feedback is used in Czech language courses for foreigners and what instruments teachers use for such purpose. The first part is focusing on the feedback as part of the educational dialogue and communication in the language classroom; introducing some concepts and hypotheses of second language acquisition in which feedback figures. We also provide a description of feedback, both positive and corrective, and we present current studies concerning feedback within language learning. The empirical part carries out conversational analysis of transcribed recordings of participant observation in Czech courses for foreigners, in which we focus on feedback moves of lecturers. The thesis includes glossary explaining relevant terms translated into Czech. Key words: Feedback, positive feedback, corrective feedback, communication in the language classroom, error correction, Czech for foreigners, conversation analysis
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Nerovnice jako diagnostický nástroj pro odhalení formalismu v různých oblastech školní matematiky / Inequalities as a diagnostical tool for discovering formalism in varions domains of school mathematicsDubišarová, Václava January 2013 (has links)
Inequalities as a diagnostical tool for discovering formalism in various domains of school mathematics Abstract: This thesis targets various types of errors and their causes, in particular formal using of mathematical symbolism, appearing in students solutions of specific inequalities. The theoretical part refers on articles dea- ling with the difficulties manifested in students solutions of inequalities and with factors influencing appearence of these difficulties, on the basic publi- cation dealing with the theory of errors and the factors that influence the occurrence of these. In the practical part, I analyze works of students from one secondary school in Prague. The aim of the diploma is to detect domains where negative transfer of knowledge influence the domain of inequalities. Errors identified in these solutions are closely linked with domain of equati- ons, but they are also influenced by knowledge from the domain of function, sets, algebraic expressions, mathematical logic and numbers. Keywords: Work with errors, typology of errors, inequalities, mathemati- cal symbolism, transfer of knowledge, goniometric inequalities, strategies in solving inequalities 1
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Zkoumání hierarchizace pádů českého substantiva v sémantických (kolokačních) třídách / Exploring case forms of Czech nouns and their ranking in semantic (collocational) classesSchöne, Karin January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation aims to identify and analyse the frequency distribution of mor- phological forms of nouns in contemporary Czech. The work is based on an error analysis of texts of non-native speakers revealing and describing frequent types of errors in noun inflection. Against the background of recent research in the field of second language acquisition on the one hand and the principles of communicative approaches to language teaching on the other hand nine textbooks of Czech as a foreign language are analysed for approaches to the introduction and presentation of grammatical cases, their functions and typical constructions. It is concluded that it is necessary to exemplify case functions by prototypical constructions and sufficient sample nouns for which these functions are typical. With regard to the often observed emphasis on the noun as a part of the inflectional paradigm and thus on the nominative singular as its basic form, it is eligible for textbooks and language classes to shift the focus from the dominant paradigmatic to the syntag- matic aspect of nouns and their word forms. One of the initial questions of these theses therefore is which forms of a noun are essential to the adequate (didactical- ly oriented) presentation of the noun and its use. A pilot study conducted on the data of...
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Podpora komunikace žáků prostřednictvím zpětné vazby učitele / Promoting communication in the classroom through the teacher's feedbackSOVOVÁ, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
ABSTRACT This thesis will examine the feedback a teacher provides to a pupil during a regular daily interaction in English language teaching. This interaction has traditionally a three-phase structure called IRE (initiation, response and evaluation) or IRF, where F is a general follow-up, originally feedback. Traditionally, the third phase had evaluation function, but as it turns out, during the natural interaction between the teacher and the pupils in the classroom when the teacher focuses on the development of communication skills and when such interaction is more like an everyday conversation, this third stage has a different function, which is called discoursal by some authors. Such a feedback is very similar to the reaction heard by the speakers in everyday interaction outside classroom. The purpose is that the teacher tries to include pupils' responses to the discourse and not only correct and evaluate them. The teacher responds to students' answers with interest, some personal note, etc. This thesis will explore techniques that teachers in selected schools use to provide feedback in spoken language, it will examine whether the feedback is of evaluative or discoursal nature and what each type of feedback depends on. The aim of this thesis is to determine which type of feedback or which techniques are showing to be most beneficial for the development of effective communication for students.
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Účetní zobrazení vybraných operací ve vlastním kapitálu / The Accounting View of Selected Operations in EquityMacíková, Nela January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with accounting and reporting of selected operations in Equity. The object of interest are three balance sheet items: Reserve fund, Advance for a profit share and Other profit and loss of previous years. The theoretical part is focused on general characteristic of Equity, its basic items and structure of related Financial statements. The indispensable component of this part is also more detailed specification of these three items. Attention is mainly focused to the payments and settlement of advances for a profit share, or accounting view corrections of mistakes from previous years and changes in accounting methods. The practical part is focused on an analysis of the annual reports of the capital companies in 2013-2015. The result is the evaluation of the frequency of occurrence, the use and justification of the analysed items in the annual reports of the companies.
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Návrh vyhledávacího systému pro moderní potřeby / Design of search engine for modern needsMaršálek, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
In this work I argue that field of text search has focused mostly on long text documents, but there is a growing need for efficient short text search, which has different user expectations. Due to this reduced data set size requirements different algorithmic techniques become more computationally affordable. The focus of this work is on approximate and prefix search and purely text based ranking methods, which are needed due to lower precision of text statistics on short text. A basic prototype search engine has been created using the researched techniques. Its capabilities were demonstrated on example search scenarios and the implementation was compared to two other open source systems representing currently recommended approaches for short text search problem. The results show feasibility of the implemented prototype regarding both user expectations and performance. Several options of future direction of the system are proposed.
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Klasifikace vzorů pomocí fuzzy neuronových sítí / Fuzzy Neural Networks for Pattern ClassificationOllé, Tamás January 2012 (has links)
Práce popisuje základy principu funkčnosti neuronů a vytvoření umělých neuronových sítí. Je zde důkladně popsána struktura a funkce neuronů a ukázán nejpoužívanější algoritmus pro učení neuronů. Základy fuzzy logiky, včetně jejich výhod a nevýhod, jsou rovněž prezentovány. Detailněji je popsán algoritmus zpětného šíření chyb a adaptivní neuro-fuzzy inferenční systém. Tyto techniky poskytují efektivní způsoby učení neuronových sítí.
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Systém pro záznam a hlášení chybových stavů chladicích zařízení / System for Recording and Reporting Fault States of Cooling DevicesJašek, Filip January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design and creation of a system for recording and reporting error states of cooling devices on the principle of a compressor heat pump. An important element of the concept of the entire monitoring system is a built-in platform based on the ESP32 microcontroller for evaluating data measured by sensors. Another key element is the communication module, which sends measured data via GPRS in the form of MQTT messages to the service web application. The application receives, evaluates and records measured data. Subsequently are measured data and evaluated error states presented to the user in the form of tables and interactive graphs.
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