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Žabovřeské louky / Žabovřesky MeadowsMarkevičová, Vendula January 2010 (has links)
Žabovřeské and Komínské meadows are divided acording to their names, but in the real landscape it is just only fluent space of large river valley. The space was created by river fo ages, so I let the space to float with the river. All important division of the space are done in parallel with the river, that itself classife the calm, narrower and more familiar right bank and more open, larger left bank of the river. The river shaped the linear charakter of the park and in the same time identify the circle – the space of stop in. The superficies of the area: 141,1 ha.
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The Hilbert TransformMcGovern, James Denis 04 1900 (has links)
Abstract Not Provided. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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Webs and Foams of Simple Lie AlgebrasThatte, Mrudul Madhav January 2023 (has links)
In the first part of the dissertation, we construct two-dimensional TQFTs which categorify the evaluations of circles in Kuperberg’s 𝐵₂ spider. We give a purely combinatorial evaluation formula for these TQFTs and show that it is compatible with the trace map on the corresponding commutative Frobenius algebras. Furthermore, we develop a theory of Θ-foams and their combinatorial evaluations to lift the ungraded evaluation of the Θ-web, thus paving a way for categorifying 𝐵₂ webs to 𝐵₂ foams.
In the second part of the dissertation, we study the calculus of unoriented 𝔰𝔩₃ webs and foams. We focus on webs with a small number of boundary points. We obtain reducible collections and consider bilinear forms on these collections given by pairings of webs. We give web categories stable under the action of certain endofunctors and derive relations between compositions of these endofunctors.
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RNA-cleaving DNAzymes (RCDs) are a class of functional nucleic acids that can bind various targets ranging in size from small molecules to large proteins, which results in activation of cleavage activity. The activation of RCDs results in the cleavage of a ribonucleotide site in an otherwise all-DNA substrate, leading to two cleavage fragments. In this work, a previously identified DNAzyme that binds to a protein biomarker endogenous to Helicobacter pylori (J99) crude extracellular matrix was evaluated for coupling to an isothermal amplification method termed rolling circle amplification (RCA) as a way to improve the originally reported detection limit. Three RCD constructs were designed with the goal of generating a cleavage fragment that could act as a primer to initiate RCA. The first method used the original HP DNAzyme, which liberated a short cleavage fragment that could be used as a primer. However, the primer fragment was rapidly digested by the bacterial matrix, preventing RCA. A second method evaluated use of a circularized substrate and separate RCD to generate a primer, however this system was not capable of generating a cleavage fragment. A final method redesigned the original RCD to move the substrate region from the 3’ to the 5’ end of the RCD, causing the longer RCD-containing fragment to be the primer for RCA. In this case, target-triggered cleavage was observed and the resulting primer was sufficiently resistant to digestion to allow its use as a primer for RCA. Preliminary characterization of the rearranged RCD showed that it retained selectivity similar to the original RCD, but that the cleavage rate was slower. In addition, the RCA based reaction, while successful, did not produce improved detection sensitivity relative to unamplified assays. Methods to further improve RCA performance are discussed for future work. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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An Enumerative-Probabilistic Study of Chord DiagramsAcan, Huseyin 03 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Comparison of great circle and rhumb line flight paths in the continental united states using simulation and flight testsKaul, Rajan January 1984 (has links)
No description available.
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One-Dimensional Dynamics: from Poincaré to Renormalization / Endimensionell dynamik: från Poincaré till omnormaliseringDong, Yiheng January 2023 (has links)
Renormalization is a powerful tool showing up in different contexts of mathematics and physics. In the context of circle diffeomorphisms, the renormalization operator acts like a microscope and allows to study the dynamics of a circle diffeomorphism on a small scale. The convergence of renormalization leads to a proof of the so-called rigidity theorem, which classifies the dynamics of circle diffeomorphisms geometrically: the conjugacy between $C^3$ circle diffeomorphism with Diophantine rotation number and the corresponding rotation is $C^1$. In this thesis, we define the renormalization of circle diffeomorphisms and study its dynamics. In particular, we prove that the renormalization of orientation preserving $C^3$ circle diffeomorphisms with irrational rotation number of bounded type converges to rotations at exponential speed. We also introduce the necessary relevant concepts such as rotation number, distortion and non-linearity and discuss some of their properties. This thesis is a summary and supplement to the book One-Dimensional Dynamics: from Poincaré to Renormalization. / Omnormalisering är en kraftfull teknik som dyker upp i olika sammanhang inom matematik och fysik. I samband med cirkeldiffeomorfier är omnormaliseringsoperatorn ett dynamiskt system, som fungerar som ett mikroskop och gör att vi kan studera dynamiken hos en cirkeldiffeomorfi på en liten skala. Omnormaliseringens konvergens leder till ett bevis för det så kallade rigiditetssatsen, som klassificerar dynamiken hos cirkeldiffeomorfier geometriskt: konjugatet mellan $C^3$ cirkeldiffeomorfi med diofantiska rotationstal och den motsvarande rotationen är $C^1$. I denna avhandling definierar vi omnormaliseringen av cirkeldiffeomorfier och studerar dess dynamik. I synnerhet bevisar vi att omnormaliseringen av orienteringsbevarande $C^3$ cirkeldiffeomorfier med irrationellt rotationstal av begränsad typ konvergerar till rotationer med exponentiell hastighet. Vi introducerar också nödvändiga och relevanta begrepp så som rotationstal, distorsion och icke-linjäritet och diskuterar några av deras egenskaper. Denna avhandling är en sammanfattning och ett komplement till boken One- Dimensional Dynamics: from Poincaré to Renormalization.
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a study of material: a stone house in the arctic circleMcKinley, Abigail Joanne 13 June 2011 (has links)
the work that follows is a study in material and the nature of its construction.
i chose a site that was rich in tradition of building, but chose to not mimic tradition. the arctic circle of norway has a tradition of stone and wood construction. the remote qualities of the site lead me to choose a house, of local stone and wood. the extreme conditions of the environment posed the challenges in design and construction.
i did not test the limits of the stone, but let the stone do what is natural to it. i chose not to force the stone to be anything other than itself, and working with these natural tendencies to make the decisions of construction. / Master of Architecture
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BelongingElamin, Heba Hassan Bella Mohamed 24 June 2015 (has links)
No, she is not my mom, not my aunt, we are not family. Yes, we do look alike, we do live in the same neighborhood, we smell the same coffee beans each morning, and we share the same zip code. The only difference between us is I do have an actual address here, she does not. Yes, she must have lived here much longer than me, she has a history in this town, a lot of the people would recognize her smiling spirit right away, yet she only occupies a corner in a street near a coffee shop most of the year. Everyone knows that space is hers, except the legal papers.
Where are you from? The question may seem so simple, but regardless of how many times I am asked the answer has never been so easy for me each time I am asked, and I am asked very often. Belonging, identity, countries, tribes, bloodlines and borders are things that confuse me a lot, and for that I decided to do my thesis about them, trying to find an answer to a simple question, in a very complicated universe.
I chose to study these matters through a transitional program, in a transforming neighborhood and for users who are in their most confused age; an international 6 boarding school in Dupont circle. / Master of Architecture
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×a and ×b empirical measures, the irregular set and entropy / a倍b倍作用に関する経験測度とその不規則集合及びエントロピーUsuki, Shunsuke 25 March 2024 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第25086号 / 理博第4993号 / 新制||理||1713(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科数学・数理解析専攻 / (主査)教授 宍倉 光広, 教授 COLLINSBenoit Vincent Pierre, 教授 塚本 真輝 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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