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La ciudad de la presencia: memorias, deseos y narrativasPáez Barrera, Rafael Oswaldo 02 June 2010 (has links)
La ciudad de la presencia: memorias, deseos y narrativas, tiene cuatro facetas:1. Afirmo que la ciudad globalizada se diferencia de la ciudad moderna porque las formas del mando y la acumulación se han modificado, por tanto, analizo algunas de dichas modificaciones para explicar la ciudad del presente como concepto y forma. Las teorías críticas usadas en tiempos de la ciudad moderna que incidieron en su configuración han dejado de ser operativas porque ya no corresponden a la ciudad del presente. Ciudad caótica no solo por la falta de nuevas teorías, sino por la aceleración de las relaciones capitalistas, el incremento de la población urbana y las prioridades del neoliberalismo. Las nuevas condiciones productivas han traído nuevos sujetos productivos, quienes asimilando las experiencias pasadas serán los encargados de transformar la ciudad globalizada en otra: solidaria, igualitaria y libertaria.2. Sostengo que las maneras de historiar la ciudad moderna no son adecuadas para la globalizada. A ésta ya no le interesa la historia por considerar que la misma habría llegado a su fin, en ella.Pensar e historiar la ciudad es tarea de los sectores sociales opuestos a los globalizadores, en una práctica intelectual que se apoya en el saber narrativo crítico de los nuevos sujetos históricos, quienes se mueven al margen del discurso cristalizado del poder. De esta forma, dichos sujetos religarían el espacio y el tiempo tanto en su crítica (análisis), en su comprensión (teoría), y en su transformación (práctica), no desde arriba (relación de poder), sino desde abajo y desde sus cuerpos, que es desde donde se construye todo.3. Retiro de la hermenéutica urbana el paradigma tempo-cultural vigente, esto es, ensayo la sustitución del modelo pasado-presente-futuro por el de la experiencia-presencia-deseo, más operativo y experimental para el desarrollo de la contemporaneidad y la expresión auténtica de los sujetos o agentes del cambio, y por tanto, necesario para entretejer la comunicación y la poesía de una nueva ciudad. En todas estas entradas el cuerpo está en el centro de las reflexiones, en él se concentran todos los tiempos y todas las desgracias, pero también todas las posibilidades liberatorias.4. Presento algunos textos míos estructurados sobre la base de las reflexiones señaladas, a fin de probar la operatividad y productividad de los modelos teóricos aquí aludidos. Se trata de una antología de textos cortos que corresponden a un caso concreto: la defensa de la memoria, en la crítica al manejo globalizador de una ciudad histórica patrimonial. Con esta opción verifico el modelo teórico en consecuencia con el tono y el conjunto de la tesis, puesto que, al criticar en la misma las acciones formales de la ciudad del presente como destructoras de todos los testigos de otros tiempos, las relecturas de los patrimonios culturales tangible e intangibles, adquieren súbita importancia." / The proposed thesis has four dimensions:The globalized city differenciates itself from the modern city in a number of ways.These changes are characterised by changes in the patterns of employment, organization and accumulation. This work analyzes the conceptual and structural dimensions of the modern city. The critical theories that have previously been applied to the study the modern city have become obselete, and are no longer applicable to the configuration of today's cities. Such theories are misfitted to the contemporary city. While there is no shortage of theories which could be applied, the proliferation of capitalist relations, the growth of the urban population and the characteristic neoliberal values demand theories that can encompass the fluid pace of fast-changing societies. New productive relationships have also brought about new productive subjects. These subjects, who have assimilated past experiences, become the new actors in the transition of globalized cities into solidary, equal and liberal spaces I argue here that the ways of conceptualizing the modern city are no longer adequate for the study of the globalized cities. The globalized city believes that history has ended.Conceptualising the history of the city is the task of social sectors opposed to the globalization process. This process should consist of an intellectual task that is grounded in the collective narrative of the new historic subjects, who exist on the fringes of the discourse of power. From this perspective, the subjects in question, would realign the relationship between space and time through their criticism (analysis), comprehension (theory) and transformation (praxis/practice). This process, however, will be constructed, not from above (relationship with power), but from below, from their bodies.I abandon the contemporary urban hermeneitics of culture-time, chosing to replace the past-present-future model for experience-presence-desire, which is more applicable to the development of the contemporary and the authentic expression of subjects as agentes of change and thus necessary to the interlinking of the communication and poetry of the new city. En all these scenarios, the body is at the centre of the reflexions. In the body, all the times and humilations are condensed; but so too are all the emancipatory possibilities.The texts presented here are grounded in the reflections above reflections, with the objective of proving the applicability and productivity of the theoretical models discussed. This work is an anthology of short texts, all of which are based in a concrete case study. The unifying theme is the defense of the memory: a critique of the pro-globalizing administration of the historic city of Cuenca (Ecuador).Through the application of the model to the chosen texts, I hope to consolidate the four theses stated here. Through a critique of the formal management of the contemporary city as destroyers of witnesses from other eras, the revision of tangible and intangible cultural patrimony acquire great importance.
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Arquitectura y novela: la Sagrada Familia, de Gaudí, en la novela española moderna (Luis Goytisolo, Eduardo Mendoza, Max Aub y Juan Marsé)January 2015 (has links)
abstract: The temple of the Sagrada Familia, by Gaudí, is nowadays one of the most emblematic buildings of Barcelona, and the most visited monument in Spain. Despite the high popularity surrounding the name of the architect, his great work, still unfinished, has divided public opinion in the city for decades and has starred since its inception in a complex and paradoxical cultural phenomenon. My object of study consists of four major novels of modern Spanish narrative (Antagonía [1973-81], by Luis Goytisolo, La ciudad de los prodigios [1986], by Eduardo Mendoza, Campo cerrado [1943], by Max Aub and El amante bilingüe [1990], by Juan Marsé): all of them stand out because of the interartistic dialogue they establish with the famous building, which is referred to more or less extensively in their plots. The study will prove that the textual references to the Sagrada Familia in each particular case contain important interpretive keys that illuminate the discursive characterization of the texts while at the same time opening a new avenue for reading them.
To this end, I start by situating my object of interest within the studies on the literary city, a field where Barcelona has a unique tradition of reflecting on its novel. Then I trace the cultural reception of the Sagrada Familia as evidenced in literary testimonies of the early twentieth century, and continue by documenting the presence of the building in modern, post-Civil War narrative. After that, I explain the conceptual notions and terms on the phenomenon of the intersection between architecture and literature, which will guide the analysis of the texts.
Finally, I carry out the literary analysis of the four aforementioned novels.
The Sagrada Familia, as well as showing itself to be a versatile metafictional emblem at four different times in modern Spanish narrative, illustrates the possibilities of a literary analysis that takes into account the architectural component of the texts in order to illuminate their comprehension and their characterization. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Spanish 2015
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