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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'arquitectura domèstica de les ciutats romanes de Catalunya (època tardorepublicana i altimperial)

Cortés Vicente, Ada 25 June 2009 (has links)
La investigació portada a terme ha determinat els principals models d'arquitectura domèstica localitzats a Catalunya durant la tardorepublica i l'altimperi. El seu anàlisi permet visualitzar el procés d'introducció dels models romans en l'àmbit domèstic, les seves adaptacions i particularitats, així com la seva evolució. Un dels elements principals d'aquesta investigació va ser l'elaboració d'un catàleg de totes les restes del territori català amb suficient entitat per ser considerades una unitat domèstica. De cadascun dels exemples es va estudiar la evolució històrica i cronològica de l'edifici, la seva arquitectura i funcionalitat tenint en compte les seves tècniques constructives, els seus materials i morfologia i la relació entre els seus espais, així com els sistemes d'abastiment i evacuació d'aigües, entre d'altres. També es va analitzar la decoració arquitectònica, recollint les dades sobre els paviments, mosaics, parets, elements escultòrics, etc.Per realitzar aquesta tasca es va extreure la informació de diferents fonts arqueològiques. En primer lloc es van recollir les dades publicades, en la majoria dels casos es van consultar les memòries d'intervenció arqueològica, i en tots els jaciments en que va ser possible, es van estudiar les restes in situ.Finalment es va realitzar l'anàlisi crític de tota la documentació amb l'objectiu d'uniformar i donar coherència a tot el conjunt, per poder evitar interpretacions errònies que podrien donar una imatge irreal de les morfologies de les cases urbanes d'aquest context i que dificultessin l'extracció d'unes conclusions més rigoroses. Així doncs, aquest catàleg no és només una recopilació d'informació arqueològica, sinó l'estudi crític de cadascuna de les unitats domèstiques, interpretades i discutides amb una definició actualitzada. Per complementar aquest estudi, s'ha elaborat una planimetria de casa una de les cases. Amb aquesta planimetria se ha intentat identificar i diferenciar les restes pertanyents a les diverses fases d'aquests espais, reflexant-ho en forma de plantes consecutives.Un cop realitzat l'estudi de cadascuna de les cases, es va treballar el conjunt de la documentació per ciutats. La parcialitat dels descobriments va provocar una amplia disseminació de les dades referent aquest tipus d'arquitectura, però es va poder donar coherència a tota la informació quan es va inserir dins del seu context urbà. És per aquest fet, que es va estudiar l'arquitectura domèstica per ciutats, sense oblidar que cada una d'elles presenta unes característiques i evolució pròpies. En l'estudi de l'arquitectura domèstica per ciutats es va analitzar la topografia, l'urbanisme, el desenvolupament i evolució històrica de cada ciutat, per poder analitzar les cases contextualitzades en el seu entorn urbà i poder aportar un pas més en el coneixement de l'urbanisme de cadascuna de les ciutats del nord-est de l'antiga Tarraconense.En l'estudi del conjunt de l'arquitectura domèstica s'observaven i analitzaven les tipologies que havia aportat la ciutat. Dins de l'anàlisi arquitectònic de les restes es treballava sobre l'estructura del col·lectiu de les unitats, treballant l'ingrés, l'àrea de circulació, la zona residencial, la zona de servei i producció i la zona de culte. En l'anàlisi arquitectònic també es van incloure els resultats de l'estudi de la tècnica constructiva, del sistema hidràulic documentat en les diverses cases de la ciutat i de la decoració interior, tant a nivell pictòric com musivari. Així doncs, les conclusions han tingut present la diversitat tant dels processos urbans com del resultat arqueològic de cada ciutat.Finalment va ser necessari crear una tipologia per classificar les evidències arqueològiques i així obtenir una millor comprensió de les restes. / The investigation which has been carried out has determined the major domestic architectural models located in Catalonia during the late republican and early empire era. Its analysis enables to see the process of the introduction of Roman models in the domestic field, its adaptations and peculiarities as well as their evolution. One of the main elements of this investigation was drawing up a catalogue of all the remains in the Catalan territory with enough significance as to be considered a domestic unit. The historical evolution of each element was studied. Also, the chronology of the building, its architecture and functionality, taking into account its building techniques, materials , morphology and the connection among its areas as well as water supply and evacuation system among other things. The architectural decoration was also analysed collecting all the details of the pavements, mosaics, walls, sculptural elements etc.Information has been taken from different archaeological sources in order to carry out this task. Firstly, the published data, often presented as reports of archaeological intervention, was collected and in all the archaeological diggings which was possible, the remains were studied in situ. Finally, a critical analysis of all the information was carried out in order to standardize it and give it coherence as a whole, avoiding wrong interpretations, which could give an unreal image of the morphology of the urban houses in this context and would make it difficult to draw stricter conclusions. Therefore this catalogue is not only a compilation of archaeological documentation, but the critical study of each domestic unit, which have been discussed and interpreted with an updating definition. To complete this study, a planimetry of each dwelling was made. It has been the procedure to use this planimitry to identify and differentiate the remains, which belong to the different stages of these areas, reflecting them as consecutive plans.Once the study of each house was completed, the overview information of each city was examined. The partiality of the discoveries caused a wide dissemination of all the details regarding this type of architecture. Because of this, it was possible to give coherence to all these remains inserting them in their urban context and thus contributing one more step into the knowledge of the urbanism of each city in the north-east of the Tarraconensis. In order to do so, the domestic architecture was studied city by city, taking into account the fact that each one of them present their own characteristics and evolution. When studying the domestic architecture of each city, their topology, urbanism, development and historical evolution was analysed, so that later on the domestic architecture could be contextualized and analysed in its urban environment.In the overview study of domestic architecture , the typology that the cities had brought were observed and analysed. It was worked on the structure of the collective units within the architectural analysis of the remains, studying the entry, circulation area, residential space, service and production area and worship place. The results of the study of the constructive technique was also included in the architectural analysis, as well as the hydraulic system documented in the several houses of the city and the interior decoration, both at a pictorial level and the mosaics. This way, the conclusions have taken into consideration the diversity of both the urban processes as of the archaeological result of each city.Finally, it became necessary to create a typology in order to classify the archaeological evidences thus obtaining a better comprehension of the remains.

La rehabilitació com actitud projectual: el cas del Regomir

Costa Trost, Margarita 07 June 2007 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to develop an example of research methodology about The Urban Form, presenting a new interpretation of the place on Regomir, located in the city of Barcelona. I believe this analysis exercise is fundamental to the Rehabilitation of Urban Forms and Architecture in general. Prior to the development of the practical part of the work specified in the case of Regomir, the thesis sets forth a discourse that frames the subject of Rehabilitation from the theoretical angle. In the first chapter, the section for the bibliographical comments describes the entirety of situations that have played a role in shaping the history of the rehabilitation of architecture in the last century, formalising the background in order to have a broader vision available for current reality. To finish, the bibliographical comments contain the entirety of data published that are part of the secondary documentation collection used in my subsequent research about the specific case of Regomir. The second chapter describes the predisposition, training and planning of architecture as a veritable tool for protecting our heritage, reaching an in-depth understanding the Rehabilitation as a Planning Attitude. The objective of the third chapter of the thesis, The Case of Regomir, is to develop a concrete case for the analysis of Urban Form, providing an overall vision of the strategies of the method. This exercise allows you to draw closer to the formal, constructive and functional logic of the Urban Form of a place that has been known for centuries as El Regomir, located in the municipality of the city of Barcelona, currently coinciding with the area of this city where the carrer del Regomir is located. The current Carrer del Regomir is located on the southern side of the Gothic neighbourhood of the historic centre, starting at the Plaza of Regomir and ending at Carrer Ample. The concrete research subject arose from an interest towards an ancient and long-standing building located on a section of the street with the same name, shaping a large part of its morphology, currently identified with the numbers 11-19 on this street. The work proposes to carry out a search arising around a specific architectural work, but tightly linked to the sector it is part of, with the text and context as two intentions in themselves, forming part of a single process and a single conceptual unit. The concrete study of this place shall provide data about the customs, the economy, the needs, the construction and the architecture of the city in its training process. The study of El Regomir is presented as a methodological example in order to understand professional attitudes about rehabilitation, based on a necessary understanding prior to all Rehabilitation Projects, showing the search strategies that propitiate a project that is in dialogue with its environment. The methodology used can be extrapolated in order to research and learn about other fragments of the city that as of today have yet to be studies. Therefore, the efforts taken in the sector of El Regomir will help to understand the history of the Urban Forms of Barcelona, setting forth the strategies to be used for the study of the Catalan Urban Form in general. The value -but more general than I consider in the presentation of this work- is to transmit an attitude and a learning method in the field of rehabilitation, which is applicable to any level of architecture, from the seemingly simplest architecture to the most complex and renowned. This document develops a fragment of the Urban Form of Barcelona, where there will be an opportunity to work with extremely diverse documentation, a fact that comprehensively illustrates the possibility of searching for the method. All architects, in every rehabilitation project that they are appointed to, must know how to access all possible existing documentation and determine the objectives and the limits of their search. In my opinion, the true value of the thesis written lies in this most general appreciation.

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