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Cena stavebního objektu pro zajištění bezpečnosti obyvatel / The price of the construction for ensuring the safety of residentsBartal, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis will address the issue of civil protection objects. The first part is devoted to acquainting with the terminology related to the prices in construction, population protection, civil protection objects and evacuation of the population. The second part is devoted to determining the price for specific civil protection objects. Here are the budgets for different types of shelters. The resulting prices will be compiled for price indices, which will allow a quick revaluation of an object of this type. The functionality of these indicators will be verified by compiling an additional budget for civil protection shelter. The different types of shelters are compared to each other. Minimum maintenance costs for these shelters will be determined, as well as options for the use of civil protection facilities at peace.
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Analýza znalostí žáků základních, studentů středních a vysokých škol v oblasti ochrany člověka za mimořádných událostí na území hlavního města Prahy / Knowledge analysis of students primary school, high school and university in the field of protection human on behalf of emergency in Capital City PraguePiš, Jindřich January 2011 (has links)
11 Abstract Name of the essay: Knowledge analysis of students primary school, high school and university in the field of protection human on behalf of emergency in capital city Prague Aim of the essay: The main objective of this work is to point out the topic of civil protection, determine the way of education and knowledge of students at Prague schools. Another component of this essay describes the history and present condition of civil protection in our region, legislation and the meaning of civil protection for our country. Method: For getting data in this empirical study the method of inquiry was used. The inquiry contains of three parts: identification, research and complement. The individual study was made on chosen Prague schools and universities. Results: Frequency and statistical significance of answers were made from received data. The results showed that students have some knowledge in traffic education and first aid. But there is still lot of things that students should learn, mostly in civil protection. Key words: Civil protection, civil protection education, civil defense, history of civil defense
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Systém nasazení a řízení záchranářské humanitární pomoci poskytované do zahraničí. / The system of deployment of provided rescue humanitarian assistence abroad.SOJKA, Hynek January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with humanitarian assistance from the Czech Republic abroad. The issue of humanitarian assistance is viewed in terms of its own management system and by providing this assistance. The humanitarian assistance has not been compiled into a comprehensive publication before. The constant increasing importance of this problem comes mainly from an increase in the number of disasters caused by the nature on the one hand, and human activities on the other.The issue of the thesis was to define, describe and evaluate the system of management of rescue humanitarian assistance that is provided by Czech Republic abroad and possibly propose some changes in management with the aim to make the humanitarian assistance most effective and fastest to be provided in the affected country. The next issue is to recommend changes in the structure of management to be useful in the praxis and also that the thesis will be appropriate for studying mentioned problems. The research question was if it´s possible to make more effective the procedure of providing rescue humanitarian assistance to the country which was striken by disaster. In relation to the described theory the folllowing assumption was introduced: is it possible to realize the providing and managing of the rescue humanitarian assistance abroad?Research work with the focus on solving practical problem was selected as a processing type of the thesis, it will results in more effective proceeding operation in the mentioned sphere. In this point of view of methodology it´s ?mixed research? in its simple way, qualitative and quantitative research is combined. The analysis of case study and nonstandarized dialogue were applied for solution of research question. The form of analysis, comparation and description in the theoretical part of the thesis was choosen from general to concrete. The first part, mainly characterizes two basic concepts ? The Humanitarian assistance and The Emergency, including definitions of legislation of this issue from the perspective of the European Union and the Czech Republic. There are also identified and described the major practical mechanisms of the assistance - The civil protection modules which send the member states of The European Union, including the Czech Republic, to countries affected by the emergency.This theoretical part of the thesis is followed by a research based on real case studies - provided humanitarian assistance during the floods in Poland in 2010, identifies and defines the system of strategic and operational management, supplement with data and own knowledgement from sphere of service execution ? operation officer of Fire and Rescue Service - procedure of management is formed and followed with the identification of 15 issues from solved sphere. The solution is own proposal which gives with its followed proceeding steps manual (instructions) to crisis managment how to proceed in the first level of management. This procedure is shown here in the form of a practical document that can serve as a ?check-list events? the Checklist. The important point here is a summary of the steps that must not be omitted during proceeding and management of this mechanism, with the only aim ? to provide the humanitarian assistance quickly and efficiently to the affected area.In the chapter titled the Discussion are into the context given knowledges about described issue.In the end of the thesis the outcomes and results are formulated, the research question if it´s possible to make more effective the procedure of providing rescue humanitarian assistance to the country which was striken by disaster is affirmatived answered with the confirmed assumption. Finally the author´s principle is mentioned which is useable for crisis manager´s work in early decision procedure of providing humanitarian assistance and other recommended steps in this procedure.
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Posouzení preventivně výchovné činnosti v oblasti požární ochrany a seznamování obyvatel v obci s charakterem možného ohrožení a s opatřeními ochrany obyvatelstva realizovanými obcemi a Hasičským záchranným sborem kraje. / The assessment of preventive educational activities in the field of fire protection and getting people in villages aware of the nature of potential threats and of protective measures implemented by municipalities and regional fire brigades.HEINRICHOVÁ, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The content of this thesis is to document the current status of the content and forms of training people for self-protection and mutual assistance in case of emergency events. This content and forms are part of the legislative norms of the state, including the quantification and qualification of entities that provide these activities. To obtain information, questionnaire survey was conducted with employees of one branch of civil service and self-government authorities. Similar research with one hundred citizens aged over 18 years was carried out for specific assessment of education and public awareness. After the analysis of these sections, it can be concluded that although the current legislation, the long-term concept of the government of the Czech Republic and the wide range of possible influences on the population in preventive education activities in the field of fire protection and protection of the population form a prerequisite for penetration of the necessary information to the public, the desired efficiency and effectiveness required are not achieved in their implementation. For example, the older generation lacks basic knowledge, which has been politicized before 1989. Overall, this work can lead to the conclusions that there is a need for education at schools of all levels and subsequent lifelong learning for all the citizens of this country. It is also necessary to continuously update and maintain the required level of competency of staff of the entities that carry out preventive educational activities in the field of fire and civil protection.
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Cовершенствование механизмов гражданской защиты населения муниципального образования : магистерская диссертация / Improvement of mechanisms of civil protection of the population of municipal educationЗубро, А. Б., Zubro, A. B. January 2021 (has links)
В процессе исследований было проанализирована гражданская защита населения муниципального образования города Мегион; уточнены понятия: «гражданская защита», «механизм гражданской защиты населения»; определены роль и место гражданской защиты в городе Мегион, основная функция которой заключается в защите населения города от разрушительного воздействия негативных явлений стихийного и техногенного происхождения; проведенный анализ гражданской защиты населения города показал основные проблемные вопросы касающиеся гражданской защиты населения; разработан проект по совершенствованию механизмов гражданской защиты населения. / During the research, civil protection was analyzed the population of the municipality of the city of megion; clarified concepts:"civil protection", "mechanism of civil protection of the population";defined the role and place of civil protection in the city of megion, the main whose function is to protect the city's population from the destructive impact of negative phenomena of natural and technogenic origin; analysis of civil protection the population of the city showed the main problematic issues concerning civil protection of the population; a project to improve mechanisms of civil protection of the population.
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La ricerca prende spunto dalla recente accresciuta attenzione, da parte della magistratura, all’attività di protezione civile in relazione alla previsione, valutazione e gestione del rischio. Ciò è agevolato dal fatto che l’ordinamento italiano, a fronte del verificarsi di eventi avversi, reagisce usualmente facendo ricorso al diritto penale. Si tratta però di una scelta non priva di conseguenze e che, come già avvenuto in settori affini, quale quello sanitario, rischia di produrre delle significative conseguenze negative, a discapito della stessa efficacia del Sistema di Protezione civile. La prima parte della tesi è così dedicata alla ricognizione del fenomeno della “criminalizzazione” dell’attività di protezione civile e delle conseguenze che ciò ha comportato. Si passa poi all’individuazione delle cause, sia sociologiche, sia giuridiche, che hanno condotto a questo recente, esasperato controllo giudiziale sulla Protezione civile. Nel terzo capitolo è svolta una disamina dei ruoli e compiti della Protezione civile, nonché di alcune sentenze particolarmente rappresentative dei vari orientamenti giurisprudenziali che si sono sviluppati in questo settore. L’ultima parte contiene una ricognizione delle criticità che ancora affliggono l’operato della Protezione civile e che inducono all’adozione di comportamenti difensivi, cui segue l’analisi del progetto di riforma della materia, nonché la formulazione di alcune ulteriori considerazioni personali. / The research has been inspired by the recent increased judicial focus on Civil protection activities. This phenomenon depends on the fact that the Italian legal system reacts to the failure of Civil protection duties essentially by using criminal law. This kind of reaction, as it has already been demonstrated in other cases, such as medical malpractice, has some contraindications, because it leads to defensive behaviours. The first part of the thesis is thus dedicated to the recognition of the judicial focus on civil protection activities and the relevant consequences. Then are studied the factors, both sociological and juridical, which have led to this recent exaggerated judicial control over Civil protection. The third chapter concerns the roles and duties of Italian Civil protection and then are examined some leading cases in this matter. In the last part it is conducted a recognition of the crucial problems that still affects Civil protection and that lead to defensive behaviours. It follows an analysis of the reform project of Civil protection and at last some personal proposal to solve the problem of “defensive civil protection” are given.
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Samverkan och sekretess : en rättsvetenskaplig studie av myndigheters informationsutbyte vid olyckor och extraordinära händelser / Agency cooperation and official secrecy : a legal study on exchange of information between authorities in accidents and extraordinary eventsKarlsson, Rikard January 2015 (has links)
Cooperation between authorities is of great importance for effective crisis management. A new crisis management system was introduced in Sweden in 2002 to enhance the ability of public authorities to manage accidents and extraordinary events. It expects authorities to cooperate with each other both before and while dealing with such situations. An important aspect of this cooperation is the exchange of information, which is hampered when authorities are obliged to observe secrecy rules even if this limits their ability to manage accidents and extraordinary events. It may be said, therefore, that the legislation governing the exchange of information by authorities, chiefly the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400), is essentially at variance with the rules that require cooperation. The thesis analyses legal requirements on authorities to cooperate and exchange information when dealing with accidents and extraordinary events and how these requirements relate to secrecy rules. The study does not merely examine the legal requirements placed on authorities to cooperate and exchange information and to observe secrecy rules when dealing with accidents and extraordinary events; it also undertakes a critical analysis of the current legislation, with the aim of identifying deficiencies and ambiguities, taking as its criteria that good legislation should be clear, coherent and well-balanced. Since the thesis shows that there are deficiencies in the legislation, it also suggests improvements and alternative forms of regulation.
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Komplexní analýza rizik pro Dětské centrum Plzeň a návrh následných opatření na ochranu obyvatelstva / Complex analysis of the risks to the Children´s Center Plzeň and the proposal subsequent measures to civil protectionBĚLOHLAVÁ, Nikola January 2015 (has links)
The thesis analyses the potential risks threaten the health facility Children´s Center Pilsen. The legal definition of this Centre is currently complicated. The result of this thesis is risk analysis and emergency documentation witch the facility will be used in practice and include it in its documentation.The aim was to analyze the risks from the available documentation, by collecting data to process emergency documentation for Children´s Center and develop the auxiliary material for staff of the medical facility.The thesis is divided into several parts. The theoretical part presents the basis for preparation of the practical part of thesis. I deal with the basic concepts of the IRS,which will be mentioned in the practical part of thesis. The theoretical part describes similar analysis of the risks and the available methods of analysis than can by used.I used KARS analysis which identified priority risks and SWOT analysis through which I discovered strengths and weaknesses, which I used in the evaluation of the discussion. The last chapter is about caring for children up to 3 years in Czech republic. This area is still a delicate topic, because this facilities are not unified and have different status and founder. I progressed factual-analytic method during processing this thesis. I have worked with the available documentation, literature and various mapping portals. It was also necessary to asses legislation. It was the necessary communication with experts and especially the employees DC Pilsen and adapted the documentation to their needs.The next part of this thesis is research. It was important to accurately characterize the area in which the Center is because of this characteristic appeared individual threats. The second step was work with emergency and crisis documentation of Pilsen which were selected from several sources incidents and crisis situations that would have an impact of the functioning of Children´s Center. That treats were applied on Center and have been described in detail and recored in the analysis KARS. It was necessary to adapt KARS analysis to the object. After the identification of priority risks and their connection I used SWOT analysis for identifies weaknesses and threats that can not arise from emergency and crisis documentation. This threats can not arise because the crisis documentation of city talks about the risks across the board. The SWOT analysis has resulted specific factors to be considered in the context of emergency preparedness Center improvement. This factors are discussed in the debate. After constructing the analysis was necessary to provide the proposal subsequent measures identified risks. It had be taken into account that the resulting incidents will address primarily the staff and it had to be adapted solutions. It showed 8 risks which threaten both building and which were until now not addressed. Another risks was determined in subsequent analysis for each building of Center separately.For the same incidents were proposed identical proposals because it allowed the situation. Specific solutions were proposal especially for the individual parts of the facility Annex thesis is emergency documentation Children´s Center Pilsen which includes prepared checklists on specific incidents for staff. This checklists supplement existing documentation. Risk with the highest priority is a blackout which would affect a number of othersubsystems. The solution is to purchase a replacement source of electricity. It turned out that the advantage is the separation of buildings (Na Chmelnicich and Partyzanska) in this case because infants and toddlers may be shifted to the second building Children´s Center. The surprise is that the building Children´s Center Partyzanska is not included in the zone of interest Pilsner Urquell brewery.
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Ochrana obyvatelstva v sociálním zařízení s velkým počtem osob / Protecting the population in a social care institution with a large number of peopleKOLÁŘOVÁ, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
Thesis topic is "Protecting the population in a social care institution with a large number of people". The theoretical part deals with issues of self-help and simple human assistance perception, which is a cornerstone of protecting the population. It is important to realize that the experience and the memory makes us ready and durable, but also vulnerable and fearful, and that prevention and preparedness are not identical. The thesis describes the history of the civil protection and its current status. These issues are constantly evolving and it is necessary to constantly respond to current threats not only in the area of law-making, but also preventatively and practically. The aim of the thesis is to identify the readiness of the staff in the Home for the elderly in Blatná to a possible outbreak of an emergency or crisis situation. The result of this thesis is to design measures to improve the readiness of personnel in social care institutions with applications for the Home for the elderly in Blatná. To clarify the objectives of the thesis a questionnaire construction was used focused on finding out the level of awareness of the personnel in the field of civil protection. Office staff, technical support, nursing and health care personnel have participated in the research. The research was conducted in June 2015. Collected data are sorted in the chapter "Results" and the results of these investigations are clearly displayed using graphs. The questionnaires were evaluated by descriptive and mathematical statistics. After evaluating the results of the level of awareness of the personnel in the field of protecting the population and after a consultation with the management of the Home for the elderly, a set of measures has been suggested and implemented to improve awareness using presentation. Preparedness and awareness of the staff in the Home for the elderly in Blatná to emergency and crisis situations, identified by questionnaire research was only partial, according to the documents related to protection of the population, and its level should be increased. The thesis can be an inspiration to the desired upgrade of the improving the preparedness of the personnel in the area of civil protection in social care institutions and to desirable change of the inappropriate name of the document dealing with emergency and crisis situations in the Home for the elderly in Blatná. Updates proposal and recommended development of the document are also parts of the thesis. The thesis also suggests measures to deal with the possible emergence of a fire in the clients' kitchenette. By a verification of information obtained from the presentation, which has been held in the Home for the elderly in Blatná in order to increase the level of personnel awareness of the people in the field of civil protection, it was found by identical questionnaires that staff awareness in the social care institution increased very positively. The readiness of social care institution for different emergencies is a very important factor in the managing these situations. By managing or mismanaging one event people are going to manage or mismanage following events.
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Environmentální dopady povodní na území jižních Čech / Environmental impacts of the floods in the South Bohemia areaTOMANOVÁ, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
The environmental impacts of floods on the territory of South Bohemia was chosen as a topic of a thesis for several fundamental reasons. One main reason is the significance of the landscape and reflect on its values. The landscape is a set of individually occurring scenic features and extensive landscape structures, in which have individual natural compounds their irreplaceable function. Besides landscapes, the floods have a different environmental impact. Since 1997, the occurrence of floods has unexpectedly increased, and therefore the issue is getting more and more attention. Currently, the so-called environmental security is a hot topic, the evidence can be seen in the increase in professional publications and it also gets into the school curricula. Although the thesis focuses on the territory of South Bohemia, the results can be applied for the entire Czech Republic. The final survey includes a total of eight municipalities with extended powers, where interviews were conducted with the employees of the Department of the Environment, the Crisis Management,the Regional Hygiene Station of the South Bohemia, the Vltava River Basin and selected agricultural companies. This thesis titled "The environmental impact of floods in the South Bohemia" aims to evaluate the changes caused by the floods in the affected areas in the South Bohemia a reserach questiion follows: What are the effects of floods in terms of environmental impact in the South Bohemian Region? To achieve the set objectives the method of literature research was used, by which the basic information necessary to understand the issue was described. The method of qualitative research was also used; the reasearch was based on structured interviews with experts in the field. Afterwards, the information were logically organized and evaluated. The thesis is divided into two general parts. The first is a theoretical part, which describes the flood and its categories and its causes. It also explains the factors affecting the flood, the impacts on habitat and the flood retention capacity and its increase. It also describes and compares the largest floods in the Czech Republic since the 19th century, the basic law governing the issue of water and floods, flood protection organization in the Czech Republic and last but not least, the environmental security and the definition of the duties of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. The second part describes the effects of floods in terms of the environmental impacts and describes its recourse. The nature needs some changes in order to be varied. That may come in the form of floods, even though after the water decrease its tremendous power and devastating effects can be seen. Based on research, it was found that there are long-term impacts on the landscape and environment but they are not so crucial. Water takes everything that comes its way, but the landscape itself can handle water very well. Drops of water soak into the ground or flow into the watercourse. The consequences of flooding depend on how much is the soil able to absorb water and how much time it would take. Unfortunately, this nature´s ability is distorted mostly by people and their actions. The water soil soaking is spoiled by buildings, badly tilled soil, inadequate food planting and destroyed hedgerows that serve as a hiding place for the animals. Maybe if the greatest importance was not emphasized on protecting people and their health, people would care more about the landscape and would be grateful for what nature offers and provides. The fundamentals of this work are solutions that would improve the environmental situation. The care should be taken not only to individual preventive measures, but to prevent floods and minimize their consequences. The starting point is to increase the retention, since the landscape has a short-term water retention problem.
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