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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos industriais em uma empresa de usinagem sobre o enfoque da produção mais limpa / Industrial solid waste management in a machining company focussed on cleaner production

Simião, Juliana 27 May 2011 (has links)
As atividades industriais geram resíduos sólidos, de diferentes características e quantidades, que precisam ser gerenciados adequadamente para não causar poluição ambiental e danos à saúde do homem. A Lei n.o 12.305/2010, que institui a Política Nacional dos Resíduos Sólidos, estabelece a seguinte ordem de prioridade no gerenciamento dos resíduos: não geração, redução, reutilização, reciclagem, tratamento dos resíduos e disposição final ambientalmente adequada dos rejeitos. A adoção destas estratégias no gerenciamento dos resíduos industriais é um desafio tendo em vista que a maioria das empresas ainda está focada na abordagem convencional de fim-de-tubo. Especial atenção ainda deve ser dada as empresas de pequeno e médio porte que costumam apresentar maiores dificuldades para o desenvolvimento de práticas de gestão ambiental por disporem de recursos financeiros mais limitados que empresas maiores, além de normalmente contarem com uma falta de estrutura organizacional adequada. A produção mais limpa pode ser uma importante aliada no gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos, pois se trata da aplicação de uma estratégia técnica, econômica e ambiental integrada aos processos e produtos, com o objetivo de aumentar a eficiência no uso de matérias-primas, através da não geração, minimização ou reciclagem dos resíduos e emissões. Desta forma, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar, através de estudo de caso desenvolvido em uma empresa de pequeno porte do segmento de usinagem, as práticas de gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos a partir da metodologia de produção mais limpa, com intuito de identificar oportunidades de otimização do gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos na empresa avaliada. No diagnóstico constatou-se que são gerados sete diferentes tipos de resíduos. O cavaco é o resíduo gerado em maior quantidade na empresa, sendo que da totalidade de barras de aço que entram para a produção da peça, 62% são convertidos em cavaco. Durante a usinagem da peça o cavaco arrasta o fluído de corte, havendo uma perda em média de 257 L/ano, o que em termos financeiros representa R$ 10.000,00 por ano. A empresa vende o cavaco contaminado com o fluído de corte para sucateiros da região. Constatou-se que para otimizar o gerenciamento dos resíduos é necessário, primeiramente, elaborar o Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos (PGRS), que deverá ser analisado e revisado periodicamente, de forma que a empresa sempre possa alcançar novos objetivos e metas para a melhoria contínua do processo. Além disso, propõem-se: a realização de treinamentos para os funcionários quanto ao manuseio dos resíduos e as boas práticas de fabricação, adequar o armazenamento dos resíduos oleosos, exigir dos fornecedores padronização na dimensão das barras de aço e realizar a separação do cavaco e fluído de corte. / Industrial activities generate solid wastes of different characteristics and quantities, which must be managed properly to avoid causing environmental pollution and damage to human health. The Law 12.305/2010, National Solid Waste Policy, establishes the following order of priority in waste management: no generation, reduction, reuse, recycling, waste treatment and environmentally waste disposal. The adoption of these strategies in the management of industrial waste is a challenge considering that most companies still focussed on the conventional end-of-pipe. Special attention should be given to small and medium businesses that often have greater difficulties in the development of environmental management practices than larger companies. Other difficulties also are the limited financial resources and a lack of appropriated organizational structure. Cleaner production can be an important ally in the management of solid waste because it is the application of a technical, economic and environmental strategy integrated into processes and products. Its aim is to increase efficiency in the use of raw materials, as well the reduction and recycling of waste and emissions. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the waste management practices of a small machining business. Was used the methodology of cleaner production aiming to identify opportunities to improve the waste management in the machining company. At diagnosis was found that are generated seven different types of waste. The chip is the waste produced in greater quantity in the company, 62% of steel bars are converted into chip. During the machining process is lost cutting fluid with the chip. The average lost is of 257 liters of cutting fluid for year. In financial terms it represents loss of R$ 10,000.00 per year. Nowadays the company sells the chip mixed with cutting fluid for scrap dealers in the region. To improve the management it was found that is first necessary to prepare the Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP). The SWMP should be reviewed periodically so the company can always reach new goals and targets for continuous improvement of its process. Furthermore, was propose: training for employees regarding the handling of waste and good manufacturing practices, adequate storage of oily waste, require the standardization of the size of the steel bars and make the separation of the chip and cutting fluid.

Modeling and Simulation of an Electrostatic Precipitator Including a Comsol Multiphysics Guide for Modeling an ESP

Ahmad, Muhammad, Jhanzeb, Jhanzeb January 2011 (has links)
Gaseous exhaust of different industries contains dust particles of different chemical precipitates that are harmful for the environment. Electrostatic Precipitators are very often used in industries to filter their gaseous exhaust and to prevent the atmosphere to being polluted. Electrostatic Precipitators are very efficient in their work. Electrostatic Precipitators use the force of the electric field to separate the dust particles from gaseous exhaust. Electrostatic Precipitators charge the dust particles and remove these particles by attracting these charged dust particles toward the collecting plates. The charging of dust particles requires a charging zone. When gas passes through that charging zone, the dust particles in the gas stream become charged and then these charged particles are attracted toward the collecting plates. The design of an Electrostatic Precipitators requires the knowledge of its working principle and the problems that often arise during its working. This thesis is the study of the working and the problems of the Electrostatic Precipitators. The main reason for problems in working of an Electrostatic Precipitator is the dust resistivity. This dust resistivity affects the collection performance of an Electrostatic Precipitator. This thesis also contains the simulation of an Electrostatic Precipitator. In the simulation part, the Electric Potential and the Electric Field of an ESP is modeled in an ideal condition, when no gas is flowing through the ESP. The industrial software Comsol Multiphysics is used for the simulation. A Comsol Multiphysics guide is given in appendix of this thesis report that provides information about using this software.

Design And Qualification Of A Semi-anechoic Chamber And Investigation Into Noise Characteristics Of A Vacuum Vleaner

Kayhan, Cihan 01 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this study a centrifugal fan is studied for noise characteristics and measurements in a semi- anechoic room. A semi-anechoic room is constructed inside Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering Department has been qualified with respect to ISO 3745 standard. The fan characteristic is obtained as proposed in AMCA standards 210-75, by simply measuring the voltage and current of the motor during operation and calculating the power consumption of the assembly. Noise measurements are taken using two microphones attached to a multi-channel data acquisition and processing system in the semi anechoic room. Several different configurations of the vacuum cleaner with some parts removed or replaced systematically are considered during the noise measurements. Some of the results showed that the damping material placed inside the motor cover is proved to be very effective in noise reduction. Two different damping materials are examined for comparative evaluation.

Naftos ir naftos ploviklio Simple Green bendras toksinis poveikis vaivorykštiniam upėtakiui ankstyvoje ontogenezėje / The toxic effects of crude oil combined with oil cleaner "simple green" on rainbow trout in ontogenesis

Ratkelytė, Eglė 08 September 2009 (has links)
NAFTOS IR NAFTOS PLOVIKLIO SIMPLE GREEN BENDRAS TOKSINIS POVEIKIS VAIVORYKŠTINIAM UPĖTAKIUI ANKSTYVOJE ONTOGENEZĖJE E. Ratkelytė Vilniaus universitetas Santrauka Tyrimai buvo atlikti su vaivorykštinio upėtakio (Oncorhynchus mykiss) ikrais (nuo „akutės“ stadijos) ir lervomis (nuo jų išsiritimo pradžios iki trynio maišelio rezorbcijos), veikiant juos 0,11, 0,22, 0,43, 0,87, 1,73, 3,46, 6,93 g/l naftos koncentracijomis į kiekvieną iš jų pridedant 0,5 g/l ploviklio Simple Green. Toksiškumo kriterijai buvo upėtakio ikrų ir lervų žuvimo procentas, ir tokie fiziologiniai rodikliai, kaip širdies (ŠD) bei kvėpavimo (KD) dažniai. Darbo tikslas buvo ištirti naftos ir naftos ploviklio Simple Green bendrą toksinį poveikį vaivorykštiniam upėtakiui (Oncorhynchus mykiss) ankstyvose jo vystymosi stadijose priklausomai nuo koncentracijos ir poveikio trukmės bei įvertinti ilgalaikio poveikio fiziologiniams rodikliams ypatumus. Apibendrinus gautus rezultatus galima teigti, kad vaivorykštinio upėtakio jautrumas naftos ir ploviklio Simple Green mišiniui priklauso nuo mišiniu veikiamos individo vystymosi stadijos, poveikio trukmės, ir naftos bei ploviklio koncentracijų santykio mišinyje. Nustatyta, kad jautriausios naftos poveikiui pasirodė lervutės ritimosi metu, mažiau jautrūs pasirodė embrionai ankstyvoje „akutės“ stadijoje. Palyginus gautus rezultatus su rezultatais gautais tiriant vien tik naftos poveikį vaivorykštiniam upėtakiui ankstyvoje ontogenezėje, matome, kad ploviklis Simple Green... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / THE TOXIC EFFECT OF CRUDE OIL COMBINED WITH OIL CLEANER „SIMPLE GREEN“ ON RAINBOW TROUT IN EARLY ONTOGENESIS E. Ratkelytė Vilnius University Summary Long-term effects of crude oil combined with oil cleaner „Simple Green“ were evaluated in chronic toxicity tests by use of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in early stages of development (embryos, larvae) as test-objects. The following toxicity criteria were studied for evaluation of toxic effects: mortality of embryos and larvae; physiological parameters (heart rate, ventilation frequency). The aim of the study was to investigate the overall effect of crude oil combined with oil cleaner „Simple Green“ on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in early development stages (embryos, larvae) depending on oil concentration in the mixture and exposure duration and to evaluate the specificity of negative effects of mixture on physiological parameters of fish. It was determined that 0.87, 1.73, 3.46 and 6.93 g/l concentrations of crude oil combined with 0.5 g/l of “Simple Green” resulted in the significant increase in larvae mortality, but practically had no negative effect on embryos. Hatching was found to be the most sensitive stage of development, 1 day age larvae were less and embryos were the least sensitive to the toxic impact of mixture, respectively. It was estimated that 0.87+0.5, 1.73+0.5, 3.46+0.5 and 6.93+0.5 g/l concentrations of crude oil combined with oil cleaner „Simple Green“ disturbed the work of cardiorespiratory... [to full text]

Cleaner Production Opportunity Assessment For Market Milk Production In Ataturk Orman Ciftligi (aoc) Facility

Ozbay, Arzu 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, possible cleaner production opportunities for a dairy processing facility are examined, considering the market milk production process. Cleaner production concept and its key tools of implementation were analyzed to build the basis of study. General production process and its resulting environmental loads are discussed by taking possible CP opportunities as the axis of study. A methodology is developed for cleaner production opportunity assessment in Milk Processing Facility of Atat&uuml / rk Orman Ciftligi. The methodology covers two major steps / preparation of checklists for assisting auditing and opportunity assessment / implementation of the mass balance analysis. For mass balance analysis, measurements and experimental analysis of the mass flows are utilized to determine the inputs and outputs. Prepared check lists are utilized to determine waste reduction options that could be implemented. Selected opportunities are evaluated considering its environmental benefits and economic feasibility.

Government Strategies and Policies for Cleaner Production

Ashford, Nicholas January 1994 (has links)
Further development of ideas discussed at a joint workshop sponsored by the United Nations Environment Programme Industry and Environment Centre (UNEP/IE) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris, 7-8 June 1993.


Uecker, Adriane Diemer 22 February 2013 (has links)
The constant search for improving the quality of life has gained importance worldwide. In this point of view, much emphasis is given to the production of healthier foods, in which chicken comes up as the most important animal protein in several countries. Regarding cleaner production, authors claim that it is an important tool for sustainable development, enabling savings in business and acting in accordance with environmental regulations. Based on this, this dissertation aimed to apply the SWOT analysis and the prioritization matrix for cleaner production practices in the production process of a poultry processing plant. In order to do this, we described the production process of the company, using the SWOT analysis and the prioritization matrix to diagnose strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, in relation to cleaner production practices, and defining the correlation between internal and external factors, as well as motricity (influence) and impact. As the methodology, we used the exploratory research developed in a case study, having as the case unit a poultry processing plant in western Parana. As the result of this study, it was observed a situation of near neutrality in the development of cleaner production in the company, where the negative points are almost as many as the positive ones. It was concluded that the SWOT analysis and prioritization matrix are important tools for planning cleaner production, an essential stage for the development of business projects. / A busca constante pela melhoria da qualidade de vida ganha destaque em todo mundo. Neste ponto de vista se dá muita ênfase também para a produção de alimentos mais saudáveis em que a carne de frango aparece como proteína animal fundamental na alimentação humana em diversos países. Com relação à produção mais limpa, autores afirmam ser uma importante ferramenta em prol do desenvolvimento sustentável, possibilitando economia nos negócios e atuar de acordo com a legislação ambiental vigente. Baseado nisso, essa dissertação teve como objetivo aplicar a ferramenta SWOT e a matriz de priorização para as práticas de produção mais limpa (P+L) no processo de produção de um frigorífico de aves. Para tanto, buscou-se descrever o processo de produção da empresa; utilizar a ferramenta SWOT junto com a matriz de priorização para diagnóstico dos pontos fortes e fracos, oportunidades e ameaças, quanto à prática de P+L, definir a correlação entre os fatores internos e externos, assim como a motricidade (influência) e o impacto. Na metodologia utilizou-se a pesquisa exploratória desenvolvida num estudo de caso, tendo como unidade caso um frigorífico de frangos do oeste do Paraná. Verificou-se como resultado do estudo uma situação praticamente neutra para o desenvolvimento da P+L na empresa, onde os pontos negativos quase se equivalem com os positivos. Concluiu-se que as matrizes SWOT e priorização são ferramentas importantes para o planejamento de P+L, fase fundamental para o desenvolvimento de projetos empresariais.

Eco-eficiência e avaliação de sistemas integrados de gestão

Santos, Marise Keller dos January 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal a avaliação do desempenho dos sistemas de gestão de qualidade, saúde ocupacional, segurança e meio ambiente de uma empresa. Utiliza-se, para tal fim, o método de estudo de caso, levando em consideração a aplicação do conceito de eco-eficiência e seus benefícios econômicos e ambientais pelos sistemas de gestão da qualidade e meio ambiente da empresa, e tendo como base o conceito de produção mais limpa. Como objetivo secundário está à análise da coerência e a da eficiência dos indicadores empregados, seu inter-relacionamento e sua complementaridade. Entre os principais resultados obtidos, destaca-se a identificação das vantagens na aplicação de indicadores operacionais com uma abordagem individualizada de entradas e saídas nas operações que compõem o processo de uma empresa. O emprego desses indicadores, aliado à identificação de indicadores de custos de resíduos, pode facilitar a definição de objetivos e metas para a não geração e minimização de resíduos baseados em critérios econômicos, técnicos e de impactos ambientais. Como resultado global da avaliação pode-se comentar que o programa de gestão da qualidade implantado na empresa atende aos princípios da serie de normas da qualidade NBR ISO 9000:2000, ainda que entendamos que outras medidas são necessárias para a manutenção integral do meio ambiente. / This thesis aims to evaluate quality, occupational health, safety and environment systems of a company. In order to do so, it employs the study case method, taking into consideration the application of the concept of eco-efficiency, its economical and environmental benefits by the company’s environment management systems. This work is based on the concept of cleaner production for the identification of the relationship between some quality indicators and the environment management systems as a secondary aim. Among the main results obtained, is the identification of the advantages in the application of operational indicators with an individual approach of inputs and outputs in the operations that composes the process according to what establishes the NBR ISO 14031:2004. The application of these indicators allied to the identification of waste cost indicators can facilitate the definition of objectives and targets for a non-generation and minimization of waste based on economic, technical and environmental impact criteria. As a global result of the evaluation, we observed that the quality management program implanted in the company, which served as object of study, complies with the principles of the quality Norm NBR ISO 9000:2000, but some improvements are still needed for the full maintenance of environment.

Processo de produção de composto orgânico derivado de resíduos industriais com aplicação no cultivo de alface

Tarrento, Gilson Eduardo [UNESP] 30 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-01T17:54:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-05-30. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2016-04-01T18:00:16Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000563940.pdf: 1802779 bytes, checksum: bdeb041776e02ff589caa819ea3d5177 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Em todo processo, é presumível a condição da geração de resíduos, sendo cada vez mais premente a busca de alternativas para destinação correta destes resíduos. Neste sentido, foi realizado um experimento com a compostagem de diferentes resíduos sólidos industriais provenientes do processo de extração do princípio ativo de plantas medicinais. O experimento constitui-se na mistura, em proporções diferentes dos resíduos: a) Resíduo orgânico - gerado a partir do esmagamento da planta de jambú (Spilanthes oleracea), após a extração do princípio ativo, b) lodo físico-químico, gerado a partir do processo de tratamento de água e c) lodo biológico, oriundo do esgoto da empresa. Este trabalho teve como objetivos gerar uma alternativa, ambientalmente correta, para o reaproveitamento do lodo físico-químico e verificar o efeito agronômico dos compostos resultantes na produção da alface. O processo de compostagem deu-se no período de 120 dias. A temperatura das pilhas foi medida diariamente, em três diferentes profundidades. Ao final, o composto foi pesado e avaliou-se, em média, o rendimento. Na segunda fase do experimento, buscando avaliar o efeito agrônomico dos compostos sobre a produção da alface (Lactuca sativa L.), os materiais compostos foram dispostos em vasos, em casa de vegetação, formando um delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC), com fatorial 4 x 4, sendo o fator 1 formado por 4 tratamentos: composto 1 (C1 - 0% lodo - 100% jambú), composto 2 (C2 - 7% lodo - 93% jambú), composto 3 (C3 - 13% lodo - 87% jambú), composto 4 (C4 - 26% lodo - 74% jambú) e o fator 2 formado por 4 diferentes doses de compostos: (0, 45, 90 e 135 t ha-¹ ) e quatro repetições, totalizando 64 unidades experimentais. Nas avaliações realizadas após 45 dias do transplantio da alface, o tratamento C1 dose três (90 t ha-¹) apresentou os melhores resultados de rendimentos. Nos demais tratamentos, ocorreram um decréscimo... / It is assumed that there is generation condition in every production process. Alternative ways for the correct destination of the residues has become essential. Therefore, an experiment on different industrial solid residues compound from medicinal plants active principle extration has been performed. The experiment was based on the mixture of the residues in different proportions: a) organic residue generated from jambu (Spilanthes oleracea) smashing after active principle extraction, b) physiochemic mud generated from water treatment process and c) biologic mud originated from the company sewage. This work aimed at generating an environmentally correct alternative for phisiochemic mud reutilization and verify the agronomic effects of the resulting compounds in lettuce production. The compounding process lasted 120 days. Piles temperature was measured in three different depths. At the end, the compound was weighed and the average yield was evaluated. In the second phase of the experiment we aimed at evaluating the compound agronomic effects on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) production. The compounded materials were placed ins vases in greenhouses in an entirely randomized order, with factorial 4 x 4. Factor 1 was formed by 4 treatments: compound 1 (C1 - 0% mud - 100% jambu), compound 2 (C2 - 7% mud - 93% jambu), compound 3 (C3 - 13% mud - 87% jambu), compound 4 (C4 - 26% mud - 74% jambu). Factor 2 was formed by 4 differente compound dosages: (0,45, 90 e 135 t ha-¹) and hour repetitions, totaling 64 experomental unities. Treatment C1, dosage 3 (90 t ha-¹) presented the best results in the evaluation 45 days after lettuce transplantation. In the remaining treatments there was alinear decrease in lettuce production. However, C4 that 26% mud in its composition was superior than those with 0 dosage of organic matter. Compound can be considered an environmentally correct alternative for these residues with the possibility of agronomic utilization.


Kunkel, Neidi 27 March 2009 (has links)
This work discourses about the construction residues and demolition generated by the building site section. The work of the emphasis in the importance of the reaproveitament of the same, because the accumulation of these materials besides causing environmental problems represents an increment in the cost of the work. Presents the weak points of the process and opportunities of improvements, as well as search to give some back-up with relationship to the normative and economical aspects related to the waste. Finally, suggests roads they be her followed for the companies of the section, seeking the improvement of your process and ecological maturity. The objective of this work is to show the variables that are related to the residues, presenting the problems and showing some solutions to avoid the generation of residues in the building site, through a program of Cleaner Production. The adopted methodology was the collection of information and the theoretical and practical knowledge related to the subject. / Este trabalho discorre sobre os resíduos de construção e demolição gerados pelo setor de construção civil. Dando ênfase a importância do reaproveitamento do mesmo, pois o acúmulo destes materiais além de causar problemas ambientais representa um acréscimo no custo da obra. Apresenta os pontos fracos do processo e oportunidades de melhorias, assim como busca dar algum respaldo quanto aos aspectos normativos e econômicos relacionados ao desperdício. Finalmente, sugere caminhos a serem seguidos pelas empresas do setor, visando a melhoria de seu processo e maturidade ecológica. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar as variáveis que estão relacionadas aos resíduos, apresentando os problemas e mostrando algumas soluções para evitar a geração de resíduos na construção civil, através de um programa de Produção Mais Limpa. A metodologia adotada foi a coleta de informações e o conhecimento teórico e prático relacionado ao assunto.

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