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An Evaluation of the Getz - Roanoke County School Division's School Counselor Peer Group Clinical Supervision ProgramAgnew, David T. 29 May 1998 (has links)
(G-PGCS) was designed and implemented for K-6 school counselors. G-PGCS began in the fall of 1994 and has continued to the present; however, there have been no studies on the effects of the program. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to conduct a qualitative evaluation of G-PGCS.
The evaluation participants included current Roanoke County K-5 school counselors, and selected administrators. The sources of data for the evaluation were interviews, an informal observation, program documents, Semantic Differential Scales (SDS) designed for this evaluation, the Job Satisfaction Blank (JSB; Hoppock, 1935), a counselor burnout SDS (Cummings and Nall, 1983), video tapes of G-PGCS sessions and responses to an anonymous memorandum.
As a result of participation in G-PGCS, the K-5 counselors interviewed reported gains in counseling skills, positive professional changes, and personal growth. JSB and burnout SDS means of the G-PGCS counselors indicated that they have a high job satisfaction and low counselor burnout levels. G-PGCS could have contributed to high JSB and low SDS burnout scores, but further study is needed in this area. Strengths of G-PGCS were increased peer support and self-awareness, learning new counseling techniques and skills, G-PGCS supervision feedback, and a greater sense of professionalism. In addition, administrative support, training, and structure were cited as strengths. The SDS also confirmed the gains and strengths of G-PGCS.
Group membership and/or dynamics was cited as a weakness because some of the counselors wanted to change group membership periodically. The other two weaknesses were the lack of adequate time for clinical supervision and the need for more clinical supervision training. No weaknesses of G-PGCS were found in the statistical analysis of the SDS. With administrative support and modifications, G-PGCS can be replicated to meet the clinical supervision needs of school counselors. Further research including an experimental pre- and post- observation study is needed to find specific G-PGCS program gains. / Ph. D.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av kollegial handledning : en litteraturbaserad studie / Nurses´experiences from clilnical supervision : A literature based studySigurd, Marita January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskans arbete innebär att dagligen möta patienter i olika situationer, ofta komplicerade vilket innebär många tankar och känsloupplevelser. För att fortsätta utvecklas som sjuksköterska samt bearbeta upplevelser behövs tid till handledning och reflektion. Det finns flera olika handledningsmodeller. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att utifrån tidigare forskning beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av kollegial handledning. Metod: Litteraturbaserad studie med kvalitativ inriktning. Resultat: Det framkom fyra viktiga huvudkategorier med åtta underkategorier. Huvudkategorierna var, handledningsgruppen, stöd, reflektion och profession. De följande underkategorierna, trygghet och motivation, välbefinnande och kollegialt stöd, bearbetning av känslor, tillfredställelse och bekräftelse, stärkt yrkesidentitet, personlig utveckling samt kvalitet och engagemang. Diskussion: Sjuksköterskor anser att handledning är viktigt. Ges de inte möjlighet till reflektion, riskerar känslor och upplevelser att bli ett hinder i omvårdnadsarbetet. Det är dock viktigt att handledning utförs på rätt sätt, för att ge sjuksköterskorna rätt motivation att medverka i handledning. Sjuksköterskorna når både personlig och professionell växt genom att utbyta erfarenheter mellan kollegor. Konklusion: Sjuksköterskor har behov av handledning, både i form av reflektion för att undvika att känslor och tankar blir ett hinder samt i sin professionella växt. Detta leder till ökad omvårdnadskvalitet.
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A Multi-Vocal Synthesis of Supervisees' Anxiety and Self-Efficacy During Clinical Supervision: Meta-Analysis and InterviewsWhittaker, Sarah M. 22 September 2004 (has links)
Clinical supervision of counselors in training is an integral part of the professional and personal development of counselors. Accrediting bodies in academia and licensure standards in most fields require beginning professionals to receive clinical supervision. During clinical supervision, supervisees frequently experience anxiety and the supervisees' self-efficacy, or belief about their ability to counsel clients, is affected by supervision. The questions addressed in this study were to what extent does clinical supervision affect supervisees' anxiety and self-efficacy and do different types of supervision have varying effects on supervisees' anxiety and self-efficacy.
A meta-analysis comprised of ten studies was conducted to determine the influence of supervision on supervisees' anxiety and self-efficacy. Clinical supervision was found to have a medium effect, ES = .454 and ES = .430, on supervisees' anxiety. Clinical supervision had a large, ES = .655, effect on supervisees' self-efficacy. In addition, a qualitative review of the studies included in the meta-analysis yielded methodological concerns in the areas of adequate control group, sample size, representativeness of sample, and follow-up assessment.
Due to the small number of studies meeting the meta-analysis criteria, quantitative findings were limited. Therefore, individual interviews with clinical supervisors and supervisees were conducted to corroborate or refute the findings of the meta-analysis and to lend multiple "voices" in an attempt to answer the research questions. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with nine supervisees and five supervisors in a Counselor Education program. The results of the interviews corroborated the finding of the meta-analysis that clinical supervision affects supervisees' anxiety and self-efficacy by increasing both. All types of supervision were described as increasing anxiety and self-efficacy with no particular type predominating.
Limitations of the research and implications for educators, practitioners, and future research are discussed. A limitation of the meta-analysis was the relatively small number of existing studies meeting the criteria for inclusion. This limited the interpretation of the findings in terms of answering the research questions. The interview portion of the research was limited due to the use of a purposive sample, participants all being students from the same program, and the researcher was also a student in this program. / Ph. D.
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Pre-licensed Counselor Experiences of Effective and Multiculturally Competent Clinical SupervisionByrd, Michelle Lee 22 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Clinical Supervisor Characteristics Valued By Practising Speech Language TherapistsMataiti, Helen January 2008 (has links)
Clinical Supervision is an important practice in speech language therapy and related health disciplines. Research in student clinician populations has found that supervisees value interpersonal, personal and teaching characteristics in a clinical supervisor. Research has also shown that perceptions of supervisor characteristics change as student clinicians gain clinical skills. However, there is a significant lack of research examining practising clinicians' perceptions of clinical supervisor characteristics. The current study aimed to 1) survey practising Speech Language Therapists (SLTs) and examine the knowledge, skills and attitudes valued in a clinical supervisor, and 2) determine if the characteristics valued by more experienced SLTs (greater than 5 years) differed from those valued by less experienced SLTs (less than 5 years). A cross-sectional survey design methodology was employed. A five-part survey was developed, and distributed nationally by email. Participants were 72 SLTs practising in New Zealand. Results indicated that practising SLTs valued interpersonal knowledge and skills, and personal values and attitudes most highly in a clinical supervisor. In addition, it was found that characteristics relating to professional knowledge and identity were least valued. Overall, almost no difference was found between characteristics valued by less and more experienced clinicians. Findings suggest that practicing clinicians' basic human-relationship needs must be met for safe and effective CS to occur. Findings also suggest that regardless of experience level all clinicians are learners. This means clinicians across all different levels of work experience require support from clinical supervisors, to learn reflectively from experiences in the workplace.
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Examining clinical supervison with palliative care nursesDixon, Elizabeth May January 2009 (has links)
This study focuses on the current issues regarding the provision of clinical supervision for palliative care nurses. NICE (2004) recommendations stated that the task of supervision should be undertaken by „Level 4‟ practitioners such as clinical psychologists or psychiatrists. Palliative care nurses are recognised to experience high levels of stress due to the emotionality of their role. However there appears to be little understanding of how they cope with this aspect of their role. Self care is promoted as a useful strategy; however this is thought to have limitations due to the questionable ability for an individual to objectively and accurately assess their own mental and emotional state. Clinical supervision has been attempted with palliative care nurses but this appears to focus on the internal world of the nurse rather than the interaction between nurse and patient. This study employed a staff survey, including a demographic questionnaire, the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory and the General Health Questionnaire, followed by individual interviews and focus groups analysed using thematic content analysis. Participants were recruited from two teams within one cancer network. Results showed that there was an incidence of both high stress and psychiatric morbidity within the sample. Provision of clinical supervision was shown to be inconsistent across the two teams. Although there was recognition that clinical supervision would be beneficial, there was a certain amount of confusion regarding the concept as well as suspicion about the „real‟ agenda. These factors appeared to work together to produce a situation in which clinical supervision was not being provided or accepted in a way that would maximise its efficacy as its application was inconsistent with the theoretical basis. In conclusion, in order to better support palliative care nurses with the difficult aspects of their role, it was suggested that a more structured and consistent picture of clinical supervision was provided. This would enhance their practice, support their emotional needs and protect the patients under their care.
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Clinical supervision and symmetrical communication: Towards a critical practice of supervision.Retallick, John Anthony, mikewood@deakin.edu.au January 1988 (has links)
The central argument of the thesis is that the dominant modes of the supervision of teaching are in need of critique and reconstruction. From a critical perspective, supervision is viewed as a political and ideological process enacted through asymmetrical relations and structures of communication. It is underpinned by a discourse of technocratic rationality and control Clinical supervision, a currently popular model of teacher supervision, has (despite its emancipatory origins) been accommodated by the dominant ideology and is employed as a hegemonic mechanism of evaluation, control and even dismissal of teachers.
However, historical analysis reveals that teachers have contested and resisted authoritarianism and centralized control in favour of developing more democratic and participatory forms of professional development. In these moves can be found a rationale for a reconstruction of the theory and practice of clinical supervision around the concepts of symmetrical communication and critical pedagogy. The researcher engaged in a self-reflective study with a group of supervisors and teachers in N.S.W. schools to explore the possibilities and limitations of a critical and counter-hegemonic practice of supervision.
The outcomes, in the form of three case studies, are analysed in terms of a dialectic of reconstruction and maintenance of the status quo. The evidence reveals that some of the research participants sought to reconstruct their supervisory relationships in ways which challenged the bureaucratic structures of their workplace. Others, however, rejected the emancipatory possibilities and resolved to maintain their traditional hierarchical relationship.
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De handledande sjuksköterskornas upplevelse av sitt arbete på Utvecklande och Lärande Vårdenheter (ULVE)Roth, Johanna, Ribacke, Åsa January 2014 (has links)
<p>SAMMANFATTNING</p><p>Bakgrund:På en Utvecklande och Lärande VårdEnhet (ULVE) ges studenterna möjlighet att sammanfoga vårdvetenskaplig teori med vårdpraxis genom att bashandledare, huvudhandledare och lärare intar en reflekterande hållning gentemot studenten som har ett livsvärldsperspektiv som grund. Detta ställer krav på handledarna att utifrån studenternas livsvärld försöka överbrygga klyftan mellan teori och praktik. Bashandledarna behöver då stöd för att känna motivation och lust till handledning.</p><p>Syfte:Syftet med föreliggande studie är att inom ULVE-avdelningarna synliggöra de motiverande faktorerna för bashandledarna i deras handledande arbete.</p><p>Metod:Studien är en intervjustudie. Med en induktiv ansats gjordes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.</p><p>Resultat:Efter innehållsanalysen från intervjuerna framkom 3 kategorier och 8 underkategorier som beskriver det handledande arbetet och de faktorer som påverkar detta. De tre kategorierna var Möjligheter och hinder i ULVE utifrån bashandledarnas perspektiv, Organisatoriska faktorer med påverkan på bashandledarnas handledning och vårdvetenskap i den handledande rollen.</p><p>Slutsats:Av resultatet kan ses att verksamheten behöver en lyhördhet för att bibehålla de motiverade bashandledarna som finns på ULVE. Ytterligare forskning behövs för att belysa de motiverande faktorerna till handledning samt hur detta kan utveckla en konstruktiv och fördjupad läroprocess för bashandledare och studenter.</p>
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Clinical Supervisor Characteristics Valued By Practising Speech Language TherapistsMataiti, Helen January 2008 (has links)
Clinical Supervision is an important practice in speech language therapy and related health disciplines. Research in student clinician populations has found that supervisees value interpersonal, personal and teaching characteristics in a clinical supervisor. Research has also shown that perceptions of supervisor characteristics change as student clinicians gain clinical skills. However, there is a significant lack of research examining practising clinicians' perceptions of clinical supervisor characteristics. The current study aimed to 1) survey practising Speech Language Therapists (SLTs) and examine the knowledge, skills and attitudes valued in a clinical supervisor, and 2) determine if the characteristics valued by more experienced SLTs (greater than 5 years) differed from those valued by less experienced SLTs (less than 5 years). A cross-sectional survey design methodology was employed. A five-part survey was developed, and distributed nationally by email. Participants were 72 SLTs practising in New Zealand. Results indicated that practising SLTs valued interpersonal knowledge and skills, and personal values and attitudes most highly in a clinical supervisor. In addition, it was found that characteristics relating to professional knowledge and identity were least valued. Overall, almost no difference was found between characteristics valued by less and more experienced clinicians. Findings suggest that practicing clinicians' basic human-relationship needs must be met for safe and effective CS to occur. Findings also suggest that regardless of experience level all clinicians are learners. This means clinicians across all different levels of work experience require support from clinical supervisors, to learn reflectively from experiences in the workplace.
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Perceptions of nursing students at a university in the Western Cape regarding clinical supervision on the Essential Drug List as a medication protocolNgwenya, Sharron Kudzai January 2017 (has links)
Magister Curationis - Mcur / Clinical experiences have always been an integral part of nursing education, and the
value thereof to the nursing students is widely demonstrated in research. The
purpose of clinical supervision is bridging the gap between theory and practice and
ensuring that nursing students are prepared to be competent in their professional
duties upon completion of their studies. However, clinical supervision focuses mainly
on clinical skills and seems to neglect policies and protocols that govern care
delivery, often impacting negatively on the expected quality of service. This problem
is more so prominent in policies and protocols pertaining to medication. The
Essential Drug List (EDL), which is a useful tool in the South African public health
facilities, is one such protocol. Supervision on Essential Drug List as a medication
protocol seems to be non-existent in the nursing field despite the expectations that
nursing students should be able to implement its contents upon completing their
studies. The nursing students' views regarding supervision in this regard are often
not sourced despite their importance as stakeholders. However, if positive changes
that will serve as a solution to the current problem are to be achieved, the students
need to be heard. The study aimed to explore the perceptions of nursing students at
a university in the Western Cape regarding clinical supervision on EDL medication
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