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CIRRUS-HL: Overview of LIM contributionsRöttenbacher, J., Luebke, A.E., Müller, H., Ehrlich, A., Schäfer, M., Kirbus, B., Wendisch, M. 26 May 2023 (has links)
From June to July 2021, the Leipzig Institute for Meteorology (LIM)
participated in the Cirrus in High Latitudes (CIRRUS-HL) campaign. Utilizing the
German High Altitude Long Range Research Aircraft (HALO), 24 research flights were
conducted out of Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. The initial goal of the campaign was
to sample high-latitude cirrus clouds with a combination of in-situ and remote sensing
instrumentation. However, due to the global coronavirus pandemic, the flights had to
be carried out from southern Germany instead of northern Sweden. Thus, the flight
time in Arctic latitudes was limited. Therefore, more objectives concerning midlatitude
cirrus were included in the campaign goals. LIM contributed to CIRRUS-HL with
measurements by the Broadband AirCrAft RaDiometer Instrumentation (BACARDI)
and the Spectral Modular Airborne Radiation measurement sysTem (SMART). While
BACARDI measured broadband solar and terrestrial upward and downward irradiance,
SMART measured spectrally resolved solar upward radiance as well as upward and
downward irradiance. / Von Juni bis Juli 2021 nahmen einige Mitarbeitende des LIM
an der CIRRUS-HL Kampagne teil. Mit dem deutschen Forschungsflugzeug HALO
(High Altitude Long Range Research Aircraft) wurden 24 Forschungsflüge von Oberpfaffenhofen,
Deutschland, aus durchgeführt. Ursprüngliches Ziel der Kampagne war es,
Zirruswolken in hohen Breitengraden mit einer Kombination aus In-situ- und Fernerkundungsinstrumenten
zu untersuchen. Aufgrund der weltweiten Corona-Pandemie mussten
die Flüge jedoch von Süddeutschland statt von Nordschweden aus durchgeführt werden.
Daher wurden weitere Ziele in Bezug auf Zirruswolken in mittleren Breiten in die Ziele
der Kampagne aufgenommen. Das LIM-Team betrieb die breitbandigen und spektralen
Strahlungssensoren BACARDI (Broadband AirCrAft RaDiometer Instrumentation) und
SMART (Spectral Modular Airborne Radiation measurement sysTem), wobeiBACARDI
die breitbandige solare und terrestrische Auf- und Abwärtsstrahlung und SMART die
spektral aufgelöste solareAuf- undAbwärtsstrahlung sowie dieAufwärtsstrahlungsdichte
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A Process Framework for Managing Quality of Service in Private CloudMaskara, Arvind 01 August 2014 (has links)
As information systems leaders tap into the global market of cloud computing-based services, they struggle to maintain consistent application performance due to lack of a process framework for managing quality of service (QoS) in the cloud. Guided by the disruptive innovation theory, the purpose of this case study was to identify a process framework for meeting the QoS requirements of private cloud service users. Private cloud implementation was explored by selecting an organization in California through purposeful sampling. Information was gathered by interviewing 23 information technology (IT) professionals, a mix of frontline engineers, managers, and leaders involved in the implementation of private cloud. Another source of data was documents such as standard operating procedures, policies, and guidelines related to private cloud implementation. Interview transcripts and documents were coded and sequentially analyzed. Three prominent themes emerged from the analysis of data: (a) end user expectations, (b) application architecture, and (c) trending analysis. The findings of this study may help IT leaders in effectively managing QoS in cloud infrastructure and deliver reliable application performance that may help in increasing customer population and profitability of organizations. This study may contribute to positive social change as information systems managers and workers can learn and apply the process framework for delivering stable and reliable cloud-hosted computer applications.
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